Yahweh's Kingdom-A Kingdom of Thought

Why now?

From the instance of His choice to create, Mighty Yahweh set forth timelines for things pertaining to the human kind. Timelines that would be both specific and specifically purposed in their fulfillment of His Master plan which of course is leading His chosen into His Eternal Glory. Because of these timelines certain aspects of prophecy could not have possibly been activated and fulfilled until now.


This body of work is for those who are indeed "144,000 minded", if I may. Those who not only understand that the time is now, but have been both fighting for and grasping mental perfection up and to this anointed time---Oneness with the Mind of Father and Son has been the crucible in which they have believed and stood in long before this specific season.


The messages of the 144,000 are unique in that they cry out for simplicity, yet are so deeply complex in their metaphysical make up. And the key to the messages is the inner realization that as you ponder and ruminate upon them, you find yourself nodding up and down in a "Yes!" posture, unified with every mystery unveiled within the simplicity.


There will be no extra commentary or any "chats" about what is presented herein. This is another aspect of the depth of the things spoken of herein; if you're not nodding that "Yes!" then you need more time with The Father and Son, not other men and women! Everything expressed herein is between you and Them, and may I say that because of His purposed predestined timelines, your life within and certainly that of the physical shadow lands depends upon your effort to unite with The Father's Mind in this time. Until we meet, mind to mind.


     "Where there is no prophetic vision, the people perish; but blessed is he who keeps the Law." Proverbs 29:18