Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

The Devil Inside

“The idea that a pitch-forked, horned being, is what is being discussed in Scripture when speaking

of “śātān”, has crippled the congregation and kept it from reaching it's full stature in Yahweh!”


The entirety of this body of work took years to bring together, piece by

piece. Suffice it to say that even now the work is undone. Mighty Yahweh is far

deeper then what He has made available herein though as the writer, I myself

was mesmerized each step of the way.

All this to say that you, the reader, will surely notice that throughout the

body of work there will be a switching back and forth between Hebrew words

and definitions, and the commonly utilized translations for each word. I was

comfortable that the work seemed a little undone, for again, it is.

And as for the Hebrew and Greek letters utilized in, I found that the

programs available to write in these languages, was indeed not a simple task to

carry out. More so in regards to Hebrew letters and the nuances with the proper

punctuation necessary. In some cases you who understand the language

intimately will notice I took certain liberties, doing the best I could. None of this

however effected the “meat” of what I intended to express. The work is raw, but

its real. I would be elated to know that someone, perhaps even you, could carry

the work forward, revealing even more than has been done within the words



In order to fully grasp the entire premise of this body of work one would need to

first agree with a concept that though seemingly simple, has oft been neglected

by the many who profess faith in a Creator. Strikingly even those who have

come to the revelation that the Creator has a Name, Mighty "Yahweh", miss the

concept. What is it? The truth that if one's perceptions of the intent of the entire

body known as the Scriptures is not understood soley from the language of

creation, the Hebrew language, then one's entire faith foundation is established

on very shaky ground. In other words each letter that forms each word of the

Tôrâh (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), the minor

prophets and the Psalms and Proverbs, is the full expression of every life “Law”

that Yahweh would reveal to His chosen children. And unless those Laws are

fully understood from the organic language of the earth, with it's intent, errors in

doctrine and therefore life are sure to be had. As an example the Hebrew word

for "earth" is ארץ ʼerets. Erets has the definition "be firm". Firm is the Hebrew

word כוך kûwn, meaning "be erect". Erect is the word נעכ nâtsab, and has

several definitions such as "pillar" and "appointed". With these we begin to

understand the truer and fuller meaning of what Yahweh wanted to express with

the word ʼerets. The sum of Yahweh's word is truth and from the Hebrew

language alone we decipher the intent that leads to that truth. Keeping things

simple and simply true, the Hebrew language is what defines words and terms

expressed in the Hebrew language.

It is with this concept that we move forward and delve into what is perhaps the

second most diabolical and long lasting deception laid upon those of faith, the

first being of course the misnomers levied against the Name "Yahweh" (see

"Bye God!" for an exhaustive explanation). Let's look at some specific words and

following the pattern given above we will lay out the foundation and then unveil

the deception. We start with the word “adversary”. The Hebrew language has

several words that do in fact incorporate the word adversary within their

definitions. Let's look:

צרר tsârar (tsaw-rar) "to cramp, adversary". If you want to dig deeper you would

obviously look for the Hebrew word for cramp and continue as discussed earlier.

Another Hebrew word would be איש ivsh (eesh). It's definitions, "man,

adversary". Keep in mind that each Hebrew word also has at times a root word

or root words that will give further insight. Interestingly enough the initial Hebrew

word for man is of course ארם ʼâdam (aw-dam). Consider for a moment that

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ʼâdam is equated to adversary, and let that sink in just a bit. Another Hebrew

word containing adversary as part and parcel of its definition is the word כעל

baʽal (baw-al). If you have read “Bye God!”, then you already know that the

word baʽal represents "wickedness", couched under the commonly used word

"lord". There are more words dealing with our word “adversary” but we focus on

one in particular and in order to delve deeper into its true intent we will first find

scriptures containing the Hebrew word, and then we will reveal it's intended

purpose. It behooves us to review every scripture in the Old Covenant regarding

this word yet fully known, eleven scriptures total:

Numbers 22:22 - "But Yahweh was very angry because he [Balaam] went,

and the malak of Yahweh took his stand in the road to oppose (be an

"adversary") him..."

This Scripture depicts the malʼâk ("message") as the adversary. Hebraically the

malʼâk is an internal message placed in the center of intellect (the "heart"). For

Bilʽâm ("lord of people, destruction of people"; destructive thoughts) it would be

a message of resistance.

I Samuyl 29:4 - "...Do not allow him [David] to go with us to battle, or in the

battle he may become our adversary..."

Here we have the man Dâvîd described as the potential adversary.

I Kings 5:4 - "But now, Yahweh my Father has given me rest on every

side; there is no adversary, nor a disaster."

Here Shelômôh ("whole, entire"; perfect thoughts) speaks of peace from all

adversaries and he is speaking of men.

I Kings 11:14 - "Now Yahweh raised up an adversary against Shelômôh

(commonly “Solomon”)..."

Here the adversary is Hădad ("sharp, quick"; carnal intellect) the ʼĔdômîte

("red"; carnal life force), a man.

I Kings 11:23 - "And Yahweh raised up another adversary against


Here the adversary is Rezôwn ("heavy, weighty"; intellectual thought) the son of

ʼElâyâdâʽ ("strength in knowing"; belief in knowledge), a man.

I Kings 11:25 - "He [Rezon] was an adversary of Israel all the time

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Solomon lived..."

Rezon, the man, the adversary.

We also have some plural usage, multiple adversaries:

II Samuel 19:22 - “...This day you have become my adversaries!"

The adversaries spoken of here are the sons ("builders") of Tserûwyâh

("smitten, stricken"; thoughts judged by Yahweh), men.

Psalm 38:20 - "...They render evil for righteousness who are our


Here David speaks of men who seek the life force of Yahweh's chosen people.

Psalm 109:4 - "In return for our love, they are our adversaries..."

Here again it is men being discussed as the adversaries.

Psalm 109:20 - "May this [curses] be the reward of our adversaries from

You, 0 Yahweh."

The curses are for wicked men, the adversaries of Israel.

Psalm 109:29 - "May our adversaries be clothed with dishonor..."

Adversaries = men

At this point it is again necessary to mention the work titled “Bye God!”. In it

there is a section titled "Strong's, What Weakened You?". The purpose of the

section was to prove that the author of Strong's had fell prey to a trap that

mainstream "believing" society has also been given over to; the

misrepresentation of Hebrew words with their definitions, and as crucial their

intent. In other words, the systematic watering down and even blatant

misrepresentation of the organic language that actually caused creation.

Remove the Hebrew alphabet ("aleph-beis") and the words it forms and the

power to create is removed! Strong's is by far the most read resource by those

on the path to deeper truths of Scripture so it is imperative that it's errors be

brought to the forefront and dealt with. By no means does this exclude the many

other books available that attempt to define both the Hebrew text and the

implanted Greek text, in regards to the Scriptures. They must all be exposed in

order for truth to prevail.

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In this writer's viewpoint what is even more alarming than the errors of those

works that attempt to help define words and terms, is the countless available

translations of the Scriptures and the blasphemies they produce. From the New

International Version (NIV) to the Life Application Study Bible (LASB), to the

New King James Bible (NKJ), to the Amplified Bible, to the Holy Scriptures, and

on and on it goes. It would be no understatement to say that every single

version available today fails at one or more of the great transgressions of truth;

the misapplication and misrepresentation of Hebrew words and their intent.

Let's go back to the word adversary and explain.

If one were to use Strong's and look for scriptures in the Old Covenant that

have the Hebrew word for adversary within them, what would be found would be

given a number by Strong's wherein one could go to the back of the book and

find your word. For adversary it would be number 7854. At #7854 here is a great

portion of what you would find: ששן sâtân (saw-tawn), "opponent". From 7853,

ששן sâtan (saw -tan), "attack, accuse"; - (be an) adversary, resist.

It is crucial to understand that the previous eleven verses we reviewed that

utilize number 7854, never use the actual Hebrew word satan, but rather the

word adversary. This is crucial to understand if I have not made myself clear!

Word number 7854, the word we used in the eleven verses we dissected is the

Hebrew word “satan”, but none of them utilize the actual Hebrew word. Let's go

back a few verses and give some examples:

Numbers 22:22 - "But Yahweh was very angry because he [Balaam] went,

and the malak of Yahweh took his stand as sâtân (opposition) to him..."

I Kings 11:14 - "Now Yahweh raised up a satan against Solomon..."

II Sam 19:22 - "...This day you have become my satans! (adversaries)"

Psalm 109:4 - "In return for our love, they are our satans..."

You might be saying, "Big deal, it is a translation issue and it's not really

important that the actual Hebrew word is used!”, but would you be correct? We

know that Strong's presents the word adversary, #7854, eleven times in the Old

Covenant. We also know, and perhaps more mental digestion is warranted, that

the eleven times we have examined those scriptures, ten of those times the

word satan refers to men.

Once, the malak of Yahweh, ten times as man! But something very strange

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happens if one were to go into Strong's and look up the actual word "satan" and

not the word adversary. What you will find is that the Old Covenant alone offers

eighteen verses wherein the actual word satan is used and yes, the Strong's

number is of course 7854. Instead of the word “adversary” in the verse, we now

have the actual Hebrew word being used. Let's take a look:

I Chronicles 21:1- "Satan stood up against Israel, and incited David to

number Israel."

If this were to stay consistent with our previous eleven verses it would read:

"The adversary stood up against Israel..."

Job 1:6 "Now there was a day when the sons of Yahweh came to present

themselves before Yahweh, and Sâtân also came among them."

The other way: "...and the adversary also came among them."

Although I will not be repeating the pattern in this body of work I want you to

make a mental note: When the Hebrew word ,ששן sâtân replaces the definition

(adversary) almost every available translation of the Scriptures (commonly

referred to as the Bible) not only concurs with Strong's, but they also go as far

and capitalize the word. A lower case word that should never be capitalized

unless it begins a sentence, is now capitalized and systematically so. From

sâtân to Sâtân with no Hebraic intent in which to do so. This would be similar to

writing out the preceding verse as such: "Now there was a day when the sons

came to present themselves before Yahweh, and the Adversary also came

among them." Completely inappropriate sentence structure and capitalization in

any language! Now some more of those eighteen verses:

Job 1:7 - "Yahweh said to Sâtân..."

The other way: "Yahweh said to the adversary...”

Job 1:7 - "...Sâtân answered Yahweh..."

The other way: "...The adversary answered Yahweh..."

Job 1:8 - "Then Yahweh said to Sâtân..."

The other way: "Then Yahweh said to the adversary..."

Job 1:9 - "Sâtân answered Yahweh..."

The other way: "The adversary answered Yahweh..."

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In the book of ʼîyôwb (Job) ("persecuted"; the conscience seeking renewal)

there are nine more occasions of the same protocol: Job 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 2:4, 2:6

and 2:7. And the final three:

Psalm 109:6 - "Appoint over him [the wicked man] the wicked one, let Sâtân

stand at his right hand."

The other way: "...let the adversary stand at his right hand."

Zech 3:1 - "Then he showed me Yahshua, the High Priest standing before

the malak of Yahweh, with Sâtân standing at his right hand to oppose


The other way: "...before the malak of Yahweh, with the adversary standing at

his right hand..."

Zech 3:2 - "And Yahweh said to Sâtân: 'Yahweh releases you, 0 Sâtân!'"

The other way: "And Yahweh said to the adversary: 'Yahweh releases you, 0


Now that we have revealed the eighteen scriptures that have uniformly amongst

Strong's and the many available translations used the Hebrew word "satan"

rather than it's definition (adversary), we will dig a little deeper. We do so

remembering that ten of the eleven places the word adversary is utilized for

sâtân in the Old Covenant, it always refers to men and in one instance the malak

of Yahweh. Let's first look again at four of these recent eighteen that were not

referenced in the book of Job. We start at I Chronicles 21:1. According to the

many translations available as well as Strong's, the first verse reads as such:

"Sâtân stood up against Israel, and incited Dâvîd to number Israel."

We now know that lest the sudden change from "adversary" to "Satan"

(capitalized), it would have read:

"The adversary stood up against Israel, and incited..."

The Hebrew word for "inciting" is סות cûwth (sooth) and its definitions are

"prick" and "seduce". Of the multiple words used to express these definitions

one word overwhelmingly expresses Hebraic intent. That word is "provoke" and

it's derivations; “provoked, provoketh, and provoking”. The point that needs to be

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carefully attended to is the truth that every other time that word number 5496 is

utilized in a verse, it refers to man and believe it or not, to Yahweh. In reference

to the one "inciting", it is always man or Yahweh doing the inciting.

Never in one single verse is there some outside force or some being apart from

Yahweh or man who is inciting (provoking) other men. It is either Yahweh or

man! Also, as per verse seventeen of I Chronicles chapter twenty-one,

David reveals the cause of the inciting. Let's listen to his words: "Dâvîd said to

Yahweh, 'Was it not I who ordered the army to be numbered? I am the one

who sinned and committed this wrong...'"

Did Dâvîd blame a force outside of himself; the cause of his incitement? As we

can see Dâvîd accepts full responsibility for his transgression against Yahweh

and as imperative is that in fact he did not blame some external "force". The

next verse:

Psalm 109:6 - "Appoint over him [the wicked man] the wicked one, let Sâtân

stand at his right hand."

The other way: "...let the adversary stand at his right hand."

So we have a continuing dilemma that must be solved. Is the sâtân being

spoken of some new force outside of man's soul? Let's go back a few verses to

verse four of Psalm 109 and gain some more insight: "In return for our love

they are our adversaries..." We already saw this verse in the beginning and of

course it is the Hebrew word ששן sâtân that is written in the Hebrew text: "In

return for our love they are our sâtâns..." Now it must be made very clear to

you that the entire Psalm speaks to and about wicked men. Wicked men who

continually attempt to persecute Yahweh's chosen children. The entire Psalm

speaks to wicked men being the "adversaries (sâtâns)" spoken of in verse 4. A

word that ONLY ever deals with men or Yahweh, has now changed? We move


Zech 3:1 - “Then he showed me Yahshua, the High Priest standing before

the malak of Yahweh, with Sâtân standing at his right hand to

oppose him.”

It is perfectly clear upon review that this vision of Zekaryâh's ("remembrance of

Yahweh"; reoccuring thoughts) is a vision of a mental reality. In the vision are

the malak (holy "messages" of Yahweh described as the "adversary" in

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Numbers 22:22) of Yahweh, Yahshua the son ("builder") of Yahweh, and of

course Strong's #7854; sâtân. Is this for the very first time a representation of

some wicked force distinct and separate from man or malak? Let's look at the

verse that follows:

Zech 3:2- "And Yahweh said to Sâtân (capitalized of course): 'Yahweh

rebukes you, 0 Sâtân!'"

In order to discover truth we must again pose the question regarding who in fact

this "Sâtân" is? When found as the word “adversary” or “adversaries”, it always

deals with men or malak as the adversary. Are we now seeing a two-fold

meaning for this capitalized version (Sâtân) as well? We have opened the

discussion about the reality of the concerted effort, wittingly or unwittingly, to

systematically use the actual Hebrew word “sâtân” in specific verses, while at the

same time use the words “adversary” or “opponent” in specific verses. We have

also discussed the systematic capitalization to "Sâtân" in very specific verses,

without any Hebraic mandate to do so, but we must continue to peel back layers

so that we leave no stone unturned in our quest for absolute truth. In the verses

we have located in Job (1:6, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9, 1:12, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 2:4, 2:6 2:7), we

see the all capital usage of the Hebrew word Sâtân. In some instances the word

sâtân actually starts a new sentence so capitalization would be warranted, but

the systematic capitalization in the midst of sentences has no foundation nor

explained purpose. We have also looked at what the verses would look like if

the word adversary was constantly utilized. We have also proved that the

adversary, Strong's #7854, was overwhelmingly referring to man and once to a

malak. In peeling back the layers questions must come into clear view and they

must be answered with the totality of the scriptures as prooftext. “The sum of

Thy word is truth”, and we must have a cohesive agreement from Genesis to

Revelation, lest our foundation be violently shaken when the testing comes.

Some of those questions that warrant answers:

1) Are the "adversaries" spoken of throughout Scripture only ever man or


2) Are the adversaries spoken of throughout Scripture, man, malak and an

outside force known as Sâtân?

3) In the Old Covenant why do almost all available translations of the

Scriptures as well as Strong's, change the use of the actual word sâtân in

specific verses and not in others, using adversary or opponent instead?

4) Why do these same groups also systematically capitalize to "Sâtân" in certain

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verses and specifically not in others?

5) What words other than satan help us discern the Hebraic intent of what is

being expressed in the Old Covenant?

6) How does this all play into the words utilized in the Renewed

Covenant and the stories told regarding this sâtân?

Of course there are more questions that must be answered and they will, and

we will also discover new questions never considered before, pulling back the

curtain to unlock new doors and expose new paradigms within your conscience.

Let's actually tackle the fifth question first, thus allowing for a greater mental

expansion that will make answering the other questions that much more simple.

What words other than sâtân help us discern the Hebraic intent of what is being

expressed in the Old Covenant?

We start with three specific Hebrew words and their definitions:

hiss (Stronq's #8319) – שרק shâraq (shaw-rak), "be shrill". This Hebrew word

is utilized twelve times in the Old Covenant. As with the word sâtân it behooves

us to inquire about whom this "hiss" pertains to, in order to experience the

intent. To quicken the pace I will simply give the verse location and in

parenthesis describe who in fact is the cause of the hiss:

I Kings 9:8 - (the people are the ones who hiss);

Iyyob 27:23 - (men hiss at Job);

Isa 5:26 - (Yahweh will hiss);

Isa 7:18 - (Yahweh will hiss);

Yeremyah (Jeremiah) 19:8 - (The city will hiss);

Yeremyah 49:17 - (Edom will hiss);

Yeremyah 50:13 - (people hiss at Babylon);

Lam 2:15-16 - (people hiss at Israel, Yahweh's people);

Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 27:36 - (merchants hiss);

Zeph 2:15 - (people hiss at Ninevah);

Zeph 10:8 - (Yahweh will hiss).

People, Yahweh and cities! In every single accounting of our word shâraq שרק

(hiss) it is men, Yahweh or cities that hiss.

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The same happens with the plural of the word sharaq; שרקה sherêqâh (sher-ay-

kaw'), Strong's number 8322. In the seven occurances (Zech 29:8, Yer 19:8,

25:9, 25:18, 29:18, 51:37 & Micah 6:16) it is again men, Yahweh or cities that

do the hissing. In vetting this out a new question must be attended to: "How is it

possible for cities/nations to hiss?" This question will be answered but let's first

look at the second of our three Hebrew words and examine it:

whisper (Strong's #3907) – לחש lâchash (law-khash'), "mumble".

There are a couple of variations of the Hebrew word for “whisper” but we focus

on lâchash for a very important reason soon to be revealed. As for the two

verses in the Old Covenant that utilize this word we have:

Psalm 41:7 - (men, the haters of Yahweh's chosen children, whispered);

II Samuyl 12:19 - (David's men servants whispered).

Unlike the word hiss (shâraq), whisper in the Old Covenant applies to man

alone. And for our final word:

enchant (Strong's #s 3909, 5172) - though there are several Hebrew words that

incorporate enchant, enchanter and enchantments within their definitions, the

two words numbered here specifically deal directly with our subject matter:

#3909 – לט lât (lawt), "covered, secret". We have four verses:

Exodus 7:22 - (magicians (men) enchant);

Exodus 8:7 - (magicians enchant);

Exodus 8:18 - (magicians enchant);

Eccl 10:11 - (Not yet! More to come).

Now for the next one:

#5172 -נחש nachash (naw-khash'), "hiss, whisper". We have six verses:

Lev 19:26 - (men are commanded not to enchant);

Num 23:23 - (Yaʽăqôb (Jacob) will not enchant);

Num 24:1 - (Balaam does not enchant);

II Kings 17:17 - (wicked men enchant);

II Kings 21:6 - (wicked Menasheh causes enchanting);

II Chron 33:6 (wicked Menasheh enchants).

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So we see that with all three words and their derivations they only ever pertain

to men, Yahweh or cities (nations). The majority of course dealing with mankind.

As with the word adversary (sâtân) these Hebrew words with their Hebraic intent

overwhelmingly speak of men. Now let's go back to the one we skipped,

Ecclesiastes 10:11, and peel back some more layers:

Ecclesiastes 10:11 - "Surely a serpent will bite if it has not been whispered


Within this verse alone many mysteries lie. The three Hebraic words we

specifically reviewed (hiss, whisper, enchant) are the exact three words that

actually define another Hebrew word that must be fully vetted. That word is

"serpent". That is correct, the three words we have previously reviewed and

specifically so are the definitions of Strong's #5175:

נחש nâchâsh (naw-khawsh'), "hiss". It's root word is #5172 נחש nachash (naw-

khash'), "hiss, whisper".

Of course we are going back to the garden but before we do lets first remind

ourselves that every available Hebrew definition for the word nachash (hiss) has

been reviewed, and each time the intent only applies to men, Yahweh or cities

(nations). Does this mean that in regards to verses that will actually incorporate

#5175, the "serpent" can now be some other intended force, specifically an

unseen being? Can it also be that a systematic implantation of the word

"serpent" was perpetuated upon the Hebrew text by all available translations, as

well as Strong's itself? Let's continue to exhaust all remedies, verse by verse:

Genesis 49:17 - "Dân will be a nâchâsh (serpent?) by the road..."

Here, the hiss (serpent?) is said to be the man Dân, one of the tribes of Israel as

well, tribes of men.

Ex 4:3 - "...then he [Môsheh] cast it [his staff] on the ground and it became a

nâchâsh (serpent?)..."

Here, we have a staff that is turned into a hiss (serpent?).

Ex 7:15 - "...and the staff which was turned to a nâchâsh (serpent?), you

shall take in your hand..."

Again, we have a staff that becomes a hiss (serpent?).

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Num 21:8-9 - "Yahweh said to Mosheh, 'Make a nâchâsh (serpent?) and put

it on a pole.

Here, we have a hiss (serpent?) being made by Môsheh and placed on a pole.

"And anyone who was bitten by the nâchâsh (serpent?), and looked at the

bronze nâchâsh (serpent?), he lived."

Here, we have a biting hiss (serpent?) and a healing hiss (serpent?).

II Kings 18:4 - "...he [Hosheyah] broke into pieces the bronze nâchâsh

(serpent?) Môsheh had made..."

Here, we have a righteous king breaking up the bronze hiss (serpent?) that the

people had been worshipping.

Iyyob 26:13 - "He has pierced the slithering nâchâsh (serpent?)."

Here, we have Iyyob telling us that Yahweh will pierce the hiss (serpent?).

Psalm 58:4 - "Their poison is like the venom of a nâchâsh (serpent?)."

Here, the wicked man is compared to the venom of a hiss (serpent?).

Psalm 140:3 - "Their tongues are sharpened like a nâchâsh (serpent?)."

Here, we have the wicked man again being compared to the hiss (serpent?).

Prov 23:32 - "But in the end it [wine] bites like a nâchâsh (serpent?)..."

Here, wine is compared to the hiss (serpent?).

Prov 30:19 - "...the way a nâchâsh (serpent?) glides over a rock..."

Here, we have the hiss (serpent?) being described as "astonishing" to Solomon.

Ecc 10:8 - "...whoever breaks through a wall, a nâchâsh (serpent?) will bite


Here, the hiss (serpent?) is being described as a biting thing.

Isa 27:1 - "Yahweh... will punish the prophet of the assemblies of the

nâchâsh (serpent?)...and will give these perverted ministers of the nâchâsh

(serpent?) ...the sentence of death."

Here, we have a plurality of men compared to the hiss (serpent?).

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Yer 46:22 - "Her voice shall be like a nâchâsh (serpent?)...”

Here, Egypt is compared to the hiss (serpent?).

Amos 5:19 - "...and a nâchâsh (serpent?) will bite him."

Here, Yahweh condemns those who misapply the Day of His wrath.

Micah 7:17 - "They will lick dust like a nâchâsh (serpent?)..."

Here, the nations are condemned like the hiss (serpent?).

And we also will look at a few verses wherein the hiss (serpent?) is more than

just one; multiple hisses (serpents?) same word, נחש nachash (#5175)!

Num 21:6 - "And Yahweh sent fiery hisses (serpents?) among them..."

Multiple serpents?

Deut 8:15 - "Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness of

fiery hisses (serpents?)..."

Here, Môsheh reminds the survivors of the wilderness that Yahweh ultimately

saved them from the hisses (serpents?).

Yer 8:17 - "For behold, I will send hisses (serpents?) among you..."

Multiple serpents?

Before we go back to the garden, we do so with a full accounting of the Hebrew

word nâchâsh, with it's intent. We have seen that this nâchâsh, a device of

Yahweh, is "made" by Môsheh. It seems to "bite" and as important, there is

more than just one! Right now, having examined what the Old Covenant offers

in reference to nâchâsh (hiss, whisper, serpent?), it would be a good time to ask

yourself, "What have I personally read or been taught about the 'serpent' in the

garden? Who/what, did I believe this serpent was?" With the research we have

done it is probably safe to say that your mind is a little rattled (pun intended)

about what is really taking place. Up to this point we have posed important

questions and Scripture will answer those questions, but for now we head to the

garden and we do something that would be true to Hebraic intent and simply

replace the word serpent with the actual and true definition of the Hebrew word

נחש nâchâsh (Strong's #5175), and see what transpires:

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Gen 3:1 - "Now the whisper/hiss was more subtle then any beast of the

field which Yahweh had made..."

Remember that we are dealing with the Hebrew word נחש nâchâsh (Strong's

#5175) that gives us both "hiss" and "whisper" as it's definitions. The word

"serpent" is neither the definition given nor the Hebrew word utilized in the

Hebrew Tôrâh. Instead it is a word systematically imposed upon the Scriptures

that has been perpetuated throughout thousands of generations. Is it not

interesting that the verse above compares nâchâsh (whisper, hiss) with other

created "beasts of the field"? Does this mean we are dealing with a physical

being? Is it a matter of the physical realm at all? Let's keep seeking:

Gen 3:1 - "...And the whisper said to the woman, 'Has indeed Yahweh said

that you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'"

An outside force? A physical animal? A man? Yahweh? A city or nation? From

whence does the whisper come?

Gen 3:2 - "And the woman said to the whisper, 'We may eat the fruit of the

trees of the garden...'"

Gen 3:4 - "And the whisper said to the woman, 'You will not surely die.'"

A serpent? A snake? A whisper from whom?

Gen 3:13 - "And Yahweh said to the woman, 'What have you done?' And

the woman said, 'The whisper deceived me, and I ate.'"

"The whisper deceived..."

Gen 3:14 - "So Yahweh said to the whisper, 'Because you have done this,

cursed are you above all cattle, and more than all the beasts of the field,

upon your belly shall you go, and you shall eat from the dust all the days

of your life.'"

A cursed whisper? Cursed catle? Cursed beasts? Eating from dust?

You would be hard pressed to find any existing commentary that stringently

deals with the true intent of what is being expressed within the third chapter of

the book of Genesis. As with our Hebrew word sâtân which clearly never refers

to some force distinct and separate from man, we now have words as such to

contend with; implanted words such as “serpent” and/or “snake”. These have

also taken on the allure of a specie distinct and separate from man, and we

The Devil Inside Page 15 of

break down the illusion by introducing the exact Hebrew words used in the

Scriptures with their exact definitions and intent. The Hebrew word nâchâsh was

fully vetted before we entered Genesis and neither serpent nor snake had any

part in Hebrew definition nor intent. Let's really break down Genesis 3:14 and

start exposing truths and lies:

"So Yahweh said to the whisper (נחש nachash; Strong's #5175, always man,

Yahweh or cities/nations), 'Because you (whisper) have done this (deceived),

cursed ("execrate"; forsaken from perfection; Strong's #779) are you (whisper)

above all cattle ("mute, dumb"; ignorance; Strong's #929), and more than all

the beasts ("alive, raw"; unruly thoughts; Strong's #2416) of the field ("spread";

thought plain; Strong's #7704), upon your belly ("source"; mental reliances;

Strong's #1512) you shall go, and you shall eat (mentally consume) from the

dust ("earth, gray, pulverize"; carnal intellect; Strong's #6803) all the days

(illuminations) of your life (conscious existence)."

Many things should be stirring within you at this point, but it is not yet time to

fully summarize the premise of this body of work. We have asked many

questions along the way, all of which shall be answered, but for now we add a

few questions to consider as we move forward: If the cattle and beasts are

Hebrew words meant to express physical life why do the definitions of the

Hebrew words not express physical life? Why have the cattle and beasts been

cursed? What accounting do we have before or after Genesis chapter three that

caused curses to fall upon cattle and beasts? Truly the answers have already

been exposed within our more thorough overview of verse fourteen itself, but

let's exhaust more options and then return. It is good to notice that thus far we

have specifically only dealt with Old Covenant text and though we will continue

to do so, by the time we get to the Renewed Covenant much will have been

revealed to you. The process of internal recognition will not only become more

exciting, but profoundly easy as well. Let's look at some more pertinent Hebrew

words with their definitions and most importantly their intent:

afflictions - ʽŏnîy עגי (on-ee'), "depression", Strong's #6040 – tsârâh צרה (tsaw-

raw'), "tightness", Strong's #6869 – ra רע (rah), "bad", Strong's #7451. Of the

multiple Hebrew words utilized in the Scriptures that express one being afflicted,

never is the source of the affliction said to be a force distinctly separate from

Yahweh or mankind.

devourer -ʼâkal אכל (aw-kal'), "eat", Strong's #398 - ʼoklâh אכלה (ok- law'),

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"food, consume", Strong's #402. These two Hebrew words always deal with acts

of Yahweh or mankind only, and never is an entity apart from Yahweh or man

which devours. Which brings us to another pivotal truth along our journey and

that is the fact that there are no such words as "devil", "demon(s)" or "deity" in

the Hebrew language. They exist not!

Stop for a moment and consider this true reality and come to recognize

that there is not a single scripture in the entire Old Covenant that utilizes

or references any words such as “devil”, “demon”, or “demonic” or the

like. Strong's as with the many translations, has taken out specific Hebrew

words and superimposed these word into their place. Albeit it was only done

four times, but nevertheless it was done.

Let's look at the verses wherein four Hebrew words were replaced with the word

“devils”, and by all means consider the plurality as well:

Lev 17:7 - "They must no longer offer their sacrifices to the devils..."

The actual Hebrew word used is the word שעיר sâʽîr (saw-eer'). It's definition is

"shaggy". This is Strong's #8163 and it's root, #8175, is sâʽar שער (saw-ar'),

"storm, shiver, fear". Does the Hebrew words and their definitions seem to imply

a force or "deity" separate from man, Yahweh, or cities/nations? Does the root

cause of the word sâʽîr seem to be speaking to internal states of mind, and that

offering "sacrifices to fear", might be something to consider? Why the word

“devils” at all? And where did multiple devils come from?

Chron 11:15 - "Because he [Yârobʽâm, commonly known as Jeroboam]

ordained priests of his own for the high places, and for the devils, and for

the circular altars he had made."

Same word as above, sâʽîr. A systematic implanting of the word “devils”.

Multiple devils. Can men ordain devils? Could this simply be the Hebraic intent

expressing that a wicked man is ordaining a place for fear within his


Deut 32:17 - "They sacrificed to the devils, which are not of Yahweh..."

The Hebrew word utilized in this verse is shêd שר (shade), it's definition is

"malignant". This is Strong's #7700 and it's root, #7736, is shuwd שרר (shood),

"swell, devastate". A wicked group of forces external to man, to Yahweh?

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Perhaps just a language translation issue: from "shed" to "devils"? A matter of a

mental state: "They sacrificed to devastation...?"

Psalm 106:37 - "And they sacrificed their sons and daughters to these


Once again shed is the appropriate Hebrew word and the intent need be

understood with the definition "malignant" in mind. If one speaks the word

malignant to you, does it inspire you to think of multiple beings with pitchforks

and horns? So where does the word devil(s) come from and why? Stay tuned

and let's examine some more words that have great significance in assuring a

solid foundation in this matter:

evil - ra' רע (rah), "bad, evil", Strong's #7451.

This is the Hebrew word overwhelmingly utilized to express what is bad in the

eyes of Yahweh. There are a few select other Hebrew words that would also

point out that which is "bad" but as with ra', it is NEVER the case that any of that

bad is ever attributed to some mysterious force external to man. When "bad" is

mentioned, it is only EVER in reference to the bad that man does or the bad

brought upon mankind by Yahweh Himself.

legion - Meniy בוגי (men-ee'), "number", Strong's # 4507. Only one verse in the

entire Old Covenant utilizes this Hebrew word that has been changed to legion:

"...who furnish a drink offering for that legion." (Isa 65:11) The root word,

#4487, mânâh נונה (maw-naw), means to "weigh, allot". The Hebrew intent

speaks to an appointed fate; an appointed mental state. Other than a systematic

and fatal flaw perpetuated upon Old and Renewed Covenant text as we will

soon explore, there was no need to change "Meniy" to "Legion". Stay tuned!

leviathan - livyâthân לויתן (liv-yaw-thawn'), "wreathed". Strong's #3882.

A word utilized five times in the Old Covenant speaks to both a singular and

plural intent: Job 41:1, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26 and twice in Isayah 27:1.

The verse of Isayah actually decrees livyâthân to be the "serpent" (nâchâsh,

"hiss, whisper"). Let's take a look from a Hebraic perspective:

"Yahweh...will punish wreathed the piercing whisper..."

A force separate from man and Yahweh? We know that nachash only ever

speaks to men, Yahweh and cities/nations. There is not one Hebrew scripture

alluding to anything otherwise in the entire Old Covenant so from whence does

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the whisper come?

oppressor - In regards to words, Hebrew words for oppression, oppress,

oppressed, oppresseth, oppressing, oppressor and the like, we have multiple

Hebrew variations of the meanings intended. As with "devour" and its

derivations, the culprit is always man or Yahweh. Never is some outside force

the cause of the oppression. Often times in fact the oppressions are within man;

a big key to all we have been learning. As with our other words there is either

one oppressor or multiple oppressors.

viper - אפעה ʼephʽeh (ef-eh'), "hissing", Strong's #660.

We have three occurances of this word in the Old Covenant text. Let's take a

look at those three verses and see what transpires:

Iyyob 20:16 - "...the fangs of a viper shall slay him."

Let's go organic: "...the fangs of hissing shall slay him." The Hebrew word for

fangs is lâshôwn לשון (law-shone'). It's definition, "tongue, lick". This is Strong's

#3956. The root, #3960, lâshan לשן (law-shan'), "slander". Now let's try again:

“...the speech of hissing shall slay him..."

Is this speaking of some force separate from man or Yahweh? Is this speaking

of something that should be systematically earmarked as a singular "devil"? Or

is this something happening within, a matter of consciousness?

Isa 30:6 - "...where the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying

serpent come from..."

Animals? Viper and a fiery flying serpent? Forces apart from man and Yahweh?

Let's take an organic look: "...where the young (mentally unseasoned) and old

(seasoned, wise) lion ("crushing"; mental force), the viper ("hissing"; within or

external?) and the fiery ("burning"; conviction or physical fire?) flying ("cover";

mental or physical covering?) serpent (the same word as "flying". Hebrew word

sârâph שרף (saw-rawf').

It's definition, "burning", come from..." Let's break it down:

"Where the mentally unseasoned and the seasoned crash, the hissing and the

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burning cover that burns come from..."

Isa 59:5 - "They hatch vipers eggs, and weave the spider's web..."

Of course you should break it down, but let's deal with one specific truth of who

in fact "hatches vipers eggs, and weaves the spider's web..." The entire context

of chapter 59 of Isayah is speaking about you! You, 0 man, are the one who

does this!

Warfare - tsâbâ צבא (tsaw-baw'), "mass, campaign", Strong's #6635. A word

used only twice in the entire Old Covenant (I Samuel 28:1 & Isayah 40:2) and

speaks to the warfare of men and the warfare of Yahweh. Mind warfare? Where

does such an idea originate and who in fact conceived the idea of battling some

outside force as part of that warfare? An external battle with some bad being?

Have we seen battles external to man up to this point, or perhaps have we only

begun to explore battles within man's conscience?

wicked - As with the word oppress, the Hebrew words for wicked, both singular

and plural, always refers to what man or Yahweh will do. Never is some external

force involved in or blamed for wicked acts.

We covered the garden and Îyôwb, but let's look at one more section of

Scripture that has caused the masses of those who profess faith to err in their

doctrinal positions. We must go deeper in order to fully comprehend the hidden

mysteries that will expose previously held positions and thus forever alter (altar)

your conscious activity.

Isayah 14:1-22;

1 - "But Yahweh will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and

set them in their own land. The strangers will be joined with them, and

they will cleave to the house of Yaaqob. 2 - The people will take them, and

bring them to their place; and the house of Israel will possess them in the

land of Yahweh, as servants and handmaidens; they will take them

captive, whose captives they were; and they will rule over their

oppressors. 3 - It will come to pass in the day that Yahweh will give you

rest from your sorrow, and from your terror, and from the hard bondage in

which you were made to serve. 4 - That you will take up this proverb

against the king of Babylon, and say, 'How the oppressor has ceased, the

golden city ceased!' 5 - Yahweh has broken the staff of the wicked and the

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scepter of the rulers. 6 - He who struck the people in wrath with a

continual stroke, he who ruled the nations in anger is now himself

persecuted, and no one hinders. 7 - The whole earth is at rest and is quiet;

they break forth into singing. 8 - Yes, the fir trees rejoice over you, with

the cedars of Lebanon, saying, 'Since you were laid low, no woodcutter

has come up against us.' 9 - Sheol, from beneath is excited to meet you at

your coming; it stirs up the dead for you, all the chief ones of the earth; it

has raised up for their thrones all the kings of the nations. 10 - All of them

will speak, and say to you; 'Have you also become as weak as we? Have

you become like us?' 11 - Your pomp is brought down to the grave with

the sound of harps; the worm is spread under you, and the worms cover

you. 12 - How you have fallen from heaven, 0 Hillel; Lucifer, child of the

light! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the

nations! 13 - For you have said in your heart; 'I will ascend above the

heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of Yahweh. I will sit in the

highest place of the holy mountain of the congregation. 14 - I will ascend

above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High!' 15 - Yet you

will be brought low, down to Sheol, to the sides of the pit. 16 - Those who

see you will stare at you, and they will talk about you, saying; 'Is this the

one who shook the earth, and made kingdoms tremble? 17 - Is this the one

who made the world like a wilderness, who overthrew the cities in it, and

who would not let the captives go free?' 18 - All the kings of the nations,

all of them, lie in splendor, each in his own house; 19 - But you are cast

out of your grave like an abominable branch, like the garments of those

who are slain, thrust through with a sword; like those who descend to the

stones of the pit, as a carcass trampled underfoot. 20 - You will not be

joined with them in burial because you have destroyed your land and

slaughtered your people; the seed of evildoers will never be mentioned

again! 21 - Prepare slaughter for his children, because of the iniquity of

their fathers; so that they may not rise, possess the earth, and fill the face

of the world with cities. 22 - 'For I will rise up against them,' says Yahweh

of Hosts, 'and cut off from Babylon the name and remnant, and offspring

and descendant,' says Yahweh."

And now it is imperative that we look to the exact Hebrew words and their intent

in order to once and for all establish truth. We go back over Isayah 14:1-22 to

do so:

Verse 1 - "But Yahweh will have mercy on Jacob ("supplanted"; the mentally

renewed, by unilateral Covenant, conscience of chosen men), and will yet

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choose Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh") and set them in their own

land (foundation of thoughts). The strangers (foreign thoughts) will be joined

(mentally grafted in) with them, and they will cleave (consciously rely upon)

the house (mindset) of Jacoob (the conscience being renewed)."

The supplanted conscience is the conscience still battling with "self" desire,

while Israel represents the conscience that has been enabled for perfection. The

stranger are those foreign thoughts that once held the mind in bondage to self

prescribed laws.

Verse 2 - "The people (congregating thoughts) will take them (foreign

thoughts) and bring them to their place (authority in consciousness); and the

house (mindset) of Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh") in the land

(thought plain) of Yahweh (the Perfect Conscience), as servants and

handmaidens ("spread"; disseminators of truth); they will take them captive

(subdue and control), whose captives they were; and they will rule over their

oppressors (carnal thoughts)."

The once wandering, oppressive, doubt filled thoughts that held man in

bondage, will now give way to the conscience being renewed and perfected.

Mastery in thought is righteousness!

Verse 3- "It (inner renewal) will come to pass in the day (illumination) that

Yahweh will give you rest (mental ease) from your sorrow (misperceiving

thoughts), and from your terror, and from the hard bondage (mental

captivity) in which you were made (by Sovereign decree) to serve."

All sorrow is formed within the mind, the physical being merely the props that

reveal the minds true desires.

Verse 4 - "That you will take up this proverb ("superiority"; mental wisdom),

against the king (prevailing thought) of Babylon (mental "confusion") and say,

"Has the oppressor ceased, the golden (human "wisdom") city (thought

habitations) ceased!'"

The Hebrew word for king is melek מלך (meh'-lek), Strong's #4428. The root

word is mâlak מלך (maw-lak'), "reign"; Strong's #4427.

Verse 5 - "Yahweh has broken the staff ("branch"; mental reliance) of the

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wicked (reprobate thoughts) and the scepter ("clan"; carnal unity) of the rulers

(dominant thoughts)."

The staff of the wicked represents mental reliances. Those things that the

unredeemed mind relies (staff) upon in order to continue its destructive path.

Verse 6 - "He who has struck the people (congregating thoughts) in wrath

with a continual stroke, he who ruled the nations (constructs in thought) in

anger is now himself persecuted and no one hinders."

The Hebrew word for nations is גוי gôy (go'-ee). It's definition, "massing";

Strong's #1471. The Hebrew intent is to express those internal themes and long

held thoughts and ideas which have built mindsets within each soul. And so we

must now stop to strongly consider, "Who is this 'he' who has ruled 'mindsets' in

anger for so long?" He is the same "whisper" in the garden and the same

"adversary" that spoke to Yahweh in the book of Job. Who is he? Let's finish our

deeper view of Isayah and then if you don't already perceive, we will expose him

to you!

Verse 7 - "The whole earth ("mind of man") is at rest and is quiet, they

(thoughts) breakforth into singing (mental joy)."

We looked at the Hebrew word ʽerets ארץ (eh'-rets) in the beginning. It's

definition is "be firm"; Strong's #776. When the earth is no longer hindered it is

the Hebraic intent to express a mind that is no longer hindered. Earth in it's

fullest Hebraic expression is the mental state of man's mind.

The darkness and light are expressions of the mindsets/minds that guide each

conscience. The stars are higher truths while the sky is illumination. Dust is the

place of mental void and trees are truth. When the earth is at rest and singing, it

is a state of mind.

Verse 8 - "Yes, the fir ("lance"; piercing) trees (truths) rejoice over you

(redeemed mind), with the cedars ("firm"; strongly established thoughts) of

Lebanon ("white"; purity) saying, 'Since you (?) were laid low (humbled), no

woodcutter (truth stealer) has come up (to the exalted thought realm) against

us (redeemed thoughts)."

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The Hebraic intent of the "cedars of Lebanon" is to express the "strength of

purity", a state of mind. The adversary (who is it?) having been laid low by

Yahweh's favor, no longer feels the effects of truth being lessened (wood cutter)

within the conscience.

Verse 9 - "Sheol ("retreat"; mental abandonment) from beneath (the carnal

thought realm) is excited to meet you at your coming (removal from Yahweh,

entrance into reprobation); it (the conscience given over) stirs up the dead

(void thoughts) for you (who is it?), all the chief (dominant thoughts) ones of

the earth (mind of man); it (reprobation) has raised (given credence to) up for

their (reprobate thoughts) thrones ("covered, plump"; mental allegiances) all

the kings (chief thoughts) of the nations (constructs in thought)."

We have been told that sheol (mental retreat) is for the king of Babylon

("confusion"), the wicked oppressor and the chief ones of the earth. The Hebraic

intent is that confused, wicked, unredeemed minds, will always return (like a dog

to vomit) to those thoughts and ideas that "protect" the desire for carnality. The

"self” reliances long held onto are mental comfort zones, but what awaits is utter

reprobation (dust).

The stirring up of the dead is the manifestation of being given over to strong

delusion and particularly for thoughts that have long ruled within the conscience

(the "chiefs" of the earth). The judgment is against all strongly held to carnal

beliefs; the requested and relied upon sinful conscience.

Verse 10 - "All of them (reprobate thoughts) will speak (consciously resound),

and say to you, 'Have you also become as weak as we? Have you become

like us?'"

Remember who is being spoken of starting in the very first verses of chapter

fourteen of Isayah: oppressors, the king of Babylon, foreign rulers, the wicked,

chief ones of earth and kings of nations. Not one single reference in the entire

chapter has been about some external unseen force but rather conditions of the

mind within. We have taken big steps away from an external "devil", as Hebrew

words and their intent warrants such, but we have also leaped forward with the

concept that THE ENEMY LURKS WITHIN and NOT WITHOUT! It is the entire

thought plain ruled by the self will (commonly known as the "flesh") that will be

void of Yahweh's presence. "Have you become like us?" the self will asks

thoughts that are being renewed. "Are you also reprobate?" is the questions

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Verse 11 - "Your pomp (self exaltations) is brought down to the grave with

the sound of harps ("twang"; reverberations); the worm ("voracious";

overwhelmed) is spread over you, and the worms cover you."

The voraciousness and the inability to perfect itself is and will always be the

downfall of the carnal conscience. Even though we have gone into the depths of

the true intent of the Scriptures it is crucial still to recognize that up to this point

we fail to see a shred of sound evidence that would give credence to some

external "spirit" force apart from man. But we press on as a portion of our

dismantling of great deception is found in the next verse.

Verse 12 - "How you have fallen from heaven (the exalted thought plain) 0

Hillel ("brightness"; human intellect); Lucifer (??), child (builder) of light! How

you are cut down to the ground (mental void), you who weakened the


Who exactly has "fallen from heaven?" The Hebrew word for heaven is

shâmayim שמים (shaw-mah'-yim). Its definition, "lofty"; Strong's #8064. The

Hebraic intent of heaven is to express the exalted conscience that is Yahweh,

and how all carnality falls away from that place. Keeping in perfect context with

the previous eleven verses we have a completely uniform teaching in Isayah

chapter 14, but something happens to deter the clarity. The word "Lucifer" is

implanted into the text. This non Hebrew word is not only systematically

supported by the many translations, but by Strong's as well. It is imperative to

understand that the word Lucifer does not derive itself from the Hebrew

language but from Latin dialect which came long after the days of Isayah. The

Hebrew word utilized is hêylêl הילל (hay-lale'). It's definition, "brightness";

Strong's #1966. It's root word is hâlal הלל (haw-lal'). It's definition, "clear, boast";

Strong's #1984. Does hêylêl (brightness) intend to say Lucifer? As it is with

serpents, snakes and the like, so is this systematically implanted word "Lucifer"

that has no basis in the organic language of the earth, nor does it uphold in any

way the Hebraic intent. Does Lucifer mean “brightness" to you?

Never again does this word Lucifer appear in either the Old or New Covenant.

From it's Hebrew origins Isayah 14:12 would read as such: "How you have

fallen from your lofty mindset, 0 bright one..." With its root word hâlal, #1984

(“clear, boast") we can decipher that the Hebraic intent is to reveal that which

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was once illuminated and protected (the garden) by Holy decree has now

through a boastful arrogance, become humiliated (fallen). Verses one through

eleven speak directly to mankind and the emotions of man. Do we have a swift

and sudden change in context at verse 12, with this creation called Lucifer, or is

it speaking of and to the same deceitful "whisper" from the garden? Let's

continue to look at the rest of verse twelve and then move past it. "...child of

light!" What is the intent of these three words? The Hebrew word for child is bên

כן (bane). It definition, "illumination", Strong's #1121. So we have, "...builder of

illumination." Is this expressing something physical or is it a matter of

consciousness? We already know that "weakening the nations" is about mental

delusion over long held thought processes and the question remains, or does it,

about who is doing all this damage? It should be within your mental grasp as we

have actually exposed it, but for now we finish Isayah 14:

Verse 13 - "For you have said in your heart (center of intellect), 'I will

ascend (consciously rise) above the heavens (exalted thought plain), I will

raise my throne (mental covering) above the stars ("blazing"; unknown truths)

of Yahweh. I will sit (consciously reside) on the holy mountain (looming

thoughts) of the congregation (gathering of thoughts)."

The Hebrew word for heart is lêbâb לככ (lay-bawb'). Its definitions, "bethink, be

enclosed"; Strong's #s 3824 & 3823.

The proper understanding is that heart is the "center of thought". "For you have

said in your center of thought..." Is this battle brought on by some external force

or is it internal? Is this quest to rule apart from Yahweh's will something a "deity"

is doing or is this an internal matter in the mind of man? From whence does the

whisper come?

Verse 14 - "I (who is it?) will ascend above the heights (power) of the

clouds (internal mystique); I will be like the Most High."

Continuing the mantra of this voice, this "I" speaks and declares it will ascend

above the heights of the clouds. The Hebrew word for clouds is câb עכ (awb). Its

definitions, "envelope, density"; Strong's #5645. It's root word is 'ûwb עוכ (oob),

"dense, dark"; Strong's #5743. The intent is that this whisper declares that it will

match and mimic the voice of Mighty Yahweh and the mystique of His presence

in the Kingdom within.

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It is the war of the carnal vs. the Mind, and again, we must decide from whence

the war comes?

Verse 15 - "Yet you (whisper) will be brought down to Sheʼôl ("retreat,

inquire"; carnal desire), to the sides ("flank, rear"; mental roar) of the pit ("hole,

bore"; mental depravity)."

An amazing thing happens when one attempts to insert the word "hell" into the

scriptures. This non Hebraic word has certainly taken on a life of it's own in the

minds of those who profess faith. If you ask the Greeks to translate the word

sheol, they actually come up with two distinct interpretations. Let's take a look:

1) gĕĕna γέϵννα (gheh-en-nah), "valley of Hinnom; ge-henna everlasting

punishment - hell. This is Strong's #1067G (Greek).

So we see an attempt to interpret the Hebrew word hinnôm, which is the word

that means "sorrow, groaning". Is this physical or is it a state of mental being?

And do the Greeks even come close to the intent or do they alter it completely?

2) hadēs άδης (hah'-dace), "unseen, i.e. Hades or the place (state) of departed

souls: - grave, hell". This is Strong's #86G.

Does this defining of a Greek word match the intent of a "retreat, inquire", the

definitions of the Hebrew word שאול sheʼôl (#7585)? Does it seem proper to go

from the Hebrew to the Greek at all? Ever?

Verse 16 - "Those who see (perceive) you will stare at you, and they (other

thoughts) will talk about you, saying; "Is this the one [adversary] who shook

the earth (mind of man) and made kingdoms (mental dominions) tremble?'"

We have discussed that earth is the totality of the boundaries (N,S,E,W) of the

mind of man, and what of kingdoms that reside upon the earth? There is

Babylon ("confusion") and Persia ("cutting, cleaving") and Egypt ("shut in,

misery") and Rome ("lifted up, exalted") and on and on it goes. Do the Hebrew

definitions express physical places or instead, states of mind?

Verse 17 - "Is this the one who made the world ("moist"; inhabitable

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conscience) like a wilderness, who overthrew the cities (mental habitations)

in it, and who would not let her (emotion) captives (bound thoughts) go


The Hebrew word for wilderness is midbâr מרכר (mid-bawr'). Its definitions,

"driving, speech"; Strong's #4057. It's root word is dâbar רכר (daw-bar'),

"arrange, subdue"; Strong's #1696. This is the very same dabar of the Exodus

and the key is to continually ask yourself, "Does it speak to the physical world or

the mental world?"

Verse 18 - "All the kings of the nations (constructs in thought), all of them,

lie in splendor ("self" aggrandizement), each in his own house."

The Hebrew word for house is bayith ביח (bah'-yith). Its definition, "family, court,

temple"; Strong's #1004. The Hebraic intent is that a house is a mental mindset.

Yahweh's Temple is definitely housed in the minds of chosen men, and then of

course there are houses He refuses to dwell in. A house is a "body of thoughts".

The idea in this verse is that rightly ruled thoughts dwell peacefully, but not

adversarial thoughts.

Verse 19 - "But you are cast out of your grave (reprobation in hiding) like an

abominable branch; like the garments (coverings) of those who are slain,

thrust through like a sword (pierced); like those who descend to the stones

(hardened thoughts) of the pit, as a carcass trampled underfoot (loss of


Any "abominable branch" is none other than a lie masked as truth. The garment

represents the covering over each soul, whether wicked or righteous, and the

sword is none other than Yahweh's truth piercing each depraved soul. Stones

can be both solidified processes of thought, either for righteousness or

wickedness. A dead, void mind is a corpse; an utterly reprobate conscience.

Verse 20 - "You will not be joined with them (redeemed thoughts) because

you have destroyed your land (thought plain), and slaughtered (sacrificed)

your people (thoughts); the seed (mental lineage) of evildoers will never be

mentioned again!"

The destruction of the land and the slaughtering of the people is the concept

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commonly known as total depravity. The Hebrew word for seed is zera' זרע

(zeh'-rah). It's definition, "fruit, plant"; Strong's #2233. The intent is to express

that the seed represents a perpetuation in thought processes. Wicked thoughts

come from wicked seed. And this is the entire question to be answered: From

whence does the wicked come? An outside source or from within?

Verse 21 - "Prepare slaughter for her children (builders), because of the

iniquity of their fathers (principal thoughts); so that they may not rise

(consciously exalt), possess the earth (mind of man), and fill the face

(countenance) of the world with cities (habitations)."

Children is the same Hebrew word as child, son, and even daughter. The

Hebraic intent is to express the perpetuation of the Father, hence it is defined as

"builder". If a wicked perpetuation of thoughts is continual throughout

generations, then it stands to reason that the land (thought plain) will be

polluted; possessed. The Hebrew word for face is pâneh צכו (paw-neh'). Its

definition, "countenance"; Strong's #6440. “Face” could be described as the

countenance of your soul.

Verse 22 - "For I will rise up against (judgment) them says Yahweh of

Hosts ("mass"; army of thoughts), and cut off Babylon (confusion) the name

and the remnant, and offspring and descendant, says Yahweh."

Who is the "them" spoken of throughout the entire chapter of Isayah: The king

of Babylon, wicked men, rulers (plural) of the earth! Was there one single

reference to a "Lucifer" or some "deity" named "devil", or multiple "devils"?

We obviously have yet to travel to the Renewed Covenant to unmask all of the

inconsistencies brought forth through not only erroneous translations, but

Strong's as well. We will get to that! For now it's time to work towards removing

more scales and expose what has for too long been a wizard behind the curtain.

In order to do the very thing that Scriptures mandate, bringing the totality of

Scripture to bear against any doctrine held on to, we will point out specifically

who this adversary is and then we will go back over every previous question

posed in order to prove the premise made is 100% accurate. In other words

whomever it is that wreaks havoc in the garden and in the book of Job and in

Isayah 14, must be one in the same as Scripture does alludes to. And so without

further ado we expose the beast: It is none other than self will loved one! It is

what is commonly known as the "ego" driven will that stands in total enmity

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against the Mind patterns (Laws) of Yahweh! It is the internal voice within each

soul that whispers, "You don't have to obey commands, you can 'choose' for

yourself; your 'self'." The Hebrew Scriptures, beyond any shadow of a doubt,

titles it the sâtân within every soul! Let's now, with this revelation, go back and

answer every question and leave no stone unturned.

1) Is the systematic use and misuse of the word "adversary" and the word

"sâtân" in it's Hebrew tongue, a mistake of man or a predestined plan of


We have proven that the Hebrew word sâtân (saw-tawn') carries the definitions,

"opponent" and "adversary". We have also revealed that Strong's utilizes in

some verses, only the definitions, and in others the actual word sâtân. I have

made the claim that a great majority of the available translations of the

Scriptures available today, some having been published many years before

Strong's, also systematically use the definitions in specific verses and then use

the actual word sâtân in other specific verses, and they do this with amazing

uniformity. This systematic issue in regards to the question posed is a

predestined allowance (call it a "plan" if you like) from Yahweh allowing for a

great deception to be both perpetuated and upheld by the masses. Yahweh tells

us throughout the Scriptures that His "mysteries" are for His obedient children to

know, and that His wisdom is “hidden” and remains in dark places, away from

the simpleton. The command to "seek" and "find" now given to those who would

revere Yahweh and therefore have the hidden mysteries revealed to them.

Adversely, the disobedient have scales (mental barriers) which remain keeping

them from any perceptions of truth. Carnal pride causes the ignorance which

inevitably leads to the perpetuations of false doctrine therefore leading one into

deeper depravity. The adversary is always man or Yahweh, never some

external nonexistent force.

2) Is the Old Covenant scriptures speaking of some force apart from

and external to man?

No! The consistent and continuing theme throughout Scripture speaks to a

force of course, but it is always referring to that dark place within every soul that

believes it can "choose" rather than obey predetermined commands (for more

on this see "As Soon As Everyone Is Seated..."). It is crucial to understand that

"choices" were only made available to mankind after his fall (represented

through Adam and Eve), and those choices were made available through a

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unilateral Covenant alone. A decision by Yahweh to choose fallen souls to place

His Mind, His Temple into, so now proper choices could be made, but only after

the fall! Yahweh, "...took out the heart (center of intellect) of stone (hardened

carnal thoughts)", and replaced it with His Mind, placed on "tablets of the mind

(heart)." The Hebrew dialect is always speaking about Yahweh's Kingdom, a

Mind Kingdom that He and His Son Yahshua always declared was "within you".

3) Is there a twofold meaning in the Old Covenant in regards to sâtân?

Is it referring to both what is within man and a force apart from man?

The only instance wherein a force is at work apart from man's own thinking is

when supernatural messages are placed within the mind of chosen men from

Yahweh's Temple within the conscience. These are the "malâk" we have spoken

of and will speak more on later. This is most famously illustrated by the

hardening of Pharaoh's ("sungod"; belief in human wisdom) mind against

Yahweh long before Pharaoh himself even realized it.

The malâk of Yahweh are internal messengers and messages placed into man

in order for Yahweh's purposes to be fulfilled. Whether for mental salvation or

destruction, it is an internal matter controlled by Yahweh alone. As with the

words devil, demonic and the like, the word “angel” is also a systematic

deception purported to the masses. The quest to take those things that were

always intended to discuss a Kingdom/kingdoms "within", and subvert them into

acts of the physical or external world outside of man's conscience, is the

travesty of the blind leading the blind.

4) Why do almost all translations as well as Strong's systematically

pluralize the use of the words referring to sâtân(s), snake(s),

adversary(ries) and the like, yet claim there is only one uppercase "Devil"?

Clearly because the Hebraic words we have analyzed are often used in their

plural context; more than one, it leaves the promoters of the "being apart from

man" theory on a very shaky foundation. There is no denying the many sâtâns in

one's life that are expressed in the Hebrew Scriptures. The true Hebrew intent is

to express the many adversarial whispers that goes through one's mind, all

saying, "I don't have to obey, I can choose my own path!" The many thoughts

that are at enmity with the commands of Yahweh are the plural sâtân's. So at the

very least the proponents of the mystical creature external from man must now

concede to the fact that there must at the very least be more than one? The

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Scriptures leave no room for just one adversary but a multiplicity of adversaries

working one at a time or in unison. It is best for those who need a devil to not

even deal with these facts altogether. Need? Not yet loved one. There is more

to see before we open this final door.

5) Why is there a systematic capitalization of the word sâtân in very

specific verses when in fact it is not to start a new sentence?

Though the answer may be hard to swallow it is only willful blindness that has

allowed for this perpetual deception. The Hebrew text expresses zero intent to

capitalize the word sâtân in the midst of a sentence and yet, it has happened

amongst translators and Strong's. As with the previous unanswered questions

about "Why?", this is where you should be getting malâkim (messages) within

your conscience about all of it?

6) What other words besides satan help us discern the truth about what is being

expressed in the Old Covenant?

A) chattlâʼâh חטאת (khat-taw-aw), "offense", Strong's #2403 - châtâʼ חטא

(khaw-taw), "miss", Strong's #2398. This word and it's root word are the

commonly known word "sin". Hebraically this word is always used as one to

represent a mental failing, a matter of consciousness. Never is the cause of sin

said to be a "devil".

B) ʽâvôn עון (aw-vone'), "perversity"; Strong's #5771 - ʽâvâh עוה (aw- vaw');

"crook"; Strong's #5753. This word and it's root word are the commonly known

word "iniquity". Hebraically all iniquity begins in the heart (center of intellect) only

to then perhaps manifest in the physical realm. Never is iniquity blamed on an

external devil.

C) pehsha' פשע (peh-shah), "revolt"; Strong's #6588 - pâsha' פשע (paw- shah'),

"break"; Strong's #6586. This word and it's root word are the commonly known

word "transgression". Hebraically it is always the mind of man that transgresses

against the commands of Yahweh, and never is a devil blamed for man's

transgressions. Of course the "whisper" is blamed.

7) How does all this play into the words utilized in the Renewed

Covenant and the stories told regarding sâtân(s)?

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The Old Covenant written in Hebrew, the organic language that caused creation

by Yahweh's Sovereign decree, is the guideline for all scripture. If you do not

understand Hebrew definitions and intent you will fail in your understanding of

what is being expressly stated in the Renewed Covenant. Yahshua ("Yahweh

saves") the mâshiyach ("anointed" thinker) said, "For had you believed

Môsheh (the writer of the Torah), you would have believed me." (Yahchanan

(John) 5:46) We will soon expose all of the lies perpetuated upon the Renewed


8) How is it possible for cities and nations to "hiss"?

We have learned that the Hebrew intent of nations is the firmly held

"constructs in thought" within a conscience. The Hebrew word for cities is

ʽiyr עיר (eer). Its definition, "encampment"; Strong's #5892. The Hebrew

intent is to express mental habitations, thoughts that gather and dwell

within. The "hiss" produced by nations and cities is none other than the

adversarial positions the self will often takes up against Yahweh.

Remember that it is said that the carnal (without Yahweh's Mind) mind is

at enmity (total hatred) with the things (mental patterns) of Yahweh.

(Romans 8:7)

9) Is there any instance in the Old Covenant where the idea of a

"serpent" is alluded to, and that is a force other than man, Yahweh, cities

and nations?

It is all or nothing loved one! Either the "serpent" is the self will that comes from

within each conscience or it is entirely an oppressive force apart from man.

Scripture does not allow for both and we look at another word that will give us

more insight:

'ôyêb איכ (o-yabe'); "hating, adversary"; Strong's #341 – ʽâyab איכ (aw-yab');

"hate, hostile"; Strong's #340. This word and it's root word are the commonly

known word "enemy(ies)". Hebraically, this word always refers to either man

being the enemy or Yahweh Himself being the enemy of some men. Let's look

at a very telling verse that literally expresses it all:

"For the son (builder) dishonors the father (premiere thoughts), the

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daughter (emotional "builder") rises against her mother (comfort), the

daughter-in-law rises against the mother-in-law - a man's (builders)

enemies are the men of his own house (mindset)." (Micahyah 7:6)

...A man's enemies are the men of his own house."

"...a builders hatred are the thoughts of his own mindset."

Is this enemy/enemies ever some force external to man or is it always a matter

of internal processes?

10) Why is the word serpent systematically implanted into the Old

Covenant text?

An excerpt from Wikipedia should do as it is not my purpose to go into the

depths of languages (intent included) other than the Hebrew language:

"serpens and serpent come from the Latin serpere, 'to creep', from the Indo

European root Serp-2 'to crawl, creep'. Derivations: serpent, serpiqo (a

spreading skin eruption or disease, such as ringworm, from Latin serpere, to

crawl), herpes, herpetology (the words from Greek herpeton, 'crawling animal',

from herpein, to crawl, creep)." [Pokorny serp-912. Watteins]

The Latin language came over 3700 years after the Hebrew language.

Mysticism? Witchcraft? Consistent with Hebraic intent? You decide.

11) If the cattle and the beasts are supposed to express physical life,

the exterior kingdom, then why are the Hebrew words with their definitions

not expressing such?

This is the exact crux of the entire matter not only in regards to the erroneous

concept of a "devil" in the physical world (though unseen), but also to the hidden

mystery that all, and this means every single word and how they form

sentences, of the Old Covenant is written about processes of thought (an

internal Kingdom/kingdoms) and not physical existence. The idea that two

completely different stories, of two different realities, are being expressed and

unveiled depending on your level of intimacy with Yahweh is absolutely what

Scripture refers to as "hidden, deep, dark mysteries". For far too long people

have embraced the idea of talking snakes, donkeys and mystical creatures

unseen; all of these formed through minds of immature men, and widely

accepted by the masses.

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Remembering that His Kingdom is the Kingdom "within", let's recap some

Hebrew words and their definitions: behêmâh כהמה (be-hay-maw'); "dumb";

Strong's #929. This is the Hebrew word commonly known as "cattle". Does the

definition ("dumb") seem to be speaking of an external kingdom, or is it that

"dumbness" is what is cursed? Does the reason for the cursing now become

painfully clear? Interestingly enough our next word also shares the pattern, but it

has a more intended meaning as well.

chay, חי (khah'-ee); "raw, fresh"; Strong's #2416. This is the Hebrew word

commonly known as "beast(s)". A deeper look into the Hebrew definition would

reveal that the "raw" part has a particular intent: "raw (flesh)". As we know from

the entirety of the book of Romans, the war between "flesh (mind without

Yahweh's interference) and Mind", is a war of wills. Is it any wonder Yahshua

the Messiah was perfected for the continuing mantra he spoke within, "Not my

will but Thy will be done!” The beasts are the unruly thoughts within every

conscience, and of course these are cursed!

12) Why are the cattle and beasts cursed in Chapter three of Genesis?

It should be obvious by now? Why would physical animals be cursed even

before Adam and Eve were cursed, as if the physical animals sinned or

something? It becomes crystal clear that the curses were upon ignorant, unruly

thoughts within the mind of man.

13) Why a singular "devil" at all? Considering that the origin of the

words devil is from the Greek language it should not be hard to decipher

why a mystical "deity" apart from man would be widely received and


Greek mythology at its best! The word diabŏlŏs διάβολος (dee-ab-ol-

os) is defined as "traducer", Strong's #1228g. It's root is diaballŏ διαβάλλω

(dee-ab-al-lo); "traduce, accuse"; Strong's #1225g. It's root has two words:

dia διά (dee-ah'); "act"; Strong's #1223g, as well as ballō βάλλω (bal'-o);

"throw"; Strong's #906g.

Would it be much to ask that if one were attempting to "translate" the Hebrew

language, the organic language of the earth, that the definitions would actually

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be consistent? The Greek language came over 2400 years after the language of

the Torah and much more came with the Greek language. A culture of

polytheism, rampant paganism, and a high belief in the unseen "gods". But

practically speaking does the Greek word for devil and it's definition speak to

some horned, pitchforked entity, or does even the Greek language speak to

something else? If the culture was not so rampant with transgressions against

Yahweh, one could actually utilize the definition of the word diabolos to prove it

speaks of a kingdom within. Something to add to your internal dialogue as you

seek the highest truth.

14) So is livyâthân (leviathan) the same entity as the commonly held

view of the "serpent"?

We have learned that the "hiss", the "whisper", the "opponent", are none other

than expressions, Hebrew expressions attributed to the self will. The behavior

within each conscience that demands the devastating concept that has been

titled "free will". Perfection was already established and adhering to that

perfection would forever be synonymous with "obeying commands". ʼÂdâm by

naming all living creatures, was acknowledging what was/is the acceptable and

unacceptable boundaries of thought allowed by Yahweh. And that any attempt

to "alter" perfection, couched under a falsity titled "free will", was the exact

causing of the fall of man. Âdâm knew that to attempt to "choose" rather than

"obey" was death will, and he [we] did it anyway. Any attempt to "add" or "take

away" from what was already deemed perfect would only ever be that unfettered

ego whispering within, "I can do better than Yahweh's perfection!" With this we

find that livyâthân is merely another way of expressing the actions of the self will.

The "wreathing" is the intertwining of many thoughts that conjure and uphold

any ideas that formulate into broader and larger constructs of thought. Of course

all of this building is for an internal kingdom of destruction; a house (mindset)

divided that will certainly fall. Think about the arms of an octopus and how they

entangle their prey rendering it stricken and helpless. The same goes with the

subtlety of the desires of the "self" will and it's inevitable "takeover" of

consciousness. A "death will" fall indeed!

15) Since multiple "vipers" are spoken of and this is always referring to

men, how does one reconcile that if they claim there is a singular "devil"

being discussed in Scriptures?

Exactly! As with all of our defined terms, never once does Scriptures name

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sources apart from direct acts (mental of course) of Yahweh or man. Because of

your new found understanding the idea of multiple "hisses" is completely

consistent with the wiles of the self will. There are many different "minds" within

the carnal conscience; the mind of lust, the mind of anger, the mind of greed,

etc., all of which have their own "hiss" inside the conscience. "Vipers" and

"devils" are often terms that bring many to correlate these as attributer of the

"devil" and cause much continuing deception for those who do connect the

concepts. The damage caused by this kind of thinking is soon to be exposed.

16) Does the Old Covenant scriptures leave room for any concept of

"mind warfare" with some force outside of man?

By simply defining each Hebrew word and studying and praying for mindful

discernment about the intent, we find that there is not a single verse nor any

story within the text that would allow for what modern day dogma would

describe as "spiritual warfare from the devil". This ill conceived and scripturally

erroneous position is the very thing that has caused the perpetual

powerlessness amongst those who claim to be "of Him". In fact, this will be part

and parcel of the kind of question answered within this body of work; "Why the

deception?" Answering this question will be the very thing that will catapult you

into new mental places, receiving the power that comes with it.

17) Why the changes from sâtân, to livyâthân, to Lucifer, to devil, and so


We have learned that sâtân and livyâthân have specific intent in the Hebrew

language and are actually translated very accurately into modern language:

sâtân, leviâthân. Lucifer, like the word serpent is of Latin origin, a language

appearing long after the Torah was written. The deception in replacing Hebrew

text with words such as, serpent, is part and parcel of an agenda that has been

systematically adhered to for thousands of years and the "Why?" to all of this is

soon to come.

18) Is the carnal quest to rule and govern apart from Yahweh's will a

desire that is only fed from within the conscience or is there any outside

force(s) that aid in this failing endeavor?

It is always a battle from within! In the short time physical life will be granted to

man the physical aspects will only ever be the after effects of decisions made in

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the conscience. Certainly Yahweh utilizes the physical aspects of life, but only

ever to reveal the intents of the mind. It is said that "Murder begins in the heart

[center of intellect]," and as with lust, greed and all other states of mind, these all

manifest after the processes of thought have manifested. The whisper that says,

"Go ahead, He won't mind, I have the right to this," as well as many other

internal seductions are all Hebraically matters of the conscience. No outside

force is necessary for the mind of man to fall.

Let's now go back to the book of Îyôwb for a clearer perspective of the intent of

what is truly being said and let's do so with a proven and predetermined thought:

sâtân is the “self” will. To bring even more clarity it is good to see exactly

where or in what frame of mind shall we say, the conversation between Yahweh

and sâtân (self will) takes place.

We discussed the Hebrew word for land is intended to express "thought plain"

within the conscience. At verse 1 of chapter 1 of Îyôwb, the action takes place,

"In the land of Uz..." Uz is from the Hebrew word ʽÛwts עוץ (oots). Its

definition, "consultation"; Strong's #5780. So we can see that the dialogue

between Yahweh and sâtân takes place, "In the thought plain of consultation..."

Îyôwb איוב is at Strong's #347, It's definitions, "hatred, persecuted". In finishing

the first verse of Îyôwb chapter one we have: "In the thought plain of

consultation there lived (consciously dwelt) a man (thought); hated was his

countenance (name)."

And he was hated because he (the righteous thought) reverenced Yahweh.

Because each conscience, each ʼÂdâm (carnal life force) and Eve (giving

sensual life) fell from Yahweh, only the chosen would now be able to wage war

in the conscience through the Mind of Yahweh within each conscience; the

Kingdom within. We have previously mentioned this "flesh vs. Mind" battle, most

poignantly documented in the book of Romans, but witnessed firsthand here in


Because the conscience of man is completely carnal apart from the Mind of

Yahweh the patterns Yahweh creates to redeem a fallen mind is often described

as a "war" for good reason.

Îyôwb ("hated, persecuted") is the righteous thoughts Sovereignly placed into

the conscience of the chosen. What happens when those righteous thoughts

enter in by Holy decree is a "natural" rebellion from the carnal thoughts that

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have long ruled over the fallen conscience, the domain of sâtân. As we have

learned the “chief” or “king” of the entire thought world (body) is the self will and

it is this sâtân that engages in a conversation with Yahweh in the "thought plain

of consultation". The "sons of Yahweh," as we have learned are the "builders of

Yahweh", those renewed thoughts that bring the war right to the front seat of

consciousness where sâtân's throne once was. Keeping with Hebraic intent it

would be perfectly appropriate to call the sons of Yahweh the "renewing

thoughts of Yahweh"; the clean thoughts. Is it any wonder that when they are

present the "adversary" is also present to argue his case? In this classic telling

the self will (sâtân) is always ready to boast of itself and when Yahweh asks,

"Where do you come from?" (1:7), we now find it remarkable that sâtân

answers, "From going back (W) and forth (E) in the earth (mind of man), and

from walking up (N) and down (S) it". Again, it is paramount to understand

that it is only by Sovereign decree that a man receive the Mind (rûwach) of

Yahweh that dwells in the Temple of Yahweh. It is from this place within that He

has placed His Laws (mind patterns) on, "tablets (right brain [male], left brain

[female]); wisdom and understanding of the human (what was once the "hue" of

"man") mind", as we have learned. Sâtân (upper case to start a sentence only)

had complete rule in every soul until Yahweh decided to redeem chosen souls

and let the inner battle commence. Yahweh said to sâtân: "Have you (self will)

considered my servant (mind witness) 'hated'? There is none ("no thought")

like him in the earth (mind of man) who...shuns (mentally rejects)

wickedness (unclean thoughts)." (1:8)

Yahweh makes a formal announcement in consciousness, to the self will, that

the persecuted thoughts within the conscience are His treasured possession,

and He boldly challenges the self will to attempt to defeat the Mind's will. Of

course as always the arrogant self will responds in its condescending way:

"Does Job (hated thoughts in the mind) reverence (mentally submit) Yahweh

for no reason? Have you not made a hedge (yes, this is the same word as

"garden" in Genesis 2) around (N,S,E,W) him, as well as around his

household (body of thoughts) and all that he has on every side?" (1:9-10)

What we can clearly perceive is that the unfettered ego at the very least

somewhat comprehends the manna (mind food) that Yahweh releases into each

chosen conscience and protects (the hedge) that information.

It is said of this internal war, "Not by might (self reliance) nor by power (self

assurance) but by My Mind (Mind's breath)." (Zech 4:6) The self will realizes

it's doom lest it can deceive and even attempts to tempt Yahweh Himself: "But

put out your hand (mental grasp) and strike (mentally pierce) all that he (the

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conscience that hates the unclean) has, and he will curse You to Your face

(countenance)!" (1:11)

From this encounter in the conscience Yahweh, Yahweh's servant (the "hated"

thought leading to inner renewal), and sâtân (the self will) dialogue about who in

fact will rule in the mind gifted the opportunity for renewal and eventual salvation

(mental perfection). Remember that each soul has every experience within it's

conscious boundaries. Nôach represents thoughts at "rest" even as the flood

(judgment) rushes on. Môsheh represents those thoughts that "draw out" the

Mind of Yahweh within the conscience. Yaʽăqôb [Jacob] represents inner

renewal, the "supplanting" from old ways of thinking to new ways of thinking.

Israel is representative of "thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh" within each

chosen conscience, and on and on it goes! In the instance of chapter one of

Îyôwb, the self will acknowledges the protected thoughts within the conscience

and it "hates" the entire premise of it, so it begins to mock not only the thoughts

but the Creator of them. The accusation is that if Yahweh removes His

protective Hands, those thoughts that rely upon His Mind's power will inevitably

curse and forsake Him. Yahweh's releasing of that hedge leads the self will to

be able to go after the sons (builders of conscious perfection) and daughters

(emotional beauty in the conscience) and attempts to destroy the entire

foundation. (1:14-15) The attack on the animals (beastly, unruly thoughts yet

undisciplined) of Îyôwb was also the self will's way of undermining the immature

understanding of thoughts placed into consciousness; a misunderstanding of

what the "malʼâk/malʼâkûwth" intended. Many internal attacks commencing

within, those thoughts "hating" cleanliness, as well as those thoughts "hating"

the now perceived uncleanliness. Îyôwb, the embodiment of the conscience at


Because of the self will's failure to decimate the thoughts placed in the chosen

conscience being redeemed, a second series of attacks is seen in Îyôwb

chapter two. Once again the self will accuses both the intent of each new

thought not borne forth from carnality, as well as Yahweh Himself. The sâtân

says, "Skin for skin! A man will give all he has for his own life, but reach

out your hand and strike his flesh and bones; then he will curse you to

your face!" (Iyyob 2:4-5). We have learned that “skin” in its Hebrew intent,

means "bare" or "naked", and as for “flesh and bones” we have "fresh" and

"bind", Strong's #s 1320 and 6106.

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Let's look again and see: "Naked for naked! A man will give all he has for

his own life, but reach out your hand and strike his freshness and binding;

then he will curse you to your face!" Sâtân's argument is that in his natural

state the conscience of man will do all it can to follow the self will, and if Yahweh

were to remove the Mind's voice (the freshness) and the Mind's power (the

binding) that the conscience of man would go right back to his sinful desire of a

will apart from Yahweh's will. And this couched under a delusion titled "free will,"

by the masses. Was sâtân actually right about this? Stay tuned! There can be no

duality in the conscience. It will either be sin (man centered thinking that actually

is outside of man's control) or righteousness (Yahweh's Mind about everything).

It is well said that each conscience is a "slave to whom it obeys," (Romans

6:16) and also that a, "house (mindset) divided cannot stand". (Matt 12:25) In

the end, Yahweh and His "hated" manifestations inevitably overcome the self

will, but sâtân was telling an actual truth in verses four and five of chapter two: If

Yahweh removes His Mind from the conscience for even one moment, the self

will would quickly rise up and attempt to return to it's vomit. Let's listen to the

words of Job and see if he would agree with this.

"My ears (understanding) heard (a distant understanding) of You [Yahweh],

but now (after more revelation has come) my own eyes (carnal perceptions

bowing to His perceptions) see (fully comprehend) You. Therefore (because of

the revelation), I despise ("hate") myself (my "self") and I repent in dust

(carnal depravity) and ashes (full sacrifice)."(Job 42:5-6)

Îyôwb due to the war within, learned of the mental precepts that were required

for renewal, and his life (consciousness) was an embodiment of the mind's

struggle for renewal and the inner persecutions one faces in that struggle.

A thousand mental deaths is what the process of renewal "feels" like, and to

forsake that process under the guise of "self" preservation is of the worst sins

one can partake of.

Is it any wonder that Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mentality) said that, "... he

who loses his life (total mind life burdened by carnality) shall find it (Yahweh's

mind)."?(Mattithyah 16:25)

There are many more areas of Scripture of the Old Covenant text yet to be

expanded upon but that work is yours to do. Rest assured that when there is a

force that seems to be of external, physical origin, the Hebraic definitions and

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their intent will expose the true Kingdom being discussed; the Kingdom of

consciousness. Having exposed more than enough to give you a stable

foundation we now travel to the Renewed Covenant and explore several areas,

several stories that for far too long have been fairy tales rather than intended

expositions revealing more battles between the self will and the will of Yahweh.

As we have begun to learn, it is a battle over the conscience of chosen souls

and it is a battle that can only be waged individually within each soul.


Three specific scriptures will help us remedy any statements like, "Well perhaps

there is no such creature called 'devil' in the Old Covenant, but maybe that

changed in the time Yahshua walked the earth. Maybe Yahshua taught about an

actual devil." Plenty of scriptures resolve this potential dilemma of the mind but

as stated, three will do. Yahshua the anointed said:

"For truly I say to you; unless heaven and earth passes away (meaning not

until that happens), one yâd (the smallest of the Hebrew letters, the 10th letter

in the Hebrew alphabet; "power" is it's definition. Commonly called "jot" from a

horrific Greek interpretation; iota) will in no way pass from the law (the totality

of all of Yahweh's mind patterns), until all things are perfected. Whosoever,

therefore, will break one of the least of these laws, and will teach men to

do so, he will be called least in the Kingdom of Yahweh; but whosoever

will do and teach them, the same will be called great in the Kingdom of

Yahweh." (Matt 5:18-19) (Also see Matt 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 16:17 &

21:33) And another verse:

"And this is love: That we walk after His laws. Those are the laws, that as

you have heard from the beginning (Genesis), you should walk in them." (II

Yahchanan (John) 1:6) And the last verse:

"For had you believed Môsheh (the writer (mental scribe) of Torah), you

would have believed me, for he wrote about me (the "Yahweh saves"

mentality). But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my

words?" (Yahchanan (John) 5:46-47)

The never changing Father offers not one single scripture to allude to in any

fashion a being known as “devil”. The entire Old Covenant is the law of Yahweh

both spoken and lived out (consciously of course), and it is abundantly clear that

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Yahshua would not be changing any of the power (yâh) that the language of

creation had previously offered. He would however be the Master of correction

in that he would literally "renew" the covenant of Môsheh and properly institute

it's organic intent, while at the same time crushing any and all false doctrines

about that covenant: "You have heard it said (by liars and thieves) but I tell

you this...", would be his modus operandi. Let's first take a look at the very

words we analyzed from their Hebrew origin and see what transpired in an

attempt to translate them into a language that came over two thousand and four

hundred years later:

adversary – antidikŏs, άντίδικος (an-tid'-ee-kos); "opponent, Satan"; Strong's

#476g (Greek dictionary).

Certainly this Greek word could apply to Hebrew intent, but only if the entirety of

the Greek language did not adamantly support the idea that "Sâtân" and the

"Devil" are one in the same. The definition also includes the words "arch-

enemy" and further pushes the agenda. And how did we get from sâtân

("adversary") to antidikŏs ("Satan"), and yet still attempt to call it consistent and

factual? Prayerfully several red flags are raised in your conscience immediately.

How can the Greeks be specifically referring to the satan of the Old Covenant

and yet changing the entire intent of what is specifically intended in the Hebrew

text? Where is the mandate to do so?

sâtân – satanas, Σατανάς (sat-an-as'); "the accuser, devil"; Strong's #4567g.

So we see that our non-capitalized Hebrew word takes on a completely new

form and function according to the Greeks. A word that intends to express the

adversarial self will within the conscience, now specifically given a new title with

a new intent; devil.

devil – diabŏlŏs, διάβολος (dee-ob'-ol-os); "traducer, Satan"; Strong's #1228g.

It's root is diaballo διαβάλλω (dee-ab-al-lo); "traduce"; Strong's #1225g. It's root

is dia διά (dee-ah); "channel"; Strong's #1223g.

Oh they so much want to get it right, or do they? If you took the implanted and

leading word "Sâtân" out of the definition it would actually be close to the intent

with the Hebrew language, but it is the entirety of how the Greeks present the

"devil" that makes it all a sham. One need not delve too far into Grecian history

to come to understand that the polytheistic society was wracked with multiple

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deities and demi-gods. The language itself having come over two thousand four

hundred years after the Hebrew language, was clearly infiltrated with pagan

customs and folklore. The systematic adherence to the Greek mindset by both

Strong's and the many translations is a travesty that began in the Old Covenant

and carries forth into the New Covenant.

hiss/hissing - No such words are found in Renewed Covenant scripture nor the

Greek language.

whisper – psithurismŏs, ψιθυρισμός (psith-oo-ris-mos'); "whisper, slander";

Strong's #5587g.

Interestingly enough in the two verses in the Renewed Covenant where the

above word is utilized it clearly involves acts of men and not some force external

to man, and as important is the idea that the “whisper” is about a mental


"And so since they did not like to retain Yahweh in knowledge, Yahweh

gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do improper things; being filled

with...deceit and malice, whispers..." (Romans 1:28-29) And:

"For I fear that when I come, I may not find you as I would... that

contentions ... slander, whisperings, gossip..." (II Cor 12:20)

It seems like the Greeks came very close to Hebraic intent in that they attribute

the Greek word to scriptures as such, only adding to the tragedy that overall,

they failed utterly at Hebraic intent.

enchant - There is no such word found in the Renewed Covenant scriptures

nor in the Greek language.

affliction – thlipsis, θλίψις (thlip'-sis); "pressure"; Strong's #2347g.

As with the Hebrew scriptures there is no force outside of man that is the source

of the affliction. All affliction (pressure) is of and from man in the Renewed

Covenant. Be of Běrŏia (one who goes "beyond") and see for yourself.

devourer – katěsthiŏ, κατεσθίω (kat-es-thee-o); "eat down, devour"; Strong's

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Several telling things happen in reference to this word that from Hebraic

perspective only refers to men in the Old Covenant. We talked about the seed

and it's Hebraic intent; that it is meant to express processes in thought, planted

into the conscience, and how that seed grows into a perpetuated way of

thinking. Yahshua, with proper intent in mind, said, "And as he (each thought)

sowed (mentally disseminated), some fell by the wayside (ignorance); and

the fowls (mental scavengers) came and completely devoured them." (Matt

13:4) In keeping with the words of Môsheh, Yahshua shows us how it is a matter

of consciousness within, and not some external devourer who haunts man.

Even so, let's look at what many translations and Strong's perpetuated in

regards to another scripture; how the intent from Hebraic scriptures was

completely altered: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the

devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour..." (I

Kepha (Peter) 5:8)

The Greek use the word katapinō, καταπίνω (kat-ap-ee'-no). It's definitions,

"drink down, gulp"; Strong's #2666g. In every single New Covenant scripture

where the word “devour” is utilized, it is processes of and within man that are

spoken of, but as for the "drink down, gulp" that is expressed here, the "devil" is

the "adversary". If this were written with Hebraic intent and consistent with every

other scripture available, it would be said, "...your adversary (internal "whisper"),

sâtân, walks about (just like in the book of Job) like a roaring lion (the

"lacerating" self will), seeking whom he (ego) may devour (mentally consume)."

Greek minded, polytheistic, pagan influenced culture, systematically and

uniformly carried forth into your home (mindset).

evil – pŏnērŏs, πονηρός (pon-ay-ros); "hurtful, evil"; Strong's #4190g. We will

use “wicked(ness)” in it's place.

Now the Greeks of course add "the devil" in their defining of this word and the

several other Greek words that reference evil. This systematic leading of impure

doctrine stands defiantly against the entirety of the Old Covenant wherein

"wickedness" is always attributed to mankind alone. In the Renewed Covenant it

is always best to let Yahshua tell us what is and what is not!

"Blessed are you when men revile and persecute you, and say all manner

of wickedness against you falsely, for My sake." (Matt 5:11)

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Some of Yahshua's first words about wickedness clearly point out who the

culprit is; man and not some force apart from man.

"But if your eye (mental perception) is wicked, your whole body (mindset)

will be full of darkness." (Matt 6:34)

Know that the Hebrew intent of the eye is always about the ability to mentally

perceive. We see that the idea of wickedness and darkness are about

behaviours of consciousness. Contrary to Strong's and the many translators,

there is no devil to be found.

"And Yahshua, discerning their thoughts (a mind issue), said, 'Why are you

thinking wicked thoughts in your minds?'" (Matt 9:4)

Wickedness is and always will be an internal matter wherein each soul is

responsible for the intent of each thought. Remember that the Hebrew definition

for heart is "center of intellect".

"For out of the heart proceeds wicked thoughts, murders, adulteries,

fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies..." (Matt 15:19)

No need for any outside force named "devil".

"I do not pray that You would take them out of the world (in this verse it

speaks to the totality of the thought war within), but that You would keep

(hedge; garden state) them from wickedness." (Yahchanan (John) 17:15)

Many translators systematically implant the word "one" after the word evil in this

verse: "...keep them from the evil one." This carries forth the delusion of a

source distinctly separate from man's conscience and defies every matter of the

Hebrew language and it's intent. It put Yahshua against Môsheh, contrary to

Yahshua's own words. Not one word ever spoken by Yahshua ever attributed

the work of wickedness to a source external to man's mind.

We still need to go back and do a thorough research of the actual Greek words

for sâtân and devil, but let's first look at a few other situations regarding the word

wicked that will help in establishing a solid mental foundation.

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"And Yahweh performed special acts of power through the hands (mental

grasping) of Paul ("asked, requested"; inspired thoughts): so that from his

body (mindset), handkerchiefs (wiping away) or aprons (mental armour) were

brought to the sick, and the diseases (dis-eases) left them, and the wicked

minds went out of them." (Acts 19:11-12)

This accounting in the book of Acts is very telling as it once again pronounces

that "evil" comes from within men. As we learned in the Old Covenant, each

unclean thought is a mind (mental breathing). The mind of lust, the mind of

anger, greed and on and on. All wicked minds must flee from the Temple of

Yahweh placed into the front seat of consciousness of the chosen children. A

house divided (the continuing mental war) can not stand, and all wickedness

comes from within the mind seperated from Yahweh.

legion – lěgiōn, λεγιών (leg-ee-ohn'); "regiment"; Strong's #3003g.

Even the language that comes thousands of years after the Hebrew language

tells us the word refers to something other than foreign entities or "deities"

(another non-Hebrew word).

Let's look at the four scriptures that utilize this Latinized (perhaps a word,

perhaps not) version of a word that Hebraically means "number"; Strong's


"For He [Yahshua] was saying to him (the unclean thought), 'Come out of

that man (soul conscience) unclean mind!' Then He asked him, 'What is

your name (countenance in conscience)?' And he answered, saying, 'My

name is Legion (all caps of course) for we are many.'" (Mark 5:8-9)

Once again we see something called "out of" consciousness, and the Latin

version actually refers to a "Roman regiment", and not that multiple number of

unclean thoughts within that can cause utter reprobation of the mind. Hebraically

it is just as it speaks: "My name is number, for we (unclean thoughts) are

many (menîy)", and hence the call to "Come out!" Just as it is in Isayah 65:11,

so it is here.

"And when they (the thoughts habituating) came to Yahshua (the "Yahweh

saves" mentality) and saw (perceived) him who had been possessed

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(mentally captive) by the number (menîy) of sâtân - sitting (mentally restored)

there and clothed (consciously covered) in his right mind - they (ignorant

thoughts) were afraid." (Mark 5:15)

We must comprehend everything from it's Hebraic intent as found in the Old

Covenant, and as we heard Yahshua himself attest to. The systematic

placement of the non-Hebrew word "demons" into the above scripture, when it

should say adversary, is another deception perpetrated by both the willful and

the ignorant. Remember that the Old Covenant knows no such word nor modern

concepts of “demon or demons”, especially forces outside of man's mind.

Certainly as we know, it was fitting that Yahshua sent the "many" unclean

thoughts into the place of no return (for swine means “penned” in Hebrew).

chăziyr - חזיר (khaz-eer'), "inclose, penned"; Strong's #2386. The intent is to

express that the unclean thoughts have been penned off (swine) and removed

from the conscience where the Temple of Yahweh is to dwell. Luke 8:3 also

recounts the story above and our last verse regarding "legion" is at Mattithyah

21:53. Pay close attention to the change of who this legion represents:

"Yahshua said, 'Do you think that I cannot pray to My Father, who at once

would give me more than twelve legions of malakim?'"

Several things further prove that the Hebrew word translated as "legion" was

never intended to express some "demon" class unknown in Old Covenant

scripture. Because we know the word means "number" or even "many", these

can express both the wicked precepts of man's doing as well as the convictions

and judgments placed into the conscience by Yahweh Himself. Yahshua is

expressing just that - that he could call all twelve faculties within the conscience

(see, "As Soon As Everyone Is Seated...") to bring judgment, into the minds of

the reprobate conscience. Those messages (malakim) if enacted would have

been the equivalent to the “Great White Throne” judgment, right then and there,

but Yahshua knew the Father's timing was perfect timing. Because we have two

different accounts of the "number" we see it is an internal and not an external


leviathan - There is no such word found in the Renewed Covenant scriptures

nor in the Greek language.

oppressor – katadunastěvŏ, καταδέω (kat-ad-oo-nas-tyoo'-o); "exercise

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dominion against"; Strong's #2616g.

In every instance it is man either being oppressed or doing the oppressing.

James 2:6 is a good illustration: " not rich (haughty) men (thoughts)


viper – echinada, έχιδνα (ekh'-id-nah); "viper"; Strong's 2191g. Remember that

the Hebrew word is epheh ("hissing"). In context it matches perfectly with the

rebellion of the self will. The Greeks leave no such room for correct

interpretation of Hebrew intent. Let's look at the five verses in the Renewed

Covenant that speak to the hissing:

"And when Shaul gathered a bunch of sticks ("firm") and laid them on the

fire (judgment), a viper (hiss) came out because of the heat, and fastened

on his hand (mental grasp)."(Acts 28:3)

In the physical realm this would simply be a viper doing as vipers do.

Hebraically however, it speaks to an internal kingdom. When the desire (Paul) to

purify one's mind takes place by the Mind of Yahweh, one can rest assured that

long held to thoughts and patterns of belief will literally "raise their head" (the

hissing) against the renewal taking place. It is about mastery in thought and the

processes one needs to recognize so as not to lose faith and quit the race.

"0 brood (youthful) of vipers (hissings)! How can you being wicked speak

righteous things? ... For out of the abundance of the heart [center of

intellect] the mouth speaks." (Matt 12:34)

Yahshua was perfectly clear where the immature hissing derived from - the

center of intellect; the conscience!

"Serpents (same as in the garden, but multiple serpents)! Brood of vipers!

How will you escape the sentence of sheʼôwl (mental retreat)?" (Matt 23:33)

Multiple serpents and multiple vipers! And if they were physical animals, why

the judgment? A proper perspective of sheol is warranted here:

sheʼôwl, שאוה (sheh-ole'); "retreat"; Strong's #7585. It's root word is shâʼal שאל

(shaw-al'), "inquire, request, demand'; Strong's #7592.

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This oft misused word is intended to express a mental retreat from the Mind's

renewal in consciousness. The reprobate mind not only demands the retreat,

but it is also by Sovereign decree, demands to forever be banished from

Yahweh's presence; the Temple within the conscience. So what is this word that

Hebraically speaks of a condemned conscience often misrepresented as? No

less then the word "hell" of course. Now let's see what the Greeks have to say

about translating the Hebrew word sheʼôwl:

Two words are used in the Greek language that attempt to translate sheʼôwl:

hadēs, άδης (hah'-dace); "unseen, Hades"; Strong's #86g.

Perhaps the "unseen" would have been somewhat close to "retreat" but again,

the addition of the word "Hades" brings with it entire doctrines of Greek

influence. And the other word.

gĕĕna, γέεννα (gheh'-en-nah), "valley of Hinnom"; Strong's #1067g.

This word commonly known as "Gehenna" is quite a far cry from the specific

Hebrew word it claims to translate, and is also far from expressing the intent.

Hinnom is an actual Hebrew word, specifically, Hinnôm (hin-nome'), "sorrow,

groaning"; Strong's #2011. Unfortunately this Hebrew word that does in fact

illustrate a mental place of destitution, never once is utilized to express a place

of eternal judgment for lost souls. Just a little research should not only solidify all

discussed herein, but it should forever change your internal perspective of what

sheʼôwl is and what "hell" is not! And the last verse:

"0 generation (perpetual thoughts) of vipers (hissing)!” (Luke 3:7)

External creatures or internal voices?

warfare – stratĕia, στρατεία (strat-i'-ah), "service"; Strong's #4752g.

Utilized only three times in the Renewed Covenant (I Corin 9:7, II Corin 10:4, I

Tim 1:18) and always dealing with man and not some force external to man.

Hebraically, all warfare is battles within the conscience of man, wherein the soul

that sins is responsible with no other(s) to blame.

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wicked - As with the Old Covenant scriptures, every time a wicked act is

discussed it involves the act of men and not some force external to men.

Now it is time to refocus on two specific words that are most often, though

erroneously so, used to promote the idea of a "being" apart from man. We have

looked at the Greek attempt to translate sâtân and though a systematic

placement of words such as "demon(s)" is found in many translations, Strong's

itself gives no credence to such words. Many translations often interchange the

words devil and demon with no Hebraic mandate for either. Let's look at some

scriptures in the Renewed Covenant and see exactly what is taking place now

that we have an educated understanding of Hebrew words and their intent.

There are many scriptures that have the translations of the word sâtân or devil

utilized and we will look at some specific ones to prove up the premise of this

body of work, and as always, the rest is up to you!

sâtân - Hebrew - "adversary"; the self will.

devil - Greek - "accuser"; external force.

Let's start with words from Yahshua, the man who always spoke what Môsheh


"Thus if sâtân casts out sâtân, he is divided against himself. How then can

his kingdom stand." (Matt 12:26)

Simply stated, if the self will has no other source to derive from then what is left

if the self will abandons itself? Without the gifting of the Mind of Yahweh, the

only force that resides within the conscience (the world of thoughts) of man is

the sneaky whisper (erroneously called "serpent"). Know this too, the self will

always protects the self! It is called compromise! If this were speaking of some

kingdom external to man, then we must declare that Yahshua was in fact

teaching against Môsheh and changing the intent of the word sâtân entirely. Do

we believe Yahshua applied Deuteronomy 4:2 to his life?

"You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor shall you take

anything from it, so that you may keep the Laws of Yahweh your Father

which I command you."

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"So should not this woman (emotional ties) who is a daughter ("builder") of

Abraham ("Father of a multitude"; renewing thoughts), who sâtân has bound –

behold these eighteen years - be released from this bond (mental bondage)

on the Sabbath ("peace") day?" (Luke 3:16)

Of course many translations use the word devil in place of sâtân and of course a

systematic capitalization occurs as well. By now you should feel comfortable

seeing the truth of the Hebraic intent verses quite literally, man's intent. If this

were an Old Covenant scripture it would perhaps be easier to grasp, but being

that the Greeks and Romans love their pagan influence, it is a little more effort

required to see through the haze. This verse is about emotional ties in the

conscience and how it is only by Yahweh's decree that a peaceful state of mind

replace a chaotic emotional mind.

Couple this with the fact that Sabbath represents "completion" as a seventh day

event, and the number 18 is equivalent to 9, which means "upright", then we see

a process of renewal unto completion; perfection. Resurrected minds is what

Hebrew intent demands and illustrates. It is about true reality.

"Now Yahshua said, 'Simon ("hearing"; understanding)! Simon! Behold,

sâtân (the adversarial whisper) wanted you, so he could sift you like wheat

(mental thrashing); But I prayed for you (understanding) that your faith

("firmness, security"; mental reliance) does not fail..." (Luke 22:31)

"Hearing! Understanding! Behold (pierce)..." It is good to know that Hebraically

"wheat" and "faith" are synonymous with each other. Scripture often talks of the

harvest ("severed"; separation) of the wheat and it's intent is to express those

minds that are "set apart" from wickedness; Yahweh's "first fruits" in


"And after the piece of bread (information), sâtân entered him. Then

Yahshua said to him, 'What you (death will) are going to do, do quickly!'"

(Yahchanan 13:27)

It is first important to realize that the term "entered him" is a term expressly not

utilized in Hebraic understanding. It seems fitting that if one were to buy in to the

"external force" hype that there must be some form of entrance into the soul

being persecuted. "And after the piece of bread, sâtân perverted him..." This

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intent is true to Môsheh and is in perfect alignment with Old Covenant text. The

"whisper" is always man, Yahweh, or cities and nations. No external force


"And no marvel; for sâtân himself is transformed into a malak (message)

of light..." (II Corinthians 11:14)

Remember that malak means "despatch, messenger". This is messages in the

conscience that are either derived from the self will, the kingdom of darkness, or

they are messages of Yahweh's will, the Kingdom of Light. The "self" always

convinces itself that it's path, though broad, will be beneficial. It is none other

than self appeasement and will always fail at the command; perfection! "But it

seemed like such a good idea...," and then the fall. Consider as well that as for

chosen children and even the wicked, other than one scripture which

erroneously uses the phrase "entered in", there is not one single scripture to

support the idea of a being entering into the conscience of man. More specific,

there is no such concept of a "devil" being able to enter into a child that has

Yahweh's temple residing within. Yahweh is the Light! Darkness is the will of


"Of whom Hymenaeus ("god of marriage"; the conscience mixing carnal

wisdom with carnal emotion) and Alexander ("man defender"; carnal

compromise), whom I have delivered to sâtân, in order that they may be

taught not to blaspheme (scorn)." (I Timothy 1:20)

Of course there is a systematic capitalization of the word sâtân among

translators. Ughhh! Several scriptures give us good insight into what this giving

over symbolizes and Hebraic intent is crucial in perfect understanding. The

Hebrew word mâʼac מאס (maw -as'), means "spurn, disappear"; Strong's #3988.

This is the modern day word for “reprobate” and “rejected”. The idea is that the

self will always blasphemes, but when one is completely given over to that fallen

will the reaping is devastating! To be handed over to sâtân is to be handed over

to the self will, and this is a bad mental space to be given over to. Modern day

words like “despair”, “grief” and “sorrow”, only begin to explain what this handing

over creates within a soul. This is intended to either cure blasphemy or to seal

one to mental destruction.

A few Renewed Covenant scriptures align with this concept:

The Devil Inside Page 53 of

"Yahweh gave them over to a reprobate mind." (Romans 1:28)

"...Yahweh will send them strong delusion, that they would believe the

deception..." (II Thess 2:11)

"And when the thousand years are expired, sâtân will be loosed out of his

prison, and will go out to deceive the nations (constructs of thought) which

are in the four (N,S,E,W) quarters of the earth (mind of man)." (Rev 20:7-8)

Exactly as it was with Job, so it is here. Let's look at this scripture again with

more Hebraic intent illustrated:

"And when the thousand (mental "yoking") years (mental revolutions) are

expired, sâtân (the whisper of the adversary called the "self will") will be

loosed (released back into the conscience of specific souls) out of his prison

(mental binding), and will go out (out into the conscience) to deceive the

nations (strongly held beliefs) which are in the four (N=dark, S=parched,

E=open, W=roar) quarters (mental boundaries) of the earth (mind of man)."

Always within, never some external matter.

We have yet to do a thorough review of the systematically implanted word

“devil” and we are coming to that shortly, but let's first expose another

fascinating aspect of the deceptions in the use of language. Up to this point we

have exhausted several misunderstood areas of Scripture from Old and

Renewed Covenant text, in reference to our word sâtân. You are left with internal

choices that must be made: "Is it the self will or is it a being external to my

soul?", and, "Does getting Hebraic intent wrong put me on a very shaky

foundation?" We have yet to discuss the life altering reason that knowing this

truth will bring you, but until then it is good for you to ponder these questions.

Both Strong's and the many translators of Scripture have also systematically

added another interesting nuance into the equation. To enlighten or deceive,

that is the question!

In Mark 1:12-13, we have an accounting of a very specific event: "And

immediately the Mind drove Him into the wilderness; and He was there in

the wilderness forty days, tempted by satan; and was with the wild beasts;

and the malakim ministered to Him."

The Devil Inside Page 54 of

Several very important things must be understood within the context of Hebraic

intent, the true meaning and purpose.

We know that the Mind Yahweh's allotted portion of Himself to chosen souls)

was placed into chosen children by Yahweh's decree (Deut 30:6), and that the

wilderness is the "parched" place within each conscience that longs for living

water (Mind influence). We also know that four represents the totality of man's

thought abilities, or the full make up of earth: N=water, S=soil, E=fire, W=air.

The tempting by sâtân is the self will demanding choices couched under the lie

of "free will", and the wild beasts are those "unruly" thoughts within the soul. The

malakim are those thoughts under the command of Yahweh that comfort the

mind in need. What we have here is a great test! Yahshua the messiah

(anointed thinker), the man, had to be tested by Yahweh in order to prove up

that he could achieve sinlessness no matter the temptation. The test was to

allow him to be severely tempted by his own will, a will he specifically declared

as separate from the Father's: "Not my will but Thy will be done." Yahshua

knew that in order to save all that the Father gave him, he would need to only do

the will of the Father and never his own. Is it any wonder that he said, "... so

whatever I speak, I am saying what my Father has told me to say."

(Yahchanan 12:50) Having this documented event we see the words Môsheh

fully preached and practiced by Yahshua, but something strange happens

according to Strong's and the many translators of Scripture. Let's go to

Mattithyah 4:1 and take a look:

"Then Yahshua was led up by the Mind into the wilderness, to be tempted

by the devil."

What do we have here? Is this not the same incident as spoken of above in

Mark, or is it some transaction not with sâtân but with a "devil"? Of course it is

the same account as above and we see a systematic alteration of Hebraic intent

and it's sâtân, to Greek influence and it's devil. Remember that there is no such

words as devil(s) or demon(s) in the Hebrew language, nor is there ever any

intent to express some being apart from man. The “hiss” is only ever man,

Yahweh or cities and nations. Let's actually go deeper into this accounting in

Mattithyah and do so remembering Yahshua's words: "If you don't believe

Môsheh how can you believe me!"

"So when the tempter came to him, he said, 'If you are the son (builder) of

Yahweh, command these stones to be turned to bread.'" (Matt 4:3)

The Devil Inside Page 55 of

An external "deity" or the whisper within? Is it not very compelling that from the

Hebrew intent we come to know that the "stones" are "hardened thoughts" and

"bread" can be the giving of information as it is referred to in this verse.

Yahshua was fully cognizant of the fact that Yahweh alone could redeem a

fallen mind and he was also fully aware that until his death (loss of self will),

resurrection (mind renewal), and ascension (perfected conscience), that it was

Yahweh's sole capacity to do the work within a soul. The Hebrew word for tempt

is nâcâh נסה (naw-saw'). It's definition,"test"; Strong's #5254. There is not a

single scripture in the Old Covenant wherein the tempter is anything other than


No outside force, no "devil". We know that satan is the whisper in the garden

that speaks within each soul, and it is this same whisper that Yahshua battles

here in Mattithyah.

Yes, Yahshua had to deny his own will in order to continually remain in perfect

Oneness with the Mind of Father Yahweh. Yahshua's response to the tempter:

"It is written (pre-scribed), 'Man (thoughts) does not live by bread alone but

by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh.'" (Matt 4:4)

Of course He is quoting Môsheh at Deuteronomy 8:3. Information (bread) is

plentiful in the carnal world, but Yahweh's Hebrew words are what save a mind.

When Yahweh literally blows (mouth) His wisdom into a conscience from His

Temple within chosen souls, this is the only thing that brings a productive

conscience (life) into it's fullness.

"Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, and set Him on the pinnacle

of the sacred precincts of the House of Yahweh." (Matt 4:5)

Of course the holy city (mental habitation) is Yerûwshâlêm ("peace"). The

Hebrew word that expresses the "pinnacle" is kânâph, כנף (kaw-nawf). It's

definitions are "edge, extremity"; Strong's #3671. This would be found under the

commonly known word "wing". The self will taunts the renewing thoughts placed

into chosen souls. It often refers to the Creator, but it can voice but a mere

pittance of who in fact Yahweh is. The "sacred precincts" are none other than

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the internal meeting places a soul may seek Yahweh, the "Holy of Holies" being

at the front seat of consciousness. Of course satan (or is there a devil too?) can

only speak of the outer edges of that consciousness. Only a judge of mental

matters (High Priest) can enter into the most sacred places of Yahweh.

"He (sâtân or devil?) said to him [Yahshua], 'If you are the son (builder),

throw yourself down; for it is written (mentally inscribed); For He [Yahweh]

will give His malakim (erroneously called "angels") charge concerning you,

to keep you in all your ways (mind paths). They (the messengers) will bear

you up in their hands (ability to grasp), if you should strike your foot

(stability) against a stone (hard thoughts).'" (Matt 4:6)

Once again we have Old Covenant text being referred to (Psalm 91:11-12), but

notice how it is the self will that attempts to manipulate the will of Yahweh. We

have who – the devil? sâtân? Or is this the ego making room for both fear and

excuses? The messengers (malakim) that Yahweh plants into the conscience of

the chosen says things like, "I cannot give in to the fleshly temptations and my

own self deceptions. I will not tempt Yahweh." The malakim open one's mind to

be able to grasp (hands) and always create a stable (feet) mental environment if

one denies his/her own will. As previously stated, stones can represent both

solidified clean thoughts or solidified unclean thoughts.

"Yahshua said to him (sâtân, devil, both?), 'It is also written, You must not

test Yahweh your Father.'" (Matt 4:7)

Deuteronomy 6:16 is of course quoted by Yahshua as an internal reminder

that attempting to test Yahweh's power is indeed foolishness of the self will, but

a mind given access to renewal is not to fall prey to the deceiving whisper.

Yahweh's internal messages will never return void (Isayah 55:11) and Yahshua

speaks that word to battle his own will within his soul.

"Again, the devil (???) took him up to an exceedingly high mountain, and

showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the magnificence of them..."

(Matt 4:8)

Mountains can express either carnal strongholds or purified victories. To be

lured by the physical world's delicacies is of the greatest struggle within each

conscience. The kingdoms of the world are nothing other than the fruits of carnal

thinking; worldliness. Though seemingly stimulating, it is only ever for a short

The Devil Inside Page 57 of

season and then the reaping of death. (Heb 11:25) The self will always leans

toward the physical and not the thought world.

“...And said to him [Yahshua], 'I will give you all these things if you fall

down (the lower self void) and worship me.'" (Matt 4:9)

The voice within speaking as it did in the garden. There are only two wills that

Yahweh has allowed to exist, as He Himself is One, and the other, the will of

man, is a creation of His. The whisper is always within. If you choose wrong, the

fall is repeated.

"Then Yahshua said to him, 'Get away Sâtân! For it is written, Yahweh

your Father you must reverence, and Him only you must serve.'" (Matt


Get away who? Is it not true that there has been a systematic idea of a "devil"

purported all the way to verse 10? Both Strong's and the many translators have

been suggesting the idea of a "devil", though even the Greek language does not

speak to some being in it's definition, but now we have upper case "Satan"

being systematically discussed.

As with the story in Mark, the intent of these scriptures was always to discuss

sâtân (the adversarial self will) and not a devil (non-existent external being). Not

all capitalized “Sâtân”, but as with Old Covenant scripture, sâtân of the garden.

Of course Yahshua repeats Môsheh at Deuteronomy 6:13 when his self will is

rising up within. He was an expert of self denial through the repetition of

Yahweh's words within his own soul. He knew that the Father's presence was

within the soul (Luke 17:21) and that Yahweh decreed it was His Temple (Matt

26:55). Because we know it is sâtân being discussed, as proven even by the

confirmation of bad translators (from devil to Sâtân all within the same story), we

will now correct the remaining verse so that it speaks true to Hebraic intent:

"Sâtân (the self will) then left him, and behold, malakim (Yahweh's implanted

thoughts) came and ministered to him." (Matt 4:11)

When denial of the self will is steadfast and prayer is mentally attained to, the

whisper loses it's power where it once reigned supreme. Luke 4:1-13 gives us

the same account as Mattithyah 4:1-11. What is worth quoting from the Luke

version is verse 13: "So when Sâtân had exhausted every temptation, he

The Devil Inside Page 58 of

departed from him for a season."

As stated, the fact that Yahweh placed His Mind in chosen souls, now and only

now, can that soul fight off all carnal desires. Until a soul is perfected the war

within will commence so one can expect that ever present self will to literally

"rear it's ugly head", and this within. When Yahshua ascended (Yahchanan

20:17) he would never again have to fight this internal battle, and so it is for us!

We must lose our life (our own thoughts and ideas) to find it (Yahweh's thoughts

and ideas)! Only then can we cease from saying, "Not my will (whisper) but

Thy will!" Now some more Renewed Covenant verses with the appropriate

Hebraic words implanted where Strong's and the many translators failed:

"Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mentality) answered them (the 12 mental

disciplines/tribes/branches), 'Have I not chosen (predetermined mental

salvation) twelve, and one of you is of sâtân?'" (Yahchanan 6:70)

Of course Strong's and the many translators have decided to implant Greek

paganism, "...and one of you is of the devil," but we know better. These "12"

are the same as the 12 sons of Jacob who in fact were called Israel (thoughts

ruled by and for Yahweh). These 12 mental faculties are a permanent part of the

Tree (Truth) of Life (Yahweh's conscience) placed into chosen souls, reminding

us that the precepts of the Old Covenant (unilateral Mind contract) is exactly

what Yahshua spoke and lived. It is very telling that the "one of" sâtân was no

less then Judah in disguise. Judah is the "praise" faculty and it is

misappropriated praise of man that betrays Yahweh and His Son. Like with

other systematic and specific failures of both translators and Strong's, the Greek

Iŏudas (ee-oo-das'), which has no defined intent other then “Jehudah", fails to

uphold Hebraic intent and hides the name Yehûwdâh (Judah) on purpose.

Mattithyah ("given wholly"; the submitted will) replaced Judah (false praise) as a

mental discipline. (Acts 1:25-26) All 12 faculties in full submission to Yahweh's

will is the route to salvation; a saved mind!

"You are of your teacher sâtân (self will), and whatever he who is your

teacher desires (carnal knowledge) you will do." (Yahchanan 8:44)

"You are a slave to the one whom you obey!" Scriptually, there are only two

available wills - the will of man and the will of Yahweh! No other mental force


The Devil Inside Page 59 of

"And when sâtân was cast out (just like in the garden), the mute spoke..."

(Luke 11:14)

It is very clear from Hebraic perspective that satan is a matter of internal


What needs to be determined based upon the verses such as this is a simple

idea posed in a few questions: "For those who claim there is a 'devil' as

commonly understood, is he (it) inside of people as well as external to them?"

Also, "How can a person who claims to, or in fact does have the Mind of

Yahweh within, also have a 'devil' effect their minds? Can a 'devil' control the

mind of a soul that has Yahweh's presence within?" Hopefully you see (mentally

perceive) far more then when you started this work, but let's increase your

understanding by returning to the last verse and setting it in proper order: "And

when the adversarial will was removed from the conscience where

Yahweh's Temple resided, the mute (formerly "dumb" minded) spoke (freed

to think right again)..." It is scriptually impossible to assert that the Old Covenant

embraces an idea of a mind that can be invaded by both Yahweh and another

force called "devil". We know what sâtân is, and that Hebraically it has nothing to

do with an external being. Never once in the entire Old Covenant is any external

force blamed for any of man's sin, nor is this same "non-existent" force blamed

for controlling and manipulating the conscience of any soul. You see loved one it

is not that "The devil is a liar!", but rather "The idea of a devil is a lie!"

"Therefore, submit yourselves (your "self") to Yahweh. Resist sâtân and he

will flee from you." (James 4:17)

"Resist the whisper, and he (the internal voice other than Yahweh) will flee

(leave your immediate thoughts) from you." Obedience is always a matter of

the mind! The entire Hebrew Old Covenant is about matters of the conscience

and journeys involved in order to remove the whisper of the self will.

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and

Sâtân, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth and

his malakim were cast out with him." (Rev 12:9)

Wow! A culmination of all that is wrong with the systematic failures of Strong's

and the many translators of the Scriptures. Let's start with dragon: tannîym תנין

(tan-neem'); "monster, elongate"; Strong's #8577.

The Devil Inside Page 60 of

To be sure we have the right Hebrew monster we go to one of several Old

Covenant verses that discuss this elongated thing:

"In that day (the day of Revelation 12:9) Yahweh with His sword (mental

piercing), great and strong, will punish livyâthân (that "wreathing" voice within

that we formerly learned of) and the fleeing nâchâsh (that "hiss" we learned of

that was systematically and erroneously renamed "serpent"), livyathan

(wreathing) that twisted (mentally of course) nâchâsh (hiss); and He will slay

the tannîym (monster, elongate) that is in the sea (tumultuous thoughts)."

(Isayah 27:1) So we see that as with many other systematically manipulated

verses, there is no "dragon" at all but rather, the long lasting monster called self

will. Let's look at Revelation 12:9 again:

"And that monster (the ever living self will) was cast out (out from Yahweh's

presence in the entire conscience), the old 'hiss' called the Devil, and


Let's stop here and again realize what happens when the manipulation of

Scripture comes to a head. we have seen the systematic change from devil to

sâtân within verses speaking of only one or the other, so are we seeing two

beings now? The answer is no! What has transpired here is that translators and

Strong's attempt to have you believe that both names, devil and sâtân, apply to

one being. We have exhausted all that is necessary to debunk that the book of

Revelation says any such thing, but let's just remember one fact alone. The

Greek language and it's "diabŏlŏs" came thousands of years after the Old

Covenant was written. Let's look at (Revelation 12:9)

"And that monster (the self will) was cast out, the old (from the Old

Covenant) 'hiss' called sâtân, who deceives the whole world (totality of

thought consciousness). He was cast into the earth (minds of men without

Yahweh's presence; the "dark" and "void" place of Genesis 1) and his malakim

(mind messages) were cast out (from the conscience controlled by Yahweh

alone) forever (eternity)!"

There are more! More scriptures in both the Old and Renewed Covenant that

discuss every aspect of every single word we have highlighted and analyzed.

As I have said, that work is yours to do! My objective was to first obey what I

was commanded to scribe in order to help you remove the many scales that

The Devil Inside Page 61 of

have blinded you until now. Several times I have mentioned that I will establish

the ultimate purpose of why a pin point accurate understanding of all stated

herein matters most. The premise within all of the premises Yahweh has

revealed to you. Why? Why has this mass deception been for far too long

manifested upon the whole world (total conscience of man)? And how could it

be so amongst those who profess to be His children? What reason is there that

a uniform and systematic neglect of scriptual integrity through a non-existent

being called "devil", was able to control the minds of billions? Why so much

effort to create a force/being external to man that would have so much control

over man?

It is very simple loved one. It's to keep you from the very thing that will set you

completely free in your subconscious and conscious mind:




Listen very closely. This information is for chosen children to know. There is no

such thing as a devil! And because this is a true reality, what happens to such

statements as, "The Devil is a liar!", or, "The Devil is after me!", or "That spiritual

warfare is from the Devil!"? If repentative confession is the only path way to true

mind healing, then that non-existent “Devil” has kept you from saying at all

times, "I am a liar! My self will is the lie!", or, "My own will is what destroys me!",

or, "All of my internal warfare is from my own selfish desires apart from

Yahweh's will!" If a devil is being blamed then someone is clearly not taking

personal responsibility and confessing to be cleansed! If confession is the

pathway to all mental healing, a saved mind, and you can be easily convinced

that sin has some outside force as part of the cause, then why fully repent,

right? But if the devil is inside, then of course you are 100% responsible and

repentance is the only path back to Yahweh. No confession equals no power

loved one, and the modern day "church" is completely powerless!

There are many scriptures that tell stories that sum up all that is expressed in

Torah itself, all pointing to the same truth. Let's let "order" (the mental faculty

known as Zebulon and James) tell us of this truth:

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways... blessed is each man

when he endures temptation; for when he has been proved he will receive

The Devil Inside Page 62 of

the Crown of Life which Yahweh has promised to those who love Him...

Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by Yahweh!' For Yahweh

cannot be tempted with wickedness, nor does He tempt anyone. BUT




(James) 1:8-15)

No devil required! It was and is always sâtân whom we now know is the "devil"

inside. Who would want such a deception placed upon Israel loved one? Think it

through and be ye transformed: "Who wants to keep me from being One with

the mind of Yahweh?"

Read More
Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

The Devil Inside Part II

Continue here for part II of the Devil Inside

As it was with Part 1, so shall it be here. Expansion, new expression,

the leaving behind of those things once relied upon; former "truths". It

behooves us to declare the premise of Part 2 up front, for we must take a

journey that might seem off subject at first, only to be revealed as the very

essence of what will prove up the final verdict within your conscience. As

alluded to in Part 1, we will disprove the commonly held idea of “angels”;

angelic beings. Whether you envision fairy like entities or illusions in the form

of humans, or some other spectacle of the physical dimension, the Hebrew

Scriptures leave no such room for any interpretation and bad translation. It is

this fact we will prove up and we start in the garden:

"And the Mind of Yahweh was hovering..." (Genesis 1:2)

Represented here as His rûwach רוח (roo'-akh), Yahweh would release His,

"wind, breath", onto earth (the mind of man). This word, Strong's #7307,

utilzed in this verse would be Yahweh's internal representation of the whisper

of His voice, His Mind. Think, "The other whisper within," and you would be

correct. But it did not start this way! The pattern given for man's (carnal

thoughts) ability to interact with the Mind of Yahweh must be understood in

order to decipher all truth and in this case, the truth about the deception

commonly known as “angels”. We do well to understand that rûwach is also a

word that expresses the fallen breath (mind) of man as well; a word with duel


In the garden it would be the Master/servant pattern that would begin all

things. Man would be given truths (trees) to eat (mentally digest) from and

one very powerful truth (tree) not to eat from. (Genesis 2:16-17) We come to

understand that the Hebrew word ʼâkal אכל (aw-kal), "eat", (Strong's #398)

speaks to a mental Kingdom/kingdoms and therefore "mental consumption",

is the correct intent. And we realize that before this mandate at Genesis 2 is

established, the beginning was a realization that before Yahweh created the

literal container (man) for consciousness, all realms of available thought

boundaries were first established. Let's look and see:

Genesis 1:

1. "In the beginning (the start of consciousness, man's life to come and

the available boundaries of thought that would be available) Yahweh

(The Only Existing Conscience) created (by and through His created

language, the Hebrew language) the heavens (highest available

thought plain for His new creation) and the earth (lowest available

thought plain for His new creation).

2. Now the earth became without form (consciously undeveloped) and

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 2 of

empty (an unfilled vessel), and darkness (dullness) was upon the

face (countenance) of the deep (the boundary of mental destitution),

and the Mind (breath) of Yahweh was hovering (consciously looming)

over the face of the waters (many realms of thought: pure, diluted,

clean, confused, etc.)

3. And Yahweh said, 'Let there be light (conscious illumination)!'; and

there was light.

4. And Yahweh saw the light, that it was beneficial; and Yahweh

divided (a mental distinction) between the light and between the


5. And Yahweh called the light day ("hot, warm"; conscious

connection), and the darkness he called night ("twist, adversity',

consciously disconnected). And the evening ("dusk, covering”,

confusing realms of thought) and the morning ("dawn, break";

renewing thoughts) were the first day (illumination).

6. And Yahweh said, 'Let there be an expanse (mental barrier)

between the waters and let there be separation (mental distinction)

between waters (purity - delusion - tumultuous - clean – etc.) from the


7. And Yahweh called the expanse (mental expansion) sky ("lofty"; wise

thoughts, also known as "heaven")...

8. And Yahweh said, 'Let the waters (unformed thoughts) under the

sky be gathered to one place (separate from the "living" water) and

let the dry (parched) land (lowest mental thought plain) appear'. And

so it was.

9. And Yahweh called the dry land earth (ʼerets ארין (eh'-rets), "firm";

strongly established parched thought realm; the mind of man; Strong's

#776) and the gathered waters (unformed thoughts) He called seas

(yâm יס (yawm), "noisy"; tumultuous, aggravated thought realm;

Strong's #3220). And Yahweh saw that it (the conscious designations)

was fitting.

10. Then Yahweh said, 'Let the earth (mind of man) produce

vegetation ("sprout, spring"; ability to produce), herb ("glisten"; truth)

yielding seed ("fruit, dissemination"; thoughts spreading) on the earth

(mind of man) that will bear fruit (conscious productivity) according to

their kind (created capacity)'. And Yahweh saw that it was right...

11. And Yahweh said, 'Let there be lights (illuminated truths) in

the expanse of the sky to separate (consciously divide) the day

(illumination) from the night (dullness), and let them (the illuminated

truths out of reach potentially) serve as signs (mental banners) to

mark (mentally inscribe) the seasons ("appointment"; mental Feasts),

and for days and years (mental revolutions).

12. Yahweh made two (divided) great lights - the greater light (the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 3 of

sun; the active conscience) to govern the day and the lesser light

(the moon; the subconscience) to govern the night, and also the

stars (“blazing”, piercing truths uneasy to obtain)'...

13. Then Yahweh said, 'Let the waters (unformed thought realms)

bring forth an abundance of living (consciously active) creatures

("breathing"; active thoughts in consciousness), and let birds

("covered"; conscious reliances) fly above the earth (mind of man)

across the expanse of the sky'...

14. Then Yahweh said, 'Let the earth (mind of man) bring forth

the living creature according to their kind (multiplication of specific

thought realms); cattle ("dumb"; ignorant thoughts), and creeping

("glide"; deceptive thoughts) thing, and beast ("raw"; unruly thoughts)

of the earth, according to it's kind'. And so it was...

15. Then Yahweh said, 'I will make (consciously form) man (ʼâdâm

ארם (aw- dawm'), "ruddy, show blood"; a vessel containing

consciousness; Strong's #120) in My image ("shade, illusion";

MENTAL LIKENESS, NOT PHYSICAL), they (vessels containing

consciousness) will have rulership (mental dominance) over the fish

("prolific"; schools of thought) of the sea (tumultuous thought realm),

over the birds (carnal reliances) of the air (loftiness), over the cattle

(dumbness), and over all the earth (totality of mind boundaries) and

over every creeping (detestable) thing that creeps upon the earth.'

16. So Yahweh created man (a vessel to contain all created realms

of consciousness) in His image (conscious likeness). In His own

image (A NON-PHYSICAL IMAGE) He created man. Then He created

(consciously manifested) the woman ("steward, melancholy"; the

emotional side of consciousness) for man.

17. Then Yahweh blessed (consciously favored) him (the soul

containing consciousness) and Yahweh said to him, 'Be fruitful

(consciously clean) and multiply (duplicate clean thoughts), fill the

earth (mind) and subdue (control the negative, carnal thoughts

available), have rulership (mental dominion) over the fish (schooling

thoughts) of the sea (tumultuousness), the birds (carnal reliances) of

the air, and over every living (active) thing (thought) that moves on

earth...'" (Genesis 1:1-28)

Man would be permitted to stand in "Oneness" with the Mind of

Yahweh, by his obedience to all decreed at Genesis chapter 1. Perfections

and those things mentally imperfect having been established before the

vessel (man) that would be able to contain these realms of mental behavior.

All available "choices" already predetermined by Yahweh Alone, the Maker of

consciousness and the boundaries thereof; "Eat these, not this!" And then the

fall! The attempt to alter perfection, consuming from the forbidden tree (the

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truth of sensual desire) while attempting to actually label that alteration "free

will". No longer would it be possible for the vessel that housed a conscience

to commune in Oneness with Yahweh. Adam (carnal life force in

consciousness) having been a representation of all, proved that none would

obey and established an eternal mandate regarding this fact. The garden

(conscience hedged in by Yahweh) experience would be a pattern disavowed

by Yahweh and a new pattern would emerge as seen through the vessel

named Nôach ("rest"; restful thoughts). Yes, many thoughts (men) would

come and go up to the time of Noah, but the inevitable decree about all

vessels; "They will never subject themselves to My word, for they are

indeed carnally minded," (Genesis 6:3) would not be changed.

"Make yourself an ark..." (Genesis 6:14) The Hebrew word for ark is

têbâh תבה (tay-baw'), "box, pour"; Strong's #8392. The decree given to Nôach

was to prepare a place within the conscience where Yahweh could literally

download (pour) His presence out, that it could be contained (box). Rest

(Nôach), having "found honor in the eyes of Yahweh”, (Gen 6:8) would

open a new place in the fallen thought world allowing for right thinking to be

conceptualized again, though far from perfection as required. Unlike the

garden, it would be temporary yet profound in it's intent. The "flood",

Hebraically mabbûwl מכול (mab-bool'), "flowing, deluge"; Strong's #3999, was

next. The idea to send a deluge of conviction and judgment into wicked

vessels, leaving behind very few who would enter into Yahweh's presence,

would be the end of a specific season in the mind of man; a total cleansing

and a chance to reunite in Oneness with Yahweh, this represented by the ark.

Yes, Nôach's prodigy would enter with him (see, "Table of Nations" below)

setting up a new perpetual pattern that would last until the book of Revelation,

though Môsheh would bring a new understanding, a new ark: The Table of

Nations. In order to understand why the sons of Noah would be a powerful

representation of a perpetual pattern until the time of the book of Revelation,

we need to go back - back to the sons (builders) of ʼÂdâm and Chavvâh


Cain – Qayin קין (kah'-yin); "fixity, lance, striking fast"; Strong's #7014.

Abel – Hebel הכל (heh'-bel); "empty, vain, astray"; Strong's #1893

Seth- Shêth שת (shayth); "substituted, to place"; Strong's #8352.

Think, "Three states of consciousness!"

And we now look at Noah's three sons:

Shem – Shêm שם (shame); "position"; Strong's #8035.

Ham – Châm חם (khawm); "hot decay"; Strong's #2526.

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Japeth – Yepheth פת (yeh'-feth); "expansion, open"; Strong's #3315.

Three available states of consciousness within every soul. The

wickedness (Cain, Ham), the efforts to achieve perfection apart from

Yahweh's Mind (Abel, Japheth), and the mentally renewed by Yahweh's

power (Seth, Shem). Three states of consciousness within each soul: 1)

wickedness; 2) self reliant efforts towards truth; 3) Yahweh's Mind leading

and ruling. And where do these three states of mind show up again? At Luke

chapter 23 of course:

The wicked criminal - "Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and

us!" (23:29)

Personal effort to achieve purity - "Do you not reverence Yahweh,

since you are under the same sentence?" (23:40-42)

Yahweh's Mind leading - "And Yahshua said to him (effort

redeeemed), 'Truly I say to you this day: You will be with me in

perfection (mental paradise).'" (23:43)

And so we learn that at Genesis chapter 10 we are given mental

access to the New Table (same word as "tablets"; more coming soon) of

Nations (constructs in thought). After a flooding (mental destruction) of all but

Nôach, his wife, his sons and their wives, consciousness would begin again,

but with the same access to failure and success as after ʼÂdâm's fall. This

pattern would be alive and well when Môsheh is revealed. "She made for

him an ark of bulrushes." (Exodus 2:3)

The same ark (#8392) as Nôach received, is now applicable to Môsheh.

We talked of how the three available states of consciousness operate and

Môsheh is representative of a mind that will "draw out" mental manna:

Môsheh משה (mo-sheh'), "drawing, rescued, pull"; Strong's #4872. In the

beginning of the life of Mosheh he was literally saved from death (mental of

course) by being placed in the "box, pour" of bulrushes. The Hebrew word for

bulrushes is gômeʼ גמא (go'-meh), "absorbent, porosity"; Strong's #1573. So

we realize that a soul that "draws out" and "absorbs" the mental things of

Yahweh in the conscience, is whom Yahweh has "poured" into. Môsheh

would carry forth that which was given to Nôach and perhaps one or more of

his sons, but something new would come:

At Exodus (a mental leaving behind) chapter 12, Yahweh would begin

to reveal the mind patterns (Laws) to Môsheh and ʼAhărôwn אהרון (ă-har-

one'); ("illuminated"; intellectual light; Strong's #175) within each chosen soul.

When ʼÂdâm "named" the animals at Genesis 2:19, it would be an

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accountability test. A test to live according to the wisdom and knowledge he

had of all the available thought realms that Yahweh would create; the good

trees (truths) and the bad. This itself was a writing of the Law onto ʼÂdâm's

mind. And so with Môsheh, Yahweh would begin to once again hold man

accountable to the wisdom and knowledge imparted. A redo of, "I command

and you do!" We jump forward in time to expose the reality that as with

ʼÂdâm, mankind (thoughts) would continually fail when given the chance to

simply obey predetermined, commanded patterns of thought. Man would

always fail, but Yahweh would continue to unveil new patterns that over time

would reveal His ultimate plan for chosen souls. At chapter 13 of Exodus, a

process known as "sanctification" would be revealed: qâdâsh קרש (kaw-

dash'), "be clean"; Strong's #6942.

The purpose would be to sanctify all "first born" to Yahweh and these

"first fruits" would represent the clean thoughts that would again be permitted

to enter into the conscience of chosen vessels allowing for access to

Yahweh. The Hebrew word for first fruits is bikkûwr בכורים (bik-koor'). It's

definition, "burst, birthright"; Strong's #1061. The renewal bursting forth from

a mind chosen for redemption ("distinction, deliverance"); perhaps to never

fall again? At Exodus 15 we are introduced to the idea of the sanctuary;

which in fact has two Hebraic understandings

depending on the subject matter:

miqdâsh מקרש (mik-dawsh'), "consecrated"; Strong's #4720. And,

qâdâsh קרש (kaw-dash'), "be clean'; Strong's #6942, which happens to be the

root of #4720 and the same word for "sanctification". "You will bring them

(redeemed minds), and plant (consciously secure) them on the mountain

(exalted thought plain) of Your inheritance (mental lineage), the place (mind

space), 0 Yahweh, You made for Your dwelling (residence in the

conscience of the chosen), the sanctuary (consecrated, clean mind space),

0 Yahweh, Your hands (ability to grasp) have established." (Exodus


So we can see that up to this point Môsheh, he who carries forth the ark

(though distinctly different) of Nôach, also introduces a new pattern. A pattern

different from the garden, where once upon a time man could have been and

stayed in mental Oneness with Yahweh, by and through obedience to

Yahweh. Having miserably failed, Môsheh's ark would represent the favor of

Yahweh upon predetermined and selected realms of thought, to be once

again housed in vessels. As Yahweh begins to reveal the written form of Law,

His concept of the Sanctuary is revealed as further illustrated in Exodus

23:19: "The first fruits (renewing thoughts) of your land (firmly held

thoughts and ideas) you shall bring (consciously acknowledge) to the

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House (Mindset of Yahweh placed into chosen souls) of Yahweh." It is

important to note that the word for land in this Scripture is the same Hebrew

word as the word "earth", Strong's #776.

Always remember the earth is “the conscience of man.” And so this first

introduction to the House of Yahweh, understood properly through Hebraic

definition and intent, is an introduction to the "Mindset of Yahweh", and how

all thoughts that are redeemed must pay homage to that House; the Kingdom

within. It is important to note that the Law (Mind patterns) comes prior to the

actual revealing of the House. Also of importance is the exodus (leaving

behind of material consciousness leading to bondage) expressed in Exodus

20:2: "I am Yahweh your Heavenly Father, who brought you out of the

land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage". The Hebrew word for Egypt

is Mitsrayim מערים (mits-rah'-yim). It's definition, "limit, distress, adversary";

Strong's #4714. The idea is that Egypt represents a house (mindset) ruled by

the adversary whom we know intimately by now. The mind held in bondage to

carnality will soon be given over to a Mindset (House) ruled by Yahweh alone.

Because of the reality of a "House of Yahweh", Scripture will introduce

another new development - a new ark. It would be different from the ark of

Nôach, that which saved his family as well as the baby Môsheh. We know

that the former ark represented the containment of all that men (thoughts)

would need to know of Yahweh in order to survive. It would represent having

to step into this new relationship in order to be saved. Yes, it was Yahweh

being "poured into" these vessels, but they would first need to step into that

Presence. The idea of the Sanctuary and the declaration of the House of

Yahweh would be the new mandate: "And let them (vessels containing

Yahweh's Mind) make Me a Sanctuary (consecrated place in the

conscience), that I may dwell (consciously reside) among them." (Exodus

25:8) The establishment of a space within the conscience for Yahweh to

reside, different from the garden and the previous ark (Strong's #8392), this

would be a new, yet end goal, for redeemed souls. And there would be a new

ark to go with it!

"And they shall make an ark of acacia wood..." (Exodus 25:10)

This ark would be known as ʼârôn ארון (aw-rone). It's definition,

"gathering, pluck"; Strong's #727. Different from the ark of Nôach and baby

Môsheh, this ark would represent a gathering too; a gathering to Yahweh.

Whereas the old ark and it's mental pattern was to "draw out", this new

pattern would be to "draw in". It is also important to note that the Hebrew

word mishkân משכן (mish-kawn'), the word commonly known as

"Tabernacle", has the definition, "residence, lodging"; Strong's #4908. This

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word is simultaneously utilized along side of our word Sanctuary (miqdâsh) in

order to describe Yahweh's plan to temporarily inhabit chosen vessels. This

new ark made of acacia ("fastening") wood ("firmness") would represent a

place in the conscience of chosen souls where Yahweh's Mind would dwell

and draw in, and firmly establish renewing thoughts for the vessels inhabited.

Remember also that "house" means "build", the very same Hebrew

word for "son", "daughter", and "children"; Strong's #1129, being the root

word. Bên בנה (bane), literally establishes the meaning in the context of what

is being discussed as the "Build of Yahweh". A process to be taken on with

much "fear and trembling". (Phil 2:12) A mind rebuilt by Yahweh mandating a

return to Oneness with Yahweh.

Also to understand in it's proper context is another Hebrew word first

introduced in I Samuel 1:9 as the word "Temple". The Hebrew word is hêykâl

היכל (hay-kawl'), Strong's # 1964. It's definition, "capacity". The idea would be

that once fully built (and by Whom we will soon decipher), the House of

Yahweh would be a place within the conscience wherein one could increase

(capacity) in the wisdom and knowledge of the Mind of Yahweh, through

obedience to His Mind patterns (Laws). Yes it seems like something akin to

the garden, but this time around it would be the removal of carnality in the

conscience that would bring back purity, rather than having already been pure

and falling from that place. Chosen men would be given another chance to

come into mental Oneness with Yahweh through this new pattern, a pattern

that would include a House and an ark within the House. And soon to be

realized would also be a builder (son) of that House:

"I [Yahweh] have not lived in a house (mindset within a vessel) since

the time that I brought up (mentally redeemed) Israel ("thoughts ruled by

and for Yahweh"), to this very day. I have gone from tent (temporary

dwelling) to tent in a tabernacle (lodging place)." (I Chronicles 17:5) All

that was written in Exodus and eventually in Deuteronomy would be the

foreshadowing of what I Chronicles would now reveal. The House often

discussed, and in varying form and function, would now need to be built and it

is the builder that needs to be comprehended.

To Dâvîd ("praise" and "love" not yet fully redeemed) it was said, "You

have shed (mentally put off) much blood (dam - adam, carnality; carnal life

force in the conscience), and have waged many wars (internal battles). You

shall not build (mentally construct) a House for My Name (countenance),

because you have shed much blood on the earth (mind within a vessel) in

My sight." (I Chron 22:8) Praise and love, having not reached their full

stature, would be insufficient to build

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Yahweh's House within. It would take something more to complete the work.

The Hebrew word is Shelômôh שלמה (shel-o-mo'). It's definition,

"peaceful, requital"; Strong's #8010. This word commonly known as

"Solomon" would build the House of Yahweh. Only a peaceful, repentive,

whole mind could build the House of Yahweh:

"But behold, a son (builder) shall be born (consciously manifest) to

you (yet completed praise and love) who will be a man (thought) of peace,

and I will give him (the mind at peace) rest from all his enemies (ego

driven desires) on every side (N,S,E,W). His name (countenance) will be

Shelômôh (Solomon); for I will grant peace and rest (the perpetuation of

Noah and the ark) during his reign (authority in consciousness). He will

build a House for My Name; he will be My son (builder), and I will be his

Father (dominant thought)." (I Chron 22:9-10) And once that House was

built there would be a culmination of all that was decreed by Yahweh: "I have

built a House for the Name of Yahweh, the Father of Israel ("thoughts

ruled by and for Yahweh"). And there I have placed the ark (#727 ארון,

"gathering, pluck"), in which is the covenant of Yahweh that He made with

the children (builders) of Israel." (II Chron 6:10-11) "But what about the

failure of Solomon (peace requital)?"

Indeed the sins (mental transgressions) of Solomon, well documented

in I Kings 11:1-13, causes major repercussions to the covenant discussed in

II Chronicles 6:10-11, but this would not be the first time the presence of the

Mind was desecrated. We must now go back to Môsheh and Mount Sinai

("communion"). Whether at Exodus or Deuteronomy, the tale is the same

and is the actual reason we had to travel to a place that seems far off subject

to begin with. For what does all of this have to do with the reality or non reality

of the concept of angels? We are getting to that very point, but let's first

consider the Hebrew word for covenant: berîyth כרית (ber-eeth'); "compact";

Strong's #1285. It's root is bârâh כרה (baw-raw'); "select, feed"; Strong's


We have used the word "chosen" throughout Part 1 and it is precisely

for the reason specified in the root word bârâh. Chosen souls that will be fed

(mentally of course) manna ("What is it?"; new thoughts) from Heaven (the

exalted thought plain). It is crucial that we understand the premise of the

covenant as well: "You are standing here in order to enter into a

covenant (mind compact) with Yahweh your Father, a covenant Yahweh

is making with you this day, and sealing with an oath." (Deuteronomy

29:12) It must be understood that the covenant is a Unilateral Contract;

"Yahweh is making..." ? The one sided offer that would enable this covenant

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to forever stand. Simply put, if it was a bilateral (two party) contract that

needed man's consideration and acceptance, it would have been doomed

from the start. The unilateral contract was a precursor to the necessity of the

life of a Messiah ("anointed" thinker) in order to keep this covenant sealed

forever. It is also very compelling to understand that the "oath" would have it's

own telling when properly understood. The Hebrew word for oath is ʼâlâh אלה

(aw- law'), "imprecate, curse" Strong's #423.

Deuteronomy 28:15-68 should help you understand if perhaps you

skipped over words such as "Mind compact" for "select, chosen", souls. It

brings us to the heart of the matter and Hebraically the heart is always the

"center of intellect". A covenant with the center of intellect, but not just any

center of intellect – only circumcised hearts will do:

It would start with Nôach, then on to ʼAbrâhâm אברהם (ab-raw-hawm');

"father of a multitude"; Strong's #85. He would represent the wide spectrum of

thoughts that Yahweh would implant (by covenant) into the conscience of the

chosen: "I will establish My covenant with you as an everlasting

covenant between Me and you, and your descendents after you, for all

generations to come..." (Genesis 17:7)

Again, it would be a unilateral offer "established" by the power of

Yahweh alone, to perpetuate His thoughts continually (generationally), within

each chosen soul (mind vessels). "...Every male among you shall be

circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision in the flesh of your

foreskins, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you."

(Gen 17:10-11)

circumcision – nâmal נמל (naw-mal'); "clipped, remove"; #5243.

flesh – bâsâr כשר (baw-sawr'); "fresh, full"; #1320.

foreskins -'orlâh ערלה (or -law'); "prepuce, exposed"; #6190.

sign - ʼôwth אות (oth); "signal, come"; #226.

Let's look at it with Hebraic terms and intents: "...Every male ("marked

thought") among you (chosen souls) shall be clipped (circumcised). You

shall undergo clipping (cutting off) in the freshness (flesh) of your

exposed part (foreskins), and it shall be a signal (mind sign) of the

covenant (unilateral mind contract) between Me and you." A physical act or

a mental act? Let's now look to Môsheh: "Therefore, circumcise the

foreskin of your heart, and do not be stiff necked any longer."

(Deuteronomy 10:16) This would not be the first time nor the first accounting

of what was spoken to ʼAbrâhâm and advanced by Môsheh.

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Interestingly, the corporate call to circumcise would be a different

Hebrew word with intent:

circumcise – muwl מול (mool); "curtail, destroy"; #4135.

stiff-necked – qâsheh קשה (kaw-shah'); "dense, severe"; #7186. And,

ʽôreph ערף (o-ref'); "declining, bend"; #6203.

Let's look again with Hebrew eyes:

"Therefore, destroy (circumcise), the exposed part (foreskin) of your

center of intellect (heart), and do not be declining (stiff-necked) any

longer." The totality of the Scriptures, from Old Covenant to Renewed

Covenant, would forever support the intent that it was the mind that needed

circumcision. Just a few Renewed Covenant scriptures to support the facts:

II Corinthians 3:3 - "You show that you are a letter from the

anointing delivered by us, not written with ink, but by the Mind of the

Living Father. Not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh of the


Hebrews 8:10 - "For this covenant is the covenant that I will renew

with the House of Israel. After those days, says Yahweh: I will put My

Law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their

Father, and they will be My people."

Hebrews 10:16 - "This is the covenant that I will renew with them

after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My Laws into their hearts, and

in their minds I will write them." The Unilateral Mind contract with chosen

souls and no less! All perfectly illustrated at Sinai! At Exodus (leaving behind

of mental bondage) 24:12, Yahweh says to Môsheh, "Come up to Me on the

mountain and I will give you tablets of stone, and the Law and

commands I have written, that you may teach them."

This application of Yahweh's Unilateral Mind contract with chosen

vessels would be another test for those men and all mankind (all thoughts).

Once again Yahweh would present His chosen with the prescribed Mind

patterns (Laws) and man would be given the opportunity to obey all that was


Let's break down a few words before we move forward, as they are

really a foreshadow of what would be a quickly arriving future event!

tables – lûwach לוח (loo'-akh), "glisten, polished"; Strong's #3871.

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stone – 'eben אבן (eh'-ben), "build"; Strong's #68.

It is imperative to look at the root word, #1129 as we know it by now. It's

our word bânâh כנה which is the Hebrew word for son, daughter and children;

"builders". Let's look at the verse anew:

"Come up to Me on the mountain (exalted thought plain), and I will

give you glistening (tablets) of building (stone)..."

The idea was to again bring chosen children into fellowship by allowing

for renewal through obedience. Obedience that would again build the Temple

of Yahweh within the conscience of once fallen souls. This would be

Yahweh's way of revealing what would happen if He once again gave His

chosen the opportunity to obey of his own accord. A literal "do over".

At (Exodus 32:19) and (Deuteronomy 9:17), we are given the final

assessment of man's abilities. Let's look at the words Môsheh spoke in Deut

9:17: "Then I took the two tablets and threw them out of my hands, and

broke them to pieces, right in front of your eyes." This would be the last

time Yahweh would allow mankind to enter into covenant of his own accord,

but it would not annul the covenant.

Remember that Yahweh literally made the covenant (Unilateral Mind

offer) with Himself, for He foresaw that through Môsheh and the tablets, the

covenant would have been broken otherwise. We remember that His promise

was to "write it on their hearts", and this would be exactly what would have to

happen in order to fulfill His covenant.

After the breaking of the tablets, the sign that mankind would never

obey of his own volition, Yahweh would then unveil another part of His eternal


At Exodus chapter 34 and Deuteronomy chapter 10, Yahweh tells

Môsheh to, "chisel out new stone tablets like the first", and to "bring the

ark" which had been built, and He invites him back up to the mountain. If we

look closely at Exodus 34:10, Yahweh makes a final decree after mankind

once again fails Him: "I am making a covenant with you..." It is this place in

time that we have spent our time getting to in order to confirm a most serious

Scriptural blueprint that must be understood in order to receive all that will be

said about the malakim; erroneously called "angels". Yahweh's unilateral offer

to establish a covenant of His own accord, power and promise, was a

covenant to indwell chosen souls. At Deuteronomy 29:4 the idea that this

very covenant discussed in Exodus 34:10 would be a covenant within the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 13 of

mind of those He chose, is further expressed: "But to this very day Yahweh

has NOT given you a mind of understanding, nor eyes (mental

perceptions) that see, nor ears (mental comprehension) that hear


The covenant would be to place His presence in the minds of the seed

of ʼabrâhâm, and to disseminate all that would be required from that place.

The House of Yahweh would forever be Yahweh's Mind (in the boundaries

He would allot) placed into the center seat of the conscience of His chosen

children, and it would be from here that all of His malakim (messages) would

derive in order to infiltrate the hardened minds of His own.

malʼâk - מלאך (mal-awk'); "despatch, messenger". Our seemingly off

subject journey now taking on what has become a pivotal understanding

leading us to the Hebrew word malʼâk. Had we not established where in fact

the House of Yahweh resides we would never fully comprehend from whence

His dispatched messages would come. As with Part 1, we will take an in-

depth view of Old Covenant scriptures only to then take Môsheh's mind into

the Renewed Covenant. Always keeping in mind Yahshua the anointed's

words that emphatically declared, "If you don't believe Môsheh, how could

you possibly believe me?" Before we begin let's again look at the origin of

where some of your formerly held views have perpetuated. At #4397 Strong's

has this to say about malak:

malʼâk מלאך (mal-awk') from an unused root mean to dispatch as a

deputy; a messenger; spec. of God, i.e. an angel (also a prophet, priest or

teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger;

Without Strong's influence let's look at some of the derivations of the

word malʼâk:

melâʼ'kâh (mel-aw-kaw'); "deputyship, employment"; malʼăkûwth (mal-

ak-ooth'); "message"; Malʼâkîy (mal-aw-kee'); "ministrative"; also the name

for the prophet commonly known as Malachai ("messenger of Yahweh").

And so without any outside influence and a clear perspective of Hebraic

definitions, it would only be necessary to now discern the intent of this word

malʼâk. We go to the Old Covenant Scripture to do so:

"You make your malakim minds. Your ministers a flame of fire."

(Psalm 104:4) Malakim: messengers of messages!

"You make your messages..." A rûwach (roo'-akh), "wind, breath";

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#7307. Root word #7306; rûwach (roo'-akh), "blow, breathe".

"You make your messages breath..."

ministers: shârath שרת (shaw-rath'), "attend, contribute";#8334.

"You make your messages breath. Your attending..."

flaming: lâhat לרט (law-hat'), "lick, blaze"; #3857.

"You make your messages breath. Your attending a blaze..."

fire: ʼêsh אש (aysh), "fire, burning"; #784.

"You make your messages breath. Your attending a blaze of


We do well to unearth the reality that the very same word used in

Psalm 104:4 in regards to "minds", is the very same word for the Holy Mind.

We enhance our understanding of the true reality that these messages and

the messengers are an internal process. The idea that the Mind is placed

within chosen souls should be an elementary matter to the enlightened soul?

If one were to seek out Scriptures that utilize any of the five words we have

highlighted from Psalm 104:4, it would not take too much effort to realize that

every single scripture points to issues of the conscience; internal dilemmas as

well as patterns of healing in the conscience. For this specific body of work

we will now highlight two important areas of Scripture from the Old Covenant

to further prove up the claims made within. We start at Zekaryâh (zek-ar-

yaw') chapter 6:

"As I turned and raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four

chariots came from between two mountains; and the mountains were

mountains of bronze. With the first chariot, red horses; and with the

second chariot, black horses. With the third chariot, white horses; and

with the fourth chariot, dappled and bay horses. Then I spoke and said

to the malak who talked to me, 'What are these, my ruler?' The malak

answered and said, 'These are the four minds of the heavens, whom go

forth after presenting themselves before the Ruler of all the earth. The

one with the black horses is going towards the north country and the

white horses are following after them. The dappled horses are going

toward the south country.'

Then the bay horses came forward, eager to go, in order to walk to

and fro throughout the earth. And He said, 'Go, walk to and fro

throughout the earth!' So they walked to and from throughout the earth.

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And He called to me, and spoke to me, saying, 'Behold, these that go to

the north country have given rest to My Mind in the north country'. Then

the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, 'Receive from the captives -

from Chelday, from Tobiyâh, and from Yedaʽyâh, who have come from

Babylon - and go the same day to the house of Yôʼshîyâh son of

Tsephanyâh. Take the silver and gold and make crowns, and set them

on the head of Yhôshûʼa son of Yehôwtsâdâq, the High Priest.'

Speak to him and say, 'Thus says Yahweh of Hosts, Behold, the

Man whose name is BRANCH! For He will branch out from His place,

and He will build the House of Yahweh! Yes, He shall build the House of

Yahweh. He will bear the glory, and will sit and rule on His throne, and

the counsel of peace will be between them both. And the crowns will be

to Chêlem, to Tobiyâh, to Yedaʽyâh, and the son of Tsephanyâh, as a

memorial in the House of Yahweh. And they who are far off will come

and build the House of Yahweh.' Then you will know that Yahweh of

Hosts has sent me to you. And this shall surely be, if you diligently obey

the voice of Yahweh your Father."

And now, the intent: "As I (Zecharyâh - the mind that "remembers

Yahweh") turned (left carnal thinking) and raised (consciously elevated) my

eyes ("fountain, knowledge"; perceptions) and looked, and behold four (the

totality of thought boundaries - N,S,E,W) chariots ("seat, dispatch";

movements in the conscience) came from between two ("division")

mountains ("range, loom"; mental soap boxes, if you will); and the

mountains (exaltations) were mountains of bronze ("fetter, hiss"; the carnal

ego of man). With the first chariot (mental seat), red ("ruddy, dam, ʼÂdâm";

carnal life force) horses ("skip, swallow"; belief in physical prowess and

abilities); and with the second chariot, black ("dawn, early"; deception in

the conscience) horses. With the third chariot (mind ride), white ("make

bricks"; self righteousness) horses, and with the fourth (mental boundary)

chariot, dapple ("spotted, hail"; unclean, hardened thoughts) and bay

("strong, red"; self esteem) horses. Then I (the mind remembering Yahweh)

spoke (into consciousness) and said to the malak (message resounding in

the center of intellect) who talked (the Mind whisper) to me, 'What are these

[frames of mind], my ruler (chief in the conscience)?' The malak (mind

message, Mind breathed) answered and said, 'These are the four

(N,S,E,W - front brain (E), right brain (S), left brain (N), rear brain (W)) minds

(#7307, "wind, breath", internal voices) of the heavens ("lofty, sky"; self

prescribed wisdom and knowledge), whom go forth (into the boundaries of

the conscience) after presenting themselves [like the sâtân of Îyôwb]

before the Ruler [Yahweh] of all the earth (mind of man). The one

[message in the conscience] with the black (deception) horses is going

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towards the north ("dark, hide"; judgment in the conscience; searing)

country (#776; same as "earth" and "firm"; solidified carnal thinking), and the

white (self righteousness in the conscience) are following after them. The

dappled (unclean thoughts) are going toward the south ("right, strong";

parched conscience, longing for (water)) country (thought plain)'.

Then the bay (haughtiness in the conscience) horses came forward

[into the center seat of the conscience], eager to go, in order to walk to and

fro throughout the earth (a redo of sâtân in the life of Îyôwb; the persecuted

conscience). And He [Yahweh] said, 'Go, walk to and fro throughout the

earth (mind of man)!' So they [all self sufficient, carnal, mental reliances]

walked to and fro throughout the earth. And He [from His center seat in

the conscience; the House of Yahweh] called to me, and spoke to me,

saying, 'Behold (mentally grasp), these [carnal thought processes] that go

to the north (judgment in the conscience) country have given My Mind

rest (judgment having prevailed) in the north country'. Then the word of

Yahweh came to me, saying, 'Receive from the captives (thoughts in

bondage) - from Chelday ("worldliness"; belief in the material), from

Towbiyâh ("goodness of Yahweh"; redeemed humility), and from Yedaʽyâh

("Yahweh has known"; redeemed contriteness), who have come from

Babylon ("confusion" in the conscience) - and go the same day (clarity in

thought) to the house [mindset] of Yôshîyâh ("founded of Yahweh"; renewal

in the conscience) son [builder] of Tsephanyâh ("Yahweh has secreted";

hidden mysteries in the conscience). Take the silver ("pale, pine"; redeemed

love) and gold ("shimmer, oil"; redeemed wisdom) and make crowns

("encircle"; mental protection), and set them on the head ("shake"; cleansed

conscience) of Yhôwshûʼa ("Yahweh saves"; a saved conscience) son

(builder) of Yehowtsâdâq ("Yahweh has righted"; the completely redeemed

mind), the High [prevailing] Priest ("officiating"; mind judge).'

Speak to him [the hidden mysteries now found] and say, 'Thus says

Yahweh of Hosts ("massing, campaign"; His thoughts invading the

conscience of redeemed children), Behold, the Man [thought] whose name

[countenance] is BRANCH ("sprout, bear"; thoughts stemming from the

center seat of consciousness)! For He will branch out [into the conscience]

from this place, and He will build [son] the House (mindset) of Yahweh!

Yes, He shall build the House of Yahweh. He will bear (branch forth into

the conscience) the glory ("grandeur"; essence of Yahweh), and will sit

[mediate] and rule on His throne ("plump, fill”, righteousness), and the

counsel of peace [Jerusalem] will be between them [Yahweh & Yahshua]

both. And the crown [mental protection] will be to Chêlem ("dream, bind";

imagination), to Towbiyâh (Yahweh's goodness), to Yedaʻyâh (Yahweh's

knowledge), and the son of Tsephanyâh (Yahweh's secrets), as a

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memorial (mental remembrance) in the House [mindset] of Yahweh [the

Perfect Conscience]. And they [those called to redemption and salvation]

who are far [incapacitated mentally] off will come and build [son] the

House of Yahweh. Then you [redeemed soul] will know that Yahweh has

sent me [the mind that remembers] to you. And this [salvation] shall surely

be, if you diligently obey the voice of Yahweh your Father [Chief in


Conveyance. Modus Operandi. Not only messages [malakim] placed

into the conscience of the redeemed, but internal explanations

[understandings] of those messages. Patterns! Blueprints! Also, a major

prophetic internal message; the Unilateral Covenant; the Mind contract with

fallen men [thoughts] fulfilled only through Yahshua [Yahweh saves minds],

the personification of the saved mind. What it sounds like, what it looks like,

what it thinks like, and therefore speaks like, is internal messages; malakim.

Now we go back to Genesis to further our understanding:

"So He drove out the man, and He placed kerûwb (aka “cherubim”)

at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned

every way, to guard the way to the Tree of Life." (Genesis 3:24)

And now, the intent:

"So He drove out (away from the perfect conscience) the man (carnal

thought), and He placed cherubim (“legion (many) like, augmentation,

growth to infinity”; the attributes of holy protection of sacred mind life) at the

east ("open"; front brain, entrance to the Holy Mind) of the garden (protected

thought realm) of Eden ("pleasure, soft"; beautiful thoughts), and a flaming

(the "blaze" in the conscience) sword (piercing thoughts convicting and

judging each conscience) which turned ("changed, prevent"; altered

thoughts) every way (N,S,E,W - the totality of the mind and it's thought

boundaries), to guard [preserve] the way [mental path] to the Tree (truth) of

Life [consciousness]."

Quickly reciting Psalm 104:4 - "You make your malakim minds. Your

ministers a flame of fire". We can now see the first manifestation of these

truths. The many messages (cherubim) that protect by acceptance and

deterrence, the holy place in the conscience of the redeemed takes place

immediately after the fall (the idea that one could "choose" under what has

been titled "free will", rather than obey predetermined and commanded ways

of thought). Nothing about any of this action has been external to man, but all

within the mind where for some the House of Yahweh has been established.

Let's look at some more scriptures involving cherubim: We have discerned

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the meaning and intent of the ark ("gathering, pluck"; the redeeming of the

conscience of chosen souls) of Mosheh (that which "draws out" Yahweh's

Mind patterns), and we now explore the presence of the cherubim around the


"And make two cherubim out of hammered gold; at the two ends

of the mercy seat you shall make them. Make one cherub on one end

and the second cherub on the other. You shall make the cherub at the

two ends of it of one piece with the mercy seat. And the cherubim will

stretch out their wings above, covering the mercy seat with their wings,

and they shall face one another, each facing down to the cover."

(Exodus 25:18-20)

And now, the intent:

"And make (consciously construct) two ("opposition"; for the once

divided mind; right brain - left brain) cherubim (the many messages in the

conscience, protecting the pouring (ark) forth of holy messages) out of

hammered [tested] gold (wisdom); at the two ends (mental boundaries) of

the mercy ("lid, cover, cancel"; covering for the conscience of the chosen)

seat (the center of intellect; the place of thrones) you shall make them

("many" protective messages). Make one cherub on one end (North;

"judgment") and the second cherub on the other (South; "parched"). You

shall make the cherubim at the two ends of it (the place where wisdom

and understanding is "poured" out; the ark) of one (unified) piece with the

mercy seat. And the cherubim (many protective messages) will stretch

[reaching all mind boundaries] out their wings ("edge, extremity, protect"-;

fully manifested message) above, covering the mercy seat with their

wings, and they shall face (countenance to countenance) one another,

each facing down to the cover."

"Love is not an emotion! It is an established, patterned, creation of

Yahweh!", says the cherubim on the right. "Beauty is found within a

redeemed soul not external appearances!", says the cherubim on the left.

These are the types of messages but remember they are protected and even

sealed from the disobedient mind; and this speaking specifically of the

chosen children.

"You shall place the mercy (mental atonement; Yahshua) seat on top

(concealing) of the ark (mental pouring forth); and in the ark you shall put

the Testimony ("witness, prince"; renewed mind patterns written on the

center of intellect; the anointing in the conscience of the chosen) which I will

give (unilaterally) you." (Exodus 25:21)

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And so we come to understand that the cherubim are the "many

messages" that surround the "center of intellect", the place where the House

of Yahweh dwells within the conscience of chosen souls.

"So the people sent men to Shilôh, and they brought back the ark

of the covenant of Yahweh Almighty, who lives between the cherubim."

(I Sam 4:4)

And the intent:

"So the people (congregating thoughts in the conscience) sent men

(thoughts) to Shilôh ("tranquil, secure"; safe thoughts), and they brought

back [from the tranquil place] the ark of the covenant of Yahweh Almighty,

who lives (consciously resides) between the cherubim (redeeming

messages in the conscience of the redeemed)."

The House (Mindset) of Yahweh that dwells in the center seat of the

conscience of the chosen, also sits between the cherubim. All of these

processes happen within the souls of chosen children. Never external, always

internal! And now that we have come to understand the role of the cherubim

in the conscience, let's look at other often misunderstood areas of Scripture

and unveil their true intent:

Before we further investigate the role of the cherub within the presence

of Yahweh, in His House within, we need to look at two very unique areas of

Scripture that give us a different view of the cherub. At ʽEzrâʼ 2:59 and

Nechemyâh 7:61 we see the city of the cherub: "These [thoughts] are the

ones who come from the cities (fixed states of consciousness) of Têl

Melach ("hill of salt"; preserved thoughts), Tel Harsha ("forest hill";

misperception), Cherub ("legion, live, many") ..." (Ezra


Remember that these fixed states of consciousness (cities) are all

centered in Babylon ("confusion" in the conscience). This verse in Ezra also

repeated in Nehemyah 7:61, further illustrates the idea that the cherub are

the"many" thoughts within the conscience that solidify the conscience as

being either good or wicked; clean or unclean. Now let's look at another often

misunderstood area of Scripture in regard to the cherub.

It will be necessary for us to examine the whole of Yechezqêʼl (Ezekiel)

chapter 1 in order to fully illustrate the intent of what is being discussed. First,

as has been customary at times, we will write the verse as it is and then we

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will discover the true Hebrew definitions and their intent.

For some verses and the words expressed we will bring other scriptures

forth to solidify that the intent being expressed is consistent throughout the

Old Covenant. Don't worry for as it was in Part 1 so shall it be in Part 2 - we

will visit the Renewed Covenant as well. Yechezqêʼl/Ezekiel 1:1 - "It came

to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth of the

moon, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar. The heavens

were opened, and I saw visions from Yahweh."

Definitions and intent:

"It (the mental vision) came to pass in the thirtieth (30 = 3; 3 =

resurrection and/or conviction) year (mental revolution), in the fourth

(N,S,E,W; totality of thoughts) month ("new, rebuild"; also known as "moon";

subconscious/hidden thought world), on the fifth ("favor") of the moon

(rebuilding process), as I ("strength of Yahweh" in the body conscious) was

among the captives ("exile, tablet, bare"; thoughts held in bondage to the

self will) by the river ("stream, flow"; thought flow) Chebar ("binding, joining";

congregating thoughts). The heavens ("lofty, sky"; exalted thought plain)

were opened (clarity from the front seat; (east) gate in the conscience), and I

(strength of Yahweh in the conscience) saw visions ("mirror, appearance,

see"; realities in the conscience; mental pictures) from Yahweh."

Verse 2 - "On the fifth of the month, which was in the fifth year of

king Yôwyâkîyn's (Jehoiachin's) captivity," "...king (“reign, ascend";

dominant thoughts invading the conscience) Yôwyâkîyn's ("Yahweh

establishes"; thoughts borne forth from the Mind of Yahweh) captivity,"

The captivity that "Yahweh establishes", is a revelation of a conscience

that is in turmoil. The battle of the ever present ego (sâtân; ego's whisper)

trying to defeat that which has been implanted by the Mind of Yahweh.

Verse 3 - "The word of Yahweh came to Yechezqêʼl (Ezekiel) the

priest, the son of Bûwzîy, in the the land of the Chaldeans by the river

Chebar; and the hand of Yahweh was upon him there."

"The word (Yahweh's breath/voice in the conscience of chosen

children) of Yahweh came to Yechezqêʼl/Ezekiel (the "strength of Yahweh"

in the conscience, which alone allows one to overcome the ego's whisper)

the priest ("officiating, mediate"; mind judge), the son ("builder") of Buzi

("disrespect, condemned"; thoughts persecuted by the self will), in the land

(thought plain) of the Chaldeans ("savant, magic"; false belief in power other

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than Yahweh) by the river Chebar ("length, extent"; old flow of thoughts

joining together); and the hand (ability to consciously grasp) of Yahweh was

upon him (strength in the conscience) there."

Verse 4 - "Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming from

the north, a great cloud with fire, infolding itself, and brightness came

from it's midst, the color of amber."

"Then I (the "strength of Yahweh" in the conscience) looked (mentally

perceived), and behold, a 'whirlwind' ("blow, rush, toss"; mental

overcoming) was coming from the north ("hidden, dark"; concealed places

in the conscience usually necessitating holy judgment), a great 'cloud'

("covert"; the mystique of Yahweh in the conscience) with 'fire' ("burning,

flame"; both judgment and/or conviction in the conscience), infolding ("take";

reliance upon) itself, and brightness (mental clarity) came from it's midst,

the color ("eye, fountain"; mental appearance) of 'amber' ("bronze,

spectrum"; totality of man centered thinking)."

whirlwind - The whirlwind is the mental invasion of the Mind of Yahweh

in the conscience of chosen men: ʼÊlîyâh (Elijah - "Strength of Yahweh") went

up (to the exalted thought plain) in a whirlwind: II Kings 2:1 Iyyob (Job -

"persecution" in the conscience) heard Yahweh from the whirlwind: Job 38:1

The wicked (ego driven thoughts) perish in Yahweh's whirlwind: Isayah

40:24, Jer 23:19, Hos 13:3, Hab 3:14, Zec 7:14.

cloud - The cloud represents the mystique of Yahweh, the hidden

things in the conscience:

The people meet Yahweh from the cloud: Exodus 19:16, Ex 34:5, Ex

40:38, Psalm 105:39.

fire - The fire represents both the judgment and conviction within the

conscience of chosen men:

1) The exalted thought plain (mountain) is a place of fire: Exodus


2) Fire is Yahweh disseminating into a wicked conscience: Lev 10:2.

3) Fire represents Yahweh's jealousy for the mind of His chosen

people: Deut 4:24.

amber - Amber represents the renewed conscience of man once

touched by Yahweh's presence: Amber's definitions are "bronze" and

"spectrum". The root word for bronze is none other than Strong's #5172,

which we know as nâchash נחש. It's definition, "hiss, whisper". Yes, that old

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whisper of the self will, yet in the context of Yechezqêʼl/Ezikiel chapter 1, the

whisper is being redeemed in proper context. As for "spectrum" we have no

specific scriptures using this term however, we do have Joseph and his "coat

of many colors". Joseph is indicative of renewing imagination that carries with

it a double portion; the redeemed will and redeemed understanding. The coat

of many colors is the full spectrum of the conscience covered by the favor

and mercy of Yahweh.

redemption; amber. Yahshua represents the saved mind: Ezekiel 8:2.

Verse 5 - "Also from the midst, was the likeness of four living

creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a


"Also from the midst (conscious residing), was the likeness

("resemblance"; mental likeness) of four (N,S,E,W; fire, earth, water, air:

darkness, parchness, openness, roaring) living (consciously active)

creatures ("alive, raw, fresh"; active thoughts). And this was their

appearance (conscious showing): they had the likeness (mental likeness)

of man ("flesh, rosy"; Adam; the self will)."

creatures: The Cherub - The "creatures" are the cherub and represent

the many thought processes within a man's conscience, yet redeemed:

creatures; chay חי (khah'-ee), "alive, raw, fresh"; Strong's #2416.

"And the cherubim were lifted up. This was the living creatures I

saw by the river Chebar." (Ezekiyl 10:15)

"These are the living creatures I saw under the Father of Israyl by the

river Chebar, and I knew they were Cherubim." (Ezekiyl 10:20)

And now we look at verses pertaining to "alive, fresh, raw", the

definitions of "creatures".

alive: חי Also Strong's #2416. In all of the following verses and many

more the "creature" that is "alive", always pertains to man and not some

entity apart from man: Gen 43:7, Lev 14:4, Num 14:33, Deut 4:4, I Sam

15:8, II Sam 12:18-22, Prov 1:12, Ecc 4:2.

raw: חי Also Strong's #2416. Again, always pertaining to men and not

some mystical or unseen beings apart from man: Lev 13:10-16.

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fresh: חי Also Strong's #2416. This word fresh is not often used, but

gives way to the word "live" which is also Strong's #2416 and pertains always

to man and his internal processes in thought: Gen 45:3, Ex 21:35, Lev

16:20-21, Deut 30:6, II Sam 12:2, Ps 104:33, Jer 22:24, Jonah 4:3, Zeph


Verse 6 - "Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings."

"Each one [cherub] had four (the total boundaries of the conscience;

N,S,E,W) faces ("appearance"; conscious countenance), and each one had

four (N,S,E,W) wings ("protect, edge"; boundaries in thought capacity)."

Verse 7- "Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet like

the soles of a calf's hoof. They gleamed like the color of burnished


"Their legs ("walk, talebearer"; mental capacity) were straight ("right,

pleasant"; mentally upright), and the soles ("curve, bowl"; mental ability to

attain) of their feet (mental stability) like the soles of a calf's ("frisking,

revolving"; mentally uncertain) hoof ("claw, split"; difficult to grasp). They (the

many thoughts of the boundaries of thoughts within the conscience; the

cherubim) gleamed ("glare, bright"; shone forth in consciousness) like the

color ("eye, fountain"; outpouring) of burnished ("brightened, sharp";

redeemed) bronze (#5172; נחש nâchash, "hiss, whisper"; self will; self will

being redeemed by the many thoughts (cherub) of Yahweh in the


Verse 8 - "Under their wings, on the four sides, were the hands of

a man; each of the four had faces and wings."

"Under (consciously lower) their wings (mental boundaries), on the

four sides (N,S,E,W), were the hands (ability to grasp) of a man (ʼÂdâm;

ʼÂdâm 1 being redeemed unto ʼÂdâm 2); each of the four (four dimensions

of thought) had faces (mental countenance) and wings (boundaries)."

Verse 9 - "Their wings touched one another. They did not revolve

when they moved, but each one went straight ahead."

"Their wings (boundaries in thought) touched (mental adherence,

fastening thought realms) one another. They did not revolve (contemplate)

when they moved (traveled in the conscience) but each one went straight

(mentally focused) ahead."

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Verse 10 - "And for the likeness of their faces, they had the face of

a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four

had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an


"And for the likeness (perspective in the conscience) of their faces

(mental countenance), they (the "many" thoughts; cherubim); each had the

face (countenance) of a man (unredeemed carnality); each of the four

(N,S,E,W) had the face (countenance) of a lion ("violence, pluck"; attacking

thoughts) on the right (the south; the parched place in the conscience) side,

the four had the face of an ox ("traveler, turn"; the rebellious thoughts

unredeemed) on the left (the north; the dark place in the conscience) side,

and the four had the face of an eagle ("lacerate"; destructive thoughts)."

Verse 11 - "This was their faces. Then two wings spread upward,

then two wings of each creature touched each other on each side; and

two wings covered their bodies."

"This was their faces (conscious countenance). Then two wings

(mental extensions; boundaries) spread upward (elevated thinking), the two

wings of each creature ("many, legion-like" thoughts; cherubim) touched

(connecting consciences) each other on each side (N,S); and two wings

covered their bodies (totality of thoughts)."

Verse 12 - "And each one went straight ahead; they went wherever

the spirit wanted to go, and they did not revolve when they moved."

"And each ("many" realms of thought in the total conscience;

cherubim) one went straight (right thinking) ahead; they went wherever

the mind (mindset being exalted) wanted to go, and they did not revolve

(confusion) when they moved (mentally active)."

Verse 13 - "As for the likeness of the living creatures, their

appearance was like burning coals of fire; like shapes flaming up

between the living creatures. The fire was bright, and out from it came


"As for the likeness (mental characteristics) of the living (active)

creatures ("many" thoughts particular to boundaries of thought), their

appearance (manifestation in the conscience) was like burning ("kindle,

brutish"; thought agitation) coals ("glow, kindle"; thoughts stoking in the

conscience) of fire (conviction); like shapes (mental images) flaming

("lamps, shine"; illuminating) up between (shared thoughts) the living

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 25 of

creatures. The fire (conviction) was bright (consuming), and out from it

came lightning ("gleaning"; piercing in the conscience)."

coals: Coals represent the stoking of renewing thoughts in the


1) Coals come from the front seat of the conscience; the

place called the altar: Lev 16:12.

2) Coals can be thoughts leading to judgment in the

conscience: Psalm 18:13, Prov 26:21.

3) Coals are the preemptive forms of inner conviction: Isayah 6:6.

lightning: Lightning represents Yahweh's judgment in the

conscience of man:

1) Lightning sifts through unclean thoughts: II Sam 22:15.

2) Lightning is the countenance of internal messages: Dan 10:6

3) Lightning represents judgment in the conscience: Zec 9:14.

Verse 14 - "And the creatures ran back and forth, appearing as a

flash of lightning."

"And the creatures ("many" thoughts manifesting from Yahweh;

cherubim) ran (throughout the conscience) back and forth (N,S,E,W),

appearing (consciously manifesting) as a flash (clear) of lightning (relief)."

Verse 15 - "Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold, I saw a

wheel on the earth beside each creature, with it's four faces."

"Now as I ("strength of Yahweh" in the conscience) looked (perceived)

at the living creatures, behold, I saw a wheel ("revolve"; stirring thoughts)

on the earth (mind of man) beside (engaging) each creature, with it's four

(N - dark, S - parched, E - open, W - roaring) faces (mental countenances)."

wheels: Wheels have several distinct meanings with intent throughout

Scripture. In the case of Ezekiel it is Strong's #212: אופן ʼôwphân (o-

fawn'); "revolve". A few verses will help extrapolate the intent:

1) "Jammed" wheels means disturbed thoughts and confusion: Ex


2) "Preserved" thoughts (cumin) is not pressed with the wheel (carnal

revolutions in thought): Isa 28:27-28.

3) "Noisy" wheels means a mind full of lies and deceit: Nah 3:1-2.

Verse 16 - "The appearance of the wheels and their design, like the

color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of

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their design, as it were, one wheel was inside the other wheel."

"The appearance (conscious perception) of the wheels (revolving

thoughts from each thought boundary: N [dark], S [parched], E [open], W

[roaring]) and their design (mental temperament), like the color (mental

outpourings and perceptions) beryl ("merchant"; material consciousness),

and all four (the "many" thoughts of the four thought boundaries; cherubim)

had the same likeness (material perspective). The appearance of their

design (mental make up), as it were, one wheel (revolution of thoughts

specific to a boundary of thought) was inside (part of; a collective

understanding) the other wheel."

beryl: Beryl represents the unredeemed material conscience hardened

until renewal:

1) The breastplate ("contain, sparkle"; ability to understand Yahweh's

Mind patterns) of the priest (mental mediator for Yahweh) contained beryl

(the redeemed material conscience): Ex 28:20

2) Beryl can represent the completely redeemed material conscience,

or "body" of thoughts: Dan 10:6

3) Beryl is the same word, Strong's #8659, as the word commonly

known as "Tarshish". Tarshîysh (tar-sheesh'), "gravitational energy, hard,

broken, place of the stone, beryl".

4) Tarshish (the unredeemed material conscience) was a place in Spain

("rare, abounding with conies, land of the rabbits"; the animalistic sense

consciousness): II Chron 9:21, Isa 23:1

5) Tarshish (materiality) is were Yôwnâh ("dove, fruit of Yahweh";

thoughts being redeemed by Yahweh) fled: Yôwnâh/Jonah 1:3

6) Tarshish was a son (builder) of Yâvân ("effervescing, intoxicating";

the lure of the material worldly conscience): Gen 10:4

Verse 17 - "When they moved toward, any of the four directions,

they would not revolve when they moved."

"When they (revolving thoughts particular to thought boundaries)

moved (active in the conscience) toward any of the four directions (mental

boundaries), they (thought revolutions) would not revolve (stir in thinking)

when they moved."

Verse 18 - "As for their rims, they were so high that they were

awesome; and all four rims were full of eyes all around them."

"As for their (revolving thoughts particular to thought boundaries) rims

("hollow, curve, back"; stability through sanctification), they were so high

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(consciously exalted) that they were awesome (splendid in conscience);

and all four (N,S,E,W) rims (process of renewal to the thought boundaries)

were full of eyes (outpourings of perceptions) all around them."

rims: Rims represent stability: Strong's #1354, נכ gab (gab); "hollow,

curve, back"; support system in the conscience. As the word "rims" it is only

used twice in the Scriptures at Ezekiel 1:18, and no where else. #1354 also

represents the word "back". At Ezekiel 10:12 it states, "And their whole

body, with their back, their hands, their wings, and the wheels the four

had, full of eyes all around." This of course is speaking of the cherubim

("many" thoughts encompassing all four thought boundaries), and further

illustrates how the rims are an expression of

consciousness and not a physical happening.

Hollow ("hand, curve, bow"; represents the protective measures of the

mind meant for redemption): Isayah 40:12 - "Who measured out the waters

(thoughts filled with delusion, or thoughts renewed; "living water") in the

hollow (ability to grasp and reverence) of His hand..."

Verse 19 - "When the living creatures went, the wheels went

beside them; and when the living creatures rose up from the earth, the

wheels rose up."

"When the living (active in the conscience) creatures (cherubim;

"many" thoughts relative to the four thought boundaries; "N - dark, S -

parched, E - open, W - roaring") went (traveled throughout the conscience),

the wheels (revolving, repeating thought patterns) went beside (learning

from) them; and when the living creatures rose up (elevated in

consciousness) from the earth (original carnality in the conscience; the mind

of man), the wheels (revolving thoughts specific to each of the four

boundaries) rose up (the redemption of once "revolving" thoughts)."

Verse 20 - "Wherever the mind willed to go they went, and the

mind went; and the wheels rose up together with them; for the mind of

the living creatures was in the wheels."

"Wherever the mind (rûwach (roo'-akh); "blow, breath"; in this

instance, the voice of Yahweh within the conscience of chosen children)

willed ("Yahweh's will") to go they (the "many" redeeming thoughts of

Yahweh supplanted in redeemed consciences) went, and the mind went,

and the wheels (thoughts formerly "revolving" with carnal thoughts) rose up

(being redeemed spiritually) together (unified) with them; for the mind of

the living creatures was in the wheels."

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Verse 21 - "When those went, these went; when those stood, these

stood; and when those rose up from the earth, the wheels rose up with

them; for the mind of the living creatures was in the wheels."

"When those went, these went; when those stood, these stood

(unity in the totality of thoughts); and when those rose up from the earth

(mind of man), the wheels (once scattered thoughts) rose up with them.

For the mind (mind breath) of the living creatures was in the wheels."

Verse 22 - "There was a resemblance of the firmament over the

heads of the living creatures, like the color of dazzling crystal over their


"There was a resemblance (mental likeness) of the firmament

("pound, expand"; exalted thoughts and ideas) over the heads (body

conscious) of the living creatures (cherubim; the "many" thoughts

incorporating the four thought boundaries), like the color (mind fountain) of

dazzling ("fear, revere"; mental reverence) crystal ("ice, deplete"; mental

warfare) over their heads."

crystal: Crystal represents convictions:

1) Crystal is cohesive with words like "ice" and "hail" from the Hebrew


2) The "crumbs" are "pieces" or "broken", giving the intent of the

convictions that pierce and convict the conscience of chosen souls.

Verse 23 - "Under the firmament their wings stretched out, one

toward the other. Each had two, spreading to this side and that, and

each one had two which covered their bodies."

"Under (at a lower level of consciousness) the firmament (exalted

thoughts and ideas) their wings (thought boundaries) stretched (mental

expansion) out, one toward (unifying) the other. Each one had two,

spreading to this (N) side and that (S) side, and each one had two which

covered their bodies (totality of thoughts)."

Verse 24 - "And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings;

like the roar of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a tumult like

the sound of an army; and when they stood still they let their wings


"And when they (the "many" thoughts protecting and defending

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 29 of

Yahweh's Mind patterns while at the same time acknowledging man centered

thinking) went (into the conscience), I (the "Strength of Yahweh" in the

conscience) heard the noise ("voice, sound"; internal voice) of their wings

(thought extensions); like the roar (mind cry) of many waters (either

delusion or life; material conscience vs. "living water"), like (in this particular

instance) the voice of the Almighty (the Yahweh conscience), a tumult

(mental onslaught) like the sound of an army ("mass, campaign"; mental

war); and when they (the "many" thoughts of Yahweh) stood still they (the

cherubim) let their wings (expansions) down."

Verse 25 - "A voice came down from the firmament above their

heads, thus they stood still and let their wings down."

"A voice (Yahweh's voice) came down from the firmament (mental

expanse) above their heads (current mindsets), thus they stood still and

let their wings down."

Verse 26 - "Above the firmament over their heads, the likeness of a

throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; and above the likeness of

the throne, a figure with the likeness of a man."

"Above the firmament over their heads, the likeness (mental

understanding) of a throne ("covered, plump"; super abundant

consciousness), in appearance (mental clarity) like a sapphire ("store,

scratch"; mental threshing) stone (firmly established thoughts), and above

the likeness of the throne, a figure (mental appearing) with the likeness

(mental characteristics) of a man (the fully redeemed man; Yahshua;

"Yahweh saves"; Yahweh saves the fallen mind)."

Verse 27 - "From the form of his waist upward I saw the color of

amber, with the presence of fire surrounding it; and from the form of his

waist downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness

all around."

"From the form (mental concept) of his waist ("slender"; mental

reproduction) upward I saw (consciously perceived) the color (perceptions

and productions) of amber (the conscience at war; Mind vs. mind), with the

presence of fire (judgment and conviction) surrounding it; and from the

form of his waist (the "loins" of the mind) downward (towards lower

consciousness) I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire (judgment) with

brightness (convicting clarity) all around."

Verse 28 - "Like the appearance of a rainbow in the cloud on a

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rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness surrounding it. This

was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh, when I saw

it, I fell upon my face. I heard the voice of the One who spoke."

"Like the appearance of a rainbow ("bending, dense"; mind covenant)

in the cloud (mental mystique of Yahweh) on a rainy (mental outpouring)

day, so was the appearance of the brightness surrounding it (the mental

picture of man receiving full redemption unto perfection; Yahshua). This was

the appearance of the likeness of the glory (mental weightiness) of

Yahweh (the Maker of the perfected conscience); when I (Yahweh's strength

in the conscience) saw it (the perfected conscience), I fell upon my face

(conscious countenance). I heard (understood) the voice (thoughts of

Yahweh in the conscience) of the One who spoke."

These very cherubim are the same creatures in chapter ten of Ezekiel

and though much of what is in chapter one is repetitious in chapter 10, there

are a few key verses that warrant further inspection:

Ezekiel 10:2 - "and He spoke to the man clothed with linen and

said, 'Go in between the wheels under the cherub, and fill your hands

with coals of the fire between the cherubim, and scatter them over the

city.' And he went in before my eyes."

"And He (Yahweh's voice in the conscience) spoke to the man

(redeemed mind) clothed (mentally covered) with linen ("divided, solitary";

consecrated mentality), and said, 'Go (into the conscience front seat) in

between the wheels (revolving thoughts specific to each of the four thought

boundaries; N - dark, S - parched, E - open, W - roaring) under (lower

consciousness) the cherub ("many" protective thoughts), and fill your

hands (ability to mentally grasp) with coals ("glow, kindle"; mental

illuminations) of fire (judgment in the mind) from between the cherubim,

and scatter (to each boundary) them over the city' ("encampment,

opening"; firmly established thoughts and thought processes). And he (the

mental messenger) went in before my eyes (mental


Ezekiel 10:19 - "Then the cherubim lifted their wings and mounted

up from the earth in my sight. When they departed the wheels were

beside them, and they stopped at the door of the East Gate of the House

of Yahweh, and the glory of the Father of Israel was above them."

"Then the cherubim (the "many" thoughts that protect the perfected

conscience) lifted their wings (mental boundaries) and mounted (elevated)

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 31 of

up from the earth (mind of carnal man) in my sight. When they departed

the wheels (mental revolutions) were beside them, and they stopped at

the door (mental entrance) of the East ("open"; front seat of the conscience;

entrance to the Holy of Holies) Gate of the House (Mindset) of Yahweh, and

the glory of the Father of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh) was

above (outside of even the boundaries created for mankind) them."

Having broken down each section to introduce true intent, I have

considered "summing up" the entirety of what has been expressed in Ezekiel,

but I have chosen to forego such an endeavor. It is up to you to "seek and

find" what exactly Yahweh has to say to you about it. In order to help we will

look at one more section of Scripture in reference to the cherub and then we

move on to what is commonly known as the Seraphim, the Nephilim and the

Anakites. Let's look at verses eleven through sixteen of Ezekiel chapter


Verses 11-12 - "Moreover, the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,

'Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him,

This is what Father Yahweh says, you were the seal of perfection, full of

wisdom and perfect in beauty.'"

"Moreover, the word of Yahweh came to me ("Strength of Yahweh"

in the conscience), saying, 'Son (conscious "builder") of man (once carnal

thinking), take up a lamentation ("dirge, strike"; mental binding/chastening)

for the king (dominant thought) of Tyre ("rock, stone, confine"; hardened

mind[heart]), and say to him (hardened thoughts), this is what Father

Yahweh says, You (thoughts intended to be fully established in

righteousness) were the seal ("signature, mark"; mental litmus test) of

perfection ("completion, end"; unlimited holy thinking, having no sin to

tarnish), full of wisdom ("chochmâh" of the Tree of Life within) and perfect

in beauty (mental joy and illumination).'"

Verse 13 - "You were in Eden, the garden of Yahweh; every

precious stone your covering; the ruby, the topaz, the emerald, the

chrysolite, the onyx, the jasper, the sapphire, the turquoise and the

beryl. The workmanship and tabrets made with gold. On the day you

were created, they were prepared for you."

"You (thoughts intended for right thinking [righteousness]) were in

Eden (the state of conscious pleasure), the garden ("hedge, protect"; the

covered conscience) of Yahweh; every precious stone (established

process in thought) your covering (mental protection); the ruby ("submit";

the submitted conscience), the topaz ("pure"; the clean conscience), the

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emerald ("to heal"; the giving conscience), the chrysolite ("reverence"; the

revering conscience), the onyx ("zeal"; the zealous conscience), the jasper

("polish"; strength of Yahweh in the conscience), the sapphire ("Book of

Yahweh"; established patterns of Yahweh in the conscience), the turquoise

("Laws"; Yahweh's Mind patterns in the conscience), and the beryl ("give

light"; illumination in the conscience). The workmanship ("deputyship,

dispatch"; release into the conscience) and tabrets ("tambourine, drum";

repetitiveness in the conscience) made with gold ("shimmering"; wisdom of

Yahweh). On the day you were created (Day 1; it is up to you the reader to

discern, “Why day 1?”), they (the 9 stones; the 9 established thought plains;

9 equals "upright man" or "carnal man") were prepared (created ahead of

physical man) for you (the conscience not yet corrupt)."

Verse 14 - "You were the anointed cherub, and I set you on the

holy mountain of Yahweh; you have walked back and forth in the midst

of the stones of fire."

"You were the anointed ("expansion, rub, consecrate"; mind guarding)

cherub (the "many" thoughts that protect a mind from unclean thoughts, but

must be obeyed), and I set (established in the thought boundaries) you

(mind guide patterns) on the holy mountain (Sinai - "cliff, deep ravine,

jagged"; where common meets the holy in the conscience) of Yahweh, you

have walked (examined) back (W; the roar of the conscience) and forth (E;

the open gate of the perfected conscience) in the midst (conscious stirring)

of the stones (building blocks in the conscience) of fire (judgment and

conviction in the conscience)."

Verse 15 - "You were perfect in your ways from the day you were

created, until iniquity was found in you."

"You (many thoughts intended to guard the Holy Mind patterns) were

perfect (consciously clean) in your ways (mind paths) from the day you

were created (manifested as plains in the conscience), until iniquity

("wicked, distort"; mental uncleanliness) was found (discovered in the

conscience) in you."

Verse 16 - "By the multitude of your merchandise you have been

filled with violence within, and you have sinned. Therefore, I cast you

out as profane, out of the mountain of Yahweh; and I will destroy you

from the midst of the fiery stones, 0 anointed cherub."

"By the multitude (repetitions in the conscience) of your

merchandise ("trade, travel"; foreign thoughts and ideas) you have been

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filled (consciously overtaken) with violence (conscious wrong thinking)

within (the soul's character), and you have sinned (mentally transgressed

pure thinking). Therefore (the consequence to mind transgression), I cast

you out (away from the protected conscience) as profane ("wound,

dissolve"; consciously reprobate; void), out of the mountain (exalted

presence in thought) of Yahweh; and I will destroy (remove from all

possible realms of thought) you from the midst (collective mental gathering;

congregation) of the fiery (judgments and convictions in consciousness)

stones (building blocks of the perfected conscience), 0 anointed cherub

("many" thoughts intended for eternal purity, yet given over to the carnality


And so we can determine that the intent of the Hebrew word kerûwb

(ker-oob') with all of it's derivations, speaks to processes in the thought world

and not physical entities.

"Many", "Legion -like". Thoughts within and the processes in which they

consciously manifest; rift.

seraphims: sârâph שרף (saw-raf'); "burning, on fire"; Strong's #8314.

Only two places throughout the Scriptures utilize this word as it is in it's

original language; the Hebrew language.

Isayah 6:2 and 6:6 actually utilize the word "seraphim" in most

translations of the Scriptures. As with the cherub, the idea that these named

seraph are creatures external to man, has for too long been the accepted

norm among both "scholars" and gentiles alike. Let's look at the two

incidences in Isayah and then explore some other areas of Scripture that

utilize what would be Strong's #8314, but not as the word "seraphim."

Isayah 6:2 - "Above Him stood the seraphim; each one had six

wings; with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and

with two he flew."

"Above (the magnification of His glory) Him (Yahweh) stood (mental

uprightness) the seraphim ("burning, on fire"; the I AM conscience; One),

each one had six (encompassing the totality of all that man (#6) could be,

and how that would be accomplished; through fire and burning) wings

(mental expanse); with two he covered his face (countenance mentally),

with two he covered his feet (stability), and with two he flew ("cover, faint";


Isayah 6:6-7 - "Then, one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his

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hand a live coal, he had taken with the tongs from the alter, and he

touched my mouth, and said, 'Your iniquity is taken away, and your sins


"Then, one of the seraphim (hotly pressing thought within the

conscience) flew ("cover, faint"; consciously impressed upon) to me (Isayah;

"salvation of Yahweh"; saving the mind), having in his hand ("grasp" in the

conscience) a live (consciously active) coal ("stone, arrow"; piercing and

strongly established thoughts), he (the hotly pressing thought) had taken

with the tongs ("take, fetch"; receptivity) from the altar (front seat of the

conscience; forefront of the Holy of Holies), and he touched my mouth

("blowing, puff"; conscious outpouring), and said, 'Your iniquity (mental

uncleanliness) is taken away, and your sins (mental transgressions)

purged (removed from consciousness).'"

And so we see the end result (a cleaned conscience) of the effects of

the seraphim. It was never that the seraphim was some external creature

effecting physical matters. Isayah himself, after consciously receiving the

seraphim's message, declared, "Woe is me! I am undone!" (Vs. 5). And this

was of his internal state and no less! You noticed that the words "burning"

and "on fire" were underlined, for we will examine the definitions of the

Hebrew word sârâph in order to further illuminate that it was always about

internal things and not external.

burning: Also Strong's #8314. In all of the following verses and many

more, are words also attributed to burning such as "burn" or "burned". The

burn always pertains to judgment on sinful thoughts within man's conscience:

Lev 10:6, Deut 7:5, 7:25, 12:3, 13:16, 29:13, Ez 16:41, 23:47.

fiery: Also Strong's #8314. "Conviction, judgment". In every instance

wherein the word fiery is utilized in the Hebrew Scriptures, the intent is to

express righteous wrath over unrighteous thought processes: Num 21:6-8,

Deut 8:15, Isayah 14:29, 30:6.

And to our amazement we come upon another derivation of Strong's

#8314, and it is a word that we know all too well, though with a slight variation

this time:

serpent: Also Strong's #8314, "burning, on fire". Used only three times

in Scriptures:

Numbers 21:6-8 - "And Yahweh sent fiery serpents among them,

and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israyl died.

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Therefore, the people came to Môsheh and said, 'We have sinned for we

spoke against Yahweh and against you. Pray that Yahweh will take the

serpents from us.' So Môsheh prayed for the people. Yahweh said to

Môsheh, 'Make a serpent and put it up on a pole; whoever is bitten,

when he looks at it shall live.'"

"And Yahweh sent fiery (convicting) serpents (thoughts hotly

pressing the conscience) among (within the body conscious) them

(disobedient people = disobedient thoughts), and they bit ("strike, oppress";

mentally burdened) the people; and many of the people (thoughts) of

Israyl (thoughts intended to be ruled by and for Yahweh) died (vanquished

from consciousness). Therefore, the people came to Môsheh (the

conscience "drawing out" the manna) and said, 'We (unclean thoughts) have

sinned (mentally transgressed) for we spoke (resounded in the conscience)

against Yahweh and against you. Pray (consciously intercede) that

Yahweh (the mind purifier) will take the serpents (heavy minded

convictions) from us.' So Môsheh prayed for the people (unclean

thoughts). Yahweh said to Môsheh, 'Make a serpent (this time it is our old

friend #5175, nâchâsh; נחש ; "hiss, whisper") and put it (the ego's whisper)

up on a pole ("flag, gleam"; consciously conspicuous); whoever is bitten

(burdened thoughts), when he looks (consciously perceives) at it (the ego

raised up to a renewed stature), shall live (active, fruitful conscience).'"

Isayah 14:29 - "Do not rejoice all you of Philistia, for the rod of him

who has struck you has broken; for out of the serpent's root will come

forth an adder, and it's offspring a fiery flying serpent."

"Do not rejoice all you of Philistia ("wandering, rolling"; unruly

thoughts), for the rod (corrective measures in the conscience) of him who

struck (disciplined) you has broken (ceased); for out of the serpent's

(#5175; "hiss, whisper"; self will) root (stronghold in conscience) will come

forth (into the holy conscience) an adder ("extrude, thrusting"; reprobation),

and it's offspring (mental lineage) a fiery flying ("cover, fly"; overbearing)

serpent (#8314: burning conviction)."

It is good to ponder that the "parent" serpent is #5175, and the offspring

is reprobation (adder) and conviction (#8314), or even more so, delusion.

Isayah 30:6 - "The burden against the beasts of the South:

Through the land of trouble and anguish, where the young and old lion,

the viper and the fiery flying serpent come from, they will carry their

riches upon the backs of their young donkeys, and their treasure upon

the humps of camels, to a people that shall not profit."

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"The burden [mental of course] against the beasts (unruly thoughts)

of the South (parched conscience): Through the land (thought plain) of

trouble and anguish [mental of course], where the young (undisciplined)

and old (crafty) lion (roar in the conscience), the viper (nothingness) and

the fiery flying serpent (delusions) come from, they will carry their riches

(carnal misgivings) upon the backs (emotional stability) of their young

(undisciplined) donkeys (stubbornness), and their treasures (physical lusts)

upon the humps ("mass, gummy"; idleness) of camels ("labor, toil";

defiance), to a people (thoughts) that shall not profit."

camels: Camels represent the toiling mind. The camel (toiling mind)

chews (digest in consciousness) the cud ("scraping, drag"; loose thoughts)

and therefore, cannot be eaten (mentally digested). Lev 11:4

Rahab ("proud, broaden"; arrogance) is the holding place in the

conscience for camels (mental toil). Ez 25:5

Nephilim: nephîyl, נפילים (nef-eel'), "feller, bully, fall"; Strong's #5303. It

is important to note, that if one were to do a search for the word nephilim in

Strong's, one would find the statement "See Giants", next to the word.

"Giants" of course is Strong's #5303, but it also has another Hebraic word

that is relevant and that is #7497; râphâ רפאים (raw-faw'); "invigorating,

mend"; also known as the "Rephaites".

For the purposes of this body of work we focus on nephîyl, but it was

diligent for us to differentiate between the two; two differing realms of

consciousness. Let's look at the two areas of Scripture in the Old Covenant

where the word "giants" (nephîyl) is used:

Genesis 6:1-5 - "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply

on the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of men

saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful. And they took wives

for themselves of all whom they chose. And Yahweh said, 'The men of

this world will never subject themselves to My Mind, for they are indeed

carnal. Therefore, his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.'

There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterword, when

the sons of the elohim came into the daughters of men and they bore to

them. Those mighty one who are enemies of Yahweh - men of old, men

of renown."

"And it came to pass, when men (carnal thoughts; each man

represents a thought) began to multiply (duplicating carnal thoughts in the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 37 of

conscience) in the earth (mind of man), and daughters ("build"; sensual

thoughts) were born (consciously manifested) to them (carnal thoughts),

that the sons (builders) of men (carnality) saw the daughters (sensual

thoughts "built" within) of men, that they were beautiful (sensually

pleasing). And they (carnal thoughts) took wives (melancholy) for

themselves of all whom they chose. and Yahweh said, 'The men (carnal

thoughts) of this world (ego centered consciousness) will never subject

(consciously revere) themselves to My Mind (life force in the

consciousness), for they are indeed carnal (void of thoughts based in

Yahweh's truth). Therefore, his days (times of illumination) shall be one

hundred and twenty (120 = 1+2=3, conviction) years ("Jubilee cycles"; 120

x 49 = 5,880 years for mankind (carnality) to exist in the conscience).' There

were giants ("feller, bully, fall"; dominating carnal thoughts) on the earth

(mind of man) in those days, and also afterward (until the 5,880 years (the

year 2045 C.E.) is up), when the sons ("builders" of carnality) of the elohim

("might, strength"; thoughts inducing "self " reliance) came into (intertwining

thought realms) the daughters of men ("builders" of sensuality in the

conscience) and they bore (consciously manifested) to them. Those mighty

ones (defiant thoughts) who are enemies of Yahweh (the Perfect

Conscience) - men of old ("conceded, vanquishing'; condemned), men of

renown (“position, honor"; carnally uplifted)."

daughters and sons: It is worth noting, and this is for you to further

ponder, that the Hebraic word for both daughter and son is the same word:

bên (bane), "builder, build". I have given you insight into the differing thoughts

each would build and would also encourage you to think in terms of the right

brain (male) and the left brain (female); wisdom (R -male) and understanding

(L -female). Remember that we are talking about corruption in Genesis

chapter six, so it stands to decipher that the Hebraic intent speaks to the

fallen aspect of the daughter and son within.

Numbers 13:33 - "We saw giants there (the descendants of Anak

came from the nephilim); and we seemed like grasshoppers in our own

sight, and we looked so to them."

"We saw giants (dominating carnal thoughts) there (Canaan;

"humiliated, vanquish"; the self appeasing conscience) the descendants

(lineage of thought) of ʽÂnâq ("necklace, choke"; material intellect) came

from the nephilim [fallen minds]; and we (thoughts being renewed) seemed

like grasshoppers ("locust, devour"; consciously devoured) in our own

sight (mental perception), and we looked so (devourable) to them

(dominating carnal thoughts in the conscience)."

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 38 of

As with the sârâph, we have looked at two specific definitions given for

the nephîyl and we will gain greater clarity by exploring these definitions and

their intent; internal not external.

feller: This Hebrew word is actually the root word of #5303; nâphal

נפילים (naw-fal'); "fall". We have discussed how the Hebrew word for "wood"

expresses a "firmly held thought" that can be pure or carnal. Nâphal also

carries with it the definition "wood cutter", which would literally mean in the

case of the nephîyl, "truth cutter". Hence the definition, "fall". With this

application Scriptures such as II Sam 3:34 and II Kings 6:5 become very

clear to comprehend. The root word discussed would be Strong's #5307.

fall: Also Strong's #5307, נפל nâpal, the root of #5303. Every single

scripture in the Old Covenant, and there are many, that incorporates the word

"fall" or any of it's derivations, discusses a fall from Yahweh. A fall from the

perfected conscience, to the void of the ego centered thought plain, "earth".

Anakims: The ʽĂnâqîy ענק (an-aw-kee') have not fallen prey to the idea of

external beings such as the cherubim and the nephilim, but we will take a

brief look at the Hebraic intent since they are also classified as giants. The

Hebrew intent in expressing their "giant" status would be "power, tyrant".

We also discovered that emphasis in the consciousness in regards to

the ʽânâq (aw-nawk) was "necklace, choke". The intent would be to express

how the material conscience chokes out truth. The "tyrant" called "materiality"

is what is meant to be Hebraically expressed. Always an internal process the

external merely an after effect, the shadow.

As with Part 1 we will travel throughout the Renewed Covenant to

explore what was always intended to be a continuation of Hebraic definitions

and their intent expressed through the life of Yahshua and his disciples.

Before we do so, we finalize some extremely compelling facts to help sum up

what is really going on. We start with an exact wording of what Strong's has

asserted as the proper understanding of the word rnalak. A word which

cannot be found in it's original Hebraic state, but only as the word "angel" and

it's derivations.

#4397; malʼâk מלאך (mal-awk') from an unused root mean to despatch

as a deputy: a messenger; spec. of God, i.e. an angel (also a prophet, priest

or teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger.

Quite literally, Strong's would have one spelling belive that a malak is

none other than "an angel of God"; terms non-existent in the Hebrew

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 39 of

language! We already know that the Greek language as well as the Latin

language were formed over a thousand years after the Hebrew language. We

also know that both Greek and Latin culture are filled with much myth and

folklore, leading to heavily polytheistic (many "gods") societies. Strong's once

again does it's readers a great injustice by attempting to subvert both the

Hebraic definitions and their intent, with the commentary they make available.

It is very simple to research the idea that the word “angel” derives from the

Greek word "angelos", leading back to the Latin word "angelus". That work is

yours to do and you have been given deep deep insights to help guide your

mind to the truth. A Hebraic "message/messenger" within the conscience or a

being external to the conscience? Mental perceptions or physical


You remember how we exposed a systematic use of the word "sâtân"; in

certain scriptures the actual Hebrew word, and in other instances a

systematic use of sâtân's definitions like "opponent" and "adversary"? We

discussed how the many translations of the Scriptures made available today

seemed to, by some amazing coincidence, at times use the actual Hebrew

word and at other times it's definitions instead of the Hebrew word. Well once

again in reference to the Hebrew word malak, we have a systematic

retranslating into the word “angel”, a non-existent Hebrew word. But it does

not stop there! Remember that the definition(s) for malak are, despatch,

message, or messenger; Strong's #4397. If one were to look up the actual

words "messenger" or "messengers" in Strong's, what do you think you would

find? That's correct, #4397! Let's clarify what we are realizing with these


If one were to look for the actual word "malak" or any of it's derivations

in Strong's, you would find no references whatsoever. On the contrary, if one

were to look for the word "angel" or any of it's derivations you would find

about one hundred plus Scripture references in the Old Covenant, and about

the same for the Renewed Covenant. By now you should be able to simply

replace any instances where angel or it's derivations appears, and put either

malak or the definitions of malak in it's place. In doing so you will find a

cohesive blending of Hebrew words and their intent.

Remember, the word angel came over a thousand years after the

Hebrew language, as did the idea of external beings rather than internal

processes in the conscience. Another aspect of the systematic use of the

word angel or it's derivations that must be understood is only discovered as

one actually studies the verses where the Greek invades the Old Covenant

Hebrew Scriptures. In every instance

where angel or it's derivations is implanted, it seemingly discusses beings

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 40 of

other than mankind, unless of course one sees through the deception. Where

this really becomes magnified is when you actually go and look up the words

"messenger" or "messengers" in Strong's. As we said earlier, you would find

that both of these words are given #4397 in Strong's; none other than the

word malʼâk. It might not seem so deceptive until one were to look at the

almost one hundred verses that use these words, only to find that in every

single instance, it is men being discussed as the messenger or messengers.

That is correct, the very same word that is systematically said to mean

external beings (angels) in certain verses, now is specifically men in other

verses. In doing a little research into this you will come up with the following

truths, without any compromise:

1) The Hebrew word malʼâk means "despatch" or "message" or


2) Not one scripture in the Old Covenant that utilizes the word “malʼâk”

ever refers to an entity external and separate from men;

3) Strong's as well as the many translations of the Scriptures, has

systematically replaced the words “despatch, message, messenger or

messengers”, with the Greek word “angel”;

4) There is no such word as angel in the Hebrew language;

5) Strong's as well as the many translations of the Scriptures, have

systematically not used the word angel in specific verses but rather,

messenger or messengers;

6) In every instance where the word messenger or messengers is

utilized instead of the Greek word angels, the Scriptures specifically refer

to men and not beings external to men;

7) Malak always has and always will refer to messages or messengers

(more on this later) in the conscience of men;

8) Each man is a thought! A few examples for the sake of clarity:

A) Yahshua: "Yahweh saves";

B) Shemûwʼêl שמואל: "heard of power"; commonly “Samuel”;

C) ʼEzrâʼ אגוש: "strength helps"; commonly “Ezra”;

D) Yirmʽyah ירמיה: "may Yahweh lift up"; commonly “Jeremiah”.

Every name in Scripture is intended to tell of a specific realm of

consciousness and the thoughts derived from that consciousness. Remember

the wicked Bâlâq and how he so wanted to curse Israel ("thoughts ruled by

and for Yahweh”)? Is it any wonder that his name means "waster, annihilate"?

When thoughts look to curse Yahweh's thoughts in the conscience, a wasted,

annihilated mind, is the end result!

Let's remember that the words so often attributed to "angelic beings" like

cherubim, seraphim and even nephilim, have all been shown to be states of

mind and not physical entities. In doing so it becomes quite simple to sift

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 41 of

through the Scriptures where “angel” is implanted, exposing all systematic

deceptions. Perhaps a look into the Renewed Covenant will further solidify all

that has been illuminated herein?

We must first analyze what is being offered in order to decipher the intent of

it's source. We will start by giving a specific look at Strong's definition of the

Greek word angel: #32G, ἅγγελος aggělŏs (ang'-el-os) from ᾰγγελος aggĕllō

[prob. der. from 71; comp. 34] (to bring tidings); a messenger; esp. an

"angel"; by impl. a pastor: - angel, messenger.

Remembering that this word was intended to be the translation of the

Hebrew word malak, much is left to be desired. Let's bring to mind the

specific Hebrew word and it's definitions, this time without any influence from

Strong's or the many translations of the Scriptures made available: malʼâk

(mal-awk); "despatch, message, messenger". Is it not compelling to consider

the words themselves? How does one go from malʼâk to angel? Is it not so

that every human being on the earth, no matter what language they speak,

could attempt to say the word malak? Could you not even teach it to a parrot?

The point is that it was not merely an impossibility to speak the word malak,

but it was a planned deception to convert it to a Greek word that had far more

implications then "despatch, message, messenger". Is it not also interesting

that though many people have made statements such as, "Oh, your such an

angel," but all the while with the belief that these entities external to man's

conscience actually exist? The Greek definition itself, minus all of the extra

commentary, simply defines aggelos as "bring tidings".

If not for the heavily influenced polytheism (many deities) in the Greek

culture, the definition itself could actually pass the muster, but only if it also

aligned with Hebraic intent. Because it does not, it is at the height of

idolatrous blasphemy to the Old Covenant truths. Even the above mentioned

root sources for #32, #71 & #34, would not leave one thinking, "This must be

about invisible people or beings."

#71g. agŏ ᾂγω (ag'-o), "lead, bring, drive";

#34g. agĕlĕ άγέλη (ag-el'-ay), "drove, herd".

Let's now look at some Renewed Covenant scriptures and illuminate

where the deception has taken place. There are numerous scriptures to work

with wherein the word “angel” has been implanted and we will take some from

each book of the Renewed Covenant and bring clarity to them. Remember

the words of Yahshua as we begin:

"For had you believed Môsheh, you would have believed me, for he

wrote about me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 42 of

believe My words." (Yôwnâthân (John) 5:46-47)

If the Hebraic terms and their intent are not the basis for all Renewed

Covenant scriptures, then you have set your house (mindset) on shaky


Matt 1:20 - "But while he thought about these things, behold, an

angel of Yahweh appeared to him..."

Without the deception: "But while he thought about these things,

behold, a message (malʼâk ) of Yahweh appeared to him..."

And the Hebraic intent: "But while he ("Yahweh will add”; Yôwcêph;

Joseph; the mind being increased through transformation) thought about

these (mental lineages) things, behold, a malak (message in the

conscience) appeared (came to fruition) to him..."

Luke 1:26 - "Then in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by

Yahweh into a city of Galilee, named Nazareth."

Without deception: "Then in the sixth month, the malak Gabrîyʼêl

was sent by Yahweh into a city of Galilee, named Nazareth."

And the Hebraic intent: "Then in the sixth (man's number) month

("moon"; the subconscience), the malak (message/messenger) Gabrîyʼêl

("man of Yahweh"; realization of Yahweh's presence in the worlds of

consciousness) was sent by Yahweh into a city (established place in

consciousness) of Galilee ("circle, turning, roll"; compromise), named

Nazareth ("branch, offshoot"; a root of truth in the midst of mental


Yôwnâthân (John) 5:4 - "For an angel went down at a certain time

into the pool, and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first,

after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had."

"For a malak went down..."

"For a malak (message from the exalted thought plain into the

conscience) went down (to the lower base thoughts of the self will) at a

certain time into the pool ("reservoir, kneel"; the place in the consciousness

where one bows and receives from Yahweh), and stirred (consciously

affected) up the water (delusions, misconceptions); then whoever (whatever

thoughts) stepped (mentally acquired) in first, after the stirring of the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 43 of

water was healed (consciously made whole) of whatever disease (mental

dis-ease) he had."

Acts 12:7-8 - "Now behold, an angel of Yahweh stood by and a

light shone in the prison. He touched Peter on the side and awakened

him, saying, 'Rise up quickly!' And the chains fell from his hands. Then

the angel said to him, 'Gird yourself and put on your sandals!' And he

did so. Then he said to him, 'Put on your garment and follow me.'"

"Now behold, a malak of Yahweh... The malak said to him..."

"Now behold, a malak (message in the conscience) of Yahweh stood

by and a light (mental illumination) shone in the prison (place of mental

bondage). He (the message from Yahweh) touched Kepha/Peter ("hard,

compact"; either faith or lack of faith in the conscience) on the side (mental

door posts; "wisdom" and "understanding") and awakened (mentally

aroused) him, saying, 'Rise (mentally exalt) up (to the perfect conscience)

quickly!' And the chains (mental limitations) fell from his hands (ability to

consciously grasp). Then the malak (message in his mind) said to him,

'Gird (mentally prepare) yourself and put on your sandals (human

characteristics)!' And he did so. Then he (the message in the conscience)

said to him, 'Put on your garment (mental covering dependant upon

Yahweh) and follow me (the message within).'"

Acts 12:15 - "But they said to her, "You are mad!' yet she

continued insisting it was so. So they said, 'It is his angel.'"

"But they said... 'It is his malak.'"

"But they (the doubting faculties in the conscience) said to her (Rhoda

- "rose, rosebush"; the intuitive conscience), 'You are mad!' yet she

(intuition) continued insisting it was so. So they (doubts) said, 'It is his

malak (each man is a thought and therefore a message in the conscience.

Kêph/Peter is "hard, compact"; faith in the conscience; faith is the "rock" upon

which the Kingdom is built within).'"

II Corinthians 11:14 - "And no wonder! For sâtân himself is

transformed into an angel of light."

“...For the adversary himself...into a malak of light."

"And no wonder! For the adversary (the self will) himself is

transformed (mentally perceived as) into a malak (message in the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 44 of

conscience) of light (seemingly from Yahweh, but truly formed in delusion

and deception)."

Galatians 1:8 - "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should

preach any other message to you, contrary to what we have preached,

may he be accursed!"

" ..., or a malak from heaven..."

"But even if we (anointed thoughts), or a malak (message in the

conscience) from heaven (the exalted thought plain), should preach any

other message to you (the totality of the conscience), contrary to what we

have preached, may he (the thought) be accursed (mentally


Galatians 4:14 - "And yet in your trials of the flesh, you did not

despise or disdain me, but you received me as an angel of Yahweh."

" a malak of Yahweh."

"And yet in your trials (mental tests) of the flesh (carnal vs. pure in

the conscience), you (minds meant to be redeemed) did not despise or

disdain me (Shaul/Paul; "asked, inquire"; the redeemed conscience seeking

truth), but you received (mentally accepted) me as a malak (message in the

conscience) of (from) Yahweh."

Revelation 8:7 - "The first angel sounded, and there followed hail

and fire, mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth. And a

third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned


"The first malak sounded..."

"The first malak (message in the conscience) sounded (resounded;

proclaimed loudly), and there followed hail (heavy conviction) and fire

(conviction), mingled (drawn away with) blood (carnality), and they

(reprobate thoughts) were cast upon the earth (lower self void in the

conscience). And a third of the trees (relied upon truths steeped in

materiality) were burned up, and all the green (truths) grass ("abode,

enclosed"; reliances) was burned up."

Revelation 8:8 - "And the second angel sounded, and it was like a

great mountain burning with fire, was cast into the sea. And a third of

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 45 of

the sea became blood."

"And the second malak sounded..."

"And the second malak (message in the conscience) sounded

(resounded) and it was like a great mountain (self exaltations) burning

with fire (judgment/conviction), was cast into the sea ("roar"; rebellion).

And a third of the sea (rebellion) became blood (given over to carnality)."

Revelation 8:10-11 - "And a third angel sounded, and a great star

fell from the heavens, burning like a lamp, and it fell upon a third of the

rivers, and upon the fountains of the waters. And the name of the star

was called Wormwood..."

"And a third malak sounded..."

"And a third malak (message in the conscience) sounded, and a

great star ("blazing, shining"; truth) fell from the heavens (exalted thought

plain), burning (convicting) like a lamp (illumination), and it fell (judgment)

upon a third of the rivers (mental channels), and upon the fountains

(streams) of the water (delusions). And the name of the star (truth

perceived) was called Wormwood ("curse, poison"; bitterness in the


Revelation 8:12 - "And the fourth angel sounded and a third part of

the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so

that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine and

the same with the night."

"And the fourth malak sounded..."

"And the fourth malak (message in the conscience) sounded and a

third part of the sun (conscience) was struck (condemned), and a third

part of the moon (subconscience), and a third part of the stars

(misperceived "truths"), so that a third of them were darkened

(reprobation). A third of the day (illumination) did not shine (uplift the

conscience) and the same (delusion) with the night (dullness)."

Revelation 9:1 - "And the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall

from heaven to earth, and to him was given the keys to the bottomless


"And the fifth malak sounded..."

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 46 of

"And the fifth malak (message in the conscience) sounded and I saw

a star (truth) fall from heaven (exalted thought plain) to earth (mind of man;

ego thought plain), and to him (the message in the conscience) was given

the key ("opener, loosen"; entrance) to the bottomless (consciously

unending) pit (mental destruction; total depravity)."

Revelation 9:13-14 - "And the sixth angel sounded and I heard a

voice from the four horns of the golden alter which is before Yahweh...

'Loose the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates!'"

"And the sixth malak sounded... 'Loose the four malakim...'"

“And the sixth malak (message in the conscience) sounded

(proclaimed) I heard a voice (internal breath) from the four (N,S,E,W)

horns (mental extrusions) of the golden (wisdom) altar (reverence in the

conscience) which is before Yahweh... 'Loose (release into consciousness)

the four (N,S,E,W) malak (messages in the conscience) who are bound

(held back until the appointed time) at the great river (outpouring)

Euphrates ("bursting forth, fruitifying”; complete dominance in the


Revelation 10:1 - "And I saw another mighty angel coming down

from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head,

his face like the sun, and his feet like the pillars of fire."

"And I saw another mighty malak..."

"And I ("Yahweh is favor"; the conscience covered by favor) saw

another mighty (consciously powerful) malak (message) coming down

from heaven, clothed (mentally covered) with a cloud (Yahweh's

mystique), and a rainbow (reminder of the unilateral mind covenant Yahweh

made with chosen men) on his head (front seat of consciousness), his face

(mental countenance) like the sun (brilliant illuminations), and his feet

(mental stability) like the pillars (mentally erect) of fire


three: Three is the number that represents both mental conviction and

mental resurrection:

1) ʼÂdâm (carnal life force) had three sons: Qayin (Cain) (wicked),

Hebel (Abel) (self reliant), and Shêth (Seth) (mentally renewed),

representing the condemned and resurrected conscience;

2) Nôach (the quieted conscience) had three sons: Shêm (renewed),

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 47 of

Yepheth (Japheth) (self reliant) and Châm (Ham) (wicked), representing

the three nations (constructs of thought) within each soul;

3) Yahshua (the mentally perfect), the forgiven thief (once self reliant)

and the accusing thief (wicked), are the repeat of the three in the

Renewed Covenant;

4) Yôwnâh (Jonah) was revealed and redeemed in three days and three


5) Yahshua was resurrected (mentally of course) on the third day.

And now let's explore a few verses that carry the plural form of malak,

though disguised as "angels":

Mattithyah 13:39 - "The enemy that sowed them is the devil, the

harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are the angels."

"The enemy... is sâtân... the reapers are the malakim."

"The enemy (thoughts manifesting from the self) that sowed (mentally

worked on) them (the "tares"; mental tearing apart) is sâtân ("opponent,

adversary"; self will), the harvest ("severed, curtail"; mental cutting off) is the

end of the age; and the reapers (mind judges) are the malakim (messages

of conviction or restoration in the conscience)."

Mark 13:27 - "And He will send His angels, and gather together His

elect from the four winds, from the farthest extreme of earth, to the

farthest extreme of heaven."

"And He will send His malakim..."

“And He (Yahweh) will send (into consciousness) His malakim

(messages), and gather together His elect (elected, chosen thoughts) from

the four (N,S,E,W) winds (mental expressions; "dark, parched, open,

roaring"), from the farthest extreme (mental boundary) of earth (mind of

man), to the farthest extreme (allotted mental boundary) of heaven (exalted

thought plain)."

Luke 20:36 - "Nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to

angels, and are sons of Yahweh, because they are children of the


"...equal to malakim..."

"Nor can they (chosen thoughts; chosen children) die (mentally

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 48 of

vanquish) anymore, for they are equal to malakim (holy messages), and

are sons (builders) of Yahweh, because they are children (builders of

consciousness) of the resurrection (#3; the resurrected mind)."

Hebrews 13:2 - "Do not forget to entertain strangers; for by doing

so some have unknowingly entertained angels."

"...entertained malakim."

"Do not forget (consciously ignore) to entertain (contemplate)

strangers (foreign thoughts); for by doing so some (some thoughts) have

unknowingly entertained (pondered) malakim (holy messages, not yet fully


Having now looked at the word aggĕlŏs; Strong's #32g, in both it's

singular and plural forms, it behooves us to analyze seven specific scriptures

in the Renewed Covenant. We will list them all below and hopefully you will

catch on to another emerging pattern that will solidify the truth deep in your


Matt 11:10 - "For this is he, about whom it is written: 'Behold, I will

send My messenger and he will prepare the way before you.'"

Mark 1:2 - "As it is written in the prophets: 'Behold, I send My

messenger before your face, who will prepare a way before you.”

Luke 7:24 - "When the messenger of John had departed, he began

to speak to the multitudes concerning John: 'What did you go out into

the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?'"

Luke 7:27 - "This is he of whom it is written: 'Behold, I send My

messenger before your face, who will prepare a way before you.'"

Luke 9:52 - "And sent messengers before him. And they went

ahead and entered into a village of Samaritans, to prepare for him."

II Corinthians 12:7 - "And in order that I not be exalted above

measure, because of the abundance of the revelations, there was given

to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of satan to torment me, to keep

me from exalting myself above measure."

Yaaqob/James 2:25 - "Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot justified

by works, when she received the messengers and sent them out

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 49 of

another way?"

Several very telling things transpire around what I had hoped you would

laser (mentally of course) in on; the word “messenger(s)”. It is none other

then the Greek word aggĕlŏs, Strong's #32g, and yet it clearly speaks of men.

As it was with the Old Covenant so it is in the Renewed Covenant! These

supposed beings distinctly separate from men are now in the only verses that

utilize the word “messenger(s)”, men. If you were to apply a little diligence

you would find that most of the seven verses given refer to Yahshua the

anointed, the rest clearly referring to men, and one uniquely referring to the

adversarial mindset with Paul/Shaul; the "thorn" in his intellect. The

systematic use of the word messenger(s) rather than the word "angel" in

these New Covenant scriptures leaves you, the student, to seek out and

answer why, within your own soul? It is the same exact word which of course

would be "malak" in the Hebrew text, and yet in some places a "being"

separate from man is insinuated, while in others the definition itself is being

offered; "angel" or "messenger".

And of course, all to the diminishing of the original intent, the Hebrew

intent. If malak had been defined as "either man or being; a messenger", then

we would be fine with all of the verse and the systematic use of certain words

in specific verses would be a moot point. But its not so! The Hebrew intent

was always about the Kingdom within; the place where Yahweh dwells within

chosen men. And the messages therefore, the malak, are also 100% internal!

Any attempt at a Renewed Covenant overview of Old Covenant

patterns in regards to the Cherub, Seraphim, Nephilim and Anakims, would

leave one with little work to do. To this writer it is not surprising at all that in

regards to the four mentioned appellations, there is only one place in the

entire Renewed Covenant that makes mention of any of them at all. But there

is one scripture pertaining to cherub!

Hebrews 9:5 -"And above it were the cherubim of glory

overshadowing the mercy seat. But we cannot discuss these things in

detail now."

This verse discussing the Sanctuary, the Sanctuary we have already

explained, is the only Renewed Covenant scripture given. By now you should

be able to decode what is being expressed in the verse above?

Dreams & V isions - Messages & Messengers

dreams: Two specific words are given to us from the Hebrew language:

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 50 of

chălôm חלום (khal-ome'); "dream"; Strong's #2472. It's root is the

second specific word; chalam חלם (khaw-lam'); "bind, be plump"; Strong's


From the root word châlam, we are able to define the intent of the word

“dream”. The idea of binding as with dreaming itself, takes on different

functions within the conscience.

The Hebrew language allows for several definitions in reference to the

word bind or binding. Words like "tie" and "yoke" and "hitch" and "wrap", give

us a pretty good mental picture of the mental position being expressed.

Whether the binding and the dreaming are of things pertaining to

righteousness or things pertaining to pending doom, the dream is intending to

reveal something; some state of mind that is soon to be made manifest within

the conscience of the one dreaming. It is worth noting that the idea of

"dreaming" of anything apart from the will of Yahweh, is never a concept

introduced in the Old or Renewed Covenants. "Day dreaming" and things as

such are often based in ones own internal desires to prepare a life of one's

own thoughts and ideas, a grave sin according to many Scriptural patterns

given to man. Remember, "Your life (entirety of your mind) is not your own,

you have been bought (consciously enslaved to righteousness) with the price

of shed blood (removal of the carnal life force)."

visions: Four specific words are given to us from the Hebrew language:

machăzeh מחזה (makh-az-eh'); "vision"; Strong's #4236. It's root is

châzâh חזה (khaw-zaw'); "gaze, perceive"; Strong's #2372.

marʼeh מראה (mar-eh'); "view, appearance"; Strong's #4758. It's root is

#2372 from above.

chizzâyôwn חןיון (khiz-zaw-yone'); "revelation"; Strong's #2384. It's root

is also #2372 from above.

As with the word “dream(s)”, we have specific root definitions for the

four words, which describe visions from the Hebrew language. "Gaze,

perceive, see". These three words sum up what the four Hebrew words for

“vision(s)” actually mean, as well as their intent. The reason that dreams and

visions were incorporated into this body of work was to give account to the

experience that has led many, including this writer, to proclaim, "But I saw the

figures of human people and they said things to me." This in reference to

either a dream(s) or vision(s) that were experienced. The commonality

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 51 of

amongst those who have had such experiences would be to have likened

them to "a visit from an angel(s)", or something along these lines. It is this

actual phenomenon that we attempt to clarify, but let's first look at some

scriptures about dreams and visions:

Genesis 6:20 - "And Yahweh said to him in a dream, 'Yes, I know

that you did this in the integrity of your heart..."

"And Yahweh said to him ("father of a multitude"; multiplying renewing

thoughts; Abraham) in a dream (mental binding), 'Yes, I know that you did

this (conscious act) in the integrity (mental character) of your heart (center

of intellect).'"

Daniyl 2:1 - "Now in the second year of the reign of

Nebuchadnezzar's reign, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams that

troubled his mind and robbed him of his sleep."

"Now in the second (mental division) year of Nebuchadnezzar's

("chief protector, announcer"; human intellect) reign (mental authority),

Nebuchadnezzar (human intellect and the thoughts stemming from it)

dreamed (was bound) a dream (a binding) that troubled his mind

(conscious life) and robbed (mentally void) him of his sleep (mind rest)."

Yôwʼêl (Joel) 2:28 - "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will

pour out My Mind on all flesh; your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see vision."

"And it shall come to pass afterward (when the wicked conscience is

banished), that I will pour out (into the conscience) My Mind (mental life

breath) on all flesh ("pudenda, fresh, rosy"; renewed minds); your sons

(wisdom "building") and your daughters (understanding "building") will

prophesy (utterance of revelation in the conscience), your old (wise) men

(builders in the conscience) will dream (bind) dreams (mental bindings),

your young (active) men (builders) will see (mentally perceive) visions

(mental "revelations")."

Mattithyah 27:19 - "While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his

wife sent to him, saying, 'Have nothing to do with that just Man; for I

have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him.'"

"While he ("bridged"; "firm"; Pontius Pilate; carnal reasoning) was

sitting (slack minded) on the judgment seat (front seat of the conscience),

his wife (melancholy in the conscience) sent to him, saying, 'Have nothing

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 52 of

to do ("do not consciously entertain") with that just (consciously justified)

Man (builder), for I (melancholy) have suffered many things (emotional

disturbances) this day (illumination) in a dream (mental binding) because of

Him ("the saved mind"; Yahshua).'"

And so we see that dreams are Yahweh's way of bringing true realities

into the conscience of either chosen or unchosen men and women. The idea

that one can dream and not have the dreams come to pass at all stems from

the many years of carnality that have ruled the conscience, and the effects of

such sowing. And now a little more on vision(s):

Genesis 15:1 - "Yahweh came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Fear

not Abram, I am your shield. Your reward shall be very great.'"

"Yahweh came (into the consciousness) to Abram ("Father of height";

ability to perceive higher truths) in a vision ("gaze, perceive"; mental picture),

saying, 'Fear not Abram, I am your shield (mind garden; protected

conscience). Your reward (fullness in the conscience) shall be very great.'"

Job 33:14-16 - "For Yahweh may speak in one way, or in another,

yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, while

deep sleep falls upon men while they slumber on their beds. Then He

opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction."

"For Yahweh may speak (consciously resound/proclaim) in one way,

or in another, yet man (carnal thoughts) does not perceive (consciously

understand) it. In a dream (mental binding), in a vision (mental revelation)

of the night (time of dullness), while deep sleep (lethargy) falls upon men

(thoughts) while they slumber (mental drowsiness) on their beds (mental

decrease). Then (at the time of most need in the mind) He opens (East gate)

the ears (understanding) of men (thoughts), and seals (mentally encloses)

their instruction (commands)."

Proverbs 29:18 - "Where there is no vision, the people perish, but

blessed is he who keeps the law."

"Where there is no vision (mental revelation), the people (thoughts)

perish, but blessed (consciously fruitful) is he (the thought) who keeps

(mentally adheres to) the law (mind patterns)."

Ezekiel 8:3 - "He reached out in the likeness of a hand, and took

me by the lock of my hair; and the Mind lifted me up between the earth

and heaven, and brought me in the visions of Yahweh to Jerusalem, to

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 53 of

the door of the gate of the inner court that faces north, where the seat of

the image of jealousy was, which provokes to jealousy."

"He (the mind saving Presence) reached out (into the center of

consciousness) in the likeness of a hand (mental grasping ability) and took

me (Yahweh strengthening the mind) by the lock ("fringe, glistening"; mental

blossoming) of my hair (disheveled thoughts); and the Mind (Yahweh's

breath in the conscience) lifted me up (higher consciousness) between the

earth (man centered thoughts) and heaven (exalted thoughts), and brought

me in the visions (mental view) of Yahweh to Yerusalem ("peace" in the

conscience), to the door (mental entrance) of the gate (mental pathway) of

the inner (intimate) court (enclosure) that faces north (the place of potential

darkness), where the seat (understanding) of the image (mental reckoning)

of jealousy ("envy, zealous"; carnal longing yet redeemed), which provokes

to jealousy (mental envy, destruction)."

Mattithyâh 16:28 - "Truly I say to you, there are some standing

here who shall not taste death, until they see in a vision the Son of Man

coming in His Kingdom."

"Truly I (the faith faculty) say to you (minds being redeemed), there

are some standing (mentally upright) here who shall not taste death

(mental reprobation), until they see (consciously perceive) in a vision (mind

gaze) the Son (builder) of Man (Adam #2) coming in His (Yahweh's)

Kingdom (Mind dome)."

Acts 9:12 - "And in a vision he has seen a man named Chănanyâh

coming in and putting a hand on him, that he might receive his sight."

"And in a vision (mental perception) he has seen a man named

Chănanyâh ("mercy of Yahweh") coming in ("into" consciousness) and

putting a hand (ability to mentally grasp) on him (Shaul/Paul - "desired,

searching"; the longing soul), that he (the longing) might receive his sight

(mental perception)."

II Corinthians 12:1 - "It is indeed not profitable for me to boast, for

I will have come to visions and revelations from Yahweh."

"It is indeed not profitable (mentally enhancing) for me to boast

("self" reliance), for I (the longing soul) will have come to visions (mental

pictures) and revelations (mental truths) from Yahweh."

"Mind's eye!" This would be the appropriate terminology for what

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 54 of

happens with dreams and visions. Whether information or seeming human

forms delivering information, it is an internal process that might actually

appear to be happening in the physical realm. It was important to discuss this

reality and to explore what was real about it. Having had experiences with

these "visitations", it was important for this writer to come to terms with what

Yahweh had to say about it, only to then form my understanding of exactly

what had happened to me.

Seeming "humans", speaking messages to me that have and have

been prophesied to come to pass, now understood for what they truly were.

The voice of Yahweh manifested through mental forms in order to achieve

His exact purpose from His Kingdom within. No longer would I need to

misuse the intent of the Scriptures to "line up" my thinking with pagan

customs and decrees. No "angels", but rather, "Thoughts!" Thoughts at time

accompanied by mental pictures to bring forth the purposes of Yahweh within

my conscience. Always within, only then perhaps, without.

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Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

The Devil Inside Part III

The Devil Inside concludes with part III here.

The facts have been established, Parts 1 & 2 having done the exhaustive

work of expressing full Hebraic intent. And so we can return now to a rather

simplistic idea that is not often discussed in the mainstream church:

“If there is indeed a Devil (of course it would be a capital “D” deity/entity) is

he/she/it able to get 'into' the mind of a believer and bring undue influence? Can

this devil invade the mind of the masses who claim to have been 'saved' at a

single altar call prayer?”

Of course there is not one single scripture in the Scriptures that allows for

the idea that a literal entity/deity/demon thing named “Devil”, can actually invade

the center of thought as a conscious presence. And yet, how many times have

we heard, “Oh, it's the work of the Devil, the Devil is trying to seduce me! The

Devil is a liar!” From where??? Is the seductive temptation a whisper from this

supposed entity, as he/she/it, floats around the exterior shell of your physical

ears? Or has this “Devil” invaded your conscience as a conscience unto itself;

doing the damage from the very center of your intellect, where he/she/it, shares

habitation? Do we have three “wills” now: Yahweh's, yours and the entities, and

all within your mind? The place where you yourself have proclaimed: “The Spirit

of God dwells within me!” Has your God allowed another oppressive entity to

share space within your mind, and what scriptures even begin to support this?

We have already vetted words such as those at Mattithyah 4:1-10, and we

asked, “Was the 'devil' in those scriptures an invasion from within Yahshua's

mind, or was he being 'tempted' from an entity outside of his mind and physical

body?” Again, we know the proper answer from Part 1, and yet if one were to

support the idea of a “deity” like being, where would this entity reside and host

its influence? There is no scriptures better then those at Mark chapter 7, to not

only uphold the entirety of Parts 1 & 2, but to literally seal the deal on what the

Father has to say about any and all wicked influence within one's mind:

“There is nothing from outside a man, that entering into him, can

defile him....” (Mark 7:15) (emphasis added)

And so if one were to subscribe to the entity/deity/thing known as

“Devil/devil”, then one would have to state that if the entity did exist and cause

undo influence, it would have to be seated directly inside the mind of professed


The Devil Inside (Part 3) Page 2 of

“...but the things which come out of him [the individual man], those

are the things which defile the man...” (Mark 7:15)

Yahshua then makes it very clear: “Are you also without

understanding? Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from

outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter into his heart (“center

of intellect”), but not stomach, and then is eliminated as food is

eliminated?” (Mark 7:18-19)

Has he made it very clear, that we are speaking of mental issues here? It

is important that you answer!

“Then he said, 'That which comes out of a man defiles that man, for

from within-- out of the heart (intellect) of men, proceed wicked thoughts,

adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, lusts, wickedness, deceit,

lasciviousness, a wicked eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness-- all

these wicked things come from within and defile the man.” (Mark 7:20-23)

And so we see, or perhaps you choose not to, that the wickedness, all

wickedness of the mind, is and always will be a personal issue! And now we

open the mind's door to the only available constructs that would be left, leaving it

to you to finally decide: “From whence is all the wicked within me derived?”

1) From a “Devil/devil” that lives in my mind?

2) From an adversary (“sâtân”) which is my own personal, self will?

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Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

Simplicity Best

Have you bought into the lie called “free will”, and if so, how is it keeping you from

the perfection Yahweh commands?

Simplicity Best!

Have you bought into the guise known as free will? If so this piece will help

shatter the delusions from within, setting the mind free, one step at a time!

Choices complicate! From their original manifestation choice(s) implied, in each

specific instance, that there is more then one way to be and stay perfect. If you slow

your mind and consider true reality, what would you think of a Creator that had to make

choices? Does it not reveal a mind that is anything but perfect? A mind that can actually

contemplate not doing what is perfect and having to consider options? A mind that must

actually contemplate potential errors? A mind that is uncertain? Let there be no doubt

that you have been so engrossed (like really gross) in certain doctrines of men that

need be undone. Your mind quickly gravitates to predisposed (and prayerfully

disposable) thoughts and ideas such as: Well, God tells us to choose between blessings

and cursing, right? Or, We have free will to choose!

It is these pitfalls and fallacies and the misunderstanding of the order of things, that we must deconstruct (mentally tear down) in your center of intellect in order to bring true freedom within: actual “Oneness”

with the Mind of Yahweh.

No confusion! (the Bâbel within every soul) The idea is about Oneness with the

Mind of Yahweh, the starting point in your renewed system of belief. To NOT consider

what it all means from your own mental view, but rather what is mandated and required

of and from His mental view; the view lived out by His Son Yahshua. He who said, I

can of my own will (personal thoughts and the ideas they form) do NOTHING (this

means NOTHING!!!!!); as I hear [understand of and from the Father] I judge. And my

judgment is just; because I do NOT (and this means never ever ever) seek my own

will, but the will (thoughts and ideas they form) of the Father [Yahweh] Who sent

me. (Yôwnâthan (John) 5:30).

In order to fully grasp the end goal we must start from the beginning; life in the

garden. We will thoroughly explore the revealed (yet hidden from the simple minds)

patterns, though they at times seem to shift and even change, were always part of the Plan

in the Mind of Yahweh. Not having to contemplate a better way, but perfect from

it’s inception in His Mind; from the instant it was thought by Him.

No plan B, no, but perfection from the very first thought, as always. Prepare your mind in

prayer as we begin a journey back to the place of the original (yet without Plan B) intent

of the Father. The preparation should sound something like this: Help me to not

perceive anything other then how you do Father. Help me decrease so You alone can

increase within me. So be it!

Only commands! Appearing first at Genesis 2:16 is the Hebrew word tsâvâh

(tsaw-vaw;). It’s definitions, constitute, enjoin;. The Hebraic intent would be to

illustrate the mental idea of the full authority of Yahweh being implemented within the

thoughts and ideas made available to mankind; the only perfect way to think and

therefore do! Also, commonly known words such "command”, “commands”,

“commanded” and “commandments, all expressing the original intent (or at least they

should be) of the Hebrew word tsâvâh. Let’s explore Genesis 2:16:

And Yahweh commanded (solidified that mankind was meant to always be

enjoined to His Mind) the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat

freely, but of the tree of the knowledge of righteousness (right thinking) and

(enjoined with) wickedness (wrong man centered "truths") you may not eat, for in the

day you eat of it (one’s own will) you shall surely die.;

In this verse alone both true life and mental death reside. In the misunderstanding

of the Hebraic intent of this verse lies all of the horrendous crippling doctrine that has

kept mankind bound for centuries after ʼÂdâm and Chavvâh (Eve). The error resides in

the fact that verse above is perceived as an authorization of the idea of choosing, and

rather then mentally carrying the ONLY proper perspective, I can eat from these but

not from that,; reprobate minds (expressed through Adam and Eve) think, Hmmm, let

me choose what to obey and what not to obey.It is from this fallen human place within

that we begin to expose the wrong thinking (wickedness) that keeps you bound to it!

There is an order (and we will reveal it soon) to why we have choices today, but be not

deceived into thinking this has anything to do with a righteousness of your own doing! It

is from this place we move forward to reclaim innocence not lost, but given away. Begin

to open your mind to an idea that will truly set you free, and do your very best not to fall

into the death trap that we will certainly be covering as we move forward. Death trap?

The idea that speaks as such: What, am I just a robot? The idea is that mankind was

never intended (all still part of Plan A) to think for himself, but rather to always be and

stay One with the Mind of Yahweh. Anything less then perfection would not suffice

for perfection, the original state in man, is now a process to be found within; a

“salvation” of the mind. And how can you do better then perfection, right? What need

was there to alter what was already perfect?

Why would I need to choose if I was already perfect? If I was already wholly

and properly connected to Omniscience and Omnipotence?" What need was there to

alter anything?

Have you decided yet? Are the commands of Yahweh optional and debatable

within your mind? Do you have the right to obey or not, and what is the

effect of such thinking? In your mind what is the intent of our word tsâvâh, spoken at

Genesis 2:16? No such word as the word bâchar (baw-khar) was spoken in the verse,

and it would not be until Genesis 6:2 that we would see bâchar (commonly known as

choose, choice, choices, chosen; we will explore this soon).

Yes indeed, as we begin our journey back to Oneness (the Hebraic intent of the

words commonly known as perfection and salvation) with the Mind of Yahweh, we

must start in the garden again, for it is here that both Adam and Eve REPRESENTED all

mankind. I emphasize represented for it would not have been necessary for Yahweh to

have lined up every man and woman that would ever exist, in order to reveal that all

would have gone with the wrong plan: I can choose what to eat and what not to eat It

has been written that, As in Adam all die(I Corinthians 15:22)., revealing the truth

that all men are Adam and all women are Eve. Further proven up by the words spoken In

Romans: All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Yahweh! Not “Because of

Adam and Eve!”, but, “Because we are just like Adam and Eve!.”

Commands verses the idea of choices! Do not mistake original intent with some

sort of Plan B, loved one. For Him to express that He willed that "None should perish!",

but to have masses of people that do in fact perish was again, all part of Plan A with

Yahweh. To think that He would have and "awe shucks" moment and have to change

His plan, is accepting the idea that Yahweh could make mistakes or miss things or even

worse, let man alter His ways. The fact that mankind was always intended to be ONE

with Yahweh's Mind, yet failed utterly by "choosing", was not outside of Yahweh's

perfect plan for mankind; Plan A (the full reason soon to be disclosed, but prayerfully

you will find it before then). The idea that His FIRST and only (as perfection itself never

needs to "rethink" things) plan for mankind includes the fall as well as many other facets

we will explore must begin to permeate your thought processes in order for success to

come. Perhaps a non-exhaustive list might help us begin to see beyond current and

prayerfully, former understandings:

1. I [Yahweh] expressed my intent for mankind to be One with Me in the garden

and that man would never stray form My way of thinking;

2. Man will be warned (the "death" described in Genesis 2:16) of the

consequences of attempting to think for himself by disobeying My commands. I will

allow for man to fall from My original intent;

3. Man will "choose" to disobey (thus immediately activating a will separate from

Mine) commands and fall from My Mental Presence;

4. Man will become naked and ashamed within from his from his choice to not


5. I will of My own unilateral power, create a Covenant with chosen souls to bring

them back into mental unity with Myself, through a process of redemption unto

salvation (a return to Oneness);

6. I will send My son to reveal what that mental Oneness thinks and acts like;

7. After My Covenant (enacted with Môsheh, solidified through Yahshua) with

chosen souls is enacted, chosen souls may now for the first time since the fall, choose

(by and through My placing My will within their minds) to deny their own will and

follow Mine alone;

8. A personal realization of "Why" My plan A was established exactly as briefly

illustrated here (the final determination of His purpose and his plan).

Simplicity Best! Page 5 of

This series will end with the “Why?”.

We mentioned the first place our Hebrew word bâchar would in appear in

Scripture, at Genesis 6:2. Bâchar's definitions are the words commonly known as "try,

select". As we will see the entire idea is that mankind would, after the fall, have no

option but to "try" to attempt to choose “right” apart from the will of Yahweh;

“Oneness” having been eviscerated by Adam (all men) and Eve (all women) and their

desire to worship personal choices rather then His commands. Realize that many bad

choices had been made by mankind by the time we reach Genesis 6:2, and also realize

that even if man had seemed to line up with the will of Yahweh, a great majority of the

time it would still not suffice! Just one transgression was a transgression of His entire

Law ("Mind patterns") a transgression of ALL of His commands, and the promise of

mental renewal was never contingent upon man's false perceptions of some internal

“goodness” apart from Yahweh. (Deut 9:1-6, Luke 18:19).

And so at Genesis 6:2 we have wicked men, "tyrants" to be exact, who choose to

defy commands prompting a response from Yahweh: "The wickedness of man was

great in the earth, and EVERY intent of the thoughts of man's heart ("center of

intellect") was wicked CONTINUALLY." (Genesis 6:5) These words repeated often

throughout Scripture in differing form and functions are best duplicated at Romans 8:7-

"Because the carnal mind (the mind absent the will of Yahweh; the self will) is enmity

(hatred) against Yahweh; for it is NOT subject to the Law [Mind patterns] of

Yahweh, NOR INDEED CAN IT BE." From the first instance (the garden experience)

an eternity of disobedience established, all "choices" of man's own doing, bound to fail

at least once and once was enough for all time! (Yes, He and His son are THAT HOLY!)

Which leads us to one of the greatest errors purported among Christianity and other sects

in this day and age; the idea commonly titled "free will". This erroneous and gross idea

that anything apart from the complete and utter keeping of Yahweh's commands would

produce freedom, and that man had what it took to attain redemption of his own accord

after his fall, and as preposterous, never transgress after that point. The audacity to

believe the garden presented choices rather then commands and that there was enough

"personal righteousness" within the soul to keep making right decisions apart from

Yahweh. An idea completely rejected by the One who actually accomplished perfection.

Listen to him: "Why call me righteous? There is only One Who is the standard of

Simplicity Best! Page 6 of

righteousness, and that is Yahweh only." (Luke 18:19) Yes indeed, Yahshua the "Not

my will but Thy will" standard bearer, never allowing for others to believe he could do it

of his own will, but that his perfection would come through the suffering (obedience in

defiance of one's own self will) and the shedding of his own will (Go read Hebrews 2:10

and 5:8 now!!!).

Your struggling with you desires to hold on to your own thoughts of and about

matters of the will. Matters that up to this point have been categorized under a theme

with a title: “free will”. The struggle is deep and it's roots are established in the true

reality that though flawed, is still true: Mankind wants to believe there is at least some

semblance of “goodness” within it's being and that this perceived goodness is "good

enough" for Yahweh. It is not so loved one. If it was true the patterned concept

commonly known a "salvation" and the need for a "Savior" are obsolete and have no

need to be introduced at all. Yes, even the Savior aspect is part of Plan A and as I said

we will discover the "How?" and "Why?" as we move forward.

And so what is it, this desire to believe in the "right" to choose and to the entire

idea of "personal rights"? And to believe that by implementing this self will and

involving self perceived rights, one would be able to produce the absolute freedom that

the title seems to imply? Yahweh has shown you what attempting to “choose”, to

literally alter what has already been perfect, will bring to your soul. He has shown you

that you once resided in perfect union (a soul already “saved”) and yet, your desire (the

thing titled in Romans 8:7 as "carnality") was to alter what was already perfect, and to

then call this decision something "free". It is time for you to consider that every single

transgression (altering what is already perfect; sin) you commit today (even after telling

others, "I got saved on.....") is a personal attempt to again tell Yahweh, "Yes I get it,

You are perfect and Your son achieved perfection through complete self denial, but I

believe I can do better then your perfect. I am going to choose to obey or not, believing

it will all lead to freedom. It is my free will to do so." If this sounds absurd to you then

that it is a very very good thing and you have hope! Do you yet confess that this is

exactly what your desire for free will affords you? Does not every single transgression

you still commit speak exactly this to Them?

I used the word "order" previously and that was to incorporate the idea that today,

after the original fall we all committed, choices do actually need to be made. We are

Simplicity Best! Page 7 of

soon coming to the patterned process of this reality, but we first needed to acknowledge

what got us to this phase of Yahweh's Plan A. What you are/have been calling free will

was handled at Genesis 2:17- "...For in the day you eat (mentally consume) of it [the

knowledge of right thinking intermixed with wicked thinking] you shall surely die."

It's time for permanent change loved one! Never again are you to allow for any

thoughts that would form any ideas that would uphold the guise of the concept known as

“free will”. If titles were warranted, Yahweh would be certain to uphold His words and

speak the truth already spoken. He would title it “DEATH WILL” loved one. The idea

that every time you choose to do other then what is already commanded, death would

ensue! It should speak in such a way within every chosen soul: "Whenever I believe I

can choose to do other then what is commanded, the end result will be more death

within my mind and soul. All of my choices that don't align completely with the Father's

commands bring death only and He has shown me that my own will is always at enmity

(hatred) with His. I must decrease so He and His son can increase within me. I want to

be like Yahshua the 'Not my will but Thy will!' guy, who showed every man how it was


The redemption of choice! We spoke of everything residing within Plan A:

Perfection, the choice to alter perfection, the "hell" that comes from choosing, and then

what? A Unilateral Covenant of course, but not before another lesson in the wily ways

of the self will. Begin to see it from the perspective of true reality loved one: "Yahweh

took me from a broken state, a state caused by my selfish desire to 'choose' to alter

perfection, and from that He would form a Covenant in which I would be enabled, due

to His Presence placed within my center of intellect, to operate with His will in control,

and find my way back to Oneness with Him." What would transpire from the unilateral

(Yahweh being the only One needed to uphold it) Covenant would become what is

commonly known as the "flesh verses Yahweh's Mind" battle, well taught in the book of

Romans. From a fallen state due to personal choice, to the indwelling of His Presence

showing us what to choose; the return to the Promised Land; mental salvation! But

before the redemption of choice, Yahweh would once again reveal to us what would

have happened had He let us decide on our own. Let's let Môsheh tell the tale:

"When I went up into the mountain to receive the tablets, the tablets of the

Covenant Yahweh made with you..." (Deuteronomy 9:9)

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Once again we see an offer for His people. An offer of all the commands being

sent to the people in order for the people to obey. A few verses before this one however,

we receive insight and foresight into the result:

"Understand therefore, that Yahweh Your Father is not giving you this rich

land to possess because of your righteousness (right thinking), for you are a stiff-

necked people." (Deuteronomy 9:6)

So we see a promise with a disclaimer. The disclaimer would be proven up just a

few verse later at Deuteronomy 9:15-17 –

"So I tuned and went down from the mountain while it was ablaze with fire,

with the two tablets of the Covenant in my hands. When I looked and saw that you

had sinned against Yahweh Your Father and you had made for yourselves a

mighty one cast in the shape of a calf. You had turned QUICKLY from the way

Yahweh had COMMANDED you. Then I broke the two tablets and threw them out

of my hands, and broke them to pieces in front of your eyes."

The broken tablets represent broken minds loved one. The opportunity once again

offered to be able to obey the commands of one's own volition, and quick failure to do

so. And so we now go to the unilateral restoration (the actual beginning of the Renewed

Covenant) found in the Book of Law (Deuteronomy), and we will experience the

beginning phase of the restoration of the minds of chosen souls. The part of Plan A that

restores one's ability to think as Yahweh thinks; the redemption of choice.

We remember that the broken tablets of stone represent the “hardened minds of

stiff-necked children”; demanding personal rights and the choices they lead to, over

obedience to commands. A verse from the actual Renewed Covenant text will be

necessary to allow for a marinating process to begin within, and to unveil the pattern of

the redemption of choice even further. At 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 we have Shâʼûwl (Paul)

making a distinct expression of and about matters he knew were both revealed and

concealed in the Tôrâh (“Law”; Books of Môsheh- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,

Numbers, Deuteronomy):

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"Are we beginning to commend ourselves? Or do we, like some, need written

credentials or recommendations from you? You are our credentials written in our

hearts, known and read by all men. You show you are a letter from the Messiah

delivered by us, not written with ink (physical things) but by the Mind (Yahweh's

“breath”) of the living Father; not on tablets of stone (the broken minds revealed by

Môsheh), but on tablets of flesh (Hebraically, the "raw, active” thoughts within chosen

souls that have been redeemed by Yahweh's Presence); of the heart ("Center of

Intellect"). And such confidence we have through Yahshua towards Yahweh. NOT

[emphasis added] that we of ourselves (of the personal will) are adequate to think of

ANYTHING as from ourselves, but our ability (mental "ability") is FROM Yahweh.

Who also made (via His Unilateral Covenant) us competent ministers of the

Renewed Covenant - not of the letter but of Mind for that which is written (the

judgments that speak against man's ability to choose right) condemns to death, but the

Mind invests with life (Mind vigor)."

The words of Shâʼûwl uphold words given by Môsheh at Deuteronomy 10:15-

16, "Yet Yahweh delighted in your father's, to love them. He chose (hence my use

of the term "chosen souls") their descendants after them; you, above all other

peoples as it is this day, therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart (center of

intellect) and do not be stiff-necked any longer."

This call to obedience was given after a second set of tablets was made

(Deuteronomy 10:1-2) and it was then that the literal Renewed Covenant began. Still

part of Plan A, the beginning phase of Yahweh's Unilateral Covenant that would allow

chosen souls to begin the process of mental renewal. Of course man would keep failing,

but this beginning seed of the Renewed Covenant also had phases to travel through,

culminating of course in the “perfect sacrifice” that would not only fulfill all of the

requirements of the Unilateral Covenant, but also bring you to this very place this day

where you would come to realize that Yahshua's life was a blueprint for yours. Not a life

that “Did it all for me”, but a life that opened the doors of my mind and, “Showed me

how to also lose my own will to find my Father's alone!"

Will you pray for it yourself and others: “Ears to hear, eyes to see, please Father!”

After the enactment of the Renewed Covenant (expressed at Deuteronomy 10:1-

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2) we have many chapters of actual commands (what would be the litmus test of

Yahshua's sinless life). It would be at chapter 30 of Deuteronomy that a literal garden

experience would reemerge:

"When all of these things [the things spoken of in every chapter up to chapter

30] come upon you; the blessings [the things He commands that, "Thou may!"] and

the curses [the things He commands that, "Thou may NOT!"] I have set [it's all a test of

allegiance loved one; "My will or His will?"] in front of you- wherever Yahweh Your

Father may disperse you among the nations, then recall these things to your

memory." (Deuteronomy 30:1)

And the culmination of the proof of His unilateral choice to indwell chosen souls

and bring thoughts anew:

"Yahweh Your Father WILL [and here is the promise of the unilateral act of

Yahweh] circumcise ("curtail"; control) your hearts (your intellect) and the hearts of

your descendants, so that you may [a gift to be able to "think straight" again] love

Him with all your heart and with all your soul [the entire life breath; the character of

your mind], and live (no more "hell" from personal choices ruling the mind)."

(Deuteronomy 30:6)

It would not be until Deuteronomy 10 that the Renewed Covenant would be

enacted, and it would not be until all of the commands were spoke by Môsheh that the

ability to NOW choose between life and death would be both permitted and possible,

with a clear understanding what the right and wrong are! Even going back one chapter

from Deuteronomy 30 we see a specific timeline unveiled:

"But to this very day Yahweh has not given you a mind of understanding,

nor eyes that see, nor ears that hear." (Deuteronomy 29:4)

And then as the rest of chapter 29 unveils it, the Renewed Covenant is fully

established, as for it's implementation, yes, Yahweh looks for agreement from His

chosen children, but there would be no stopping Plan A in the process of the "flesh vs.

Mind" battle that ensues within the minds of the chosen. Let's look at some more words

from Môsheh to help us perceive what this new realm of understanding within looks

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"I call heaven and earth as a witness against [the foreshadow of mass failure

yet to come] you this day. I have set before you life [obedience to commands] and

death [doing it your own way, "choosing" not to obey even after His Presence indwells],

blessings and curses [those things spoken of in the totality of the Law]. Therefore

[because you now can choose right due to His Unilateral Covenant to circumcise your

mind] CHOOSE life, so both you and your children may live. So you may [now

through the enactment of the "heart" change prompted by His Presence in your mind]

love Yahweh Your Father by listening (to the "still, small voice within") to Him and

OBEY Him. Hold fast to Him for He is your life [the entire scope of how your mind

should think]..." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

The indwelling and only then, the ability to now choose between mental life

(blessings) and mental death (curses). The flesh vs. Mind battle in full swing!

"Eyes to see and ears to hear Abba..."

The final phase of the redemption of choice; Môsheh gave the implementation

and Yahshua is the solidification. But there's more....

It was always intended (part of Plan A) that there would need to be one who

would actually win the flesh vs. Spirit (Mind) battle within and deny himself unto death;

that death leading to mental resurrection. If Yahweh had established a plan that failed to

do what He promised it would do, then we are back to idea of a flawed Creator/Father.

When the Renewed Covenant was established it was in order to brings chosen sons and

daughters back into Oneness [mental likeness; mental "image"] with Yahweh. It was a

literal "Mind Covenant" Yahweh Himself would begin and He alone would "Finish the

work He had begun" (Romans 9:27-29) within each chosen soul. Only a perfect

sacrifice would do to end all sacrifices needed for mental transgression; one who would

actually achieve the promised end through total denial of the self will; strict obedience to

commands alone. Someone would need to so utterly deny every single unction of his

own personal will within that the promise from Yahweh, a return to mental perfection

(salvation), would be proven. The full Plan of Yahweh solidified for all to see. The idea

that you could now depend on it and lean on it even when you where literally dying (for,

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"He who loses his life will find it") to get to it!

His name is Yahshua. Yahshua means "Yahweh saves". He was the standard

bearer of the Plan of Yahweh, come to life. Listen to his words:

"For had you believed Môsheh you would have believed me, for he wrote

about me. But if you do not believe his writings (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,

Numbers, Deuteronomy), how will you believe my words!" (John 5:46-47) And listen

to Paul affirm the life purpose of Yahshua as the activator [not "finisher"] of the

redemption of choice: "And all of these [men who have attempted to obtain perfection

through obedience] having obtained a righteous (righteousness = right thinking)

report through the faith (belief in the entire Plan), have NOT received the promise

(only fully available due after Yahshua's "accomplishments"). Yahweh having

provided some better thing [realization of the actual resurrection] for us, that they

[the faithful of the past], without us, would not become perfect." (Hebrews 11:39-40)

I highlighted the words "finisher" and "accomplishments" for a very specific

reason; a big key to why the masses continue to fail at the commanded plan to "Be

perfect [think only as Yahweh and His son thought]!" (Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:40,

Romans 12:2, I Corinthians 2:6, 2 Corinthians 13:11, Ephesians 1:4, 1:23, 3:9, 4:13,

Philippians 1:6, 1:10, 3:15 Colossians 1:28, 3:14, 2 Timothy 3:17, Hebrews 2:10, 5:8-

9, 6:1, 10:1, 13:21, James 1:4, I Peter 1:16, 5:10, I John 2:6)

A misinterpretation of the words of John 19:30 is where the masses fall astray

and stay astray. His words at John 19:30, "It is accomplished!", often mistranslated as,

"It is finished." And by finished they purport the idea that it means EVERYTHING!

Here is what they sound like: "Well Jesus did it all for us, it's all about love now."

Rather then the fact that Plan A mandates that you to must now "Take up your stake [the

fortitude to deny your own will unto the death of it] and deny yourself," exactly how

Yahshua showed you. Rather then the fact that he accomplished his purpose for the final

phase of the redemption of choice (the last phase being YOURS to do!), the modern

church negates personally responsibility to actually finish Plan A under the guise of a

human form of skewed love. Yahshua accomplished his part to show you how to finish

yours! Not to do it for you, but to show you the way to do it!!!!! The saints of old knew

that they would need to wait on us to be perfected (go read Hebrews 11:39-40 again).

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They knew Yahshua would be the last sacrifice (meaning you don't have to physically

die in order to crucify your self will, as his role WAS to do that for all chosen souls!),

but they knew you would have to finish the Plan; to deny your self will unto it's death

and attain to salvation (a mind perfectly One with Yahweh and His son). The "Work out

your salvation!" part of the Plan; the flesh vs. Mind battle that Yahshua taught you how

to win, that is all that's left loved one, Plan FINISHED! This is why Yahshua [the

"Yahweh saves" mentality] IS the author [instigator] and perfecter [road map for your

part] of your faith! If your still stuck on the idea that it was all finished in him and it's all

about love now, he and the Father have a word for you:

"If you love Me you will keep My commands!" (John 14:15, 14:21, 15:10)

“Eyes to see and ears to hear Father...”

Do you yet perceive the "Why?" The reason for the entirety of Plan A; the

purpose for it all? If things have settled well in your mind then we certainly have

handled the carnal cry, "What, am I just a robot?". It should be very clear within,

sounding like this: "Yahweh has shown me that had He left me to myself, every single

'choice' I would have made would have only brought hell and hell alone. It is not He

who condemns a soul, but the soul condemns itself!” Had he not let me choose to fall,

then certainly it would have been robotic!"

It is crucial to understand that the faith GIFTED (all part of the unilateral

Covenant to redeem chosen souls) in measure (Romans 12:3) is what categorizes a soul

as "righteous" (Romans 4;20-22, James 2:21-24) in His eyes, even though the "working

out" of your perfection remains. That saints of old received the banner of righteousness

(right thinking) the same way you do today, and as per Hebrews 11:39-40 and many

other Scriptures, they wait for you to do your part! It is not, "When Yahshua comes back

he will MAKE the bride perfect" but rather, "He will come back to a bride without

spot!". Those who fail to qualify will most certainly be those who fiercely defend their

self perceived right to free will!!!!

And so we see a total plan with the need to have been implemented (Yahweh's will

alone), accomplished (Yahshua) and finished (You!). It behooves us to again solely rely

on the Hebrew language and it's intent and we do so for the word commonly known a

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"word". The Hebrew word is dâbâr (daw-bar). It's definitions are "matter, arrange". The

intent becomes very clear when we dive into the deep depths of Yahweh's Mind. These

words are meant to and do speak to a "Plan". Things written and spoken for sure, but it's

the "arrangement" of what is being discussed that needed vetting lest one should literally

"fall" from the matter at hand. Look now with new eyes and ears:

"In the beginning was the PLAN of Yahweh, and that Plan was with

Yahweh, and the Plan was Yahweh's. The same Plan (the one still active today) was

in the beginning with Him. All things were done according to it [the Plan], and

without it nothing was done that was done. In the Plan was life [the literal mental

resurrection of each chosen soul, starting with Yahshua], and that life was the light to

mankind, now that light shines in the darkness (the part of you that is still carnal; the

flesh), but the darkness does NOT (for Romans 8:7 will always apply until it's

finished) take hold of it." (John 1:1-5)

The garden was the Plan. The fall was the Plan. Redemption of choice was the

Plan. Yahshua's death was the Plan. Yahshua's resurrection was the Plan. Your mental

perfection IS the Plan. The Plan is almost finished loved one and now you understand all

that must be cast aside to attain to it:

"Perfection because you command it Yahweh! Because Yahshua solidified it and

opened the final door (nailing the self will's hatred to the stake) for me! 'Not my will but

Thy will' is the way to it! Not 'free will' but 'Thy will alone!'. Perfection is having no

choices but obedience to Your will alone as expressed in Your Law (the Mind patterns

for chosen souls). All of it, Plan A! In Yahshua's name let it be Mighty Yahweh!" A

word from Shelômôh (Solomon) is appropriate and then we end:

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter [Plan]: Reverence Yahweh,

by observing; keeping His Laws, for this is the whole duty of man. For Yahweh will

bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is

righteous (right thinking), or whether it is wicked ("self" derived)." (Ecclesiastes


And now we see the "Why?" to it all. It's yours to speak out loud loved one:

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"Yahweh's entire Plan was to unveil one Supreme theme that would bring me

back into Oneness with Him and His son. That theme summarized in a profound

statement: 'Yahweh is saving me from _____________ (fill in the blank)!'"

Thank you for taking your time to consider all said within.

Read More
Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

When Everyone is Seated Part I

Is it really a man that we wait for, the man Eliyah (commonly known as Elijah), or is there something far more important that needs to be said?

It took over a week, the internal struggle necessary to get this simple

introduction onto paper. Is it not true, that what can be expressed verbally in

minutes can seem like a paramount task when it comes to scribing those very

same thoughts. Words, coming from thoughts, into sentences that clearly

express everything required in order to properly impact the broad ranging

audience who will digest the material. Because of the vast differences in

doctrine that exist among those who would claim to be "in the faith" in regards

to Holy Scriptures, it is imperative within that each group be spoken for, as

well as spoken to. A majority of those who would self-subscribe as "Christian"

never really go too far past what their Pastor or leaders might teach them.

This needs to be mentioned for the simple reason that the subject at hand

might seem completely foreign and yet the verses have and will continue to

be read in Christian services throughout the world. Others, those who would

in some fashion ascribe to being of the "Hebrew roots" or "Messianic

movements", face their own limitations. Often the very "scribes" that they

have come to rely upon are the very same intellectuals as those Yahshua and

the prophets openly rebuked: men of earthly wisdom mingled with some true

understanding. And in regards to those whom this writer would classify as the

deepest seekers of truths, the meta-physical physicians, there often lies an

inability to properly align the manifestations of the Scriptures with the physical

realm to be able to bring absolute truth to both the Scriptures and its

students. With this broad view of three particular groups of "believers"; the

Christian, the Messianic and the metaphysical physician, it is not my intent to

box in any single group but to simply reveal and possibly expose the truths

and lies that have much to do with each soul's personal desire to know the

truth. Wherever you may or may not reside among these three categories, if

you feel picked on, keep moving forward and explore and overcome any

negative thoughts within. We start at the basic level and move forward from

that perspective, and then we illuminate new views that will challenge even

those who would see themselves as astute students of the Scriptures; the

modern day Bereans.

Our topic is in regards to what is often described as "the second coming

of the prophet ʼÊlîyâh (commonly known as Elijah)". There are only four main

areas of Scripture that speak to what seems to be a literal return of the

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manʼÊlîyâh, and we will start with documenting these Scriptures:

Malʼâkîy (Malachi) 4:1 "For Behold, the day comes that will burn

like an oven; and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly, will be stubble

-- the day that comes will burn them up, says Yahweh of hosts; and it

will leave them neither root nor branch.

4:2 But for you who reverence My Name, the light of righteousness

will arrive with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like

calves from the stall.

4:3 And you will tread down the wicked, for they will be like ashes

under the soles of your feet in the day that I do this, says Yahweh of


4:4 Remember the Law of Môsheh My servant, which I command

through him in Horeb for all Israyl;the statutes and judgments.

4:5 Behold, I will send the Law and the Prophets; the strength of

Yahweh, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahweh;

4:6 and it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the

hearts of the children to their fathers; before I come and strike the earth

with a curse."

For some of you there may already be a mental check taking place due

to the version of the Scriptures you may be accustomed to reading. Let's use

a more common version of the Scriptures, in this case the New International

Version, and give it's version of verse 5 in particular:

4:5 "See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and

dreadful day of the Lord comes."

As stated, we will be documenting the four areas of Scripture for now,

and then after exhaustive detail later in this body of work. Let's capture the

other three areas speaking on the subject at hand:

Matthew 11:10 "For this is he about whom it is written: 'Behold, I

will send my messenger, and it will prepare the way before you.'

11:11 Truly I say to you: Among those of women, there has been

none who is greater than Yôwnâthân (John) the Immerser; but he who is

least in the Kingdom is greater than he.

11:12 And from the time of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until now, the

Kingdom of Yahweh has been advancing forcefully, and forceful men

lay hold of it.

11:13 For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until


11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, this is the strength of

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Yahweh, which was to come.

11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Verse 14 (NIV) -- "And if you are willing ,to accept it, he is the Elijah who

was to come."

In reference to the next verse, it is repeated virtually verbatim in the

book of Mark Chapter 9. I have purposefully not incorporated both, but fully

expect you to analyze Mark 9 as well for your own edification and for truth's


Matthew 17:10 "Then his disciples asked him, saying, 'Why then

do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?'”

17:11 Yahshua answered them and said, 'The strength of Yahweh

will come and restore all things.

17:12 But I say to you; Elijah has come already, and they did not

recognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. In the same way,

the Son of Man will suffer at their hands.'

17:13 Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them about

Yôwnâthân the Immerser."

The complete version of the NIV text for the verses above will be

necessary for this portion of Scripture:

Matt 17:10 "The disciples asked him, 'Why then do the teachers of

the Law say that Elijah must come first?'

17:11 Jesus replied, 'To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all


17:12 But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not

recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the

same way, the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.'

17:13 Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them

about John the Baptist."

Matthew 27: 46 " And about the ninth hour Yahshua cried out with

aloud voice, saying, 'Eli! Eli! Lamah ozabatniy?! Which means: My

strength! My strength! Why have you forsaken me?'

27:47 Some who stood there, when they heard, said, 'He calls for


27:48 Then immediately one of them ran and took a sponge, filled

with vinegar; placed it on a reed, and gave it to him to drink.

27:49 The rest said, 'Leave him alone! Let us see if ʼÊlîyâh will

come to save him.'"

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The NIV would use the name spelled as "Elijah" in all the verses, and

verse 46 is written as such: "...Eli! Eli!"

According to my original statements, it behooves us to now point out

each area of interest we will be exploring in order to affect all three mentioned

categories of "believer" in regards to the above Scriptures. The

overwhelmingly held view is that the ʼÊlîyâh (Elijah) being discussed is the

literal man, and that each Scripture pertains to him as a man.

The extremely narrowly held view is that none of the above Scriptures

refer to a man at all, and that the matter being discussed is purely about

mental principles. Again, the widely held view -- that Elijah is a man who is to

return -- is more often spoken of among those who would classify themselves

as of the Christian and Messianic crowds. Christianity itself never really deals

with the above Scriptures and is comfortable with doing no more than a

cursory review of the subject, while the Messianics attempt to dig a little


Let's take a look at ʼÊlîyâh (Elijah) from the common Messianic


Most Messianics would firmly agree that the Old Covenant (commonly

called "Testament" in Christianity) is what sets the stage for any and all

"truths" being discussed in the New Covenant. They would tell you that it is all

one cohesive Book, and that any discrepancies between the Old and the New

would need to defer to the Old Covenant and its intent in order to cipher out

the truth. In this, most Messianics and their movements would be 100%

correct. Yahshua himself spoke of such truth often, but none more captivating

than his words in the book of Yôwnâthân (John), Chapter 5, verses 46 & 47:

"For had you believed Môsheh, you would have believed me, for he

wrote about me. But you do not believe his writings, so how will you

believe my words?"

The writings Yahshua refers to is commonly known as "Torah". Torah

(Yahweh's Mind “Laws”) is the first five books of the Old Covenant: Genesis,

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These are the writings of

Môsheh, and in every way are the expressions of the life to be lived by

Yahshua, the anointed to come. Other than the Torah we have what is known

as the books of the "minor prophets", the "Psalms", and the "Proverbs".

There may be slight differences in the classification of all the books, but

generally the titles given suffice and lead to another phrase that would group

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 5 of

all of them together and that is, "The Law and the prophets." This statement

needs to be understood as the literal totality of the Old Covenant or one could

fall prey to even the most subtle of lies and deceptions. The Law and the

prophets was a term Yahweh implemented into His written words to embody

what could and should be stated as "All truth!", and this as we have already

read would be up until the time of one soul in particular: Yôwnâthân the


And so it is in keeping with scriptural mandates and the integrity of

those mandates, that one would need to find truth from the Old Covenant

Scriptures, in order to even delve into what the New Covenant might be

upholding and/or clarifying. Remember that we are for now, speaking from

the commonly held Christian and Messianic perspective, that Elijah is a

physical man and it is he who is being discussed in the Scriptures given. And

it is his potential "second coming" that is alluded to; so much so that the

Messianics, and yes even Yᵉhûwdîy יהורי (Jew) as a whole, present an empty

chair at every yearly Passover, as a sign of the "waiting" for Elijah, in order

for the above verses to be fulfilled.

We will discuss this much more in a bit, and for now we remind

ourselves that the only area of Scripture in the Old Covenant that seemingly

talks of the return of the prophet ʼÊlîyâh is Malʼâkîy, Chapter 4. As we start to

go a little deeper, I want to share with you that this writer does not believe

that in any form of physical fashion, that the prophet ʼÊlîyâh will be coming

again. However, for truth's sake and for the Messianic movement, we are

going to again analyze the Scriptures in Malʼâkîy, as well as those in

Mattîthyâh (commonly known as Matthew) as if they were in fact speaking of

the man ʼÊlîyâh. I am going to, for the time being, dissect the Scriptures to

show you how it could possibly be the man ʼÊlîyâh, only to then use those

same Scriptures to show contradictions within that position.

Before we immediately dissect Malʼâkîy Chapter 4, we need to

introduce a concept that is widely discussed in both the Old and New

Covenants, in order to properly view the Scriptures regarding ʼÊlîyâh and his

potential second coming. I state again, the context of the entire New

Covenant need be affirmed by and through the Old Covenant, as affirmed by

Yahshua himself. The following New Covenant scriptures are overwhelmingly

upheld in the Old Covenant, and it will be your work to do in order to affirm

this if necessary:

Matthew 10:7 -- "And as you go, preach, saying, 'The Kingdom of

Yahweh is at hand.'" And;

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 6 of

Matthew 24:14 -- "And this message of the Kingdom will be

preached to all the world by the one who bears witness to all nations,

and then the end will come."

The reason these two scriptures were given now is because they

seemingly go hand in hand with the timing of the potential return of the man

ʼÊlîyâh. The idea that the preaching of the message is to the "world" and that

it must be "fully preached" in order for Elijah to appear, are widely held views

amongst the Messianics of today. It should enter into your mind, perhaps not

until now, "What exactly is the Kingdom of Heaven?", and it certainly seems

that one must know in order to properly ascertain the intent, times, and

season of such prophetic revelation. This too we will explore in this body of

work, but for now it was necessary to plant a seed within so that context is not

lost. Now back to Malʼâkîy 4:

4:1 "For behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven (the fire

on earth that was proclaimed to be the judgment that would come after the

flood; the “baptisms” of water and fire); and all the proud, yes, those who

do wickedly (non believers), will be stubble, the day (of Yahweh's wrath)

will burn them up, says Yahweh of hosts; and it will leave them neither

root (Yahshua) nor branch (the tribes of Israel):

4:2 But for you who reverence My Name (YHWH; Yahweh), the light

of righteousness (right thinking) will arise with healing in its wings; and

you will go out (into the new Kingdom brought to fallen minds), leaping like

calves from the stall.

4:3 And you (believers) will tread down the wicked for they will be

ashes under the soles of your feet in the day I do this, says Yahweh of


4:4 Remember the Law of Môsheh My servant, which I commanded

through him in Horeb for all Israel; the statutes and judgments.

4:5 (Now we will switch to the NIV version to finish) See, I will send

Elijah the prophet to you before (to ensure that the Kingdom of Heaven,

also known as the Kingdom of Yahweh, has been "fully preached" to the

nations) that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes;

The only verses in the entire Old Covenant that speak to what seems to

be the second coming of the man Elijah.

Malʼâkîy tells us that this revealing of the man comes during the time in

which "the Kingdom of Heaven (Kingdom of Yahweh) is revealed to all

nations", and before the time of Yahweh's wrath (the day of Yahweh) is

poured out upon all wickedness.

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It also points to the command to "remember the Law of Môsheh...the

statutes and the judgments." And finally it tells us that before the dreadful day

of Yahweh's wrath, this man Elijah will, "turn the hearts of the fathers to the

children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers." If one is to

vehemently adhere to the idea that Law and the prophets both express and

set the standard for truth, then we can discover everything we need to know

about the end days, and Elijah the man, from the only area of Scripture that

discusses these two together: Malʼâkîy 4. In other words the remaining areas

of Scripture, all New Covenant text, need to strictly comply to the words of

Malʼâkîy, no? Of course, Yahshua often heightened truth with his many

comments such as "You have heard it said...but I tell you...." In this he

certainly may have given extra detail, but never contradiction. Let's now

discover more about the New Covenant texts, keeping Malʼâkîy 4 in the front

seat of our minds:

Matthew 11:10 " For this is he (who is it?) about whom it is written

(written where?): 'Behold I will send my messenger (again, who is this, and


11:11 Truly I say to you: Among those born of women, there has

been none who is greater than Yôwnâthân the Immerser, but he who is

least in the Kingdom (of Heaven or of Yahweh?) is greater than he.

11:12 And from the time of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until now, the

Kingdom of Yahweh has been advancing forcefully, and forceful men

lay hold of it.

11:13 For all the prophets (from Torah and the minor prophets) are

the law (Torah specifically) prophesied (spoken revelation) until (is a change

taking place?) Yôwnâthân.

11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, (now to the NIV version)

11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.'"

Remember, we are attempting to dissect the verses to prove that the

man, the prophet Elijah, is coming again.

Having only Malʼâkîy, Chapter 4 from the Old Covenant, we must find

the balance, or expose the imbalance, between the two Covenants. In the

above verses we are told the one being written about is the one described in

Malakyah 4:5: "See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you.” The first verse,

verse 10 of Matthew 11, seems to be speaking of Elijah, no? If in fact we are

told it is he whom "it is written" of, and there is no other reference in the Old

Covenant to say otherwise, then it seemingly leaves us no choice but to say

"It is speaking of Elijah." The confusion enters in with the revelations of the

New Covenant text. In verse 11 of Matthew 11, we quickly switch to

Yôwnâthân the Immerser, and verse 12 heightens the confusion by

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 8 of

incorporating a timeline "from the time of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until

now." That time is less than one year that Yahshua speaks of, and as we

proceed to verse 13 we again see the introduction of another important


Matthew 11:13 reveals a subject discussed in Malakyah, one that is the

crucial understanding of the phrase, "The Law and the prophets." We are

told that the Law and the prophets were the mandate to guide us "until

Yôwnâthân". There seems to be a change in the guard from ʼÊlîyâh to

Yôwnâthân, but no explanation of why, and what for? Verse 14 really upsets

the apple cart in that it has Yahshua the anointed telling all who would believe

that if they were "willing to accept it", that Yôwnâthân IS "the Elijah who was

to come." This was the fulfillment of verse 5 of Malʼâkîy chapter 4. Yahshua

goes even further by stating that it would only be for those "who have ears

to hear", that all he was expressing could be understood. We will speak

more on these with ears to hear later, but let's remind ourselves that we are

attempting to prove that Malʼâkîy prophesied the coming of the prophet man,

ʼÊlîyâh. Most of the Messianic movement stares at the empty chair every

Passover, waiting for the supposed prophecy to come to pass. They wait and

all the while preach, "One mind, one voice, one speech!", but then they fall

into fatal errors amongst each other. For instance if one brother says, "I have

ears to hear, and I am willing to receive that the Elijah who was to come is

and was Yôwnâthân the Immerser", then can another brother tell him, "No!"?

Can other brothers then say "Well for us, Elijah has not yet come, so in order

for the Kingdom of Heaven to be fulfilled, we must wait." Can these same

brothers actually negate the words of Yahshua himself, by telling those with

ears to hear, that Elijah has not come for them? Can they actually say, "Even

if you are willing to receive it, it still has not happened yet! The chair remains

empty."? As absurd as this may sound it's exactly what is happening amongst

the brethren. No unified minds, no unified voices, no unified speech. Is this

Yahweh's doing? Is He in fact the author of this confusion? Are Yahweh's

words to mankind incomplete and unknowable? Let's move to the next area

of Scripture and see what else transpires:

Matthew 17:10 "Then his (Yahshua's) disciples asked him, saying,

'Why (something seems contradictory to them) then do the scribes (whom

in fact are being referred to here?) say that Elijah must come first?'

17:11 Yahshua replied and said, (to the NIV version now) 'To be

sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.

17:12 But I tell you Elijah has already come, and they (who?) did

not recognize him, but they have done to him everything they wished. In

the same way, the Son of Man is going to suffer at their (whose?) hands.'

17:13 Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them

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about Yôwnâthân the Immerser."

Here again, we have pertinent matters that need resolution. In verse 10,

the disciples ask "why", in reference to the supposed coming of the man

Elijah, and it is what they are questioning that must be faced. Their "why" is

exposing apparent contradictions and those contradictions are carried forth

by the "scribes" of the current day. One should need to go no further than

verse 12 to realize the realm in which the scribes operate from. Let's allow

the words of Yahshua to help us along as we look at the multiple "woes" of

Matthew 23, verses 13 to 30: 23:13 But woe to you, scribes and

Pharisees, hypocrites... 23:16 Woe to you blind guides... 23:17 Blind

fools... 23:27 white washed sepulchers... 23:30...killing the prophets. It is

these men who have and continue to make the claim that the man Elijah

"must come first." Are they to be trusted? They are in fact the very ones, the

multiple Judaic religions, that have taught the custom of the empty chair. Are

Yahshua's words to be taken as more valuable, more perfect?

The disciples are clear about Yahshua's words in verse 10 of Matthew

17, and their "why" is to question why the scribes are not clear. In verse 11,

once again, Yahshua states that "Elijah has already come." Again, we must

ask ourselves if division among the brethren is acceptable, as the entirety of

the debate speaks to whether or not the Kingdom itself can and has been

"fully preached". Yahshua is saying, "It has!", while others are saying, "It has

not!". Verse 12 is very telling in that it points out that, "they have done to

him everything they wanted." Those being spoken of, the "they", are the

scribes and Pharisees themselves. Those who still today claim that Elijah

must come.

Verse 13, as with verse 14 of Matthew chapter 11, again tells us that

the soul that is really being discussed is that of Yôwnâthân the Immerser, and

not ʼÊlîyâh, and that the disciples understood this. Confused? With only

Malʼâkîy chapter 4 of the Old Covenant to guide, is confusion not somewhat

warranted? Does it seem like a mystery, a mind parable that can never be

solved, and if so why are the Messianics so adamant about that empty chair

every Passover? And even more compelling, why are they teaching that the

"end times" cannot happen until the man Elijah takes that chair? Of the

thousands of chairs left open around the world at each Passover which chair

will the man actually sit in? How would thousands upon thousands who wait

actually come together with that one mind, one voice, and one speech to say,

"This is the right Elijah!"? What about the hundreds upon thousands who

have been "willing to see" that he has already come as Yahchanan? More

confused? Let's look at the last Scripture and see what transpires:

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Matthew 27:46 " And about the ninth hour Yahshua cried out with

a loud voice, saying, (using the NIV version) 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?'

(which means, 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?')"

27:47 When some of those standing there heard this (the 'Eli, Eli'),

they said, 'He's calling Elijah.

27:48 Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it

with vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink.

27:49 The rest said, now leave him alone. Let's see if Elijah comes

to save him.'"

Certainly you have noticed the difference between the NIV version,

which is very similar to most other versions available, and the other version I

offer herein. In this area of Scripture alone there are stark differences

between the two versions and in this many mysteries have yet to be revealed.

But we must wait for the view of the meta-physical physician, in order to

more deeply elaborate why the differences exist. For now we have been

specifically going with the Messianic view, using a very Christian translation,

the NIV, and establishing the potential that a man named Elijah is to appear,

and that a chair is left for him at every Passover. This coupled with the idea

that because Elijah the man has yet to show up in at least one chair, that the

prophesied fulfillment of the "Kingdom of Yahweh (Heaven)", remains

incomplete as well. In dealing with this last area of Scripture there is one

specific concept that will require your further attention, and it will be available

to you who would deem yourself as a serious seeker of the truths of

Yahweh's Kingdom. I have written the piece called "Bye God!", and it deals in

an exhaustive manner with a serious mistake most believers -- Messianic,

Christian, Meta-physical physician, Judaic, etc - stumble because of. Verse

46 of Matthew Chapter 27 above, could never be appropriately dissected

without the understandings gathered in "Bye God!". As a little precursor it

involves the grave mistake that most students fall into, most unknowingly, in

accepting the Hebrew word "el", which has the definition, "strength, might", is

appropriately translated as the word "God, god", upper or lower case being


In other words, and whether or not you have previously realized you

were doing so, to attempt to translate the word "el" as the word "God" is

100% a critical error and it is an error perpetrated on the masses by none

other than the scribes of old and new. So prevalent is it throughout history

that unfortunately brilliant works such as the "Strong's Exhaustive

Concordance" by James Strong LL.D, S.T.D, even fell prey. And now his

work perpetrates the travesty. "Bye God!" leaves no room for excuses, and I

would go so far as to say that to not understand the content of "Bye God!"

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would be to fail at any true and deep grasp of the meta-physical aspects of all

that we will be discussing herein. For now we look at the NIV version of

Matthew 27:46-49, again, and we extrapolate some more contradictions

which may have once again left you confused:

Verse 46 leaves no room for doubt that the "Eli, Eli" being discussed is

overwhelmingly believed to be a cry to "God". The very translation given

within the verse says "(which means, "My God, My God, why have you

forsaken me?”)"

Certainly the writer of the NIV version of the Scriptures believes the "Eli,

Eli," pertains to "God". If you were to explore the many other translations of

the Scriptures available you would find that roughly 99% of them assert the

same position; that it is the title "God" that Yahshua cries out to.

Verse 47 tells us that "some of those witnessing the crucifixion of

Yahshua claimed that he was "calling Elijah." The problem that arises should

be obvious at first glance, but for sure the veil remains for so many, and the

reason is specific. If I could be so bold I would include that you the reader,

have also accepted and put forth the idea that Yahshua was indeed speaking

about and to "God". I have yet to hear it argued that Yahshua was in fact

crying out to Elijah as the one forsaking him, and yet "some" say this is

exactly what he was doing at that time and place. At verse 49, after being

offered bitter vinegar, the souls then pause to "see if Elijah comes to save

him." The questions that must be answered and this within your own soul, are

relatively simple:

1. Is "God" a proper translation of the Hebrew word "el", which has

only ever meant "strength, might" in the Hebrew language?

2. Is Yahshua's words "Eli, Eli", that which prompts certain souls to

think he is crying out to Elijah the man?

3. Are Yahshua's words "Eli, Eli", irrelevant to why certain souls

believe, "He is calling Elijah?"

4. Why do 99% of the translations available for the Scriptures agree

that "Eli, Eli", is in reference to Yahshua crying out to "God"?

5. Why does verse 47 express the belief that, "He's calling Elijah"?

Why all the seeming confusion and how can all of it possibly come

together without a single contradiction amongst the brethren? There is much

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 12 of

that can be said, but can we agree that we have utilized every Scripture

Yahweh offers in regards to the supposed second coming of the man Elijah?

We have looked at four specific areas of Scripture; one Old Covenant verse,

and three New Covenant verses that allude to Malʼâkîy.

And we did so attempting to uphold the idea that a seat should be left

open at each Passover, even though the idea of such is also a tradition of

men, not a command of Yahweh. Have we found that Scripture upholds that

idea? Do we think we can tell Yahshua, "Even though you say he

(ʼÊlîyâh/Yôwnâthân) has already come, and really as Yôwnâthân the

Immerser, we say he has not; the chair remains empty!"? And how did we get

from ʼÊlîyâh to Yôwnâthân, and why? And what does the idea of, "The Law

and the prophets", "up until Yahchanan" even matter even though it is

specifically referenced in both Covenants?

Are we there yet? Have we agreed that due to the ample confusion that

seems to be within the Scriptures regarding ʼÊlîyâh the man, that we are left

divided within? For those "willing to receive it", he has come, but as

Yôwnâthân. For those without "ears to hear", he has yet to come, and the

"Kingdom of Heaven" therefore remains undone, not fully preached. Is this

the one mind, one voice, one speech, of unity in the faith? There is a perfect

answer loved one. There is an answer that without changing or butchering a

single scripture, exposes the positions we have discussed, and brings total

conformity and clarity to the four areas of Scripture we have begun to explore.

It's actually quite simple and yet, as this reader and writer has experienced, it

seems fitting to Yahweh that the veil remains over the minds of so many. He

has said, "The things of Yahweh are mentally discerned", but He has taught

that the veils remain due to the "hardness" of the minds of the many. When

"self" will and desire supercedes humility before the Throne in one's

conscience, confusion (Bâbel) is always the commanded result!

A quick word to the Christian group mentioned herein. It may seem like

there has not been much discussed about your viewpoint on this matter and

the reason, if you have the humility to receive, is because Christianity as a

whole is clueless about the traditions of Yahweh, for His chosen people. If

you have forsaken the Law and the prophets, and particularly His Feasts, for

pagan customs such as Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, pick-a-day

Sabbaths, and sadly even Halloween, your lack of vision has a sure end:

perishing. As per verses like Hôwshêäʽ (Hosea) 4:6 and Proverbs 29:18, it is

not those outside the family of Yahweh that He speaks to of perishing, but

rather for the lack of vision (synonymous with a hardened mind), "My people

perish!" Just like in the wilderness after the exodus, many of His own will

perish for their refusal to obey the commands, creating their own form of

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 13 of

laws, statutes and judgments; your own traditions stemming from the mind

ruled by the "self" will. The debate at hand is whether or not we do in fact

agree that the prophesies of Malʼâkîy chapter 4 have been fulfilled as of this

present time on earth? The Messianics as a whole have a seat at the game in

that they are even considering the extreme value of the scriptures being

discussed, but if you are a self-prescribed Christian and find yourself thinking,

"I've never even heard of an empty seat being left at Passover. As a matter of

fact, I am not even sure about what the Passover fully entails and how it

might even apply to me?", then let it be known today that you lack serious

vision! Fear not though loved one, for He has given us each day as a day of

mental salvation! Today you can repent (mentally turn back) and be healed.

For those of you who may not classify yourself in any particular

“denomination", where do you stand on the issue at hand? Having come this

far have you more firmly established any previously held position, or perhaps

are you more confused than ever? I have said a few times up to this point,

"one mind, one voice, one speech," for the simple reason that the totality of

the Scriptures speaks to such. Unity of the faith is no less than every single

true believer operating in the will of Yahweh alone! There is no "my thoughts

and ideas and your thoughts and ideas", as we follow the command of

Yahshua, who always decreed, "Not my will but Thy will be done, Mighty

Yahweh." If you have "chosen" to believe in a philosophy that supports a "To

each his own" mentality, or as horrific, "Let's agree to disagree," then I state

emphatically, you are in danger of perishing! Remeber the prescribed remedy

that was just offered.

Now it's time to explore the views of the meta-physical physician. To be

clear on what is being said the following comments have been offered as to

exactly what meta-physics is: "One skilled in the science of being; a student

and teacher of the Laws of the Mind." Another expression that helps is, "The

effects of words, which are spoken thoughts, is the science of life." In order to

better introduce myself as the writer it behooves me to say that I myself am

comfortable classifying myself as a meta-physical physician. I believe it is one

of the premier gifts I have been given by Yahweh, through the life of his Son

Yahshua, by the whisper of His Ruach Ammah. I have written an exhaustive

commentary on the Torah (Genesis, Exodus Leviticus, Numbers, and

Deuteronomy) titled "The Meta-physically Expanded Torah (M.E.T.)." In short,

the M.E.T. is a look at the Kingdom of Yahweh (Heaven) from a purely mental

standpoint. For many of you it would be a complete paradigm shift in logic, for

others it would fill in the gaps and apparent inconsistencies you have

struggled with in regards to the uniformity and reality of the Scriptures.

Some of you will never grasp it and I again point to the process in which

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 14 of

one's mind is sealed off from truth. As a writer, I intend to focus most on

reaching those who have been utterly blinded to mental realities. If I can

succeed at bringing profound mysteries into simple understandings, then I

have reached out to every man according to his need, no? With this brief

introduction I will now, after having previously confessed that I do not believe

any of the scriptures we have explored are talking about the man ʼÊlîyâh,

make some bold statements to peak your interest. And then of course I will

prove my claims:

1. The Kingdom of Heaven (Yahweh) was not and is not ever intended to

reflect physical life; life of flesh and blood!

2. The entirety of what has been discussed thus far, in the four areas of

Scripture highlighted, all speaks to "strength"; a matter of the internal

conscience, and not ʼÊlîyâh or Yôwnâthân as physical men!

3. The "Law and the prophets" is the "strength of Yahweh", and that is

what all of the Scriptures we have approached speak to!

4. Because you are so accustomed to everything seemingly being about

physical flesh life, you are in serious danger of being completely

unprepared for ALL end times prophecy.

5. The Kingdom of Heaven will only be FULLY understood and realized,

before Yahshua's return, by the 144,000 of the book of Revelation!

At the beginning of this body of work I gave you two Scriptures to keep

in mind. One from Matthew 10:7 and another from Matthew 24:14. Speaking

first on the latter, it is the context that must be fully elaborated upon: "And

this message of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world by the

one who bears witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." A

simple reading of chapter 24 of Matthew would reveal what both Christianity

and the Messianic movement as a whole agree upon. The setting is speaking

of what is commonly known as the "end times", or the "end days". Quite

literally, it would be the manifestations of the prophetic book of Revelation,

come to pass. The four areas of Scripture we are exploring also directly relate

to this time as "The great and dreadful day of Yahweh." So the belief that

what is to be perceived as the return of a man named Elijah, or the "strength

of Yahweh" returning in its fullness, seems to be an event during these end

times on earth, no? But then of course those who are "willing to receive it",

can claim that it was for the times of Yôwnâthân the Immerser, as Yahshua

himself said that Yôwnâthân was the fulfillment of Malʼâkîy chapter 4.

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 15 of

And if that were so then it's not really an "end times" prophecy per se,

but one fulfilled during the life and death and resurrection of Yahshua, as

Yôwnâthân died before Yahshua.

Confusion, confusion, confusion! And the reason is, and back to my

premise, the “Kingdom of Heaven (Yahweh)” is a state of consciousness: a

state of mind and NOT a physical manifestation of a physical Kingdom. As we

begin our journey I would like to request that you allow me to mainly focus on

the words of Yahshua and Shâʼûwl (Paul) of the New Covenant, with the

understanding that the words of Môsheh and his writings would uphold

everything being taught. Remember that it is Yahshua himself who linked the

Covenants intimately together, and for all time. And now for some scriptures:

Matthew 6:33 -- "But seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all

these things shall be added to you."

Luke 17:20-21 -- "Once, when the Pharisees demanded to know

when the Kingdom of Yahweh would come, Yahshua answered and

said, 'The Kingdom of Yahweh does not come with observation; neither

will they say, Look here! or; Look there!, for behold, the Kingdom of

Yahweh is within you.'”

John 18:36 -- "Yahshua answered, 'My Kingdom is not of this

world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight,

so that I would not be handed over to the Yahdaim; but now, My

Kingdom is not from here.'”

And now a few words from Shaul:

Romans 14:17 -- "For the Kingdom of Yahweh is not food and

drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Mind."

I Corinthians 4:20 -- "For the Kingdom of Yahweh is not in talk but

in power."

I Corinthians 15:50 -- "Now I say this brothers, 'Flesh and blood

cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh, neither does corruption inherit


Now there are many many more scriptures that help define the

Kingdom of Heaven, and the research of those is your work to do. What

needed to and has been experienced by Yahshua and Paul, is the premise

that the Kingdom being spoken of is NOT a physical Kingdom! It is and has

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 16 of

always been about states of mind, matters of the conscience, for it is in the

conscience that we are told Yahweh's Temple exists, and this for chosen

souls only. The totality of the Scriptures would affirm that the idea of the

Kingdom of Heaven "coming upon you", is no less than the complete

takeover of one's conscience, one's will, that is being revealed. No more

"flesh vs Mind"! No more separate wills! No more consciousness of sin!

(Hebrews 9:14 & 10:21) This is a return to the “garden” for the literal "do

over", in which souls will no longer attempt to eat (mentally digest) from that

which is forbidden, but rather only consume that which has been approved

via the command of Yahweh. The Kingdom of Yahweh coming upon you, if

you have endured to the end of your "self", is no less than perfection: a mind

that has become One with Yahweh's mind! We will discuss this more but for

now let's get on to point #2, which will greater expound on every point being

made herein.

#2. The entirety of what has been discussed thus far, in the four areas

of Scripture highlighted, all speaks to the "strength of Yahweh", a matter of

the internal conscience, and not ʼÊlîyâh or Yôwnâthân, as physical men:

Let's go first to the area of Scripture we have explored at Matthew

27:46-49. I gave you two differing translations that should have been

apparent if you were fully engaged. The cry of Yahshua is the first area we

want to dissect as it tells much of the mystery at hand. At verse 46, we have

seen the statement written two different ways:

A) "Eli! Eli! lamah ozabatniy?" which means: "My strength! My

strength! Why have you forsaken me?" And:

B) "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" Which means, "My God, My God,

why have you forsaken me?"

Having previously discussed my work "Bye God!", an exhaustive study

of the Hebrew word "el" and the pagan words "God", "Lord", etc., and having

made that available to you, I will not be attempting to rewrite that body of

work herein. The bottom line is that those void of the Mind -- the scribes and

Pharisees of the Old and New Covenants and those of today -- have both

purposely and ignorantly altered the exact and specific definition of the

Hebrew word "el". The deception has been perpetrated for so long that even

the acclaimed work of James Strong, "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance", fell

prey and followed suit. "El" means "strength" and even "might". In the Hebrew

tongue -- and therefore the books of Môsheh -- no other option is available as

for possible definitions. El is especially NOT two words "God" or "god", words

that do not even exist in the Hebrew language. The appropriate translation of

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 17 of

version "B": "Eli, Eli..." would also be "My strength, my strength..." As I said

before, in both Christianity as a whole and the Messianic movement as a

whole, I have never heard it argued that Yahshua was calling out to “Elijah”

the man. It has always been said that he was calling out to Yahweh, or

erroneously, "God". And it is to Yahweh that many have believed Yahshua

cried, "Why have you forsaken me?" Now at verse 47 the past deceptions of

the scribes and Pharisees rears its ugly head in that the onlookers quickly

revert to the bad doctrines they have been taught. They believe the "Eli, Eli..."

was a cry to the prophet Elijah, even unto verse 49, where they wait upon the

prophet man to "come save him." Do you agree Christian? How about you

Messianic? Is it really "God" Yahshua is crying to?

Is it Elijah the man who Yahshua says has "forsaken" him? Would

Yahshua ever place his salvation in the hope and supposed power of a man,

prophet or otherwise? Or is it perhaps his own “strength/might" that has

forsaken him in his moment of mental doubt?

Let's now go back to Malʼâkîy, and let's get meta-physical! Before we do

we need to remind ourselves that this work would express and has, that in

order to have absolute truth all of the New Covenant verses must coincide

with any and all Old Covenant verses in order to have truth. It has also been

stated that in regards to what you once might have thought was “Elijah the

man”, and perhaps might not have considering is the "strength in one's

conscience”, that is what is being discussed. Either way, only Malʼâkîy 4 of

the Old Covenant speaks to this issue.

At the very beginning of this work I gave what I believe to be the

accurate translation of the Hebraic text of Malʼâkîy 4. If you have convinced

yourself that the utter contradictions that have disunified those who claim

"belief" are not that serious, that they are actually okay, then there is no way

you will grasp what will take some serious mental expansion. It is this writer's

strong view that of all the patterns that are taught by the Law and the

prophets, as embodied in the soul of Yahshua, none is more important than

the connection between obedience and how obedience alone brings the

wisdom and knowledge of Yahweh into one's mind. This means that

disobedience is proven through the lack of wisdom and knowledge in one's

mind. Time spent with Yahweh in study, prayer and petition, will affirm all that

I am about to express. Bold? Perhaps, but nevertheless it's yours to own:

Malʼâkîy 4:1 "For behold (mentally grasp), the day (mental

destruction, complete reprobation for fallen minds) comes that will burn

(mentally consume); and all the proud (arrogant thoughts, arrogant minds),

yes all who do (think) wickedly, will be stubble (mental refuse; void of

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 18 of

Yahweh's Mind) -- the day (full realization of wickedness) that comes (via

predetermined time) will burn them (arrogant thoughts, arrogant minds) up

(total consumption), says Yahweh of hosts (the "mass" of right thoughts in

the conscience); and it (the time of giving thoughts, and therefore minds,

over to complete reprobation) will leave them (doomed thoughts, doomed

minds) neither root (thought streams of Yahshua) nor branch (the 12 tribes,

or 12 mental faculties reborn). 4:2 But for you (redeemed thoughts,

redeemed minds) who reverence (mentally revere) My Name (conscience

countenance of Yahweh), the light (internal beacon in the conscience) of

righteousness (right thinking) will arise (consciously elevate) with healing

in its wings (the totality of all mental boundaries being covered); and you

will go out (into all thought plains) leaping like calves (well rounded

inspiration) from the stall (former inhibitions). 4:3 And you will tread

(consciously control and destroy) the wicked (reprobate thoughts within) for

they (wicked thoughts) will be like ashes (refuse) under the soles (balance)

of your feet (mental stability) in the day I do this, says Yahweh of hosts

(the totality of thoughts in one's conscience). 4:4 Remember the Law (mind

patterns) of Môsheh (the conscience that "draws out" mental truths) My

servant (mental bondservant), which I commanded (no "personal choices")

through him (the conscience drawing out truths) in Horeb (the place where

a conscience goes through a mental "drought") for all Israel ("thoughts ruled

by and for Yahweh"; the 12 mental faculties within each conscience: praise,

zeal, order, judgment, strength, power, life, hearing, unity, imagination, will &

understanding, faith; all represented by the tribes/branches); the statutes

(mind appointments; "feasts" for the mind) and judgments (specific "verdicts"

in the renewed conscience). Behold (mentally grasp!), I will send (into

consciousness) the Law (Mind patterns) and the prophets (mental

inspirations); the strength of Yahweh ("Eli") before (in advance of, for those

with "ears to hear") the coming (mental manifestation of the great (all

consuming) and dreadful (weeping and gnashing thoughts)) day of Yahweh;

4:6 And it (the day wicked thoughts and wicked consciouses are judged

eternally) will turn the hearts ("center of intellect"; the mind) of the fathers

(dominant thoughts) to the children (innocence, purity, naivety) and the

hearts (minds) of the children to the fathers (stability & surety in the

conscience); before (it will be "fully preached" in the conscience of those with

"ears to hear") I come and strike the earth (mind of man, unredeemed) with

a curse (eternally damned conscience)."

Time coupled with prayer and study, heals all ignorance. The true meta-

physical meaning of each and every verse given in Torah, the minor

prophets, and the Psalms and Proverbs, is found in a very simple manner.

Define Hebrew words with the Hebrew language! This little secret, though a

profound mystery to so many, that the Hebrew language always speaks of

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 19 of

matters of the conscience, the Kingdom within, and never about physical

(flesh and blood) life, is the key that unlocks all revelations (and the book of

Revelation of course)! Yes, the manifestations of the mind do at times

physically appear, but only as a "shadow" of the true intent, which always

deals with Yahweh's Temple within each chosen soul. Remember Yahshua's

words: "The Kingdom is within you!" And also of Shaul: "Flesh and blood

cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh." If you fail to see the internal

matter of it first you will be far too late to "survive" in the physical realm. Read

that last sentence again! And then again! We will speak on this again, but let

us now take a specific look at verses 4, 5 and 6, for they contain secrets

elaborated upon in our New Covenant verses that we have been dissecting,

and they will begin to remove all doubt and confusion about exactly what is

being stated.

At verse 4, Yahweh, through Malʼâkîy (thoughts "delivered by

Yahweh"), begins to unveil a mystery. Did I cause you to have a mental

check here? Does that fact that I purport the idea that Malʼâkîy ("delivered by

Yahweh") seems to be a man, but yet I have claimed that ʼÊlîyâh and

Yôwnâthân are not men being discussed, cause confusion? Let me then

explain, and we will then proceed with verses 4, 5 and 6.

Every man is representative of a thought or even multiple thoughts; a

body of thinking. The Hebraic intent is that we actually understand each

soul's "giftings" from Yahweh, as that soul's mental gifting or mental

capacities within the conscience as a whole. Adam ("red, blood"; carnal

thoughts leading to carnality), Noah ("rest"; peaceful, secure thoughts in the

conscience), Ham ("hot, burned"; dark thoughts in the conscience), David

("boil"; thoughts of love and praise in the conscience), Goliath ("revealing,

exile"; self grandeur and self reliant thoughts in the conscience), Yahshua

("Yahweh saves"; the conscience that continually produces the mandate, "Not

my thoughts but Thy thoughts be done!"), Judas ("confessions"; the

conscience destroyed by materialism in the thought plain). And on and on

and on it goes! Each soul represents a realm of thought and thinking, that the

conscience as a whole must root out and perfect; Yahshua (“Yahweh saves”)

being the chief (head) part of consciousness.

You would do well to consider that the "inherit" Paul was referring to,

speaks to "mentally inheriting" the Kingdom within; the place that Yahweh

dwells (His "Tabernacle, Sanctuary, Temple" within the soul) in reference to

redeemed minds.

Now in regards to verses 4 through 6 of Malʼâkîy it is imperative that

one discerns whether or not the verses are in fact discussing the physical

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 20 of

man ʼÊlîyâh (which means "strength of Yahweh"), or if in fact it is not

discussing a man, but rather the literal "strength of Yahweh" within one's

conscience. The zeal, fortitude, truth, compassion, wisdom, knowledge,

discernment, everything that embodies Yahweh's strength within one's mind.

The power upon which one transforms his inner being and soul.

Verse 4 -- "Remember the Law of Môsheh My servant..." What the

conscience being "delivered by Yahweh" (Malʼâkîy) is expressing, is the

command to always keep the Law (Mind patterns) on the forefront of all

thinking. "The statutes and judgments..." The feast cycle and the proper

rulings for perfected thoughts are also commanded to be on the forefront of


Verse 5 -- "Behold, I will send the Law and the prophets; the

strength of Yahweh, before..." This is the crucial place that will need your

attention, your meditation, and your prayers before the Throne in your

conscience; Yahweh's Tabernacle.

Here is where one must decide either "what" or "whom" is being

discussed. Remember this is the only Old Covenant text that speaks to a

future coming that is reaffirmed with our three New Covenant scriptures. I

emphatically state to you that the very thing Yahweh, through the conscience

being "delivered", is saying will come, is the fullness of the "Law and the

prophets", which is the "strength of Yahweh" in the soul.

Every verse we are dealing with speaks to this and not a man ʼÊlîyâh,

nor a man Yôwnâthân. We are dealing with the spiritual fulfillment of all that

the Law and the prophets embodied, in order to renew and eventually fully

save chosen souls. The Law and the prophets are the "El Yahweh" being

discussed; the strength of Yahweh in the conscience of redeemed souls.

Verse 6 -- "And will turn the hearts of the fathers to the

children...the children to their fathers..." This is about mental restoration

within the conscience of redeemed, chosen souls. "Before I come to strike

the earth with a curse." This is the beginning of Yahweh's wrath upon

wicked thoughts which lead to wicked minds. This is the beginning of the

giving over of complete mental reprobation to those who have not the Temple

of Yahweh within. The cursed earth (the “firmly” held to fallen thought plain) is

the cursed conscience of reprobate souls.

#3. The "Law and the prophets" is the "strength of Yahweh”, and that is

what all of the Scriptures we have approached speak to:

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Having just made the bold declaration that the book of Malʼâkîy chapter

4, was not and is not talking about the man, the prophet ʼÊlîyâh, we will now

go into the New Covenant verses previously explored and we do so with new

thoughts and ideas. Can we take a quick look at a verse in the book of

Hebrews ("belonging to Eber"; Eber - "passed over"; the soul that has been

forgiven), to help mentally align you some more:

Hebrews 10:16 "This is the Covenant (unilateral Mind contract upheld

by Yahweh alone) that I will renew (make mentally manifest) with them

(chosen souls) after those (all of the internal struggles towards a unified

mind with Yahweh) days, says Yahweh: I will put My Laws (Mind patterns)

into their hearts (center of intellect), in their minds I will write (mentally

inscribe) them. 10:17 Then (after I perfect them), their sins (former

rebellions in thought) and iniquities (willful discretion) I will remember no

more. 10:18 Now where (in the conscience of course) there is remission

(mental cleansing) of these (mental transgressions), there is no longer an

offering (required propitiation) for sin."

The idea that both Covenants had and have one specific goal is not

heavily contested among those who claim faith. The key herewith is the true

reality of the "what?" of Yahweh's modus operandi in perfecting the minds of

chosen children. It has been and will always be the "Law and the prophets",

until Yahshua the anointed fulfilled the Law and the prophets, thus becoming

the embodiment of the Law and the prophets. Mind you, Yahshua's strength

was the Law and the prophets; the very Mind patterns that guided his entire

conscience. As we will soon discover, he at his weakest moment, thought that

the totality of the Law and the prophets had "forsaken" him; that everything

might have just been a grand deception about existence itself.

Matthew 11:10 "For this (mental manifestation) is he (the thought)

about whom it is written (inscribed on the conscience being "delivered"):

'Behold (mentally tune in), I will send My messenger ("malak"; thoughts

placed into the minds of redeemed souls), and he (the specific thought) will

prepare the way (narrow mind path) before you (the culmination of a

"congregation" of thoughts). 11:11 "Truly I say to you: Among those

(thoughts) who are born of women (the "understanding" side of the

conscience), there has arisen (consciously appeared) none which is

greater (more important) than Yôwnâthân ("Yahweh has given"; the

realization the mental salvation is a gift to chosen souls) the Immerser

(thoughts immersed in the reality that salvation is a gift); but he (the thought)

who is least (humble) in the Kingdom (King's Dome; Yahweh in the

conscience) of Yahweh is greater (through mental effort) than he (the gift).

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11:12 And from the time (mental season) of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until

now (the time for full salvation), the Kingdom of Yahweh has been

advancing (overtaking the whole conscience) forcefully (through suffering,

unto perfection), and forceful (thoughts) men lay hold of it (mental

perfection). 11:13 For all the prophets (thought stimulants) and the Law

(mind patterns) prophesied (resounded in the conscience) until (up to the

time of) Yôwnâthân (when the perfected conscience and the "gifting" of it is

announced and now made available through Yahshua; again in Hebrews,

verses 39 and 40 of chapter 11: "And all of these (thoughts leading to

Yahchanan and Yahshua), having obtained a righteous (right thinking)

report through the faith, have not received the promise (mental

perfection). Yahweh having provided some better thing (advanced

wisdom and understanding of the Law and the prophets), that they (not yet

mature thoughts), without us (matured thoughts, would not be made (by

gifting) perfect)). 11:14 And if you are willing to accept (fully realize) it, this

(the gifting and fulfillment of the Law and the prophets within, leading to a

saved mind) is the STRENGTH OF YAHWEH which was (as per the mind

being "delivered"; Malʼâkîy) to come. 11:15 He who has ears

(understanding) to hear (comprehend), let him hear."

Matthew 17:10 "Then his disciples (disciplined thoughts) asked him

(the sinless conscience), saying, 'Why then do the Scribes (carnally

celebrated thoughts) say that Elijah (the scribes purport a physical man is

being discussed rather than the strength of Yahweh in the conscience) must

come (physically appear) first (before minds can be perfected)? 17:11

Yahshua answered them (the disciplined thoughts) and said, 'The strength

of Yahweh (El Yahweh) will come and restore (mentally renew) all things

(mind matters). 17:12 But I say to you; the strength of Yahweh has come

(it is in the gifting of his sacrificed life, announced by Yôwnâthân), and they

(reprobate thoughts) did to him (the gifting of the embodiment of the Law

and the prophets in the conscience) whatever they please (ignorant refusal).

In the same way, the Son (builder) of Man (the conscious soul) will suffer

(mental anguish) at their hands (mental graspings).' 17:13 Then the

disciples understood that he spoke (resounded in the conscience) to them

about Yôwnâthân (the gifting of the Law and the prophets into the

conscience of chosen souls) the Immerser."

One of the most common questions that a meta-physical physician

deals with in regards to fully expressing what is meant when statements like,

"It's never about the physical world!", are made as such: "If none of the Law

and the prophets is written to express physical people and physical life are

you saying that none of these men or places existed in the past, that it's all

just symbolism?" The truth of the matter is that some very important verses

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 23 of

are specifically symbolic; talking snakes and donkeys, while most of it did and

does physically manifest. The huge problem most believers are not even

aware of is that they are so focused on all of it being about physical life, they

miss almost the entirety of what is being taught about the Kingdom of

Yahweh; the Kingdom within! You the reader, believe that all of it was to help

aide you in "physical life here on earth", and nothing can be further from the

truth. To fail to understand that every single Scripture is speaking to states of

mind and processes of thought, is to fail at point 5 which we will be discussing

soon. To fail at the Kingdom within is to fail at being able to decipher what

portions of scripture will physically manifest, and to

therefore perish.

In the above scriptures from Matthew 17, it is the carnally based

thoughts (the scribe within each soul) that assume it must be a physical

manifestation; either ʼÊlîyâh or Yôwnâthân, rather than a mental manifestation,

the strength of Yahweh in one's conscience. This is why there is much

confusion in the perception of the Scriptures! Think about it like this: For the

many who wait for a physical chair to be sat in by a man named Elijah, the

fact that it is not speaking of a physical matter but a mental matter, that seat

will never be filled! Consider just one aspect of how that would cause many to

be unprepared in even the physical realm. All of the prophecy that seems to

“wait” upon the physical man Elijah is completely misconstrued, missed! We

will discuss more on the ramification of this crucial mistake in a bit, but it must

be settled within each soul in order for the further clarity to come, or not. In

Matthew 17 one can prayerfully see how Yahshua points to mental patterns,

while fully aware of the ignorance that resides among him. We already

discussed the massive confusion caused in regards to believing that it's either

the man ʼÊlîyâh or the man Yôwnâthân. If it is in fact an internal matter of the

conscience being discussed, and if that matter is to describe that the

"strength of Yahweh" in one's conscience, a full mental understanding of the

Law and the prophets, and that Yôwnâthân represents the "gifting" of this

knowledge and the strength derived from it, then we have zero contradictions

in Scripture! Let's go on to our last area of Scripture:

Matthew 27:46 "And about the ninth (9 is the number of "upright

man", who has achieved to perfection all 9 fruits of the Mind; Galatians 5:22-

23) Yahshua cried out (into consciousness) with a loud voice (internal

language), saying, 'Eli! ("my strength"; i.e., the Law and the prophets), Eli!

lannah (left my conscience) !', which means: My strength (Law and the

prophets and all that was required and promised)! My strength (Torah, minor

prophets, Psalms, Proverbs)! Why have you (written words of Yahweh)

forsaken me?' 27:47 Some who stood (defiant thoughts) there, when they

heard (carnally understood, being stuck in materiality), said, 'He calls for

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 24 of

Elijah (the physical man who was in no way Yahshua's sole source of

strength)! 27:48 Then immediately, one of them (reprobate thoughts) ran

and took a sponge (all that was contained in the carnal conscience), filled

with vinegar (the harsh bitterness of the "self" will); placed it on a reed

(corrupted mental branch), and gave it (all of man's sin in the conscience) to

drink (digest). 27:49 The rest said, 'Leave him alone (without any source

but Yahweh)! Let us see if Elijah (a man) will come to save (physically, not

mentally) him.'"

The commentary alone should allow you to begin the process of inner

renewal, allowing you to leave behind old thought paradigms, stretching into

new realities. Considering that this meta-physical physician perceives the

entirety of the Scriptures as a journey into the mind of every soul, individually,

this presentation was not intended to cause one to think beyond what is to be

expected with the paradigm shifts, but that a process would begin. What

needed to be accomplished can be and will be summed up in our final two


#4. Because you are so accustomed to everything, seemingly, being

about physical flesh life, you are in serious danger of being completely

unprepared for ALL end times prophecy:

"Thy thoughts precede thy physical actions!" If you would consider what

is true, that before anything manifests in your physical world, it is first borne

forth within the world of consciousness, then you would do well to always

remember this premier pattern. Thoughts in the mind then have the option of

becoming spoken words in the physical realm, which then manifest into

further physical happenings. "And the word (spoken thoughts) become

flesh (“raw”) and dwelt (both consciously then physically) among us (minds

perceiving physical life)." From the beginning of another created concept

called "time", Yahweh spoke forth the words of thoughts that had

predetermined everything before physical manifestations began. "Let there

be light!" Where things need to be meditated upon and further pondered, is

the true reality that the allowance for physical appearances is NEVER what is

truly being discussed or expressed within the totality of the Scriptures. "Then

Yahweh said (revealing His thoughts), I will make man (builders) in My

image (?), according to My likeness.'”

The Scriptures are very clear that "Yahweh is Mind", yet so many

claiming faith fail to uphold this truth when discussing exactly what "image"

Yahweh speaks to when creating man. The "Mental image" is the likeness of

Yahweh that set the standard for His thoughts and ideas about His creation.

The "man" is the actual Hebrew word "ʼâdam", and it's meaning is "show

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 25 of

blood". A little more research would reveal that Yahweh has said that, "life is

in the blood", and with prayer and meditation, coupled with obedience and

study, one would come to realize that each man is a force of frequency, a

realm of thought. When Yahweh "made man in His image", He was

discussing His Mind and therefore His thoughts, being housed in other souls.

The fact that the "life force" of man became seductively wicked has been

revealed to us in the fall of ʼâdam. The fall of man is when man's conscience

rejected the idea that it was to only obey commands, and deceived itself into

believing it could "choose" rather than obey. This deception has and will

continue until the appointed time we are discussing, the end days. Until then

this massive deception will carry on the same terms offered but the scribes of

old, couched under the title of "free will" (see “Simplicity Best”).

Yahweh is not and was not ever a physical man, and for you Christians

who have so easily allowed certain doctrines to guide you, you would do very

well to seek out the "who, when, where, what, why and how" of the malicious

doctrine commonly known as the "Trinity of God". Yahweh is Mind and His

Image is how He thinks!

In regards to the timeline of the verses of Malʼâkîy and Mattîthyâh, let

there be no doubt that it certainly does speak to what we have already

described as the “end times”, or, “end of the age”. If one perceives scripture

as "rules for physical life on earth," and "stories of things that physically

happened and that will happen", then it will be far too late to catch up once

the end times actually visit this physical world; this place of shadows.

Heading to the premier book regarding end times doctrine, let's seek wisdom

from Revelation and reveal the difference between a purely mental

perspective of the Scriptures (the meta-physical physician's way), and the

more common approach, that everything in scripture speaks about physical

life until one's physical death.

It should be very compelling to you that the entirety of the book of

Revelation was in fact a mental vision: "I, Yôwnâthân (the conscience being

"gifted" with truth) who am also your brother (co-faculty in the conscience of

the chosen) and fellow partaker in tribulation (the suffering of the

conscience that is necessary for the perfecting of the entire soul), and in the

Kingdom (King's dome; Yahweh's Temple within chosen souls) and patient

endurance (mental stamina) of Yahshua ("Yahweh saves" fallen minds) the

Messiah ("anointed" thinker), was on the island (mental seclusion) of

Patmos ("mortal"; the inner reality of the inevitable destruction of carnal

thinking), on account of the word (the Law and the prophets embodied in

Yahshua) of Yahweh; and the testimony (a mind in unison with the Law and

the prophets) of Yahshua the Messiah. I was in the Mind (the true thoughts

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 26 of

of the true Kingdom) on the Day (illumination of Yahweh's wrath against all

wickedness in thought) of Yahweh..." (Revelation 1:9-10) Would it be safe

for you to acknowledge that Yôwnâthân understood true patterns of the

mental Kingdom, and that it was the only Kingdom being discussed, that had

it actually happened during his physical life he would have been well

prepared? Because the scriptures we have been studying specifically point to

the book of Revelation it is necessary to show you that the entire book follows

suit, in that it speaks specifically to matters of the thought world, regarding

both chosen and nonchosen souls. It is not my intent to show you the entire

meta-physical aspects of Revelation, though be comforted that I could, but

merely to open new doors within your mind that will send you on your own

journey of discovery. I will pull out some pieces at the beginning of Revelation

simply to prove a point, and to help you get started as well:

Starting at Revelation Chapter 1 and carrying on to Chapter 3 is a

discussion regarding the "seven congregations". If you have previously read

these three chapters I would venture to say that questions have formed in

your mind: "What 'church' am I most connected to?" or "What is the purpose

of these seven churches in the end?" or "What churches do these represent

today, and how do we know what to do about it?" and perhaps even, "How is

it that all of these churches will unify in the end, under the commanded

mandate, 'One mind, one voice, one speech'?" Do you recognize that all of

these thought processes and the many more like them are all focused on

mainly physical understandings? Was Yôwnâthân's mental vision about

physical matters? Let's now look at it with a Kingdom perspective:

The Hebrew word for "congregation" is mô'ēd מוער (mo-ed'). The

definition is "appointment". This is the same exact Hebrew word used to

describe the "Feasts" of Yahweh. From the Hebraic meaning we find our

intent as well, the intent of the mental Kingdom. The "congregations" are

"mind feasts", "appointed" by Yahweh as dominating thoughts placed into the

minds of His elect His Temple within those chosen minds. Like Passover,

Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles and other "Feasts", these are specifically

appointed times (mind seasons) for the Mind of Yahweh to be released within

the consciences of chosen souls, for very specific purposes of Yahweh's.

So in Revelation chapters 1 through 3, we have "seven congregations".

Seven is the Hebrew number for "completion", and therefore we can see that

what is being expressed is the "complete constructs of mental awareness of

Yahweh." The seven congregations (gathering of all thoughts) represent the

seven Minds of Yahweh: wisdom, understanding, counsel,

governmental authority, power, knowledge and reverence of Yahweh.

Let's get more specific so that it has its full impact on your conscience. Let's

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 27 of

really look at the seven congregations within:

1. The congregation (gathered thoughts) of Ephesus ("desirable,

appealing"; this is the "Mind of wisdom in the conscience"); the first

lamp within each chosen soul; the first lamp of the physical Menorah.

2. The congregation of Smyrna ("myrh, fragrant"; this is the "Mind of

understanding"); the second lamp within the soul; the second lamp of


3. The congregation (mind appointment; feast) of Pergamos ("strongly

united, closely knit"; this is the "Mind of counsel"); the third lamp within

the soul; the third lamp of the Menorah.

4. The congregation of Thyatirce ("burning, incense"; this is the "Mind of

governmental authority"); the fourth lamp within the soul; the fourth

lamp of the Menorah.

5. The congregation of Sardis ("precious stone, joyous"; this is the "Mind

of power"); the fifth lamp within the soul; fifth lamp of the Menorah.

6. The congregation of Philedelphia ("brotherly love; this is the "Mind of

knowledge"); the sixth lamp within the soul; sixth lamp of the Menorah.

7. The congregation (mental appointment, mind feast) of Laudicia

("justice, judgment"; this is the "Mind of the reverence of Yahweh in the

conscience"); the seventh lamp within each chosen soul; the seventh

lamp of the physical Menorah.

Have we begun to prick your soul? Has something already begun to

transpire within your processes of thought that at the very least has caused a

knowing, the reality of new doors and what waits behind them? What has

been, and quite quickly I might add, done in a few written sentences that

should have disrupted all former processes of thought, can be done with

every single word of the Scriptures. Is it any wonder that Yahshua (the saved

mind of Yahweh) said, "Because it has been given ( Yôwnâthân within each

soul) to you (chosen minds) to know the great secrets of the Kingdom of

Yahweh, but to them (reprobate minds) it has not been given... That is

why I speak (consciously resound) to them (wicked thoughts, wicked minds)

in parables (mental by words), because seeing (consciously perceiving)

they do not see, and hearing (consciously understanding), they do not

hear, they do not understand (stand under the truth)." (Matthew 13:10-13)

Every single scripture speaking of what has and is transpiring, and what has

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 28 of

and is commanded in the entire thought plain. The physical aspects being a

mere shadow, or "after affect" of thought world. With a proper view (mental, of

course), one can clearly see and perfectly understand how all seven

congregations reside within each chosen soul. In order to be exalted in

consciousness, one needs to take full responsibility for this Mental reality! No

longer will you be wondering, "What church or churches do I fit into?", and

this physically of course, but that you are responsible for all congregating

thoughts within your soul. The "strength of Yahweh" was and always will be

an internal matter, and it is this very strength that is spoken of that must come

in order to verify that, "Thy Kingdom has come!" But to whom? To whom was

the Kingdom to be revealed? To every living person? Let's now make our

final point and then summarize at the end.

#5. The Kingdom of Heaven will only be FULLY understood and

realized, before Messiah's return, by the 144,000 of the book of Revelation:

In regard to Yahshua the anointed's statement about those with "ears to

hear", it needs to be considered if in fact Yahweh discloses to mankind who

these would be? That idea that the Kingdom must be "fully preached", often

seems to merely take on the physical dressings that we have discussed: the

idea that everything speaks to physical life on earth, until of course, physical


Questions that need to be considered like, "Is the preaching of the

Kingdom in it's fullness discussing the idea that every human being needs to

hear about it?" or, "Was it Yahweh's intent that every human being receives

the message of truth?" or, "Is the Kingdom of Yahweh that must be fully

prescribed, specifically pointing to the 144,000 of Revelation, and them

alone?" The idea that we might alter what has been written by the "Mind of

Yahweh" long before man even existed, would seem like a silly endeavor to

most; yet we must face the truth of how our thoughts may be saying just that.

If one were to take a very serious look at the book of Revelation one would

come to understand that there are only three categories of "believers" that

exist during the end times: the martyred (Leviticus 26: 23-26, Matthew 24:

8-9, Revelation 6:7-8), the imprisoned and captive (Leviticus 26: 27-39,

Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-11), and the 144,000 (Revelation

chapters 7 and 14). There are no "other" type of believers that exist

(consciously or physically) during this time and certainly there is no such

category of the Christian dogma, the raptured ones who are not martyred

first. If you attempt to kick against the goads and allow human fairytales to

guide your thoughts, you are among the martyred or captive. Prayerfully this

work will help you snap (that mental "click") out of it.

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 29 of

And so we must now more closely examine the claim that the 144,000

alone are those with "ears to hear", who have received the "full preaching" of

the Kingdom of Heaven, and who are the fulfillment of the "sons of Yahweh"

that the earth (mind of man) groans for. "The revealing of the sons of

Yahweh?" The revelation of those who have built the Kingdom of Yahweh

fully, and this within the conscience, the place where the Temple of Yahweh

dwells. Those whose consciences have been fully resurrected, all

consciousness of sin having been removed, who now speak the thoughts of

Yahweh to all remaining souls.

The entire premise of this work was to express that if one failed to

perceive (see) that it is a purely mental matter; the totality of the Law and the

prophets, leading to the gifting (Yôwnâthân) of the Law and the prophets,

leading to a saved (Yahshua) mind, that one would in fact fall into the

category of the martyred or the captive. Let's look some more at the 144,000!

The proper timeline of the events of Malʼâkîy and Mattîthyâh warrant a

brief explanation of the specifics of the "day that burns like an oven." It is no

less than the opening of the 6th seal of Revelation (Revelation 6:12-17)

leading to the full culmination of Yahweh's wrath on earth (the mind of wicked

men), known as the "seventh seal"; the seven trumpets as well as the three

"woes" (Revelation 8, 9 and 10). It is imperative that you understand that up

until the 6th seal, the day that burns like an oven has NOT commenced. In

the opening of the 6th seal many events are taking place as the wrath of

Yahweh begins, the first 5 seals NOT being Yahweh's wrath!

"Hurt neither the earth (mind of man) nor the sea (vast thought

plains), nor the trees ("truths"), until we have sealed (more on this shortly)

the servants(s) of our (gathered Holy thoughts) Father in their foreheads

("front seat" of consciousness). And I heard (understood) the number of

those who were sealed: sealed were 144,000 (in Hebrew gematria: "math",

144,000 = 9; 9 = "upright man" or "right thinking man") of all tribes (mental

faculties/branches) of the children (builders of Israel; thoughts ruled by and

for Yahweh). Of the tribe ("rod"; mental faculty) of Yᵉhûwdâh (Judah) (the

"praise" faculty in the conscience) sealed 12,000 (12 = 3;

"conviction/resurrection"). Of the tribe of Gâd (the "power" faculty in the

conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the tribe (faculty) of ʼÂshêr (the

"imagination" faculty in the conscience) 12,000 sealed. Of the tribe of

Naphtâlîy (the "strength" faculty in the conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the

tribe of Mᵉnashsheh (the "understanding" faculty in the conscience) sealed

12,000. Of the tribe of Shimʽôwn (the "life" faculty in the conscience) sealed

12,000. Of the tribe of Lêvîy (the "unity faculty in the conscience) sealed

12,000. Of the tribe of Yissâskâr (the “zeal” faculty in the conscience)

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 30 of

sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Zᵉbûlûwn (the “order" faculty in the

conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Yôwcêph (the "will" faculty of the

conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the tribe (faculty) of Binyâmîyn (the "faith"

faculty of the conscience) sealed 12,000." (Revelation 7:3-8)

It is also important to note that the number "12" represents "perfect

governance", or in this matter a perfectly governed conscience, a conscience

with no sin. 12 is also 1+2 = 3, which as we have seen represents both

conviction and resurrection. Again, matters of the conscience. Now the other

Revelation verse:

"And I (the "gifted” conscience) looked (mentally perceived), and

behold (held captive within), the Lamb (the purified, fully saved mind)

standing on Mount (mentally exalted) Zion ("sunny, unobstructed"; the pure

conscience), and with (mentally aligned) him 144,000 (the totality of a

resurrected mind, perfectly governed) having His Name (countenance in

consciousness) and His Father's Name written in their foreheads (front

seat of consciousness). And I heard a voice from heaven (the exalted

thought plain), like the voice of many waters (mindsets), and the voice of a

great thunder (agitation), and I heard the harpers (melodic frequency yet

known to unfinished men) harping with their harps. And they sang, as it

were, a new song before the Throne (Yahweh's authority in the conscience

of the chosen), and before the four (N, S, E, W; water earth, fire, air; the

totality of available thought boundaries) living (mentally active) creatures

(life forces in consciousness; man, eagle, ox, lion) and the elders (strong,

seasoned thoughts). And no man (ego; self; ʼâdam) could learn that song

but the 144,000 who were redeemed (mentally rescued) from the earth

(carnal adam).

These are the ones who were not defiled (mentally unclean) with women

(lustful emotion bound thoughts), for they are virgins (mentally purified).

These are the ones (sanctified thoughts) who follow the Lamb wherever

he goes (they think as he thinks). These were redeemed (consciously set

apart) from among men (the world of thoughts; earth) -- the firstfruits (first

born thoughts, original organic thoughts) to Yahweh and to the Lamb. And

in their mouth (mental breath) was found no guile (mental treachery); for

they are without (free from) fault before the Throne of Yahweh."

(Revelation 14:1-5)

It is these who are said to be mentally purified, and this is what is meant

when it is stated they "follow the Lamb wherever he goes." These are the

souls perfected of and on earth, and their job is to reveal Yahweh to what is

left of mankind. These are those who had "ears to hear" long before the

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 31 of

physical manifestations of the words of Scripture came to pass. It speaks of

the 144,000 being "sealed", and we do well to look at this a bit more for

clarity's sake:

The Hebrew word hātam חתם (haw-tham), is defined as "close, seal". In

reference to the times of Revelation, there are only two other areas of

scripture that speak to "sealing" and the end times:

Isayah 29:11 "And the whole vision (mental picture) has become to

you (stubborn thoughts) like a book (mental score) that is sealed (closed

off), which men (thoughts) deliver to one who is learned (material, worldly

wisdom), saying, 'Read this, I ask you'; but he says, 'I cannot for it (the

clarity of consciousness) is sealed.'"

Daniel 12:9 "But he ("who is like Yahweh") said, 'Go your way

(thought path) Daniel ("Judgment of Yahweh"), for the words are closed up

and sealed until the time of the end.'"

The idea is that the sealing is the concealment of all that the Law and

the prophets taught, through the mind of "Yahweh saves" (Yahshua), and that

this is synonymous with the "Book of Life". The Book of Life is none other

than the perfection of all things, and while others are "closed out" from this

knowledge and wisdom, the 144,000 are "closed in" with only this knowledge

and wisdom. It is to the 144,000 alone that the Kingdom has been "fully

preached", signifying that they won't taste death and due to the Oneness they

share with Yahweh's mind, they have already received their mental

resurrection while all others must wait. The resurrection of the minds of the

144,000 comes before the 6th seal and they are fully prepared (mentally of

course) for all that will transpire in Revelation, while the rest are looking to

and for physical manifestations; particularly in this case, a man to be seated.

There are thousands of other scriptures that could be utilized, and stories in

Scripture that could be metaphysically revealed in order to further the truths

spoken herein, but again, it is your work to do. This was both an exposé as

well as a test unto you personally; one that leaves all of us exactly where

Yahweh has decreed: "Without excuse!"

I leave you, for now, with this final scripture and the power of the

prayers of a man (thought) made righteous (right thinking) by the shedding of

blood (ʼâdam), and the One who made it so:

"For I am not ashamed of the message (the fullness of the Law and

the prophets; The Kingdom of Heaven, fully preached to those with "ears to

hear"), for it is the Strength of Yahweh unto life (mental of course)

As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 32 of

everlasting for everyone (every thought) who believes it: to the Yᵉhûwdîy

("praise" in the conscience) first and also to the Greek ("upward";

intellectual reasoning). For this is the message of the righteousness (right

thinking) of Yahweh, revealed from faith (Benjamin within) to faith, as it is

written (mentally inscribed), 'The just (consciously justified) shall live

(consciously) by faith (belief in Yahweh's commands alone).'” (Romans


Read More
Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

When Everyone is Seated Part II

When Everyone is Seated concludes with part II here.

A great understanding has begun; new dimensions of thought released

into a world of preconceived thoughts, notions and ideas; those things that

can only remain if you yourself are resistant to the commanded death (loss of

your own will) required. The idea that the "end of the age (Gen 6:3; 120 years

= 5880 years)" for mankind only allows for three distinct categories of

believers; the martyred, captive and 144,000, is undeniable. No matter

how one may try, there will be no "well maybe we can get by another way"

moments available. Part and parcel of coming into "Oneness" with the mind

of Yahweh is the return to mental simplicity - that which has no personal

interference attempting to block predestined, perfect truths. The book of

Revelation will not change! What it says is what will be. The grand themes

presented in Part 1 will surely stand if one takes the time to seek and know,

but it is good for this meta-physical physician to offer some more intimate

proof text in order to solidify the idea that the “Kingdom” being "fully

preached", cannot be separated from the commanded death that is required

to receive the full preaching. "He who loses his life will find it!", and "Take up

your stake and deny yourself!", speak to a premier pattern that all must

consciously face. The idea that the 144,000 alone face that death (in

consciousness) while all others are forced to choose it (through physical

death) is merely Yahweh's promise kept to His Son. Yes, a specific time on

earth for the full manifestation of Yahweh's mind; those who "follow the Lamb

wherever He goes", as well as a time for physical death, those who are

"Beheaded for the testimony in which they hold to." For both groups it is the

"second coming" that mandated death and resurrection, though in vastly

different form and function.

In order to stabilize the foundation of these grand themes we will

explore an idea. An idea that emanates from the Mind of Yahweh that must

certainly stand under the scrutiny of His own written words to mankind, from

Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Often I have said that it is "Your work to

do!", the deeper exploration and literal unearthing of mental truths from a

Mental Kingdom, and though we endeavor to be more specific herein the

mandate remains. I myself am looking (mentally perceiving) to be a perfected

disciple (mental discipline) of Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mentality), I am

not looking for disciples unto myself.

"Follow me as I follow Yahshua", is specific and clear. There is nothing

worse then running into a self expressed "believer" who professes seemingly

deep and thought provoking concepts, only to soon learn that the well was

not so deep and Oh so dry. Never rely on any human for all truth when in fact

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 2 of

it has been declared, "You need that no man teach you; but as the same

anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and not a lie,

and just as it has taught you, you are to abide in Him." (I John 2:27)

And so for our intimate proof text we consider the following statement:

Yahshua (Yahweh saves) was the literal (both consciously and physically)

"last sacrifice", and the idea that anyone else was going to be sacrificed

physically would only come due to a disobedient conscience. "Perfection",

perfection in the Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Mind, has an appointed time

on earth. Though it is daily commanded, "Be perfect as I and my Father are

perfect!", the time of fulfillment was and is always predestined. Perfection was

commanded to all the believers and yet Revelation shows us that MANY still


Time having run out for mankind, separates the living and dying; the

144,000 already resurrected before physical death, the rest after physical

death. Either way, "He who loses his life will find it."

We start by going back. We have discused the mental fall of mankind

(the ʼâdam syndrome within us all) and now we look to the beginning of the

restorative process as designed by the Master Creator, Mighty Yahweh. A

Unilateral Covenant would be His pattern. A Unilateral Mind Covenant to be

specific. Even a modern defining of the word unilateral would hold true to

Hebraic intent: Unilateral - of, having, affecting, or done by one side only. In

this matter it is the "of" and "done" that pertains to Yahweh, i.e., Yahweh's

Covenant was to take fallen minds and bring them back into Oneness

(perfection) with His conscience. Because of the ever present and eternal

wickedness of the self will (every soul's âdam), Yahweh made His Covenant,

His Mind contract, unto Himself and Himself alone. This after having shown

mankind multiple times that it's participation, a potential bi-lateral contract,

always failed due to man's wickedness. Lets unfold the Covenant a little and


Many hundreds of years after ʼÂdam's fall and the flood (overwhelming

torrent of thoughts) of Nôach (the "rested" conscience), Yahweh through

Môsheh (the conscience that "draws out" mind matter) begins to unveil His

Unilateral Covenant to chosen souls. "These are the Laws (mind patterns)

Yahweh proclaimed (resounded in the conscience) in a loud voice to the

whole congregation (gathering of thoughts) there on the mountain (exalted

thought plain), from the midst of the fire (refinement in the conscience), the

cloud (conscious mystique), and the thick darkness (hidden mysteries);

and He added (perfection is perfection, no need for more) nothing more.

Then He wrote (mentally inscribed) them (mind patterns) on two ("2" is

division) stone (hardened) tablets (mind tables)." (Deuteronomy 5:22)

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 3 of

Think, right (male) brain, left (female) brain. Yahweh's Unilateral Covenant

was to take the fallen, divided mind, and begin to reconcile it to it's original

perfected state; the “Garden state”. As with ʼÂdam and Nôach's flood,

Yahweh makes a profound statement in that He expresses that His presence

is once again available through the chosen soul that will "draw out" His

presence, only to soon unveil a grander portion of His Covenant: "So I (the

conscience drawing out the Covenant) turned (perceived the fallen state)

and went down (the lower "self") from the mountain while it was ablaze

(demanding judgment) with fire, with the two (divided mind) tablets of the

covenant in my two hands (mental grasp). When I looked (perceived), I

saw that you (congregating thoughts) had sinned (continually transgressed)

against Yahweh your Father, and you made for yourselves (your "self") a

mighty (mental stronghold) one cast (mental "casting") in the shape

(conscious form) of a calf ("frisking, revolve"; carnal dependency). You

turned quickly (as always) from the way (Mind path) of Yahweh and His

commands (Mind orders). Then I (the mind that "draws out" mental

precepts) took the two (divided) tablets (hardened right brain and left brain)

and threw them out of my hands (grasping), and broke (broken attempt at

another bi-lateral covenant) them to pieces (shattered, fragmented mind) in

front of your eyes (mental perception)." (Deuteronomy 9:15-17)

How quickly Yahweh reveals to us His plan to confirm and mandate a

Unilateral Covenant. Not long after (literally 4 Chapters later) He reveals the

commands (Mind laws) and again man fails at his part. The broken tablets

are the full embodiment of the conscious realization that man's broken mind

(male (R) and female (L)) would always be divided unless Yahweh Himself

fulfilled His Covenant with Himself. This literal announcement of the utter

brokenness of mankind would be the hidden revelation of a Master plan; the

Yahshua ("Yahweh saves") mandate. The only way the 2 (division) would

become 1 ("Oneness"), that no man (carnal thought) could separate: "At that

time (mental revolution) Yahweh said to me (the conscience "drawing out"

mental matters): 'Chisel ("carve"; manifest) out (the removal and renewal)

two stone (once hardened, now steadfast) tablets like the first ones, and

come up (exalt) to Me (the perfect mind) on the mountain (exalted thought

plain), also make yourself an ark ("box"; mental container) of wood

("firmness"; the beginning of the establishment of the mind covenant leading

to inner renewal).'" (Deuteronomy 10:1) New tablets, new conditions, new

abilities. The broken tablets forever ending any potential to bilaterally come

into "Oneness", now proceeded by a unilateral change agent. The ability for

chosen souls to both house and firmly grasp the patterns of the original intent;

the mind protected and hedged (the Garden) in by Yahweh's Mind alone. Not

the fullness of Yahweh within, but the ability for the chosen to begin to once

again wage war (flesh vs. Mind) within the consciousness. The perfecter

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 4 of

having yet to come, nonetheless, a start.

"These (the prescribed Mind commands, statutes and decrees) are the

terms (offer of mental renewal) of the covenant ("cutting, select, feed"; mind

work) Yahweh commanded Môsheh to make (mentally establish) with the

children (internal Kingdom builders) of Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for

Yahweh") in the land (thought plain) of Môwʼâb ("seed of father"; intellectual

belief in the physical realm over the mental), in addition to the covenant He

had made with them at Horeb ("dry, barren"; the vanquished conscience).

And Môsheh summoned (called to the front seat of conscience) all Israel

("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh"), and said to them, 'You had seen

(perceived) all that Yahweh did right in front of your eyes (mental

perception) in the land of Egypt (material consciousness) - to Pharaoh

("king, sun"; intellect derived from subconscious thought), to all his officials

(chief thoughts) and to all his land (thought plain). With your own eyes you

have seen the great trials (mind strife), the signs (mental "checks"), and

those great wonders (profound utterances in the conscience) - But to this

very day (illumination) Yahweh has not (“not” means Not!) given

(unilaterally offered) you a mind of understanding ("Binah" of the Tree

(truth) of Life within), nor eyes (perceptions) that see (wisdom), nor ears

(hearing) that hear (understand)." (Deuteronomy 29:1-4)

Timing is everything! From broken stones to renewed stones to

capabilities yet fulfilled, and this by Holy decree. In this short review we have

been introduced to both the Old and New Covenant's long before Yahshua

physically arrives. This is no less than the mind's introduction to "Yahweh

saves!", and how these very words are embodied in the true reality that the

Covenants reveal the only proper mental discourse about the totality of the

Covenant(s); Yahweh alone saves fallen minds! All "self" effort having been

continuously exposed, it would only ever be the unilateral offer that would

bring chosen souls back into perfect union with the Mind of Yahweh. Let's

now discover what Môsheh foretold long ago:

Though chosen souls have been responsible to consciously uphold the

Mind patterns decreed by Yahweh since Môsheh, the full manifestation of the

"full preaching" of the Mind of Yahweh, would be a future event that could

only ever take place after the "Last Sacrifice". Lets look at a few verses that

foretell of a specific time on earth for the perfecting of souls; the utter

fulfillment of the Covenant:

"Therefore say, 'This is what Father Yahweh says; I will gather you

(chosen souls, chosen thoughts) from the peoples (carnal thoughts), and

collect you from the countries ("firm"; carnally established thought centers)

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 5 of

where you have been scattered (mentally fragmented), and I will give you

the land (thought plain) of Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh"). And

they (chosen souls, chosen thoughts) will come there (the "hedged" in

protected thought plain) and they will take away all it's detestable

(consciously unclean) thing (thoughts foreign to holiness) and all it's (the

reprobate conscience) abominations from there. And I will give

(unilaterally solidify) them one heart ("center of intellect"), and I will put

(unilaterally place) a mind (breath) of renewal within (the Kingdom) you,

and I will remove the heart (intellect) of stone (the remaining flesh

thoughts) from their body (mindset) and I will give them a heart (intellect)

of flesh ("raw"; renewal). So they may (permission being granted) walk

(consciously stroll) in My statutes (Mind appointments) and keep (mentally

preserve) My ordinances (conscious enactments) and do them; and they

will be My people (thoughts), and I will be their Father (principal

consciousness).'" (Yᵉchetzqêʼl/Ezekiel 11:17-20)

It makes perfect sense to consider that "perfection" itself would have to

be at the very least, an appointed time after Yahshua the anointed. The book

of Hebrews gives us a profound insight when speaking of such things and the

prophets of old would have understood such things:

"And all these (prophets of old) have obtained a righteous ("right

thinking") report through faith, have not received the promise (a perfected

mind); Yahweh having provided some better thing (the actual revelation of

"Yahweh saves"; Yahshua) for us (souls being transformed now), that they

(all dead prophets), without us, would not be made perfect." (Hebrews


The earth (mind of man) groans for the perfected ones, that all chosen

men (thoughts) past to present would see the perfected ones and be

perfected themselves. Timing is everything:

"For I (Yahweh) will take you (chosen thoughts) from among the

heathen (unclean thoughts) and gather you out of all countries (foreign

thought centers), and will bring you into your own country (milk =

substance in thought, honey = sweetness in thoughts). Then I will sprinkle

(spread abroad) the water (cleansed thoughts) of purification upon you,

and you will be clean (mentally washed); from all your filthiness, and

from your mighty ones (mental idols), and I will cleanse you. A new heart

(intellect) I will give (unilaterally) you; and I will take away (out of

consciousness) the heart (intellect) of stone (rebellion, hardness) out of

your flesh (soul life) and give you a heart (mind) of flesh (renewal). I will

put My Mind (perfect thought) within you, and cause (total control of

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 6 of

thoughts) you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments

(Mind verdicts) and do them." (Ezekiel 36:24-27)

An appointed time of perfection, but for whom? We have one more

verse from Ezekiel ("may Yahweh strengthen"), but first we go to the prophet

(inspired thought) Hôwshêäʽ/Hosea ("Yahweh saves"):

"And it will be in that day (the chosen day of full illumination of the

Mind of Yahweh) says Yahweh; 'You (chosen souls, chosen thoughts) will

call Me Yishʽîy ("My husband"), and will no longer call me Baʽal: ("Lord").

For I will take away (out of consciousness) the names of Baalim ("Lord",

"God", "Jesus") out of her (the perfected congregation) mouth (mind speak),

and their names will no longer be called upon! And in that day I will

establish (fully institute) My covenant (Unilateral Mind Contract) for them

(chosen souls, chosen thoughts) with the animals (untamed thoughts) of the

field (thought plain), and with the birds (lofty, unattainable thoughts) of the

sky (unknown things), and the creeping ("glide"; crafty, cunning thoughts)

things on the ground (the lowest "self"); and I will break the bow

(compromise) of the sword (mental piercing), and abolish battle

(contention) equipment ("self" reliance) from the earth (mind of man), to

make them (chosen souls, chosen thoughts) lie down (rest) safely. I will

betroth (mentally wed) you to Me forever; yes, I will betroth you to Me in

the righteousness (right thinking), in judgment (just mental activity), in

loving kindness, and in mercy (mental compassion); I will betroth you to

Me in faithfulness (full faith); and you will know (mental "Oneness")

Yahweh." (Hosea 2:16-20)

Yes, it pertains to all souls past, present, and future but again, timing is

everything. Lets look at the "when" aspect of the verses we have explored:

CHART 1 - What I have titled "The Numbers 2 Encampment" is the

original pattern Yahweh ordained for the beginning of the building of His

house (mindset) within chosen souls. Each tribe (mental faculty) is given a

specific place to dwell (consciously reside). In looking at Chart 1 you will

notice that the faculties have a specific location relevant to the boundaries

(N,S,E,W) that they reside in. As an example, north means "dark". It is the

place in consciousness where the mind being judged is actively taking place.

It is also the "left brain" which is represented as the female attributes of

Yahweh known as "Binah", or the place of "understanding". In the area of

judgment are the faculties of judgment, imagination and strength. What is

being portrayed at the beginning phases of the "House of Yahweh" taking

root within the conscience of the chosen soul, is that while still in a place of

imperfection, each soul needs to "work out" the struggle between Yahweh's

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 7 of

will and the ever present "self" will. So for the north, the unregenerated

thoughts that receive the most judgment during the process are "personal"

judgment, imagination and strength.

These more than all other mental faculties (tribes) are ground that must

be tilled. Likewise in the east ("open" thought plain), praise (Judah) zeal

(Issachar) and order (Zebulon) are the mental faculties that must be most

receptive (open) to the renewing mental energy promised by Yahweh's

Unilateral Covenant, to save (fully regenerate unto perfection) chosen souls.

South is "parched" so you can see the faculties that are the most vanquished

in the beginning, needing nourishment. West is "roar". What faculties need

the most effort mentally in the beginning? Yes - will, understanding, and faith.

The lower portion of the chart shares some insights that will lead to your

further exploration prayerfully.

Remember, we are opening doors (mental chambers) that you alone

must walk through, learning to hear the voice of Yahweh alone as you go.

CHART 2 - The "Ezekiel 48, Revelation 21 encampment" chart shows

massive progression both in time and in mental competency. Having

previously looked at the prophet Ezekiel and Hosea we came to realize that

the time on earth for the perfecting of many is certainly a time in the future. As

Hebrews 11:40 showed us, the many prophets of old knew that "without us",

they, "would not be made perfect."

Certainly the timing of the book of Hebrews warrants that one consider

that perhaps the time of the life of Shâʼûwl/Paul ("asked for, desired"; the

unregenerated personal will) was the time for the perfecting of many, but

Chart 2 shows otherwise. The literal realignment of the faculties shown in

Ezekiel 48:31-34, is the exact future specification given to us in Revelation

21, a time when all judgment has ceased and the new Kingdom has come.

Notice the change in the dwelling sight of the faculties from their position in

Chart 1. It is imperative to remember that the Kingdom "having fully come",

means that all who have been chosen for salvation (a saved mind) have now

received that "Oneness" with Yahweh. What was once the "dark" (north)

place now fully regenerated is filled with life (Reuben) praise (Judah) and

unity (Levi). What was once "parched" (south) is now replaced with perfect

hearing (Simeon) zeal (Issachar) and order (Zebulon). The "roar" (west) that

once clouded the mind is now replaced with perfected power (Gad)

imagination (Asher) and strength (Naphtali).

The mind previously "open" to anything and everything, now through

the redeeming, sanctifying, salvation process unto perfection, is perfectly

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 8 of

open to Yahweh's will & understanding (Joseph), faith (Benjamin), and

judgment (Dan).

All faculties (tribes) now taking their original (Garden state; protected,

hedged) positions where "free will", the cause of the fall, is now Yahweh's

Unilateral Covenant mandating, "One Will!"; Yahweh's! The lower portion of

Chart 2 illustrates what is commonly (though through uncommon Priests)

known as the "Tetragrammaton". This is none other than Yahweh's four letter

ineffable Name and it's 12 possible permutations. Everything flows into the

thought world of perfected souls through these permutations. As stated in

Part 1, "As Soon As Everyone Is Seated...," if you have yet to understand the

enormous responsibility to the Name "Yahweh", you would do well to read

"Bye God!" It is my prayer that even through a cursory examination of chart 2

herein, one might actually be faced (in consciousness of course) with a

thought like, "To take out the Name Yahweh is to literally be brain dead!"

CHART 3 - Chart 3a and 3b are speaking to the same event but I have

given two perspectives and leave it to the Mind of Yahweh to speak which

chart He would have for you; its always about, "You need that no man

teach you, but I (Yahweh)!"

In the charts we have the Revelation 21 view of both the gates (mental

entrances) and the foundations (mental meeting places) to the perfected

Kingdom within. Notice that chart 1 from Numbers 21 had "The House of

Yahweh" in the center, with all faculties paying homage to unity (Levi). This

was the beginning of the building of the House (mindset), but in open full

completion at Revelation 21, we have Yahweh Shammah (“Yahweh Is

There”) in the center of consciousness signifying a full take over; all bogus

ideas of a "free will", having been abolished. So we have the entrances

(mental gates) embodied in the twelve sons of Yaʽăqôb/Jacob ("heel catcher";

the inspired conscience) and the foundations set by the 12 ("perfect

governance") disciples (mental disciplines) of Yahshua ("Yahweh saves").

So Revelation 21 exemplifies the set time for total salvation for all

chosen souls (past, present, future) whom would believe, but let us remember

Part 1 and those souls perfected long before the time of Revelation 21; the


It is for this reason we set out to understand what indeed the "last

sacrifice" meant to and for all chosen souls, and we will continue to develop

and explain the full intent of the life (conscious life force) of Yahshua the

Messiah ("anointed" thinker). To do so we must first look at the "bride"

concept as taught in scripture:

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 9 of

kallâh כלה (kal-lawʹ)- "bride (as if perfect)" the root word: kālâl-


Hebraically we come to understand that the kallâh (bride) is he who is

perfected, completed. The discovery that needs to be made is whether or not

the commonly held view is that believers in the anointing are in fact the bride,

and if so is it every believer? Often you have heard throughout Christianity

the theme "The bride of Christ", and this in reference to the church. But does

scripture uphold such a view? As with Part 1 we go to the Old Covenant to

see what it discusses on the matter at hand:

Nine scriptures total. That is how many scriptures refer to a "bride".

Would it surprise you to hear that not one single verse in the entire Old

Covenant discusses any sort of marriage in reference to Yahshua and the

congregation? Even if you were to look under the Hebrew words for

"wedding", "marriage", "marry", "married", or even "betrothed", not one single

scripture refers to such a union. Is it a must that it must be discussed in the

Old Covenant as was the "Strength of Yahweh", in order to be legitimate

doctrine? Not necessarily, but it is necessary to at the very least have a

Hebraic understanding of the intent of a bride. We have seen that it means

"perfected", "complete", and now we look at those nine scriptures to ascertain

new realities:

Yᵉshaʽyâh/Isaiah 49:18 - "Lift up your eyes (minds perceptions), look

around (to the gathering of all thoughts) and see; all these (renewed,

purified thoughts) come to you gathered (unison) together (unity). As

surely as I live, says Yahweh; you will wear (conscious covering) them (all

renewed purified thoughts) all as ornaments ("trappings, advance"; internal

blessings); you will put them on like a bride (completion, perfection)."

The bride is the perfected mind promised unilaterally.

When left brain and right brain join as “One”. Isaiah 61:10 - "I will

greatly rejoice in Yahweh, my soul (conscience) will be joyful in my

Father; for He has clothed (mentally covered) me with the garments

(mental dressings) of salvation (a saved mind); He has covered me with

His robe (royalty) of righteousness (right thinking); as a bridegroom

("relative, contract"; completor) covers (protects) his head (mindset) like a

priest (thought judge), and a bride (perfected one) adorns (mentally wears)

with jewels ("prepared, cease"; enlightenments)."

The bride is the purified mind. The bridegroom (right brain) the cause of

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 10 of


Isayah 62:5 - "For as a young (selected) man (thought) marries

(consciously unites) a virgin ("separate"; set apart thought), so will your

sons ("builders") marry you, and as the bridegroom (perfecter) rejoices

over the bride (perfected), so will your Father rejoice over you (purified


The context herein is that the land (thought plain) of Zion ("sunny,

clear"; pure thinking), i.e. Jerusalem (peaceful thinking) will be married

(united) with Yahweh alone; a perfected conscience.

Yirmeyâh (Jeremiah) 2:32 - "Can a maid (mental servant) forget her

jewels (enlightenments), a bride (perfected one) her attire (mental

arrangements)? Yet My people (thoughts chosen for renewal) have

forgotten Me days (illuminations) without number."

Bride is a mental state.

Jeremiah 7:34 - "Then I will cause to cease (consciously end) from

the cities (mental encampments) of Yahweh (praise) and from the streets

(paths) of Jerusalem (peace) the voice of mirth (cheerfulness) and the

voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom (perfecter) and the voice

of the bride (perfected); for the land (thought plain) will be desolate

(consciously void)."

Its a matter of consciousness.

Jeremiah 16:9 - "For this is what Yahweh of Hosts ("mass,

campaign"; gifting of renewing thoughts), the Father of Israel ("thoughts

ruled by and for Yahweh") says, 'Behold, I will cause to cease from this

place (front seat of consciousness) before you, and in your days; the

voice (mind whisper) of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the

bridegroom and the voice of the bride.'"

A mental condition for the rebellious.

Jeremiah 25:10 - "Moreover, I will take from them the voice of joy

and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom (mental perfecter)

and the voice of the bride (mentally perfected), the sound of the

millstones ("pulverize"; thoughts which removes all carnality) and the light

of the lamp (soul guide)."

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 11 of

Physical or mental?

Jeremiah 33:11 - "The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the

voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those

(thoughts) who bring the sacrifices (mental struggles) of praise (mental

reverence) into the House (mental temple) of Yahweh, who say,

'HalleluYahweh ("praise Yahweh")! Thanks to Yahweh of Hosts, for

Yahweh is righteous, for His mercy is forever!' For I will restore

(consciously renew) the captives (imprisoned) to the land (thought plain;

substance (milk) and sweetness (honey)) and make it (the mind) as it was in

the beginning (the Garden state before the fall), says Yahweh."

A restoration of physical earth or of souls?

Yôwʼêl (Joel) 2:16 - "Summon the people (thoughts), sanctify ("set

apart") the congregation (gathering of thoughts), bring the elders

(seasoned thoughts), gather the children (builders of pure consciousness)

with those who suck (rely upon) the breasts ("swell"; dependent). Let the

bridegroom go out of his room (mental space) and the bride out of her

(left brain; understanding) closet ("self" protective ways)."

As with the bride, so too with the bridegroom. We have seen the

meaning of the Hebrew word châthan (khaw-than) and we have also seen the

intent of the bridegroom. As we enter New Covenant text all of this will have

its implications but it needed to be discovered that in reference to either a

bride or a bridegroom, the Old Covenant has nothing to say about such a

union between Yahshua and Israel. Let's now see what the New Covenant

may or may not add to the facts we have gathered up to this point. We start

with the bride:

Yôwnâthân (John) 3:29 - "He who gets (hierarchy) the bride

(completion, perfection) is the bridegroom ("relative, give away, contract";

the mental stimulant); but the friend ("associate, graze"; mental confidant) of

the bridegroom, who stands (the attentive thought) and hears

(understands) him (the perfecter), rejoices greatly because of the

bridegroom's voice. This is my ("gift of Yahweh") joy, so it is complete."

A state of mind, no? Except for the book of Revelation, and this is by no

means a small matter to deal with, this is the only verse in the entire New

Covenant that speaks to a bride. Like the Old Covenant, words such as

"marry", "married", "betrothed", "wedding" or "wife", are never used when

discussing Yahshua and the congregation of Israel (the "gathered thoughts

ruled by and for Yahweh"). Let's look at the word bridegroom and see what

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 12 of

the New Covenant offers:

Mattithyâh (Matthew) 9:15 - "Yahshua ("Yahweh saves") said to

them (the discipiles are a gift), 'Can the children (builders) of the bridal

(completion) chamber (protected thoughts) mourn as long as the

bridegroom (conscious perfecter) is with them? But the days will come

when the bridegroom (the actual unilateral contract to perfect fallen souls)

will be taken away (the flesh vs. Mind mandate being activated wherein one

must "work out his salvation with fear and trembling") from them (thoughts

being redeemed), then they will fast (mentally abstain, afflict).'”

This verse seems to have prophetic implications of Yahshua and a

bride and yet, we must find scripture and let scripture alone tell the story in

it's fullness.

Matthew 25:1 - "Then the Kingdom ("King's dome") of Heaven (the

exalted thought plain) may be compared to ten virgins (thoughts

"separated" and set apart in the conscience), who took their lamps (mental

intuition) and went out to meet the bridegroom (perfecter)."

Nothing about Israel, but again a matter of consciousness.

Matthew 25:5-6 - "But while the bridegroom (perfecter of

consciousness) was delayed (the "workout your salvation" season), they

(thoughts "separated" to carnality) all slumbered (lazy mindedness) and

slept. And at midnight ("divide, adversity"; time of mental confusion), there

was a cry made; 'Behold! The bridegroom comes! Go out to meet Him!'"

State of consciousness? Perhaps a reference to Yahshua and Israel?

Markŏs/Mark 2:19-20 - A duplication of Matthew 9:15 above.

Lŏukas/Luke 5:34-35 - Same as Matthew 9:15 and Mark 2:19-20.

John 2:9 - "When the ruler of the wedding (uniting of left brain and

right brain) feast had tasted the water (purity) that made the wine (vitality)

(now he did not know where it (vitality) came from, but the servants who

had drawn (brought forth into consciousness) the water knew) the

governor of the wedding feast called the bridegroom."

No direct reference to Yahshua and Israel yet.

John 3:29 - Same as above.

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 13 of

Can we agree that in reference to a bride and a bridegroom we have

yet to see a supposed marriage between Yahshua and the congregation of

Israel? For those of you struggling with terms, can we agree that we have yet

to see any scripture speaking to the "Bride of Christ"? In the entire Old

Covenant and New Covenant there is not one single scripture that alludes to

such a concept unless maybe we go back to the book of Revelation, and we

will. For now it was important to enable you to, if even just for a moment,

consider where you adopted your views of such a marriage?

Could it be that for thousands of years countless self proclaimed

"believers" have allowed this doctrine, whether man made or not as we will

soon discover, to perpetuate? Before we move forward take a moment to

examine your own personal views on this subject and quickly challenge

yourself to come up with the areas of scripture that can affirm such a view?

Am I right that you can't? Even if I have given you a clue about the potential

of the book of Revelation, can you cite a scripture from Revelation? Yes

indeed, I have promised to give you a full understanding of the "Last

Sacrifice" and all of it's implications and this was a piece of that

understanding. Let me take you to Revelation and show you why. Lets again

start with the bride:

Revelation 18:23 - "And the light (illumination) of a lamp (intuition)

will shine no more at all in you ("confused" minds). And the voice of the

bridegroom and of the bride will be heard no more at all in you - for you

merchants (material consciousness) were the great men (thoughts) of the

earth (mind of man); for by your sorceries (mind tricks) all the nations

(constructs of thought) were deceived."

Not a marriage between Yahshua and Israel, but a condemning of the

material consciousness; Babylon ("confusion").

Revelation 21:2 - "And I, John (the conscience "gifted" the truth by

unilateral contract), saw the holy city (thought center), Yahweh Shammah

("Yahweh Is There"), coming down (to invade what was once the carnal

portions of consciousness) from Yahweh out of heaven (the exalted thought

plain), prepared as BRIDES adorned for their husbands."

The holy city compared to physical brides and husbands?

Do you see past such assertions and carnal minded concepts yet? We

have been speaking of "completion", "perfection", "perfecter" and "contract",

as those are the definitions of Hebraic words and their intent in reference to

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 14 of

both bride and bridegroom. It would only be Hebraic intent that allows for

perfect fluency in the scriptures discussed. And why "brides"?

And we still have no reference to Yahshua and Israel.

Revelation 21:9 - "And there came to me (the conscience "gifted" by

the Mind) one of the seven (of the seven Minds of Yahweh) malakim

("message"; thought placed in the conscience, erroneously given the pagan

title "angels" by pagan religions) who had the seven bowls (outpourings of

judgment into condemned minds) full of the seven last plagues (mind

destroyers), and talked with me saying, 'Come, I will show you the

BRIDES, the Lamb's WIVES.'"

0 boy! Houston, we have many problems! The enormity of what must be

exposed and revealed within this one verse is no less than earth shattering.

But we wait! Let's finish exhausting all available scriptures in Revelation and

then return:

Revelation 22:17 - "And the Mind of the BRIDES say 'Come!' and

let him who hears say, 'Come!' And let him who is thirsty come. And

whoever will, let him take the water of life freely."

One of the last five verses in all of scripture and yet we have people

who are unmarried and yet able to "Come!"?

Hmmm.... Yes, we will be back, but lets now look for all available

scriptures in reference to the bridegroom:

Revelation 18:23 - Same as above.

And that is it! The only reference in the book of Revelation about a

bridegroom. What should be transpiring within are several things. First, you

noticed the plural use for the words "brides" and "wives". We have discussed

in Part 1 the many available translations of the Scriptures available and

suffice it to say your version probably expresses the singular "bride" and

"wife" for the verses we have discussed. Second, we have exhausted almost

every verse available from Genesis to Revelation to decipher whether or not

a marriage between Yahshua and the congregation of Israel even exists. We

have seen some inference to suggest the idea, but not one single scripture to

fully shore up and support the idea. You hopefully noticed that I said, "almost

every verse". There are two more in the book of Revelation but in order to

understand them correctly we need to settle the idea of a singular bride and

wife, or plural brides and wives. It started at Revelation 21:2: Let's look at a

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 15 of

more commonly used translation for Revelation 21:2, using the New King

James Bible: "Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming

down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her


Singular bride and singular husband. We can agree that the reference

here is between New Jerusalem and a bride and groom, and we can also

agree that this is not a direct reference to Yahshua marrying the congregation

correct? What we must discern is what scripture(s) give us the right to say

bride or brides, husband or husbands? Keeping this in mind let's look at the

other verses from the New King James view:

Revelation 21:9 - "Then one of the seven angels who had the

seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came to me and talked

with me, saying, 'Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife.'"

Singular bride, singular groom. Certainly here we have some solid proof

text for an idea that Yahshua (the Lamb) does indeed have either a bride or

brides, but this is not enough to decipher truth. Remember, Revelation is the

only book in the entirety of the scriptures that speaks to the specific marriage

of Yahshua and a bride/brides, and this is the very first verse in the second to

the last chapter of the scriptures that breaches the subject at hand. One more

verse to go:

Revelation 22:17 - "And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And

let him who hears say, 'Come!' and let him who thirsts come. Whoever

desires, let him take of the water freely."

"Spirit and the bride...," or "Spirit of the brides"? We must again face a

specific point with this specific verse. Let there be no doubt that this verse,

which is the first of the last five verses in the entire book commonly known as

the Bible, clearly shows a group and even groups of souls unmarried. We

have not seen anything but Revelation 21:9 to suggest the married are the

bride of Yahshua, but even after the marriage we still have groups unmarried.

So where are we? Certainly you should be confused but since there is

"no confusion" in Yahweh, we clearly have more work to do. Can we agree

that we have no right, based upon Scripture alone, to make an absolutely

factual decree on the subjects at hand? Based upon Scripture alone telling us

the truth, do we yet have a doctrine to stake our life upon? It matters not what

you have been programmed to think. Does scripture support your previously

held views? What have we possibly even discovered to settle the matter of a

singular bride and husband or a plural brides and husbands, having

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 16 of

exhausted every single book in the Scriptures except Revelation? We need to

examine the final two scriptures that speak on the matter and see:

Revelation 19:7-9 - "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to

Him [Yahweh]; for the marriage (uniting of left brain and right brain) of the

Lamb (sacrificed conscience unto perfection) has come, and all the virgins

who have been chosen, have made themselves ready. And to them it

was granted that they should be in fine linen ("bleached, whiten"; purity),

clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness (right thinking) of

Yahweh's saints (sanctified thoughts).

He said to me (the "gifting" of spiritual consciousness), 'Write, blessed are

those who are called unto the marriage supper (mental feast) of the

Lamb.' And He (mind messenger) said to me, 'These are the true sayings

of Yahweh.'"

As always, it is a matter of consciousness and even then clarity is

warranted. Lets first look at the New King James version and notice some

drastic differences:

"Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of

the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready. And to her it

was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the clean

linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, 'Write,

blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!'

And he said to me, 'These are the true sayings of God.'"

Let's list the differences:

1. The "Book of Yahweh" version has multiple brides, the New King

James version has one bride seemingly, yet it also refers to that bride as the

plural "saints" and it also references "those who are called to the marriage


Certainly they who hold the singular view would say, "Yes, but He sees

the whole church as one bride", and yet we have discovered that other than

inference, there is not a single scripture available in the entirety of scriptures

that would absolutely affirm that, "All believers, past, present and up to the

marriage, are considered the bride!" It is a guess at best and it does not settle

the verse of Revelation 22:17, which shows unmarried believers after the

supposed marriage;

2. The Book of Yahweh speaks of "virgins" in verse 7, where as the

New King James version speaks of a "wife". It is important to note that the

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 17 of

"Gesenius Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon" by Samuel Tregelles, page 396,

shows that the Hebrew word "kal" is used in this verse, and that the proper

translation is, "all the virgins who have been chosen." would firmly agree with

Mr. Tregelles, but I would need scripture in order for my agreement to mean

anything, no?

3. Whereas the Book of Yahweh considers only a plurality of wives, the

New King James version speaks of a wife and yet in verse 8 it depicts

"saints" and in verse 9, "those who are called". Again, where does anyone get

the right apart from scripture to call what is clearly many people a singular

bride? Christianity has overwhelmingly been the culprit with the commonly

used and sung about "Bride of Christ" dogma. All versions and translations

acknowledge "many saints" but then reduce it to "one bride". This

scriptureless error has yet to be fully exposed and it will soon be exposed to

it's meta-physical errors most importantly, but let us look at the very last verse

available and see if new doors begin to open.

It is actually a verse we have previously reviewed but now we must look

at the full context surrounding the verse and therein begin to find our answer.

Revelation 21:9 - "And there came to me ("gifting" in the conscience)

one of the seven ("completion") malakim (mind messenger; thoughts

implanted into the conscience by Yahweh; this is "Israe1"; thoughts ruled by

and for Yahweh) who had seven bowls (outpourings of judgment) full of the

seven last plagues, and talked with me saying, 'Come, I will show you

the brides ("perfected"), the Lamb's ("dominate"; resurrected conscience)

wives (the completion of the mental "body").'"

Brides or bride? Wife or wives? Take special notice of the truth that the

seven bowls with the seven last plagues have not been poured out at the time

of this revelation of the Lamb's bride(s). Again, the bowls and plagues have

NOT been poured out and the marriage has already taken place.

Revelation 21:10 - "And he carried me away in the Mind (of

course since it is all about a mental Kingdom) to a great and high

(supremely exalted) mountain (conscious plain), and showed me that great

city (habitation of "peace"; Jerusalem), the Holy Yahweh Shammah (Charts

2 & 3; "Yahweh Is There"), descending out of heaven from Yahweh."

The Yahweh conscience getting ready to completely overtake the

minds of chosen souls.

Rev 21:11 - "Having the glory (conscious splendor) of Yahweh. And

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 18 of

her (the habitation of "peace") light was similar to a precious (eminent)

stone (solidified thought), just like a jasper ("Yahweh is our strength")

stone, clear as a crystal ("smooth"; uninhabited)."

Remember that two verses ago it stated we were to be looking at "the

Lamb's wives". Have we seen either the plural or singular bride yet?

Rev 21:12 - "And had a great and high wall (conscious barrier), with

12 (perfected government) gates (remember chart 3 ?), and at the gates 12

malakim (messages), and names written upon them (the mental

entrances), which are the 12 tribes (mental faculties) of the children

(builders) of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh)."

Any bride(s) yet? We have Charts 1 through 3 so you should have a

healthy look and perhaps perspective of what is being described here?

Rev 21:13 - "On the east ("open"), three ("resurrection") gates

(entrances); on the north ("darkness" redeemed), three gates; on the

south ("parched" turned to well watered), three gates; and on the west

("roar" made quiet), three gates."

Entrances, but where is the bride(s)?

Rev 21:14 - "And the wall of the city (mental habitation) had twelve

foundations (see chart 3), and in them the names (countenance) of the

twelve disciples (mental disciplines) of the Lamb."

Physical or mental? Any bride(s) yet?

Rev 21:15 - "And he (the mind "message") who talked with me had a

golden ("shimmer"; anointing) reed ("erect"; mental manifestation) to

measure (calculate) the city, and it's gates and it's walls."

The House of Yahweh, the Kingdom of Yahweh, the Mental Kingdom,

the Kingdom of Consciousness, the Kingdom Within. Has anyone seen the

bride(s) yet?

Rev 21:16 - "And the city lies four (N,S,E,W; darkness turned to

perfect judgment, parchness turned to living water, openness to anything is

now open only to the mind of Yahweh, the confusing roar turned to a still

quietness) square ("sprawling", vast and clear) and the length ("belong";

intellectual depth) is as large as the breadth ("broaden"; expansion). And

he measured (calculated) the city with the reed (manifesting in the

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conscience): twelve (perfect governance) thousand ("family"; aleph- "the

first"; mental yoking) stadia (a "fixed" state of mind). The length and the

breadth, and the height of it are equal (unified)."

Sounds like a perfectly united place, no? Have you determined if the

Hebrew language and it's intent only ever speaks of mind matters yet? Where

is that darn bride(s) that verse 9 said we were going to see?

Rev 21:17 - "And he measured it's wall (hedged in protected place;

the Garden); one hundred and forty four (144=1+4+4=9; 9= upright mind)

cubits ("mother"; mental bond) to the measure of man (earth thought), that

the malak (mind "message") was using."

144 – 144,000. Hmmm...

Rev 21:18 - "And the construction (mental make up) of it's wall

(protection) was jasper ("Yahweh is our strength"; the mantra of the

perfected mind); and the city (mental habitation) was pure gold (wisdom),

like clear glass (perception)."

Mental or physical says the Hebrew Father?

Rev 21:19-20 - "The foundation of the wall of the city were adorned

(consciously clothed) with all kinds of precious stones (solidified thoughts),

the first (1=Yahweh) foundation was jasper ("Yahweh is our strength"; the

Hebrew word "yashepheh"), the second (opposition turned to unification)

sapphire ("Book of Yahweh"), the third (mental resurrection and conviction)

agate ("restore"; restoration), the fourth (the totality of man's thought

boundaries) beryl ("give, light"), the fifth (favor) emerald ("to heal"), the

sixth (reborn thought; man) ruby ("submit"), the seventh (completion)

chrysolite ("reverence"), the eighth (super abundance) onyx ("zeal"), the

ninth (upright man; upright thought) topaz ("pure"), the tenth (10=1)

turquoise ("Laws"), the eleventh (11=1+1=2) jacinth ("Yahweh's Name"),

the twelfth (perfect governance; 12=3, resurrection) amethyst ("to

join")." (See Chart 3a, 3b & 4) 0h where 0h where can my little bride(s) be?

Rev 21:21 - "And the twelve gates were 12 pearls (illuminations);

each individual gate was of one pearl. And the street (mental pathway) of

the city was pure gold (wisdom), as it were, transparent as glass (clarity)."

Rev 21:22 - "And I saw no pagan (idolatrous) sanctuary (abode) in it

(the mental habitation); for the House of Yahweh (the entire mind now

Yahweh's mind), the body (mindset) of the Messiah ("anointed" thought),

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 20 of

was in it."

Complete salvation is when Yahweh's Kingdom, His temple within

chosen souls, overtakes the entire conscience; no more "self" will be left. No

more need for "Not my will but thy will be done" to be stated. But what of

the bride(s)?

Rev 21:23 - "And the city had no need of the sun (temporary

illumination), neither the moon (subconscious thought), to shine on it; for

the glory (perfect conscience) of Yahweh does enlighten it, and it's lamp

(all seven now made one with Yahweh) is the Lamb (Yahshua; "Yahweh

saves"; "dominant" mindset)."

Physical or mental?

Rev 21:24 - "And the nations (constructs of thought) of those who

are saved (mentally resurrected) will walk in the light of it (the seven spirits

of Yahweh: wisdom, understanding, council governmental authority, power,

knowledge, reverence, all united as one). And the kings (chief thoughts) of

the earth (mind of man) do bring their glory and honor into it."

Rev 21:25 - "And the gates (openings) of it (the perfect kingdom of

consciousness) will not be shut at all by day (constant illumination), for

there will be no night (mental dullness) there."

Physical or mental? Can anyone tell who the bride(s) are that we are

waiting on?

Rev 21:26 - "And they (WHO? WHO? WHO?) will bring the glory of

the nations (constructs of thought) into it (perfect consciousness)."

The brides, that's who! "They" have been discussed the entire time

since verse 9. Remember, we are on the very last verse in the entirety of

Scriptures that discusses the idea, and for certain only Revelation 19:7-9

and the verses of Revelation 21 which we just dissected, directly pertain to

Yahshua and His BRIDES! Lets finish the last verse and then step into the

great unknown; the place where Yahweh resides.

Rev 21:27 - "And there will by no means enter into it (perfection)

anything (any thought) that defiles (makes mentally unclean), nor works

abomination (disgust), neither a lie; but only those (souls; thoughts) who

are written (consciously inscribed) in the Lamb's Book (cipher) of Life

(revival of consciousness)."

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Timing is everything. Revelation chapters 21 and 22 are the fulfillment

of the entirety of the Scriptures, as verse 3 of chapter 21 expresses:

"...Behold! The Tabernacle (mental dwelling) of Yahweh is with men

(chosen and renewed thoughts)." You have just seen a full explanation of the

BRIDES loved one. Am I correct when I say you not only missed it, but you

missed it completely? Is that theme "Bride of Christ" causing real issues

within you right now? Have we not looked at every single verse in Scripture

pertaining to the specific topic? Are we allowed to go beyond Scripture and

just randomly make it what the masses want it to be? We discussed how the

"one bride" theory would create not only problems with scriptural accuracy,

but also the meta-physical problems it posed. Unity (mental "Oneness") is

certainly scriptural, but we must adhere to the patterns taught Genesis to


There was always twelve sons of Yaʽăqôb (Jacob), which was always a

representation of the twelve mental faculties required for the perfected

conscience. There was also always twelve disciples, which represented the

very same thing as the twelve tribes (mental branches of the Tree of Life),

and that is the twelve mental disciplines. Oneness (unity) has it's place as it

was Levi (the actual branch of unity) who was camped (mentally situated) in

the center of all the other tribes and a very very important principal taught is

that all other tribes (mental faculties/branches) had to pay a tithe (mentally

acknowledge as the first principle) to Levi. All other tribes had to unify! This

was the meta-physical purpose of paying tithes to Levi! But there was always

a plurality and never a singular unit. Brides not bride! And so what of verses

9-27 of the second to the last chapter of Revelation.

We have the "brides", the "Lamb's wives" whom John speaks of when

saying "Come, I will show you." Did you see them? Did you recognize them

before verse 26: "And they will bring the glory and the honor of the

nations into it?"

A brief explanation of the entire book of Revelation is warranted before I

reveal a great and mighty mystery hidden for ages until the time as

Dânîʼêl/Daniel was told, "...seal the book to the time of the end." (Daniyl

12:4) Let's do a very brief overview of the chapters of Revelation and reveal

how the book itself is and is not in chronological order, in order to solidify the

magnanimous truths you are about to learn.

Revelation Chapter 1 - We have an introduction from John into the

vision of the end and beginning of all things old and new. We have learned of

the seven congregations ("unique land, east"; the old ideas of the Garden,

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 22 of

corrupted until now).

Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 - In Part 1 we did a thorough overview of

the "congregating" thoughts and their intent.

Revelation Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 is an actual look at the end of the

book of Revelation, the "things that must be after this (the unveiling of the

entire book)." It is the end result of the book of Revelation and take special

note of verse 4: "And surrounding the throne (center of consciousness; the

front seat of the mind of Yahweh), twenty four (think, "12+12") seats (mental

positions), and sitting on the seats I saw twenty-four elders (Hmmm..,

who could they be?)." Meta-physically we can also see how in the renewed

Kingdom of perfection, the 24 equals 6, and 6 is now representative of

renewed man (thought) rather than just man (fallen thought; 6) .

Revelation Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 also coincides with the timing of

chapter 4, but it looks back and expresses what is going to happen before the

completion of Revelation, leading to chapters 21 and 22. The scroll ("writing,

recounting"; the same Hebrew word for "book", as in "Book of Life"). This

opening of the Book of Life (scroll), seal (hidden until now) by seal, is the

beginning of mental judgment all souls living (consciously active) during the

time of the opening of the scroll (Book of Life).

Revelation Chapter 6 - Each seal represents both the closing in and

the closing out of perfect consciousness. It is profoundly important to herein

mention our original premise, the purpose of the "last sacrifice". Though we

have a bit more travel to do to get back to that premise, needing to establish

more of the foundation as to "why" the last sacrifice was/is so critical, the

opening of the seals is that which condemns wicked souls, while at the same

time mandates a death for souls chosen for eventual perfection. The fifth seal

specifically is the mandate of "He who loses his life will find it!", for those who

have yet to do so. It needs to be understood that either way; a chosen soul

must mentally die to be mentally resurrected, or the soul must physically die

to be mentally resurrected. These are the only two patterns available and a

big key to the importance of the "last sacrifice". We'll get there soon, but let's

first look at what each seal represents in the world of consciousness.

Seal 1 (Revelation 6:1-2, Leviticus 26:14-17, Matthew 24:1) - See

Chart 1 to understand the "four living creatures" (lion, ox, eagle, man). This is

the mind of terror (white horse) being released into the conscience of both

chosen and souls not chosen. The process of terror is meant to lead chosen

souls back to Yahweh (the closing in), and wicked souls away (the closing

out) from Yahweh. For those of you who want to know more than what this

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 23 of

work intended to express, I will go beyond and put a physical date(s) to each

seal. (1996- 2002)

Seal 2 (Revelation 6:3-4, Leviticus 26:18-20, Matthew 24:1-2) - This

seal opens to "extreme weather" which is conducive to turbulent thoughts.

The "red" (red horse) goes back to (ʼâdam) and the giving over to all the

turbulence of carnality. Remember, both chosen and unchosen souls are

mentally and physically experiencing this time which as you will see is known

as sâtân's (that "whisper" within; see "The Devil Inside") wrath. (2003-2009)

Seal 3 (Revelation 6:5-6, Leviticus 26:21-22, Matthew 24:7-8) - This

seal opens to "pestilence, quakes, famine". The "black" (black horse) is the

death each conscience must face. Some to perfection others to

condemnation ("hell"). (2010- 2016)

Seal 4 (Revelation 6:7-8, Leviticus 26:23-26, Matthew 24:8-9) - This

seal opens to "war". The importance of this seal is that it is the true beginning

of a death forced (pale horse = death), yes forced upon not only the wicked

soul, but also those chosen for perfection. Yahweh mandated a death must

take place and a HUGE mistake that many particularly in Christianity make, is

that Yahshua's death some how negated yours, when He Himself said, "Take

up your stake now and deny yourself," thinking that He was somehow

kidding. Remember the two patterns available: a chosen soul must mentally

die to be mentally resurrected, or as we are now seeing, that soul must

physically die to be mentally resurrected. Well this is the time for those who

had failed to mentally die beforehand (the key to the "last sacrifice") and now

they must die physically in order to be mentally perfected. This is that war!

(2017- 2023)

Seal 5 (Revelation 6:9-11, Leviticus 26:27-39, Matthew 24:9-10) -

The fifth seal opens to "captivity". Here is more of that physical death now

waiting upon that mental resurrection. Look at the cry: "How long, 0

Yahweh, holy and true (finally, the "self" will abolished), until You judge

and avenge our blood (life force in consciousness) on those (thoughts)

who dwell on earth (carnal mind of man)?" His reply, "Rest!" They must

wait to be perfected with others at a time coming soon! (2024-2030)

Seal 6 (Revelation 6:12-17, Mattithyah 24:29-31) – Now that seals 4

and 5 caused the necessary death for all chosen souls, the only humans

(thoughts) left are those predestined to destruction. This seal is the beginning

of what is known as the "Day of Yahweh"; the day of His wrath (mental

condemnation for wicked souls). Notice the blackened (dark) sun

(illumination); no more illumination. Notice the moon (subconscious thought)

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 24 of

turning to blood (complete carnality). Notice the falling (failing) stars (truths).

(Beginning in 2030-2033)

Revelation Chapter 7. Chapter seven actually takes place in the midst

of the beginning of the sixth seal. We discussed the 144,000 at great length

but as stated, timing is everything. The sealing of the 144,000 takes place

BEFORE the 7th Seal!!! Why is this so so so crucial? Go quickly to

Revelation 21:9 again. Do you see how the "seven bowls full of the seven

last plagues" have NOT been opened yet? And yet there is ALREADY

brides. Would it help if you understood that the seven bowls full of the seven

last plagues happens within the 6th seal? So who in the heck got married to

Yahshua during the 6th seal as the bowls and plagues of the seventh seal are

poured out?? Anyone? Anyone? Can anyone see it yet? Let's keep moving

forward and explore:

It is crucial to now distinctly separate two specific groups of chosen

souls in chapter seven! Verses 1-8 are specific to the 144,000, while verses

9-17 are for all other believers. Going back to the fifth seal let's look at a

specific verse, verse 11 of Revelation chapter 6 and examine it: "And a

white robe was handed to them." As you read further “... they should

'rest' for a little while, until it states, their fellow servants, and their

brothers, who would be killed as they were, was completed."

These who had to physically die, who now wait for their mental

resurrection, are "handed" a white robe. Now going back to chapter 7,

specifically verses 13 and 14, we find a pattern completed: "One of the

elders (wise thoughts) asked, saying to me, 'Who are these arrayed in

white robes and where did they come from?'" (v.13). This is the

"completed" work of chapter 6 verse 11. This is the finalization of those

martyrs from the fifth seal. Verse 14 affirms this in that it states, "These are

the ones who come out of the great tribulation (the fourth, fifth, and sixth

seals)." So we see the two distinct groups, the 144,000 who are already

sealed (they are those who mentally died to mentally resurrect) and all others

(those who physically died in order to mentally resurrect). Timing is

everything. The 144,000 are sealed during the 6th seal, before the 7th seal

begins, (verses 1-8) while all others (verses 9-17) enter the Kingdom, yet not

resurrected! John is expressing two different groups and seeing them in two

different time periods, all within chapter 7.

Revelation Chapters 8, 9 & 10 - These three chapters are actually

ignited at the 6th seal and they are known as "The Great Tribulation", the time

of Yahweh's wrath on all reprobate souls. This happens in consecutive order

as each seal is opened. Chapter 10 speaks of a message to the world after

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 25 of

Yahweh's wrath has been poured out. Remember, the brides have already

married before these bowls and plagues.

Revelation Chapter 11 - The two witnesses ("drawing out" (Môsheh)

and "strength of Yahweh" (Yliyah)) are killed during the fifth seal and

resurrected for the words spoken at Revelation 7:14, the time in the future

discussed at chapter 7 above. It is also important to note that verses 15-19

speak of a renewed Kingdom after the seventh seal has commenced. The

ending of the 7th (completion) seal is the beginning of the Kingdom of

Yahweh discussed in chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation.

Revelation Chapter 12 - Chapter twelve happens during the fourth and

fifth seals. It is the literal release of sâtân (the carnal "whisper" in every soul)

being given complete authority by Yahweh to wreak havoc over souls

physically dying to be mentally resurrected, and souls bound to eternal

reprobation (hell). The dragon/serpent is none other than the very "snake" in

the Garden of Genesis, the carnal "self" will at it's height (See "The Devil

Inside"). This body of work is not intended to do a line by line commentary of

the book of Revelation and by now, you have been appropriately introduced

to the idea that everything speaks of a Mind Kingdom and it is immature to

believe that it's all talking about physical events. Dig deeper and find all the

mysteries, but for now we are simply outlining the chronology of Revelation

for the specific purpose of finding our brides (which we have, do you see it

yet?), and then magnifying the crucial doctrine of why Yahshua was the "last

sacrifice", which has already been alluded to in the two patterns available for

mental resurrection. On we go!

Revelation Chapter 13 - This chapter is taking place during the fifth

seal. Look at verses 7-10 in particular. See the "war with the saints" and the

"captivity"? This is the time the unfettered ego is given reign over all living

and some (the chosen souls) will choose to physically die for "the testimony",

while others will choose the "self" will forever.

Revelation Chapter 14 - We have discussed a great portion of this

chapter and the timing is during the sixth seal before the seventh seal (bowls,

plagues, awes). I now want to give you an incredible key to open the door as

to whom our brides may be. Look at verse 4, specifically one word; "virgins".

Where have we seen this word before? Do you remember Samuel

Tregelles and his "Gesenius Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon", page 396? The

one who correctly interpreted and translated

Revelation 19:7 - "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to

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Him; for the marriage of the Lamb has come (before the beginning of the

7th seal, during the 6th seal), and the House of Yahweh, all the VIRGINS

who have been chosen, have made themselves ready!"

Yes loved one, the 144,000 and the 144,000 alone are the brides of

Yahshua! It was them being described in Revelation 21:9-27; "Come, I will

show you the brides..." We will continue to do a chapter chronology for

Revelation but it was necessary to reveal the brides and to soon illustrate

how all others, those who physically died in order to be mentally resurrected

will be the servants in the Kingdom of Yahweh. The remaining verses of

chapter 14, verses 6-20, is during the time of the fifth seal heading into the

sixth seal, which is the actual timing of the "second coming" of Yahshua.

Revelation Chapters 15 and 16 - The seventh seal is the completion

of the opening of the scroll (book). One of the most well known and

misunderstood areas of Revelation is what is commonly referred to as "The

Battle of Armageddon". This event, which is almost certainly always referred

to as a physical event, is actually the Hebrew words Mᵉgiddôwn/Megiddo and

it's definitions include, "rendezvous, fortify, clip off". The idea is that during the

time of Yahweh's wrath on reprobate souls only, He forever removes the

carnal conscience from access to His Kingdom of perfection and forever

banishes those souls. This is the time when Babylon (confusion) falls forever

for the chosen, but lasts forever for the rest!

Revelation Chapter 17 - Chapter 17 is an overview of the "system" that

was to be destroyed and was discussed at the end of chapter 14 and in great

detail in chapters 15 & 16.

"Mystery (deceptive and secretive in the conscience) Babylon (mental

"confusion") the Great (mind consuming), the Mother (carnal understanding

leading to carnal emotion) of the Harlots (mental idols) and of the

Abominations (mental offenses) of the Earth (mind of man)." Judgment of

consciousness has come!

Revelation Chapter 18 - Chapter 18 is also an overview of what

happens at the end of the sixth seal and the opening of the seventh seal, the

judgment of all unchosen wicked souls; wicked consciences. A reference is

given to all who physically die in order to be mentally resurrected; those who

were the fifth seal martyrs: "And in her ("confusion") was found the blood

(life force) of the prophets (anointed thoughts), and of the saints (sanctified

thoughts), and of all who were slain (crucified) upon the earth (mind of

man)." (vs. 24)

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Revelation Chapter 19 - Timing is everything! Chapter 19 is the key to

not only who the brides are, but it further emphasizes that a full

understanding of the timing of events is crucial. Remember Rev 21:9 when it

tells us, "And there came to me one of the seven malakim (mind

"messengers") who had the seven bowls FULL of the seven last plagues,

and talked with me, saying, 'Come, I will show you the brides, the

Lamb's wives..." We now know that the seventh seal is where those bowls

and plagues are poured out, emptied. They are Yahweh's wrath on wicked

thoughts, wicked souls. Because we have these facts, and it has been shown

that Yahshua's return is during the sixth seal; "...protect us from the wrath

of the Lamb... for the day of his great wrath has come..." (6:16-17), it is

imperative that when chapter 19 starts off by saying, "And after these

things..." that we understand the chronology of Revelation. This is the

reason we needed to go chapter by chapter in Revelation to show how timing

is everything.

Chapter 19 if not understood in it's proper chronology, can appear to be

saying that "after these things" is referring to what is discussed in chapters

14, 15, 16, 17, & 18, leading up to chapter 19, and that is not so. Chapter 19

is discussing what happens at the end of the sixth seal, the events before the

many chapters leading up to chapter 19. Remember our premise: The brides

are married to Yahshua before the seventh seal begins because the bowls

are still full and Yahshua comes back during the sixth seal to enact the "great

wrath" of the Father that starts at the end of the sixth seal, into the seventh

seal. So let's see if chapter 19 upholds the truths proposed.

Rev 19:1 - "After these things", is discussing everything that happens

leading to the sixth seal, the time of the sealing and marriage of the 144,000

to Yahshua;

Rev 19:2 - The judgment that has come commences at Revelation

chapter 6, verses 12-17. Also notice at chapter 7 how the 144,000 are sealed

(and yes, this is also the wedding time) before that wrath begins;

Rev 19:3-4 - The twenty-four elders affirm what is to take place. The 24

elders (see chart 3); the 12 sons of Jacob, and the 12 disciples;

Rev 19:5-9 - As judgment is announced (the 6th seal and Yahshua's

wrath), the wedding is announced (the timing of chapter 7). Before the 7th

seal, before the wrath is fully initiated, before the bowls and plagues are

poured out, emptied, we have a sealing, a marriage of the 144,000;

Rev 19:10 - John attempts to worship the malak for the vision but is

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Rev 19:11-21 - These crucial verses also prove we are perfectly correct

in our timing. Yahshua's wrath is announced at chapter 6 in the sixth seal.

Before that wrath can be poured out the 144,000 are sealed [married] to

Yahshua (chapter 7 and the beginning of chapter 14). Now that the 144,000

are sealed the wrath can commence! The entirety of verses 11-21 of chapter

19 are about the wrath. Timing is everything and our timing is 100% accurate!

Rev Chapter 20 - Chapter 20 has several significant events that

transpire in order to forever separate the souls that will be forever reprobate

(“hell”), and those souls forever protected due to the physical death they

faced. Remember, a death was always the pattern to perfection; "He who

loses his life will find it." The purpose of this writing was to show how

Yahshua's sacrifice, the "last sacrifice" created the two categories available

for the death process: 1) Mental death leading to mental resurrection, or 2)

physical death leading to mental resurrection. We have seen #1 represented

in the lives of the 144,000 and now in chapter 20, we will see the

resurrection of all who physically died in order to receive a resurrection:

Rev 20:1-3 - The carnal will (sâtân, the dragon) is sent to the pit

(sheʼôwl; hell). But notice it is just "for a season";

Rev 20:4 - The "thrones" are for the 144,000 (12,000 from every tribe;

12), and the "souls of the slain" are the martyred of the fourth and fifth seals.

It is these who are martyred (physically killed) who will now be resurrected

(mentally of course) to rule (priests) with Yahshua and His brides (those

seated on thrones) for 1,000 ("family, yoking"; unification) years (mind


Rev 20:5 - All others who have died in the past, both righteous and

wicked, wait to be resurrected after the 1,000 years;

Rev 20:6 - Again, the martyred of the fourth and fifth seals will be the

servants (priests) of Yahweh for 1,000 years while all others wait;

Rev 20:7 - Yahweh, after the 1,000 years (which can be likened to 1

day): "A thousand years is as a day", releases the unfettered ego;

Rev 20:8 - Verse 8 shows us a very interesting pattern. During the

1,000 years (which again, can actually be a day), we see that we have groups

of people who live and have been living (conscious and physical), who join

with sâtân (the "whisper" of the self will) to battle. Gog ("elastic, stretched out";

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 29 of

selfishness) and Magog (the mental region of Gog) attempt to battle the Mind

of Yahweh;

Rev 20:9 - The selfish attempt of the remainder of the carnal will once

again fights against thoughts of righteousness, and again loses;

Rev 20:10 - All workers of iniquity are sent to eternal mental torment;

Rev 20:11 - All reprobate thoughts flee from Yahweh;

Rev 20:12 - All of the dead, past and present are finally judged, some

unto the perfect mental resurrection, others toeternal mental death (hell).

Rev 20:13 - The sea (turbulent thought processes) forever judged;

Rev 20:14 - Mental "death" forever separated from those who were

perfected by death (physical) to now be resurrected (mental);

Rev 20:15 - Game over!!

Revelation Chapter 21 - Chapter 21, similar to other chapters in

Revelation, has a specific time period being discussed. We have looked

extensively at verses 9-27 and we have seen how the marriage takes place

during the sixth seal, before the wrath of the seventh seal begins. This entire

portion of Scripture speaks to those already perfected before the time of the

seals (4th, 5th, 6th). It is crucial to understand the metaphysical aspects of all

that is being stated, for the "new heaven and the new earth", is nothing less

than the restoration of Eden (mind "pleasure") within the conscience of

chosen souls. The old that passed away was the idea of the battle (flesh vs.

Mind) that had been ensuing since the days of Môsheh and the breaking and

restoration of the tablets of stone. No longer would there be minds with “Mind

and flesh”, it would now and forever be one or the other. Chart 4 herein is an

expression of all that is spoken within chapter 21 and it gives a closer

understanding of how verses 9-27 actually do reveal the brides. When it is

stated in verse 9, "Come, I will show you the brides, the Lamb's wives," it

is a reference to those who followed pattern one: mental death to mental

resurrection, and what is being shown is their perfected state of

consciousness; the new heaven and the new earth. If you will notice on Chart

4, the breastplate ("contain, sparkle, holding") is actually the mental armour

necessary in order to begin the mental death – mental resurrection process.

Notice how the tribes (mental faculties) and the stones (firmly established

thoughts) actually create the twelve statements of a Royal Priest at the

bottom of the page. "Putting on one's armour", is none other than dressing

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 30 of

yourself in the 12 statements that cause the mental resurrection necessary

for all chosen souls. These 12 established mindsets have been and will

continue to be spoken by those who have been chosen as the 144,000; the

brides of Yahshua who sit on the thrones. All other saints, past and present,

will be joyful servants in the Kingdom of Yahweh. No pain, no tears, no

sorrow. The wolf (vicious thoughts) and the lamb (docile thoughts) will rest

together. One more chapter and then we get to the last sacrifice.

Chapter 22 - Timing is everything and the timing of chapter 22 has

always been a place of discord amongst those who claim faith. It would seem

that since it is the last chapter of the entirety of Scripture, that it would be the

literal end of the story of mankind and life and to a degree it is, but as you will

see very soon it is not a chapter about the very end, but a short time before

the end.

Remember earlier how I referenced the idea when speaking of verse

17, that it was "one of the last five verses in all of Scripture and yet we have

people who are unmarried and still able to 'Come!'" Now we go verse by

verse and reveal long misunderstood patterns of the book of Revelation:

Rev 22:1 - "And he (the mind message) showed me a pure river

(thought stream) of water (restoring thoughts) of life (consciousness), clear

as crystal (smoothness), proceeding from the throne (front seat of

consciousness) of Yahweh and of the Lamb."

John is seeing a glimpse of mental perfection.

Rev 22:2 - "In the middle of it's street (broadening), and on either

side (N,S) of the river, the Tree (truth) of Life, which bears twelve (see all

charts, represented by the 144,000) fruits (mental bearing), and yields her

(the culmination of wisdom and understanding; chockmâh and bîynâh of the

Tree of Life) fruit every moon (the completed subconscience, no longer

hidden); and the leaves (mental inspirations) of the tree (truths) for the

healing of the nations (constructs in thought)."

Pay close attention to the idea within that the nations are not yet healed

as John expresses his vision. Chapter 22 does not express that the healing

has happened, but rather that it will happen. Timing is everything!

Rev 22:3 - "And there will be (upon completion) no more curse

(option for the "self" will); but the Throne of Yahweh and of the Lamb will

be in it; and His servants will serve Him."

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Again we see John speaking to an event that has not taken place, and

gives no specific indication of the timing of chapter 22. Or does it? Let's move


Rev 22:4- "And they (who?) will see His face (conscience

countenance) and His Name will be in their foreheads (Oh, that is who!

The 144,000!)."

And so we have the "who" and the timing now. We have discussed that

the sealing of the 144,000 is the timing of the actual wedding between the

144,000 and Yahshua. The time at the 6th seal, before the 7th seal.

Revelation chapter 7, verse 3 tells us; "Hurt not the earth, neither the sea,

nor the trees, until we have sealed (forever perfected) the servants (see

Rev 22:3, these are the brides who serve Yahweh, the Husband) of our

Father in their foreheads (front seat of consciousness)." Revelation 22

takes place at the same time as Revelation 7, it is the result of Revelation 7!

Rev 22:5 - "And there will be no night (mental dullness) there. And

they need no lamp (illumination), nor light of the sun (temporary clarity),

for Father Yahweh gives them light (mental "Oneness"). And they will

reign (this is the "thrones" of Rev 20:4) forever and ever."

Mental perfection for the 144,000 who sit on the thrones of the mind of

the bride of Yahweh and Yahshua.

Rev 22:6 - "And he said to me: 'These sayings are faithful and true,

and Yahweh, the Father of the holy prophets, sent His malak (mind

messages) to show (consciously reveal) to His servants (those who

embrace perfection before physical death) the things which must be done


Rev 22:7 - "Behold, I come quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the

sayings of the prophecy of this Book."

Rev 22:8 - "And I, John (the "gift" of truth in the conscience), saw

these things, and heard (understood) them. And when I had heard and

seen (perceived), I fell down to worship before the feet (stability) of the

malak who showed me these things."

Rev 22:9 - "But he said to me, 'Do not! For I (the mind message) am

your fellow servant, and of your brothers (co-faculties) the prophets

(inspired thoughts), and of those (144,000) who keep the sayings of this

Book! Worship Yahweh!'"

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Rev 22:10 - "And he said to me, 'Do not seal (this is now the

fulfillment of Daniyl 12:9) the sayings of the prophecy of this Book, for

the time (revelation for those with eyes to see and ears to hear; timing is

everything!) is at hand (grasp).'"

Rev 22:11 - "He who is unjust (right before the 7 th seal), let him be

unjust still; and he who is filthy (right before the 7th seal), let him be filthy

still; and he who is righteous (before the 7th seal), let him be righteous

still; and he who is holy (the sealing of the 144,000 before the 7 th seal), let

him be holy still."

Rev 22:12 - "And behold, I (the mind messenger, Yahweh) come

quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to every man (thought)

according (there is a mental hierarchy in the Kingdom) as his work will be."

Rev 22:13 - "I am the first ("Aleph"; family, mental yoking) and the

last ("Tau"; mental sign), the Beginning (of all thought) and the End (of all


Rev 22:14 - "Blessed are those who keep His Laws (mind patterns),

that they may have a right (a right not yet fulfilled as John speaks; a time

after Revelation chapter 21) to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through

the gates (see charts 3a & 3b) into the city."

Rev 22:15 - "For outside (the conscience bound to hell) are dogs

(mental attacks), and sorcerers (mental rebellions), and whoremongers

(mental adulteries), and murderers (mental violence), and worshippers of

might ("self" reliance) and everyone (every thought) who claims to love,

yet practices breaking the Law."

Rev 22:16 - "I, Yahshua, have sent my malak to testify to you (the

elect) these things in the congregations (gathering of thoughts) in the

House (Temple within) of Yahweh. I am the root (stability, life force) and

the offspring (mental lineage) of David ("boil"; love and praise), the Bright

Morning (dawning) Star (high exalted truth)."

Rev 22:17 - "And the Mind (Rûwach; Ammah; breath of Yahweh in the

conscience) and the brides (at the timing of Revelation chapter 7), say,

'Come!' And let him who hears say, 'Come!' And let him who is thirsty

come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."

And now we see that this call to 'Come!' is for the timing after the

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sealing (mental marriage), and it is for all saints from the past to the present.

This is a call to come to the fulfillment of the marriage of the Lamb and

complete "Oneness" with Yahweh. But you must be ready for it!

Rev 22:18 - "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the

prophecy of this Book: If any man (thought) will add to these things,

Yahweh will add to him (multiplying thoughts) the plagues (the upcoming

wrath of the 7th seal) that are written in this Book."

Rev 22:19 - "And if any man will take away ("we can't be perfect")

from the words of this Book of prophecy, Yahweh willtake away his part

(mental function) out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city

("Yahweh Is There"), and the things which are written in this Book."

Rev 22:20 - "He who testifies these things, says, "Surely I come

quickly (at the time of the 6th seal before the 7 th seal)! HalleluYahweh

(praise Yahweh)! May this be so! Come (because He has not yet come as

Revelation chapter 22 is not the very end, but before the very end), says

Yahshua the anointed.”

Rev 22:21 - "The love (never failing) of our King (dominant mindset),

Yahshua the anointed, be with you all (chosen thoughts, chosen minds).


Revelation Chapter 22 - The end! Perfection or utter reprobation;

heaven or hell? The servants of verse 3 are those of the very same from

Chapter 7:14-15. "Outside" means forever banished from the perfected

conscience and inside the Mind and the brides say, "Come!"

The Last Sacrifice:

Sacrifice; the Hebrew word is zâbach זכח (zaw-bakh). It's definition,

“slaughter”. Have you come far enough to be able to discern the Hebraic

intent yet? Knowing it all speaks to a Mind Kingdom, the entire language,

what is the intent? To "slaughter" what? And in order to be the perfect

sacrifice, to slaughter how much of the "what"?

There is no better book in the entirety of the Book of Life then the book

of Hebrews ("across, cross"; the mind intended to cross over to perfection)

when it comes to summing up the concept of Yahshua's "once and for all and

for all time" act of mental slaughter. His denial of every single aspect of his

"self" will, to the point where he never once bowed to it. Never once! Let

alone not even one hour or one day but never once in decades! Perfection in

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 34 of

thought was always the command of Yahweh. "Eat from these trees (truths)

but not from that tree (the truth about lust filled, sensual desire)" was never

optional! It was a command - "You may do this, you may not do that!"

Even after the Unilateral Covenant to restore chosen souls through a process

of elimination - "Your will must go, only Mine can stay", perfection was still

the command. "Be perfect as I and my Father are perfect!" The absurd

and even devastating lie purported amongst the masses of those who claim

to believe is that, "We can't be perfect" or "No one is perfect" or "Jesus was

the only one who was perfect." These deadly mindsets formed into spoken

words are a sure invitation to pattern 2 discussed previously: physical death

in order to mentally resurrect. Perfection in thought, and therefore

sinlessness, is and has ALWAYS been commanded and yet, timing is

everything. The manifestation of perfected ones (144,000 to be exact) in

earth (mind of man) and on earth, has always been a predetermined event

with specific timing. As the prophets of old knew, the death and resurrection

of Yahshua was to be a part of the timing for men could have not possibly

attained to perfection before His life, the life of the last sacrifice was manifest,

taken, and then fully manifest for all. Let's look at some scriptures in Hebrews

and notice a definitive timeline that needs attention.

Hebrews 9:6-10 - "Now when these things (the mental elements) had

been arranged in this way, the priests (judging thoughts) always went into

the first part (the "Holy Place"; the entrance to Yahweh's conscience)

performing the service, but into the second part ("The Holy of Holies"; the

front seat) only the High (mentally elevated) Priest went once a year (at

“Atonement”), not without blood (recognition of carnality), which he offered

for himself and the sins (mental transgressions) of the people (gathered

thoughts), committed in ignorance. The Holy Mind signifying this: that

the way (mind path) into the Most Holy Place was not yet made manifest

(known), as long as the first tabernacle (Mind vs. flesh mandate) was still

standing (active). This is a representation (mental symbol) of the present

time; in which gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot (until the

right time) make him that performs the service perfect (sinless), as

pertaining to the conscience – only about foods (the mind's nourishment)

and drinks (the mind's embibing), various washings, and ordinances of

the flesh (“raw, active”; unruly thoughts), until the time (Timing is

Everything!) of reformation.”

Hebrews 9:11-15 - "But (and here comes a change in time) the

Messiah ("anointed" thought) came near (into mental covenant) as a High

Priest over the righteous (right thinking) things to come, with the great

and more perfect tabernacle (mind) not made with hands (carnal

grasping), that is, not of this (carnally induced) creation. Nor through the

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blood (conscious life force) of bulls ("look, dividing"; stubbornness) and

calves ("frisking, revolve"; ignorance), but through His own blood (the

shedding of His "self" will) He entered the Most Holy Place once, for all (for

"all" time, as well as for "all" chosen souls), having obtained (consciously

grasped) eternal ("front, east, precede"; things beyond carnal understanding)

redemption (mental kinship). For if the blood of bulls and goats and the

ashes (refuse) of a red (sinful) heifer (separatist) sprinkling the unclean

(impure thoughts) sanctifies (sets apart) for the purifying (temporary

cleaning) of the flesh (carnal thoughts), how much more (more perfect) will

the blood of the Messiah, who offered (consciously slaughtered) Himself

(His "self" will) without spot (a single dirty thought) to Yahweh, PURGE


(consciously obey at all times) THE LIVING (consciously active) FATHER?

And for this reason (the timing and the realization of a perfect sacrifice), He

("Yahweh saves") is the Mediator ("author and perfecter") of a renewed (all

past history having been brought to this very specific time) covenant

(unilateral mind contract) under which, through the means (mental acts) of

death (removal of all "self" will) to bring redemption from transgressions

(mind sins) committed under (the flesh vs. Mind battle) under the

covenant, the first (first born, first fruits; 144,000) who are called may

receive the promise of eternal inheritance (mental lineage)."

And so we peek into a reality that perhaps for the first time ever for you

prompts new thoughts, new ideas, Ww see that before Yahshua ("Yahweh

saves", the mantra of freedom) perfection in consciousness was commanded,

yet not possible.

The reality of Hebrews 11:39-40 with more detail. The "once, for all" of

verse 12 of chapter 9 introducing what could be summed up in a statement

from the Father such as, "It's time! The time for the availability of a perfect

conscience and it's manifestation has come!" Let's keep at it in Hebrews and

shore up the idea:

Hebrews 9:19-28 - "For when Môsheh ("drawing out"; the conscience

struggling for cleanliness) had told the people (congregating thoughts)

every precept ("mental" rule) of the Law (Mind patterns), he took the blood

(conscious life force) of calves (ignorance) and goats (resistance), with

water (disillusions yet purified), scarlet ("crimson"; willful sin), wool

("shaggy"; intellectual error), and hyssop (flawed character) and sprinkled

(scattered) both the Book (Mind patterns) and the people, saying, 'This

(this process) is the blood (life force) of the Covenant (Unilateral Mind

Contract wherein Yahweh Himself reveals and then redeems the "self will” of

chosen souls, unto His will) which Yahweh has commanded (Bye bye "free

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 36 of

will") you (redeemed thoughts, redeemed mind)! Then in the same way

(mental direction) he sprinkled both the tabernacle (temporary dwelling yet

complete) and all articles (mental tools) of the ministry (mind attendance)

with blood (new life force enacted from old). For to bind (consciously

adhere to) anything (any thought) by the Law, it must be with blood (either

carnal or pure mental life force); so without shedding (removal) of blood

(carnal life force) there is no remission (mental deliverance). Therefore

(because of the mandated unilaterally covenanted pattern) it was necessary

that the pattern (Mind laws, statutes, decrees, oracles, judgments, etc.) of

the heavenly (consciously exalted) things (boundaries available in thought;

N,S,E,W) should be purified with these (temporary conditions), but (timing

is everything) the heavenly things themselves are better (more perfect)

sacrifices than these (temporary fixes; physical operations). For the

Messiah (supreme anointed thought, "Yahweh saves") had not entered into

the holy (sanctified) place (mental throne; front seat of consciousness)

made with hands (carnal intellect) patterns of the true (perfected ways),

but into heaven (Yahweh's thought plain) itself, now (since his mental death

and resurrection) to appear (illuminate) in the presence of Yahweh for us

(thoughts being redeemed and saved); Nor did he enter to offer himself

again and again (imperfect ability to completely purify), the way the priest

(thoughts yet fully able to judge perfectly) enters the Most High Place every

year (repetition) with blood belonging to others (not in complete mental

control of carnality or Yahweh) - for then (if Yahshua would have not been

perfected through sinlessness) he would have had to suffer (continually

battle the "self") again since the foundation of the world (entire thought

plain; N,S,E,W); but now once (one sinless sacrifice), for all (for all time and

for all chosen souls) in the end (timing is everything) of the age (Gen 6:3,

120 years = 5880 years = ʼÂdam to the year 2045 C.E.). He has appeared

(consciously revealed himself) to do away with sin (all mental

transgressions within chosen souls) by the sacrifice (mental slaughtering) of

himself (of his "self" will; “Not my will but thy will! Not my will but thy will! ").

And as it is appointed (an appointed time) for all men (thoughts) to die, [1)

mental death = mental resurrection 2) physical death means mental

resurrection] once, but after this judgment (6th & 7th seals). So also the

Messiah was offered to bear (consciously carry and cure) the sins of many

(all whom were chosen); and that to those who look for him, he will

appear the second time (the time of mental resurrection), apart from sin,

unto salvation (a saved mind)."

The last sacrifice! The difficulty you are facing even now is the idea of

perfection itself. The reality that is not only commanded but that Yahweh has

given us the, "Now is the time for the full realization for men other than

Yahshua!", is the entire point of this body of work. It can no longer be that you

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refuse perfection as some intangible thing, for such thinking has it's

consequences. The pattern that has been revealed herein is the idea of

Yahshua as the “last sacrifice”, and the two patterns that would now be made

available to chosen men in to fulfill; "Pick up your stake (mental crucifixion)

and deny yourself!" The idea that "Yahweh saves" and the totality of what that

mantra both exposed and cured, is the death and resurrection of a mind of

sin, to that of absolute purity. Yahshua is the mental path to that death and

resurrection and his life (conscious stream) is the way (the narrow availability

in thinking) that all others must go through in order to achieve the same.

Because he fulfilled the totality of the entirety of the Law (Mind paths) without

blemish, the timeline would now be established for all other chosen souls.

BUT, two paths to the necessary death would now be revealed: 1) Those who

choose to mentally crucify the "self" will while physically alive, in order to

receive mental resurrection before Yahshua's physical return, and 2) Those

who reject the idea of the availability and command to "be perfect", who still

are under the command, "He who loses his life will find it." These must face a

death in order to be resurrected and that leads to a physical death, which

then mandates a mental resurrection as we saw in Revelation. Let's look at

one more area of Hebrews and digest some further illuminations:

Hebrews 10:1-2 - "For the Law (Mind patterns), having a shadow

(the physical aspects of keeping the law) of the righteous (right thinking)

things to come (the manifestation of the Mind Kingdom alone), and not the

very image (the physical side) of the things (thoughts), can never with

these same sacrifices (physical rituals that don't transform the mind), which

they (disobedient thoughts) offer continually year by year, make those

who come near (close but never unto perfection) perfect (free from sin in the

conscience), for then (if they were perfect) would they (mental sacrifices)

not have ceased to be offered? For the worshippers (minds bowed to

Yahweh) once purged (freed from "self" will) would have had no more

consciousness of sins."

Exactly! Because he was the last sacrifice, he alone would give

permission to chosen souls to fulfill the command, "Be perfect!" What kind of

Father would command perfection only to then not create the path to it?

Christianity and it's dogmatic mindsets as a whole refuses to embrace the

narrow road doctrines under the guise of statements made earlier like, "Well

no one was perfect but Jesus!" Paul (the conscience desiring His thoughts

alone) fully understood the truth: "For the worshippers once purged (mentally

resurrected), would have had no more consciousness of sin!", and yet the

church screams, "We can't be perfect!"

The "would have had" from Paul is a prophetic unction of the future

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 38 of

about those who will have rejected option #1, made available by the last

sacrifice: mental death leading to mental resurrection. This leaves only one

other option for the "you can't be perfect" crowd, and that is physical death

that leads to mental resurrection. The reason the 144,000 are "sealed" and

will not die physically during the seals of Revelation, is because they have

already faced their death (mental of course!). One more area of Scripture and

then we add the nuances to the equation:

Hebrews 10:12-23 - "But this man (anointed thought perpetuated

continually in the conscience; "Yahweh saves"), after He offered one (his

entire will) sacrifice for sins, sat (consciously resided) down at the right

(wisdom, kindness, victory, male) hand of Yahweh. From that time (the time

after his mental resurrection which was shadowed in the physical realm) on

(for those who would appropriately "take up their stake"), waiting until his

enemies (your sins) are made his footstool ("stamp, talebearer"; mental

witness). For by one (specifically, the only offering that would fulfill Yahweh's

Unilateral Mind Covenant; the complete handing over of the "self" will)

offering, he HAS (whether through option 1 or option 2) perfected forever

those who ARE (a predestined act) sanctified (consciously "set apart"). And

the Holy Mind ("breath"; the whisper of the Mind within) also testifies

(consciously verifies) to us (chosen thoughts); for after He had first said:

'This is the Covenant that I will renew (bringing chosen souls back into the

Garden state) with them after those days (years of illumination)', says

Yahweh: 'I will put (unilaterally place) My Laws (Mind patterns) into their

hearts ("centers of intellect"), into their minds (the Hebrew word for "heart")

I will write (mentally inscribe) them: Then (at the appointed time for option 1

and option 2), their sins (mental transgressions) and iniquities (mental

perversities) I will remember (call to account) no more.' Now where there

is remission (removal) of these (sin & iniquity), no longer is there an

offering ("Yahweh saves" having fulfilled it) for sin. Therefore (because of

this) brothers (co -faculties in consciousness), having boldness to enter

the Most Holy Place by the blood (the "shedding" of all carnality) of

Yahshua ("Yahweh saves"), by a new (consciously renewed) and living

(consciously active) way (the perfect mind) which he has consecrated

(“power"; consciously completed) for us, through (beyond) the veil (mental

"scales" caused by sin and iniquity), that is to say, his flesh (the act of never

giving into "self" desire). A High (exalted) Priest (mind judge) over the

House (temple within the conscience) of Yahweh. Let us (redeemed,

sanctified, consecrated, saved thoughts) draw near (into mental "Oneness")

in full assurance (because of the last sacrifice) of the Faith ("Benyamin"

within), having our hearts (minds) sprinkled from an evil ("self" reliant)

conscience (soul activity; eternal memory) and our bodies (mindsets)

washed with pure water (clear voice). Let us hold fast (mind like a flint) the

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 39 of

confession ("perfection is possible because of you Yahshua") of the faith

without wavering (mental division); for He [Yahweh] who promised

(promised to redeem) is faithful!"

If more needs to be said then will you open your mind to the idea that

the more that is required is a greater understanding of the totality of all that

the Scriptures speak to? Something that has always been and will always be

your responsibility. We have a few more things to explore before we

conclude. It should be that at the very least you would heretoforth and

hereafter slow down when coming across verses like, "For if we sin willfully

after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer

remains a sacrifice for sins." (Heb 10:26). If you, before the reading of this

body of work, believed you had "full knowledge of the truth", and yet you can

honestly confess "I still sin!", then what hope could you possibly have? It is a

verse such as this that aligns with the command "be perfect" and gives you

no excuse not to attain to it. Yes, you must believe it is possible (this is

attaining to the knowledge of the truth) in order to achieve it, but to not do so

is to settle and to settle is to buy "all in" on option 2: physical death leading to

mental resurrection.

Let's go back to the Old Covenant for a moment and discuss a very

important area of Scripture that will further emphasize the important patterns

discussed herein: There is a reason that there is no such word as "baptism"

in the Hebrew tongue. Poor Greeks! They tried so hard to disseminate the

idea that the language of the "gods" could appropriately handle all that

Yahweh intended by and through His perfect language, the Hebrew

language. Let's see what the Greeks have to say about what is intended to be

something purely mental in it's nature! Baptisma βάπτισμα (bap-tis-mah),

"baptism"; from the Greek word baptizo βαπτἱζω (bap-ti-zo), "to make

overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet)."

Hold that thought while we go to Numbers 31:22-33. "The gold

("shimmer, as oil"; wisdom not yet purified), silver ("pale, become"; love not

yet purified), bronze ("ringing"; carnality yet purified), iron ("pierce";

consciousness yet purified), tin ("divide"; confusion yet purified), and lead

("dusty, pulverize"; dark thoughts yet purified). Everything that can endure

("stand"; stay mentally upright) fire ("burning"; severe conviction), you must

put them (thoughts set like flint) through (mental testing) the fire, and they

will be clean (in "Oneness" with Yahweh). Then it (the conscience being

purified by fire) shall also be purified with water (spirit compassion) of

purification. But all (those thoughts, those minds) that cannot endure the

fire, must be put through water (removal of disillusion of thoughts)."

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 40 of

These mental immersions were always a matter of consciousness.

Herewith we have the hidden pattern for perfection itself. Remember that

timing is everything and that the predestined time for the "revealing of the

sons of Yahweh", was to take place after Yahshua's resurrection and before

the 4th and 5th seals of Revelation. How profound is it that verse 24 of

Numbers chapter 31, speaks of mental completion, and all the while on it's

surface, it seems to be talking about a physical battle: "And you shall wash

(purify) your clothes (mental covering) after the seventh (completion; after

the 1,000 year reign of Revelation; 1,000 years is like a day) day and be

clean, and afterward (after your mental resurrection) you may come into

the camp (the Kingdom)." What was meant to show what happens when the

Mind invades a conscience, and the two available options manifested (fire =

mental death to mental resurrection, water = physical death to mental

resurrection) are what specifically referenced with Hebrew intent, has been

for centuries watered down by pagans and Greeks alike. Remember what the

Greeks and their language said of the process of Numbers discussed above:

"baptism; to make overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet)." Does this concept taken from

the Hebrew concept of "immersion" fit the bill? Would you have been able to

decipher the intent with the Greek words and their definitions? A little more on

the fire that so few will be willing to face before their physical death. To

explain, we go to the book of Daniel ("mighty judge"; wisdom in the


So powerful would he and his three friends be in matters of

conscieonce, that the king of human intellect, Nebuchadnezzar, king of

Babylon ("confusion") would attempt to alter their mental position. From

Daniel ("mighty judge"; the discerning consciousness) to Bêltᵉshaʼtstsar

("whom the Lord protects"; thoughts leading to trust in the material world);

from Chănanyâh/Hananiah ("Yahweh is gracious") to Shadrak ("command of

the moon"; reliant upon subconscious perspectives); from Mîyshâʼêl/Mishael

("who is like Yahweh") to Mêyshak ("guest of the king"; human centered

honor); from ʽĂzaryâh/Azariah ("Yahweh is mighty") to ʽĂbêd-Negôw

("servant of divine"; carnal will). The conscience of chosen children would

engage in this inner battle until appointed times which we have only begun to

unfold in this body of work.

The inner battle (the flesh vs. the Mind pattern; please see the whole of

the book of Romans for more on this) that would commence once Yahweh

told Môsheh, "Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones." The king

(chief thoughts in consciousness) represented herein as Nebuchadnezzar

(the weapon the flesh uses to down play the spirit, the human intellect), does

all it can to diminish the power of Yahweh (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael,

Azariah) by supplanting it's own thoughts of rightness (Baalteshazzar,

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 41 of

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego). It would not be long until the four men of

Yahweh would reveal that though they were not physically alive during the

times of Revelation, they would be fully alive in the conscience of those men

who would be immersed by fire before the seals of Revelation. Let's take a

look and see:

You should know the story. Nᵉbûkadneʼtstar/Nebuchadnezzar (herein

after "Nebby") would demand that Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah worship a

golden statue of himself and they would refuse to do it (Daniyl 3:10-14). The

three thoughts of Yahweh stand against bowing to human intellect and for

that Nebby threatens to throw them into the midst of a burning fiery furnace

(here comes that immersion from the book of Numbers). Their response to

Nebby, "There is no need for us to answer you cautiously in this matter.

If we are thrown into the burning fiery furnace, our Father, whom we

serve, is able to deliver us; and may he deliver us from your hands

(mental grasp), 0 king." (Dan 3:16- 17).

A very very very important thing has just happened. Let us remember

the words of Numbers 31:23, "...but all that cannot endure the fire..." It is

imperative that you understand that the true test must come! If Yahweh

commands immersion either of fire and water or just simply water, then it

must come. It is imperative that you answer a question within yourself right

now! If you need to read Daniel chapter 3 before you answer then do so.

The question is this: Did Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah prove to Yahweh

that they were fully committed to step right into the fire with zero

reservations? Asked another way, did Yahweh perceive and know that these

three men (thoughts) were 100% committed to trusting Him while going into

the fire? Your answer should be a resounding "Yes!" And you would be

correct in this assertion. It is so important as you will soon see, that we must

state it again another way: Yahweh the All Knowing, knew that these three

men (thoughts) were going to give up their lives trusting in Him. This is the

exact representation of what the "fire" is intended to illustrate in the many

scriptures that discuss fire. The fierce struggle against the "self", unto death

of the "self will”. "He who loses his life (thoughts born from self will) will find

it (Yahweh's will alone)!" So let's look at the rest of the story and find

something unwritten, yet forever inscribed on the minds of men who also

have jumped into the fire.

After their refusal and mocking tone infuriates Nebby, he orders that his

men "Heat the furnace seven (completion) times hotter that it was

normally heated." (3:19) You see, when you commit to the commanded

death, Yahweh is sure to help you complete (the #1) the process unto

perfection. And then the help comes: "Then king Nebuchadnezzar was

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 42 of

amazed....saying to his counselors (thoughts), 'Did we not throw three

(conviction) men bound into the midst of the fire?... Look! I see four

(Yahweh completes a sane mind, sending "Yahweh saves") men loose (free)

walking in the midst of the fire, and they are unharmed! And the fourth

one looks like a son of the mighty.'" (3:24-25)

You will find that all three came out of the fire unscathed and this in

itself mandates the cry, "All Glory to Yahweh, Yahweh saves!", but there is so

much more to dissect. You must come face (His) to face (yours) with a much

deeper mystery that needs to be digested (mentally of course) for some time.

We agreed that all three men were fully committed to the fire (obedience to

Yahweh at the cost of total destruction of the self will). We agree that Yahweh

whom "knows the mind of every man," saw their 100% allegiance. So the

question we must face is why? Why would Yahweh throw them into the fire

"seven times hotter" after knowing they were already "all in"? Would their

proven acts of faith and courage not mandate a resolve BEFORE the fire?

Why would Yahweh throw them in anyway? Why? Why? Whoever answers

correctly is well on the way to being a man/woman made for the immersion of


It is the human condition loved one. Until there is no more hue of man,

one cannot truly see Yahweh. The reason Yahweh in His ever abiding

perfection threw them in anyway is because of the reality that had He not,

there would have been a day, maybe not right away, maybe even years

away, when everyone of them would have said within, "I wonder if He would

have saved us and brought us out of the fire?" You see loved one, it was the

greatest gift Yahweh could offer a once broken soul. For to throw them in and

then bring them out after, would forever remove any doubt loved one. The fire

is a tool of mercy meant to forever mold a broken image into a perfected

image and rejection of the fire would be rejection of perfection. This is the

stark difference between the 144,000 and the rest of those who have been

chosen. The fire removes all doubt, all fear, all that is left of the carnal desire

of self preservation. These three men never doubted again! They praised

Yahweh daily; "You threw us in knowing it was the only way to truly save us.

0 Yahweh, we magnify Thy Name; Yahweh saves!" And what of Daniel?

Daniel's fire was of a different making. He was forbidden to worship anyone

other than Dâreyâvêsh/Darius ("one who conserves/restrains"; unrefined will)

(Daniel 6:6-7) and Daniel's response: "...he went into his house (mental

temple). And in his upper (exalted) room (mind space) where the windows

(mental entrances) opened toward Jerusalem ("peace"), he knelt (humbled

his mind) on his knees (blessing) three (conviction) times in a day and

prayed, and gave thanks before Yahweh, just as he had done before

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 43 of

(before the fire came)." (Daniel 6:10)

Like his three comrades the decision is made. The den (lurking) of lions

("violence, pluck"; severe convictions, mental threats) it would be. So great

was Daniel's conviction that even king Darius stated, "Your Might, Whom

you serve so faithfully, will have to save you." (Daniel 6:16) After being

thrown in the lions den overnight, Darius rushes to see Daniel and this

response comes from Daniel: "0 king, live forever (a renewal from the

unrefined will to a singular will with Yahweh)! Yahweh has sent His malak

(mind "message") and has closed the lions (mental violence) mouths

(breath), so that they (violent thoughts brought by and through the fire of

Yahweh, the immersion) have not hurt me. For I ("mighty judge" of thoughts)

have been found innocent (the virgin mentality of the 144,000) before Him;

and also before you, 0 king, have I done no harm." (Daniel 6:21-22)

Another man (thought) that would never doubt again! All the way in, all

the way out! Mental death for a mental resurrection, physical body intact.

Option 1, and this before the appointed time of perfection on the earth. Daniel

as with his three brothers, are all manifestations of the exact meaning of their

names, but not to be mistaken as physical representations. Each thought

(man) a part of the conscience of each chosen soul if that soul chooses it. We

all have a Daniel, a Hananiah, a Mishael, and an Azariah within. The question

is, will you let those thoughts guide you into the fire, whether furnace or lion's

den or of another making? Yahshua ("Yahweh saves") was the last sacrifice.

In it's fullness it was the thought leading to the idea that Yahweh alone can

redeem a soul. That Yahweh alone can guide a soul.

That Yahweh alone was, is and will forever be the ONLY source of power.

(Yᵉshaʽyâh/Isayah 44:6, 8, 45:5, 14, 18, 21, 22, 46:9). It is the unearthing of

the concept that mankind was never intended to think apart from Yahweh.

"Reverence Yahweh by keeping His Laws, for this is the whole duty of

man". (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Had we simply obeyed every command rather than follow a carnal

desire to "choose" otherwise, sin would have never entered the world, the

thought world. Because Yahshua died within he also died without, he

physically perished. And then he resurrected mentally and the physical

followed but in truly different form. The last sacrifice altered the Unilateral

Covenant by not only fulfilling it "once and for all", but by creating two distinct

new patterns for those who would follow. Those who accepted that "be

perfect" was both possible and non-negotiable because of the last sacrifice,

stood a great chance of mentally perfecting themselves. Not forgetting that

timing is everything, they would have held to doctrine that supported that

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 44 of

knowledge. Like Daniyl and friends, they would prove their position (their

mental part of the body conscience) and they would have waited for the

manifested time of the "revealing of the sons of Yahweh"; the time of the


The rest would certainly go through water as all chosen vessels had

this command to adhere to, but they would have fell short. Not quite losing all

of their life in order to find it, they would have been mandated to do so at the

appointed time as well. Some from the past having not quite fulfilled all that

they could have, would physically die and wait upon a glorious day in the

future. Those living currently will find the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th seals

sneak up on them without much preparation for such things. It will be found

(mentally) at the second resurrection discussed herein.


No foreword but an afterword? If you think about it, I risked the potential

of losing you before we ever started.

Yes, this was part 2 of an already mentally hefty body of work, but to

ignore the earthly reality would have been unwise. The earthly reality? The

idea that a great majority - Messianic, Judaic, Christian, pagan, agnostic,

atheist and more, believe that perfection is an unattainable thing for mankind.

Those of the "believing" category make statements that we have delved into,

all leading to an inevitable conclusion (a mental condemnation) within their

own soul – "He was perfect but we can't be!" Of the "non -believing" class it is

much more efficient - "He does not exist, do as you will!" If your willing to

receive it, both groups are saying the same thing.

The word is tâmîym תמים (tay-meemʹ). It's definition is "entire, integrity."

It's root word is tāmam תמם (taw-am); "complete".

This is the intent of the Hebrew word for perfect. There is another, it is

the Hebrew word qôdesh קרש (koʹ-desh). It's definition is "sacred". It's root

word is qâdâsh קרש (kwah-dashʹ); "be". This is the intent of the Hebrew word

for holy. It would be none other than the original state of consciousness had

we ʼâdams not "chosen" to think apart from the eternal I Am. The protected,

hedged (Garden) mental state that would only bring pure pleasure (Eden),

ruined by a lust for a "free will" that would only ever lead to death. A will apart

from predetermined perfection would always be a death will. Their time to

lose their life (physically) in order to then again, if you are willing (and this

means option 1 and option 2 are always "chosen") to receive it, ʼâdam and all

ʼâdams who would follow, were never intended to think for themselves. All

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 45 of

thought boundaries (N,S,E,W) had been established, all forbidden thoughts

had been named by ʼâdam (every beast of the field, every bird of the air,

everything that creeps on the ground). The attempt to "choose" other than

what was already deemed "good", was an attempt to alter perfection. And the

foolishness continues today. A few words from Yahshua at this time:

Matthew 5:48 - "Therefore, become perfect, just as your Father

who is in heaven is perfect."

Matthew 19:21 - "Yahshua said to him (the material conscience), 'If

you want to become perfect, go sell of what you have, and give a tithe

(first fruits of mental manna) to the poor (humbled thoughts), and you will

have treasure (mental gifts) in heaven (the exalted thought plain); and you

will be walking in Yahweh's ways, and follow me.'"

Luke 6:40 - "The disciple (mental discipline) is not above his

teacher, but everyone who is perfect will be as his teacher."

Luke 8:14 - "The seed (mental fruit) that fell among thorns (prickled)

are those (thoughts) who, when they had heard, go out and are choked

with worries and anxieties, riches and pleasures of this age; and bring

no fruit to perfection."

John 17:23 - "I in them and You in me, so that they (chosen

thoughts) may be made perfect in unity; and that the world (thought

boundaries) may know that You have sent me, and loved them, as You

have loved me."

And now a few words from he (the thought) who said, "Follow

(mentally adhere to) me as I follow Yahshua (Yahweh saves)":

"What shall we (chosen thoughts, chosen minds) say then (since it is

only by Unilateral Covenant that the attempt at mind salvation even exists)?

Should we go on sinning (mentally transgressing), so that mercy and

pardon may abound? (Are we to take advantage of Yahweh by saying

things like, "I'll always be a sinner"?) By no means! How can we, who have

died (mentally vanquished) to sin (the "self" will), live in it (mental

reprobation) any longer (since Yahweh Himself gave us a new Spirit)? Or

are you ignorant that as many of us (the chosen) were immersed

(erroneously titled "baptized") into Yahshua (Yahweh saves) the Messiah

("anointed" thought, anointed thinker) were immersed (consciously made

aware of)

his death (utter denial of "self" will)? Therefore (because of this), we

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 46 of

(thoughts once carnal) are buried (forever void) with Him by immersion

into death ("He who loses his life will find it"); in order that, just as the

Messiah was raised (consciously exalted) from the dead (ego) through the

plan (the fullness of the Unilateral Covenant) of the Father, we (the mentally

redeemed) also (like Yahshua), may walk (mentally stroll) in newness

(unified with Yahweh's will alone) of life (consciousness). For if we become

(through Covenant) one (mentally unified) with Him, by sharing (consciously

participating) a death (removal of "self" will like Him, we will also be one with

His resurrection (mental salvation). For we know (understand) this: that our

old self (personal thoughts and ideas) was sacrificed (mentally slaughtered)

with Him, so that the body (mindset) of sin MIGHT (here is where one must

choose option 1, or option 2 will be chosen for you!) be destroyed in that,

FROM NOW ON, WE WOULD NOT SERVE SIN. For he who is dead (to

"self" will) is freed from sin ("self" will). Now if we died (agreed that

Yahshua gave us the right to be perfect), we believe that we will also live

(consciously reside as One) with Him knowing that the Messiah (anointed

mind), having been raised from the dead ("free will" mantra), dies no more

(Yahweh's promise fulfilled through obedience to Him); death (mental void)

no longer has power (seductive pull) over him. For the death He died, He

died to sin once, for all; that He lives, He lives to Yahweh." (Romans 6:1-


Let there be no doubt that the totality of Scripture would support

perfection as a process; here a little there a little. But it is a process with an

intended end and that end is mental perfection; Salvation! You would do well

to find one single scripture that would support the idea that perfection was

something only to be attained AFTER physical death?

Because you are so accustomed to believing everything is written about

a physical Kingdom rather than a purely mental Kingdom, your error is a one

way ticket to that physical death - a physical death while not perfected! Option

2 all the way!

So what do I do? How can I possibly get back on the narrow path that

leads to life and get off the broad road that leads to destruction? It is actually

and beautifully quite simple. It is the words of John the Immerser all over

again: "Repent and be immersed!" Ask the Mind of Yahweh to wash and

cleanse your mind anew with fire and water, and ask for forgiveness for using

the lame excuse that when he said "Be perfect!", that He didn't mean it.

Repent and if you must be immersed for the first time ever. Not "In the Name

of the Father, Son and Spirit!", BUT, "In Yahweh, in Yahshua and in the Mind

of Yahweh!” If you think this is but a small matter then once again you think

apart from the Mind of Perfection. 144,000 in today's population is .000019%

The Last Sacrifice (Part 2 of As Soon As Everyone is Seated) Page 47 of

of the total population. A narrow path indeed!

Read More
Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

Body and Flesh

Is the body of Scripture physical or mental?

Unless Hebraic intent is intact one would most certainly be led astray in

regards to having the full knowledge that Yahweh has allotted to His chosen

children. Hebraic intent found, most importantly in defining Hebrew words with

Hebrew words, but also within the context the Hebrew words are speaking to;

the verses in which they are utilized. We define four specific Hebrew words to


1) nephesh גפש (new-fesh); “breathing, vitality”.

It’s root word is nâphash גפש (naw-fash); “be breathed”.

And the Hebrew word for “breathe”: neshâmâh נשמה (nesh-aw-

maw); “inspiration, intellect”.

2) beten בטן (beh-ten); “be hollow”

And the Hebrew word for “hollow”, there are two:

kaph כף (kaf); “contain, grasp”, and nâbab גככ (naw-bab); “pierce.”

3) gevʹiyâh גןיה (ghev-wee-yaw); “back, middle”

And the Hebrew word for “middle”: tiykon תיכון (tee-kone); “central,


4) bâsâr בשר (baw-sawr); “freshenss”.

It’s root word is bâsar בשר (baw-sar); “be fresh”.

And the Hebrew word for “fresh”, there are three: leshad לשר (lesh-

ad); “vigor”, and châdâsh חרש (khaw-dawsh); “new”, and raănân

רען (rah-an-awn); “verdant, prosperous.”

And now we summarize Hebraic intent, having defined words and terms:

1) nephesh – The mind’s vital breath, the inspired intellect

2) beten – hollow grasping, inabilities to correctly perceive

3) gevʹîyâh – stability based upon receptivity

4) bâsâr – active thinking, formed either of the “self” or via the will of


If any of these definitions seem like a mental stretch for you, if they seem to

assume, then continue to read and pray, and also partake of the true reality that of

the entirety of the Hebrew language ALWAYS speaks to Yahweh’s Kingdom, the

Kingdom He has placed within chosen souls, the Kingdom of Perfect Thinking.

To open up this truth even more take a moment to first go back and look at the

words as simply defined. Notice something about the definitions themselves –

are they speaking to physical things? Do the words “breath”, “hollow”, “middle”

and “freshness”, point to things physical, as simply defined? No, they do not!

And with the expanded definitions above is the same true, that it is not a matter

of things physical? Yes, it is true! And so as to the first three words (nephesh,

beten, gevʹîyâh), when we find that these three words are commonly, currently

and systematically (meaning 99% of Scripture translations do the same),

translated as “body”, what do you perceive? Is your mind automatically saying,

“Oh it means the physical body!”, or have you caught the mystery of Hebraic

intent: The three words speak to the “body” of thoughts within the mind! The

“body” is “the mind’s breath”, and can also mean “the mind’s hollow grasping”,

and also “the mind’s stability in thought.”

And as for our fourth word (bâsâr), to come to know that it is the only word ever translated as “flesh” in the Old

Covenant, what do you now perceive? Again, does it’s definitions speak to

physical matters or do you see that Hebraic intent demands that the Hebrew

language is speaking to “the raw, active thoughts within the conscience”?

If you have partaken of any of the other pieces written wherein Hebraic intent

has been deciphered via an understanding of the metaphysics of the language

itself; that Yahweh has hidden (the “mysteries” Yahshua often spoke of) truths

below the top layers of the Scriptures, then you have come to know that Greek

language as a whole does a great job of trying to bastardize the Hebrew


While the Hebrew language 100% of the time, speaks to the Kingdom

within (matters of thought), the Greek language, 99% of the time speaks to

matters physical. And yet – and yet there is that 1% of the time when the Greek

language actually aligns with Hebraic intent, and in regards to the words “body”

and “flesh”, the Greeks do indeed unite with Hebraic intent. Lets see:

1) “body” - The Greeks have two words that are commonly translated as


A) sōma σώμα (somah); “sound”. It’s root is sōzō (sode-zo); “safe,


B) ptōma πτύω (pto-mah); “ruin”. It’s root is piptō πίπτω (pip-to); “fall”

In this ever so rare occasion where the Greeks acknowledge that if they are

indeed attempting to translate Hebrew words, the intent must also be intact! And

in our Greek words sōma and ptōma, a world of Hebraic Intent is found!

Remembering that we have asserted that in regards to “body”, Hebraic intent

indeed speaks to the “totality of one’s thoughts within”, in whatever state of

being those thoughts may be in. As you look at the Greek definitions is it not

profoundly true that in this instance, the Greeks fully understand Hebraic intent:

“save, deliver, protect, ruin, fall”. Nothing physical in the definitions, but most

certainly matters of the mental; the Kingdom within!

2) “flesh” - The Greek word is sarx σάρξ (sarx); “stripped”. It’s root word

sarŏō (sar-ŏ-o); “brush, sweep”. Certainly not of or about physical matters

and they even add a nuance that speaks volumes if you have eyes to see and

ears to hear: “the meat of an animal as opposed to the body”. Indeed if one

could perceive the “production of the thoughts” IS “the meat of the

animal”, the animal being those raw, active thoughts of the self will, then we

are on our way to illuminated things; eternal matters.

Again, had you previously partaken of any other writings, you would know the

words spoken by Yahshua at John 5:46-47 – “For had you believed Môsheh,

you would have believed me, for he wrote (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,

Numbers, Deuteronomy) about me. But if you do not believe his writings

(the “Torah”), how will you believe my words?”

The Old Covenant is the standard bearer of whether or not one properly

perceives the Renewed Covenant! It cannot be any other way! And in this is why

previous writings have been heavy laden with Old Covenant text, and yet here,

having properly vetted our words commonly translated as “body” and “flesh”, we

will focus mainly on Renewed Covenant verses. Renewed Covenant verses that

MUST always conform to Hebraic intent found in the Old Covenant!!

body: – “So if the right eye (“fountain (spring, source)”; mind’s perception)

causes you to offend (“pervert”), gouge it [the “source” causing

misperceptions] out and throw it from you! For it is better for you that one

of your members (“structures, moulding”; the mind’s faculties) perish then for

the whole body (mind’s breath) be cast into sheʼôwl (“retreat”; mental “hell”).”

(Matthew 5:29).

“The light (“illumination”) of the body (mind’s breath) is the eye (source of

mental perceptions), therefore if your eye is clear (clean) sighted, your

whole body (totality of thoughts) is also full of light. But the eye (mental

perceptions) is bad (“wicked”) then your body is full of darkness.” (Luke


“And if the anointing (the Hebrew word mâshîyah, often translated as

“messiah”) is in you, your (the “self” will) body (thoughts borne forth of the self)

is dead because of sin (the mind’s transgressions against the commands given

by Môsheh), but the Mind (Yahweh’s Mind’s breath placed into chosen souls,

often translated as “Spirit”) is alive because of righteousness (right thinking).”

(Romans 8:10).

“And when he [Yahshua] had given thanks, he broke it [the personal will]

and said; Take, eat (mentally consume); this represents my body (“self” will

not yet fully eradicated; see John 20:17) which is broken (the crucifying of his

personal will) for you. Do this (mentally remember) in remembrance of me.” (I

Corinthians 11:24).

“There is one body (active thoughts united in Yahweh’s will) and one Mind

(Yahweh’s Presence placed within chosen souls; His Kingdom within us)...”

(Ephesians 4:4).

“For we [chosen minds] are members (co-faculties) of His [Yahweh] body

(collective thoughts given to chosen souls as the boundaries Yahweh has

allotted of His own Mind).” (Ephesians 5:30).

“For as the body (collective thoughts) without the Mind (Yahweh’s Mental

Presence within) is dead (bound to “self”), so the faith without works is dead

also.” (Yaaqob 2:26).

“Who himself bare our sins (mental transgressions) in his own body (see

Matthew 26:38, Mark 14:33-34; mind’s grief) on the tree (“firm”; truth of

Yahweh’s promises to him), that we, having died to sin (mental transgressions

rule over the mind), should live (the active mind) for righteousness (right

thinking); by whose stripes (“bound”; the mental taking over of sins into his

own mind) you were healed.” (I Peter 2:24).

flesh: – The Greeks have one specific word they utilize to attempt to sum up

bâsâr (“freshness”). The word and it’s root we vetted above: sarx and sarŏō; the

“stripped” and “swept” aside. In this the Greeks have again somewhat

succeeded, and yet it need be understand that from the Hebraic perspective,

bâsâr (the word translated often as “flesh”) does not always speak to that which

is wicked and must be “stripped and set aside.”

“Yahshua answered and said, 'Blessed are you, Shimʽôwn שמעון

(“hearing”) son (“builder”) of Yôwnâh יונה (“warmth”), for flesh (the raw, active

thoughts borne forth of the “self” will) and blood (“red”; carnal life force) has not

revealed (mental revelation) this to you, but my Father [Yahweh's Presence

placed within chosen minds; His Mind’s Presence] in Heaven (“be lofty”; the

exalted Mind Space where Yahweh resides within chosen souls; His Temple

within).” (Matthew 16:16).

“Watch (“guard”; mentally protect) and pray, or you will be put to the test

(mind’s battle)! The mind (active life breath) truly is ready, but the flesh (raw,

active thoughts borne forth of the “self” will) is weak.” (Mark 14:38).

“Then Yahshua said to them (the twelve mental faculties/tribes within each

chosen soul), Truly, truly, I say to you: Unless you eat (mentally consume)

the flesh (“raw, active” thoughts in obedience to the will of Yahweh) of the son

(“builder”) of man (thought life), and drink (mentally “imbibe”) of his blood

(mental life force), you have no life (clean mindedness) in you. He who eats

my flesh and drinks my blood, has eternal life (life = active conscience), and

I will raise (to the “lofty” conscience; Heaven) him up at the last day. My flesh

(raw, active thoughts of an obedient mind) represents the true food (mental

digestion) and my blood (mind’s life force) represents the true drink. He who

eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains (consciously stays) in me, and I

in him. As the living (active in the thoughts of chosen souls) Father has sent

(consciously unveiled) me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats

(mental digests and follows) me will live because of me. This is that bread

(mental nourishment) which came out of Yahweh, that came down (from the

“lofty” mental place to repair the lower, broken mind space). Not your fathers

(“chief”; traditional thinking) who ate manna (“what is it?”; misperceptions of

Yahweh’s will) but died (consciously fell), but he who eats of this [obedience

without transgression] bread will live (be pure of conscience) forever;” (John


“All flesh (raw, active thinking) is not the same. Men (active self wills) have

one flesh, beasts (“mute, dumb”) another flesh, fish (“prolific, timid”) another,

and birds (“protrude”) another. There are also heavenly (“lofty”; holy) bodies

(totality of thoughts) and there are earthly (“firm”; carnally held to) bodies, but

the glory of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the glory of the earthly

bodies is another. The sun (“illumination”) has one kind of glory, the moon

(“coptic”; sub-conscience) has another, and the stars (“blazing”; truths)

another; and one differs from another star in it's glory. So also is the

resurrection (“upright”; mental salvation) of the dead (once bound to the “self”

will), sown in corruption (personal thinking), it [the mind] is raised in

incorruption. It [the once fallen mind] is sown (consciously “disseminated”) in

dishonor, but raised (consciously lifted via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant

with chosen souls) in glory. It is sown in weakness, but raised in power. It is

sown a natural (bound to “self”) body, but raised (exalted) a conscious

(mentally upright) body. There is a natural (the personal will) body and there

is a Mind (Yahweh’s Mind placed into the center of intellect of chosen souls)


And so it is written: The first man (active conscience distinct from

Yahweh’s) Adam (“red”; the personal, and soon to be fallen, will) became a

living (active) being (conscience); the last Adam (conscience untainted by

“self”); a life giving mind (Yahshua; the “Yahweh saves” mentality). However it

is not the mentally pure which came first, but that which is natural (the

carnal mind); then that which is pure (mentally obedient; Yahshua). The first

man (conscience) was out of the earth (the firmly held to lower thought

expanse), earthy (carnal); the second man is Yahshua (the perfect

conscience even with an ever present personal will), out of Yahweh... Now I

say this brothers (co-faculties): that flesh (raw, active thoughts borne forth of

the “self” will) and blood (carnal life force) cannot inherit (a mental lineage)

the Kingdom (“Reigning” Power) of Yahweh; neither does corruption (minds

not chosen) inherit incorruption.” (I Corinthians 15:39-50).

“By this you will know the Mind of Yahweh: Every mind that confesses

that Yahshua, the anointed, started in the flesh (having to contend with his

own personal will, yet NEVER giving in to it's temptations even once) is of

Yahweh.” (I John 4:2).

The verses that contain the translated words “body” and “flesh”, are more.

The work in further dissecting and analyzing the Hebraic intent of the verses in

which they are contained, is yours to do! This work was merely to plant a seed,

and may Yahweh through His chosen son Yahshua, empower you with eyes to

see and ears to hear!

Read More
Charlie Perry Charlie Perry


Did you know the Promised Land never was nor will be a physical place?

In order to fully perceive and this means “consciously grasp,” all that

Yahweh intends in Scripture, we must first discuss the overarching mandate

about Scripture. Two specific verses do this most crucial of tasks well:

The first spoken by Yahshua the anointed when he states, “My Kingdom

is not of this world.” (John 18:36) The word for Kingdom (מלכות malkût,

malkuw, malkuwth, malkuth, malkuyah) carries the definitions; “rule, dominion,

realm.” Interestingly enough it is also known as the “humility” branch of the Tree

of Life within. And so we now grasp that Yahshua was saying to us that, “My

‘rulership, dominion, realm’ is not of the physical world man lives in.”

The second verse that magnifies a specific reality is found in Luke 17:21,

“Neither will they say, ‘Look here!’ or; ‘Look there!’ For behold, the

Kingdom of Yahweh is within (consciously among) you.”

And so it is with these scriptures and the many that uphold and affirm

them, that we must come to a conclusion that will forever alter and illuminate

perceptions that have been for far to long held to. With a simple question we

break through vast paradigms and open ourselves to a whole new world of

thought processes; thought processes that as well are not of this world. The

question: “If the Kingdom of Yahweh is not of this world, but rather the world

within, then are any of His Laws, Commands, Precepts, Statutes and the like,

for this world? This physical world?”

Utilizing this most holy of patterns we now commence to answering one of

the most poignant questions available to the seekers of absolute truth: “If His

Kingdom is not of this physical world then what is the ‘promised land,’ and what

in fact is the nation of Israel; the people of Israel?’”

We start in the garden (“hedge, protected”) and move on from there.

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Hedge, protected: Right away, upholding the mandated pattern, we see the

garden as a place of protection, and this over the processes of thought that

would be available to mankind. Let’s look at a specific scripture to unveil the

pattern even further.

“Then Yahweh blessed him and Yahweh said to him: ‘Be fruitful and

multiply; fill the earth and subdue it: have rulership over the fish of the

sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the

earth.’” (Genesis 1:28)

“But it certainly looks like Yahweh is speaking of a physical world?” Of course

this has been your long held perception and we will begin to peel back the

layers as we simply define terms according to the holy language; the language

of another realm; the Hebrew language.

“Then (after creating all available realms of consciousness: dark, light, sun,

moon, stars, trees, etc.) Yahweh (The Perfect Consciousness) blessed him

(Âdam) and Yahweh said to him (mankind): ‘Be fruitful (mentally bear forth)

and multiply (duplication of perfect thoughts); fill the earth (אריץ ʼerets (ehʹ-

retsʼ); “to be firm”; man’s mental dominion) and subdue (take mental dominion)

it (consciousness, the Mental Kingdom): have rulership (mental thought

control) over the fish (רגה dāgâ; “rapid” unruly thoughts) of the sea (יצב yāsab;

“roar, noise”; tempestuous thought realm), over the birds (עוף ʽôp; “cover”;

obscure thoughts) of the air (שמים šāmayim “lofty”; grandizement; “self”

righteousness), and over every living (consciously active) thing (thought

process) that moves (swiftly glides) upon the earth (totality of man’s thought


Due to our failure to “take every thought captive unto obedience,” we would

be forced out of the protected thought world originally intended, leading to a

battle within; the “flesh vs. Mind” pattern revealed to us in Scripture. Let’s move

forward to the time of the Exodus (leaving behind of the carnal “self”), on the

journey to the promised land.

“So I have come down to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians,

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and to bring them up from that land to a rich land, a spacious land, to a

land flowing with milk and honey; the home of the Canaanites, Hittites,

Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites.” (Exodus 3:8)

Physical or mental? Both? Physical then mental? Mental then physical? It

is crucial to each individual soul that the perfect pattern back to the Perfect

Conscience be revealed. Of course it has to be revealed within; in your

processes of thought! This in itself exposes the pattern and in doing so aligns

with the commands, “My Kingdom is not of this world” for “My Kingdom is

within you!” The physical manifestation is merely the manifestation of what

has already been decided within. As per Scripture, thoughts create! Diseased

mind, diseased world. Pure mind, pure world. Let’s look at the Exodus verse

again from the Kingdom perspective; the Mental world.

“So I (Yahweh, the Perfect Conscience) have come down (from the

exalted thought plain, the “upper room,” to the lower “self” thought plain, the ego

driven realm) to deliver (free in conscience) them (chosen ones; chosen

thoughts) out of the hands (mental grasp) of the Egyptians (מצרים misrayim:

“limit, mound, siege”; the distressed material conscience), and to bring them

(redeemed ones; redeemed thoughts) up (to the exalted thought plain; the

garden) from that land (אריץ ʼerets - the firmly established carnal thought plain)

to a rich (consciously prosperous) and spacious (mentally multiplying) land

(אריץ ʼerets - the firmly established pure thought plain), to a land (ʼerets)

flowing (ever nourishing) with milk (חלב hālāb; “rich, fat”; mentally abundant

thoughts) and honey (רבש dᵉbaš “gummy, sticky, sweet”; mentally peaceful and

loving thoughts); the home (unredeemed mindset) of the Canaanites (כנעני

kᵉnaᵆnî; “material”; material mindedness), Hittites (חתך hittî; “dismay, dred”;

mental depression), Amorites (אמרי ʼᵉmōrî; “highlander, lofty”; carnal wisdom),

Perizzites (פרזי pᵉrizzî; “countryman”; five sense consciousness), Hivetes (חוי

hiwwî; “animation, physical existence”; wrong world, physical consciousness),

and the Jebusites ( יבוסי yᵉbûsî; “trodden down”; the contemptuous thought


Is it any wonder David tells us to, “Taste (“perceive”; consciously grasp)

and see (mentally grasp) that Yahweh is good!” (Psalm 34:8) Is it not as well,

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very compelling that six in Hebrew “gematria” is recognized as the number of

man (fallen thoughts), and that in order to receive that which the promised land

(renewed and perfected conscience) offers man must battle the “six” constructs

of thoughts (the carnal nations) within the promised land.

Upon our entrance into the promised land we must always remember that

patterns have been established inside that promised land. Let’s look to

Yahshua (“Yahweh saves,” Yahweh saves the fallen mind) to perceive.

“Every place you set the bottom of your feet, I will give you just as I

promised to Môsheh. From the wilderness, and from Lebanon to the great

river, the Euphrates River - all the Hittite country - and to the Great Sea on

the west, shall be your territory. No man will be able to stand his ground

in front of you… Be strong and courageous, for you will lead these people

and enable these people to inherit the land that I promised by oath to their

forefathers to give them.” (Yahshua 1:3-6)

And now a view from His Kingdom:

“Every place (realm of thought) you set (consider) the sole (כף kap;

“hand, power, curve”; conscious ability) of your feet (רנל regel; “step,

reconnoiter”; conscious stability), I will give (administer dominion over) you,

just as I promised to Môsheh (the conscience drawing out the Mind Kingdom).

From the wilderness (מרבר midbār; “driving, pasture, field, arrange”; the

realization of inner desolation), and from Lebanon (לבנון lᵉbānôn; “white, heart,

transport”; “self” righteousness) to the Great (prominent) river (thought stream),

the Euphrates (פרת pᵉrāt; “break, rush”; belief in material prosperity over mind

prosperity) - all the Hittite (mental depression) country (thought plain opening)

- and to the Great Sea (tumultuousness in thoughts) on the west (ים yām;

“roar, a sea”; the ego’s cry), shall be your territory (mental boundaries to take

dominion over). No man (carnal thought) will be able to stand (erect within the

conscience) his ground (void thoughts) in front (the mental opening, the east

gate within) of you (redeemed thinker)… Be strong (consciously dependent on

Yahweh) and courageous (led by faith), for you will lead these (the chosen)

people (thoughts) and enable (by the Mind) these people to inherit (mental

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lineage) the land (ʼerets) that I promised (unilaterally granted) by oath (mind

covenant) to their forefathers (א āˈ; “chief”; principal thoughts) to give

(favorably bestow) them (chosen and redeemed thoughts).”

It is not necessary to negate the temporary reality of a physical existence,

but what is crucial is that you apply the appropriate pattern to unlocking the

mysteries of Scriptures. This can only be done with a mindset that say’s,

“Everything (all reality) is first within (in the conscience, the Mental dominion)

before it is without (in the physical realm). “To understand that the totality of

Scripture is to be understood as such is what opens the depths of what Yahweh

is truly saying, and forever changes your mental perceptions. Let’s look at some

more examples with the “within, then without” pattern in mind and in order to

magnify the intent, let’s first look at a profound and telling example of another

most illuminating Hebrew word:

It is Strong’s #127h. The “h” is for the “Hebrew” dictionary provided in

Strong’s Concordance. The word for #127 is; ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ, (ad-aw-mawʹ); “soil

(from its general redness): - country, earth”… The root word is said to be

Strong’s #119; ארם ʼâdam, (aw-damʹ); “show blood, flush.”

And as for the word soil (שרה śādeh), we have the meaning, “spread, field”;

thought plain. And for blood (רם dām); “blood”; life force.

Has not the eye seen and the ear heard? Another word for “earth” in the

Hebrew text is Strong’s #127, ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ, from the root #119, ארם ˈādēm.

ʼÂdam! Earth is man! Earth is the mind of man! Now for the examples:

“And Yahweh made (formed in consciousness) the beast (חי hay; “alive,

strong, active”; unruly thought processes) of earth (ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ; “soil, earth,

blood”; man’s conscience) according to its land (מין mîn; “portion, sort”; realm

of thought) and everything (moving thought) that creeps (רמש remeś; “rapidly

move, glide, crawl”; moving in conscience) on the earth (#776, ארין ʼerets; “to be

firm”; a foundation in the conscience) according to its kind.” (Genesis 1:25)

The beasts are the yet redeemed (through testing) thought processes that

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dwell with each living soul (earth, ʼădâmâh), with a conscious life force (blood,

ʼâdam). As stated, there are differing kinds of animals (unruly thoughts) that

must be brought into subjection to the will of Yahweh alone, that will culminate, if

one is victorious, in the perfected conscience (the “land” of “milk” and “honey”).

Within, and then without.

“So now, you (Cain, קין qayin; “possession”; the depraved conscience)

are cursed from the earth (ˈᵃdāmâ; life force in consciousness) which has

opened its mouth (פה peh; “mouth, edge, puff”; active force) to receive your

brothers blood (life force) from your hand (“ability to grasp in the

conscience”).” (Genesis 4:11)

Again, the curse is the giving over of a mental position to a depraved

state. Within (His Kingdom), and only then without (physical).

“How will it be known that you are pleased with me (the conscience

that “draws out” mental manna; Môsheh) and your people (thoughts ruled by

and for Yahweh; Israel), unless you go (mentally guide) with us? And what

else would separate (set apart) me and your people from all other people

(foreign nations; foreign thoughts) on the face (פנה pāneh; “face, appear”;

conscious countenance) of the earth (ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ; to show blood, conscious

life force).” (Exodus 33:16)

The conscience being perfected is the conscience “set apart” and granted

access to the Kingdom within; the Temple of Yahweh

“You (redeemed thoughts) shall keep (consciously uphold) His Statutes

(חקה huqqâ; “appointments, enactments”; mind ordinances), and His Laws (תורה

tôrâ; Torah - “precept, flow”; mind guidance, mind patterns) which I (the

conscience that “draws out” kingdom principles) command you this day (time

of illumination within) that it may go well with you and your children (mental

lineage) after you, and that you may prolong your days (illuminations) upon

the earth (#127 ˈᵃdāmâ; conscious life force) which Yahweh Your Father

(dominant thoughts) is giving to you for all time (eternal).” (Deuteronomy


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The allotted Mind of Yahweh, expressed through His Ruach (Mind) by the

example of His Son (“builders” of consciousness) Yahshua (“Yahweh saves”;

saves the fallen mind), was revealed through obedience to perfectly established

thought patterns that existed long before their physical manifestations. Physical

earth (carnal mindedness) will pass away, but the perfected conscience (“new

earth”; “land of milk and honey”) will endure forever.

“And do not ever cut off your kindness (“checed”, the right arm of the

Tree of Life within) from my (“Jonathan”, Yahweh has given) father's house

(mindset) - not even when Yahweh has cut off (consciously removed) every

one of David’s (רור dāwid; “boil, love, lover”; loves) enemies (ego driven

thoughts; “self” will) from the face (conscious countenance) of the earth (adam

- blood - life force - mind of man).” (I Samuel 20:15)

When the Temple within is fully established (perfection attained), all

foreign thinking (anti law mind patterns) will be forever removed. It is King David

(love) that does this within and brings one into the fullness of the Promised

Land; the perfected conscience.

“… The children (thoughts in training) of Israel (the conscience that

strives with Yahweh) gathered (congregating thoughts) themselves together

with fasting (צום sôm; “cover”; afflicting the conscience), with sackcloth (שק

śaq; “mesh, course”; conscious humbling), and with earth (ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ; firm

resolve) upon (within) them.” (Nehemiah 9:1)

It is paramount that one sees the expressions of “earth” as “firm resolve”

within the conscience; ʼâdam. The life force (blood) is the active thought world,

the kingdom that is not physical.

“Who (reprobate thoughts) perished at En-dor (עיןראר ʹên-dōʹr; “fountain

of a dwelling”; familiar carnal understandings), and became like refuse

(reprobation) on the earth (ʼâdam).” (Psalm 83:10)

This is the first ʼÂdam within every soul that must decrease, so that the

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second ʼÂdam (the mental man) can increase.

“Then He (Yahweh, from His Temple within) will give you rain (מטר

mātār; “cause to rain upon”; Mental outpouring) for your seed (זרע zeraˊ; “to

sow, plant”; mental manna placed within the “soil;” ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ - “spread, field”;

thought plain) with which you will sow (mentally plant and disseminate) the

ground (also ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ); and bread (לחם lehem; “bread, feed, consume”;

Mental manna) from the increase (growing wisdom and understanding) of the

earth (ʼâdam) will be fat (abundant) and plenteous (always multiplying). In

that day your cattle (מקנה miqneh; “bought, property, acquisition”; procured

thoughts) will feed (mentally nourish) in large pastures (כר kar; “plumpness,

meadow”; conscious well-being).” (Isayah 30:23)

“Behold, the eyes (עין ˊayin; “eye, fountain”; Mind's perception) of the

Father are upon the sinful (ego driven) kingdom (thought world), and I will

destroy it (the ego) from the face (conscious countenance) of the earth

(ʼâdam); except that I will not utterly destroy the house (mindset) of Jacob

(the conscience being redeemed, supplanted), say’s Yahweh.” (Amos 9:8)

A few more with a different perspective, but the same end goal:

“Then he (priest; repetition of Law within) shall take some of the holy

(pure) water (mental energy) in an earthen (חרש hereś; “pottery”; moldable dust;

moldable ʼâdam; moldable minds) jars (ability to contain) and put some dust

(עפר ˊāpār; “powdered, clay, earth”; renewed understanding) from the

Tabernacle (משכן miškăn; “residence”; temple within) floor (place of rending)

into the water.” (Numbers 5:17)

The renewing of the conscience is a mental matter of a Mental Kingdom; a

Kingdom that is not physical. A Kingdom that defeats the former kingdoms of

man made thoughts and ideas.

“…He who is from the earth (the 1 st ʼÂdam) is earthly (ego driven), and

speaks of the earth (materiality); he who has been called out (consciously

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separated) by Yahweh will come to be over (mental dominion; the

unoffendable mind) all.” (John 3:31)

“For we know earthly (ego driven) house (mindset), tent (mental

covering), is destroyed, we have a building (Temple) from Yahweh, a house

(mindset) not made with hands (carnal grasping), eternal in Yahweh.” (II

Corinthians 5:1)

“This wisdom (worldly intellect) is not from above (the exalted Temple

within), but is earthly (of the first ʼÂdam; ego driven), sensual (lust filled) and

wicked (from enmity within)… but the wisdom (“Chokmâh” of the Tree of Life

within) that is from above (the perfect conscience) is first pure, then

peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and righteous fruits,

without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” (Jacob 3:15-17)

And now we remind ourselves of the intent: “If His Kingdom is not of this

physical world, then what is the ‘promised land’, and what is in fact the ‘nation

of Israel; the people of Israel?’”

We have solidified the idea the earth is the embodiment of the mind of

man; the original adam. The soil is the ability to receive and disseminate

information. Yahweh’s Temple is the Mind consciousness within each soul; His

Mind Kingdom not of the physical world. So what then does the land represent?

We have already delved into it, but let’s look a little deeper:

“And Yahweh said, ‘Let the waters (diluted thoughts) under (lower than)

the sky (exalted thoughts) be gathered (congregate) into one place (mind

space) and let the dry (יבשה yabbāšâ; “dry, confused, ashamed”; mental void)

land (here again, ארץ ʹerets; - “to be firm”) appear.’” (Genesis 1:9)

When Yahweh created His Kingdom it was the creation of all available

levels of consciousness that was being created; “My Kingdom is not of this

(physical) world.” All of the “lands” are expressions of strongly held on to (“to

be firm”) constructs (nations) of thought. Let’s explore some:

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The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Ethiopia (כוש kûš;

“burned faces”; darkened double mindedness);

The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Shinar (שנער šinˊār;

“two rivers, divided stream”; errors in thought);

The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Egypt (מצרים misrayim;

“limit, shut-in, tribulation”; the material conscience);

The land of Canaan (כנען kᵉnaˊan; "humiliated, vanguish”; the dying


Is Canaan not the “land” that would now be called “Israel,” for the children

called “Israel?”

The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Israel (ישראל yiśrāʹēl;

“striving for Yahweh, His strength prevails”; thoughts ruled by and for His


And it would be that whenever one who has been redeemed in the

conscience hears the words “When you come into the land…,” that Yahweh’s

intent was to express thought processes and not physical entitlements. Israel;

the land of milk and honey, is none other than the opportunity to perfect one’s

conscience. “Be perfect (holy in all thoughts) as I (Yahshua) and my Father

(Yahweh) are perfect!” This command as with all others was a command of

mental status. And Yahshua was told the people (thoughts) Israel (striving for

perfection) would have to remove all foreign nations (constructs of thought)

when they inherited the land (firmly established righteousness). This is none

other than the war between flesh (ʼÂdam #1, the ego driven conscience), and

the Mind (ʼÂdam #2; the Mind conscience). Keeping the commands in the

land is keeping the Laws of Yahweh with your mind that is being renewed

by His Mind, for His Kingdom; the Mental Kingdom that is not of this

physical world.

So now we have the blueprint, the roadmap to discerning all things

Scriptural. Every Statute, Law, Command, Decree, Precept and more, dealing

with the Kingdom within, the Kingdom (King's dome) of Yahweh. With this

blueprint let’s discern what Yahweh intends with the often ignored and widely

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misunderstood scriptures of Exodus 23: 10-11, Leviticus 25: 1-7, Leviticus

25: 19-22, Deuteronomy 15: 1-6 and Deuteronomy 31: 10-11.

“Six (the overcoming of the carnal man within) years (שנה šānâ;

“revolutions, duplications”; practicing righteousness) you shall sow

(disseminate commanded mind patterns; Law, within the conscience) your land

(firmly established thought plain), and gather (mentally collect) its produce

(תכואה tᵉbûʹâ; “income, coming, going”; mental fruit). But the seventh

(completion of a cycle) year you shall let it (the thought plain) rest (שמט šāmat;

“fling, jostle, let alone”; trust!) and lie fallow (ניר nîr; “plowed, gleam”; open to

Yahweh’s directing alone), so that the poor (timid) among your people

(thoughts) may get food (Mental nourishment) from it (the thought plain in

rest), and the wild (yet redeemed) animals (חי hay;“alive, raw, fresh”;

undiscerned thoughts) may eat (consciously consume) what is left. Do the

same (let rest) your vineyard (כרם kerem; “garden”; protected and guarded

thoughts) and your olive (זית zayit; “illuminating prominent”; exalted) yard

(private thoughts).” (Exodus 23: 10-11)

“And Yahweh spoke (the still, small voice within) to Môsheh (the

conscience that “draws out” the mental) on Mount (higher plain) Sinai (סיני

sînay; “cliff, precipitous, sharp”; sifting in the conscience), saying, ‘When you

come into the land which I give you, then the land (אריץ ʹerets; firmly

established offering of a renewed conscience) you shall keep a Sabbath (שבת

šabbāt; “intermission, rest”; cessation of effort in thoughts) unto Yahweh. Six

years you shall sow your field (שרה śādeh; “spread”; mind expanse), and six

years you shall prune (זמר zāmar; “trim”; refine) your vineyard (wisdom &

understanding) and gather its fruit (mental abundance); but in the seventh

(time of completion) year there shall be a Sabbath of solemn (מוער môʹēd;

“fixed”; mentally appointed) rest for the land (established thought plain), a

Sabbath to Yahweh. You shall neither sow your field nor prune your

vineyard. What grows (conscience enhancement) voluntarily (נרבה nᵉdābâ;

“spontaneous, voluntarily;” impetuous thoughts) of your harvest (קציר qāsîr;

“severed, curtail”; unformed ideas) you shall not reap (קצר qāsar; “dock,

harvest”; mentally glean), nor gather (assimilate) the grapes (ענב ʹēnāb; “bear”;

perceptions) of your untended (נזיר nāzîr; “separate, abstain”; not correctly

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discerned) vine (wisdom’s understanding). The land (firmly established

consciousness) is to have a year (mental cycle) of rest (שבתון šabbātôn;

shabbath - “rest, repose”; mental holy year). Whatever the land yields during

the Sabbath (mental repose) year will be food (mental nourishment) for you -

for yourself, your manservant (עכר ʹebed; “servant, work, till”; toiling thoughts)

and maidservant (אמה ʹāmâ; “slave, hand”; emotions), for the hired (שכיר śākîr;

“wages, purchase”; maintaining) servant (שכיר śākîr; mental upkeep) and for

the stranger (foreign thoughts) who lives (mentally resides) among (within)

you, for your livestock (בהמה bᵉhēmâ; “mute, dumb”; ignorance) and the

animals (unredeemed thoughts) in your land (firmly established conscience) -

all its produce (conscious production) shall be for food (mental

consumption).’” (Leviticus 25:1-7)

“And if you say; ‘What shall we eat (consciously consume) in the

seventh (the time of “fullness”) year if we do not plant or harvest our crops

(mental production)?’ I will send you such a blessing (mental prosperity) in

the sixth (the “man” conscience) year that the land (mental firmness) will

yield (bring forth) enough (plentiful produce) for three (conviction leading to

mental resurrection; the 7 th , 8th and 9 th years of the seven year cycle, or the 7 th ,

1 st , and 2 nd which is the same) years. While you plant (mentally sow) during

the eighth (“plumpness”; super abundance in the conscience; the eighth year is

the 1 st year of a new cycle) year, you will eat from the old (the produce of the

6 th year) crop and will continue to eat (consciously consume) from it until the

harvest (conscious outpouring) of the ninth (“turn, upright”; renewal; the ninth

year is the 2 nd year of a new cycle) year comes in (into mental view).”

(Leviticus 25:19-22)

“At the end of seven years you shall grant a release (שמטה šᵉmittâ;

Shemittah, (shem-it-taw); - “remission, desist”; forgiveness and renewal in the

conscience). This is the form (mental arrangement) of the release: Every

creditor (בעל baʹal; “master, debt, grasp”; thoughts of being owed to) who has

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lent (mentally bestowed) to his brother (mental co-faculty, mental tribe, mental

branch) shall cancel (mentally relinquish) the debt (conscious obligation) he

has made by loan (mentally petition). He shall not press (mentally pressure)

his brother (unifying gift in consciousness specific to a certain realm of thought)

for payment (owing); it is Yahweh’s release (shemittah - forgiveness and

renewal in the conscience). From a foreigner (נכרי nokrծî; “strange, adulterous”;

unclean thought) you may press for payment (owing), but you shall release

(forgive unto renewal) what is owed from your brother (differing thought

realm). But there should be no poor (depression) or needy (wanting) among

(within) you, for Yahweh will greatly bless you in the land (consciousness of

substance and sweetness) Yahweh your Father (Conscious Master) is giving

you to possess (mentally strive for and attain) as an inheritance (complete

occupancy in the conscience). Only if you fully obey (keep patterned Mind

laws) Yahweh your Father, and are careful to observe (attentive in

conscience) and do (mentally keep) all these Laws (mental percepts) which I

(thoughts that “draw out” perfection) which I command you this day; for

Yahweh your Father will bless you, just as He promised (by Unilateral

Covenant; a Mind Contract with Yahweh alone as the guarantor) you (the

renewed conscience). You (conscience sanctified) will lend (offer wisdom &

understanding) to many nations (constructs of thought), but you shall not

borrow (gain wisdom and understanding) from them. You shall rule

(consciously delegate) over many nations, but they shall not rule (mental

influence) over you.” (Deuteronomy 15:1-6)

“Then Môsheh (that which “draws out” mental matters within)

commanded them (the congregation of thoughts), saying, ‘At the end

(accomplishment) of every seven years, in the set (appointment in

consciousness) time of the year of release (Shemittah), at the Feast

(appointed season for specific thinking) of Tabernacles (סכה sukkâ; “hut,

entwined, booth”; conscious connection in Yahweh’s Temple within); When all

Israel (both thoughts (people) and firmly established ideas (land), ruled by and

for Yahweh) comes to appear (at the forefront (east gate) of the conscience) in

front (each thought fully exposed) of Yahweh your Father in the place (mind

space; land) He shall choose, you must read (קרא qārāʹ; “accosting,

Otherworldly – The True Promised Land Page 14 of

encounter”; consciously face up to) this Law (all Mind patterns) before all

Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh; dominant ideas firmly established), in

their hearing (אזן ʼōzen; “broadness, expand”; mental understanding).’”

(Deuteronomy 31:10-11)

Within and then without! The keeping of the Shemittah and the two years

that follow it within each “seven year cycle” is an issue of the conscience. If the

thought processes, those lead by strict obedience to the Mind Laws (Torah)

decreed by Yahweh, are first manifest, then the “what to do” in the physical

realm will be a natural yet supernaturally so, by-product of an obedient mind.

You will know exactly what to do day by day, for you have fallen into the

Oneness decreed by Yahshua who proclaimed, “I have not spoken on my

own; but he Father who sent me gave me the Laws - What I should say and

what I should speak.” (John 12:49)

This is the culmination of “thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh,” (the people

called Israel) in the “firmly established processes of thought.” (the land called

Israel). There are thousands of verses that will help you keep the “within and

then without” pattern, for your tendency will be to think in the physical first, as

the ego has long trained you to do. Also in reference to the specific scriptures

we highlighted for the Shemittah, you will be pulled in the direction that speaks

in such a way: “It’s for the time when we are in the physical land Israel, not just

any land.” It would be nice to be able to hand pick certain commands and

discard them as such, and with that we end with just two of the thousands of

scriptures that are intended to keep you on the narrow road; and this within.

“When all these things come upon you; the blessings and the curses

I have set in front of you - wherever Yahweh your Father may disperse you

among the nations - then recall these things in your memory; and when

you and your children return to Yahweh your Father, and obey him with all

your heart (center of intellect) and all your soul, just as I have commanded

you to do this day. Then Yahweh will bring you back from captivity and

have compassion on you, and gather you again from all the nations where

He scattered you. If you are driven out even to the furthest land on earth,

from there, Yahweh your Father will gather you, and from there He will

Otherworldly – The True Promised Land Page 15 of

bring you … Yahweh your Father will circumcise your hearts (minds), and

the hearts (minds) of your descendants, so that you may love Him with all

your heart and all your soul, and live (the saved conscience).”

(Deuteronomy 30:1-6)

“For this Covenant is the Covenant that I will renew with the House

of Israel: ‘After those days’, says Yahweh, ‘I will put my Law in their inward

parts, and write in on their hearts (minds), and I will be their Father, and

they will be my people (thoughts ruled by Yahweh; Israel).’” (Hebrews 8:10)

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Charlie Perry Charlie Perry

Gender Gap

What exactly is the Hebraic understanding of family, and why was it never first about life physical?

Can we agree that to begin any matter by quoting Yahshua himself,

is really to end the matter? That his words of and about the Kingdom of Yahweh

encompass the totality of the Scriptures; free of all errors? Then it is from this

place that we lay the foundation of the purpose of this work, to reveal the hidden

mysteries of what indeed was Yahweh's intent in creating living souls commonly

known and translated as “man” and “woman”. It may seem that the foundation

we will lay is a little off course at first, but it is just the opposite. Might I submit

that because of improper foundations that have been espoused as “truth” for

thousands of years, that we find ourselves having to go on a journey first, in

order to go back to the beginning. Be patient. Be attentive. More than anything

be humble, for it takes humble courage to perhaps have to confess, “I got it all

wrong. I allowed others to deceive me and as well I deceived myself.”

Everything about this body of work is open to intense critique and criticism, but

also everything about this work cries out, “Prove it to be wrong with Scripture

alone!” Now back to our foundation via the words of Yahshua found at

Yôwnâthan (John) Chapter 14: “Let not your heart (lêb לכ; “center of

intellect”) be troubled... in my Father’s House (#1004, bayit בית “family, build”)

there are many offices (#6486, pᵉquddâh פקרה; “visitations, over seeings”; often

erroneously translated as “mansions”)... I go to prepare a place for you.”

(John 14:1-2)

And so our foundational focus at this time is the Hebraic concept and

intent of the House of Yahweh. We can start by acknowledging that the Hebrew

word bayith בית, with it's root as bānâh (בנה (#1129; speaks to the non-physical.

One thing that is a commonly held view is that the “House” Yahshua speaks to

is not an earthly home, and the common view is that it must be speaking to

some unseen house in the “heavens”. Yahshua will soon clarify this for us,

though it is missed by the masses even so, and then we can extrapolate on the

hidden mysteries I often characterize as “Hebraic intent”. More from Yahshua:

“And where I go [to the Father’s House] you know; and the way [to the

Father’s House] you know.” (John 14:4)

Was this talk for Kêph (Peter) alone? Is this verse for you as well.

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A whole chapter in fact? And if Yahshua is telling you that “you know”, then it

cannot be some far off place as well, can it? Now more from him:

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me?

The words that I speak to you, I did not speak on my own; but the Father

who dwells (shâkan שכן; “lodging, to lie” and yâshab ישב; "sit,

marry”) in me, He does the works.” (John 14:10).

And the consistency of His words, His freedom from any error whatsoever

in regards to the whole of Scripture, opens the door (in your mind of course) to a

striking reality that we must dig much deeper into: The Kingdom of Yahweh, the

place Yahweh has placed His House, is within the chosen soul, Yahshua being

the first! A few more words from Yahshua before we go back to the start of it all:

“The mind (rûwach רוח; “breath”; erroneously titled and translated as

“Spirit”) of truth (ʹemet אמת; "stability, build”; the same “build” as utilized to

define “house”), which the world (têbêl תבל; "earth, moist”; the dry,

confused, ashamed thought plain) cannot receive because it does not

perceive (a mental issue) Him, nor know (yâda; ירע; know, recognize”;

the Hebrew word yâda; (yaw-dah) that carries His Name; Yahweh) Him. But

you know Him for He dwells [has set up His lodging, His House] with you,

and will be in you.” (John 14:17) And when asked why Yahweh and Yahshua

would only dwell in specific, chosen souls and not fallen souls, He replied: “If a

life force [translated as “man”] loves Me, he will keep (shâmar שמר; guard” and châgag חגג; observe”) My plan, dâbâr רבר; word, arrange”), and My Father will love him, and we [Father and Son] will

come to him and make our home [the “House” of verses 1 & 2] in [within]

him.” (John 14:22-23)

The well established fact taught by Yahshua, the foundation that we are

laying, is that the House of Yahweh that resides in the Kingdom of Yahweh, is

within the minds of chosen souls; within!! We are going to the beginning to

establish this fact via Môsheh himself, but before we do lets settle the idea that

the Kingdom and the House are indeed on and of the same plain:

“The Kingdom of Yahweh does not come with observation [physical

seeing]; neither will they [foreign thoughts; the “gentiles”] say, Look here! or

Look there!, For Behold, the Kingdom of Yahweh is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21)

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“Yahshua answered, My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom

were of this world (the fallen thought plain; earth) then my servants would

fight... My Kingdom is not from here” (John 18:36).

“Do you not perceive that you are the House of Yahweh and the Mind

of Yahweh dwells in you? If anyone defiles (châzêq חזק; "foul,

contaminated”) the House of Yahweh, Yahweh will destroy him. For the

Kingdom (mamlākâh ממלכה; "dominion, reign”; the King’s Dome) of

Yahweh is holy (qâdôwšh קרוש; sacred, be clean”), which you are.” (I

Corinthians 3:16-17).

“Now I say this this brothers: that flesh (the wicked “raw, active”

thoughts borne forth from the fallen will) and blood (carnal “life force”) cannot

inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh; neither does corruption inherit

incorruption.” (I Corinthians 15:50, also see verses 45-49, showing it is all

about mental states and not life in the physical). Now lets go back to the time

the “House” was built:

The first indication of what was to be would come via a dream (hālam חלם bind, plump”) of Yaaqob (Yaʽăqôb יעקכ; heel, supplant, swell”). Jacob represents the regeneration of one’s thoughts and his dream was

an indicator of the House of Yahweh within (Genesis 28:17). We can see that

the gate (shaʽar שער; "opening, split”) is representative of the

transference (ladder) of messages (malʼâk מלאך; erroneously translated

as “angels”) from Yahweh’s exalted (sky; shâmayim שמים; “region above

the earth”; often translated as “Heaven”) thought plain to the lower thought plain

[earth]. (Genesis 28:10-12) We also come to see that Jacob’s mental “lineage”,

i.e. descendants, would spread to the West (yâm ים ; "roar”), East (qedem קרם "front, project”), North (tsâphôwn עפון; "hidden, dark") and South (negeb נגב "be parched”); all of the thought boundaries made available to souls.

at Genesis chapter 1:1-26. And so at Genesis 28:16, “this place” that Jacob realized

held Yahweh’s presence, was none other then within his mind where his dream took

place. “And he [the supplanted, renewing thoughts within; Jacob] called the name of

that place [the open (gate) front (east) of the mind] Beth Yahweh; The House of

Yahweh, but the name of the habitation (“city”, ʽîyr עיר; waking, opening”)

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had been (before inner transformation via Yahweh’s will; House) Luz (lûwz לוז; “deception”).” (Genesis 28:16-19)

That’s correct, the regenerating mind [Jacob] goes from a state of total

deception (Luz) to a transformative taking over (W, E, S, N) of the totality of the

thought world, via the will of Yahweh being placed into chosen souls, wherein

His renewing messages (malʼâk) build (House) Yahweh’s Kingdom!! Fast

forward to the time of Môsheh (Môsheh משה; "drawing, pull”) who

represents those thoughts that fight for Yahweh’s truths within, and we learn

more of this “House.”

Jacob was shown in a prophetic dream. At Exodus 15:17 we listen to Môsheh and a part of a song (shîyr שיש; “singing, strolling”).

of amazement towards Yahweh: “You [Yahweh] will bring them [renewed

minds, i.e. “people”] in [mental unity], and plant (nâta; נטע; “fix”)

them on the mountain (har הר; "range, loom”) (a.k.a. “Zion”,

tsîyôwn ציון; "conspicuous, clear, pillar”) of Your inheritance (nachălâh

נחלה; “occupancy”), the place [mind space] You made O Yahweh, for Your

dwelling (mind “lodging”), the Sanctuary (miqdâsh מקרש; “consecrate”

and (qôdeshקרש; “sacred, be clean”) O Yahweh, Your hands [grasping]

have established (kûwn כון; "be erect”) it.”

What Jacob perceived in a dream now confirmed by Môsheh. The House

(place within the chosen minds wherein Yahweh has placed His will in order to

bring renewal) now also described as a Sanctuary, telling us that Yahweh’s

allotted will and it’s boundaries for the life force known commonly as ʼÂdâm

(man), would be a place of consecration (millûʼמלאים; “be full”)

as well as a place of sacred (a.k.a. “holy”; qôdesh קרש; sanctity,

pronounce clean”) cleanness (bôr בר; "pure, bright”); mental perfection!

Let there be no doubt that Môsheh was as exultant and jubilant in song due to

the foreshadowing of Yahshua that he had realized. Of the sixty seven times the

name of Yahshua (yᵉšhûwʽâh ישועה; saved/deliverance of Yahweh”) is

mentioned in the Old Covenant alone, one of those times is also in the song Of

Exodus 15 - “Yahweh is my strength (ʽôz עז; "force, be stout”) and my

song (mind’s stroll), and He has become (via His Unilateral Mind Covenant

with chosen souls) my Yahshua (Yesh-oo-aw) (salvation). He is my Father in

Heaven (a.k.a. “sky” of Genesis 1:1; lofty) and I will praise [mentally laud]

Him...” (Vs. 2). This mind salvation (Yahshua), this “Yahweh saves” mentality,

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can only take place of and from the House/Sanctuary of Yahweh within! As we

move forward I want to point out the word Zion (tsîyôwn עיון) again. As per

Exodus 15:17 that we examined, it represents the “exalted, looming range (mountain)”

where the allotted will of Yahweh resides. Interestingly Zion has “pillars” as a Hebraic

definition. Lets refine it even more: pillar (matstsêbâh מצבה; “stationed,

appointed”). It is important to understand that the Hebraic intent is to describe specific

mental faculties as per our word “pillar(s)”. For Yahweh, total clarity (conspicuous,

clear) is what mental faculties find of and about Himself. As we go on to further

understanding His House/Sanctuary within, we make a quick stop to see the “building”

of His House/Sanctuary, and the importance of it’s foundations. To do so we look to

Exodus 24:4 - “And Môsheh wrote all the Laws (tôwrâh תורה; “precept,

statute”; Mind patterns; see “Liquidity”) of Yahweh and rose up [the exalted mindset]

early in the morning (breaking and plowing of Genesis 1:5), and built [mentally

construct] an altar (mizbêach מזבח; “slaughter”; it’s root zâbach זבח; a

word commonly translated as “sacrifice”) at the foot (regel רגל; “step, walk”)

of the mountain (ranging, looming presence of Yahweh’s will), and set up twelve

(shᵉnayim שנים; “twofold, double, revolution;” and (ʼâsâr עשר;

“accumulation”) pillars (stationed and appointed internal beacons; 12 mental faculties)

representing the twelve tribes (shêbet שבט; branch, rod;) of Israel (Yisrâʼêl ישראל; “He will rule in might”).” For a much deeper view see “

As Soon As Everyone is Seated, Parts 1 & 2”.

The mind that breaks and plows (morning) and sacrifices (altar) every thought

that does not conform to the will of Yahweh as expressed in His Mind Patterns (All 613

Laws). The mind that strolls under the Presence of His exalted will (Mount Zion). The

mind that understands that the 12 mental faculties [tribes/branches] are indeed part of

the Truth (Tree) of Life [Mind] within, and that Yahweh alone is to rule (Israel) those 12

faculties/mind stations. He Himself being the Pillar (mental “Standing”) that always

leads in the cloud (ʽânân ענן; “covering”; mental covering) by day (the time of

mental breaking and plowing) and in the fire (ʼêsh אש; “burning”; mental

conviction and judgment) by night (the time of mental dullness). Now on to more of the

House within:

“And let them [renewing thoughts; people] make Me a sanctuary (consecrated,

sacred, clean mind space) that I may dwell (mentally lodge) among them, according

to all that I show you after the pattern (tabnîyth תכנית; “structure”),

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of resemblance, “build”) of the Tabernacle (mishkân משכן; residence, lodging”

and ʼôhel אהל “be clear”) and the pattern (mental resemblance) of all it's

furnishings (kᵉlîy כלי; prepared, “cease”), exactly so shall you make it.”

(Exodus 25:8-9).

House/Sanctuary/Tabernacle = The building of a sacred, clean, clear

lodging place within the center of the mind where Yahweh’s Presence will reside

among chosen souls! And there is one more to add for the full mental picture up

to this point:

*For a greater understanding of the 12 faculties see “As Soon as Everyone

is Seated (Parts 1 & 2).

It would be the totality of Tôrâh (The law as expressed in Genesis,

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) that would unveil all spoken in

Genesis 1; the boundaries and capacities Yahweh would make and allow for life

force (ʼÂdâm; man and woman). The patterns were established and the

parameters well laid out, but it would not be completed, within the mind of

course, until a King (melek מלך; “reign, ascend the Throne”) arose. Yes

indeed, a King within. And that King of course would be none other then “love”.

It would be the reign of love that would fully establish the House of Yahweh

within, with some tweaks of course. So prayerfully some of you might have said

that “Love must be the Hebrew definition for the word David!”, and you would be

100% correct. “Reign of love” is exactly what King David (Dâvîd רור; “loving, to boil”) speaks to. It would not be until one’s mind reigned with love that Yahweh’s House could truly be built within, hence the proclamation at II Samuyl 7:2-3. You see until love was ready to build the House of Yahweh, His Presence remained in an ark (ʼârôwn ארון; “gathering, pluck”) limiting Yahweh’s entire will and therefore revelation to chosen minds. And as for the “tweaks” we know that immature love (David) was kept from erecting the House, for

immature love still “sheds blood” which speaks to a mixture of love and carnal

life force, not yet completed love. However Yahweh in His mercy spoke: “I have

not lived (consciously dwelled) in a house since the time I brought the

children (bên בן; :builder”, from it’s root bānâ בנה the same word

translated as “house”) of Israel out of Egypt (Mitsrayim מצרים; “limit,

distress”; the boundaries made available of the material mindset),

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to this very day I have dwelt in a tent (ʼôhel אהל; “be clear”) or a tabernacle (mishkân

משכן; “residence, lodging”).” (II Samuyl 7:6).

So it would not be immature love that would accomplish Yahweh’s House within,

but it would be a whole mind that would accomplish it. If any of you have now said

within, “Then Solomon must mean “wholeness;”, then you are quickly becoming a solver

of hidden mysteries : Solomon (Shᵉlômôh שלמה; “peaceful, safe, wholeness”).

Yes indeed, love would be the spark but a mind filled with peace and wholeness of love

would be that which would build the House of Yahweh within (II Samuyl 7:12-13).

And that House would of course be classified as a “Temple”: (hêykâl היכל; “capacity, be able, can, could, may, might, overcome, prevail, suffer”). It would

represent the fullness of the will of Yahweh placed into chosen life force (souls of man

and woman): Tent-House-Sanctuary- Tabernacle-Temple.

Yes, this is a work titled Gender Gap and I thank you for your patience in your

effort to comprehend. It was necessary to both illustrate and elaborate upon Yahweh’s

intent in reference to both the place and capacity of what he literally calls “Home”. The

language of Creation, the Hebrew language with it’s definitions, all leading to the

Hebraic intent or better yet, the will of Yahweh regarding all boundaries and capacities

of thought made available to chosen life forces (man and woman). So the long and

winding yet narrow road, now leads us back to Genesis.

The attached “Family Tree” helps us gather our thoughts as we work towards the

full revelation of the Hebraic intent regarding all we have faced up to this point. It

started at Genesis 1:27, the creation of distinct and for the time being, separate life

forces. The fullest extent of these newly existing life forces, further elaborated upon at

Genesis 2:20-25. The very profound matter that deserves much attention is found at

verses 21 through 23. The verse by verse distinction has much to say about the matter

but here and now we speak to realities introduced via the Hebrew words themselves.

From Genesis 1:27 up to Genesis 2:22, we have only spoken of the distinct life force

known as ʼÂdâm (ʼâdâm ארם). At Genesis 2:21-22 we see a new consciousness

arrive classified as “woman” (ʼishshâh אשה). Keep in mind that our word involves two other Hebrew words and the names given for #802 are ʼîshshâh (ish-shaw;)

and nâshîym (naw-sheem;). As we can see on our Family Tree, these are both the

“feminine” of Hebrew words that are commonly translated as “man”. We must also

mention that there are other words commonly translated from #802, other then

Gender Gap Page 8

“woman”, and those are “wife”, “married”, “women” and “female”. So at verse 21 it

could have stated, “...He made into wife...” or “...He made into female...” or even “...He

made into marriage...”. What is striking (to the mind of course) is the transformation at

verse 23. We see a completely new introduction distinct from ʼâdâm though it

speaks in such a way that ʼâdâm is also involved. Lets look:

“And ʼîysh (ʼîysh איש; “be extant, exist”; translated systematically as

“man”, though “husband”, “master”, “male”, “fellow” and “consent” are also viable

translations) said, This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.”.

I am not fully vetting the entire verse herein as that is already done at the chapter 2 commentary.

This was to show that the word “man” had been translated from the Hebrew word adam only up to this point, but now we have ʼîysh claiming to be the one from

whence comes. And even as complex is the fact that verse 23 ends with, “...

because she was taken out of ʼâdâm.” Two completely different Hebrew words

with two completely different meanings, both however translated as “man”. And as we

stare at the Family Tree we can see the Hebraic intent of ʼîysh; “ ʼîysh = mind growth

within”, as well as ʼĕnôwsh; “ ʼĕnôwsh = frail mindedness within”. The value of this is

that we must conclude as per our “female” side, the ʼishshâh and the nâshîym, that

woman represents feminine side of both growth and frailty in the mind! And we must

remember that though the depths of the mysteries go deeper still, that whatever

“woman” represents, she was distinctly and already “within” man, yet separated to

“help” man. And our Hebraic intent reveals that this in fact takes place within the male

soul and to it’s allowable degrees, the female soul. Allowable? Based upon Scripture the

“roles” of boundaries and capacities made available would of course limit the feminine

side, though this is not a measure of value, but rather the Sovereign will of He Who


Let us never forget that the followers of Yahshua “marveled” when He

spoke directly to the feminine side, and yet He did. As a matter of fact He took

great care over the feminine side! And we must always consider the

differentiating between Yahweh’s speech (through His specific words and

actions) in regards to the “male side” and “female side”. And that for the man, he

would be responsible for both sides, as both come from him.

The feminine side of mental growth. The female side of frail mindedness.

Only to be understood with the full intent of Scripture involved. The female side

indeed mentioned at I Kêph (Peter) 3:7 as the “weaker vessel”, and yet fully

embraced as a “joint heir” (Romans 8:17) in the Kingdom within.

Gender Gap Page 9

What is the key to the feminine aspect and what is the mental life force as “man” to do about

it? For it is indeed the responsibility of the male side to unify and “Become one!”

with that which is within, and to help the female side do the same. Was it not

through utterly restorative acts that Yahshua kept perfect his female side via

healing, compassion and his “go and sin no more!” mandates? Is it simply a

matter of perfecting the judgment and compassion within a soul; this quest to

“Be one!” with Father and Son? Is the “Yahweh saves (Yahshua)” mind and the

“perfect love” it encompasses, bound and borne forth only through clarity in and

of true Hebraic intent?

Hebraic intent is Hebraic intent and we continue to establish the true

reality that the Hebrew language speaks first and foremost to the Kingdom of

thought! For the Kingdom of Yahweh is the Kingdom created of and for life

forces distinctly different from Yahweh. It is not to say that mental unity;

Oneness with His Mind, is not both described as well as commanded, but to

also recognize He is beyond even these permitted and commanded capacities

and boundaries.

And so we look at Genesis 1 & 2 as we press forward, and we

do so asking ourselves many questions yet unanswered, many hidden

mysteries yet to be revealed. We are still undone. There is more work to do and

somehow the mind of man along with the mind of woman, must find our way to

the promised place; Oneness with the Mind of Yahweh, joint heirs with Yahshua.

The Family Tree graph is to be attached here.

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Charlie Perry Charlie Perry


“Living water.” What is the real meaning behind the often utilized yet often misunderstood Hebraic concept?

“Blessed are you who sow beside all waters...” (Isayah 32:20)

Many profound and purposely “hidden mysteries” (Isayah 45:3, I

Corinthians 2:7) are to be revealed, and now is the time on the earth within

chosen souls. With Yahweh there is never a need for “Plan B”, and we

remember that everything He decreed to be “selected and fed” (allotted) to souls

with the capacity of conscious thought, had it perfect purpose from the first

instance. Perhaps having read some previous works you have run across the

equation: The Law = The Patterns of Yahweh's Mind that He chose to “select

and feed” to souls distinct from Himself; Law = Mind Patterns. The “law” itself is

the word tôrâh תורה (to-raw'). It's definitions are “precept, statute.” Going deeper

into the hidden places we find the definitions of precept and statute: precept -

“injunction, enjoin” and statute - “appointment, engrave”. Yes indeed, enjoining

and engraving Yahweh's commanded ways of thinking right into the center of

our intellect (heart). And it is the root word of tôrâh itself that we take a laser

focus upon. The word is yârâ ירה (yaw-raw). It definitions are “to flow (as

water), to rain”. Yahweh's commanded boundaries of thought made available to

chosen souls, equated to water and rain. Know that we have set the table, let's

dine. To do so we go right to the source:

The Hebrew word for water is mayim מים (mah'-yim). It definitions are

“juice, urine, semen”. Let's take one at a time and define our Hebrew definitions

and in doing so we find our Hebraic intent:

1) Juice, (6071) āciyc (aw-sees') עסיס - “must, trodden out”. It's root ;âcayc

(aw-sas') עסס defined as “squeeze, trample” (6072). Lets look at a few verses

that utilize juice and see what we can extrapolate:

LIQUIDITY Page 2 of “...I would give you spiced wine to drink, from the juice (6071) of my

pomegranates.” (Song 8:2) Deeper still:

“I would give you spiced (7544 “perfumery”) wine (3196

“effervescence”) to drink (8248 “irrigate, furnish a portion”), from the essence

(6071 the must of the being squeezed) of my pomegranates (7416 “upright,

rise”).” Now for the full revelation, the hidden mystery:

“I will give you fragrant intoxication to quench, from the essence of

My [Yahweh] exalted state of mind.” The Hebrew intent, based on Hebrew

words and their definitions, always speaks first to the Kingdom where Yahweh

resides, the Kingdom of thoughts and their boundaries made available to

chosen souls. Lets look at another verse with āciyc (6071):

“I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, and they will

be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine (6071).” (Isayah

49:26) This time, āciyc is translated as “wine”. Lets go deeper:

“I will feed (348 “eat, consume”; the same consumption discussed in

Genesis 1:29) those [who?] who oppress (3238 -“rage, suppress”) you [who?]

with their own flesh (“fresh, be full”; the same word translated as “meat” and

discussed in detail in our Genesis 1:26 verse, illustrated in this verse of Isayah

as “fresh wicked thoughts”); and they will be drunken (7937 -“satiate”) with

their own blood (carnal “life force”; see Genesis 1:26-28), as with sweet wine

(the must of being squeezed, trampled and pressed within; 6071).” Now the

hidden mystery:

“I will consume those [thoughts] who suppress you [your renewing

mind] with their wickedness, and they will be satiated with carnal life force,

as with those thoughts that are pressed and renewed.” (Isayah 49:26)

You see as it is with all Hebrew understandings, the Kingdom being

discussed is always and foremost internal; the Kingdom of thought. And within

that Kingdom resides two forms of flesh (good and wicked) until a soul returns to

it's commanded perfect state. This reveals that war within and Yahweh.


of Sovereignty over it. A mathematical equation of sorts to express our first

definition for “water”:

Juice = Fruitful Thoughts; Clean Water

2) Urine: shayin שין (shay yin) (7890) - “urinate, piss, make water”. Lets look at the few verses that

utilize the word shayin. As always the Hebraic intent is always further vetted by the context of what each

verse is discussing, so by all means confirm everything said within this work. At II Kings 18:27 רכ־שקה

rabshakeh (7262 - “abundant irrigation”) attempts to speak forth a curse:

“... who like you, will have to eat (398 - consciously consume) their own

waste [refuse] and drink (irrigate with) their own urine (water coming from a

source other then Yahweh) with you.” To the deeper hidden place:

“...who like you [thoughts not not partaking of pure water] will have to

consciously devour their own fallen thoughts and nourish their souls with

carnal life force.” The math:

Urine = Thoughts derived from the unclean will; unclean water.

3) Semen – In order to reach the hidden parts that lead to a word not specifically ever utilized

in Scripture we need not go far. As a matter of fact we go directly to words already exposed at

Genesis 1:11 - “...yielding seed...” It could have been translated just as easily as “sowing seed”

and we could find our Hebraic intent. Lets do so by analyzing the two Hebrew words even closer:

Yielding/sowing: zarâ זרע (zaw-rah - 2232) - “sow, disseminate, plant,

fructify”. As with other Hebrew words it is wise to understand that in the

economy of good and wickedness, clean and unclean, one needs to consider

the duality of every Hebrew word that other Scriptures necessitate duality. For

instance if we have such verses as, “Whatever a mind (adam) reaps he shall

sow...” (Galations 6:7-8), it needs to stay in context with all of Scripture thus

making it clear there is obviously both good and bad sowing; duality. And as for

this other word:

Seed: zera זרע (zerah - 2233) - “fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity”. This


The Hebrew word actually has it's roots in the word zarâs זרע (zaw-rah) which just

happens to be our word translated “yielding/sowing” (2232). Perhaps Mattithyah

chapter 13 best illustrates how the “sowing of seed” is as much a mental

process as anything else. And perhaps the “parables” we have been exploring

are the entirety of Torah (mind patterns) and it is time to realize it for this season

upon earth. Might I suggest you stop now and read Mattithyah 13 and really

focus on what verses 10 through 17, and most especially to verse 10, which

clearly reveals that the work we delve into is truly that pearl of great price.

We also do well to recognize that the “sowing of seed” has obviously given

one the right to consider it as the potential to create physical offspring. Yes

indeed, the physical world, the shadow of the thought world, certainly gives

legitimacy to the idea that “semen” itself alludes to the production of children.

Why even the Greeks worked hard to promote such as their very translation for

our Hebrew words and “sowing seed” is their word sperma σπέρμα (sper-mah -

4690G). It definitions of course “sown, seed, sperm, offspring”.

So in extrapolating the hidden mysteries, unveiling the parables, we find

that our definition, the third word to describe our Hebrew word for “water”, truly

intends to speak of sown seed, and this of course describing what takes place

within the mind long before the physical side follows. In summing it up:

Semen = The seed of our thoughts and what is sown from those thoughts;

the origin and makeup of the water.

Just a bit more to sow up (pun intended) the true reality that “sowing seed”

has and will always be, via the language of Creation – the Hebrew language, a

mental matter long before it was a physical one. Several verses should do:

“And Yahweh said, The life force (adam/men) of this [a specific one]

world (8398 תכל- “moist, flow”; fallen thought plain) will never subject

themselves to My Plan (the origins of Genesis 1:1), for they are indeed

carnally (7903/2233 שככ זרע “lie, fruit, sowing”) minded (5315 - “breathing”; of

Genesis 1:19; often translated as “soul” and “create” and “life”)... (Genesis



We learn that it would only be five chapters after Genesis 1 that Yahweh

limits man’s “life” due to the wicked sowing of his mind. Carnality itself sharing

it's definition from our word “seed” (זרע -2233 zera‛) which has it’s roots in our

word yield/sow (2232 זרע zâra‛). A mind matter for sure. A few more verses:

“A false witness (5707 -“testimony, recorder”) speaks lies (3576 -

“deceive”), and sows (mentally disseminates) discord (4090 -“strife, rule”)

among the brothers (251 -”affinity”).” (Proverbs 6:19).

Your tendency to think “all things physical” is best overcome by simply

looking to the Hebrew language, the language of creation. If someone were to

walk up to you and simply say the word “affinity”, you would never think of a

physical person but more of a likeness. This is exactly what Hebraic intent

always speaks to, the inner Kingdom, and “brothers” are not first and foremost

physical people, but rather those whose minds are very similar; like minded!

Following suit, a “false witness” is none other then a lying thought within that

causes the entire body [congregation] of thoughts to fall into discord, thus

leading from confused thoughts to the larger “ideas” of discord. Is it any wonder

that when Yahweh separated the languages [mind speak], the first Kingdom

built was Babylon (894 -“confusion, overflow”). One more verse for good


“They who sow (mentally disseminate) in tears (1832 -“weeping, juice”)

will reap (7114 -“curtail, harvest”) in joy (7440 -“creak, shout”).” (Psalm 126:5)

Notice how the tears are the “juice (fruit)” of renewing thoughts, leading to of

course, joy!

Our last step in solving the parables of water, the hidden mysteries of

Hebraic intent, is to of course what was promised by Yahshua in verses like

Yahchanan 4:10 best summed up at chapter 7 verse 38: - “He who believes

(539 -“build up, support”) in me, as the Scripture [written thought patterns

Yahweh gave and allowed] has said, out of his heart (“center of intellect”) will

flow rivers (5103 “stream, be cheerful”) of living water.”


It is this “Living Water” we must now fully examine and we come to find we

have already delved deeply into the hidden mystery. Our word for “living” was

first discovered at Genesis 1:20 as the word “life”. The Hebrew word is chay

(2416) (khah-ee). It’s definitions are again, “alive, raw, fresh, strong”. It’s root

word is chayah (khaw-yah) (2421), “live, revive”. It is a Hebrew word translated

as “living” but also “running” and “springing” and “alive”, as well as “troop”,

“beast” and “creature”. We have seen these other translations used at Genesis

1:21-26 as well. Tying together our work up to this point we can all espouse with

confidence that our living water includes only two of the definitions of our word

(4325) mayim (may-yim) translated as “water”, and those are “juice, semen”;

the fruit of and the source of the life. In both instances Yahweh is the recipient of

all glory. He alone is the source (seed) and the fruit (juice) of what the mind of

chosen souls bask in. It is the “alive, fresh, raw, strong” thoughts and messages

(aka malakim (4397); erroneously translated as “angels”) placed into the

vanquished mind that brings renewal and regeneration of a transformed mind;

the fulfillment of Romans 12:2. It is Yahweh alone who enacts and enables this

process of “Living Water” within, the reason He sealed His Mind Compact

(Covenant) with none but His own; “My Covenant”.

We now know the source and what the source pertains to, the source and

fruit of renewing thoughts, so let's further explore the parables for just a little

more insight. We go to another Hebrew word to do so:

The word is tsâmê צמא (tsaw-may). It’s definition is in fact it’s translation

as well; “thirst”. It behooves us to keep proving up what has perhaps become

your reality at this point, and that is the inner recognition that the Hebrew

language, the language of Creation, it’s definitions and most important it's

Hebraic intent, always first speaks to Yahweh’s Kingdom, the Kingdom within

chosen souls. Lets simply write out a few verses from the Psalms and

Yahchanan (John) to shore up these facts:

“Our souls thirst for You, O Living Father.” (Psalm 42:2)

“Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.” (Psalm 107:5)


“Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will become in him

like a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” (Yahchanan 4:12)

“On the last day, the Great day of the Feast, Yahshua stood and

cried, If any life thirsts, let him come to me, and drink; He who believes in

me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living

water.” (Yahchanan 7:37-38) Always a mind issue first and foremost!

So we have come to understand the main definitions for our Hebrew word

mayim (may-yim); water. Don’t be surprised to find definitions beyond our

discovery, a work that is yours to do. I want to help you come to understand the

many variances of water and you can enjoy yourself placing them into the

appropriate categories. I will make a list below so you can dig as deep as you

like. Enjoy!


“fountain” (5869 - “eye, perception”) of water” - (Genesis 16:7)

“bottle (2573 - “tied, join”) of water” - (Genesis 21:14)

“well (875 - “pit, engrave, explain”) of water” - (Genesis 21:19)

“pitcher (3537 - “deepen”) of water” - (Genesis 24:17)

“springing, aka living (2416 - “alive, raw, fresh, strong”) water” -(Genesis


“river (2475 - “channel”) of water” - (Exodus 4:9)

“water below (“under, hidden”)” - (Exodus 20:4)

“pools (4723 - “confidence, bind”) of water” - (Exodus 7:19)

“running, aka living (2416) water” - (all of Leviticus 14)

“holy (6918 - “sacred, be, make”) water” - (Numbers 5:17)

“bitter (4751 - “angry, trickle”) water” - (Numbers 5:23)

“water of purifying (2403 - “offense, miss”)” - (Numbers 8:7)

“water of separation (5079 - “rejection, impurity”)” - (Numbers 19:9)

“water out of the rock (5553 - “lofty, fortress”)” - (Numbers 20:8)

“waters of Meribah (4809 - “quarrel, toss”)” - (Numbers 20:13)

“twelve (think “12 tribes/faculties”) fountains (“eye, perception”) of water” -

(Numbers 33:9)

“brooks (5158 - “torrent, inherit”) of water” - (Deuteronomy 8:7)


“water of red (5488 - “reed, rod, erect”) sea (“roar”)” - (Deuteronomy 11:4)

“water of Jordan (3383 - “descend, down”)” - (Yahshua (Joshua) 3:8)

“water of Nephtoah (5318 - “opened, begin”)” - (Yahshua 15:9)

“springs (1543 - “round, roll”) of water” - (Yahshua 15:19)

“water of Jericho (3405 - “fragrant”)” - (Yahshua 16:1)

“cruse (6835 - “expand, flat”) of water” - (1 Samuel 26:12)

“water of affliction (3905 - “press, distress”)” - (1 Kings 22:27)

“drops (5197 - “distill, fall in”) of water” - (Iyyob (Job) 36:27)

“standing (98 - “collect, stockade”) water” - (Psalm 107:35)

“deep (6013 - “profound”) water” - (Proverbs 20:5)

“water of the old (3465-“lanquid, stale”) pool (1295 –“kneel”)” - (Isayah


“clean (2889 -”pure, bright”) water” - (Yeremyah 8:14)

“living (2416) water” - (Yahchanan 4:10)

“salt (4417 - “pulverize, disappear”) water” - (Yaaqob (James) 3:12)

“water of life (2416)” - (Revelation 21:6, 22:1, 22:17)


“face (6440 - “countenance”) of the waters” - (Genesis 1:2)

“waters of the sea (3220 - “roar, noisy”)” - (Genesis 1:10)

“flood (3999 - “deluge, unwilling”) of waters” - (Genesis 6:17)

“waters of Merom (4792 - “height, elevation”)” - (Yahshua 11:5)

“waters of En-shemesh (5885 - “eye of brilliance”)” - (Yahshua 15:7)

“waters of Megiddo (4023 - “rendevous, pressing”)” - (Judges 5:19)

“waters unto Beth-barah (1012 - “house of crossing”)” - (Judges 7:24)

“waters of Israyl (3478 - “ruled by Yahweh”)” - (2 Kings 5:12)

“mighty (5794 - “strong, harsh”) waters” - (Nehemyah 9:11)

“stolen (1589 - “thief, deceive”) waters” - (Proverbs 9:17)

“cold (7119 - “chill, quiet”) waters” - (Proverbs 25:25)

“waters of Nimrim (5249 - “clear, filtrate”)” - (Isayah 15:6)

“waters of Dimon (1775 - “pining, mope”)” - (Isayah 15:9)

“waters of cistern (953 - “hole, prison”)” - (Isayah 36:16)

“waters of Yahdah (3063 - “praise/love”)” - (Isayah 48:1)

“waters of Noah (5146 - “rest”)” - (Isayah 54:9)

“waters to boil (1158 - “gush, desire”)” - (Isayah 64:2)


“waters of Sihor (7883 - “dark, turbid”)” - (Yeremyah 2:18)

“waters of Gibeon (1391 - “hilly”)” - (Yeremyah 41:12)

“waters of strife (aka “Meribah”, 4808 - “quarrel”) in kadesh (6946 -

“sanctuary, sacred”)” - (Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 47:19)

“waterspouts (6794 - “hollow”)” - (Psalm 42:7)

It was when I basked in His Presence that the words of Isayah 32:20

came off the page like a sword in my mind. For many years I struggled with the

Hebrew concept of water. It wasn’t that I failed to understand that the “living

water” that would cause one to “never thirst again” was not a metaphysical

statement, but that the Hebraic intent was much more. As I read 32:20, Yahweh

superimposed the “...all waters,” part within me. It was in that very moment that I

knew He was going to answer what was years in the making. It is the reason the

beginning of the verse started this body of work: “Blessed are you who sow

beside all waters...” I think we have a better understanding now, no? I think

what is most compelling to me is how a soul does need to in fact sow beside

even the “urine” aspect of water. It may in fact be the most crucial as one

literally needs to mentally “sow” their mind out of such waters. We do well to

label it the “reconciliation” and “redemption” aspect of the sowing.

And then of course there is the finishing of the verse of Isayah 32:20 -

“...who [the blessed one] can safely send forth [into consciousness] the

feet (7272 - “be moist, new”) of the ox (7794 - “traveler, turn”) and the donkey

(2543 - “red, trouble”).”

Yes indeed, it is the blessed mind that can sow (plant and reap) beside all

waters (fruitful, harmful and origin of thoughts). It is this one who can send forth

renewed , (feet) thoughts that form new ideas. This one can let his mind explore

(ox) new levels of Yahweh's boundaries in thought, new expansions, and this

one can stand in the countenance (face) of danger (donkey) with poise, balance,

peace and most importantly a mind filled with the love that never fails!

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Charlie Perry Charlie Perry


A simply rhyme with significant meaning.

We are getting to “the” word; certainly, indeed. But in order to do so there

are things we need to see. And by “see” we speak not to matters of life physical,

but true to Hebraic intent, of internal perceptions and mind principles.

There once was a language, it was said to be “One”. Every soul spoke it,

other languages there were none. A language called ʽIbriy עכרי (ib-r-ree)

(“Hebrew”), His first order of business. For indeed when He spoke it, the unseen

now evident. To be defined not only as language, but even deeper as

“termination”, the Hebrew word sâphâh שפה (saw-faw), the mind allocations.

We perceive by “termination” that boundaries were demanded; “Don’t think how

you want to, but only as I [Yahweh] have commanded!”

Have we yet reached “the” word? No not yet! For without the backdrop we

would miss true intent. The Hebrew word is bâlal כלל (baw-lal), and sadly it

needed to be spoken: “Come now! I [Yahweh] will go down, and there I will

mix (bâlal) their language (mind boundaries), that they may not understand

one another's speech.” (Genesis 11:7) Was it here that two eternities

manifested? No indeed, it was not! For it was preceded on day six, “And he

ate!”, set the plot!

“Division, division, division, division!” – a mental matter, named with

precision. The Hebrew word is Bâbel ֑ככל (baw-bel), of course it means

“Confusion!” Terminations within scattering, the mind allocations, smattering!

No longer would “Oneness with His Mind”, be a given – for all Adams living.

Are we there yet, is “the” word yet spoken? Have you yet perceived how

the mind's bindings were broken? And what of the way back; how a soul tends

salvation? If “perfection” be commanded, how shall one muse? Is the pathway

specific, or apt to minds ruse? Me thinkest there a way, a narrow path chosen

– if so it a pattern, something sealed by the Sovereign! And could it be that of

this pattern to be explored, it could be summed up in one verse, more radically,

in one word?

Sated Page 2 of “And His power has granted to us all things pertaining to life and

holiness, through the full KNOWLEDGE of Him, Who has called us to glory

and virtue.” (II Kepha (Peter) 1:3)

yâdaʽ ירע (yaw-dah); “know”

How could it not be? Surely I'm ecstatic! For how many hundreds of

verses demand this? That part and parcel of our word for “know”, would include

the Name of the Only One Who Is So! In the “yaw (yah)”, life and holiness

found! And without the yaw (yah), to confusion one is bound! His Name and His

Knowledge, inexorably intertwined, that to claim one yet not speak the other,

“Babes on milk!”, His chide.

Perhaps one more thing, if I may entice. Like wisdom to her beauty, in

knowledge, a mind blithe. Decreed as the pathway, yâdaʽ now esteemed! Yet

not as the pinnacle; that which exceeds! It's the Name “Yahweh” that holds

every mind's keys! Yes even David's – the mind's intimacy. To know the Name

Yahweh, fulfillment of mind's life! If one could be so bold, the Pearl of Great

Price! And now that you've attained it, never let go! Sell all you have, to keep

what you know.

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