
In order to fully perceive and this means “consciously grasp,” all that

Yahweh intends in Scripture, we must first discuss the overarching mandate

about Scripture. Two specific verses do this most crucial of tasks well:

The first spoken by Yahshua the anointed when he states, “My Kingdom

is not of this world.” (John 18:36) The word for Kingdom (מלכות malkût,

malkuw, malkuwth, malkuth, malkuyah) carries the definitions; “rule, dominion,

realm.” Interestingly enough it is also known as the “humility” branch of the Tree

of Life within. And so we now grasp that Yahshua was saying to us that, “My

‘rulership, dominion, realm’ is not of the physical world man lives in.”

The second verse that magnifies a specific reality is found in Luke 17:21,

“Neither will they say, ‘Look here!’ or; ‘Look there!’ For behold, the

Kingdom of Yahweh is within (consciously among) you.”

And so it is with these scriptures and the many that uphold and affirm

them, that we must come to a conclusion that will forever alter and illuminate

perceptions that have been for far to long held to. With a simple question we

break through vast paradigms and open ourselves to a whole new world of

thought processes; thought processes that as well are not of this world. The

question: “If the Kingdom of Yahweh is not of this world, but rather the world

within, then are any of His Laws, Commands, Precepts, Statutes and the like,

for this world? This physical world?”

Utilizing this most holy of patterns we now commence to answering one of

the most poignant questions available to the seekers of absolute truth: “If His

Kingdom is not of this physical world then what is the ‘promised land,’ and what

in fact is the nation of Israel; the people of Israel?’”

We start in the garden (“hedge, protected”) and move on from there.

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Hedge, protected: Right away, upholding the mandated pattern, we see the

garden as a place of protection, and this over the processes of thought that

would be available to mankind. Let’s look at a specific scripture to unveil the

pattern even further.

“Then Yahweh blessed him and Yahweh said to him: ‘Be fruitful and

multiply; fill the earth and subdue it: have rulership over the fish of the

sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the

earth.’” (Genesis 1:28)

“But it certainly looks like Yahweh is speaking of a physical world?” Of course

this has been your long held perception and we will begin to peel back the

layers as we simply define terms according to the holy language; the language

of another realm; the Hebrew language.

“Then (after creating all available realms of consciousness: dark, light, sun,

moon, stars, trees, etc.) Yahweh (The Perfect Consciousness) blessed him

(Âdam) and Yahweh said to him (mankind): ‘Be fruitful (mentally bear forth)

and multiply (duplication of perfect thoughts); fill the earth (אריץ ʼerets (ehʹ-

retsʼ); “to be firm”; man’s mental dominion) and subdue (take mental dominion)

it (consciousness, the Mental Kingdom): have rulership (mental thought

control) over the fish (רגה dāgâ; “rapid” unruly thoughts) of the sea (יצב yāsab;

“roar, noise”; tempestuous thought realm), over the birds (עוף ʽôp; “cover”;

obscure thoughts) of the air (שמים šāmayim “lofty”; grandizement; “self”

righteousness), and over every living (consciously active) thing (thought

process) that moves (swiftly glides) upon the earth (totality of man’s thought


Due to our failure to “take every thought captive unto obedience,” we would

be forced out of the protected thought world originally intended, leading to a

battle within; the “flesh vs. Mind” pattern revealed to us in Scripture. Let’s move

forward to the time of the Exodus (leaving behind of the carnal “self”), on the

journey to the promised land.

“So I have come down to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians,

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and to bring them up from that land to a rich land, a spacious land, to a

land flowing with milk and honey; the home of the Canaanites, Hittites,

Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites.” (Exodus 3:8)

Physical or mental? Both? Physical then mental? Mental then physical? It

is crucial to each individual soul that the perfect pattern back to the Perfect

Conscience be revealed. Of course it has to be revealed within; in your

processes of thought! This in itself exposes the pattern and in doing so aligns

with the commands, “My Kingdom is not of this world” for “My Kingdom is

within you!” The physical manifestation is merely the manifestation of what

has already been decided within. As per Scripture, thoughts create! Diseased

mind, diseased world. Pure mind, pure world. Let’s look at the Exodus verse

again from the Kingdom perspective; the Mental world.

“So I (Yahweh, the Perfect Conscience) have come down (from the

exalted thought plain, the “upper room,” to the lower “self” thought plain, the ego

driven realm) to deliver (free in conscience) them (chosen ones; chosen

thoughts) out of the hands (mental grasp) of the Egyptians (מצרים misrayim:

“limit, mound, siege”; the distressed material conscience), and to bring them

(redeemed ones; redeemed thoughts) up (to the exalted thought plain; the

garden) from that land (אריץ ʼerets - the firmly established carnal thought plain)

to a rich (consciously prosperous) and spacious (mentally multiplying) land

(אריץ ʼerets - the firmly established pure thought plain), to a land (ʼerets)

flowing (ever nourishing) with milk (חלב hālāb; “rich, fat”; mentally abundant

thoughts) and honey (רבש dᵉbaš “gummy, sticky, sweet”; mentally peaceful and

loving thoughts); the home (unredeemed mindset) of the Canaanites (כנעני

kᵉnaᵆnî; “material”; material mindedness), Hittites (חתך hittî; “dismay, dred”;

mental depression), Amorites (אמרי ʼᵉmōrî; “highlander, lofty”; carnal wisdom),

Perizzites (פרזי pᵉrizzî; “countryman”; five sense consciousness), Hivetes (חוי

hiwwî; “animation, physical existence”; wrong world, physical consciousness),

and the Jebusites ( יבוסי yᵉbûsî; “trodden down”; the contemptuous thought


Is it any wonder David tells us to, “Taste (“perceive”; consciously grasp)

and see (mentally grasp) that Yahweh is good!” (Psalm 34:8) Is it not as well,

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very compelling that six in Hebrew “gematria” is recognized as the number of

man (fallen thoughts), and that in order to receive that which the promised land

(renewed and perfected conscience) offers man must battle the “six” constructs

of thoughts (the carnal nations) within the promised land.

Upon our entrance into the promised land we must always remember that

patterns have been established inside that promised land. Let’s look to

Yahshua (“Yahweh saves,” Yahweh saves the fallen mind) to perceive.

“Every place you set the bottom of your feet, I will give you just as I

promised to Môsheh. From the wilderness, and from Lebanon to the great

river, the Euphrates River - all the Hittite country - and to the Great Sea on

the west, shall be your territory. No man will be able to stand his ground

in front of you… Be strong and courageous, for you will lead these people

and enable these people to inherit the land that I promised by oath to their

forefathers to give them.” (Yahshua 1:3-6)

And now a view from His Kingdom:

“Every place (realm of thought) you set (consider) the sole (כף kap;

“hand, power, curve”; conscious ability) of your feet (רנל regel; “step,

reconnoiter”; conscious stability), I will give (administer dominion over) you,

just as I promised to Môsheh (the conscience drawing out the Mind Kingdom).

From the wilderness (מרבר midbār; “driving, pasture, field, arrange”; the

realization of inner desolation), and from Lebanon (לבנון lᵉbānôn; “white, heart,

transport”; “self” righteousness) to the Great (prominent) river (thought stream),

the Euphrates (פרת pᵉrāt; “break, rush”; belief in material prosperity over mind

prosperity) - all the Hittite (mental depression) country (thought plain opening)

- and to the Great Sea (tumultuousness in thoughts) on the west (ים yām;

“roar, a sea”; the ego’s cry), shall be your territory (mental boundaries to take

dominion over). No man (carnal thought) will be able to stand (erect within the

conscience) his ground (void thoughts) in front (the mental opening, the east

gate within) of you (redeemed thinker)… Be strong (consciously dependent on

Yahweh) and courageous (led by faith), for you will lead these (the chosen)

people (thoughts) and enable (by the Mind) these people to inherit (mental

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lineage) the land (ʼerets) that I promised (unilaterally granted) by oath (mind

covenant) to their forefathers (א āˈ; “chief”; principal thoughts) to give

(favorably bestow) them (chosen and redeemed thoughts).”

It is not necessary to negate the temporary reality of a physical existence,

but what is crucial is that you apply the appropriate pattern to unlocking the

mysteries of Scriptures. This can only be done with a mindset that say’s,

“Everything (all reality) is first within (in the conscience, the Mental dominion)

before it is without (in the physical realm). “To understand that the totality of

Scripture is to be understood as such is what opens the depths of what Yahweh

is truly saying, and forever changes your mental perceptions. Let’s look at some

more examples with the “within, then without” pattern in mind and in order to

magnify the intent, let’s first look at a profound and telling example of another

most illuminating Hebrew word:

It is Strong’s #127h. The “h” is for the “Hebrew” dictionary provided in

Strong’s Concordance. The word for #127 is; ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ, (ad-aw-mawʹ); “soil

(from its general redness): - country, earth”… The root word is said to be

Strong’s #119; ארם ʼâdam, (aw-damʹ); “show blood, flush.”

And as for the word soil (שרה śādeh), we have the meaning, “spread, field”;

thought plain. And for blood (רם dām); “blood”; life force.

Has not the eye seen and the ear heard? Another word for “earth” in the

Hebrew text is Strong’s #127, ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ, from the root #119, ארם ˈādēm.

ʼÂdam! Earth is man! Earth is the mind of man! Now for the examples:

“And Yahweh made (formed in consciousness) the beast (חי hay; “alive,

strong, active”; unruly thought processes) of earth (ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ; “soil, earth,

blood”; man’s conscience) according to its land (מין mîn; “portion, sort”; realm

of thought) and everything (moving thought) that creeps (רמש remeś; “rapidly

move, glide, crawl”; moving in conscience) on the earth (#776, ארין ʼerets; “to be

firm”; a foundation in the conscience) according to its kind.” (Genesis 1:25)

The beasts are the yet redeemed (through testing) thought processes that

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dwell with each living soul (earth, ʼădâmâh), with a conscious life force (blood,

ʼâdam). As stated, there are differing kinds of animals (unruly thoughts) that

must be brought into subjection to the will of Yahweh alone, that will culminate, if

one is victorious, in the perfected conscience (the “land” of “milk” and “honey”).

Within, and then without.

“So now, you (Cain, קין qayin; “possession”; the depraved conscience)

are cursed from the earth (ˈᵃdāmâ; life force in consciousness) which has

opened its mouth (פה peh; “mouth, edge, puff”; active force) to receive your

brothers blood (life force) from your hand (“ability to grasp in the

conscience”).” (Genesis 4:11)

Again, the curse is the giving over of a mental position to a depraved

state. Within (His Kingdom), and only then without (physical).

“How will it be known that you are pleased with me (the conscience

that “draws out” mental manna; Môsheh) and your people (thoughts ruled by

and for Yahweh; Israel), unless you go (mentally guide) with us? And what

else would separate (set apart) me and your people from all other people

(foreign nations; foreign thoughts) on the face (פנה pāneh; “face, appear”;

conscious countenance) of the earth (ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ; to show blood, conscious

life force).” (Exodus 33:16)

The conscience being perfected is the conscience “set apart” and granted

access to the Kingdom within; the Temple of Yahweh

“You (redeemed thoughts) shall keep (consciously uphold) His Statutes

(חקה huqqâ; “appointments, enactments”; mind ordinances), and His Laws (תורה

tôrâ; Torah - “precept, flow”; mind guidance, mind patterns) which I (the

conscience that “draws out” kingdom principles) command you this day (time

of illumination within) that it may go well with you and your children (mental

lineage) after you, and that you may prolong your days (illuminations) upon

the earth (#127 ˈᵃdāmâ; conscious life force) which Yahweh Your Father

(dominant thoughts) is giving to you for all time (eternal).” (Deuteronomy


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The allotted Mind of Yahweh, expressed through His Ruach (Mind) by the

example of His Son (“builders” of consciousness) Yahshua (“Yahweh saves”;

saves the fallen mind), was revealed through obedience to perfectly established

thought patterns that existed long before their physical manifestations. Physical

earth (carnal mindedness) will pass away, but the perfected conscience (“new

earth”; “land of milk and honey”) will endure forever.

“And do not ever cut off your kindness (“checed”, the right arm of the

Tree of Life within) from my (“Jonathan”, Yahweh has given) father's house

(mindset) - not even when Yahweh has cut off (consciously removed) every

one of David’s (רור dāwid; “boil, love, lover”; loves) enemies (ego driven

thoughts; “self” will) from the face (conscious countenance) of the earth (adam

- blood - life force - mind of man).” (I Samuel 20:15)

When the Temple within is fully established (perfection attained), all

foreign thinking (anti law mind patterns) will be forever removed. It is King David

(love) that does this within and brings one into the fullness of the Promised

Land; the perfected conscience.

“… The children (thoughts in training) of Israel (the conscience that

strives with Yahweh) gathered (congregating thoughts) themselves together

with fasting (צום sôm; “cover”; afflicting the conscience), with sackcloth (שק

śaq; “mesh, course”; conscious humbling), and with earth (ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ; firm

resolve) upon (within) them.” (Nehemiah 9:1)

It is paramount that one sees the expressions of “earth” as “firm resolve”

within the conscience; ʼâdam. The life force (blood) is the active thought world,

the kingdom that is not physical.

“Who (reprobate thoughts) perished at En-dor (עיןראר ʹên-dōʹr; “fountain

of a dwelling”; familiar carnal understandings), and became like refuse

(reprobation) on the earth (ʼâdam).” (Psalm 83:10)

This is the first ʼÂdam within every soul that must decrease, so that the

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second ʼÂdam (the mental man) can increase.

“Then He (Yahweh, from His Temple within) will give you rain (מטר

mātār; “cause to rain upon”; Mental outpouring) for your seed (זרע zeraˊ; “to

sow, plant”; mental manna placed within the “soil;” ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ - “spread, field”;

thought plain) with which you will sow (mentally plant and disseminate) the

ground (also ארמה ˈᵃdāmâ); and bread (לחם lehem; “bread, feed, consume”;

Mental manna) from the increase (growing wisdom and understanding) of the

earth (ʼâdam) will be fat (abundant) and plenteous (always multiplying). In

that day your cattle (מקנה miqneh; “bought, property, acquisition”; procured

thoughts) will feed (mentally nourish) in large pastures (כר kar; “plumpness,

meadow”; conscious well-being).” (Isayah 30:23)

“Behold, the eyes (עין ˊayin; “eye, fountain”; Mind's perception) of the

Father are upon the sinful (ego driven) kingdom (thought world), and I will

destroy it (the ego) from the face (conscious countenance) of the earth

(ʼâdam); except that I will not utterly destroy the house (mindset) of Jacob

(the conscience being redeemed, supplanted), say’s Yahweh.” (Amos 9:8)

A few more with a different perspective, but the same end goal:

“Then he (priest; repetition of Law within) shall take some of the holy

(pure) water (mental energy) in an earthen (חרש hereś; “pottery”; moldable dust;

moldable ʼâdam; moldable minds) jars (ability to contain) and put some dust

(עפר ˊāpār; “powdered, clay, earth”; renewed understanding) from the

Tabernacle (משכן miškăn; “residence”; temple within) floor (place of rending)

into the water.” (Numbers 5:17)

The renewing of the conscience is a mental matter of a Mental Kingdom; a

Kingdom that is not physical. A Kingdom that defeats the former kingdoms of

man made thoughts and ideas.

“…He who is from the earth (the 1 st ʼÂdam) is earthly (ego driven), and

speaks of the earth (materiality); he who has been called out (consciously

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separated) by Yahweh will come to be over (mental dominion; the

unoffendable mind) all.” (John 3:31)

“For we know earthly (ego driven) house (mindset), tent (mental

covering), is destroyed, we have a building (Temple) from Yahweh, a house

(mindset) not made with hands (carnal grasping), eternal in Yahweh.” (II

Corinthians 5:1)

“This wisdom (worldly intellect) is not from above (the exalted Temple

within), but is earthly (of the first ʼÂdam; ego driven), sensual (lust filled) and

wicked (from enmity within)… but the wisdom (“Chokmâh” of the Tree of Life

within) that is from above (the perfect conscience) is first pure, then

peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and righteous fruits,

without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” (Jacob 3:15-17)

And now we remind ourselves of the intent: “If His Kingdom is not of this

physical world, then what is the ‘promised land’, and what is in fact the ‘nation

of Israel; the people of Israel?’”

We have solidified the idea the earth is the embodiment of the mind of

man; the original adam. The soil is the ability to receive and disseminate

information. Yahweh’s Temple is the Mind consciousness within each soul; His

Mind Kingdom not of the physical world. So what then does the land represent?

We have already delved into it, but let’s look a little deeper:

“And Yahweh said, ‘Let the waters (diluted thoughts) under (lower than)

the sky (exalted thoughts) be gathered (congregate) into one place (mind

space) and let the dry (יבשה yabbāšâ; “dry, confused, ashamed”; mental void)

land (here again, ארץ ʹerets; - “to be firm”) appear.’” (Genesis 1:9)

When Yahweh created His Kingdom it was the creation of all available

levels of consciousness that was being created; “My Kingdom is not of this

(physical) world.” All of the “lands” are expressions of strongly held on to (“to

be firm”) constructs (nations) of thought. Let’s explore some:

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The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Ethiopia (כוש kûš;

“burned faces”; darkened double mindedness);

The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Shinar (שנער šinˊār;

“two rivers, divided stream”; errors in thought);

The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Egypt (מצרים misrayim;

“limit, shut-in, tribulation”; the material conscience);

The land of Canaan (כנען kᵉnaˊan; "humiliated, vanguish”; the dying


Is Canaan not the “land” that would now be called “Israel,” for the children

called “Israel?”

The land (firmly held thoughts in the conscience) of Israel (ישראל yiśrāʹēl;

“striving for Yahweh, His strength prevails”; thoughts ruled by and for His


And it would be that whenever one who has been redeemed in the

conscience hears the words “When you come into the land…,” that Yahweh’s

intent was to express thought processes and not physical entitlements. Israel;

the land of milk and honey, is none other than the opportunity to perfect one’s

conscience. “Be perfect (holy in all thoughts) as I (Yahshua) and my Father

(Yahweh) are perfect!” This command as with all others was a command of

mental status. And Yahshua was told the people (thoughts) Israel (striving for

perfection) would have to remove all foreign nations (constructs of thought)

when they inherited the land (firmly established righteousness). This is none

other than the war between flesh (ʼÂdam #1, the ego driven conscience), and

the Mind (ʼÂdam #2; the Mind conscience). Keeping the commands in the

land is keeping the Laws of Yahweh with your mind that is being renewed

by His Mind, for His Kingdom; the Mental Kingdom that is not of this

physical world.

So now we have the blueprint, the roadmap to discerning all things

Scriptural. Every Statute, Law, Command, Decree, Precept and more, dealing

with the Kingdom within, the Kingdom (King's dome) of Yahweh. With this

blueprint let’s discern what Yahweh intends with the often ignored and widely

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misunderstood scriptures of Exodus 23: 10-11, Leviticus 25: 1-7, Leviticus

25: 19-22, Deuteronomy 15: 1-6 and Deuteronomy 31: 10-11.

“Six (the overcoming of the carnal man within) years (שנה šānâ;

“revolutions, duplications”; practicing righteousness) you shall sow

(disseminate commanded mind patterns; Law, within the conscience) your land

(firmly established thought plain), and gather (mentally collect) its produce

(תכואה tᵉbûʹâ; “income, coming, going”; mental fruit). But the seventh

(completion of a cycle) year you shall let it (the thought plain) rest (שמט šāmat;

“fling, jostle, let alone”; trust!) and lie fallow (ניר nîr; “plowed, gleam”; open to

Yahweh’s directing alone), so that the poor (timid) among your people

(thoughts) may get food (Mental nourishment) from it (the thought plain in

rest), and the wild (yet redeemed) animals (חי hay;“alive, raw, fresh”;

undiscerned thoughts) may eat (consciously consume) what is left. Do the

same (let rest) your vineyard (כרם kerem; “garden”; protected and guarded

thoughts) and your olive (זית zayit; “illuminating prominent”; exalted) yard

(private thoughts).” (Exodus 23: 10-11)

“And Yahweh spoke (the still, small voice within) to Môsheh (the

conscience that “draws out” the mental) on Mount (higher plain) Sinai (סיני

sînay; “cliff, precipitous, sharp”; sifting in the conscience), saying, ‘When you

come into the land which I give you, then the land (אריץ ʹerets; firmly

established offering of a renewed conscience) you shall keep a Sabbath (שבת

šabbāt; “intermission, rest”; cessation of effort in thoughts) unto Yahweh. Six

years you shall sow your field (שרה śādeh; “spread”; mind expanse), and six

years you shall prune (זמר zāmar; “trim”; refine) your vineyard (wisdom &

understanding) and gather its fruit (mental abundance); but in the seventh

(time of completion) year there shall be a Sabbath of solemn (מוער môʹēd;

“fixed”; mentally appointed) rest for the land (established thought plain), a

Sabbath to Yahweh. You shall neither sow your field nor prune your

vineyard. What grows (conscience enhancement) voluntarily (נרבה nᵉdābâ;

“spontaneous, voluntarily;” impetuous thoughts) of your harvest (קציר qāsîr;

“severed, curtail”; unformed ideas) you shall not reap (קצר qāsar; “dock,

harvest”; mentally glean), nor gather (assimilate) the grapes (ענב ʹēnāb; “bear”;

perceptions) of your untended (נזיר nāzîr; “separate, abstain”; not correctly

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discerned) vine (wisdom’s understanding). The land (firmly established

consciousness) is to have a year (mental cycle) of rest (שבתון šabbātôn;

shabbath - “rest, repose”; mental holy year). Whatever the land yields during

the Sabbath (mental repose) year will be food (mental nourishment) for you -

for yourself, your manservant (עכר ʹebed; “servant, work, till”; toiling thoughts)

and maidservant (אמה ʹāmâ; “slave, hand”; emotions), for the hired (שכיר śākîr;

“wages, purchase”; maintaining) servant (שכיר śākîr; mental upkeep) and for

the stranger (foreign thoughts) who lives (mentally resides) among (within)

you, for your livestock (בהמה bᵉhēmâ; “mute, dumb”; ignorance) and the

animals (unredeemed thoughts) in your land (firmly established conscience) -

all its produce (conscious production) shall be for food (mental

consumption).’” (Leviticus 25:1-7)

“And if you say; ‘What shall we eat (consciously consume) in the

seventh (the time of “fullness”) year if we do not plant or harvest our crops

(mental production)?’ I will send you such a blessing (mental prosperity) in

the sixth (the “man” conscience) year that the land (mental firmness) will

yield (bring forth) enough (plentiful produce) for three (conviction leading to

mental resurrection; the 7 th , 8th and 9 th years of the seven year cycle, or the 7 th ,

1 st , and 2 nd which is the same) years. While you plant (mentally sow) during

the eighth (“plumpness”; super abundance in the conscience; the eighth year is

the 1 st year of a new cycle) year, you will eat from the old (the produce of the

6 th year) crop and will continue to eat (consciously consume) from it until the

harvest (conscious outpouring) of the ninth (“turn, upright”; renewal; the ninth

year is the 2 nd year of a new cycle) year comes in (into mental view).”

(Leviticus 25:19-22)

“At the end of seven years you shall grant a release (שמטה šᵉmittâ;

Shemittah, (shem-it-taw); - “remission, desist”; forgiveness and renewal in the

conscience). This is the form (mental arrangement) of the release: Every

creditor (בעל baʹal; “master, debt, grasp”; thoughts of being owed to) who has

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lent (mentally bestowed) to his brother (mental co-faculty, mental tribe, mental

branch) shall cancel (mentally relinquish) the debt (conscious obligation) he

has made by loan (mentally petition). He shall not press (mentally pressure)

his brother (unifying gift in consciousness specific to a certain realm of thought)

for payment (owing); it is Yahweh’s release (shemittah - forgiveness and

renewal in the conscience). From a foreigner (נכרי nokrծî; “strange, adulterous”;

unclean thought) you may press for payment (owing), but you shall release

(forgive unto renewal) what is owed from your brother (differing thought

realm). But there should be no poor (depression) or needy (wanting) among

(within) you, for Yahweh will greatly bless you in the land (consciousness of

substance and sweetness) Yahweh your Father (Conscious Master) is giving

you to possess (mentally strive for and attain) as an inheritance (complete

occupancy in the conscience). Only if you fully obey (keep patterned Mind

laws) Yahweh your Father, and are careful to observe (attentive in

conscience) and do (mentally keep) all these Laws (mental percepts) which I

(thoughts that “draw out” perfection) which I command you this day; for

Yahweh your Father will bless you, just as He promised (by Unilateral

Covenant; a Mind Contract with Yahweh alone as the guarantor) you (the

renewed conscience). You (conscience sanctified) will lend (offer wisdom &

understanding) to many nations (constructs of thought), but you shall not

borrow (gain wisdom and understanding) from them. You shall rule

(consciously delegate) over many nations, but they shall not rule (mental

influence) over you.” (Deuteronomy 15:1-6)

“Then Môsheh (that which “draws out” mental matters within)

commanded them (the congregation of thoughts), saying, ‘At the end

(accomplishment) of every seven years, in the set (appointment in

consciousness) time of the year of release (Shemittah), at the Feast

(appointed season for specific thinking) of Tabernacles (סכה sukkâ; “hut,

entwined, booth”; conscious connection in Yahweh’s Temple within); When all

Israel (both thoughts (people) and firmly established ideas (land), ruled by and

for Yahweh) comes to appear (at the forefront (east gate) of the conscience) in

front (each thought fully exposed) of Yahweh your Father in the place (mind

space; land) He shall choose, you must read (קרא qārāʹ; “accosting,

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encounter”; consciously face up to) this Law (all Mind patterns) before all

Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh; dominant ideas firmly established), in

their hearing (אזן ʼōzen; “broadness, expand”; mental understanding).’”

(Deuteronomy 31:10-11)

Within and then without! The keeping of the Shemittah and the two years

that follow it within each “seven year cycle” is an issue of the conscience. If the

thought processes, those lead by strict obedience to the Mind Laws (Torah)

decreed by Yahweh, are first manifest, then the “what to do” in the physical

realm will be a natural yet supernaturally so, by-product of an obedient mind.

You will know exactly what to do day by day, for you have fallen into the

Oneness decreed by Yahshua who proclaimed, “I have not spoken on my

own; but he Father who sent me gave me the Laws - What I should say and

what I should speak.” (John 12:49)

This is the culmination of “thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh,” (the people

called Israel) in the “firmly established processes of thought.” (the land called

Israel). There are thousands of verses that will help you keep the “within and

then without” pattern, for your tendency will be to think in the physical first, as

the ego has long trained you to do. Also in reference to the specific scriptures

we highlighted for the Shemittah, you will be pulled in the direction that speaks

in such a way: “It’s for the time when we are in the physical land Israel, not just

any land.” It would be nice to be able to hand pick certain commands and

discard them as such, and with that we end with just two of the thousands of

scriptures that are intended to keep you on the narrow road; and this within.

“When all these things come upon you; the blessings and the curses

I have set in front of you - wherever Yahweh your Father may disperse you

among the nations - then recall these things in your memory; and when

you and your children return to Yahweh your Father, and obey him with all

your heart (center of intellect) and all your soul, just as I have commanded

you to do this day. Then Yahweh will bring you back from captivity and

have compassion on you, and gather you again from all the nations where

He scattered you. If you are driven out even to the furthest land on earth,

from there, Yahweh your Father will gather you, and from there He will

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bring you … Yahweh your Father will circumcise your hearts (minds), and

the hearts (minds) of your descendants, so that you may love Him with all

your heart and all your soul, and live (the saved conscience).”

(Deuteronomy 30:1-6)

“For this Covenant is the Covenant that I will renew with the House

of Israel: ‘After those days’, says Yahweh, ‘I will put my Law in their inward

parts, and write in on their hearts (minds), and I will be their Father, and

they will be my people (thoughts ruled by Yahweh; Israel).’” (Hebrews 8:10)


Body and Flesh


Gender Gap