Gender Gap

Can we agree that to begin any matter by quoting Yahshua himself,

is really to end the matter? That his words of and about the Kingdom of Yahweh

encompass the totality of the Scriptures; free of all errors? Then it is from this

place that we lay the foundation of the purpose of this work, to reveal the hidden

mysteries of what indeed was Yahweh's intent in creating living souls commonly

known and translated as “man” and “woman”. It may seem that the foundation

we will lay is a little off course at first, but it is just the opposite. Might I submit

that because of improper foundations that have been espoused as “truth” for

thousands of years, that we find ourselves having to go on a journey first, in

order to go back to the beginning. Be patient. Be attentive. More than anything

be humble, for it takes humble courage to perhaps have to confess, “I got it all

wrong. I allowed others to deceive me and as well I deceived myself.”

Everything about this body of work is open to intense critique and criticism, but

also everything about this work cries out, “Prove it to be wrong with Scripture

alone!” Now back to our foundation via the words of Yahshua found at

Yôwnâthan (John) Chapter 14: “Let not your heart (lêb לכ; “center of

intellect”) be troubled... in my Father’s House (#1004, bayit בית “family, build”)

there are many offices (#6486, pᵉquddâh פקרה; “visitations, over seeings”; often

erroneously translated as “mansions”)... I go to prepare a place for you.”

(John 14:1-2)

And so our foundational focus at this time is the Hebraic concept and

intent of the House of Yahweh. We can start by acknowledging that the Hebrew

word bayith בית, with it's root as bānâh (בנה (#1129; speaks to the non-physical.

One thing that is a commonly held view is that the “House” Yahshua speaks to

is not an earthly home, and the common view is that it must be speaking to

some unseen house in the “heavens”. Yahshua will soon clarify this for us,

though it is missed by the masses even so, and then we can extrapolate on the

hidden mysteries I often characterize as “Hebraic intent”. More from Yahshua:

“And where I go [to the Father’s House] you know; and the way [to the

Father’s House] you know.” (John 14:4)

Was this talk for Kêph (Peter) alone? Is this verse for you as well.

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A whole chapter in fact? And if Yahshua is telling you that “you know”, then it

cannot be some far off place as well, can it? Now more from him:

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me?

The words that I speak to you, I did not speak on my own; but the Father

who dwells (shâkan שכן; “lodging, to lie” and yâshab ישב; "sit,

marry”) in me, He does the works.” (John 14:10).

And the consistency of His words, His freedom from any error whatsoever

in regards to the whole of Scripture, opens the door (in your mind of course) to a

striking reality that we must dig much deeper into: The Kingdom of Yahweh, the

place Yahweh has placed His House, is within the chosen soul, Yahshua being

the first! A few more words from Yahshua before we go back to the start of it all:

“The mind (rûwach רוח; “breath”; erroneously titled and translated as

“Spirit”) of truth (ʹemet אמת; "stability, build”; the same “build” as utilized to

define “house”), which the world (têbêl תבל; "earth, moist”; the dry,

confused, ashamed thought plain) cannot receive because it does not

perceive (a mental issue) Him, nor know (yâda; ירע; know, recognize”;

the Hebrew word yâda; (yaw-dah) that carries His Name; Yahweh) Him. But

you know Him for He dwells [has set up His lodging, His House] with you,

and will be in you.” (John 14:17) And when asked why Yahweh and Yahshua

would only dwell in specific, chosen souls and not fallen souls, He replied: “If a

life force [translated as “man”] loves Me, he will keep (shâmar שמר; guard” and châgag חגג; observe”) My plan, dâbâr רבר; word, arrange”), and My Father will love him, and we [Father and Son] will

come to him and make our home [the “House” of verses 1 & 2] in [within]

him.” (John 14:22-23)

The well established fact taught by Yahshua, the foundation that we are

laying, is that the House of Yahweh that resides in the Kingdom of Yahweh, is

within the minds of chosen souls; within!! We are going to the beginning to

establish this fact via Môsheh himself, but before we do lets settle the idea that

the Kingdom and the House are indeed on and of the same plain:

“The Kingdom of Yahweh does not come with observation [physical

seeing]; neither will they [foreign thoughts; the “gentiles”] say, Look here! or

Look there!, For Behold, the Kingdom of Yahweh is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21)

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“Yahshua answered, My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom

were of this world (the fallen thought plain; earth) then my servants would

fight... My Kingdom is not from here” (John 18:36).

“Do you not perceive that you are the House of Yahweh and the Mind

of Yahweh dwells in you? If anyone defiles (châzêq חזק; "foul,

contaminated”) the House of Yahweh, Yahweh will destroy him. For the

Kingdom (mamlākâh ממלכה; "dominion, reign”; the King’s Dome) of

Yahweh is holy (qâdôwšh קרוש; sacred, be clean”), which you are.” (I

Corinthians 3:16-17).

“Now I say this this brothers: that flesh (the wicked “raw, active”

thoughts borne forth from the fallen will) and blood (carnal “life force”) cannot

inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh; neither does corruption inherit

incorruption.” (I Corinthians 15:50, also see verses 45-49, showing it is all

about mental states and not life in the physical). Now lets go back to the time

the “House” was built:

The first indication of what was to be would come via a dream (hālam חלם bind, plump”) of Yaaqob (Yaʽăqôb יעקכ; heel, supplant, swell”). Jacob represents the regeneration of one’s thoughts and his dream was

an indicator of the House of Yahweh within (Genesis 28:17). We can see that

the gate (shaʽar שער; "opening, split”) is representative of the

transference (ladder) of messages (malʼâk מלאך; erroneously translated

as “angels”) from Yahweh’s exalted (sky; shâmayim שמים; “region above

the earth”; often translated as “Heaven”) thought plain to the lower thought plain

[earth]. (Genesis 28:10-12) We also come to see that Jacob’s mental “lineage”,

i.e. descendants, would spread to the West (yâm ים ; "roar”), East (qedem קרם "front, project”), North (tsâphôwn עפון; "hidden, dark") and South (negeb נגב "be parched”); all of the thought boundaries made available to souls.

at Genesis chapter 1:1-26. And so at Genesis 28:16, “this place” that Jacob realized

held Yahweh’s presence, was none other then within his mind where his dream took

place. “And he [the supplanted, renewing thoughts within; Jacob] called the name of

that place [the open (gate) front (east) of the mind] Beth Yahweh; The House of

Yahweh, but the name of the habitation (“city”, ʽîyr עיר; waking, opening”)

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had been (before inner transformation via Yahweh’s will; House) Luz (lûwz לוז; “deception”).” (Genesis 28:16-19)

That’s correct, the regenerating mind [Jacob] goes from a state of total

deception (Luz) to a transformative taking over (W, E, S, N) of the totality of the

thought world, via the will of Yahweh being placed into chosen souls, wherein

His renewing messages (malʼâk) build (House) Yahweh’s Kingdom!! Fast

forward to the time of Môsheh (Môsheh משה; "drawing, pull”) who

represents those thoughts that fight for Yahweh’s truths within, and we learn

more of this “House.”

Jacob was shown in a prophetic dream. At Exodus 15:17 we listen to Môsheh and a part of a song (shîyr שיש; “singing, strolling”).

of amazement towards Yahweh: “You [Yahweh] will bring them [renewed

minds, i.e. “people”] in [mental unity], and plant (nâta; נטע; “fix”)

them on the mountain (har הר; "range, loom”) (a.k.a. “Zion”,

tsîyôwn ציון; "conspicuous, clear, pillar”) of Your inheritance (nachălâh

נחלה; “occupancy”), the place [mind space] You made O Yahweh, for Your

dwelling (mind “lodging”), the Sanctuary (miqdâsh מקרש; “consecrate”

and (qôdeshקרש; “sacred, be clean”) O Yahweh, Your hands [grasping]

have established (kûwn כון; "be erect”) it.”

What Jacob perceived in a dream now confirmed by Môsheh. The House

(place within the chosen minds wherein Yahweh has placed His will in order to

bring renewal) now also described as a Sanctuary, telling us that Yahweh’s

allotted will and it’s boundaries for the life force known commonly as ʼÂdâm

(man), would be a place of consecration (millûʼמלאים; “be full”)

as well as a place of sacred (a.k.a. “holy”; qôdesh קרש; sanctity,

pronounce clean”) cleanness (bôr בר; "pure, bright”); mental perfection!

Let there be no doubt that Môsheh was as exultant and jubilant in song due to

the foreshadowing of Yahshua that he had realized. Of the sixty seven times the

name of Yahshua (yᵉšhûwʽâh ישועה; saved/deliverance of Yahweh”) is

mentioned in the Old Covenant alone, one of those times is also in the song Of

Exodus 15 - “Yahweh is my strength (ʽôz עז; "force, be stout”) and my

song (mind’s stroll), and He has become (via His Unilateral Mind Covenant

with chosen souls) my Yahshua (Yesh-oo-aw) (salvation). He is my Father in

Heaven (a.k.a. “sky” of Genesis 1:1; lofty) and I will praise [mentally laud]

Him...” (Vs. 2). This mind salvation (Yahshua), this “Yahweh saves” mentality,

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can only take place of and from the House/Sanctuary of Yahweh within! As we

move forward I want to point out the word Zion (tsîyôwn עיון) again. As per

Exodus 15:17 that we examined, it represents the “exalted, looming range (mountain)”

where the allotted will of Yahweh resides. Interestingly Zion has “pillars” as a Hebraic

definition. Lets refine it even more: pillar (matstsêbâh מצבה; “stationed,

appointed”). It is important to understand that the Hebraic intent is to describe specific

mental faculties as per our word “pillar(s)”. For Yahweh, total clarity (conspicuous,

clear) is what mental faculties find of and about Himself. As we go on to further

understanding His House/Sanctuary within, we make a quick stop to see the “building”

of His House/Sanctuary, and the importance of it’s foundations. To do so we look to

Exodus 24:4 - “And Môsheh wrote all the Laws (tôwrâh תורה; “precept,

statute”; Mind patterns; see “Liquidity”) of Yahweh and rose up [the exalted mindset]

early in the morning (breaking and plowing of Genesis 1:5), and built [mentally

construct] an altar (mizbêach מזבח; “slaughter”; it’s root zâbach זבח; a

word commonly translated as “sacrifice”) at the foot (regel רגל; “step, walk”)

of the mountain (ranging, looming presence of Yahweh’s will), and set up twelve

(shᵉnayim שנים; “twofold, double, revolution;” and (ʼâsâr עשר;

“accumulation”) pillars (stationed and appointed internal beacons; 12 mental faculties)

representing the twelve tribes (shêbet שבט; branch, rod;) of Israel (Yisrâʼêl ישראל; “He will rule in might”).” For a much deeper view see “

As Soon As Everyone is Seated, Parts 1 & 2”.

The mind that breaks and plows (morning) and sacrifices (altar) every thought

that does not conform to the will of Yahweh as expressed in His Mind Patterns (All 613

Laws). The mind that strolls under the Presence of His exalted will (Mount Zion). The

mind that understands that the 12 mental faculties [tribes/branches] are indeed part of

the Truth (Tree) of Life [Mind] within, and that Yahweh alone is to rule (Israel) those 12

faculties/mind stations. He Himself being the Pillar (mental “Standing”) that always

leads in the cloud (ʽânân ענן; “covering”; mental covering) by day (the time of

mental breaking and plowing) and in the fire (ʼêsh אש; “burning”; mental

conviction and judgment) by night (the time of mental dullness). Now on to more of the

House within:

“And let them [renewing thoughts; people] make Me a sanctuary (consecrated,

sacred, clean mind space) that I may dwell (mentally lodge) among them, according

to all that I show you after the pattern (tabnîyth תכנית; “structure”),

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of resemblance, “build”) of the Tabernacle (mishkân משכן; residence, lodging”

and ʼôhel אהל “be clear”) and the pattern (mental resemblance) of all it's

furnishings (kᵉlîy כלי; prepared, “cease”), exactly so shall you make it.”

(Exodus 25:8-9).

House/Sanctuary/Tabernacle = The building of a sacred, clean, clear

lodging place within the center of the mind where Yahweh’s Presence will reside

among chosen souls! And there is one more to add for the full mental picture up

to this point:

*For a greater understanding of the 12 faculties see “As Soon as Everyone

is Seated (Parts 1 & 2).

It would be the totality of Tôrâh (The law as expressed in Genesis,

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) that would unveil all spoken in

Genesis 1; the boundaries and capacities Yahweh would make and allow for life

force (ʼÂdâm; man and woman). The patterns were established and the

parameters well laid out, but it would not be completed, within the mind of

course, until a King (melek מלך; “reign, ascend the Throne”) arose. Yes

indeed, a King within. And that King of course would be none other then “love”.

It would be the reign of love that would fully establish the House of Yahweh

within, with some tweaks of course. So prayerfully some of you might have said

that “Love must be the Hebrew definition for the word David!”, and you would be

100% correct. “Reign of love” is exactly what King David (Dâvîd רור; “loving, to boil”) speaks to. It would not be until one’s mind reigned with love that Yahweh’s House could truly be built within, hence the proclamation at II Samuyl 7:2-3. You see until love was ready to build the House of Yahweh, His Presence remained in an ark (ʼârôwn ארון; “gathering, pluck”) limiting Yahweh’s entire will and therefore revelation to chosen minds. And as for the “tweaks” we know that immature love (David) was kept from erecting the House, for

immature love still “sheds blood” which speaks to a mixture of love and carnal

life force, not yet completed love. However Yahweh in His mercy spoke: “I have

not lived (consciously dwelled) in a house since the time I brought the

children (bên בן; :builder”, from it’s root bānâ בנה the same word

translated as “house”) of Israel out of Egypt (Mitsrayim מצרים; “limit,

distress”; the boundaries made available of the material mindset),

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to this very day I have dwelt in a tent (ʼôhel אהל; “be clear”) or a tabernacle (mishkân

משכן; “residence, lodging”).” (II Samuyl 7:6).

So it would not be immature love that would accomplish Yahweh’s House within,

but it would be a whole mind that would accomplish it. If any of you have now said

within, “Then Solomon must mean “wholeness;”, then you are quickly becoming a solver

of hidden mysteries : Solomon (Shᵉlômôh שלמה; “peaceful, safe, wholeness”).

Yes indeed, love would be the spark but a mind filled with peace and wholeness of love

would be that which would build the House of Yahweh within (II Samuyl 7:12-13).

And that House would of course be classified as a “Temple”: (hêykâl היכל; “capacity, be able, can, could, may, might, overcome, prevail, suffer”). It would

represent the fullness of the will of Yahweh placed into chosen life force (souls of man

and woman): Tent-House-Sanctuary- Tabernacle-Temple.

Yes, this is a work titled Gender Gap and I thank you for your patience in your

effort to comprehend. It was necessary to both illustrate and elaborate upon Yahweh’s

intent in reference to both the place and capacity of what he literally calls “Home”. The

language of Creation, the Hebrew language with it’s definitions, all leading to the

Hebraic intent or better yet, the will of Yahweh regarding all boundaries and capacities

of thought made available to chosen life forces (man and woman). So the long and

winding yet narrow road, now leads us back to Genesis.

The attached “Family Tree” helps us gather our thoughts as we work towards the

full revelation of the Hebraic intent regarding all we have faced up to this point. It

started at Genesis 1:27, the creation of distinct and for the time being, separate life

forces. The fullest extent of these newly existing life forces, further elaborated upon at

Genesis 2:20-25. The very profound matter that deserves much attention is found at

verses 21 through 23. The verse by verse distinction has much to say about the matter

but here and now we speak to realities introduced via the Hebrew words themselves.

From Genesis 1:27 up to Genesis 2:22, we have only spoken of the distinct life force

known as ʼÂdâm (ʼâdâm ארם). At Genesis 2:21-22 we see a new consciousness

arrive classified as “woman” (ʼishshâh אשה). Keep in mind that our word involves two other Hebrew words and the names given for #802 are ʼîshshâh (ish-shaw;)

and nâshîym (naw-sheem;). As we can see on our Family Tree, these are both the

“feminine” of Hebrew words that are commonly translated as “man”. We must also

mention that there are other words commonly translated from #802, other then

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“woman”, and those are “wife”, “married”, “women” and “female”. So at verse 21 it

could have stated, “...He made into wife...” or “...He made into female...” or even “...He

made into marriage...”. What is striking (to the mind of course) is the transformation at

verse 23. We see a completely new introduction distinct from ʼâdâm though it

speaks in such a way that ʼâdâm is also involved. Lets look:

“And ʼîysh (ʼîysh איש; “be extant, exist”; translated systematically as

“man”, though “husband”, “master”, “male”, “fellow” and “consent” are also viable

translations) said, This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.”.

I am not fully vetting the entire verse herein as that is already done at the chapter 2 commentary.

This was to show that the word “man” had been translated from the Hebrew word adam only up to this point, but now we have ʼîysh claiming to be the one from

whence comes. And even as complex is the fact that verse 23 ends with, “...

because she was taken out of ʼâdâm.” Two completely different Hebrew words

with two completely different meanings, both however translated as “man”. And as we

stare at the Family Tree we can see the Hebraic intent of ʼîysh; “ ʼîysh = mind growth

within”, as well as ʼĕnôwsh; “ ʼĕnôwsh = frail mindedness within”. The value of this is

that we must conclude as per our “female” side, the ʼishshâh and the nâshîym, that

woman represents feminine side of both growth and frailty in the mind! And we must

remember that though the depths of the mysteries go deeper still, that whatever

“woman” represents, she was distinctly and already “within” man, yet separated to

“help” man. And our Hebraic intent reveals that this in fact takes place within the male

soul and to it’s allowable degrees, the female soul. Allowable? Based upon Scripture the

“roles” of boundaries and capacities made available would of course limit the feminine

side, though this is not a measure of value, but rather the Sovereign will of He Who


Let us never forget that the followers of Yahshua “marveled” when He

spoke directly to the feminine side, and yet He did. As a matter of fact He took

great care over the feminine side! And we must always consider the

differentiating between Yahweh’s speech (through His specific words and

actions) in regards to the “male side” and “female side”. And that for the man, he

would be responsible for both sides, as both come from him.

The feminine side of mental growth. The female side of frail mindedness.

Only to be understood with the full intent of Scripture involved. The female side

indeed mentioned at I Kêph (Peter) 3:7 as the “weaker vessel”, and yet fully

embraced as a “joint heir” (Romans 8:17) in the Kingdom within.

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What is the key to the feminine aspect and what is the mental life force as “man” to do about

it? For it is indeed the responsibility of the male side to unify and “Become one!”

with that which is within, and to help the female side do the same. Was it not

through utterly restorative acts that Yahshua kept perfect his female side via

healing, compassion and his “go and sin no more!” mandates? Is it simply a

matter of perfecting the judgment and compassion within a soul; this quest to

“Be one!” with Father and Son? Is the “Yahweh saves (Yahshua)” mind and the

“perfect love” it encompasses, bound and borne forth only through clarity in and

of true Hebraic intent?

Hebraic intent is Hebraic intent and we continue to establish the true

reality that the Hebrew language speaks first and foremost to the Kingdom of

thought! For the Kingdom of Yahweh is the Kingdom created of and for life

forces distinctly different from Yahweh. It is not to say that mental unity;

Oneness with His Mind, is not both described as well as commanded, but to

also recognize He is beyond even these permitted and commanded capacities

and boundaries.

And so we look at Genesis 1 & 2 as we press forward, and we

do so asking ourselves many questions yet unanswered, many hidden

mysteries yet to be revealed. We are still undone. There is more work to do and

somehow the mind of man along with the mind of woman, must find our way to

the promised place; Oneness with the Mind of Yahweh, joint heirs with Yahshua.

The Family Tree graph is to be attached here.



