“Blessed are you who sow beside all waters...” (Isayah 32:20)
Many profound and purposely “hidden mysteries” (Isayah 45:3, I
Corinthians 2:7) are to be revealed, and now is the time on the earth within
chosen souls. With Yahweh there is never a need for “Plan B”, and we
remember that everything He decreed to be “selected and fed” (allotted) to souls
with the capacity of conscious thought, had it perfect purpose from the first
instance. Perhaps having read some previous works you have run across the
equation: The Law = The Patterns of Yahweh's Mind that He chose to “select
and feed” to souls distinct from Himself; Law = Mind Patterns. The “law” itself is
the word tôrâh תורה (to-raw'). It's definitions are “precept, statute.” Going deeper
into the hidden places we find the definitions of precept and statute: precept -
“injunction, enjoin” and statute - “appointment, engrave”. Yes indeed, enjoining
and engraving Yahweh's commanded ways of thinking right into the center of
our intellect (heart). And it is the root word of tôrâh itself that we take a laser
focus upon. The word is yârâ ירה (yaw-raw). It definitions are “to flow (as
water), to rain”. Yahweh's commanded boundaries of thought made available to
chosen souls, equated to water and rain. Know that we have set the table, let's
dine. To do so we go right to the source:
The Hebrew word for water is mayim מים (mah'-yim). It definitions are
“juice, urine, semen”. Let's take one at a time and define our Hebrew definitions
and in doing so we find our Hebraic intent:
1) Juice, (6071) āciyc (aw-sees') עסיס - “must, trodden out”. It's root ;âcayc
(aw-sas') עסס defined as “squeeze, trample” (6072). Lets look at a few verses
that utilize juice and see what we can extrapolate:
LIQUIDITY Page 2 of “...I would give you spiced wine to drink, from the juice (6071) of my
pomegranates.” (Song 8:2) Deeper still:
“I would give you spiced (7544 “perfumery”) wine (3196
“effervescence”) to drink (8248 “irrigate, furnish a portion”), from the essence
(6071 the must of the being squeezed) of my pomegranates (7416 “upright,
rise”).” Now for the full revelation, the hidden mystery:
“I will give you fragrant intoxication to quench, from the essence of
My [Yahweh] exalted state of mind.” The Hebrew intent, based on Hebrew
words and their definitions, always speaks first to the Kingdom where Yahweh
resides, the Kingdom of thoughts and their boundaries made available to
chosen souls. Lets look at another verse with āciyc (6071):
“I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, and they will
be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine (6071).” (Isayah
49:26) This time, āciyc is translated as “wine”. Lets go deeper:
“I will feed (348 “eat, consume”; the same consumption discussed in
Genesis 1:29) those [who?] who oppress (3238 -“rage, suppress”) you [who?]
with their own flesh (“fresh, be full”; the same word translated as “meat” and
discussed in detail in our Genesis 1:26 verse, illustrated in this verse of Isayah
as “fresh wicked thoughts”); and they will be drunken (7937 -“satiate”) with
their own blood (carnal “life force”; see Genesis 1:26-28), as with sweet wine
(the must of being squeezed, trampled and pressed within; 6071).” Now the
hidden mystery:
“I will consume those [thoughts] who suppress you [your renewing
mind] with their wickedness, and they will be satiated with carnal life force,
as with those thoughts that are pressed and renewed.” (Isayah 49:26)
You see as it is with all Hebrew understandings, the Kingdom being
discussed is always and foremost internal; the Kingdom of thought. And within
that Kingdom resides two forms of flesh (good and wicked) until a soul returns to
it's commanded perfect state. This reveals that war within and Yahweh.
of Sovereignty over it. A mathematical equation of sorts to express our first
definition for “water”:
Juice = Fruitful Thoughts; Clean Water
2) Urine: shayin שין (shay yin) (7890) - “urinate, piss, make water”. Lets look at the few verses that
utilize the word shayin. As always the Hebraic intent is always further vetted by the context of what each
verse is discussing, so by all means confirm everything said within this work. At II Kings 18:27 רכ־שקה
rabshakeh (7262 - “abundant irrigation”) attempts to speak forth a curse:
“... who like you, will have to eat (398 - consciously consume) their own
waste [refuse] and drink (irrigate with) their own urine (water coming from a
source other then Yahweh) with you.” To the deeper hidden place:
“...who like you [thoughts not not partaking of pure water] will have to
consciously devour their own fallen thoughts and nourish their souls with
carnal life force.” The math:
Urine = Thoughts derived from the unclean will; unclean water.
3) Semen – In order to reach the hidden parts that lead to a word not specifically ever utilized
in Scripture we need not go far. As a matter of fact we go directly to words already exposed at
Genesis 1:11 - “...yielding seed...” It could have been translated just as easily as “sowing seed”
and we could find our Hebraic intent. Lets do so by analyzing the two Hebrew words even closer:
Yielding/sowing: zarâ זרע (zaw-rah - 2232) - “sow, disseminate, plant,
fructify”. As with other Hebrew words it is wise to understand that in the
economy of good and wickedness, clean and unclean, one needs to consider
the duality of every Hebrew word that other Scriptures necessitate duality. For
instance if we have such verses as, “Whatever a mind (adam) reaps he shall
sow...” (Galations 6:7-8), it needs to stay in context with all of Scripture thus
making it clear there is obviously both good and bad sowing; duality. And as for
this other word:
Seed: zera זרע (zerah - 2233) - “fruit, plant, sowing time, posterity”. This
The Hebrew word actually has it's roots in the word zarâs זרע (zaw-rah) which just
happens to be our word translated “yielding/sowing” (2232). Perhaps Mattithyah
chapter 13 best illustrates how the “sowing of seed” is as much a mental
process as anything else. And perhaps the “parables” we have been exploring
are the entirety of Torah (mind patterns) and it is time to realize it for this season
upon earth. Might I suggest you stop now and read Mattithyah 13 and really
focus on what verses 10 through 17, and most especially to verse 10, which
clearly reveals that the work we delve into is truly that pearl of great price.
We also do well to recognize that the “sowing of seed” has obviously given
one the right to consider it as the potential to create physical offspring. Yes
indeed, the physical world, the shadow of the thought world, certainly gives
legitimacy to the idea that “semen” itself alludes to the production of children.
Why even the Greeks worked hard to promote such as their very translation for
our Hebrew words and “sowing seed” is their word sperma σπέρμα (sper-mah -
4690G). It definitions of course “sown, seed, sperm, offspring”.
So in extrapolating the hidden mysteries, unveiling the parables, we find
that our definition, the third word to describe our Hebrew word for “water”, truly
intends to speak of sown seed, and this of course describing what takes place
within the mind long before the physical side follows. In summing it up:
Semen = The seed of our thoughts and what is sown from those thoughts;
the origin and makeup of the water.
Just a bit more to sow up (pun intended) the true reality that “sowing seed”
has and will always be, via the language of Creation – the Hebrew language, a
mental matter long before it was a physical one. Several verses should do:
“And Yahweh said, The life force (adam/men) of this [a specific one]
world (8398 תכל- “moist, flow”; fallen thought plain) will never subject
themselves to My Plan (the origins of Genesis 1:1), for they are indeed
carnally (7903/2233 שככ זרע “lie, fruit, sowing”) minded (5315 - “breathing”; of
Genesis 1:19; often translated as “soul” and “create” and “life”)... (Genesis
We learn that it would only be five chapters after Genesis 1 that Yahweh
limits man’s “life” due to the wicked sowing of his mind. Carnality itself sharing
it's definition from our word “seed” (זרע -2233 zera‛) which has it’s roots in our
word yield/sow (2232 זרע zâra‛). A mind matter for sure. A few more verses:
“A false witness (5707 -“testimony, recorder”) speaks lies (3576 -
“deceive”), and sows (mentally disseminates) discord (4090 -“strife, rule”)
among the brothers (251 -”affinity”).” (Proverbs 6:19).
Your tendency to think “all things physical” is best overcome by simply
looking to the Hebrew language, the language of creation. If someone were to
walk up to you and simply say the word “affinity”, you would never think of a
physical person but more of a likeness. This is exactly what Hebraic intent
always speaks to, the inner Kingdom, and “brothers” are not first and foremost
physical people, but rather those whose minds are very similar; like minded!
Following suit, a “false witness” is none other then a lying thought within that
causes the entire body [congregation] of thoughts to fall into discord, thus
leading from confused thoughts to the larger “ideas” of discord. Is it any wonder
that when Yahweh separated the languages [mind speak], the first Kingdom
built was Babylon (894 -“confusion, overflow”). One more verse for good
“They who sow (mentally disseminate) in tears (1832 -“weeping, juice”)
will reap (7114 -“curtail, harvest”) in joy (7440 -“creak, shout”).” (Psalm 126:5)
Notice how the tears are the “juice (fruit)” of renewing thoughts, leading to of
course, joy!
Our last step in solving the parables of water, the hidden mysteries of
Hebraic intent, is to of course what was promised by Yahshua in verses like
Yahchanan 4:10 best summed up at chapter 7 verse 38: - “He who believes
(539 -“build up, support”) in me, as the Scripture [written thought patterns
Yahweh gave and allowed] has said, out of his heart (“center of intellect”) will
flow rivers (5103 “stream, be cheerful”) of living water.”
It is this “Living Water” we must now fully examine and we come to find we
have already delved deeply into the hidden mystery. Our word for “living” was
first discovered at Genesis 1:20 as the word “life”. The Hebrew word is chay
(2416) (khah-ee). It’s definitions are again, “alive, raw, fresh, strong”. It’s root
word is chayah (khaw-yah) (2421), “live, revive”. It is a Hebrew word translated
as “living” but also “running” and “springing” and “alive”, as well as “troop”,
“beast” and “creature”. We have seen these other translations used at Genesis
1:21-26 as well. Tying together our work up to this point we can all espouse with
confidence that our living water includes only two of the definitions of our word
(4325) mayim (may-yim) translated as “water”, and those are “juice, semen”;
the fruit of and the source of the life. In both instances Yahweh is the recipient of
all glory. He alone is the source (seed) and the fruit (juice) of what the mind of
chosen souls bask in. It is the “alive, fresh, raw, strong” thoughts and messages
(aka malakim (4397); erroneously translated as “angels”) placed into the
vanquished mind that brings renewal and regeneration of a transformed mind;
the fulfillment of Romans 12:2. It is Yahweh alone who enacts and enables this
process of “Living Water” within, the reason He sealed His Mind Compact
(Covenant) with none but His own; “My Covenant”.
We now know the source and what the source pertains to, the source and
fruit of renewing thoughts, so let's further explore the parables for just a little
more insight. We go to another Hebrew word to do so:
The word is tsâmê צמא (tsaw-may). It’s definition is in fact it’s translation
as well; “thirst”. It behooves us to keep proving up what has perhaps become
your reality at this point, and that is the inner recognition that the Hebrew
language, the language of Creation, it’s definitions and most important it's
Hebraic intent, always first speaks to Yahweh’s Kingdom, the Kingdom within
chosen souls. Lets simply write out a few verses from the Psalms and
Yahchanan (John) to shore up these facts:
“Our souls thirst for You, O Living Father.” (Psalm 42:2)
“Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.” (Psalm 107:5)
“Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will become in him
like a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” (Yahchanan 4:12)
“On the last day, the Great day of the Feast, Yahshua stood and
cried, If any life thirsts, let him come to me, and drink; He who believes in
me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living
water.” (Yahchanan 7:37-38) Always a mind issue first and foremost!
So we have come to understand the main definitions for our Hebrew word
mayim (may-yim); water. Don’t be surprised to find definitions beyond our
discovery, a work that is yours to do. I want to help you come to understand the
many variances of water and you can enjoy yourself placing them into the
appropriate categories. I will make a list below so you can dig as deep as you
like. Enjoy!
“fountain” (5869 - “eye, perception”) of water” - (Genesis 16:7)
“bottle (2573 - “tied, join”) of water” - (Genesis 21:14)
“well (875 - “pit, engrave, explain”) of water” - (Genesis 21:19)
“pitcher (3537 - “deepen”) of water” - (Genesis 24:17)
“springing, aka living (2416 - “alive, raw, fresh, strong”) water” -(Genesis
“river (2475 - “channel”) of water” - (Exodus 4:9)
“water below (“under, hidden”)” - (Exodus 20:4)
“pools (4723 - “confidence, bind”) of water” - (Exodus 7:19)
“running, aka living (2416) water” - (all of Leviticus 14)
“holy (6918 - “sacred, be, make”) water” - (Numbers 5:17)
“bitter (4751 - “angry, trickle”) water” - (Numbers 5:23)
“water of purifying (2403 - “offense, miss”)” - (Numbers 8:7)
“water of separation (5079 - “rejection, impurity”)” - (Numbers 19:9)
“water out of the rock (5553 - “lofty, fortress”)” - (Numbers 20:8)
“waters of Meribah (4809 - “quarrel, toss”)” - (Numbers 20:13)
“twelve (think “12 tribes/faculties”) fountains (“eye, perception”) of water” -
(Numbers 33:9)
“brooks (5158 - “torrent, inherit”) of water” - (Deuteronomy 8:7)
“water of red (5488 - “reed, rod, erect”) sea (“roar”)” - (Deuteronomy 11:4)
“water of Jordan (3383 - “descend, down”)” - (Yahshua (Joshua) 3:8)
“water of Nephtoah (5318 - “opened, begin”)” - (Yahshua 15:9)
“springs (1543 - “round, roll”) of water” - (Yahshua 15:19)
“water of Jericho (3405 - “fragrant”)” - (Yahshua 16:1)
“cruse (6835 - “expand, flat”) of water” - (1 Samuel 26:12)
“water of affliction (3905 - “press, distress”)” - (1 Kings 22:27)
“drops (5197 - “distill, fall in”) of water” - (Iyyob (Job) 36:27)
“standing (98 - “collect, stockade”) water” - (Psalm 107:35)
“deep (6013 - “profound”) water” - (Proverbs 20:5)
“water of the old (3465-“lanquid, stale”) pool (1295 –“kneel”)” - (Isayah
“clean (2889 -”pure, bright”) water” - (Yeremyah 8:14)
“living (2416) water” - (Yahchanan 4:10)
“salt (4417 - “pulverize, disappear”) water” - (Yaaqob (James) 3:12)
“water of life (2416)” - (Revelation 21:6, 22:1, 22:17)
“face (6440 - “countenance”) of the waters” - (Genesis 1:2)
“waters of the sea (3220 - “roar, noisy”)” - (Genesis 1:10)
“flood (3999 - “deluge, unwilling”) of waters” - (Genesis 6:17)
“waters of Merom (4792 - “height, elevation”)” - (Yahshua 11:5)
“waters of En-shemesh (5885 - “eye of brilliance”)” - (Yahshua 15:7)
“waters of Megiddo (4023 - “rendevous, pressing”)” - (Judges 5:19)
“waters unto Beth-barah (1012 - “house of crossing”)” - (Judges 7:24)
“waters of Israyl (3478 - “ruled by Yahweh”)” - (2 Kings 5:12)
“mighty (5794 - “strong, harsh”) waters” - (Nehemyah 9:11)
“stolen (1589 - “thief, deceive”) waters” - (Proverbs 9:17)
“cold (7119 - “chill, quiet”) waters” - (Proverbs 25:25)
“waters of Nimrim (5249 - “clear, filtrate”)” - (Isayah 15:6)
“waters of Dimon (1775 - “pining, mope”)” - (Isayah 15:9)
“waters of cistern (953 - “hole, prison”)” - (Isayah 36:16)
“waters of Yahdah (3063 - “praise/love”)” - (Isayah 48:1)
“waters of Noah (5146 - “rest”)” - (Isayah 54:9)
“waters to boil (1158 - “gush, desire”)” - (Isayah 64:2)
“waters of Sihor (7883 - “dark, turbid”)” - (Yeremyah 2:18)
“waters of Gibeon (1391 - “hilly”)” - (Yeremyah 41:12)
“waters of strife (aka “Meribah”, 4808 - “quarrel”) in kadesh (6946 -
“sanctuary, sacred”)” - (Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 47:19)
“waterspouts (6794 - “hollow”)” - (Psalm 42:7)
It was when I basked in His Presence that the words of Isayah 32:20
came off the page like a sword in my mind. For many years I struggled with the
Hebrew concept of water. It wasn’t that I failed to understand that the “living
water” that would cause one to “never thirst again” was not a metaphysical
statement, but that the Hebraic intent was much more. As I read 32:20, Yahweh
superimposed the “...all waters,” part within me. It was in that very moment that I
knew He was going to answer what was years in the making. It is the reason the
beginning of the verse started this body of work: “Blessed are you who sow
beside all waters...” I think we have a better understanding now, no? I think
what is most compelling to me is how a soul does need to in fact sow beside
even the “urine” aspect of water. It may in fact be the most crucial as one
literally needs to mentally “sow” their mind out of such waters. We do well to
label it the “reconciliation” and “redemption” aspect of the sowing.
And then of course there is the finishing of the verse of Isayah 32:20 -
“...who [the blessed one] can safely send forth [into consciousness] the
feet (7272 - “be moist, new”) of the ox (7794 - “traveler, turn”) and the donkey
(2543 - “red, trouble”).”
Yes indeed, it is the blessed mind that can sow (plant and reap) beside all
waters (fruitful, harmful and origin of thoughts). It is this one who can send forth
renewed , (feet) thoughts that form new ideas. This one can let his mind explore
(ox) new levels of Yahweh's boundaries in thought, new expansions, and this
one can stand in the countenance (face) of danger (donkey) with poise, balance,
peace and most importantly a mind filled with the love that never fails!