Body and Flesh
Unless Hebraic intent is intact one would most certainly be led astray in
regards to having the full knowledge that Yahweh has allotted to His chosen
children. Hebraic intent found, most importantly in defining Hebrew words with
Hebrew words, but also within the context the Hebrew words are speaking to;
the verses in which they are utilized. We define four specific Hebrew words to
1) nephesh גפש (new-fesh); “breathing, vitality”.
It’s root word is nâphash גפש (naw-fash); “be breathed”.
And the Hebrew word for “breathe”: neshâmâh נשמה (nesh-aw-
maw); “inspiration, intellect”.
2) beten בטן (beh-ten); “be hollow”
And the Hebrew word for “hollow”, there are two:
kaph כף (kaf); “contain, grasp”, and nâbab גככ (naw-bab); “pierce.”
3) gevʹiyâh גןיה (ghev-wee-yaw); “back, middle”
And the Hebrew word for “middle”: tiykon תיכון (tee-kone); “central,
4) bâsâr בשר (baw-sawr); “freshenss”.
It’s root word is bâsar בשר (baw-sar); “be fresh”.
And the Hebrew word for “fresh”, there are three: leshad לשר (lesh-
ad); “vigor”, and châdâsh חרש (khaw-dawsh); “new”, and raănân
רען (rah-an-awn); “verdant, prosperous.”
And now we summarize Hebraic intent, having defined words and terms:
1) nephesh – The mind’s vital breath, the inspired intellect
2) beten – hollow grasping, inabilities to correctly perceive
3) gevʹîyâh – stability based upon receptivity
4) bâsâr – active thinking, formed either of the “self” or via the will of
If any of these definitions seem like a mental stretch for you, if they seem to
assume, then continue to read and pray, and also partake of the true reality that of
the entirety of the Hebrew language ALWAYS speaks to Yahweh’s Kingdom, the
Kingdom He has placed within chosen souls, the Kingdom of Perfect Thinking.
To open up this truth even more take a moment to first go back and look at the
words as simply defined. Notice something about the definitions themselves –
are they speaking to physical things? Do the words “breath”, “hollow”, “middle”
and “freshness”, point to things physical, as simply defined? No, they do not!
And with the expanded definitions above is the same true, that it is not a matter
of things physical? Yes, it is true! And so as to the first three words (nephesh,
beten, gevʹîyâh), when we find that these three words are commonly, currently
and systematically (meaning 99% of Scripture translations do the same),
translated as “body”, what do you perceive? Is your mind automatically saying,
“Oh it means the physical body!”, or have you caught the mystery of Hebraic
intent: The three words speak to the “body” of thoughts within the mind! The
“body” is “the mind’s breath”, and can also mean “the mind’s hollow grasping”,
and also “the mind’s stability in thought.”
And as for our fourth word (bâsâr), to come to know that it is the only word ever translated as “flesh” in the Old
Covenant, what do you now perceive? Again, does it’s definitions speak to
physical matters or do you see that Hebraic intent demands that the Hebrew
language is speaking to “the raw, active thoughts within the conscience”?
If you have partaken of any of the other pieces written wherein Hebraic intent
has been deciphered via an understanding of the metaphysics of the language
itself; that Yahweh has hidden (the “mysteries” Yahshua often spoke of) truths
below the top layers of the Scriptures, then you have come to know that Greek
language as a whole does a great job of trying to bastardize the Hebrew
While the Hebrew language 100% of the time, speaks to the Kingdom
within (matters of thought), the Greek language, 99% of the time speaks to
matters physical. And yet – and yet there is that 1% of the time when the Greek
language actually aligns with Hebraic intent, and in regards to the words “body”
and “flesh”, the Greeks do indeed unite with Hebraic intent. Lets see:
1) “body” - The Greeks have two words that are commonly translated as
A) sōma σώμα (somah); “sound”. It’s root is sōzō (sode-zo); “safe,
B) ptōma πτύω (pto-mah); “ruin”. It’s root is piptō πίπτω (pip-to); “fall”
In this ever so rare occasion where the Greeks acknowledge that if they are
indeed attempting to translate Hebrew words, the intent must also be intact! And
in our Greek words sōma and ptōma, a world of Hebraic Intent is found!
Remembering that we have asserted that in regards to “body”, Hebraic intent
indeed speaks to the “totality of one’s thoughts within”, in whatever state of
being those thoughts may be in. As you look at the Greek definitions is it not
profoundly true that in this instance, the Greeks fully understand Hebraic intent:
“save, deliver, protect, ruin, fall”. Nothing physical in the definitions, but most
certainly matters of the mental; the Kingdom within!
2) “flesh” - The Greek word is sarx σάρξ (sarx); “stripped”. It’s root word
sarŏō (sar-ŏ-o); “brush, sweep”. Certainly not of or about physical matters
and they even add a nuance that speaks volumes if you have eyes to see and
ears to hear: “the meat of an animal as opposed to the body”. Indeed if one
could perceive the “production of the thoughts” IS “the meat of the
animal”, the animal being those raw, active thoughts of the self will, then we
are on our way to illuminated things; eternal matters.
Again, had you previously partaken of any other writings, you would know the
words spoken by Yahshua at John 5:46-47 – “For had you believed Môsheh,
you would have believed me, for he wrote (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy) about me. But if you do not believe his writings
(the “Torah”), how will you believe my words?”
The Old Covenant is the standard bearer of whether or not one properly
perceives the Renewed Covenant! It cannot be any other way! And in this is why
previous writings have been heavy laden with Old Covenant text, and yet here,
having properly vetted our words commonly translated as “body” and “flesh”, we
will focus mainly on Renewed Covenant verses. Renewed Covenant verses that
MUST always conform to Hebraic intent found in the Old Covenant!!
body: – “So if the right eye (“fountain (spring, source)”; mind’s perception)
causes you to offend (“pervert”), gouge it [the “source” causing
misperceptions] out and throw it from you! For it is better for you that one
of your members (“structures, moulding”; the mind’s faculties) perish then for
the whole body (mind’s breath) be cast into sheʼôwl (“retreat”; mental “hell”).”
(Matthew 5:29).
“The light (“illumination”) of the body (mind’s breath) is the eye (source of
mental perceptions), therefore if your eye is clear (clean) sighted, your
whole body (totality of thoughts) is also full of light. But the eye (mental
perceptions) is bad (“wicked”) then your body is full of darkness.” (Luke
“And if the anointing (the Hebrew word mâshîyah, often translated as
“messiah”) is in you, your (the “self” will) body (thoughts borne forth of the self)
is dead because of sin (the mind’s transgressions against the commands given
by Môsheh), but the Mind (Yahweh’s Mind’s breath placed into chosen souls,
often translated as “Spirit”) is alive because of righteousness (right thinking).”
(Romans 8:10).
“And when he [Yahshua] had given thanks, he broke it [the personal will]
and said; Take, eat (mentally consume); this represents my body (“self” will
not yet fully eradicated; see John 20:17) which is broken (the crucifying of his
personal will) for you. Do this (mentally remember) in remembrance of me.” (I
Corinthians 11:24).
“There is one body (active thoughts united in Yahweh’s will) and one Mind
(Yahweh’s Presence placed within chosen souls; His Kingdom within us)...”
(Ephesians 4:4).
“For we [chosen minds] are members (co-faculties) of His [Yahweh] body
(collective thoughts given to chosen souls as the boundaries Yahweh has
allotted of His own Mind).” (Ephesians 5:30).
“For as the body (collective thoughts) without the Mind (Yahweh’s Mental
Presence within) is dead (bound to “self”), so the faith without works is dead
also.” (Yaaqob 2:26).
“Who himself bare our sins (mental transgressions) in his own body (see
Matthew 26:38, Mark 14:33-34; mind’s grief) on the tree (“firm”; truth of
Yahweh’s promises to him), that we, having died to sin (mental transgressions
rule over the mind), should live (the active mind) for righteousness (right
thinking); by whose stripes (“bound”; the mental taking over of sins into his
own mind) you were healed.” (I Peter 2:24).
flesh: – The Greeks have one specific word they utilize to attempt to sum up
bâsâr (“freshness”). The word and it’s root we vetted above: sarx and sarŏō; the
“stripped” and “swept” aside. In this the Greeks have again somewhat
succeeded, and yet it need be understand that from the Hebraic perspective,
bâsâr (the word translated often as “flesh”) does not always speak to that which
is wicked and must be “stripped and set aside.”
“Yahshua answered and said, 'Blessed are you, Shimʽôwn שמעון
(“hearing”) son (“builder”) of Yôwnâh יונה (“warmth”), for flesh (the raw, active
thoughts borne forth of the “self” will) and blood (“red”; carnal life force) has not
revealed (mental revelation) this to you, but my Father [Yahweh's Presence
placed within chosen minds; His Mind’s Presence] in Heaven (“be lofty”; the
exalted Mind Space where Yahweh resides within chosen souls; His Temple
within).” (Matthew 16:16).
“Watch (“guard”; mentally protect) and pray, or you will be put to the test
(mind’s battle)! The mind (active life breath) truly is ready, but the flesh (raw,
active thoughts borne forth of the “self” will) is weak.” (Mark 14:38).
“Then Yahshua said to them (the twelve mental faculties/tribes within each
chosen soul), Truly, truly, I say to you: Unless you eat (mentally consume)
the flesh (“raw, active” thoughts in obedience to the will of Yahweh) of the son
(“builder”) of man (thought life), and drink (mentally “imbibe”) of his blood
(mental life force), you have no life (clean mindedness) in you. He who eats
my flesh and drinks my blood, has eternal life (life = active conscience), and
I will raise (to the “lofty” conscience; Heaven) him up at the last day. My flesh
(raw, active thoughts of an obedient mind) represents the true food (mental
digestion) and my blood (mind’s life force) represents the true drink. He who
eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains (consciously stays) in me, and I
in him. As the living (active in the thoughts of chosen souls) Father has sent
(consciously unveiled) me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats
(mental digests and follows) me will live because of me. This is that bread
(mental nourishment) which came out of Yahweh, that came down (from the
“lofty” mental place to repair the lower, broken mind space). Not your fathers
(“chief”; traditional thinking) who ate manna (“what is it?”; misperceptions of
Yahweh’s will) but died (consciously fell), but he who eats of this [obedience
without transgression] bread will live (be pure of conscience) forever;” (John
“All flesh (raw, active thinking) is not the same. Men (active self wills) have
one flesh, beasts (“mute, dumb”) another flesh, fish (“prolific, timid”) another,
and birds (“protrude”) another. There are also heavenly (“lofty”; holy) bodies
(totality of thoughts) and there are earthly (“firm”; carnally held to) bodies, but
the glory of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the glory of the earthly
bodies is another. The sun (“illumination”) has one kind of glory, the moon
(“coptic”; sub-conscience) has another, and the stars (“blazing”; truths)
another; and one differs from another star in it's glory. So also is the
resurrection (“upright”; mental salvation) of the dead (once bound to the “self”
will), sown in corruption (personal thinking), it [the mind] is raised in
incorruption. It [the once fallen mind] is sown (consciously “disseminated”) in
dishonor, but raised (consciously lifted via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant
with chosen souls) in glory. It is sown in weakness, but raised in power. It is
sown a natural (bound to “self”) body, but raised (exalted) a conscious
(mentally upright) body. There is a natural (the personal will) body and there
is a Mind (Yahweh’s Mind placed into the center of intellect of chosen souls)
And so it is written: The first man (active conscience distinct from
Yahweh’s) Adam (“red”; the personal, and soon to be fallen, will) became a
living (active) being (conscience); the last Adam (conscience untainted by
“self”); a life giving mind (Yahshua; the “Yahweh saves” mentality). However it
is not the mentally pure which came first, but that which is natural (the
carnal mind); then that which is pure (mentally obedient; Yahshua). The first
man (conscience) was out of the earth (the firmly held to lower thought
expanse), earthy (carnal); the second man is Yahshua (the perfect
conscience even with an ever present personal will), out of Yahweh... Now I
say this brothers (co-faculties): that flesh (raw, active thoughts borne forth of
the “self” will) and blood (carnal life force) cannot inherit (a mental lineage)
the Kingdom (“Reigning” Power) of Yahweh; neither does corruption (minds
not chosen) inherit incorruption.” (I Corinthians 15:39-50).
“By this you will know the Mind of Yahweh: Every mind that confesses
that Yahshua, the anointed, started in the flesh (having to contend with his
own personal will, yet NEVER giving in to it's temptations even once) is of
Yahweh.” (I John 4:2).
The verses that contain the translated words “body” and “flesh”, are more.
The work in further dissecting and analyzing the Hebraic intent of the verses in
which they are contained, is yours to do! This work was merely to plant a seed,
and may Yahweh through His chosen son Yahshua, empower you with eyes to
see and ears to hear!