Simplicity Best
Simplicity Best!
Have you bought into the guise known as free will? If so this piece will help
shatter the delusions from within, setting the mind free, one step at a time!
Choices complicate! From their original manifestation choice(s) implied, in each
specific instance, that there is more then one way to be and stay perfect. If you slow
your mind and consider true reality, what would you think of a Creator that had to make
choices? Does it not reveal a mind that is anything but perfect? A mind that can actually
contemplate not doing what is perfect and having to consider options? A mind that must
actually contemplate potential errors? A mind that is uncertain? Let there be no doubt
that you have been so engrossed (like really gross) in certain doctrines of men that
need be undone. Your mind quickly gravitates to predisposed (and prayerfully
disposable) thoughts and ideas such as: Well, God tells us to choose between blessings
and cursing, right? Or, We have free will to choose!
It is these pitfalls and fallacies and the misunderstanding of the order of things, that we must deconstruct (mentally tear down) in your center of intellect in order to bring true freedom within: actual “Oneness”
with the Mind of Yahweh.
No confusion! (the Bâbel within every soul) The idea is about Oneness with the
Mind of Yahweh, the starting point in your renewed system of belief. To NOT consider
what it all means from your own mental view, but rather what is mandated and required
of and from His mental view; the view lived out by His Son Yahshua. He who said, I
can of my own will (personal thoughts and the ideas they form) do NOTHING (this
means NOTHING!!!!!); as I hear [understand of and from the Father] I judge. And my
judgment is just; because I do NOT (and this means never ever ever) seek my own
will, but the will (thoughts and ideas they form) of the Father [Yahweh] Who sent
me. (Yôwnâthan (John) 5:30).
In order to fully grasp the end goal we must start from the beginning; life in the
garden. We will thoroughly explore the revealed (yet hidden from the simple minds)
patterns, though they at times seem to shift and even change, were always part of the Plan
in the Mind of Yahweh. Not having to contemplate a better way, but perfect from
it’s inception in His Mind; from the instant it was thought by Him.
No plan B, no, but perfection from the very first thought, as always. Prepare your mind in
prayer as we begin a journey back to the place of the original (yet without Plan B) intent
of the Father. The preparation should sound something like this: Help me to not
perceive anything other then how you do Father. Help me decrease so You alone can
increase within me. So be it!
Only commands! Appearing first at Genesis 2:16 is the Hebrew word tsâvâh
(tsaw-vaw;). It’s definitions, constitute, enjoin;. The Hebraic intent would be to
illustrate the mental idea of the full authority of Yahweh being implemented within the
thoughts and ideas made available to mankind; the only perfect way to think and
therefore do! Also, commonly known words such "command”, “commands”,
“commanded” and “commandments, all expressing the original intent (or at least they
should be) of the Hebrew word tsâvâh. Let’s explore Genesis 2:16:
And Yahweh commanded (solidified that mankind was meant to always be
enjoined to His Mind) the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may eat
freely, but of the tree of the knowledge of righteousness (right thinking) and
(enjoined with) wickedness (wrong man centered "truths") you may not eat, for in the
day you eat of it (one’s own will) you shall surely die.;
In this verse alone both true life and mental death reside. In the misunderstanding
of the Hebraic intent of this verse lies all of the horrendous crippling doctrine that has
kept mankind bound for centuries after ʼÂdâm and Chavvâh (Eve). The error resides in
the fact that verse above is perceived as an authorization of the idea of choosing, and
rather then mentally carrying the ONLY proper perspective, I can eat from these but
not from that,; reprobate minds (expressed through Adam and Eve) think, Hmmm, let
me choose what to obey and what not to obey.It is from this fallen human place within
that we begin to expose the wrong thinking (wickedness) that keeps you bound to it!
There is an order (and we will reveal it soon) to why we have choices today, but be not
deceived into thinking this has anything to do with a righteousness of your own doing! It
is from this place we move forward to reclaim innocence not lost, but given away. Begin
to open your mind to an idea that will truly set you free, and do your very best not to fall
into the death trap that we will certainly be covering as we move forward. Death trap?
The idea that speaks as such: What, am I just a robot? The idea is that mankind was
never intended (all still part of Plan A) to think for himself, but rather to always be and
stay One with the Mind of Yahweh. Anything less then perfection would not suffice
for perfection, the original state in man, is now a process to be found within; a
“salvation” of the mind. And how can you do better then perfection, right? What need
was there to alter what was already perfect?
Why would I need to choose if I was already perfect? If I was already wholly
and properly connected to Omniscience and Omnipotence?" What need was there to
alter anything?
Have you decided yet? Are the commands of Yahweh optional and debatable
within your mind? Do you have the right to obey or not, and what is the
effect of such thinking? In your mind what is the intent of our word tsâvâh, spoken at
Genesis 2:16? No such word as the word bâchar (baw-khar) was spoken in the verse,
and it would not be until Genesis 6:2 that we would see bâchar (commonly known as
choose, choice, choices, chosen; we will explore this soon).
Yes indeed, as we begin our journey back to Oneness (the Hebraic intent of the
words commonly known as perfection and salvation) with the Mind of Yahweh, we
must start in the garden again, for it is here that both Adam and Eve REPRESENTED all
mankind. I emphasize represented for it would not have been necessary for Yahweh to
have lined up every man and woman that would ever exist, in order to reveal that all
would have gone with the wrong plan: I can choose what to eat and what not to eat It
has been written that, As in Adam all die(I Corinthians 15:22)., revealing the truth
that all men are Adam and all women are Eve. Further proven up by the words spoken In
Romans: All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Yahweh! Not “Because of
Adam and Eve!”, but, “Because we are just like Adam and Eve!.”
Commands verses the idea of choices! Do not mistake original intent with some
sort of Plan B, loved one. For Him to express that He willed that "None should perish!",
but to have masses of people that do in fact perish was again, all part of Plan A with
Yahweh. To think that He would have and "awe shucks" moment and have to change
His plan, is accepting the idea that Yahweh could make mistakes or miss things or even
worse, let man alter His ways. The fact that mankind was always intended to be ONE
with Yahweh's Mind, yet failed utterly by "choosing", was not outside of Yahweh's
perfect plan for mankind; Plan A (the full reason soon to be disclosed, but prayerfully
you will find it before then). The idea that His FIRST and only (as perfection itself never
needs to "rethink" things) plan for mankind includes the fall as well as many other facets
we will explore must begin to permeate your thought processes in order for success to
come. Perhaps a non-exhaustive list might help us begin to see beyond current and
prayerfully, former understandings:
1. I [Yahweh] expressed my intent for mankind to be One with Me in the garden
and that man would never stray form My way of thinking;
2. Man will be warned (the "death" described in Genesis 2:16) of the
consequences of attempting to think for himself by disobeying My commands. I will
allow for man to fall from My original intent;
3. Man will "choose" to disobey (thus immediately activating a will separate from
Mine) commands and fall from My Mental Presence;
4. Man will become naked and ashamed within from his from his choice to not
5. I will of My own unilateral power, create a Covenant with chosen souls to bring
them back into mental unity with Myself, through a process of redemption unto
salvation (a return to Oneness);
6. I will send My son to reveal what that mental Oneness thinks and acts like;
7. After My Covenant (enacted with Môsheh, solidified through Yahshua) with
chosen souls is enacted, chosen souls may now for the first time since the fall, choose
(by and through My placing My will within their minds) to deny their own will and
follow Mine alone;
8. A personal realization of "Why" My plan A was established exactly as briefly
illustrated here (the final determination of His purpose and his plan).
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This series will end with the “Why?”.
We mentioned the first place our Hebrew word bâchar would in appear in
Scripture, at Genesis 6:2. Bâchar's definitions are the words commonly known as "try,
select". As we will see the entire idea is that mankind would, after the fall, have no
option but to "try" to attempt to choose “right” apart from the will of Yahweh;
“Oneness” having been eviscerated by Adam (all men) and Eve (all women) and their
desire to worship personal choices rather then His commands. Realize that many bad
choices had been made by mankind by the time we reach Genesis 6:2, and also realize
that even if man had seemed to line up with the will of Yahweh, a great majority of the
time it would still not suffice! Just one transgression was a transgression of His entire
Law ("Mind patterns") a transgression of ALL of His commands, and the promise of
mental renewal was never contingent upon man's false perceptions of some internal
“goodness” apart from Yahweh. (Deut 9:1-6, Luke 18:19).
And so at Genesis 6:2 we have wicked men, "tyrants" to be exact, who choose to
defy commands prompting a response from Yahweh: "The wickedness of man was
great in the earth, and EVERY intent of the thoughts of man's heart ("center of
intellect") was wicked CONTINUALLY." (Genesis 6:5) These words repeated often
throughout Scripture in differing form and functions are best duplicated at Romans 8:7-
"Because the carnal mind (the mind absent the will of Yahweh; the self will) is enmity
(hatred) against Yahweh; for it is NOT subject to the Law [Mind patterns] of
Yahweh, NOR INDEED CAN IT BE." From the first instance (the garden experience)
an eternity of disobedience established, all "choices" of man's own doing, bound to fail
at least once and once was enough for all time! (Yes, He and His son are THAT HOLY!)
Which leads us to one of the greatest errors purported among Christianity and other sects
in this day and age; the idea commonly titled "free will". This erroneous and gross idea
that anything apart from the complete and utter keeping of Yahweh's commands would
produce freedom, and that man had what it took to attain redemption of his own accord
after his fall, and as preposterous, never transgress after that point. The audacity to
believe the garden presented choices rather then commands and that there was enough
"personal righteousness" within the soul to keep making right decisions apart from
Yahweh. An idea completely rejected by the One who actually accomplished perfection.
Listen to him: "Why call me righteous? There is only One Who is the standard of
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righteousness, and that is Yahweh only." (Luke 18:19) Yes indeed, Yahshua the "Not
my will but Thy will" standard bearer, never allowing for others to believe he could do it
of his own will, but that his perfection would come through the suffering (obedience in
defiance of one's own self will) and the shedding of his own will (Go read Hebrews 2:10
and 5:8 now!!!).
Your struggling with you desires to hold on to your own thoughts of and about
matters of the will. Matters that up to this point have been categorized under a theme
with a title: “free will”. The struggle is deep and it's roots are established in the true
reality that though flawed, is still true: Mankind wants to believe there is at least some
semblance of “goodness” within it's being and that this perceived goodness is "good
enough" for Yahweh. It is not so loved one. If it was true the patterned concept
commonly known a "salvation" and the need for a "Savior" are obsolete and have no
need to be introduced at all. Yes, even the Savior aspect is part of Plan A and as I said
we will discover the "How?" and "Why?" as we move forward.
And so what is it, this desire to believe in the "right" to choose and to the entire
idea of "personal rights"? And to believe that by implementing this self will and
involving self perceived rights, one would be able to produce the absolute freedom that
the title seems to imply? Yahweh has shown you what attempting to “choose”, to
literally alter what has already been perfect, will bring to your soul. He has shown you
that you once resided in perfect union (a soul already “saved”) and yet, your desire (the
thing titled in Romans 8:7 as "carnality") was to alter what was already perfect, and to
then call this decision something "free". It is time for you to consider that every single
transgression (altering what is already perfect; sin) you commit today (even after telling
others, "I got saved on.....") is a personal attempt to again tell Yahweh, "Yes I get it,
You are perfect and Your son achieved perfection through complete self denial, but I
believe I can do better then your perfect. I am going to choose to obey or not, believing
it will all lead to freedom. It is my free will to do so." If this sounds absurd to you then
that it is a very very good thing and you have hope! Do you yet confess that this is
exactly what your desire for free will affords you? Does not every single transgression
you still commit speak exactly this to Them?
I used the word "order" previously and that was to incorporate the idea that today,
after the original fall we all committed, choices do actually need to be made. We are
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soon coming to the patterned process of this reality, but we first needed to acknowledge
what got us to this phase of Yahweh's Plan A. What you are/have been calling free will
was handled at Genesis 2:17- "...For in the day you eat (mentally consume) of it [the
knowledge of right thinking intermixed with wicked thinking] you shall surely die."
It's time for permanent change loved one! Never again are you to allow for any
thoughts that would form any ideas that would uphold the guise of the concept known as
“free will”. If titles were warranted, Yahweh would be certain to uphold His words and
speak the truth already spoken. He would title it “DEATH WILL” loved one. The idea
that every time you choose to do other then what is already commanded, death would
ensue! It should speak in such a way within every chosen soul: "Whenever I believe I
can choose to do other then what is commanded, the end result will be more death
within my mind and soul. All of my choices that don't align completely with the Father's
commands bring death only and He has shown me that my own will is always at enmity
(hatred) with His. I must decrease so He and His son can increase within me. I want to
be like Yahshua the 'Not my will but Thy will!' guy, who showed every man how it was
The redemption of choice! We spoke of everything residing within Plan A:
Perfection, the choice to alter perfection, the "hell" that comes from choosing, and then
what? A Unilateral Covenant of course, but not before another lesson in the wily ways
of the self will. Begin to see it from the perspective of true reality loved one: "Yahweh
took me from a broken state, a state caused by my selfish desire to 'choose' to alter
perfection, and from that He would form a Covenant in which I would be enabled, due
to His Presence placed within my center of intellect, to operate with His will in control,
and find my way back to Oneness with Him." What would transpire from the unilateral
(Yahweh being the only One needed to uphold it) Covenant would become what is
commonly known as the "flesh verses Yahweh's Mind" battle, well taught in the book of
Romans. From a fallen state due to personal choice, to the indwelling of His Presence
showing us what to choose; the return to the Promised Land; mental salvation! But
before the redemption of choice, Yahweh would once again reveal to us what would
have happened had He let us decide on our own. Let's let Môsheh tell the tale:
"When I went up into the mountain to receive the tablets, the tablets of the
Covenant Yahweh made with you..." (Deuteronomy 9:9)
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Once again we see an offer for His people. An offer of all the commands being
sent to the people in order for the people to obey. A few verses before this one however,
we receive insight and foresight into the result:
"Understand therefore, that Yahweh Your Father is not giving you this rich
land to possess because of your righteousness (right thinking), for you are a stiff-
necked people." (Deuteronomy 9:6)
So we see a promise with a disclaimer. The disclaimer would be proven up just a
few verse later at Deuteronomy 9:15-17 –
"So I tuned and went down from the mountain while it was ablaze with fire,
with the two tablets of the Covenant in my hands. When I looked and saw that you
had sinned against Yahweh Your Father and you had made for yourselves a
mighty one cast in the shape of a calf. You had turned QUICKLY from the way
Yahweh had COMMANDED you. Then I broke the two tablets and threw them out
of my hands, and broke them to pieces in front of your eyes."
The broken tablets represent broken minds loved one. The opportunity once again
offered to be able to obey the commands of one's own volition, and quick failure to do
so. And so we now go to the unilateral restoration (the actual beginning of the Renewed
Covenant) found in the Book of Law (Deuteronomy), and we will experience the
beginning phase of the restoration of the minds of chosen souls. The part of Plan A that
restores one's ability to think as Yahweh thinks; the redemption of choice.
We remember that the broken tablets of stone represent the “hardened minds of
stiff-necked children”; demanding personal rights and the choices they lead to, over
obedience to commands. A verse from the actual Renewed Covenant text will be
necessary to allow for a marinating process to begin within, and to unveil the pattern of
the redemption of choice even further. At 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 we have Shâʼûwl (Paul)
making a distinct expression of and about matters he knew were both revealed and
concealed in the Tôrâh (“Law”; Books of Môsheh- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy):
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"Are we beginning to commend ourselves? Or do we, like some, need written
credentials or recommendations from you? You are our credentials written in our
hearts, known and read by all men. You show you are a letter from the Messiah
delivered by us, not written with ink (physical things) but by the Mind (Yahweh's
“breath”) of the living Father; not on tablets of stone (the broken minds revealed by
Môsheh), but on tablets of flesh (Hebraically, the "raw, active” thoughts within chosen
souls that have been redeemed by Yahweh's Presence); of the heart ("Center of
Intellect"). And such confidence we have through Yahshua towards Yahweh. NOT
[emphasis added] that we of ourselves (of the personal will) are adequate to think of
ANYTHING as from ourselves, but our ability (mental "ability") is FROM Yahweh.
Who also made (via His Unilateral Covenant) us competent ministers of the
Renewed Covenant - not of the letter but of Mind for that which is written (the
judgments that speak against man's ability to choose right) condemns to death, but the
Mind invests with life (Mind vigor)."
The words of Shâʼûwl uphold words given by Môsheh at Deuteronomy 10:15-
16, "Yet Yahweh delighted in your father's, to love them. He chose (hence my use
of the term "chosen souls") their descendants after them; you, above all other
peoples as it is this day, therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart (center of
intellect) and do not be stiff-necked any longer."
This call to obedience was given after a second set of tablets was made
(Deuteronomy 10:1-2) and it was then that the literal Renewed Covenant began. Still
part of Plan A, the beginning phase of Yahweh's Unilateral Covenant that would allow
chosen souls to begin the process of mental renewal. Of course man would keep failing,
but this beginning seed of the Renewed Covenant also had phases to travel through,
culminating of course in the “perfect sacrifice” that would not only fulfill all of the
requirements of the Unilateral Covenant, but also bring you to this very place this day
where you would come to realize that Yahshua's life was a blueprint for yours. Not a life
that “Did it all for me”, but a life that opened the doors of my mind and, “Showed me
how to also lose my own will to find my Father's alone!"
Will you pray for it yourself and others: “Ears to hear, eyes to see, please Father!”
After the enactment of the Renewed Covenant (expressed at Deuteronomy 10:1-
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2) we have many chapters of actual commands (what would be the litmus test of
Yahshua's sinless life). It would be at chapter 30 of Deuteronomy that a literal garden
experience would reemerge:
"When all of these things [the things spoken of in every chapter up to chapter
30] come upon you; the blessings [the things He commands that, "Thou may!"] and
the curses [the things He commands that, "Thou may NOT!"] I have set [it's all a test of
allegiance loved one; "My will or His will?"] in front of you- wherever Yahweh Your
Father may disperse you among the nations, then recall these things to your
memory." (Deuteronomy 30:1)
And the culmination of the proof of His unilateral choice to indwell chosen souls
and bring thoughts anew:
"Yahweh Your Father WILL [and here is the promise of the unilateral act of
Yahweh] circumcise ("curtail"; control) your hearts (your intellect) and the hearts of
your descendants, so that you may [a gift to be able to "think straight" again] love
Him with all your heart and with all your soul [the entire life breath; the character of
your mind], and live (no more "hell" from personal choices ruling the mind)."
(Deuteronomy 30:6)
It would not be until Deuteronomy 10 that the Renewed Covenant would be
enacted, and it would not be until all of the commands were spoke by Môsheh that the
ability to NOW choose between life and death would be both permitted and possible,
with a clear understanding what the right and wrong are! Even going back one chapter
from Deuteronomy 30 we see a specific timeline unveiled:
"But to this very day Yahweh has not given you a mind of understanding,
nor eyes that see, nor ears that hear." (Deuteronomy 29:4)
And then as the rest of chapter 29 unveils it, the Renewed Covenant is fully
established, as for it's implementation, yes, Yahweh looks for agreement from His
chosen children, but there would be no stopping Plan A in the process of the "flesh vs.
Mind" battle that ensues within the minds of the chosen. Let's look at some more words
from Môsheh to help us perceive what this new realm of understanding within looks
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"I call heaven and earth as a witness against [the foreshadow of mass failure
yet to come] you this day. I have set before you life [obedience to commands] and
death [doing it your own way, "choosing" not to obey even after His Presence indwells],
blessings and curses [those things spoken of in the totality of the Law]. Therefore
[because you now can choose right due to His Unilateral Covenant to circumcise your
mind] CHOOSE life, so both you and your children may live. So you may [now
through the enactment of the "heart" change prompted by His Presence in your mind]
love Yahweh Your Father by listening (to the "still, small voice within") to Him and
OBEY Him. Hold fast to Him for He is your life [the entire scope of how your mind
should think]..." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)
The indwelling and only then, the ability to now choose between mental life
(blessings) and mental death (curses). The flesh vs. Mind battle in full swing!
"Eyes to see and ears to hear Abba..."
The final phase of the redemption of choice; Môsheh gave the implementation
and Yahshua is the solidification. But there's more....
It was always intended (part of Plan A) that there would need to be one who
would actually win the flesh vs. Spirit (Mind) battle within and deny himself unto death;
that death leading to mental resurrection. If Yahweh had established a plan that failed to
do what He promised it would do, then we are back to idea of a flawed Creator/Father.
When the Renewed Covenant was established it was in order to brings chosen sons and
daughters back into Oneness [mental likeness; mental "image"] with Yahweh. It was a
literal "Mind Covenant" Yahweh Himself would begin and He alone would "Finish the
work He had begun" (Romans 9:27-29) within each chosen soul. Only a perfect
sacrifice would do to end all sacrifices needed for mental transgression; one who would
actually achieve the promised end through total denial of the self will; strict obedience to
commands alone. Someone would need to so utterly deny every single unction of his
own personal will within that the promise from Yahweh, a return to mental perfection
(salvation), would be proven. The full Plan of Yahweh solidified for all to see. The idea
that you could now depend on it and lean on it even when you where literally dying (for,
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"He who loses his life will find it") to get to it!
His name is Yahshua. Yahshua means "Yahweh saves". He was the standard
bearer of the Plan of Yahweh, come to life. Listen to his words:
"For had you believed Môsheh you would have believed me, for he wrote
about me. But if you do not believe his writings (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy), how will you believe my words!" (John 5:46-47) And listen
to Paul affirm the life purpose of Yahshua as the activator [not "finisher"] of the
redemption of choice: "And all of these [men who have attempted to obtain perfection
through obedience] having obtained a righteous (righteousness = right thinking)
report through the faith (belief in the entire Plan), have NOT received the promise
(only fully available due after Yahshua's "accomplishments"). Yahweh having
provided some better thing [realization of the actual resurrection] for us, that they
[the faithful of the past], without us, would not become perfect." (Hebrews 11:39-40)
I highlighted the words "finisher" and "accomplishments" for a very specific
reason; a big key to why the masses continue to fail at the commanded plan to "Be
perfect [think only as Yahweh and His son thought]!" (Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:40,
Romans 12:2, I Corinthians 2:6, 2 Corinthians 13:11, Ephesians 1:4, 1:23, 3:9, 4:13,
Philippians 1:6, 1:10, 3:15 Colossians 1:28, 3:14, 2 Timothy 3:17, Hebrews 2:10, 5:8-
9, 6:1, 10:1, 13:21, James 1:4, I Peter 1:16, 5:10, I John 2:6)
A misinterpretation of the words of John 19:30 is where the masses fall astray
and stay astray. His words at John 19:30, "It is accomplished!", often mistranslated as,
"It is finished." And by finished they purport the idea that it means EVERYTHING!
Here is what they sound like: "Well Jesus did it all for us, it's all about love now."
Rather then the fact that Plan A mandates that you to must now "Take up your stake [the
fortitude to deny your own will unto the death of it] and deny yourself," exactly how
Yahshua showed you. Rather then the fact that he accomplished his purpose for the final
phase of the redemption of choice (the last phase being YOURS to do!), the modern
church negates personally responsibility to actually finish Plan A under the guise of a
human form of skewed love. Yahshua accomplished his part to show you how to finish
yours! Not to do it for you, but to show you the way to do it!!!!! The saints of old knew
that they would need to wait on us to be perfected (go read Hebrews 11:39-40 again).
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They knew Yahshua would be the last sacrifice (meaning you don't have to physically
die in order to crucify your self will, as his role WAS to do that for all chosen souls!),
but they knew you would have to finish the Plan; to deny your self will unto it's death
and attain to salvation (a mind perfectly One with Yahweh and His son). The "Work out
your salvation!" part of the Plan; the flesh vs. Mind battle that Yahshua taught you how
to win, that is all that's left loved one, Plan FINISHED! This is why Yahshua [the
"Yahweh saves" mentality] IS the author [instigator] and perfecter [road map for your
part] of your faith! If your still stuck on the idea that it was all finished in him and it's all
about love now, he and the Father have a word for you:
"If you love Me you will keep My commands!" (John 14:15, 14:21, 15:10)
“Eyes to see and ears to hear Father...”
Do you yet perceive the "Why?" The reason for the entirety of Plan A; the
purpose for it all? If things have settled well in your mind then we certainly have
handled the carnal cry, "What, am I just a robot?". It should be very clear within,
sounding like this: "Yahweh has shown me that had He left me to myself, every single
'choice' I would have made would have only brought hell and hell alone. It is not He
who condemns a soul, but the soul condemns itself!” Had he not let me choose to fall,
then certainly it would have been robotic!"
It is crucial to understand that the faith GIFTED (all part of the unilateral
Covenant to redeem chosen souls) in measure (Romans 12:3) is what categorizes a soul
as "righteous" (Romans 4;20-22, James 2:21-24) in His eyes, even though the "working
out" of your perfection remains. That saints of old received the banner of righteousness
(right thinking) the same way you do today, and as per Hebrews 11:39-40 and many
other Scriptures, they wait for you to do your part! It is not, "When Yahshua comes back
he will MAKE the bride perfect" but rather, "He will come back to a bride without
spot!". Those who fail to qualify will most certainly be those who fiercely defend their
self perceived right to free will!!!!
And so we see a total plan with the need to have been implemented (Yahweh's will
alone), accomplished (Yahshua) and finished (You!). It behooves us to again solely rely
on the Hebrew language and it's intent and we do so for the word commonly known a
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"word". The Hebrew word is dâbâr (daw-bar). It's definitions are "matter, arrange". The
intent becomes very clear when we dive into the deep depths of Yahweh's Mind. These
words are meant to and do speak to a "Plan". Things written and spoken for sure, but it's
the "arrangement" of what is being discussed that needed vetting lest one should literally
"fall" from the matter at hand. Look now with new eyes and ears:
"In the beginning was the PLAN of Yahweh, and that Plan was with
Yahweh, and the Plan was Yahweh's. The same Plan (the one still active today) was
in the beginning with Him. All things were done according to it [the Plan], and
without it nothing was done that was done. In the Plan was life [the literal mental
resurrection of each chosen soul, starting with Yahshua], and that life was the light to
mankind, now that light shines in the darkness (the part of you that is still carnal; the
flesh), but the darkness does NOT (for Romans 8:7 will always apply until it's
finished) take hold of it." (John 1:1-5)
The garden was the Plan. The fall was the Plan. Redemption of choice was the
Plan. Yahshua's death was the Plan. Yahshua's resurrection was the Plan. Your mental
perfection IS the Plan. The Plan is almost finished loved one and now you understand all
that must be cast aside to attain to it:
"Perfection because you command it Yahweh! Because Yahshua solidified it and
opened the final door (nailing the self will's hatred to the stake) for me! 'Not my will but
Thy will' is the way to it! Not 'free will' but 'Thy will alone!'. Perfection is having no
choices but obedience to Your will alone as expressed in Your Law (the Mind patterns
for chosen souls). All of it, Plan A! In Yahshua's name let it be Mighty Yahweh!" A
word from Shelômôh (Solomon) is appropriate and then we end:
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter [Plan]: Reverence Yahweh,
by observing; keeping His Laws, for this is the whole duty of man. For Yahweh will
bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is
righteous (right thinking), or whether it is wicked ("self" derived)." (Ecclesiastes
And now we see the "Why?" to it all. It's yours to speak out loud loved one:
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"Yahweh's entire Plan was to unveil one Supreme theme that would bring me
back into Oneness with Him and His son. That theme summarized in a profound
statement: 'Yahweh is saving me from _____________ (fill in the blank)!'"
Thank you for taking your time to consider all said within.