The Devil Inside Part III

The facts have been established, Parts 1 & 2 having done the exhaustive

work of expressing full Hebraic intent. And so we can return now to a rather

simplistic idea that is not often discussed in the mainstream church:

“If there is indeed a Devil (of course it would be a capital “D” deity/entity) is

he/she/it able to get 'into' the mind of a believer and bring undue influence? Can

this devil invade the mind of the masses who claim to have been 'saved' at a

single altar call prayer?”

Of course there is not one single scripture in the Scriptures that allows for

the idea that a literal entity/deity/demon thing named “Devil”, can actually invade

the center of thought as a conscious presence. And yet, how many times have

we heard, “Oh, it's the work of the Devil, the Devil is trying to seduce me! The

Devil is a liar!” From where??? Is the seductive temptation a whisper from this

supposed entity, as he/she/it, floats around the exterior shell of your physical

ears? Or has this “Devil” invaded your conscience as a conscience unto itself;

doing the damage from the very center of your intellect, where he/she/it, shares

habitation? Do we have three “wills” now: Yahweh's, yours and the entities, and

all within your mind? The place where you yourself have proclaimed: “The Spirit

of God dwells within me!” Has your God allowed another oppressive entity to

share space within your mind, and what scriptures even begin to support this?

We have already vetted words such as those at Mattithyah 4:1-10, and we

asked, “Was the 'devil' in those scriptures an invasion from within Yahshua's

mind, or was he being 'tempted' from an entity outside of his mind and physical

body?” Again, we know the proper answer from Part 1, and yet if one were to

support the idea of a “deity” like being, where would this entity reside and host

its influence? There is no scriptures better then those at Mark chapter 7, to not

only uphold the entirety of Parts 1 & 2, but to literally seal the deal on what the

Father has to say about any and all wicked influence within one's mind:

“There is nothing from outside a man, that entering into him, can

defile him....” (Mark 7:15) (emphasis added)

And so if one were to subscribe to the entity/deity/thing known as

“Devil/devil”, then one would have to state that if the entity did exist and cause

undo influence, it would have to be seated directly inside the mind of professed


The Devil Inside (Part 3) Page 2 of

“...but the things which come out of him [the individual man], those

are the things which defile the man...” (Mark 7:15)

Yahshua then makes it very clear: “Are you also without

understanding? Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from

outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter into his heart (“center

of intellect”), but not stomach, and then is eliminated as food is

eliminated?” (Mark 7:18-19)

Has he made it very clear, that we are speaking of mental issues here? It

is important that you answer!

“Then he said, 'That which comes out of a man defiles that man, for

from within-- out of the heart (intellect) of men, proceed wicked thoughts,

adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, lusts, wickedness, deceit,

lasciviousness, a wicked eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness-- all

these wicked things come from within and defile the man.” (Mark 7:20-23)

And so we see, or perhaps you choose not to, that the wickedness, all

wickedness of the mind, is and always will be a personal issue! And now we

open the mind's door to the only available constructs that would be left, leaving it

to you to finally decide: “From whence is all the wicked within me derived?”

1) From a “Devil/devil” that lives in my mind?

2) From an adversary (“sâtân”) which is my own personal, self will?


The Devil Inside Part II


Simplicity Best