The Devil Inside Part II

As it was with Part 1, so shall it be here. Expansion, new expression,

the leaving behind of those things once relied upon; former "truths". It

behooves us to declare the premise of Part 2 up front, for we must take a

journey that might seem off subject at first, only to be revealed as the very

essence of what will prove up the final verdict within your conscience. As

alluded to in Part 1, we will disprove the commonly held idea of “angels”;

angelic beings. Whether you envision fairy like entities or illusions in the form

of humans, or some other spectacle of the physical dimension, the Hebrew

Scriptures leave no such room for any interpretation and bad translation. It is

this fact we will prove up and we start in the garden:

"And the Mind of Yahweh was hovering..." (Genesis 1:2)

Represented here as His rûwach רוח (roo'-akh), Yahweh would release His,

"wind, breath", onto earth (the mind of man). This word, Strong's #7307,

utilzed in this verse would be Yahweh's internal representation of the whisper

of His voice, His Mind. Think, "The other whisper within," and you would be

correct. But it did not start this way! The pattern given for man's (carnal

thoughts) ability to interact with the Mind of Yahweh must be understood in

order to decipher all truth and in this case, the truth about the deception

commonly known as “angels”. We do well to understand that rûwach is also a

word that expresses the fallen breath (mind) of man as well; a word with duel


In the garden it would be the Master/servant pattern that would begin all

things. Man would be given truths (trees) to eat (mentally digest) from and

one very powerful truth (tree) not to eat from. (Genesis 2:16-17) We come to

understand that the Hebrew word ʼâkal אכל (aw-kal), "eat", (Strong's #398)

speaks to a mental Kingdom/kingdoms and therefore "mental consumption",

is the correct intent. And we realize that before this mandate at Genesis 2 is

established, the beginning was a realization that before Yahweh created the

literal container (man) for consciousness, all realms of available thought

boundaries were first established. Let's look and see:

Genesis 1:

1. "In the beginning (the start of consciousness, man's life to come and

the available boundaries of thought that would be available) Yahweh

(The Only Existing Conscience) created (by and through His created

language, the Hebrew language) the heavens (highest available

thought plain for His new creation) and the earth (lowest available

thought plain for His new creation).

2. Now the earth became without form (consciously undeveloped) and

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empty (an unfilled vessel), and darkness (dullness) was upon the

face (countenance) of the deep (the boundary of mental destitution),

and the Mind (breath) of Yahweh was hovering (consciously looming)

over the face of the waters (many realms of thought: pure, diluted,

clean, confused, etc.)

3. And Yahweh said, 'Let there be light (conscious illumination)!'; and

there was light.

4. And Yahweh saw the light, that it was beneficial; and Yahweh

divided (a mental distinction) between the light and between the


5. And Yahweh called the light day ("hot, warm"; conscious

connection), and the darkness he called night ("twist, adversity',

consciously disconnected). And the evening ("dusk, covering”,

confusing realms of thought) and the morning ("dawn, break";

renewing thoughts) were the first day (illumination).

6. And Yahweh said, 'Let there be an expanse (mental barrier)

between the waters and let there be separation (mental distinction)

between waters (purity - delusion - tumultuous - clean – etc.) from the


7. And Yahweh called the expanse (mental expansion) sky ("lofty"; wise

thoughts, also known as "heaven")...

8. And Yahweh said, 'Let the waters (unformed thoughts) under the

sky be gathered to one place (separate from the "living" water) and

let the dry (parched) land (lowest mental thought plain) appear'. And

so it was.

9. And Yahweh called the dry land earth (ʼerets ארין (eh'-rets), "firm";

strongly established parched thought realm; the mind of man; Strong's

#776) and the gathered waters (unformed thoughts) He called seas

(yâm יס (yawm), "noisy"; tumultuous, aggravated thought realm;

Strong's #3220). And Yahweh saw that it (the conscious designations)

was fitting.

10. Then Yahweh said, 'Let the earth (mind of man) produce

vegetation ("sprout, spring"; ability to produce), herb ("glisten"; truth)

yielding seed ("fruit, dissemination"; thoughts spreading) on the earth

(mind of man) that will bear fruit (conscious productivity) according to

their kind (created capacity)'. And Yahweh saw that it was right...

11. And Yahweh said, 'Let there be lights (illuminated truths) in

the expanse of the sky to separate (consciously divide) the day

(illumination) from the night (dullness), and let them (the illuminated

truths out of reach potentially) serve as signs (mental banners) to

mark (mentally inscribe) the seasons ("appointment"; mental Feasts),

and for days and years (mental revolutions).

12. Yahweh made two (divided) great lights - the greater light (the

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sun; the active conscience) to govern the day and the lesser light

(the moon; the subconscience) to govern the night, and also the

stars (“blazing”, piercing truths uneasy to obtain)'...

13. Then Yahweh said, 'Let the waters (unformed thought realms)

bring forth an abundance of living (consciously active) creatures

("breathing"; active thoughts in consciousness), and let birds

("covered"; conscious reliances) fly above the earth (mind of man)

across the expanse of the sky'...

14. Then Yahweh said, 'Let the earth (mind of man) bring forth

the living creature according to their kind (multiplication of specific

thought realms); cattle ("dumb"; ignorant thoughts), and creeping

("glide"; deceptive thoughts) thing, and beast ("raw"; unruly thoughts)

of the earth, according to it's kind'. And so it was...

15. Then Yahweh said, 'I will make (consciously form) man (ʼâdâm

ארם (aw- dawm'), "ruddy, show blood"; a vessel containing

consciousness; Strong's #120) in My image ("shade, illusion";

MENTAL LIKENESS, NOT PHYSICAL), they (vessels containing

consciousness) will have rulership (mental dominance) over the fish

("prolific"; schools of thought) of the sea (tumultuous thought realm),

over the birds (carnal reliances) of the air (loftiness), over the cattle

(dumbness), and over all the earth (totality of mind boundaries) and

over every creeping (detestable) thing that creeps upon the earth.'

16. So Yahweh created man (a vessel to contain all created realms

of consciousness) in His image (conscious likeness). In His own

image (A NON-PHYSICAL IMAGE) He created man. Then He created

(consciously manifested) the woman ("steward, melancholy"; the

emotional side of consciousness) for man.

17. Then Yahweh blessed (consciously favored) him (the soul

containing consciousness) and Yahweh said to him, 'Be fruitful

(consciously clean) and multiply (duplicate clean thoughts), fill the

earth (mind) and subdue (control the negative, carnal thoughts

available), have rulership (mental dominion) over the fish (schooling

thoughts) of the sea (tumultuousness), the birds (carnal reliances) of

the air, and over every living (active) thing (thought) that moves on

earth...'" (Genesis 1:1-28)

Man would be permitted to stand in "Oneness" with the Mind of

Yahweh, by his obedience to all decreed at Genesis chapter 1. Perfections

and those things mentally imperfect having been established before the

vessel (man) that would be able to contain these realms of mental behavior.

All available "choices" already predetermined by Yahweh Alone, the Maker of

consciousness and the boundaries thereof; "Eat these, not this!" And then the

fall! The attempt to alter perfection, consuming from the forbidden tree (the

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truth of sensual desire) while attempting to actually label that alteration "free

will". No longer would it be possible for the vessel that housed a conscience

to commune in Oneness with Yahweh. Adam (carnal life force in

consciousness) having been a representation of all, proved that none would

obey and established an eternal mandate regarding this fact. The garden

(conscience hedged in by Yahweh) experience would be a pattern disavowed

by Yahweh and a new pattern would emerge as seen through the vessel

named Nôach ("rest"; restful thoughts). Yes, many thoughts (men) would

come and go up to the time of Noah, but the inevitable decree about all

vessels; "They will never subject themselves to My word, for they are

indeed carnally minded," (Genesis 6:3) would not be changed.

"Make yourself an ark..." (Genesis 6:14) The Hebrew word for ark is

têbâh תבה (tay-baw'), "box, pour"; Strong's #8392. The decree given to Nôach

was to prepare a place within the conscience where Yahweh could literally

download (pour) His presence out, that it could be contained (box). Rest

(Nôach), having "found honor in the eyes of Yahweh”, (Gen 6:8) would

open a new place in the fallen thought world allowing for right thinking to be

conceptualized again, though far from perfection as required. Unlike the

garden, it would be temporary yet profound in it's intent. The "flood",

Hebraically mabbûwl מכול (mab-bool'), "flowing, deluge"; Strong's #3999, was

next. The idea to send a deluge of conviction and judgment into wicked

vessels, leaving behind very few who would enter into Yahweh's presence,

would be the end of a specific season in the mind of man; a total cleansing

and a chance to reunite in Oneness with Yahweh, this represented by the ark.

Yes, Nôach's prodigy would enter with him (see, "Table of Nations" below)

setting up a new perpetual pattern that would last until the book of Revelation,

though Môsheh would bring a new understanding, a new ark: The Table of

Nations. In order to understand why the sons of Noah would be a powerful

representation of a perpetual pattern until the time of the book of Revelation,

we need to go back - back to the sons (builders) of ʼÂdâm and Chavvâh


Cain – Qayin קין (kah'-yin); "fixity, lance, striking fast"; Strong's #7014.

Abel – Hebel הכל (heh'-bel); "empty, vain, astray"; Strong's #1893

Seth- Shêth שת (shayth); "substituted, to place"; Strong's #8352.

Think, "Three states of consciousness!"

And we now look at Noah's three sons:

Shem – Shêm שם (shame); "position"; Strong's #8035.

Ham – Châm חם (khawm); "hot decay"; Strong's #2526.

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Japeth – Yepheth פת (yeh'-feth); "expansion, open"; Strong's #3315.

Three available states of consciousness within every soul. The

wickedness (Cain, Ham), the efforts to achieve perfection apart from

Yahweh's Mind (Abel, Japheth), and the mentally renewed by Yahweh's

power (Seth, Shem). Three states of consciousness within each soul: 1)

wickedness; 2) self reliant efforts towards truth; 3) Yahweh's Mind leading

and ruling. And where do these three states of mind show up again? At Luke

chapter 23 of course:

The wicked criminal - "Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and

us!" (23:29)

Personal effort to achieve purity - "Do you not reverence Yahweh,

since you are under the same sentence?" (23:40-42)

Yahweh's Mind leading - "And Yahshua said to him (effort

redeeemed), 'Truly I say to you this day: You will be with me in

perfection (mental paradise).'" (23:43)

And so we learn that at Genesis chapter 10 we are given mental

access to the New Table (same word as "tablets"; more coming soon) of

Nations (constructs in thought). After a flooding (mental destruction) of all but

Nôach, his wife, his sons and their wives, consciousness would begin again,

but with the same access to failure and success as after ʼÂdâm's fall. This

pattern would be alive and well when Môsheh is revealed. "She made for

him an ark of bulrushes." (Exodus 2:3)

The same ark (#8392) as Nôach received, is now applicable to Môsheh.

We talked of how the three available states of consciousness operate and

Môsheh is representative of a mind that will "draw out" mental manna:

Môsheh משה (mo-sheh'), "drawing, rescued, pull"; Strong's #4872. In the

beginning of the life of Mosheh he was literally saved from death (mental of

course) by being placed in the "box, pour" of bulrushes. The Hebrew word for

bulrushes is gômeʼ גמא (go'-meh), "absorbent, porosity"; Strong's #1573. So

we realize that a soul that "draws out" and "absorbs" the mental things of

Yahweh in the conscience, is whom Yahweh has "poured" into. Môsheh

would carry forth that which was given to Nôach and perhaps one or more of

his sons, but something new would come:

At Exodus (a mental leaving behind) chapter 12, Yahweh would begin

to reveal the mind patterns (Laws) to Môsheh and ʼAhărôwn אהרון (ă-har-

one'); ("illuminated"; intellectual light; Strong's #175) within each chosen soul.

When ʼÂdâm "named" the animals at Genesis 2:19, it would be an

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accountability test. A test to live according to the wisdom and knowledge he

had of all the available thought realms that Yahweh would create; the good

trees (truths) and the bad. This itself was a writing of the Law onto ʼÂdâm's

mind. And so with Môsheh, Yahweh would begin to once again hold man

accountable to the wisdom and knowledge imparted. A redo of, "I command

and you do!" We jump forward in time to expose the reality that as with

ʼÂdâm, mankind (thoughts) would continually fail when given the chance to

simply obey predetermined, commanded patterns of thought. Man would

always fail, but Yahweh would continue to unveil new patterns that over time

would reveal His ultimate plan for chosen souls. At chapter 13 of Exodus, a

process known as "sanctification" would be revealed: qâdâsh קרש (kaw-

dash'), "be clean"; Strong's #6942.

The purpose would be to sanctify all "first born" to Yahweh and these

"first fruits" would represent the clean thoughts that would again be permitted

to enter into the conscience of chosen vessels allowing for access to

Yahweh. The Hebrew word for first fruits is bikkûwr בכורים (bik-koor'). It's

definition, "burst, birthright"; Strong's #1061. The renewal bursting forth from

a mind chosen for redemption ("distinction, deliverance"); perhaps to never

fall again? At Exodus 15 we are introduced to the idea of the sanctuary;

which in fact has two Hebraic understandings

depending on the subject matter:

miqdâsh מקרש (mik-dawsh'), "consecrated"; Strong's #4720. And,

qâdâsh קרש (kaw-dash'), "be clean'; Strong's #6942, which happens to be the

root of #4720 and the same word for "sanctification". "You will bring them

(redeemed minds), and plant (consciously secure) them on the mountain

(exalted thought plain) of Your inheritance (mental lineage), the place (mind

space), 0 Yahweh, You made for Your dwelling (residence in the

conscience of the chosen), the sanctuary (consecrated, clean mind space),

0 Yahweh, Your hands (ability to grasp) have established." (Exodus


So we can see that up to this point Môsheh, he who carries forth the ark

(though distinctly different) of Nôach, also introduces a new pattern. A pattern

different from the garden, where once upon a time man could have been and

stayed in mental Oneness with Yahweh, by and through obedience to

Yahweh. Having miserably failed, Môsheh's ark would represent the favor of

Yahweh upon predetermined and selected realms of thought, to be once

again housed in vessels. As Yahweh begins to reveal the written form of Law,

His concept of the Sanctuary is revealed as further illustrated in Exodus

23:19: "The first fruits (renewing thoughts) of your land (firmly held

thoughts and ideas) you shall bring (consciously acknowledge) to the

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House (Mindset of Yahweh placed into chosen souls) of Yahweh." It is

important to note that the word for land in this Scripture is the same Hebrew

word as the word "earth", Strong's #776.

Always remember the earth is “the conscience of man.” And so this first

introduction to the House of Yahweh, understood properly through Hebraic

definition and intent, is an introduction to the "Mindset of Yahweh", and how

all thoughts that are redeemed must pay homage to that House; the Kingdom

within. It is important to note that the Law (Mind patterns) comes prior to the

actual revealing of the House. Also of importance is the exodus (leaving

behind of material consciousness leading to bondage) expressed in Exodus

20:2: "I am Yahweh your Heavenly Father, who brought you out of the

land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage". The Hebrew word for Egypt

is Mitsrayim מערים (mits-rah'-yim). It's definition, "limit, distress, adversary";

Strong's #4714. The idea is that Egypt represents a house (mindset) ruled by

the adversary whom we know intimately by now. The mind held in bondage to

carnality will soon be given over to a Mindset (House) ruled by Yahweh alone.

Because of the reality of a "House of Yahweh", Scripture will introduce

another new development - a new ark. It would be different from the ark of

Nôach, that which saved his family as well as the baby Môsheh. We know

that the former ark represented the containment of all that men (thoughts)

would need to know of Yahweh in order to survive. It would represent having

to step into this new relationship in order to be saved. Yes, it was Yahweh

being "poured into" these vessels, but they would first need to step into that

Presence. The idea of the Sanctuary and the declaration of the House of

Yahweh would be the new mandate: "And let them (vessels containing

Yahweh's Mind) make Me a Sanctuary (consecrated place in the

conscience), that I may dwell (consciously reside) among them." (Exodus

25:8) The establishment of a space within the conscience for Yahweh to

reside, different from the garden and the previous ark (Strong's #8392), this

would be a new, yet end goal, for redeemed souls. And there would be a new

ark to go with it!

"And they shall make an ark of acacia wood..." (Exodus 25:10)

This ark would be known as ʼârôn ארון (aw-rone). It's definition,

"gathering, pluck"; Strong's #727. Different from the ark of Nôach and baby

Môsheh, this ark would represent a gathering too; a gathering to Yahweh.

Whereas the old ark and it's mental pattern was to "draw out", this new

pattern would be to "draw in". It is also important to note that the Hebrew

word mishkân משכן (mish-kawn'), the word commonly known as

"Tabernacle", has the definition, "residence, lodging"; Strong's #4908. This

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word is simultaneously utilized along side of our word Sanctuary (miqdâsh) in

order to describe Yahweh's plan to temporarily inhabit chosen vessels. This

new ark made of acacia ("fastening") wood ("firmness") would represent a

place in the conscience of chosen souls where Yahweh's Mind would dwell

and draw in, and firmly establish renewing thoughts for the vessels inhabited.

Remember also that "house" means "build", the very same Hebrew

word for "son", "daughter", and "children"; Strong's #1129, being the root

word. Bên בנה (bane), literally establishes the meaning in the context of what

is being discussed as the "Build of Yahweh". A process to be taken on with

much "fear and trembling". (Phil 2:12) A mind rebuilt by Yahweh mandating a

return to Oneness with Yahweh.

Also to understand in it's proper context is another Hebrew word first

introduced in I Samuel 1:9 as the word "Temple". The Hebrew word is hêykâl

היכל (hay-kawl'), Strong's # 1964. It's definition, "capacity". The idea would be

that once fully built (and by Whom we will soon decipher), the House of

Yahweh would be a place within the conscience wherein one could increase

(capacity) in the wisdom and knowledge of the Mind of Yahweh, through

obedience to His Mind patterns (Laws). Yes it seems like something akin to

the garden, but this time around it would be the removal of carnality in the

conscience that would bring back purity, rather than having already been pure

and falling from that place. Chosen men would be given another chance to

come into mental Oneness with Yahweh through this new pattern, a pattern

that would include a House and an ark within the House. And soon to be

realized would also be a builder (son) of that House:

"I [Yahweh] have not lived in a house (mindset within a vessel) since

the time that I brought up (mentally redeemed) Israel ("thoughts ruled by

and for Yahweh"), to this very day. I have gone from tent (temporary

dwelling) to tent in a tabernacle (lodging place)." (I Chronicles 17:5) All

that was written in Exodus and eventually in Deuteronomy would be the

foreshadowing of what I Chronicles would now reveal. The House often

discussed, and in varying form and function, would now need to be built and it

is the builder that needs to be comprehended.

To Dâvîd ("praise" and "love" not yet fully redeemed) it was said, "You

have shed (mentally put off) much blood (dam - adam, carnality; carnal life

force in the conscience), and have waged many wars (internal battles). You

shall not build (mentally construct) a House for My Name (countenance),

because you have shed much blood on the earth (mind within a vessel) in

My sight." (I Chron 22:8) Praise and love, having not reached their full

stature, would be insufficient to build

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Yahweh's House within. It would take something more to complete the work.

The Hebrew word is Shelômôh שלמה (shel-o-mo'). It's definition,

"peaceful, requital"; Strong's #8010. This word commonly known as

"Solomon" would build the House of Yahweh. Only a peaceful, repentive,

whole mind could build the House of Yahweh:

"But behold, a son (builder) shall be born (consciously manifest) to

you (yet completed praise and love) who will be a man (thought) of peace,

and I will give him (the mind at peace) rest from all his enemies (ego

driven desires) on every side (N,S,E,W). His name (countenance) will be

Shelômôh (Solomon); for I will grant peace and rest (the perpetuation of

Noah and the ark) during his reign (authority in consciousness). He will

build a House for My Name; he will be My son (builder), and I will be his

Father (dominant thought)." (I Chron 22:9-10) And once that House was

built there would be a culmination of all that was decreed by Yahweh: "I have

built a House for the Name of Yahweh, the Father of Israel ("thoughts

ruled by and for Yahweh"). And there I have placed the ark (#727 ארון,

"gathering, pluck"), in which is the covenant of Yahweh that He made with

the children (builders) of Israel." (II Chron 6:10-11) "But what about the

failure of Solomon (peace requital)?"

Indeed the sins (mental transgressions) of Solomon, well documented

in I Kings 11:1-13, causes major repercussions to the covenant discussed in

II Chronicles 6:10-11, but this would not be the first time the presence of the

Mind was desecrated. We must now go back to Môsheh and Mount Sinai

("communion"). Whether at Exodus or Deuteronomy, the tale is the same

and is the actual reason we had to travel to a place that seems far off subject

to begin with. For what does all of this have to do with the reality or non reality

of the concept of angels? We are getting to that very point, but let's first

consider the Hebrew word for covenant: berîyth כרית (ber-eeth'); "compact";

Strong's #1285. It's root is bârâh כרה (baw-raw'); "select, feed"; Strong's


We have used the word "chosen" throughout Part 1 and it is precisely

for the reason specified in the root word bârâh. Chosen souls that will be fed

(mentally of course) manna ("What is it?"; new thoughts) from Heaven (the

exalted thought plain). It is crucial that we understand the premise of the

covenant as well: "You are standing here in order to enter into a

covenant (mind compact) with Yahweh your Father, a covenant Yahweh

is making with you this day, and sealing with an oath." (Deuteronomy

29:12) It must be understood that the covenant is a Unilateral Contract;

"Yahweh is making..." ? The one sided offer that would enable this covenant

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to forever stand. Simply put, if it was a bilateral (two party) contract that

needed man's consideration and acceptance, it would have been doomed

from the start. The unilateral contract was a precursor to the necessity of the

life of a Messiah ("anointed" thinker) in order to keep this covenant sealed

forever. It is also very compelling to understand that the "oath" would have it's

own telling when properly understood. The Hebrew word for oath is ʼâlâh אלה

(aw- law'), "imprecate, curse" Strong's #423.

Deuteronomy 28:15-68 should help you understand if perhaps you

skipped over words such as "Mind compact" for "select, chosen", souls. It

brings us to the heart of the matter and Hebraically the heart is always the

"center of intellect". A covenant with the center of intellect, but not just any

center of intellect – only circumcised hearts will do:

It would start with Nôach, then on to ʼAbrâhâm אברהם (ab-raw-hawm');

"father of a multitude"; Strong's #85. He would represent the wide spectrum of

thoughts that Yahweh would implant (by covenant) into the conscience of the

chosen: "I will establish My covenant with you as an everlasting

covenant between Me and you, and your descendents after you, for all

generations to come..." (Genesis 17:7)

Again, it would be a unilateral offer "established" by the power of

Yahweh alone, to perpetuate His thoughts continually (generationally), within

each chosen soul (mind vessels). "...Every male among you shall be

circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision in the flesh of your

foreskins, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you."

(Gen 17:10-11)

circumcision – nâmal נמל (naw-mal'); "clipped, remove"; #5243.

flesh – bâsâr כשר (baw-sawr'); "fresh, full"; #1320.

foreskins -'orlâh ערלה (or -law'); "prepuce, exposed"; #6190.

sign - ʼôwth אות (oth); "signal, come"; #226.

Let's look at it with Hebraic terms and intents: "...Every male ("marked

thought") among you (chosen souls) shall be clipped (circumcised). You

shall undergo clipping (cutting off) in the freshness (flesh) of your

exposed part (foreskins), and it shall be a signal (mind sign) of the

covenant (unilateral mind contract) between Me and you." A physical act or

a mental act? Let's now look to Môsheh: "Therefore, circumcise the

foreskin of your heart, and do not be stiff necked any longer."

(Deuteronomy 10:16) This would not be the first time nor the first accounting

of what was spoken to ʼAbrâhâm and advanced by Môsheh.

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Interestingly, the corporate call to circumcise would be a different

Hebrew word with intent:

circumcise – muwl מול (mool); "curtail, destroy"; #4135.

stiff-necked – qâsheh קשה (kaw-shah'); "dense, severe"; #7186. And,

ʽôreph ערף (o-ref'); "declining, bend"; #6203.

Let's look again with Hebrew eyes:

"Therefore, destroy (circumcise), the exposed part (foreskin) of your

center of intellect (heart), and do not be declining (stiff-necked) any

longer." The totality of the Scriptures, from Old Covenant to Renewed

Covenant, would forever support the intent that it was the mind that needed

circumcision. Just a few Renewed Covenant scriptures to support the facts:

II Corinthians 3:3 - "You show that you are a letter from the

anointing delivered by us, not written with ink, but by the Mind of the

Living Father. Not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh of the


Hebrews 8:10 - "For this covenant is the covenant that I will renew

with the House of Israel. After those days, says Yahweh: I will put My

Law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their

Father, and they will be My people."

Hebrews 10:16 - "This is the covenant that I will renew with them

after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My Laws into their hearts, and

in their minds I will write them." The Unilateral Mind contract with chosen

souls and no less! All perfectly illustrated at Sinai! At Exodus (leaving behind

of mental bondage) 24:12, Yahweh says to Môsheh, "Come up to Me on the

mountain and I will give you tablets of stone, and the Law and

commands I have written, that you may teach them."

This application of Yahweh's Unilateral Mind contract with chosen

vessels would be another test for those men and all mankind (all thoughts).

Once again Yahweh would present His chosen with the prescribed Mind

patterns (Laws) and man would be given the opportunity to obey all that was


Let's break down a few words before we move forward, as they are

really a foreshadow of what would be a quickly arriving future event!

tables – lûwach לוח (loo'-akh), "glisten, polished"; Strong's #3871.

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stone – 'eben אבן (eh'-ben), "build"; Strong's #68.

It is imperative to look at the root word, #1129 as we know it by now. It's

our word bânâh כנה which is the Hebrew word for son, daughter and children;

"builders". Let's look at the verse anew:

"Come up to Me on the mountain (exalted thought plain), and I will

give you glistening (tablets) of building (stone)..."

The idea was to again bring chosen children into fellowship by allowing

for renewal through obedience. Obedience that would again build the Temple

of Yahweh within the conscience of once fallen souls. This would be

Yahweh's way of revealing what would happen if He once again gave His

chosen the opportunity to obey of his own accord. A literal "do over".

At (Exodus 32:19) and (Deuteronomy 9:17), we are given the final

assessment of man's abilities. Let's look at the words Môsheh spoke in Deut

9:17: "Then I took the two tablets and threw them out of my hands, and

broke them to pieces, right in front of your eyes." This would be the last

time Yahweh would allow mankind to enter into covenant of his own accord,

but it would not annul the covenant.

Remember that Yahweh literally made the covenant (Unilateral Mind

offer) with Himself, for He foresaw that through Môsheh and the tablets, the

covenant would have been broken otherwise. We remember that His promise

was to "write it on their hearts", and this would be exactly what would have to

happen in order to fulfill His covenant.

After the breaking of the tablets, the sign that mankind would never

obey of his own volition, Yahweh would then unveil another part of His eternal


At Exodus chapter 34 and Deuteronomy chapter 10, Yahweh tells

Môsheh to, "chisel out new stone tablets like the first", and to "bring the

ark" which had been built, and He invites him back up to the mountain. If we

look closely at Exodus 34:10, Yahweh makes a final decree after mankind

once again fails Him: "I am making a covenant with you..." It is this place in

time that we have spent our time getting to in order to confirm a most serious

Scriptural blueprint that must be understood in order to receive all that will be

said about the malakim; erroneously called "angels". Yahweh's unilateral offer

to establish a covenant of His own accord, power and promise, was a

covenant to indwell chosen souls. At Deuteronomy 29:4 the idea that this

very covenant discussed in Exodus 34:10 would be a covenant within the

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mind of those He chose, is further expressed: "But to this very day Yahweh

has NOT given you a mind of understanding, nor eyes (mental

perceptions) that see, nor ears (mental comprehension) that hear


The covenant would be to place His presence in the minds of the seed

of ʼabrâhâm, and to disseminate all that would be required from that place.

The House of Yahweh would forever be Yahweh's Mind (in the boundaries

He would allot) placed into the center seat of the conscience of His chosen

children, and it would be from here that all of His malakim (messages) would

derive in order to infiltrate the hardened minds of His own.

malʼâk - מלאך (mal-awk'); "despatch, messenger". Our seemingly off

subject journey now taking on what has become a pivotal understanding

leading us to the Hebrew word malʼâk. Had we not established where in fact

the House of Yahweh resides we would never fully comprehend from whence

His dispatched messages would come. As with Part 1, we will take an in-

depth view of Old Covenant scriptures only to then take Môsheh's mind into

the Renewed Covenant. Always keeping in mind Yahshua the anointed's

words that emphatically declared, "If you don't believe Môsheh, how could

you possibly believe me?" Before we begin let's again look at the origin of

where some of your formerly held views have perpetuated. At #4397 Strong's

has this to say about malak:

malʼâk מלאך (mal-awk') from an unused root mean to dispatch as a

deputy; a messenger; spec. of God, i.e. an angel (also a prophet, priest or

teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger;

Without Strong's influence let's look at some of the derivations of the

word malʼâk:

melâʼ'kâh (mel-aw-kaw'); "deputyship, employment"; malʼăkûwth (mal-

ak-ooth'); "message"; Malʼâkîy (mal-aw-kee'); "ministrative"; also the name

for the prophet commonly known as Malachai ("messenger of Yahweh").

And so without any outside influence and a clear perspective of Hebraic

definitions, it would only be necessary to now discern the intent of this word

malʼâk. We go to the Old Covenant Scripture to do so:

"You make your malakim minds. Your ministers a flame of fire."

(Psalm 104:4) Malakim: messengers of messages!

"You make your messages..." A rûwach (roo'-akh), "wind, breath";

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 14 of


#7307. Root word #7306; rûwach (roo'-akh), "blow, breathe".

"You make your messages breath..."

ministers: shârath שרת (shaw-rath'), "attend, contribute";#8334.

"You make your messages breath. Your attending..."

flaming: lâhat לרט (law-hat'), "lick, blaze"; #3857.

"You make your messages breath. Your attending a blaze..."

fire: ʼêsh אש (aysh), "fire, burning"; #784.

"You make your messages breath. Your attending a blaze of


We do well to unearth the reality that the very same word used in

Psalm 104:4 in regards to "minds", is the very same word for the Holy Mind.

We enhance our understanding of the true reality that these messages and

the messengers are an internal process. The idea that the Mind is placed

within chosen souls should be an elementary matter to the enlightened soul?

If one were to seek out Scriptures that utilize any of the five words we have

highlighted from Psalm 104:4, it would not take too much effort to realize that

every single scripture points to issues of the conscience; internal dilemmas as

well as patterns of healing in the conscience. For this specific body of work

we will now highlight two important areas of Scripture from the Old Covenant

to further prove up the claims made within. We start at Zekaryâh (zek-ar-

yaw') chapter 6:

"As I turned and raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four

chariots came from between two mountains; and the mountains were

mountains of bronze. With the first chariot, red horses; and with the

second chariot, black horses. With the third chariot, white horses; and

with the fourth chariot, dappled and bay horses. Then I spoke and said

to the malak who talked to me, 'What are these, my ruler?' The malak

answered and said, 'These are the four minds of the heavens, whom go

forth after presenting themselves before the Ruler of all the earth. The

one with the black horses is going towards the north country and the

white horses are following after them. The dappled horses are going

toward the south country.'

Then the bay horses came forward, eager to go, in order to walk to

and fro throughout the earth. And He said, 'Go, walk to and fro

throughout the earth!' So they walked to and from throughout the earth.

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And He called to me, and spoke to me, saying, 'Behold, these that go to

the north country have given rest to My Mind in the north country'. Then

the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, 'Receive from the captives -

from Chelday, from Tobiyâh, and from Yedaʽyâh, who have come from

Babylon - and go the same day to the house of Yôʼshîyâh son of

Tsephanyâh. Take the silver and gold and make crowns, and set them

on the head of Yhôshûʼa son of Yehôwtsâdâq, the High Priest.'

Speak to him and say, 'Thus says Yahweh of Hosts, Behold, the

Man whose name is BRANCH! For He will branch out from His place,

and He will build the House of Yahweh! Yes, He shall build the House of

Yahweh. He will bear the glory, and will sit and rule on His throne, and

the counsel of peace will be between them both. And the crowns will be

to Chêlem, to Tobiyâh, to Yedaʽyâh, and the son of Tsephanyâh, as a

memorial in the House of Yahweh. And they who are far off will come

and build the House of Yahweh.' Then you will know that Yahweh of

Hosts has sent me to you. And this shall surely be, if you diligently obey

the voice of Yahweh your Father."

And now, the intent: "As I (Zecharyâh - the mind that "remembers

Yahweh") turned (left carnal thinking) and raised (consciously elevated) my

eyes ("fountain, knowledge"; perceptions) and looked, and behold four (the

totality of thought boundaries - N,S,E,W) chariots ("seat, dispatch";

movements in the conscience) came from between two ("division")

mountains ("range, loom"; mental soap boxes, if you will); and the

mountains (exaltations) were mountains of bronze ("fetter, hiss"; the carnal

ego of man). With the first chariot (mental seat), red ("ruddy, dam, ʼÂdâm";

carnal life force) horses ("skip, swallow"; belief in physical prowess and

abilities); and with the second chariot, black ("dawn, early"; deception in

the conscience) horses. With the third chariot (mind ride), white ("make

bricks"; self righteousness) horses, and with the fourth (mental boundary)

chariot, dapple ("spotted, hail"; unclean, hardened thoughts) and bay

("strong, red"; self esteem) horses. Then I (the mind remembering Yahweh)

spoke (into consciousness) and said to the malak (message resounding in

the center of intellect) who talked (the Mind whisper) to me, 'What are these

[frames of mind], my ruler (chief in the conscience)?' The malak (mind

message, Mind breathed) answered and said, 'These are the four

(N,S,E,W - front brain (E), right brain (S), left brain (N), rear brain (W)) minds

(#7307, "wind, breath", internal voices) of the heavens ("lofty, sky"; self

prescribed wisdom and knowledge), whom go forth (into the boundaries of

the conscience) after presenting themselves [like the sâtân of Îyôwb]

before the Ruler [Yahweh] of all the earth (mind of man). The one

[message in the conscience] with the black (deception) horses is going

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towards the north ("dark, hide"; judgment in the conscience; searing)

country (#776; same as "earth" and "firm"; solidified carnal thinking), and the

white (self righteousness in the conscience) are following after them. The

dappled (unclean thoughts) are going toward the south ("right, strong";

parched conscience, longing for (water)) country (thought plain)'.

Then the bay (haughtiness in the conscience) horses came forward

[into the center seat of the conscience], eager to go, in order to walk to and

fro throughout the earth (a redo of sâtân in the life of Îyôwb; the persecuted

conscience). And He [Yahweh] said, 'Go, walk to and fro throughout the

earth (mind of man)!' So they [all self sufficient, carnal, mental reliances]

walked to and fro throughout the earth. And He [from His center seat in

the conscience; the House of Yahweh] called to me, and spoke to me,

saying, 'Behold (mentally grasp), these [carnal thought processes] that go

to the north (judgment in the conscience) country have given My Mind

rest (judgment having prevailed) in the north country'. Then the word of

Yahweh came to me, saying, 'Receive from the captives (thoughts in

bondage) - from Chelday ("worldliness"; belief in the material), from

Towbiyâh ("goodness of Yahweh"; redeemed humility), and from Yedaʽyâh

("Yahweh has known"; redeemed contriteness), who have come from

Babylon ("confusion" in the conscience) - and go the same day (clarity in

thought) to the house [mindset] of Yôshîyâh ("founded of Yahweh"; renewal

in the conscience) son [builder] of Tsephanyâh ("Yahweh has secreted";

hidden mysteries in the conscience). Take the silver ("pale, pine"; redeemed

love) and gold ("shimmer, oil"; redeemed wisdom) and make crowns

("encircle"; mental protection), and set them on the head ("shake"; cleansed

conscience) of Yhôwshûʼa ("Yahweh saves"; a saved conscience) son

(builder) of Yehowtsâdâq ("Yahweh has righted"; the completely redeemed

mind), the High [prevailing] Priest ("officiating"; mind judge).'

Speak to him [the hidden mysteries now found] and say, 'Thus says

Yahweh of Hosts ("massing, campaign"; His thoughts invading the

conscience of redeemed children), Behold, the Man [thought] whose name

[countenance] is BRANCH ("sprout, bear"; thoughts stemming from the

center seat of consciousness)! For He will branch out [into the conscience]

from this place, and He will build [son] the House (mindset) of Yahweh!

Yes, He shall build the House of Yahweh. He will bear (branch forth into

the conscience) the glory ("grandeur"; essence of Yahweh), and will sit

[mediate] and rule on His throne ("plump, fill”, righteousness), and the

counsel of peace [Jerusalem] will be between them [Yahweh & Yahshua]

both. And the crown [mental protection] will be to Chêlem ("dream, bind";

imagination), to Towbiyâh (Yahweh's goodness), to Yedaʻyâh (Yahweh's

knowledge), and the son of Tsephanyâh (Yahweh's secrets), as a

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memorial (mental remembrance) in the House [mindset] of Yahweh [the

Perfect Conscience]. And they [those called to redemption and salvation]

who are far [incapacitated mentally] off will come and build [son] the

House of Yahweh. Then you [redeemed soul] will know that Yahweh has

sent me [the mind that remembers] to you. And this [salvation] shall surely

be, if you diligently obey the voice of Yahweh your Father [Chief in


Conveyance. Modus Operandi. Not only messages [malakim] placed

into the conscience of the redeemed, but internal explanations

[understandings] of those messages. Patterns! Blueprints! Also, a major

prophetic internal message; the Unilateral Covenant; the Mind contract with

fallen men [thoughts] fulfilled only through Yahshua [Yahweh saves minds],

the personification of the saved mind. What it sounds like, what it looks like,

what it thinks like, and therefore speaks like, is internal messages; malakim.

Now we go back to Genesis to further our understanding:

"So He drove out the man, and He placed kerûwb (aka “cherubim”)

at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned

every way, to guard the way to the Tree of Life." (Genesis 3:24)

And now, the intent:

"So He drove out (away from the perfect conscience) the man (carnal

thought), and He placed cherubim (“legion (many) like, augmentation,

growth to infinity”; the attributes of holy protection of sacred mind life) at the

east ("open"; front brain, entrance to the Holy Mind) of the garden (protected

thought realm) of Eden ("pleasure, soft"; beautiful thoughts), and a flaming

(the "blaze" in the conscience) sword (piercing thoughts convicting and

judging each conscience) which turned ("changed, prevent"; altered

thoughts) every way (N,S,E,W - the totality of the mind and it's thought

boundaries), to guard [preserve] the way [mental path] to the Tree (truth) of

Life [consciousness]."

Quickly reciting Psalm 104:4 - "You make your malakim minds. Your

ministers a flame of fire". We can now see the first manifestation of these

truths. The many messages (cherubim) that protect by acceptance and

deterrence, the holy place in the conscience of the redeemed takes place

immediately after the fall (the idea that one could "choose" under what has

been titled "free will", rather than obey predetermined and commanded ways

of thought). Nothing about any of this action has been external to man, but all

within the mind where for some the House of Yahweh has been established.

Let's look at some more scriptures involving cherubim: We have discerned

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the meaning and intent of the ark ("gathering, pluck"; the redeeming of the

conscience of chosen souls) of Mosheh (that which "draws out" Yahweh's

Mind patterns), and we now explore the presence of the cherubim around the


"And make two cherubim out of hammered gold; at the two ends

of the mercy seat you shall make them. Make one cherub on one end

and the second cherub on the other. You shall make the cherub at the

two ends of it of one piece with the mercy seat. And the cherubim will

stretch out their wings above, covering the mercy seat with their wings,

and they shall face one another, each facing down to the cover."

(Exodus 25:18-20)

And now, the intent:

"And make (consciously construct) two ("opposition"; for the once

divided mind; right brain - left brain) cherubim (the many messages in the

conscience, protecting the pouring (ark) forth of holy messages) out of

hammered [tested] gold (wisdom); at the two ends (mental boundaries) of

the mercy ("lid, cover, cancel"; covering for the conscience of the chosen)

seat (the center of intellect; the place of thrones) you shall make them

("many" protective messages). Make one cherub on one end (North;

"judgment") and the second cherub on the other (South; "parched"). You

shall make the cherubim at the two ends of it (the place where wisdom

and understanding is "poured" out; the ark) of one (unified) piece with the

mercy seat. And the cherubim (many protective messages) will stretch

[reaching all mind boundaries] out their wings ("edge, extremity, protect"-;

fully manifested message) above, covering the mercy seat with their

wings, and they shall face (countenance to countenance) one another,

each facing down to the cover."

"Love is not an emotion! It is an established, patterned, creation of

Yahweh!", says the cherubim on the right. "Beauty is found within a

redeemed soul not external appearances!", says the cherubim on the left.

These are the types of messages but remember they are protected and even

sealed from the disobedient mind; and this speaking specifically of the

chosen children.

"You shall place the mercy (mental atonement; Yahshua) seat on top

(concealing) of the ark (mental pouring forth); and in the ark you shall put

the Testimony ("witness, prince"; renewed mind patterns written on the

center of intellect; the anointing in the conscience of the chosen) which I will

give (unilaterally) you." (Exodus 25:21)

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And so we come to understand that the cherubim are the "many

messages" that surround the "center of intellect", the place where the House

of Yahweh dwells within the conscience of chosen souls.

"So the people sent men to Shilôh, and they brought back the ark

of the covenant of Yahweh Almighty, who lives between the cherubim."

(I Sam 4:4)

And the intent:

"So the people (congregating thoughts in the conscience) sent men

(thoughts) to Shilôh ("tranquil, secure"; safe thoughts), and they brought

back [from the tranquil place] the ark of the covenant of Yahweh Almighty,

who lives (consciously resides) between the cherubim (redeeming

messages in the conscience of the redeemed)."

The House (Mindset) of Yahweh that dwells in the center seat of the

conscience of the chosen, also sits between the cherubim. All of these

processes happen within the souls of chosen children. Never external, always

internal! And now that we have come to understand the role of the cherubim

in the conscience, let's look at other often misunderstood areas of Scripture

and unveil their true intent:

Before we further investigate the role of the cherub within the presence

of Yahweh, in His House within, we need to look at two very unique areas of

Scripture that give us a different view of the cherub. At ʽEzrâʼ 2:59 and

Nechemyâh 7:61 we see the city of the cherub: "These [thoughts] are the

ones who come from the cities (fixed states of consciousness) of Têl

Melach ("hill of salt"; preserved thoughts), Tel Harsha ("forest hill";

misperception), Cherub ("legion, live, many") ..." (Ezra


Remember that these fixed states of consciousness (cities) are all

centered in Babylon ("confusion" in the conscience). This verse in Ezra also

repeated in Nehemyah 7:61, further illustrates the idea that the cherub are

the"many" thoughts within the conscience that solidify the conscience as

being either good or wicked; clean or unclean. Now let's look at another often

misunderstood area of Scripture in regard to the cherub.

It will be necessary for us to examine the whole of Yechezqêʼl (Ezekiel)

chapter 1 in order to fully illustrate the intent of what is being discussed. First,

as has been customary at times, we will write the verse as it is and then we

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will discover the true Hebrew definitions and their intent.

For some verses and the words expressed we will bring other scriptures

forth to solidify that the intent being expressed is consistent throughout the

Old Covenant. Don't worry for as it was in Part 1 so shall it be in Part 2 - we

will visit the Renewed Covenant as well. Yechezqêʼl/Ezekiel 1:1 - "It came

to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth of the

moon, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar. The heavens

were opened, and I saw visions from Yahweh."

Definitions and intent:

"It (the mental vision) came to pass in the thirtieth (30 = 3; 3 =

resurrection and/or conviction) year (mental revolution), in the fourth

(N,S,E,W; totality of thoughts) month ("new, rebuild"; also known as "moon";

subconscious/hidden thought world), on the fifth ("favor") of the moon

(rebuilding process), as I ("strength of Yahweh" in the body conscious) was

among the captives ("exile, tablet, bare"; thoughts held in bondage to the

self will) by the river ("stream, flow"; thought flow) Chebar ("binding, joining";

congregating thoughts). The heavens ("lofty, sky"; exalted thought plain)

were opened (clarity from the front seat; (east) gate in the conscience), and I

(strength of Yahweh in the conscience) saw visions ("mirror, appearance,

see"; realities in the conscience; mental pictures) from Yahweh."

Verse 2 - "On the fifth of the month, which was in the fifth year of

king Yôwyâkîyn's (Jehoiachin's) captivity," "...king (“reign, ascend";

dominant thoughts invading the conscience) Yôwyâkîyn's ("Yahweh

establishes"; thoughts borne forth from the Mind of Yahweh) captivity,"

The captivity that "Yahweh establishes", is a revelation of a conscience

that is in turmoil. The battle of the ever present ego (sâtân; ego's whisper)

trying to defeat that which has been implanted by the Mind of Yahweh.

Verse 3 - "The word of Yahweh came to Yechezqêʼl (Ezekiel) the

priest, the son of Bûwzîy, in the the land of the Chaldeans by the river

Chebar; and the hand of Yahweh was upon him there."

"The word (Yahweh's breath/voice in the conscience of chosen

children) of Yahweh came to Yechezqêʼl/Ezekiel (the "strength of Yahweh"

in the conscience, which alone allows one to overcome the ego's whisper)

the priest ("officiating, mediate"; mind judge), the son ("builder") of Buzi

("disrespect, condemned"; thoughts persecuted by the self will), in the land

(thought plain) of the Chaldeans ("savant, magic"; false belief in power other

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than Yahweh) by the river Chebar ("length, extent"; old flow of thoughts

joining together); and the hand (ability to consciously grasp) of Yahweh was

upon him (strength in the conscience) there."

Verse 4 - "Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming from

the north, a great cloud with fire, infolding itself, and brightness came

from it's midst, the color of amber."

"Then I (the "strength of Yahweh" in the conscience) looked (mentally

perceived), and behold, a 'whirlwind' ("blow, rush, toss"; mental

overcoming) was coming from the north ("hidden, dark"; concealed places

in the conscience usually necessitating holy judgment), a great 'cloud'

("covert"; the mystique of Yahweh in the conscience) with 'fire' ("burning,

flame"; both judgment and/or conviction in the conscience), infolding ("take";

reliance upon) itself, and brightness (mental clarity) came from it's midst,

the color ("eye, fountain"; mental appearance) of 'amber' ("bronze,

spectrum"; totality of man centered thinking)."

whirlwind - The whirlwind is the mental invasion of the Mind of Yahweh

in the conscience of chosen men: ʼÊlîyâh (Elijah - "Strength of Yahweh") went

up (to the exalted thought plain) in a whirlwind: II Kings 2:1 Iyyob (Job -

"persecution" in the conscience) heard Yahweh from the whirlwind: Job 38:1

The wicked (ego driven thoughts) perish in Yahweh's whirlwind: Isayah

40:24, Jer 23:19, Hos 13:3, Hab 3:14, Zec 7:14.

cloud - The cloud represents the mystique of Yahweh, the hidden

things in the conscience:

The people meet Yahweh from the cloud: Exodus 19:16, Ex 34:5, Ex

40:38, Psalm 105:39.

fire - The fire represents both the judgment and conviction within the

conscience of chosen men:

1) The exalted thought plain (mountain) is a place of fire: Exodus


2) Fire is Yahweh disseminating into a wicked conscience: Lev 10:2.

3) Fire represents Yahweh's jealousy for the mind of His chosen

people: Deut 4:24.

amber - Amber represents the renewed conscience of man once

touched by Yahweh's presence: Amber's definitions are "bronze" and

"spectrum". The root word for bronze is none other than Strong's #5172,

which we know as nâchash נחש. It's definition, "hiss, whisper". Yes, that old

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 22 of

whisper of the self will, yet in the context of Yechezqêʼl/Ezikiel chapter 1, the

whisper is being redeemed in proper context. As for "spectrum" we have no

specific scriptures using this term however, we do have Joseph and his "coat

of many colors". Joseph is indicative of renewing imagination that carries with

it a double portion; the redeemed will and redeemed understanding. The coat

of many colors is the full spectrum of the conscience covered by the favor

and mercy of Yahweh.

redemption; amber. Yahshua represents the saved mind: Ezekiel 8:2.

Verse 5 - "Also from the midst, was the likeness of four living

creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a


"Also from the midst (conscious residing), was the likeness

("resemblance"; mental likeness) of four (N,S,E,W; fire, earth, water, air:

darkness, parchness, openness, roaring) living (consciously active)

creatures ("alive, raw, fresh"; active thoughts). And this was their

appearance (conscious showing): they had the likeness (mental likeness)

of man ("flesh, rosy"; Adam; the self will)."

creatures: The Cherub - The "creatures" are the cherub and represent

the many thought processes within a man's conscience, yet redeemed:

creatures; chay חי (khah'-ee), "alive, raw, fresh"; Strong's #2416.

"And the cherubim were lifted up. This was the living creatures I

saw by the river Chebar." (Ezekiyl 10:15)

"These are the living creatures I saw under the Father of Israyl by the

river Chebar, and I knew they were Cherubim." (Ezekiyl 10:20)

And now we look at verses pertaining to "alive, fresh, raw", the

definitions of "creatures".

alive: חי Also Strong's #2416. In all of the following verses and many

more the "creature" that is "alive", always pertains to man and not some

entity apart from man: Gen 43:7, Lev 14:4, Num 14:33, Deut 4:4, I Sam

15:8, II Sam 12:18-22, Prov 1:12, Ecc 4:2.

raw: חי Also Strong's #2416. Again, always pertaining to men and not

some mystical or unseen beings apart from man: Lev 13:10-16.

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 23 of

fresh: חי Also Strong's #2416. This word fresh is not often used, but

gives way to the word "live" which is also Strong's #2416 and pertains always

to man and his internal processes in thought: Gen 45:3, Ex 21:35, Lev

16:20-21, Deut 30:6, II Sam 12:2, Ps 104:33, Jer 22:24, Jonah 4:3, Zeph


Verse 6 - "Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings."

"Each one [cherub] had four (the total boundaries of the conscience;

N,S,E,W) faces ("appearance"; conscious countenance), and each one had

four (N,S,E,W) wings ("protect, edge"; boundaries in thought capacity)."

Verse 7- "Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet like

the soles of a calf's hoof. They gleamed like the color of burnished


"Their legs ("walk, talebearer"; mental capacity) were straight ("right,

pleasant"; mentally upright), and the soles ("curve, bowl"; mental ability to

attain) of their feet (mental stability) like the soles of a calf's ("frisking,

revolving"; mentally uncertain) hoof ("claw, split"; difficult to grasp). They (the

many thoughts of the boundaries of thoughts within the conscience; the

cherubim) gleamed ("glare, bright"; shone forth in consciousness) like the

color ("eye, fountain"; outpouring) of burnished ("brightened, sharp";

redeemed) bronze (#5172; נחש nâchash, "hiss, whisper"; self will; self will

being redeemed by the many thoughts (cherub) of Yahweh in the


Verse 8 - "Under their wings, on the four sides, were the hands of

a man; each of the four had faces and wings."

"Under (consciously lower) their wings (mental boundaries), on the

four sides (N,S,E,W), were the hands (ability to grasp) of a man (ʼÂdâm;

ʼÂdâm 1 being redeemed unto ʼÂdâm 2); each of the four (four dimensions

of thought) had faces (mental countenance) and wings (boundaries)."

Verse 9 - "Their wings touched one another. They did not revolve

when they moved, but each one went straight ahead."

"Their wings (boundaries in thought) touched (mental adherence,

fastening thought realms) one another. They did not revolve (contemplate)

when they moved (traveled in the conscience) but each one went straight

(mentally focused) ahead."

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Verse 10 - "And for the likeness of their faces, they had the face of

a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four

had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an


"And for the likeness (perspective in the conscience) of their faces

(mental countenance), they (the "many" thoughts; cherubim); each had the

face (countenance) of a man (unredeemed carnality); each of the four

(N,S,E,W) had the face (countenance) of a lion ("violence, pluck"; attacking

thoughts) on the right (the south; the parched place in the conscience) side,

the four had the face of an ox ("traveler, turn"; the rebellious thoughts

unredeemed) on the left (the north; the dark place in the conscience) side,

and the four had the face of an eagle ("lacerate"; destructive thoughts)."

Verse 11 - "This was their faces. Then two wings spread upward,

then two wings of each creature touched each other on each side; and

two wings covered their bodies."

"This was their faces (conscious countenance). Then two wings

(mental extensions; boundaries) spread upward (elevated thinking), the two

wings of each creature ("many, legion-like" thoughts; cherubim) touched

(connecting consciences) each other on each side (N,S); and two wings

covered their bodies (totality of thoughts)."

Verse 12 - "And each one went straight ahead; they went wherever

the spirit wanted to go, and they did not revolve when they moved."

"And each ("many" realms of thought in the total conscience;

cherubim) one went straight (right thinking) ahead; they went wherever

the mind (mindset being exalted) wanted to go, and they did not revolve

(confusion) when they moved (mentally active)."

Verse 13 - "As for the likeness of the living creatures, their

appearance was like burning coals of fire; like shapes flaming up

between the living creatures. The fire was bright, and out from it came


"As for the likeness (mental characteristics) of the living (active)

creatures ("many" thoughts particular to boundaries of thought), their

appearance (manifestation in the conscience) was like burning ("kindle,

brutish"; thought agitation) coals ("glow, kindle"; thoughts stoking in the

conscience) of fire (conviction); like shapes (mental images) flaming

("lamps, shine"; illuminating) up between (shared thoughts) the living

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 25 of

creatures. The fire (conviction) was bright (consuming), and out from it

came lightning ("gleaning"; piercing in the conscience)."

coals: Coals represent the stoking of renewing thoughts in the


1) Coals come from the front seat of the conscience; the

place called the altar: Lev 16:12.

2) Coals can be thoughts leading to judgment in the

conscience: Psalm 18:13, Prov 26:21.

3) Coals are the preemptive forms of inner conviction: Isayah 6:6.

lightning: Lightning represents Yahweh's judgment in the

conscience of man:

1) Lightning sifts through unclean thoughts: II Sam 22:15.

2) Lightning is the countenance of internal messages: Dan 10:6

3) Lightning represents judgment in the conscience: Zec 9:14.

Verse 14 - "And the creatures ran back and forth, appearing as a

flash of lightning."

"And the creatures ("many" thoughts manifesting from Yahweh;

cherubim) ran (throughout the conscience) back and forth (N,S,E,W),

appearing (consciously manifesting) as a flash (clear) of lightning (relief)."

Verse 15 - "Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold, I saw a

wheel on the earth beside each creature, with it's four faces."

"Now as I ("strength of Yahweh" in the conscience) looked (perceived)

at the living creatures, behold, I saw a wheel ("revolve"; stirring thoughts)

on the earth (mind of man) beside (engaging) each creature, with it's four

(N - dark, S - parched, E - open, W - roaring) faces (mental countenances)."

wheels: Wheels have several distinct meanings with intent throughout

Scripture. In the case of Ezekiel it is Strong's #212: אופן ʼôwphân (o-

fawn'); "revolve". A few verses will help extrapolate the intent:

1) "Jammed" wheels means disturbed thoughts and confusion: Ex


2) "Preserved" thoughts (cumin) is not pressed with the wheel (carnal

revolutions in thought): Isa 28:27-28.

3) "Noisy" wheels means a mind full of lies and deceit: Nah 3:1-2.

Verse 16 - "The appearance of the wheels and their design, like the

color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of

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their design, as it were, one wheel was inside the other wheel."

"The appearance (conscious perception) of the wheels (revolving

thoughts from each thought boundary: N [dark], S [parched], E [open], W

[roaring]) and their design (mental temperament), like the color (mental

outpourings and perceptions) beryl ("merchant"; material consciousness),

and all four (the "many" thoughts of the four thought boundaries; cherubim)

had the same likeness (material perspective). The appearance of their

design (mental make up), as it were, one wheel (revolution of thoughts

specific to a boundary of thought) was inside (part of; a collective

understanding) the other wheel."

beryl: Beryl represents the unredeemed material conscience hardened

until renewal:

1) The breastplate ("contain, sparkle"; ability to understand Yahweh's

Mind patterns) of the priest (mental mediator for Yahweh) contained beryl

(the redeemed material conscience): Ex 28:20

2) Beryl can represent the completely redeemed material conscience,

or "body" of thoughts: Dan 10:6

3) Beryl is the same word, Strong's #8659, as the word commonly

known as "Tarshish". Tarshîysh (tar-sheesh'), "gravitational energy, hard,

broken, place of the stone, beryl".

4) Tarshish (the unredeemed material conscience) was a place in Spain

("rare, abounding with conies, land of the rabbits"; the animalistic sense

consciousness): II Chron 9:21, Isa 23:1

5) Tarshish (materiality) is were Yôwnâh ("dove, fruit of Yahweh";

thoughts being redeemed by Yahweh) fled: Yôwnâh/Jonah 1:3

6) Tarshish was a son (builder) of Yâvân ("effervescing, intoxicating";

the lure of the material worldly conscience): Gen 10:4

Verse 17 - "When they moved toward, any of the four directions,

they would not revolve when they moved."

"When they (revolving thoughts particular to thought boundaries)

moved (active in the conscience) toward any of the four directions (mental

boundaries), they (thought revolutions) would not revolve (stir in thinking)

when they moved."

Verse 18 - "As for their rims, they were so high that they were

awesome; and all four rims were full of eyes all around them."

"As for their (revolving thoughts particular to thought boundaries) rims

("hollow, curve, back"; stability through sanctification), they were so high

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 27 of

(consciously exalted) that they were awesome (splendid in conscience);

and all four (N,S,E,W) rims (process of renewal to the thought boundaries)

were full of eyes (outpourings of perceptions) all around them."

rims: Rims represent stability: Strong's #1354, נכ gab (gab); "hollow,

curve, back"; support system in the conscience. As the word "rims" it is only

used twice in the Scriptures at Ezekiel 1:18, and no where else. #1354 also

represents the word "back". At Ezekiel 10:12 it states, "And their whole

body, with their back, their hands, their wings, and the wheels the four

had, full of eyes all around." This of course is speaking of the cherubim

("many" thoughts encompassing all four thought boundaries), and further

illustrates how the rims are an expression of

consciousness and not a physical happening.

Hollow ("hand, curve, bow"; represents the protective measures of the

mind meant for redemption): Isayah 40:12 - "Who measured out the waters

(thoughts filled with delusion, or thoughts renewed; "living water") in the

hollow (ability to grasp and reverence) of His hand..."

Verse 19 - "When the living creatures went, the wheels went

beside them; and when the living creatures rose up from the earth, the

wheels rose up."

"When the living (active in the conscience) creatures (cherubim;

"many" thoughts relative to the four thought boundaries; "N - dark, S -

parched, E - open, W - roaring") went (traveled throughout the conscience),

the wheels (revolving, repeating thought patterns) went beside (learning

from) them; and when the living creatures rose up (elevated in

consciousness) from the earth (original carnality in the conscience; the mind

of man), the wheels (revolving thoughts specific to each of the four

boundaries) rose up (the redemption of once "revolving" thoughts)."

Verse 20 - "Wherever the mind willed to go they went, and the

mind went; and the wheels rose up together with them; for the mind of

the living creatures was in the wheels."

"Wherever the mind (rûwach (roo'-akh); "blow, breath"; in this

instance, the voice of Yahweh within the conscience of chosen children)

willed ("Yahweh's will") to go they (the "many" redeeming thoughts of

Yahweh supplanted in redeemed consciences) went, and the mind went,

and the wheels (thoughts formerly "revolving" with carnal thoughts) rose up

(being redeemed spiritually) together (unified) with them; for the mind of

the living creatures was in the wheels."

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Verse 21 - "When those went, these went; when those stood, these

stood; and when those rose up from the earth, the wheels rose up with

them; for the mind of the living creatures was in the wheels."

"When those went, these went; when those stood, these stood

(unity in the totality of thoughts); and when those rose up from the earth

(mind of man), the wheels (once scattered thoughts) rose up with them.

For the mind (mind breath) of the living creatures was in the wheels."

Verse 22 - "There was a resemblance of the firmament over the

heads of the living creatures, like the color of dazzling crystal over their


"There was a resemblance (mental likeness) of the firmament

("pound, expand"; exalted thoughts and ideas) over the heads (body

conscious) of the living creatures (cherubim; the "many" thoughts

incorporating the four thought boundaries), like the color (mind fountain) of

dazzling ("fear, revere"; mental reverence) crystal ("ice, deplete"; mental

warfare) over their heads."

crystal: Crystal represents convictions:

1) Crystal is cohesive with words like "ice" and "hail" from the Hebrew


2) The "crumbs" are "pieces" or "broken", giving the intent of the

convictions that pierce and convict the conscience of chosen souls.

Verse 23 - "Under the firmament their wings stretched out, one

toward the other. Each had two, spreading to this side and that, and

each one had two which covered their bodies."

"Under (at a lower level of consciousness) the firmament (exalted

thoughts and ideas) their wings (thought boundaries) stretched (mental

expansion) out, one toward (unifying) the other. Each one had two,

spreading to this (N) side and that (S) side, and each one had two which

covered their bodies (totality of thoughts)."

Verse 24 - "And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings;

like the roar of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a tumult like

the sound of an army; and when they stood still they let their wings


"And when they (the "many" thoughts protecting and defending

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 29 of

Yahweh's Mind patterns while at the same time acknowledging man centered

thinking) went (into the conscience), I (the "Strength of Yahweh" in the

conscience) heard the noise ("voice, sound"; internal voice) of their wings

(thought extensions); like the roar (mind cry) of many waters (either

delusion or life; material conscience vs. "living water"), like (in this particular

instance) the voice of the Almighty (the Yahweh conscience), a tumult

(mental onslaught) like the sound of an army ("mass, campaign"; mental

war); and when they (the "many" thoughts of Yahweh) stood still they (the

cherubim) let their wings (expansions) down."

Verse 25 - "A voice came down from the firmament above their

heads, thus they stood still and let their wings down."

"A voice (Yahweh's voice) came down from the firmament (mental

expanse) above their heads (current mindsets), thus they stood still and

let their wings down."

Verse 26 - "Above the firmament over their heads, the likeness of a

throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; and above the likeness of

the throne, a figure with the likeness of a man."

"Above the firmament over their heads, the likeness (mental

understanding) of a throne ("covered, plump"; super abundant

consciousness), in appearance (mental clarity) like a sapphire ("store,

scratch"; mental threshing) stone (firmly established thoughts), and above

the likeness of the throne, a figure (mental appearing) with the likeness

(mental characteristics) of a man (the fully redeemed man; Yahshua;

"Yahweh saves"; Yahweh saves the fallen mind)."

Verse 27 - "From the form of his waist upward I saw the color of

amber, with the presence of fire surrounding it; and from the form of his

waist downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness

all around."

"From the form (mental concept) of his waist ("slender"; mental

reproduction) upward I saw (consciously perceived) the color (perceptions

and productions) of amber (the conscience at war; Mind vs. mind), with the

presence of fire (judgment and conviction) surrounding it; and from the

form of his waist (the "loins" of the mind) downward (towards lower

consciousness) I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire (judgment) with

brightness (convicting clarity) all around."

Verse 28 - "Like the appearance of a rainbow in the cloud on a

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rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness surrounding it. This

was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh, when I saw

it, I fell upon my face. I heard the voice of the One who spoke."

"Like the appearance of a rainbow ("bending, dense"; mind covenant)

in the cloud (mental mystique of Yahweh) on a rainy (mental outpouring)

day, so was the appearance of the brightness surrounding it (the mental

picture of man receiving full redemption unto perfection; Yahshua). This was

the appearance of the likeness of the glory (mental weightiness) of

Yahweh (the Maker of the perfected conscience); when I (Yahweh's strength

in the conscience) saw it (the perfected conscience), I fell upon my face

(conscious countenance). I heard (understood) the voice (thoughts of

Yahweh in the conscience) of the One who spoke."

These very cherubim are the same creatures in chapter ten of Ezekiel

and though much of what is in chapter one is repetitious in chapter 10, there

are a few key verses that warrant further inspection:

Ezekiel 10:2 - "and He spoke to the man clothed with linen and

said, 'Go in between the wheels under the cherub, and fill your hands

with coals of the fire between the cherubim, and scatter them over the

city.' And he went in before my eyes."

"And He (Yahweh's voice in the conscience) spoke to the man

(redeemed mind) clothed (mentally covered) with linen ("divided, solitary";

consecrated mentality), and said, 'Go (into the conscience front seat) in

between the wheels (revolving thoughts specific to each of the four thought

boundaries; N - dark, S - parched, E - open, W - roaring) under (lower

consciousness) the cherub ("many" protective thoughts), and fill your

hands (ability to mentally grasp) with coals ("glow, kindle"; mental

illuminations) of fire (judgment in the mind) from between the cherubim,

and scatter (to each boundary) them over the city' ("encampment,

opening"; firmly established thoughts and thought processes). And he (the

mental messenger) went in before my eyes (mental


Ezekiel 10:19 - "Then the cherubim lifted their wings and mounted

up from the earth in my sight. When they departed the wheels were

beside them, and they stopped at the door of the East Gate of the House

of Yahweh, and the glory of the Father of Israel was above them."

"Then the cherubim (the "many" thoughts that protect the perfected

conscience) lifted their wings (mental boundaries) and mounted (elevated)

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 31 of

up from the earth (mind of carnal man) in my sight. When they departed

the wheels (mental revolutions) were beside them, and they stopped at

the door (mental entrance) of the East ("open"; front seat of the conscience;

entrance to the Holy of Holies) Gate of the House (Mindset) of Yahweh, and

the glory of the Father of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh) was

above (outside of even the boundaries created for mankind) them."

Having broken down each section to introduce true intent, I have

considered "summing up" the entirety of what has been expressed in Ezekiel,

but I have chosen to forego such an endeavor. It is up to you to "seek and

find" what exactly Yahweh has to say to you about it. In order to help we will

look at one more section of Scripture in reference to the cherub and then we

move on to what is commonly known as the Seraphim, the Nephilim and the

Anakites. Let's look at verses eleven through sixteen of Ezekiel chapter


Verses 11-12 - "Moreover, the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,

'Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him,

This is what Father Yahweh says, you were the seal of perfection, full of

wisdom and perfect in beauty.'"

"Moreover, the word of Yahweh came to me ("Strength of Yahweh"

in the conscience), saying, 'Son (conscious "builder") of man (once carnal

thinking), take up a lamentation ("dirge, strike"; mental binding/chastening)

for the king (dominant thought) of Tyre ("rock, stone, confine"; hardened

mind[heart]), and say to him (hardened thoughts), this is what Father

Yahweh says, You (thoughts intended to be fully established in

righteousness) were the seal ("signature, mark"; mental litmus test) of

perfection ("completion, end"; unlimited holy thinking, having no sin to

tarnish), full of wisdom ("chochmâh" of the Tree of Life within) and perfect

in beauty (mental joy and illumination).'"

Verse 13 - "You were in Eden, the garden of Yahweh; every

precious stone your covering; the ruby, the topaz, the emerald, the

chrysolite, the onyx, the jasper, the sapphire, the turquoise and the

beryl. The workmanship and tabrets made with gold. On the day you

were created, they were prepared for you."

"You (thoughts intended for right thinking [righteousness]) were in

Eden (the state of conscious pleasure), the garden ("hedge, protect"; the

covered conscience) of Yahweh; every precious stone (established

process in thought) your covering (mental protection); the ruby ("submit";

the submitted conscience), the topaz ("pure"; the clean conscience), the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 32 of

emerald ("to heal"; the giving conscience), the chrysolite ("reverence"; the

revering conscience), the onyx ("zeal"; the zealous conscience), the jasper

("polish"; strength of Yahweh in the conscience), the sapphire ("Book of

Yahweh"; established patterns of Yahweh in the conscience), the turquoise

("Laws"; Yahweh's Mind patterns in the conscience), and the beryl ("give

light"; illumination in the conscience). The workmanship ("deputyship,

dispatch"; release into the conscience) and tabrets ("tambourine, drum";

repetitiveness in the conscience) made with gold ("shimmering"; wisdom of

Yahweh). On the day you were created (Day 1; it is up to you the reader to

discern, “Why day 1?”), they (the 9 stones; the 9 established thought plains;

9 equals "upright man" or "carnal man") were prepared (created ahead of

physical man) for you (the conscience not yet corrupt)."

Verse 14 - "You were the anointed cherub, and I set you on the

holy mountain of Yahweh; you have walked back and forth in the midst

of the stones of fire."

"You were the anointed ("expansion, rub, consecrate"; mind guarding)

cherub (the "many" thoughts that protect a mind from unclean thoughts, but

must be obeyed), and I set (established in the thought boundaries) you

(mind guide patterns) on the holy mountain (Sinai - "cliff, deep ravine,

jagged"; where common meets the holy in the conscience) of Yahweh, you

have walked (examined) back (W; the roar of the conscience) and forth (E;

the open gate of the perfected conscience) in the midst (conscious stirring)

of the stones (building blocks in the conscience) of fire (judgment and

conviction in the conscience)."

Verse 15 - "You were perfect in your ways from the day you were

created, until iniquity was found in you."

"You (many thoughts intended to guard the Holy Mind patterns) were

perfect (consciously clean) in your ways (mind paths) from the day you

were created (manifested as plains in the conscience), until iniquity

("wicked, distort"; mental uncleanliness) was found (discovered in the

conscience) in you."

Verse 16 - "By the multitude of your merchandise you have been

filled with violence within, and you have sinned. Therefore, I cast you

out as profane, out of the mountain of Yahweh; and I will destroy you

from the midst of the fiery stones, 0 anointed cherub."

"By the multitude (repetitions in the conscience) of your

merchandise ("trade, travel"; foreign thoughts and ideas) you have been

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 33 of

filled (consciously overtaken) with violence (conscious wrong thinking)

within (the soul's character), and you have sinned (mentally transgressed

pure thinking). Therefore (the consequence to mind transgression), I cast

you out (away from the protected conscience) as profane ("wound,

dissolve"; consciously reprobate; void), out of the mountain (exalted

presence in thought) of Yahweh; and I will destroy (remove from all

possible realms of thought) you from the midst (collective mental gathering;

congregation) of the fiery (judgments and convictions in consciousness)

stones (building blocks of the perfected conscience), 0 anointed cherub

("many" thoughts intended for eternal purity, yet given over to the carnality


And so we can determine that the intent of the Hebrew word kerûwb

(ker-oob') with all of it's derivations, speaks to processes in the thought world

and not physical entities.

"Many", "Legion -like". Thoughts within and the processes in which they

consciously manifest; rift.

seraphims: sârâph שרף (saw-raf'); "burning, on fire"; Strong's #8314.

Only two places throughout the Scriptures utilize this word as it is in it's

original language; the Hebrew language.

Isayah 6:2 and 6:6 actually utilize the word "seraphim" in most

translations of the Scriptures. As with the cherub, the idea that these named

seraph are creatures external to man, has for too long been the accepted

norm among both "scholars" and gentiles alike. Let's look at the two

incidences in Isayah and then explore some other areas of Scripture that

utilize what would be Strong's #8314, but not as the word "seraphim."

Isayah 6:2 - "Above Him stood the seraphim; each one had six

wings; with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and

with two he flew."

"Above (the magnification of His glory) Him (Yahweh) stood (mental

uprightness) the seraphim ("burning, on fire"; the I AM conscience; One),

each one had six (encompassing the totality of all that man (#6) could be,

and how that would be accomplished; through fire and burning) wings

(mental expanse); with two he covered his face (countenance mentally),

with two he covered his feet (stability), and with two he flew ("cover, faint";


Isayah 6:6-7 - "Then, one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his

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hand a live coal, he had taken with the tongs from the alter, and he

touched my mouth, and said, 'Your iniquity is taken away, and your sins


"Then, one of the seraphim (hotly pressing thought within the

conscience) flew ("cover, faint"; consciously impressed upon) to me (Isayah;

"salvation of Yahweh"; saving the mind), having in his hand ("grasp" in the

conscience) a live (consciously active) coal ("stone, arrow"; piercing and

strongly established thoughts), he (the hotly pressing thought) had taken

with the tongs ("take, fetch"; receptivity) from the altar (front seat of the

conscience; forefront of the Holy of Holies), and he touched my mouth

("blowing, puff"; conscious outpouring), and said, 'Your iniquity (mental

uncleanliness) is taken away, and your sins (mental transgressions)

purged (removed from consciousness).'"

And so we see the end result (a cleaned conscience) of the effects of

the seraphim. It was never that the seraphim was some external creature

effecting physical matters. Isayah himself, after consciously receiving the

seraphim's message, declared, "Woe is me! I am undone!" (Vs. 5). And this

was of his internal state and no less! You noticed that the words "burning"

and "on fire" were underlined, for we will examine the definitions of the

Hebrew word sârâph in order to further illuminate that it was always about

internal things and not external.

burning: Also Strong's #8314. In all of the following verses and many

more, are words also attributed to burning such as "burn" or "burned". The

burn always pertains to judgment on sinful thoughts within man's conscience:

Lev 10:6, Deut 7:5, 7:25, 12:3, 13:16, 29:13, Ez 16:41, 23:47.

fiery: Also Strong's #8314. "Conviction, judgment". In every instance

wherein the word fiery is utilized in the Hebrew Scriptures, the intent is to

express righteous wrath over unrighteous thought processes: Num 21:6-8,

Deut 8:15, Isayah 14:29, 30:6.

And to our amazement we come upon another derivation of Strong's

#8314, and it is a word that we know all too well, though with a slight variation

this time:

serpent: Also Strong's #8314, "burning, on fire". Used only three times

in Scriptures:

Numbers 21:6-8 - "And Yahweh sent fiery serpents among them,

and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israyl died.

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 35 of

Therefore, the people came to Môsheh and said, 'We have sinned for we

spoke against Yahweh and against you. Pray that Yahweh will take the

serpents from us.' So Môsheh prayed for the people. Yahweh said to

Môsheh, 'Make a serpent and put it up on a pole; whoever is bitten,

when he looks at it shall live.'"

"And Yahweh sent fiery (convicting) serpents (thoughts hotly

pressing the conscience) among (within the body conscious) them

(disobedient people = disobedient thoughts), and they bit ("strike, oppress";

mentally burdened) the people; and many of the people (thoughts) of

Israyl (thoughts intended to be ruled by and for Yahweh) died (vanquished

from consciousness). Therefore, the people came to Môsheh (the

conscience "drawing out" the manna) and said, 'We (unclean thoughts) have

sinned (mentally transgressed) for we spoke (resounded in the conscience)

against Yahweh and against you. Pray (consciously intercede) that

Yahweh (the mind purifier) will take the serpents (heavy minded

convictions) from us.' So Môsheh prayed for the people (unclean

thoughts). Yahweh said to Môsheh, 'Make a serpent (this time it is our old

friend #5175, nâchâsh; נחש ; "hiss, whisper") and put it (the ego's whisper)

up on a pole ("flag, gleam"; consciously conspicuous); whoever is bitten

(burdened thoughts), when he looks (consciously perceives) at it (the ego

raised up to a renewed stature), shall live (active, fruitful conscience).'"

Isayah 14:29 - "Do not rejoice all you of Philistia, for the rod of him

who has struck you has broken; for out of the serpent's root will come

forth an adder, and it's offspring a fiery flying serpent."

"Do not rejoice all you of Philistia ("wandering, rolling"; unruly

thoughts), for the rod (corrective measures in the conscience) of him who

struck (disciplined) you has broken (ceased); for out of the serpent's

(#5175; "hiss, whisper"; self will) root (stronghold in conscience) will come

forth (into the holy conscience) an adder ("extrude, thrusting"; reprobation),

and it's offspring (mental lineage) a fiery flying ("cover, fly"; overbearing)

serpent (#8314: burning conviction)."

It is good to ponder that the "parent" serpent is #5175, and the offspring

is reprobation (adder) and conviction (#8314), or even more so, delusion.

Isayah 30:6 - "The burden against the beasts of the South:

Through the land of trouble and anguish, where the young and old lion,

the viper and the fiery flying serpent come from, they will carry their

riches upon the backs of their young donkeys, and their treasure upon

the humps of camels, to a people that shall not profit."

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 36 of

"The burden [mental of course] against the beasts (unruly thoughts)

of the South (parched conscience): Through the land (thought plain) of

trouble and anguish [mental of course], where the young (undisciplined)

and old (crafty) lion (roar in the conscience), the viper (nothingness) and

the fiery flying serpent (delusions) come from, they will carry their riches

(carnal misgivings) upon the backs (emotional stability) of their young

(undisciplined) donkeys (stubbornness), and their treasures (physical lusts)

upon the humps ("mass, gummy"; idleness) of camels ("labor, toil";

defiance), to a people (thoughts) that shall not profit."

camels: Camels represent the toiling mind. The camel (toiling mind)

chews (digest in consciousness) the cud ("scraping, drag"; loose thoughts)

and therefore, cannot be eaten (mentally digested). Lev 11:4

Rahab ("proud, broaden"; arrogance) is the holding place in the

conscience for camels (mental toil). Ez 25:5

Nephilim: nephîyl, נפילים (nef-eel'), "feller, bully, fall"; Strong's #5303. It

is important to note, that if one were to do a search for the word nephilim in

Strong's, one would find the statement "See Giants", next to the word.

"Giants" of course is Strong's #5303, but it also has another Hebraic word

that is relevant and that is #7497; râphâ רפאים (raw-faw'); "invigorating,

mend"; also known as the "Rephaites".

For the purposes of this body of work we focus on nephîyl, but it was

diligent for us to differentiate between the two; two differing realms of

consciousness. Let's look at the two areas of Scripture in the Old Covenant

where the word "giants" (nephîyl) is used:

Genesis 6:1-5 - "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply

on the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of men

saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful. And they took wives

for themselves of all whom they chose. And Yahweh said, 'The men of

this world will never subject themselves to My Mind, for they are indeed

carnal. Therefore, his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.'

There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterword, when

the sons of the elohim came into the daughters of men and they bore to

them. Those mighty one who are enemies of Yahweh - men of old, men

of renown."

"And it came to pass, when men (carnal thoughts; each man

represents a thought) began to multiply (duplicating carnal thoughts in the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 37 of

conscience) in the earth (mind of man), and daughters ("build"; sensual

thoughts) were born (consciously manifested) to them (carnal thoughts),

that the sons (builders) of men (carnality) saw the daughters (sensual

thoughts "built" within) of men, that they were beautiful (sensually

pleasing). And they (carnal thoughts) took wives (melancholy) for

themselves of all whom they chose. and Yahweh said, 'The men (carnal

thoughts) of this world (ego centered consciousness) will never subject

(consciously revere) themselves to My Mind (life force in the

consciousness), for they are indeed carnal (void of thoughts based in

Yahweh's truth). Therefore, his days (times of illumination) shall be one

hundred and twenty (120 = 1+2=3, conviction) years ("Jubilee cycles"; 120

x 49 = 5,880 years for mankind (carnality) to exist in the conscience).' There

were giants ("feller, bully, fall"; dominating carnal thoughts) on the earth

(mind of man) in those days, and also afterward (until the 5,880 years (the

year 2045 C.E.) is up), when the sons ("builders" of carnality) of the elohim

("might, strength"; thoughts inducing "self " reliance) came into (intertwining

thought realms) the daughters of men ("builders" of sensuality in the

conscience) and they bore (consciously manifested) to them. Those mighty

ones (defiant thoughts) who are enemies of Yahweh (the Perfect

Conscience) - men of old ("conceded, vanquishing'; condemned), men of

renown (“position, honor"; carnally uplifted)."

daughters and sons: It is worth noting, and this is for you to further

ponder, that the Hebraic word for both daughter and son is the same word:

bên (bane), "builder, build". I have given you insight into the differing thoughts

each would build and would also encourage you to think in terms of the right

brain (male) and the left brain (female); wisdom (R -male) and understanding

(L -female). Remember that we are talking about corruption in Genesis

chapter six, so it stands to decipher that the Hebraic intent speaks to the

fallen aspect of the daughter and son within.

Numbers 13:33 - "We saw giants there (the descendants of Anak

came from the nephilim); and we seemed like grasshoppers in our own

sight, and we looked so to them."

"We saw giants (dominating carnal thoughts) there (Canaan;

"humiliated, vanquish"; the self appeasing conscience) the descendants

(lineage of thought) of ʽÂnâq ("necklace, choke"; material intellect) came

from the nephilim [fallen minds]; and we (thoughts being renewed) seemed

like grasshoppers ("locust, devour"; consciously devoured) in our own

sight (mental perception), and we looked so (devourable) to them

(dominating carnal thoughts in the conscience)."

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 38 of

As with the sârâph, we have looked at two specific definitions given for

the nephîyl and we will gain greater clarity by exploring these definitions and

their intent; internal not external.

feller: This Hebrew word is actually the root word of #5303; nâphal

נפילים (naw-fal'); "fall". We have discussed how the Hebrew word for "wood"

expresses a "firmly held thought" that can be pure or carnal. Nâphal also

carries with it the definition "wood cutter", which would literally mean in the

case of the nephîyl, "truth cutter". Hence the definition, "fall". With this

application Scriptures such as II Sam 3:34 and II Kings 6:5 become very

clear to comprehend. The root word discussed would be Strong's #5307.

fall: Also Strong's #5307, נפל nâpal, the root of #5303. Every single

scripture in the Old Covenant, and there are many, that incorporates the word

"fall" or any of it's derivations, discusses a fall from Yahweh. A fall from the

perfected conscience, to the void of the ego centered thought plain, "earth".

Anakims: The ʽĂnâqîy ענק (an-aw-kee') have not fallen prey to the idea of

external beings such as the cherubim and the nephilim, but we will take a

brief look at the Hebraic intent since they are also classified as giants. The

Hebrew intent in expressing their "giant" status would be "power, tyrant".

We also discovered that emphasis in the consciousness in regards to

the ʽânâq (aw-nawk) was "necklace, choke". The intent would be to express

how the material conscience chokes out truth. The "tyrant" called "materiality"

is what is meant to be Hebraically expressed. Always an internal process the

external merely an after effect, the shadow.

As with Part 1 we will travel throughout the Renewed Covenant to

explore what was always intended to be a continuation of Hebraic definitions

and their intent expressed through the life of Yahshua and his disciples.

Before we do so, we finalize some extremely compelling facts to help sum up

what is really going on. We start with an exact wording of what Strong's has

asserted as the proper understanding of the word rnalak. A word which

cannot be found in it's original Hebraic state, but only as the word "angel" and

it's derivations.

#4397; malʼâk מלאך (mal-awk') from an unused root mean to despatch

as a deputy: a messenger; spec. of God, i.e. an angel (also a prophet, priest

or teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger.

Quite literally, Strong's would have one spelling belive that a malak is

none other than "an angel of God"; terms non-existent in the Hebrew

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 39 of

language! We already know that the Greek language as well as the Latin

language were formed over a thousand years after the Hebrew language. We

also know that both Greek and Latin culture are filled with much myth and

folklore, leading to heavily polytheistic (many "gods") societies. Strong's once

again does it's readers a great injustice by attempting to subvert both the

Hebraic definitions and their intent, with the commentary they make available.

It is very simple to research the idea that the word “angel” derives from the

Greek word "angelos", leading back to the Latin word "angelus". That work is

yours to do and you have been given deep deep insights to help guide your

mind to the truth. A Hebraic "message/messenger" within the conscience or a

being external to the conscience? Mental perceptions or physical


You remember how we exposed a systematic use of the word "sâtân"; in

certain scriptures the actual Hebrew word, and in other instances a

systematic use of sâtân's definitions like "opponent" and "adversary"? We

discussed how the many translations of the Scriptures made available today

seemed to, by some amazing coincidence, at times use the actual Hebrew

word and at other times it's definitions instead of the Hebrew word. Well once

again in reference to the Hebrew word malak, we have a systematic

retranslating into the word “angel”, a non-existent Hebrew word. But it does

not stop there! Remember that the definition(s) for malak are, despatch,

message, or messenger; Strong's #4397. If one were to look up the actual

words "messenger" or "messengers" in Strong's, what do you think you would

find? That's correct, #4397! Let's clarify what we are realizing with these


If one were to look for the actual word "malak" or any of it's derivations

in Strong's, you would find no references whatsoever. On the contrary, if one

were to look for the word "angel" or any of it's derivations you would find

about one hundred plus Scripture references in the Old Covenant, and about

the same for the Renewed Covenant. By now you should be able to simply

replace any instances where angel or it's derivations appears, and put either

malak or the definitions of malak in it's place. In doing so you will find a

cohesive blending of Hebrew words and their intent.

Remember, the word angel came over a thousand years after the

Hebrew language, as did the idea of external beings rather than internal

processes in the conscience. Another aspect of the systematic use of the

word angel or it's derivations that must be understood is only discovered as

one actually studies the verses where the Greek invades the Old Covenant

Hebrew Scriptures. In every instance

where angel or it's derivations is implanted, it seemingly discusses beings

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 40 of

other than mankind, unless of course one sees through the deception. Where

this really becomes magnified is when you actually go and look up the words

"messenger" or "messengers" in Strong's. As we said earlier, you would find

that both of these words are given #4397 in Strong's; none other than the

word malʼâk. It might not seem so deceptive until one were to look at the

almost one hundred verses that use these words, only to find that in every

single instance, it is men being discussed as the messenger or messengers.

That is correct, the very same word that is systematically said to mean

external beings (angels) in certain verses, now is specifically men in other

verses. In doing a little research into this you will come up with the following

truths, without any compromise:

1) The Hebrew word malʼâk means "despatch" or "message" or


2) Not one scripture in the Old Covenant that utilizes the word “malʼâk”

ever refers to an entity external and separate from men;

3) Strong's as well as the many translations of the Scriptures, has

systematically replaced the words “despatch, message, messenger or

messengers”, with the Greek word “angel”;

4) There is no such word as angel in the Hebrew language;

5) Strong's as well as the many translations of the Scriptures, have

systematically not used the word angel in specific verses but rather,

messenger or messengers;

6) In every instance where the word messenger or messengers is

utilized instead of the Greek word angels, the Scriptures specifically refer

to men and not beings external to men;

7) Malak always has and always will refer to messages or messengers

(more on this later) in the conscience of men;

8) Each man is a thought! A few examples for the sake of clarity:

A) Yahshua: "Yahweh saves";

B) Shemûwʼêl שמואל: "heard of power"; commonly “Samuel”;

C) ʼEzrâʼ אגוש: "strength helps"; commonly “Ezra”;

D) Yirmʽyah ירמיה: "may Yahweh lift up"; commonly “Jeremiah”.

Every name in Scripture is intended to tell of a specific realm of

consciousness and the thoughts derived from that consciousness. Remember

the wicked Bâlâq and how he so wanted to curse Israel ("thoughts ruled by

and for Yahweh”)? Is it any wonder that his name means "waster, annihilate"?

When thoughts look to curse Yahweh's thoughts in the conscience, a wasted,

annihilated mind, is the end result!

Let's remember that the words so often attributed to "angelic beings" like

cherubim, seraphim and even nephilim, have all been shown to be states of

mind and not physical entities. In doing so it becomes quite simple to sift

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 41 of

through the Scriptures where “angel” is implanted, exposing all systematic

deceptions. Perhaps a look into the Renewed Covenant will further solidify all

that has been illuminated herein?

We must first analyze what is being offered in order to decipher the intent of

it's source. We will start by giving a specific look at Strong's definition of the

Greek word angel: #32G, ἅγγελος aggělŏs (ang'-el-os) from ᾰγγελος aggĕllō

[prob. der. from 71; comp. 34] (to bring tidings); a messenger; esp. an

"angel"; by impl. a pastor: - angel, messenger.

Remembering that this word was intended to be the translation of the

Hebrew word malak, much is left to be desired. Let's bring to mind the

specific Hebrew word and it's definitions, this time without any influence from

Strong's or the many translations of the Scriptures made available: malʼâk

(mal-awk); "despatch, message, messenger". Is it not compelling to consider

the words themselves? How does one go from malʼâk to angel? Is it not so

that every human being on the earth, no matter what language they speak,

could attempt to say the word malak? Could you not even teach it to a parrot?

The point is that it was not merely an impossibility to speak the word malak,

but it was a planned deception to convert it to a Greek word that had far more

implications then "despatch, message, messenger". Is it not also interesting

that though many people have made statements such as, "Oh, your such an

angel," but all the while with the belief that these entities external to man's

conscience actually exist? The Greek definition itself, minus all of the extra

commentary, simply defines aggelos as "bring tidings".

If not for the heavily influenced polytheism (many deities) in the Greek

culture, the definition itself could actually pass the muster, but only if it also

aligned with Hebraic intent. Because it does not, it is at the height of

idolatrous blasphemy to the Old Covenant truths. Even the above mentioned

root sources for #32, #71 & #34, would not leave one thinking, "This must be

about invisible people or beings."

#71g. agŏ ᾂγω (ag'-o), "lead, bring, drive";

#34g. agĕlĕ άγέλη (ag-el'-ay), "drove, herd".

Let's now look at some Renewed Covenant scriptures and illuminate

where the deception has taken place. There are numerous scriptures to work

with wherein the word “angel” has been implanted and we will take some from

each book of the Renewed Covenant and bring clarity to them. Remember

the words of Yahshua as we begin:

"For had you believed Môsheh, you would have believed me, for he

wrote about me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 42 of

believe My words." (Yôwnâthân (John) 5:46-47)

If the Hebraic terms and their intent are not the basis for all Renewed

Covenant scriptures, then you have set your house (mindset) on shaky


Matt 1:20 - "But while he thought about these things, behold, an

angel of Yahweh appeared to him..."

Without the deception: "But while he thought about these things,

behold, a message (malʼâk ) of Yahweh appeared to him..."

And the Hebraic intent: "But while he ("Yahweh will add”; Yôwcêph;

Joseph; the mind being increased through transformation) thought about

these (mental lineages) things, behold, a malak (message in the

conscience) appeared (came to fruition) to him..."

Luke 1:26 - "Then in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by

Yahweh into a city of Galilee, named Nazareth."

Without deception: "Then in the sixth month, the malak Gabrîyʼêl

was sent by Yahweh into a city of Galilee, named Nazareth."

And the Hebraic intent: "Then in the sixth (man's number) month

("moon"; the subconscience), the malak (message/messenger) Gabrîyʼêl

("man of Yahweh"; realization of Yahweh's presence in the worlds of

consciousness) was sent by Yahweh into a city (established place in

consciousness) of Galilee ("circle, turning, roll"; compromise), named

Nazareth ("branch, offshoot"; a root of truth in the midst of mental


Yôwnâthân (John) 5:4 - "For an angel went down at a certain time

into the pool, and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first,

after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had."

"For a malak went down..."

"For a malak (message from the exalted thought plain into the

conscience) went down (to the lower base thoughts of the self will) at a

certain time into the pool ("reservoir, kneel"; the place in the consciousness

where one bows and receives from Yahweh), and stirred (consciously

affected) up the water (delusions, misconceptions); then whoever (whatever

thoughts) stepped (mentally acquired) in first, after the stirring of the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 43 of

water was healed (consciously made whole) of whatever disease (mental

dis-ease) he had."

Acts 12:7-8 - "Now behold, an angel of Yahweh stood by and a

light shone in the prison. He touched Peter on the side and awakened

him, saying, 'Rise up quickly!' And the chains fell from his hands. Then

the angel said to him, 'Gird yourself and put on your sandals!' And he

did so. Then he said to him, 'Put on your garment and follow me.'"

"Now behold, a malak of Yahweh... The malak said to him..."

"Now behold, a malak (message in the conscience) of Yahweh stood

by and a light (mental illumination) shone in the prison (place of mental

bondage). He (the message from Yahweh) touched Kepha/Peter ("hard,

compact"; either faith or lack of faith in the conscience) on the side (mental

door posts; "wisdom" and "understanding") and awakened (mentally

aroused) him, saying, 'Rise (mentally exalt) up (to the perfect conscience)

quickly!' And the chains (mental limitations) fell from his hands (ability to

consciously grasp). Then the malak (message in his mind) said to him,

'Gird (mentally prepare) yourself and put on your sandals (human

characteristics)!' And he did so. Then he (the message in the conscience)

said to him, 'Put on your garment (mental covering dependant upon

Yahweh) and follow me (the message within).'"

Acts 12:15 - "But they said to her, "You are mad!' yet she

continued insisting it was so. So they said, 'It is his angel.'"

"But they said... 'It is his malak.'"

"But they (the doubting faculties in the conscience) said to her (Rhoda

- "rose, rosebush"; the intuitive conscience), 'You are mad!' yet she

(intuition) continued insisting it was so. So they (doubts) said, 'It is his

malak (each man is a thought and therefore a message in the conscience.

Kêph/Peter is "hard, compact"; faith in the conscience; faith is the "rock" upon

which the Kingdom is built within).'"

II Corinthians 11:14 - "And no wonder! For sâtân himself is

transformed into an angel of light."

“...For the adversary himself...into a malak of light."

"And no wonder! For the adversary (the self will) himself is

transformed (mentally perceived as) into a malak (message in the

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 44 of

conscience) of light (seemingly from Yahweh, but truly formed in delusion

and deception)."

Galatians 1:8 - "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should

preach any other message to you, contrary to what we have preached,

may he be accursed!"

" ..., or a malak from heaven..."

"But even if we (anointed thoughts), or a malak (message in the

conscience) from heaven (the exalted thought plain), should preach any

other message to you (the totality of the conscience), contrary to what we

have preached, may he (the thought) be accursed (mentally


Galatians 4:14 - "And yet in your trials of the flesh, you did not

despise or disdain me, but you received me as an angel of Yahweh."

" a malak of Yahweh."

"And yet in your trials (mental tests) of the flesh (carnal vs. pure in

the conscience), you (minds meant to be redeemed) did not despise or

disdain me (Shaul/Paul; "asked, inquire"; the redeemed conscience seeking

truth), but you received (mentally accepted) me as a malak (message in the

conscience) of (from) Yahweh."

Revelation 8:7 - "The first angel sounded, and there followed hail

and fire, mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth. And a

third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned


"The first malak sounded..."

"The first malak (message in the conscience) sounded (resounded;

proclaimed loudly), and there followed hail (heavy conviction) and fire

(conviction), mingled (drawn away with) blood (carnality), and they

(reprobate thoughts) were cast upon the earth (lower self void in the

conscience). And a third of the trees (relied upon truths steeped in

materiality) were burned up, and all the green (truths) grass ("abode,

enclosed"; reliances) was burned up."

Revelation 8:8 - "And the second angel sounded, and it was like a

great mountain burning with fire, was cast into the sea. And a third of

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 45 of

the sea became blood."

"And the second malak sounded..."

"And the second malak (message in the conscience) sounded

(resounded) and it was like a great mountain (self exaltations) burning

with fire (judgment/conviction), was cast into the sea ("roar"; rebellion).

And a third of the sea (rebellion) became blood (given over to carnality)."

Revelation 8:10-11 - "And a third angel sounded, and a great star

fell from the heavens, burning like a lamp, and it fell upon a third of the

rivers, and upon the fountains of the waters. And the name of the star

was called Wormwood..."

"And a third malak sounded..."

"And a third malak (message in the conscience) sounded, and a

great star ("blazing, shining"; truth) fell from the heavens (exalted thought

plain), burning (convicting) like a lamp (illumination), and it fell (judgment)

upon a third of the rivers (mental channels), and upon the fountains

(streams) of the water (delusions). And the name of the star (truth

perceived) was called Wormwood ("curse, poison"; bitterness in the


Revelation 8:12 - "And the fourth angel sounded and a third part of

the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so

that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine and

the same with the night."

"And the fourth malak sounded..."

"And the fourth malak (message in the conscience) sounded and a

third part of the sun (conscience) was struck (condemned), and a third

part of the moon (subconscience), and a third part of the stars

(misperceived "truths"), so that a third of them were darkened

(reprobation). A third of the day (illumination) did not shine (uplift the

conscience) and the same (delusion) with the night (dullness)."

Revelation 9:1 - "And the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall

from heaven to earth, and to him was given the keys to the bottomless


"And the fifth malak sounded..."

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 46 of

"And the fifth malak (message in the conscience) sounded and I saw

a star (truth) fall from heaven (exalted thought plain) to earth (mind of man;

ego thought plain), and to him (the message in the conscience) was given

the key ("opener, loosen"; entrance) to the bottomless (consciously

unending) pit (mental destruction; total depravity)."

Revelation 9:13-14 - "And the sixth angel sounded and I heard a

voice from the four horns of the golden alter which is before Yahweh...

'Loose the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates!'"

"And the sixth malak sounded... 'Loose the four malakim...'"

“And the sixth malak (message in the conscience) sounded

(proclaimed) I heard a voice (internal breath) from the four (N,S,E,W)

horns (mental extrusions) of the golden (wisdom) altar (reverence in the

conscience) which is before Yahweh... 'Loose (release into consciousness)

the four (N,S,E,W) malak (messages in the conscience) who are bound

(held back until the appointed time) at the great river (outpouring)

Euphrates ("bursting forth, fruitifying”; complete dominance in the


Revelation 10:1 - "And I saw another mighty angel coming down

from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head,

his face like the sun, and his feet like the pillars of fire."

"And I saw another mighty malak..."

"And I ("Yahweh is favor"; the conscience covered by favor) saw

another mighty (consciously powerful) malak (message) coming down

from heaven, clothed (mentally covered) with a cloud (Yahweh's

mystique), and a rainbow (reminder of the unilateral mind covenant Yahweh

made with chosen men) on his head (front seat of consciousness), his face

(mental countenance) like the sun (brilliant illuminations), and his feet

(mental stability) like the pillars (mentally erect) of fire


three: Three is the number that represents both mental conviction and

mental resurrection:

1) ʼÂdâm (carnal life force) had three sons: Qayin (Cain) (wicked),

Hebel (Abel) (self reliant), and Shêth (Seth) (mentally renewed),

representing the condemned and resurrected conscience;

2) Nôach (the quieted conscience) had three sons: Shêm (renewed),

The Devil Inside (Part 2) Page 47 of

Yepheth (Japheth) (self reliant) and Châm (Ham) (wicked), representing

the three nations (constructs of thought) within each soul;

3) Yahshua (the mentally perfect), the forgiven thief (once self reliant)

and the accusing thief (wicked), are the repeat of the three in the

Renewed Covenant;

4) Yôwnâh (Jonah) was revealed and redeemed in three days and three


5) Yahshua was resurrected (mentally of course) on the third day.

And now let's explore a few verses that carry the plural form of malak,

though disguised as "angels":

Mattithyah 13:39 - "The enemy that sowed them is the devil, the

harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are the angels."

"The enemy... is sâtân... the reapers are the malakim."

"The enemy (thoughts manifesting from the self) that sowed (mentally

worked on) them (the "tares"; mental tearing apart) is sâtân ("opponent,

adversary"; self will), the harvest ("severed, curtail"; mental cutting off) is the

end of the age; and the reapers (mind judges) are the malakim (messages

of conviction or restoration in the conscience)."

Mark 13:27 - "And He will send His angels, and gather together His

elect from the four winds, from the farthest extreme of earth, to the

farthest extreme of heaven."

"And He will send His malakim..."

“And He (Yahweh) will send (into consciousness) His malakim

(messages), and gather together His elect (elected, chosen thoughts) from

the four (N,S,E,W) winds (mental expressions; "dark, parched, open,

roaring"), from the farthest extreme (mental boundary) of earth (mind of

man), to the farthest extreme (allotted mental boundary) of heaven (exalted

thought plain)."

Luke 20:36 - "Nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to

angels, and are sons of Yahweh, because they are children of the


"...equal to malakim..."

"Nor can they (chosen thoughts; chosen children) die (mentally

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vanquish) anymore, for they are equal to malakim (holy messages), and

are sons (builders) of Yahweh, because they are children (builders of

consciousness) of the resurrection (#3; the resurrected mind)."

Hebrews 13:2 - "Do not forget to entertain strangers; for by doing

so some have unknowingly entertained angels."

"...entertained malakim."

"Do not forget (consciously ignore) to entertain (contemplate)

strangers (foreign thoughts); for by doing so some (some thoughts) have

unknowingly entertained (pondered) malakim (holy messages, not yet fully


Having now looked at the word aggĕlŏs; Strong's #32g, in both it's

singular and plural forms, it behooves us to analyze seven specific scriptures

in the Renewed Covenant. We will list them all below and hopefully you will

catch on to another emerging pattern that will solidify the truth deep in your


Matt 11:10 - "For this is he, about whom it is written: 'Behold, I will

send My messenger and he will prepare the way before you.'"

Mark 1:2 - "As it is written in the prophets: 'Behold, I send My

messenger before your face, who will prepare a way before you.”

Luke 7:24 - "When the messenger of John had departed, he began

to speak to the multitudes concerning John: 'What did you go out into

the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?'"

Luke 7:27 - "This is he of whom it is written: 'Behold, I send My

messenger before your face, who will prepare a way before you.'"

Luke 9:52 - "And sent messengers before him. And they went

ahead and entered into a village of Samaritans, to prepare for him."

II Corinthians 12:7 - "And in order that I not be exalted above

measure, because of the abundance of the revelations, there was given

to me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of satan to torment me, to keep

me from exalting myself above measure."

Yaaqob/James 2:25 - "Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot justified

by works, when she received the messengers and sent them out

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another way?"

Several very telling things transpire around what I had hoped you would

laser (mentally of course) in on; the word “messenger(s)”. It is none other

then the Greek word aggĕlŏs, Strong's #32g, and yet it clearly speaks of men.

As it was with the Old Covenant so it is in the Renewed Covenant! These

supposed beings distinctly separate from men are now in the only verses that

utilize the word “messenger(s)”, men. If you were to apply a little diligence

you would find that most of the seven verses given refer to Yahshua the

anointed, the rest clearly referring to men, and one uniquely referring to the

adversarial mindset with Paul/Shaul; the "thorn" in his intellect. The

systematic use of the word messenger(s) rather than the word "angel" in

these New Covenant scriptures leaves you, the student, to seek out and

answer why, within your own soul? It is the same exact word which of course

would be "malak" in the Hebrew text, and yet in some places a "being"

separate from man is insinuated, while in others the definition itself is being

offered; "angel" or "messenger".

And of course, all to the diminishing of the original intent, the Hebrew

intent. If malak had been defined as "either man or being; a messenger", then

we would be fine with all of the verse and the systematic use of certain words

in specific verses would be a moot point. But its not so! The Hebrew intent

was always about the Kingdom within; the place where Yahweh dwells within

chosen men. And the messages therefore, the malak, are also 100% internal!

Any attempt at a Renewed Covenant overview of Old Covenant

patterns in regards to the Cherub, Seraphim, Nephilim and Anakims, would

leave one with little work to do. To this writer it is not surprising at all that in

regards to the four mentioned appellations, there is only one place in the

entire Renewed Covenant that makes mention of any of them at all. But there

is one scripture pertaining to cherub!

Hebrews 9:5 -"And above it were the cherubim of glory

overshadowing the mercy seat. But we cannot discuss these things in

detail now."

This verse discussing the Sanctuary, the Sanctuary we have already

explained, is the only Renewed Covenant scripture given. By now you should

be able to decode what is being expressed in the verse above?

Dreams & V isions - Messages & Messengers

dreams: Two specific words are given to us from the Hebrew language:

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chălôm חלום (khal-ome'); "dream"; Strong's #2472. It's root is the

second specific word; chalam חלם (khaw-lam'); "bind, be plump"; Strong's


From the root word châlam, we are able to define the intent of the word

“dream”. The idea of binding as with dreaming itself, takes on different

functions within the conscience.

The Hebrew language allows for several definitions in reference to the

word bind or binding. Words like "tie" and "yoke" and "hitch" and "wrap", give

us a pretty good mental picture of the mental position being expressed.

Whether the binding and the dreaming are of things pertaining to

righteousness or things pertaining to pending doom, the dream is intending to

reveal something; some state of mind that is soon to be made manifest within

the conscience of the one dreaming. It is worth noting that the idea of

"dreaming" of anything apart from the will of Yahweh, is never a concept

introduced in the Old or Renewed Covenants. "Day dreaming" and things as

such are often based in ones own internal desires to prepare a life of one's

own thoughts and ideas, a grave sin according to many Scriptural patterns

given to man. Remember, "Your life (entirety of your mind) is not your own,

you have been bought (consciously enslaved to righteousness) with the price

of shed blood (removal of the carnal life force)."

visions: Four specific words are given to us from the Hebrew language:

machăzeh מחזה (makh-az-eh'); "vision"; Strong's #4236. It's root is

châzâh חזה (khaw-zaw'); "gaze, perceive"; Strong's #2372.

marʼeh מראה (mar-eh'); "view, appearance"; Strong's #4758. It's root is

#2372 from above.

chizzâyôwn חןיון (khiz-zaw-yone'); "revelation"; Strong's #2384. It's root

is also #2372 from above.

As with the word “dream(s)”, we have specific root definitions for the

four words, which describe visions from the Hebrew language. "Gaze,

perceive, see". These three words sum up what the four Hebrew words for

“vision(s)” actually mean, as well as their intent. The reason that dreams and

visions were incorporated into this body of work was to give account to the

experience that has led many, including this writer, to proclaim, "But I saw the

figures of human people and they said things to me." This in reference to

either a dream(s) or vision(s) that were experienced. The commonality

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amongst those who have had such experiences would be to have likened

them to "a visit from an angel(s)", or something along these lines. It is this

actual phenomenon that we attempt to clarify, but let's first look at some

scriptures about dreams and visions:

Genesis 6:20 - "And Yahweh said to him in a dream, 'Yes, I know

that you did this in the integrity of your heart..."

"And Yahweh said to him ("father of a multitude"; multiplying renewing

thoughts; Abraham) in a dream (mental binding), 'Yes, I know that you did

this (conscious act) in the integrity (mental character) of your heart (center

of intellect).'"

Daniyl 2:1 - "Now in the second year of the reign of

Nebuchadnezzar's reign, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams that

troubled his mind and robbed him of his sleep."

"Now in the second (mental division) year of Nebuchadnezzar's

("chief protector, announcer"; human intellect) reign (mental authority),

Nebuchadnezzar (human intellect and the thoughts stemming from it)

dreamed (was bound) a dream (a binding) that troubled his mind

(conscious life) and robbed (mentally void) him of his sleep (mind rest)."

Yôwʼêl (Joel) 2:28 - "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will

pour out My Mind on all flesh; your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see vision."

"And it shall come to pass afterward (when the wicked conscience is

banished), that I will pour out (into the conscience) My Mind (mental life

breath) on all flesh ("pudenda, fresh, rosy"; renewed minds); your sons

(wisdom "building") and your daughters (understanding "building") will

prophesy (utterance of revelation in the conscience), your old (wise) men

(builders in the conscience) will dream (bind) dreams (mental bindings),

your young (active) men (builders) will see (mentally perceive) visions

(mental "revelations")."

Mattithyah 27:19 - "While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his

wife sent to him, saying, 'Have nothing to do with that just Man; for I

have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him.'"

"While he ("bridged"; "firm"; Pontius Pilate; carnal reasoning) was

sitting (slack minded) on the judgment seat (front seat of the conscience),

his wife (melancholy in the conscience) sent to him, saying, 'Have nothing

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to do ("do not consciously entertain") with that just (consciously justified)

Man (builder), for I (melancholy) have suffered many things (emotional

disturbances) this day (illumination) in a dream (mental binding) because of

Him ("the saved mind"; Yahshua).'"

And so we see that dreams are Yahweh's way of bringing true realities

into the conscience of either chosen or unchosen men and women. The idea

that one can dream and not have the dreams come to pass at all stems from

the many years of carnality that have ruled the conscience, and the effects of

such sowing. And now a little more on vision(s):

Genesis 15:1 - "Yahweh came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Fear

not Abram, I am your shield. Your reward shall be very great.'"

"Yahweh came (into the consciousness) to Abram ("Father of height";

ability to perceive higher truths) in a vision ("gaze, perceive"; mental picture),

saying, 'Fear not Abram, I am your shield (mind garden; protected

conscience). Your reward (fullness in the conscience) shall be very great.'"

Job 33:14-16 - "For Yahweh may speak in one way, or in another,

yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, while

deep sleep falls upon men while they slumber on their beds. Then He

opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction."

"For Yahweh may speak (consciously resound/proclaim) in one way,

or in another, yet man (carnal thoughts) does not perceive (consciously

understand) it. In a dream (mental binding), in a vision (mental revelation)

of the night (time of dullness), while deep sleep (lethargy) falls upon men

(thoughts) while they slumber (mental drowsiness) on their beds (mental

decrease). Then (at the time of most need in the mind) He opens (East gate)

the ears (understanding) of men (thoughts), and seals (mentally encloses)

their instruction (commands)."

Proverbs 29:18 - "Where there is no vision, the people perish, but

blessed is he who keeps the law."

"Where there is no vision (mental revelation), the people (thoughts)

perish, but blessed (consciously fruitful) is he (the thought) who keeps

(mentally adheres to) the law (mind patterns)."

Ezekiel 8:3 - "He reached out in the likeness of a hand, and took

me by the lock of my hair; and the Mind lifted me up between the earth

and heaven, and brought me in the visions of Yahweh to Jerusalem, to

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the door of the gate of the inner court that faces north, where the seat of

the image of jealousy was, which provokes to jealousy."

"He (the mind saving Presence) reached out (into the center of

consciousness) in the likeness of a hand (mental grasping ability) and took

me (Yahweh strengthening the mind) by the lock ("fringe, glistening"; mental

blossoming) of my hair (disheveled thoughts); and the Mind (Yahweh's

breath in the conscience) lifted me up (higher consciousness) between the

earth (man centered thoughts) and heaven (exalted thoughts), and brought

me in the visions (mental view) of Yahweh to Yerusalem ("peace" in the

conscience), to the door (mental entrance) of the gate (mental pathway) of

the inner (intimate) court (enclosure) that faces north (the place of potential

darkness), where the seat (understanding) of the image (mental reckoning)

of jealousy ("envy, zealous"; carnal longing yet redeemed), which provokes

to jealousy (mental envy, destruction)."

Mattithyâh 16:28 - "Truly I say to you, there are some standing

here who shall not taste death, until they see in a vision the Son of Man

coming in His Kingdom."

"Truly I (the faith faculty) say to you (minds being redeemed), there

are some standing (mentally upright) here who shall not taste death

(mental reprobation), until they see (consciously perceive) in a vision (mind

gaze) the Son (builder) of Man (Adam #2) coming in His (Yahweh's)

Kingdom (Mind dome)."

Acts 9:12 - "And in a vision he has seen a man named Chănanyâh

coming in and putting a hand on him, that he might receive his sight."

"And in a vision (mental perception) he has seen a man named

Chănanyâh ("mercy of Yahweh") coming in ("into" consciousness) and

putting a hand (ability to mentally grasp) on him (Shaul/Paul - "desired,

searching"; the longing soul), that he (the longing) might receive his sight

(mental perception)."

II Corinthians 12:1 - "It is indeed not profitable for me to boast, for

I will have come to visions and revelations from Yahweh."

"It is indeed not profitable (mentally enhancing) for me to boast

("self" reliance), for I (the longing soul) will have come to visions (mental

pictures) and revelations (mental truths) from Yahweh."

"Mind's eye!" This would be the appropriate terminology for what

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happens with dreams and visions. Whether information or seeming human

forms delivering information, it is an internal process that might actually

appear to be happening in the physical realm. It was important to discuss this

reality and to explore what was real about it. Having had experiences with

these "visitations", it was important for this writer to come to terms with what

Yahweh had to say about it, only to then form my understanding of exactly

what had happened to me.

Seeming "humans", speaking messages to me that have and have

been prophesied to come to pass, now understood for what they truly were.

The voice of Yahweh manifested through mental forms in order to achieve

His exact purpose from His Kingdom within. No longer would I need to

misuse the intent of the Scriptures to "line up" my thinking with pagan

customs and decrees. No "angels", but rather, "Thoughts!" Thoughts at time

accompanied by mental pictures to bring forth the purposes of Yahweh within

my conscience. Always within, only then perhaps, without.


The Devil Inside


The Devil Inside Part III