The Devil Inside
The entirety of this body of work took years to bring together, piece by
piece. Suffice it to say that even now the work is undone. Mighty Yahweh is far
deeper then what He has made available herein though as the writer, I myself
was mesmerized each step of the way.
All this to say that you, the reader, will surely notice that throughout the
body of work there will be a switching back and forth between Hebrew words
and definitions, and the commonly utilized translations for each word. I was
comfortable that the work seemed a little undone, for again, it is.
And as for the Hebrew and Greek letters utilized in, I found that the
programs available to write in these languages, was indeed not a simple task to
carry out. More so in regards to Hebrew letters and the nuances with the proper
punctuation necessary. In some cases you who understand the language
intimately will notice I took certain liberties, doing the best I could. None of this
however effected the “meat” of what I intended to express. The work is raw, but
its real. I would be elated to know that someone, perhaps even you, could carry
the work forward, revealing even more than has been done within the words
In order to fully grasp the entire premise of this body of work one would need to
first agree with a concept that though seemingly simple, has oft been neglected
by the many who profess faith in a Creator. Strikingly even those who have
come to the revelation that the Creator has a Name, Mighty "Yahweh", miss the
concept. What is it? The truth that if one's perceptions of the intent of the entire
body known as the Scriptures is not understood soley from the language of
creation, the Hebrew language, then one's entire faith foundation is established
on very shaky ground. In other words each letter that forms each word of the
Tôrâh (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), the minor
prophets and the Psalms and Proverbs, is the full expression of every life “Law”
that Yahweh would reveal to His chosen children. And unless those Laws are
fully understood from the organic language of the earth, with it's intent, errors in
doctrine and therefore life are sure to be had. As an example the Hebrew word
for "earth" is ארץ ʼerets. Erets has the definition "be firm". Firm is the Hebrew
word כוך kûwn, meaning "be erect". Erect is the word נעכ nâtsab, and has
several definitions such as "pillar" and "appointed". With these we begin to
understand the truer and fuller meaning of what Yahweh wanted to express with
the word ʼerets. The sum of Yahweh's word is truth and from the Hebrew
language alone we decipher the intent that leads to that truth. Keeping things
simple and simply true, the Hebrew language is what defines words and terms
expressed in the Hebrew language.
It is with this concept that we move forward and delve into what is perhaps the
second most diabolical and long lasting deception laid upon those of faith, the
first being of course the misnomers levied against the Name "Yahweh" (see
"Bye God!" for an exhaustive explanation). Let's look at some specific words and
following the pattern given above we will lay out the foundation and then unveil
the deception. We start with the word “adversary”. The Hebrew language has
several words that do in fact incorporate the word adversary within their
definitions. Let's look:
צרר tsârar (tsaw-rar) "to cramp, adversary". If you want to dig deeper you would
obviously look for the Hebrew word for cramp and continue as discussed earlier.
Another Hebrew word would be איש ivsh (eesh). It's definitions, "man,
adversary". Keep in mind that each Hebrew word also has at times a root word
or root words that will give further insight. Interestingly enough the initial Hebrew
word for man is of course ארם ʼâdam (aw-dam). Consider for a moment that
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ʼâdam is equated to adversary, and let that sink in just a bit. Another Hebrew
word containing adversary as part and parcel of its definition is the word כעל
baʽal (baw-al). If you have read “Bye God!”, then you already know that the
word baʽal represents "wickedness", couched under the commonly used word
"lord". There are more words dealing with our word “adversary” but we focus on
one in particular and in order to delve deeper into its true intent we will first find
scriptures containing the Hebrew word, and then we will reveal it's intended
purpose. It behooves us to review every scripture in the Old Covenant regarding
this word yet fully known, eleven scriptures total:
Numbers 22:22 - "But Yahweh was very angry because he [Balaam] went,
and the malak of Yahweh took his stand in the road to oppose (be an
"adversary") him..."
This Scripture depicts the malʼâk ("message") as the adversary. Hebraically the
malʼâk is an internal message placed in the center of intellect (the "heart"). For
Bilʽâm ("lord of people, destruction of people"; destructive thoughts) it would be
a message of resistance.
I Samuyl 29:4 - "...Do not allow him [David] to go with us to battle, or in the
battle he may become our adversary..."
Here we have the man Dâvîd described as the potential adversary.
I Kings 5:4 - "But now, Yahweh my Father has given me rest on every
side; there is no adversary, nor a disaster."
Here Shelômôh ("whole, entire"; perfect thoughts) speaks of peace from all
adversaries and he is speaking of men.
I Kings 11:14 - "Now Yahweh raised up an adversary against Shelômôh
(commonly “Solomon”)..."
Here the adversary is Hădad ("sharp, quick"; carnal intellect) the ʼĔdômîte
("red"; carnal life force), a man.
I Kings 11:23 - "And Yahweh raised up another adversary against
Here the adversary is Rezôwn ("heavy, weighty"; intellectual thought) the son of
ʼElâyâdâʽ ("strength in knowing"; belief in knowledge), a man.
I Kings 11:25 - "He [Rezon] was an adversary of Israel all the time
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Solomon lived..."
Rezon, the man, the adversary.
We also have some plural usage, multiple adversaries:
II Samuel 19:22 - “...This day you have become my adversaries!"
The adversaries spoken of here are the sons ("builders") of Tserûwyâh
("smitten, stricken"; thoughts judged by Yahweh), men.
Psalm 38:20 - "...They render evil for righteousness who are our
Here David speaks of men who seek the life force of Yahweh's chosen people.
Psalm 109:4 - "In return for our love, they are our adversaries..."
Here again it is men being discussed as the adversaries.
Psalm 109:20 - "May this [curses] be the reward of our adversaries from
You, 0 Yahweh."
The curses are for wicked men, the adversaries of Israel.
Psalm 109:29 - "May our adversaries be clothed with dishonor..."
Adversaries = men
At this point it is again necessary to mention the work titled “Bye God!”. In it
there is a section titled "Strong's, What Weakened You?". The purpose of the
section was to prove that the author of Strong's had fell prey to a trap that
mainstream "believing" society has also been given over to; the
misrepresentation of Hebrew words with their definitions, and as crucial their
intent. In other words, the systematic watering down and even blatant
misrepresentation of the organic language that actually caused creation.
Remove the Hebrew alphabet ("aleph-beis") and the words it forms and the
power to create is removed! Strong's is by far the most read resource by those
on the path to deeper truths of Scripture so it is imperative that it's errors be
brought to the forefront and dealt with. By no means does this exclude the many
other books available that attempt to define both the Hebrew text and the
implanted Greek text, in regards to the Scriptures. They must all be exposed in
order for truth to prevail.
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In this writer's viewpoint what is even more alarming than the errors of those
works that attempt to help define words and terms, is the countless available
translations of the Scriptures and the blasphemies they produce. From the New
International Version (NIV) to the Life Application Study Bible (LASB), to the
New King James Bible (NKJ), to the Amplified Bible, to the Holy Scriptures, and
on and on it goes. It would be no understatement to say that every single
version available today fails at one or more of the great transgressions of truth;
the misapplication and misrepresentation of Hebrew words and their intent.
Let's go back to the word adversary and explain.
If one were to use Strong's and look for scriptures in the Old Covenant that
have the Hebrew word for adversary within them, what would be found would be
given a number by Strong's wherein one could go to the back of the book and
find your word. For adversary it would be number 7854. At #7854 here is a great
portion of what you would find: ששן sâtân (saw-tawn), "opponent". From 7853,
ששן sâtan (saw -tan), "attack, accuse"; - (be an) adversary, resist.
It is crucial to understand that the previous eleven verses we reviewed that
utilize number 7854, never use the actual Hebrew word satan, but rather the
word adversary. This is crucial to understand if I have not made myself clear!
Word number 7854, the word we used in the eleven verses we dissected is the
Hebrew word “satan”, but none of them utilize the actual Hebrew word. Let's go
back a few verses and give some examples:
Numbers 22:22 - "But Yahweh was very angry because he [Balaam] went,
and the malak of Yahweh took his stand as sâtân (opposition) to him..."
I Kings 11:14 - "Now Yahweh raised up a satan against Solomon..."
II Sam 19:22 - "...This day you have become my satans! (adversaries)"
Psalm 109:4 - "In return for our love, they are our satans..."
You might be saying, "Big deal, it is a translation issue and it's not really
important that the actual Hebrew word is used!”, but would you be correct? We
know that Strong's presents the word adversary, #7854, eleven times in the Old
Covenant. We also know, and perhaps more mental digestion is warranted, that
the eleven times we have examined those scriptures, ten of those times the
word satan refers to men.
Once, the malak of Yahweh, ten times as man! But something very strange
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happens if one were to go into Strong's and look up the actual word "satan" and
not the word adversary. What you will find is that the Old Covenant alone offers
eighteen verses wherein the actual word satan is used and yes, the Strong's
number is of course 7854. Instead of the word “adversary” in the verse, we now
have the actual Hebrew word being used. Let's take a look:
I Chronicles 21:1- "Satan stood up against Israel, and incited David to
number Israel."
If this were to stay consistent with our previous eleven verses it would read:
"The adversary stood up against Israel..."
Job 1:6 "Now there was a day when the sons of Yahweh came to present
themselves before Yahweh, and Sâtân also came among them."
The other way: "...and the adversary also came among them."
Although I will not be repeating the pattern in this body of work I want you to
make a mental note: When the Hebrew word ,ששן sâtân replaces the definition
(adversary) almost every available translation of the Scriptures (commonly
referred to as the Bible) not only concurs with Strong's, but they also go as far
and capitalize the word. A lower case word that should never be capitalized
unless it begins a sentence, is now capitalized and systematically so. From
sâtân to Sâtân with no Hebraic intent in which to do so. This would be similar to
writing out the preceding verse as such: "Now there was a day when the sons
came to present themselves before Yahweh, and the Adversary also came
among them." Completely inappropriate sentence structure and capitalization in
any language! Now some more of those eighteen verses:
Job 1:7 - "Yahweh said to Sâtân..."
The other way: "Yahweh said to the adversary...”
Job 1:7 - "...Sâtân answered Yahweh..."
The other way: "...The adversary answered Yahweh..."
Job 1:8 - "Then Yahweh said to Sâtân..."
The other way: "Then Yahweh said to the adversary..."
Job 1:9 - "Sâtân answered Yahweh..."
The other way: "The adversary answered Yahweh..."
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In the book of ʼîyôwb (Job) ("persecuted"; the conscience seeking renewal)
there are nine more occasions of the same protocol: Job 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 2:4, 2:6
and 2:7. And the final three:
Psalm 109:6 - "Appoint over him [the wicked man] the wicked one, let Sâtân
stand at his right hand."
The other way: "...let the adversary stand at his right hand."
Zech 3:1 - "Then he showed me Yahshua, the High Priest standing before
the malak of Yahweh, with Sâtân standing at his right hand to oppose
The other way: "...before the malak of Yahweh, with the adversary standing at
his right hand..."
Zech 3:2 - "And Yahweh said to Sâtân: 'Yahweh releases you, 0 Sâtân!'"
The other way: "And Yahweh said to the adversary: 'Yahweh releases you, 0
Now that we have revealed the eighteen scriptures that have uniformly amongst
Strong's and the many available translations used the Hebrew word "satan"
rather than it's definition (adversary), we will dig a little deeper. We do so
remembering that ten of the eleven places the word adversary is utilized for
sâtân in the Old Covenant, it always refers to men and in one instance the malak
of Yahweh. Let's first look again at four of these recent eighteen that were not
referenced in the book of Job. We start at I Chronicles 21:1. According to the
many translations available as well as Strong's, the first verse reads as such:
"Sâtân stood up against Israel, and incited Dâvîd to number Israel."
We now know that lest the sudden change from "adversary" to "Satan"
(capitalized), it would have read:
"The adversary stood up against Israel, and incited..."
The Hebrew word for "inciting" is סות cûwth (sooth) and its definitions are
"prick" and "seduce". Of the multiple words used to express these definitions
one word overwhelmingly expresses Hebraic intent. That word is "provoke" and
it's derivations; “provoked, provoketh, and provoking”. The point that needs to be
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carefully attended to is the truth that every other time that word number 5496 is
utilized in a verse, it refers to man and believe it or not, to Yahweh. In reference
to the one "inciting", it is always man or Yahweh doing the inciting.
Never in one single verse is there some outside force or some being apart from
Yahweh or man who is inciting (provoking) other men. It is either Yahweh or
man! Also, as per verse seventeen of I Chronicles chapter twenty-one,
David reveals the cause of the inciting. Let's listen to his words: "Dâvîd said to
Yahweh, 'Was it not I who ordered the army to be numbered? I am the one
who sinned and committed this wrong...'"
Did Dâvîd blame a force outside of himself; the cause of his incitement? As we
can see Dâvîd accepts full responsibility for his transgression against Yahweh
and as imperative is that in fact he did not blame some external "force". The
next verse:
Psalm 109:6 - "Appoint over him [the wicked man] the wicked one, let Sâtân
stand at his right hand."
The other way: "...let the adversary stand at his right hand."
So we have a continuing dilemma that must be solved. Is the sâtân being
spoken of some new force outside of man's soul? Let's go back a few verses to
verse four of Psalm 109 and gain some more insight: "In return for our love
they are our adversaries..." We already saw this verse in the beginning and of
course it is the Hebrew word ששן sâtân that is written in the Hebrew text: "In
return for our love they are our sâtâns..." Now it must be made very clear to
you that the entire Psalm speaks to and about wicked men. Wicked men who
continually attempt to persecute Yahweh's chosen children. The entire Psalm
speaks to wicked men being the "adversaries (sâtâns)" spoken of in verse 4. A
word that ONLY ever deals with men or Yahweh, has now changed? We move
Zech 3:1 - “Then he showed me Yahshua, the High Priest standing before
the malak of Yahweh, with Sâtân standing at his right hand to
oppose him.”
It is perfectly clear upon review that this vision of Zekaryâh's ("remembrance of
Yahweh"; reoccuring thoughts) is a vision of a mental reality. In the vision are
the malak (holy "messages" of Yahweh described as the "adversary" in
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Numbers 22:22) of Yahweh, Yahshua the son ("builder") of Yahweh, and of
course Strong's #7854; sâtân. Is this for the very first time a representation of
some wicked force distinct and separate from man or malak? Let's look at the
verse that follows:
Zech 3:2- "And Yahweh said to Sâtân (capitalized of course): 'Yahweh
rebukes you, 0 Sâtân!'"
In order to discover truth we must again pose the question regarding who in fact
this "Sâtân" is? When found as the word “adversary” or “adversaries”, it always
deals with men or malak as the adversary. Are we now seeing a two-fold
meaning for this capitalized version (Sâtân) as well? We have opened the
discussion about the reality of the concerted effort, wittingly or unwittingly, to
systematically use the actual Hebrew word “sâtân” in specific verses, while at the
same time use the words “adversary” or “opponent” in specific verses. We have
also discussed the systematic capitalization to "Sâtân" in very specific verses,
without any Hebraic mandate to do so, but we must continue to peel back layers
so that we leave no stone unturned in our quest for absolute truth. In the verses
we have located in Job (1:6, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9, 1:12, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 2:4, 2:6 2:7), we
see the all capital usage of the Hebrew word Sâtân. In some instances the word
sâtân actually starts a new sentence so capitalization would be warranted, but
the systematic capitalization in the midst of sentences has no foundation nor
explained purpose. We have also looked at what the verses would look like if
the word adversary was constantly utilized. We have also proved that the
adversary, Strong's #7854, was overwhelmingly referring to man and once to a
malak. In peeling back the layers questions must come into clear view and they
must be answered with the totality of the scriptures as prooftext. “The sum of
Thy word is truth”, and we must have a cohesive agreement from Genesis to
Revelation, lest our foundation be violently shaken when the testing comes.
Some of those questions that warrant answers:
1) Are the "adversaries" spoken of throughout Scripture only ever man or
2) Are the adversaries spoken of throughout Scripture, man, malak and an
outside force known as Sâtân?
3) In the Old Covenant why do almost all available translations of the
Scriptures as well as Strong's, change the use of the actual word sâtân in
specific verses and not in others, using adversary or opponent instead?
4) Why do these same groups also systematically capitalize to "Sâtân" in certain
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verses and specifically not in others?
5) What words other than satan help us discern the Hebraic intent of what is
being expressed in the Old Covenant?
6) How does this all play into the words utilized in the Renewed
Covenant and the stories told regarding this sâtân?
Of course there are more questions that must be answered and they will, and
we will also discover new questions never considered before, pulling back the
curtain to unlock new doors and expose new paradigms within your conscience.
Let's actually tackle the fifth question first, thus allowing for a greater mental
expansion that will make answering the other questions that much more simple.
What words other than sâtân help us discern the Hebraic intent of what is being
expressed in the Old Covenant?
We start with three specific Hebrew words and their definitions:
hiss (Stronq's #8319) – שרק shâraq (shaw-rak), "be shrill". This Hebrew word
is utilized twelve times in the Old Covenant. As with the word sâtân it behooves
us to inquire about whom this "hiss" pertains to, in order to experience the
intent. To quicken the pace I will simply give the verse location and in
parenthesis describe who in fact is the cause of the hiss:
I Kings 9:8 - (the people are the ones who hiss);
Iyyob 27:23 - (men hiss at Job);
Isa 5:26 - (Yahweh will hiss);
Isa 7:18 - (Yahweh will hiss);
Yeremyah (Jeremiah) 19:8 - (The city will hiss);
Yeremyah 49:17 - (Edom will hiss);
Yeremyah 50:13 - (people hiss at Babylon);
Lam 2:15-16 - (people hiss at Israel, Yahweh's people);
Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 27:36 - (merchants hiss);
Zeph 2:15 - (people hiss at Ninevah);
Zeph 10:8 - (Yahweh will hiss).
People, Yahweh and cities! In every single accounting of our word shâraq שרק
(hiss) it is men, Yahweh or cities that hiss.
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The same happens with the plural of the word sharaq; שרקה sherêqâh (sher-ay-
kaw'), Strong's number 8322. In the seven occurances (Zech 29:8, Yer 19:8,
25:9, 25:18, 29:18, 51:37 & Micah 6:16) it is again men, Yahweh or cities that
do the hissing. In vetting this out a new question must be attended to: "How is it
possible for cities/nations to hiss?" This question will be answered but let's first
look at the second of our three Hebrew words and examine it:
whisper (Strong's #3907) – לחש lâchash (law-khash'), "mumble".
There are a couple of variations of the Hebrew word for “whisper” but we focus
on lâchash for a very important reason soon to be revealed. As for the two
verses in the Old Covenant that utilize this word we have:
Psalm 41:7 - (men, the haters of Yahweh's chosen children, whispered);
II Samuyl 12:19 - (David's men servants whispered).
Unlike the word hiss (shâraq), whisper in the Old Covenant applies to man
alone. And for our final word:
enchant (Strong's #s 3909, 5172) - though there are several Hebrew words that
incorporate enchant, enchanter and enchantments within their definitions, the
two words numbered here specifically deal directly with our subject matter:
#3909 – לט lât (lawt), "covered, secret". We have four verses:
Exodus 7:22 - (magicians (men) enchant);
Exodus 8:7 - (magicians enchant);
Exodus 8:18 - (magicians enchant);
Eccl 10:11 - (Not yet! More to come).
Now for the next one:
#5172 -נחש nachash (naw-khash'), "hiss, whisper". We have six verses:
Lev 19:26 - (men are commanded not to enchant);
Num 23:23 - (Yaʽăqôb (Jacob) will not enchant);
Num 24:1 - (Balaam does not enchant);
II Kings 17:17 - (wicked men enchant);
II Kings 21:6 - (wicked Menasheh causes enchanting);
II Chron 33:6 (wicked Menasheh enchants).
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So we see that with all three words and their derivations they only ever pertain
to men, Yahweh or cities (nations). The majority of course dealing with mankind.
As with the word adversary (sâtân) these Hebrew words with their Hebraic intent
overwhelmingly speak of men. Now let's go back to the one we skipped,
Ecclesiastes 10:11, and peel back some more layers:
Ecclesiastes 10:11 - "Surely a serpent will bite if it has not been whispered
Within this verse alone many mysteries lie. The three Hebraic words we
specifically reviewed (hiss, whisper, enchant) are the exact three words that
actually define another Hebrew word that must be fully vetted. That word is
"serpent". That is correct, the three words we have previously reviewed and
specifically so are the definitions of Strong's #5175:
נחש nâchâsh (naw-khawsh'), "hiss". It's root word is #5172 נחש nachash (naw-
khash'), "hiss, whisper".
Of course we are going back to the garden but before we do lets first remind
ourselves that every available Hebrew definition for the word nachash (hiss) has
been reviewed, and each time the intent only applies to men, Yahweh or cities
(nations). Does this mean that in regards to verses that will actually incorporate
#5175, the "serpent" can now be some other intended force, specifically an
unseen being? Can it also be that a systematic implantation of the word
"serpent" was perpetuated upon the Hebrew text by all available translations, as
well as Strong's itself? Let's continue to exhaust all remedies, verse by verse:
Genesis 49:17 - "Dân will be a nâchâsh (serpent?) by the road..."
Here, the hiss (serpent?) is said to be the man Dân, one of the tribes of Israel as
well, tribes of men.
Ex 4:3 - "...then he [Môsheh] cast it [his staff] on the ground and it became a
nâchâsh (serpent?)..."
Here, we have a staff that is turned into a hiss (serpent?).
Ex 7:15 - "...and the staff which was turned to a nâchâsh (serpent?), you
shall take in your hand..."
Again, we have a staff that becomes a hiss (serpent?).
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Num 21:8-9 - "Yahweh said to Mosheh, 'Make a nâchâsh (serpent?) and put
it on a pole.
Here, we have a hiss (serpent?) being made by Môsheh and placed on a pole.
"And anyone who was bitten by the nâchâsh (serpent?), and looked at the
bronze nâchâsh (serpent?), he lived."
Here, we have a biting hiss (serpent?) and a healing hiss (serpent?).
II Kings 18:4 - "...he [Hosheyah] broke into pieces the bronze nâchâsh
(serpent?) Môsheh had made..."
Here, we have a righteous king breaking up the bronze hiss (serpent?) that the
people had been worshipping.
Iyyob 26:13 - "He has pierced the slithering nâchâsh (serpent?)."
Here, we have Iyyob telling us that Yahweh will pierce the hiss (serpent?).
Psalm 58:4 - "Their poison is like the venom of a nâchâsh (serpent?)."
Here, the wicked man is compared to the venom of a hiss (serpent?).
Psalm 140:3 - "Their tongues are sharpened like a nâchâsh (serpent?)."
Here, we have the wicked man again being compared to the hiss (serpent?).
Prov 23:32 - "But in the end it [wine] bites like a nâchâsh (serpent?)..."
Here, wine is compared to the hiss (serpent?).
Prov 30:19 - "...the way a nâchâsh (serpent?) glides over a rock..."
Here, we have the hiss (serpent?) being described as "astonishing" to Solomon.
Ecc 10:8 - "...whoever breaks through a wall, a nâchâsh (serpent?) will bite
Here, the hiss (serpent?) is being described as a biting thing.
Isa 27:1 - "Yahweh... will punish the prophet of the assemblies of the
nâchâsh (serpent?)...and will give these perverted ministers of the nâchâsh
(serpent?) ...the sentence of death."
Here, we have a plurality of men compared to the hiss (serpent?).
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Yer 46:22 - "Her voice shall be like a nâchâsh (serpent?)...”
Here, Egypt is compared to the hiss (serpent?).
Amos 5:19 - "...and a nâchâsh (serpent?) will bite him."
Here, Yahweh condemns those who misapply the Day of His wrath.
Micah 7:17 - "They will lick dust like a nâchâsh (serpent?)..."
Here, the nations are condemned like the hiss (serpent?).
And we also will look at a few verses wherein the hiss (serpent?) is more than
just one; multiple hisses (serpents?) same word, נחש nachash (#5175)!
Num 21:6 - "And Yahweh sent fiery hisses (serpents?) among them..."
Multiple serpents?
Deut 8:15 - "Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness of
fiery hisses (serpents?)..."
Here, Môsheh reminds the survivors of the wilderness that Yahweh ultimately
saved them from the hisses (serpents?).
Yer 8:17 - "For behold, I will send hisses (serpents?) among you..."
Multiple serpents?
Before we go back to the garden, we do so with a full accounting of the Hebrew
word nâchâsh, with it's intent. We have seen that this nâchâsh, a device of
Yahweh, is "made" by Môsheh. It seems to "bite" and as important, there is
more than just one! Right now, having examined what the Old Covenant offers
in reference to nâchâsh (hiss, whisper, serpent?), it would be a good time to ask
yourself, "What have I personally read or been taught about the 'serpent' in the
garden? Who/what, did I believe this serpent was?" With the research we have
done it is probably safe to say that your mind is a little rattled (pun intended)
about what is really taking place. Up to this point we have posed important
questions and Scripture will answer those questions, but for now we head to the
garden and we do something that would be true to Hebraic intent and simply
replace the word serpent with the actual and true definition of the Hebrew word
נחש nâchâsh (Strong's #5175), and see what transpires:
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Gen 3:1 - "Now the whisper/hiss was more subtle then any beast of the
field which Yahweh had made..."
Remember that we are dealing with the Hebrew word נחש nâchâsh (Strong's
#5175) that gives us both "hiss" and "whisper" as it's definitions. The word
"serpent" is neither the definition given nor the Hebrew word utilized in the
Hebrew Tôrâh. Instead it is a word systematically imposed upon the Scriptures
that has been perpetuated throughout thousands of generations. Is it not
interesting that the verse above compares nâchâsh (whisper, hiss) with other
created "beasts of the field"? Does this mean we are dealing with a physical
being? Is it a matter of the physical realm at all? Let's keep seeking:
Gen 3:1 - "...And the whisper said to the woman, 'Has indeed Yahweh said
that you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'"
An outside force? A physical animal? A man? Yahweh? A city or nation? From
whence does the whisper come?
Gen 3:2 - "And the woman said to the whisper, 'We may eat the fruit of the
trees of the garden...'"
Gen 3:4 - "And the whisper said to the woman, 'You will not surely die.'"
A serpent? A snake? A whisper from whom?
Gen 3:13 - "And Yahweh said to the woman, 'What have you done?' And
the woman said, 'The whisper deceived me, and I ate.'"
"The whisper deceived..."
Gen 3:14 - "So Yahweh said to the whisper, 'Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all cattle, and more than all the beasts of the field,
upon your belly shall you go, and you shall eat from the dust all the days
of your life.'"
A cursed whisper? Cursed catle? Cursed beasts? Eating from dust?
You would be hard pressed to find any existing commentary that stringently
deals with the true intent of what is being expressed within the third chapter of
the book of Genesis. As with our Hebrew word sâtân which clearly never refers
to some force distinct and separate from man, we now have words as such to
contend with; implanted words such as “serpent” and/or “snake”. These have
also taken on the allure of a specie distinct and separate from man, and we
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break down the illusion by introducing the exact Hebrew words used in the
Scriptures with their exact definitions and intent. The Hebrew word nâchâsh was
fully vetted before we entered Genesis and neither serpent nor snake had any
part in Hebrew definition nor intent. Let's really break down Genesis 3:14 and
start exposing truths and lies:
"So Yahweh said to the whisper (נחש nachash; Strong's #5175, always man,
Yahweh or cities/nations), 'Because you (whisper) have done this (deceived),
cursed ("execrate"; forsaken from perfection; Strong's #779) are you (whisper)
above all cattle ("mute, dumb"; ignorance; Strong's #929), and more than all
the beasts ("alive, raw"; unruly thoughts; Strong's #2416) of the field ("spread";
thought plain; Strong's #7704), upon your belly ("source"; mental reliances;
Strong's #1512) you shall go, and you shall eat (mentally consume) from the
dust ("earth, gray, pulverize"; carnal intellect; Strong's #6803) all the days
(illuminations) of your life (conscious existence)."
Many things should be stirring within you at this point, but it is not yet time to
fully summarize the premise of this body of work. We have asked many
questions along the way, all of which shall be answered, but for now we add a
few questions to consider as we move forward: If the cattle and beasts are
Hebrew words meant to express physical life why do the definitions of the
Hebrew words not express physical life? Why have the cattle and beasts been
cursed? What accounting do we have before or after Genesis chapter three that
caused curses to fall upon cattle and beasts? Truly the answers have already
been exposed within our more thorough overview of verse fourteen itself, but
let's exhaust more options and then return. It is good to notice that thus far we
have specifically only dealt with Old Covenant text and though we will continue
to do so, by the time we get to the Renewed Covenant much will have been
revealed to you. The process of internal recognition will not only become more
exciting, but profoundly easy as well. Let's look at some more pertinent Hebrew
words with their definitions and most importantly their intent:
afflictions - ʽŏnîy עגי (on-ee'), "depression", Strong's #6040 – tsârâh צרה (tsaw-
raw'), "tightness", Strong's #6869 – ra רע (rah), "bad", Strong's #7451. Of the
multiple Hebrew words utilized in the Scriptures that express one being afflicted,
never is the source of the affliction said to be a force distinctly separate from
Yahweh or mankind.
devourer -ʼâkal אכל (aw-kal'), "eat", Strong's #398 - ʼoklâh אכלה (ok- law'),
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"food, consume", Strong's #402. These two Hebrew words always deal with acts
of Yahweh or mankind only, and never is an entity apart from Yahweh or man
which devours. Which brings us to another pivotal truth along our journey and
that is the fact that there are no such words as "devil", "demon(s)" or "deity" in
the Hebrew language. They exist not!
Stop for a moment and consider this true reality and come to recognize
that there is not a single scripture in the entire Old Covenant that utilizes
or references any words such as “devil”, “demon”, or “demonic” or the
like. Strong's as with the many translations, has taken out specific Hebrew
words and superimposed these word into their place. Albeit it was only done
four times, but nevertheless it was done.
Let's look at the verses wherein four Hebrew words were replaced with the word
“devils”, and by all means consider the plurality as well:
Lev 17:7 - "They must no longer offer their sacrifices to the devils..."
The actual Hebrew word used is the word שעיר sâʽîr (saw-eer'). It's definition is
"shaggy". This is Strong's #8163 and it's root, #8175, is sâʽar שער (saw-ar'),
"storm, shiver, fear". Does the Hebrew words and their definitions seem to imply
a force or "deity" separate from man, Yahweh, or cities/nations? Does the root
cause of the word sâʽîr seem to be speaking to internal states of mind, and that
offering "sacrifices to fear", might be something to consider? Why the word
“devils” at all? And where did multiple devils come from?
Chron 11:15 - "Because he [Yârobʽâm, commonly known as Jeroboam]
ordained priests of his own for the high places, and for the devils, and for
the circular altars he had made."
Same word as above, sâʽîr. A systematic implanting of the word “devils”.
Multiple devils. Can men ordain devils? Could this simply be the Hebraic intent
expressing that a wicked man is ordaining a place for fear within his
Deut 32:17 - "They sacrificed to the devils, which are not of Yahweh..."
The Hebrew word utilized in this verse is shêd שר (shade), it's definition is
"malignant". This is Strong's #7700 and it's root, #7736, is shuwd שרר (shood),
"swell, devastate". A wicked group of forces external to man, to Yahweh?
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Perhaps just a language translation issue: from "shed" to "devils"? A matter of a
mental state: "They sacrificed to devastation...?"
Psalm 106:37 - "And they sacrificed their sons and daughters to these
Once again shed is the appropriate Hebrew word and the intent need be
understood with the definition "malignant" in mind. If one speaks the word
malignant to you, does it inspire you to think of multiple beings with pitchforks
and horns? So where does the word devil(s) come from and why? Stay tuned
and let's examine some more words that have great significance in assuring a
solid foundation in this matter:
evil - ra' רע (rah), "bad, evil", Strong's #7451.
This is the Hebrew word overwhelmingly utilized to express what is bad in the
eyes of Yahweh. There are a few select other Hebrew words that would also
point out that which is "bad" but as with ra', it is NEVER the case that any of that
bad is ever attributed to some mysterious force external to man. When "bad" is
mentioned, it is only EVER in reference to the bad that man does or the bad
brought upon mankind by Yahweh Himself.
legion - Meniy בוגי (men-ee'), "number", Strong's # 4507. Only one verse in the
entire Old Covenant utilizes this Hebrew word that has been changed to legion:
"...who furnish a drink offering for that legion." (Isa 65:11) The root word,
#4487, mânâh נונה (maw-naw), means to "weigh, allot". The Hebrew intent
speaks to an appointed fate; an appointed mental state. Other than a systematic
and fatal flaw perpetuated upon Old and Renewed Covenant text as we will
soon explore, there was no need to change "Meniy" to "Legion". Stay tuned!
leviathan - livyâthân לויתן (liv-yaw-thawn'), "wreathed". Strong's #3882.
A word utilized five times in the Old Covenant speaks to both a singular and
plural intent: Job 41:1, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26 and twice in Isayah 27:1.
The verse of Isayah actually decrees livyâthân to be the "serpent" (nâchâsh,
"hiss, whisper"). Let's take a look from a Hebraic perspective:
"Yahweh...will punish wreathed the piercing whisper..."
A force separate from man and Yahweh? We know that nachash only ever
speaks to men, Yahweh and cities/nations. There is not one Hebrew scripture
alluding to anything otherwise in the entire Old Covenant so from whence does
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the whisper come?
oppressor - In regards to words, Hebrew words for oppression, oppress,
oppressed, oppresseth, oppressing, oppressor and the like, we have multiple
Hebrew variations of the meanings intended. As with "devour" and its
derivations, the culprit is always man or Yahweh. Never is some outside force
the cause of the oppression. Often times in fact the oppressions are within man;
a big key to all we have been learning. As with our other words there is either
one oppressor or multiple oppressors.
viper - אפעה ʼephʽeh (ef-eh'), "hissing", Strong's #660.
We have three occurances of this word in the Old Covenant text. Let's take a
look at those three verses and see what transpires:
Iyyob 20:16 - "...the fangs of a viper shall slay him."
Let's go organic: "...the fangs of hissing shall slay him." The Hebrew word for
fangs is lâshôwn לשון (law-shone'). It's definition, "tongue, lick". This is Strong's
#3956. The root, #3960, lâshan לשן (law-shan'), "slander". Now let's try again:
“...the speech of hissing shall slay him..."
Is this speaking of some force separate from man or Yahweh? Is this speaking
of something that should be systematically earmarked as a singular "devil"? Or
is this something happening within, a matter of consciousness?
Isa 30:6 - "...where the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying
serpent come from..."
Animals? Viper and a fiery flying serpent? Forces apart from man and Yahweh?
Let's take an organic look: "...where the young (mentally unseasoned) and old
(seasoned, wise) lion ("crushing"; mental force), the viper ("hissing"; within or
external?) and the fiery ("burning"; conviction or physical fire?) flying ("cover";
mental or physical covering?) serpent (the same word as "flying". Hebrew word
sârâph שרף (saw-rawf').
It's definition, "burning", come from..." Let's break it down:
"Where the mentally unseasoned and the seasoned crash, the hissing and the
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burning cover that burns come from..."
Isa 59:5 - "They hatch vipers eggs, and weave the spider's web..."
Of course you should break it down, but let's deal with one specific truth of who
in fact "hatches vipers eggs, and weaves the spider's web..." The entire context
of chapter 59 of Isayah is speaking about you! You, 0 man, are the one who
does this!
Warfare - tsâbâ צבא (tsaw-baw'), "mass, campaign", Strong's #6635. A word
used only twice in the entire Old Covenant (I Samuel 28:1 & Isayah 40:2) and
speaks to the warfare of men and the warfare of Yahweh. Mind warfare? Where
does such an idea originate and who in fact conceived the idea of battling some
outside force as part of that warfare? An external battle with some bad being?
Have we seen battles external to man up to this point, or perhaps have we only
begun to explore battles within man's conscience?
wicked - As with the word oppress, the Hebrew words for wicked, both singular
and plural, always refers to what man or Yahweh will do. Never is some external
force involved in or blamed for wicked acts.
We covered the garden and Îyôwb, but let's look at one more section of
Scripture that has caused the masses of those who profess faith to err in their
doctrinal positions. We must go deeper in order to fully comprehend the hidden
mysteries that will expose previously held positions and thus forever alter (altar)
your conscious activity.
Isayah 14:1-22;
1 - "But Yahweh will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and
set them in their own land. The strangers will be joined with them, and
they will cleave to the house of Yaaqob. 2 - The people will take them, and
bring them to their place; and the house of Israel will possess them in the
land of Yahweh, as servants and handmaidens; they will take them
captive, whose captives they were; and they will rule over their
oppressors. 3 - It will come to pass in the day that Yahweh will give you
rest from your sorrow, and from your terror, and from the hard bondage in
which you were made to serve. 4 - That you will take up this proverb
against the king of Babylon, and say, 'How the oppressor has ceased, the
golden city ceased!' 5 - Yahweh has broken the staff of the wicked and the
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scepter of the rulers. 6 - He who struck the people in wrath with a
continual stroke, he who ruled the nations in anger is now himself
persecuted, and no one hinders. 7 - The whole earth is at rest and is quiet;
they break forth into singing. 8 - Yes, the fir trees rejoice over you, with
the cedars of Lebanon, saying, 'Since you were laid low, no woodcutter
has come up against us.' 9 - Sheol, from beneath is excited to meet you at
your coming; it stirs up the dead for you, all the chief ones of the earth; it
has raised up for their thrones all the kings of the nations. 10 - All of them
will speak, and say to you; 'Have you also become as weak as we? Have
you become like us?' 11 - Your pomp is brought down to the grave with
the sound of harps; the worm is spread under you, and the worms cover
you. 12 - How you have fallen from heaven, 0 Hillel; Lucifer, child of the
light! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the
nations! 13 - For you have said in your heart; 'I will ascend above the
heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of Yahweh. I will sit in the
highest place of the holy mountain of the congregation. 14 - I will ascend
above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High!' 15 - Yet you
will be brought low, down to Sheol, to the sides of the pit. 16 - Those who
see you will stare at you, and they will talk about you, saying; 'Is this the
one who shook the earth, and made kingdoms tremble? 17 - Is this the one
who made the world like a wilderness, who overthrew the cities in it, and
who would not let the captives go free?' 18 - All the kings of the nations,
all of them, lie in splendor, each in his own house; 19 - But you are cast
out of your grave like an abominable branch, like the garments of those
who are slain, thrust through with a sword; like those who descend to the
stones of the pit, as a carcass trampled underfoot. 20 - You will not be
joined with them in burial because you have destroyed your land and
slaughtered your people; the seed of evildoers will never be mentioned
again! 21 - Prepare slaughter for his children, because of the iniquity of
their fathers; so that they may not rise, possess the earth, and fill the face
of the world with cities. 22 - 'For I will rise up against them,' says Yahweh
of Hosts, 'and cut off from Babylon the name and remnant, and offspring
and descendant,' says Yahweh."
And now it is imperative that we look to the exact Hebrew words and their intent
in order to once and for all establish truth. We go back over Isayah 14:1-22 to
do so:
Verse 1 - "But Yahweh will have mercy on Jacob ("supplanted"; the mentally
renewed, by unilateral Covenant, conscience of chosen men), and will yet
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choose Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh") and set them in their own
land (foundation of thoughts). The strangers (foreign thoughts) will be joined
(mentally grafted in) with them, and they will cleave (consciously rely upon)
the house (mindset) of Jacoob (the conscience being renewed)."
The supplanted conscience is the conscience still battling with "self" desire,
while Israel represents the conscience that has been enabled for perfection. The
stranger are those foreign thoughts that once held the mind in bondage to self
prescribed laws.
Verse 2 - "The people (congregating thoughts) will take them (foreign
thoughts) and bring them to their place (authority in consciousness); and the
house (mindset) of Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh") in the land
(thought plain) of Yahweh (the Perfect Conscience), as servants and
handmaidens ("spread"; disseminators of truth); they will take them captive
(subdue and control), whose captives they were; and they will rule over their
oppressors (carnal thoughts)."
The once wandering, oppressive, doubt filled thoughts that held man in
bondage, will now give way to the conscience being renewed and perfected.
Mastery in thought is righteousness!
Verse 3- "It (inner renewal) will come to pass in the day (illumination) that
Yahweh will give you rest (mental ease) from your sorrow (misperceiving
thoughts), and from your terror, and from the hard bondage (mental
captivity) in which you were made (by Sovereign decree) to serve."
All sorrow is formed within the mind, the physical being merely the props that
reveal the minds true desires.
Verse 4 - "That you will take up this proverb ("superiority"; mental wisdom),
against the king (prevailing thought) of Babylon (mental "confusion") and say,
"Has the oppressor ceased, the golden (human "wisdom") city (thought
habitations) ceased!'"
The Hebrew word for king is melek מלך (meh'-lek), Strong's #4428. The root
word is mâlak מלך (maw-lak'), "reign"; Strong's #4427.
Verse 5 - "Yahweh has broken the staff ("branch"; mental reliance) of the
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wicked (reprobate thoughts) and the scepter ("clan"; carnal unity) of the rulers
(dominant thoughts)."
The staff of the wicked represents mental reliances. Those things that the
unredeemed mind relies (staff) upon in order to continue its destructive path.
Verse 6 - "He who has struck the people (congregating thoughts) in wrath
with a continual stroke, he who ruled the nations (constructs in thought) in
anger is now himself persecuted and no one hinders."
The Hebrew word for nations is גוי gôy (go'-ee). It's definition, "massing";
Strong's #1471. The Hebrew intent is to express those internal themes and long
held thoughts and ideas which have built mindsets within each soul. And so we
must now stop to strongly consider, "Who is this 'he' who has ruled 'mindsets' in
anger for so long?" He is the same "whisper" in the garden and the same
"adversary" that spoke to Yahweh in the book of Job. Who is he? Let's finish our
deeper view of Isayah and then if you don't already perceive, we will expose him
to you!
Verse 7 - "The whole earth ("mind of man") is at rest and is quiet, they
(thoughts) breakforth into singing (mental joy)."
We looked at the Hebrew word ʽerets ארץ (eh'-rets) in the beginning. It's
definition is "be firm"; Strong's #776. When the earth is no longer hindered it is
the Hebraic intent to express a mind that is no longer hindered. Earth in it's
fullest Hebraic expression is the mental state of man's mind.
The darkness and light are expressions of the mindsets/minds that guide each
conscience. The stars are higher truths while the sky is illumination. Dust is the
place of mental void and trees are truth. When the earth is at rest and singing, it
is a state of mind.
Verse 8 - "Yes, the fir ("lance"; piercing) trees (truths) rejoice over you
(redeemed mind), with the cedars ("firm"; strongly established thoughts) of
Lebanon ("white"; purity) saying, 'Since you (?) were laid low (humbled), no
woodcutter (truth stealer) has come up (to the exalted thought realm) against
us (redeemed thoughts)."
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The Hebraic intent of the "cedars of Lebanon" is to express the "strength of
purity", a state of mind. The adversary (who is it?) having been laid low by
Yahweh's favor, no longer feels the effects of truth being lessened (wood cutter)
within the conscience.
Verse 9 - "Sheol ("retreat"; mental abandonment) from beneath (the carnal
thought realm) is excited to meet you at your coming (removal from Yahweh,
entrance into reprobation); it (the conscience given over) stirs up the dead
(void thoughts) for you (who is it?), all the chief (dominant thoughts) ones of
the earth (mind of man); it (reprobation) has raised (given credence to) up for
their (reprobate thoughts) thrones ("covered, plump"; mental allegiances) all
the kings (chief thoughts) of the nations (constructs in thought)."
We have been told that sheol (mental retreat) is for the king of Babylon
("confusion"), the wicked oppressor and the chief ones of the earth. The Hebraic
intent is that confused, wicked, unredeemed minds, will always return (like a dog
to vomit) to those thoughts and ideas that "protect" the desire for carnality. The
"self” reliances long held onto are mental comfort zones, but what awaits is utter
reprobation (dust).
The stirring up of the dead is the manifestation of being given over to strong
delusion and particularly for thoughts that have long ruled within the conscience
(the "chiefs" of the earth). The judgment is against all strongly held to carnal
beliefs; the requested and relied upon sinful conscience.
Verse 10 - "All of them (reprobate thoughts) will speak (consciously resound),
and say to you, 'Have you also become as weak as we? Have you become
like us?'"
Remember who is being spoken of starting in the very first verses of chapter
fourteen of Isayah: oppressors, the king of Babylon, foreign rulers, the wicked,
chief ones of earth and kings of nations. Not one single reference in the entire
chapter has been about some external unseen force but rather conditions of the
mind within. We have taken big steps away from an external "devil", as Hebrew
words and their intent warrants such, but we have also leaped forward with the
concept that THE ENEMY LURKS WITHIN and NOT WITHOUT! It is the entire
thought plain ruled by the self will (commonly known as the "flesh") that will be
void of Yahweh's presence. "Have you become like us?" the self will asks
thoughts that are being renewed. "Are you also reprobate?" is the questions
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Verse 11 - "Your pomp (self exaltations) is brought down to the grave with
the sound of harps ("twang"; reverberations); the worm ("voracious";
overwhelmed) is spread over you, and the worms cover you."
The voraciousness and the inability to perfect itself is and will always be the
downfall of the carnal conscience. Even though we have gone into the depths of
the true intent of the Scriptures it is crucial still to recognize that up to this point
we fail to see a shred of sound evidence that would give credence to some
external "spirit" force apart from man. But we press on as a portion of our
dismantling of great deception is found in the next verse.
Verse 12 - "How you have fallen from heaven (the exalted thought plain) 0
Hillel ("brightness"; human intellect); Lucifer (??), child (builder) of light! How
you are cut down to the ground (mental void), you who weakened the
Who exactly has "fallen from heaven?" The Hebrew word for heaven is
shâmayim שמים (shaw-mah'-yim). Its definition, "lofty"; Strong's #8064. The
Hebraic intent of heaven is to express the exalted conscience that is Yahweh,
and how all carnality falls away from that place. Keeping in perfect context with
the previous eleven verses we have a completely uniform teaching in Isayah
chapter 14, but something happens to deter the clarity. The word "Lucifer" is
implanted into the text. This non Hebrew word is not only systematically
supported by the many translations, but by Strong's as well. It is imperative to
understand that the word Lucifer does not derive itself from the Hebrew
language but from Latin dialect which came long after the days of Isayah. The
Hebrew word utilized is hêylêl הילל (hay-lale'). It's definition, "brightness";
Strong's #1966. It's root word is hâlal הלל (haw-lal'). It's definition, "clear, boast";
Strong's #1984. Does hêylêl (brightness) intend to say Lucifer? As it is with
serpents, snakes and the like, so is this systematically implanted word "Lucifer"
that has no basis in the organic language of the earth, nor does it uphold in any
way the Hebraic intent. Does Lucifer mean “brightness" to you?
Never again does this word Lucifer appear in either the Old or New Covenant.
From it's Hebrew origins Isayah 14:12 would read as such: "How you have
fallen from your lofty mindset, 0 bright one..." With its root word hâlal, #1984
(“clear, boast") we can decipher that the Hebraic intent is to reveal that which
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was once illuminated and protected (the garden) by Holy decree has now
through a boastful arrogance, become humiliated (fallen). Verses one through
eleven speak directly to mankind and the emotions of man. Do we have a swift
and sudden change in context at verse 12, with this creation called Lucifer, or is
it speaking of and to the same deceitful "whisper" from the garden? Let's
continue to look at the rest of verse twelve and then move past it. "...child of
light!" What is the intent of these three words? The Hebrew word for child is bên
כן (bane). It definition, "illumination", Strong's #1121. So we have, "...builder of
illumination." Is this expressing something physical or is it a matter of
consciousness? We already know that "weakening the nations" is about mental
delusion over long held thought processes and the question remains, or does it,
about who is doing all this damage? It should be within your mental grasp as we
have actually exposed it, but for now we finish Isayah 14:
Verse 13 - "For you have said in your heart (center of intellect), 'I will
ascend (consciously rise) above the heavens (exalted thought plain), I will
raise my throne (mental covering) above the stars ("blazing"; unknown truths)
of Yahweh. I will sit (consciously reside) on the holy mountain (looming
thoughts) of the congregation (gathering of thoughts)."
The Hebrew word for heart is lêbâb לככ (lay-bawb'). Its definitions, "bethink, be
enclosed"; Strong's #s 3824 & 3823.
The proper understanding is that heart is the "center of thought". "For you have
said in your center of thought..." Is this battle brought on by some external force
or is it internal? Is this quest to rule apart from Yahweh's will something a "deity"
is doing or is this an internal matter in the mind of man? From whence does the
whisper come?
Verse 14 - "I (who is it?) will ascend above the heights (power) of the
clouds (internal mystique); I will be like the Most High."
Continuing the mantra of this voice, this "I" speaks and declares it will ascend
above the heights of the clouds. The Hebrew word for clouds is câb עכ (awb). Its
definitions, "envelope, density"; Strong's #5645. It's root word is 'ûwb עוכ (oob),
"dense, dark"; Strong's #5743. The intent is that this whisper declares that it will
match and mimic the voice of Mighty Yahweh and the mystique of His presence
in the Kingdom within.
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It is the war of the carnal vs. the Mind, and again, we must decide from whence
the war comes?
Verse 15 - "Yet you (whisper) will be brought down to Sheʼôl ("retreat,
inquire"; carnal desire), to the sides ("flank, rear"; mental roar) of the pit ("hole,
bore"; mental depravity)."
An amazing thing happens when one attempts to insert the word "hell" into the
scriptures. This non Hebraic word has certainly taken on a life of it's own in the
minds of those who profess faith. If you ask the Greeks to translate the word
sheol, they actually come up with two distinct interpretations. Let's take a look:
1) gĕĕna γέϵννα (gheh-en-nah), "valley of Hinnom; ge-henna everlasting
punishment - hell. This is Strong's #1067G (Greek).
So we see an attempt to interpret the Hebrew word hinnôm, which is the word
that means "sorrow, groaning". Is this physical or is it a state of mental being?
And do the Greeks even come close to the intent or do they alter it completely?
2) hadēs άδης (hah'-dace), "unseen, i.e. Hades or the place (state) of departed
souls: - grave, hell". This is Strong's #86G.
Does this defining of a Greek word match the intent of a "retreat, inquire", the
definitions of the Hebrew word שאול sheʼôl (#7585)? Does it seem proper to go
from the Hebrew to the Greek at all? Ever?
Verse 16 - "Those who see (perceive) you will stare at you, and they (other
thoughts) will talk about you, saying; "Is this the one [adversary] who shook
the earth (mind of man) and made kingdoms (mental dominions) tremble?'"
We have discussed that earth is the totality of the boundaries (N,S,E,W) of the
mind of man, and what of kingdoms that reside upon the earth? There is
Babylon ("confusion") and Persia ("cutting, cleaving") and Egypt ("shut in,
misery") and Rome ("lifted up, exalted") and on and on it goes. Do the Hebrew
definitions express physical places or instead, states of mind?
Verse 17 - "Is this the one who made the world ("moist"; inhabitable
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conscience) like a wilderness, who overthrew the cities (mental habitations)
in it, and who would not let her (emotion) captives (bound thoughts) go
The Hebrew word for wilderness is midbâr מרכר (mid-bawr'). Its definitions,
"driving, speech"; Strong's #4057. It's root word is dâbar רכר (daw-bar'),
"arrange, subdue"; Strong's #1696. This is the very same dabar of the Exodus
and the key is to continually ask yourself, "Does it speak to the physical world or
the mental world?"
Verse 18 - "All the kings of the nations (constructs in thought), all of them,
lie in splendor ("self" aggrandizement), each in his own house."
The Hebrew word for house is bayith ביח (bah'-yith). Its definition, "family, court,
temple"; Strong's #1004. The Hebraic intent is that a house is a mental mindset.
Yahweh's Temple is definitely housed in the minds of chosen men, and then of
course there are houses He refuses to dwell in. A house is a "body of thoughts".
The idea in this verse is that rightly ruled thoughts dwell peacefully, but not
adversarial thoughts.
Verse 19 - "But you are cast out of your grave (reprobation in hiding) like an
abominable branch; like the garments (coverings) of those who are slain,
thrust through like a sword (pierced); like those who descend to the stones
(hardened thoughts) of the pit, as a carcass trampled underfoot (loss of
Any "abominable branch" is none other than a lie masked as truth. The garment
represents the covering over each soul, whether wicked or righteous, and the
sword is none other than Yahweh's truth piercing each depraved soul. Stones
can be both solidified processes of thought, either for righteousness or
wickedness. A dead, void mind is a corpse; an utterly reprobate conscience.
Verse 20 - "You will not be joined with them (redeemed thoughts) because
you have destroyed your land (thought plain), and slaughtered (sacrificed)
your people (thoughts); the seed (mental lineage) of evildoers will never be
mentioned again!"
The destruction of the land and the slaughtering of the people is the concept
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commonly known as total depravity. The Hebrew word for seed is zera' זרע
(zeh'-rah). It's definition, "fruit, plant"; Strong's #2233. The intent is to express
that the seed represents a perpetuation in thought processes. Wicked thoughts
come from wicked seed. And this is the entire question to be answered: From
whence does the wicked come? An outside source or from within?
Verse 21 - "Prepare slaughter for her children (builders), because of the
iniquity of their fathers (principal thoughts); so that they may not rise
(consciously exalt), possess the earth (mind of man), and fill the face
(countenance) of the world with cities (habitations)."
Children is the same Hebrew word as child, son, and even daughter. The
Hebraic intent is to express the perpetuation of the Father, hence it is defined as
"builder". If a wicked perpetuation of thoughts is continual throughout
generations, then it stands to reason that the land (thought plain) will be
polluted; possessed. The Hebrew word for face is pâneh צכו (paw-neh'). Its
definition, "countenance"; Strong's #6440. “Face” could be described as the
countenance of your soul.
Verse 22 - "For I will rise up against (judgment) them says Yahweh of
Hosts ("mass"; army of thoughts), and cut off Babylon (confusion) the name
and the remnant, and offspring and descendant, says Yahweh."
Who is the "them" spoken of throughout the entire chapter of Isayah: The king
of Babylon, wicked men, rulers (plural) of the earth! Was there one single
reference to a "Lucifer" or some "deity" named "devil", or multiple "devils"?
We obviously have yet to travel to the Renewed Covenant to unmask all of the
inconsistencies brought forth through not only erroneous translations, but
Strong's as well. We will get to that! For now it's time to work towards removing
more scales and expose what has for too long been a wizard behind the curtain.
In order to do the very thing that Scriptures mandate, bringing the totality of
Scripture to bear against any doctrine held on to, we will point out specifically
who this adversary is and then we will go back over every previous question
posed in order to prove the premise made is 100% accurate. In other words
whomever it is that wreaks havoc in the garden and in the book of Job and in
Isayah 14, must be one in the same as Scripture does alludes to. And so without
further ado we expose the beast: It is none other than self will loved one! It is
what is commonly known as the "ego" driven will that stands in total enmity
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against the Mind patterns (Laws) of Yahweh! It is the internal voice within each
soul that whispers, "You don't have to obey commands, you can 'choose' for
yourself; your 'self'." The Hebrew Scriptures, beyond any shadow of a doubt,
titles it the sâtân within every soul! Let's now, with this revelation, go back and
answer every question and leave no stone unturned.
1) Is the systematic use and misuse of the word "adversary" and the word
"sâtân" in it's Hebrew tongue, a mistake of man or a predestined plan of
We have proven that the Hebrew word sâtân (saw-tawn') carries the definitions,
"opponent" and "adversary". We have also revealed that Strong's utilizes in
some verses, only the definitions, and in others the actual word sâtân. I have
made the claim that a great majority of the available translations of the
Scriptures available today, some having been published many years before
Strong's, also systematically use the definitions in specific verses and then use
the actual word sâtân in other specific verses, and they do this with amazing
uniformity. This systematic issue in regards to the question posed is a
predestined allowance (call it a "plan" if you like) from Yahweh allowing for a
great deception to be both perpetuated and upheld by the masses. Yahweh tells
us throughout the Scriptures that His "mysteries" are for His obedient children to
know, and that His wisdom is “hidden” and remains in dark places, away from
the simpleton. The command to "seek" and "find" now given to those who would
revere Yahweh and therefore have the hidden mysteries revealed to them.
Adversely, the disobedient have scales (mental barriers) which remain keeping
them from any perceptions of truth. Carnal pride causes the ignorance which
inevitably leads to the perpetuations of false doctrine therefore leading one into
deeper depravity. The adversary is always man or Yahweh, never some
external nonexistent force.
2) Is the Old Covenant scriptures speaking of some force apart from
and external to man?
No! The consistent and continuing theme throughout Scripture speaks to a
force of course, but it is always referring to that dark place within every soul that
believes it can "choose" rather than obey predetermined commands (for more
on this see "As Soon As Everyone Is Seated..."). It is crucial to understand that
"choices" were only made available to mankind after his fall (represented
through Adam and Eve), and those choices were made available through a
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unilateral Covenant alone. A decision by Yahweh to choose fallen souls to place
His Mind, His Temple into, so now proper choices could be made, but only after
the fall! Yahweh, "...took out the heart (center of intellect) of stone (hardened
carnal thoughts)", and replaced it with His Mind, placed on "tablets of the mind
(heart)." The Hebrew dialect is always speaking about Yahweh's Kingdom, a
Mind Kingdom that He and His Son Yahshua always declared was "within you".
3) Is there a twofold meaning in the Old Covenant in regards to sâtân?
Is it referring to both what is within man and a force apart from man?
The only instance wherein a force is at work apart from man's own thinking is
when supernatural messages are placed within the mind of chosen men from
Yahweh's Temple within the conscience. These are the "malâk" we have spoken
of and will speak more on later. This is most famously illustrated by the
hardening of Pharaoh's ("sungod"; belief in human wisdom) mind against
Yahweh long before Pharaoh himself even realized it.
The malâk of Yahweh are internal messengers and messages placed into man
in order for Yahweh's purposes to be fulfilled. Whether for mental salvation or
destruction, it is an internal matter controlled by Yahweh alone. As with the
words devil, demonic and the like, the word “angel” is also a systematic
deception purported to the masses. The quest to take those things that were
always intended to discuss a Kingdom/kingdoms "within", and subvert them into
acts of the physical or external world outside of man's conscience, is the
travesty of the blind leading the blind.
4) Why do almost all translations as well as Strong's systematically
pluralize the use of the words referring to sâtân(s), snake(s),
adversary(ries) and the like, yet claim there is only one uppercase "Devil"?
Clearly because the Hebraic words we have analyzed are often used in their
plural context; more than one, it leaves the promoters of the "being apart from
man" theory on a very shaky foundation. There is no denying the many sâtâns in
one's life that are expressed in the Hebrew Scriptures. The true Hebrew intent is
to express the many adversarial whispers that goes through one's mind, all
saying, "I don't have to obey, I can choose my own path!" The many thoughts
that are at enmity with the commands of Yahweh are the plural sâtân's. So at the
very least the proponents of the mystical creature external from man must now
concede to the fact that there must at the very least be more than one? The
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Scriptures leave no room for just one adversary but a multiplicity of adversaries
working one at a time or in unison. It is best for those who need a devil to not
even deal with these facts altogether. Need? Not yet loved one. There is more
to see before we open this final door.
5) Why is there a systematic capitalization of the word sâtân in very
specific verses when in fact it is not to start a new sentence?
Though the answer may be hard to swallow it is only willful blindness that has
allowed for this perpetual deception. The Hebrew text expresses zero intent to
capitalize the word sâtân in the midst of a sentence and yet, it has happened
amongst translators and Strong's. As with the previous unanswered questions
about "Why?", this is where you should be getting malâkim (messages) within
your conscience about all of it?
6) What other words besides satan help us discern the truth about what is being
expressed in the Old Covenant?
A) chattlâʼâh חטאת (khat-taw-aw), "offense", Strong's #2403 - châtâʼ חטא
(khaw-taw), "miss", Strong's #2398. This word and it's root word are the
commonly known word "sin". Hebraically this word is always used as one to
represent a mental failing, a matter of consciousness. Never is the cause of sin
said to be a "devil".
B) ʽâvôn עון (aw-vone'), "perversity"; Strong's #5771 - ʽâvâh עוה (aw- vaw');
"crook"; Strong's #5753. This word and it's root word are the commonly known
word "iniquity". Hebraically all iniquity begins in the heart (center of intellect) only
to then perhaps manifest in the physical realm. Never is iniquity blamed on an
external devil.
C) pehsha' פשע (peh-shah), "revolt"; Strong's #6588 - pâsha' פשע (paw- shah'),
"break"; Strong's #6586. This word and it's root word are the commonly known
word "transgression". Hebraically it is always the mind of man that transgresses
against the commands of Yahweh, and never is a devil blamed for man's
transgressions. Of course the "whisper" is blamed.
7) How does all this play into the words utilized in the Renewed
Covenant and the stories told regarding sâtân(s)?
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The Old Covenant written in Hebrew, the organic language that caused creation
by Yahweh's Sovereign decree, is the guideline for all scripture. If you do not
understand Hebrew definitions and intent you will fail in your understanding of
what is being expressly stated in the Renewed Covenant. Yahshua ("Yahweh
saves") the mâshiyach ("anointed" thinker) said, "For had you believed
Môsheh (the writer of the Torah), you would have believed me." (Yahchanan
(John) 5:46) We will soon expose all of the lies perpetuated upon the Renewed
8) How is it possible for cities and nations to "hiss"?
We have learned that the Hebrew intent of nations is the firmly held
"constructs in thought" within a conscience. The Hebrew word for cities is
ʽiyr עיר (eer). Its definition, "encampment"; Strong's #5892. The Hebrew
intent is to express mental habitations, thoughts that gather and dwell
within. The "hiss" produced by nations and cities is none other than the
adversarial positions the self will often takes up against Yahweh.
Remember that it is said that the carnal (without Yahweh's Mind) mind is
at enmity (total hatred) with the things (mental patterns) of Yahweh.
(Romans 8:7)
9) Is there any instance in the Old Covenant where the idea of a
"serpent" is alluded to, and that is a force other than man, Yahweh, cities
and nations?
It is all or nothing loved one! Either the "serpent" is the self will that comes from
within each conscience or it is entirely an oppressive force apart from man.
Scripture does not allow for both and we look at another word that will give us
more insight:
'ôyêb איכ (o-yabe'); "hating, adversary"; Strong's #341 – ʽâyab איכ (aw-yab');
"hate, hostile"; Strong's #340. This word and it's root word are the commonly
known word "enemy(ies)". Hebraically, this word always refers to either man
being the enemy or Yahweh Himself being the enemy of some men. Let's look
at a very telling verse that literally expresses it all:
"For the son (builder) dishonors the father (premiere thoughts), the
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daughter (emotional "builder") rises against her mother (comfort), the
daughter-in-law rises against the mother-in-law - a man's (builders)
enemies are the men of his own house (mindset)." (Micahyah 7:6)
...A man's enemies are the men of his own house."
"...a builders hatred are the thoughts of his own mindset."
Is this enemy/enemies ever some force external to man or is it always a matter
of internal processes?
10) Why is the word serpent systematically implanted into the Old
Covenant text?
An excerpt from Wikipedia should do as it is not my purpose to go into the
depths of languages (intent included) other than the Hebrew language:
"serpens and serpent come from the Latin serpere, 'to creep', from the Indo
European root Serp-2 'to crawl, creep'. Derivations: serpent, serpiqo (a
spreading skin eruption or disease, such as ringworm, from Latin serpere, to
crawl), herpes, herpetology (the words from Greek herpeton, 'crawling animal',
from herpein, to crawl, creep)." [Pokorny serp-912. Watteins]
The Latin language came over 3700 years after the Hebrew language.
Mysticism? Witchcraft? Consistent with Hebraic intent? You decide.
11) If the cattle and the beasts are supposed to express physical life,
the exterior kingdom, then why are the Hebrew words with their definitions
not expressing such?
This is the exact crux of the entire matter not only in regards to the erroneous
concept of a "devil" in the physical world (though unseen), but also to the hidden
mystery that all, and this means every single word and how they form
sentences, of the Old Covenant is written about processes of thought (an
internal Kingdom/kingdoms) and not physical existence. The idea that two
completely different stories, of two different realities, are being expressed and
unveiled depending on your level of intimacy with Yahweh is absolutely what
Scripture refers to as "hidden, deep, dark mysteries". For far too long people
have embraced the idea of talking snakes, donkeys and mystical creatures
unseen; all of these formed through minds of immature men, and widely
accepted by the masses.
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Remembering that His Kingdom is the Kingdom "within", let's recap some
Hebrew words and their definitions: behêmâh כהמה (be-hay-maw'); "dumb";
Strong's #929. This is the Hebrew word commonly known as "cattle". Does the
definition ("dumb") seem to be speaking of an external kingdom, or is it that
"dumbness" is what is cursed? Does the reason for the cursing now become
painfully clear? Interestingly enough our next word also shares the pattern, but it
has a more intended meaning as well.
chay, חי (khah'-ee); "raw, fresh"; Strong's #2416. This is the Hebrew word
commonly known as "beast(s)". A deeper look into the Hebrew definition would
reveal that the "raw" part has a particular intent: "raw (flesh)". As we know from
the entirety of the book of Romans, the war between "flesh (mind without
Yahweh's interference) and Mind", is a war of wills. Is it any wonder Yahshua
the Messiah was perfected for the continuing mantra he spoke within, "Not my
will but Thy will be done!” The beasts are the unruly thoughts within every
conscience, and of course these are cursed!
12) Why are the cattle and beasts cursed in Chapter three of Genesis?
It should be obvious by now? Why would physical animals be cursed even
before Adam and Eve were cursed, as if the physical animals sinned or
something? It becomes crystal clear that the curses were upon ignorant, unruly
thoughts within the mind of man.
13) Why a singular "devil" at all? Considering that the origin of the
words devil is from the Greek language it should not be hard to decipher
why a mystical "deity" apart from man would be widely received and
Greek mythology at its best! The word diabŏlŏs διάβολος (dee-ab-ol-
os) is defined as "traducer", Strong's #1228g. It's root is diaballŏ διαβάλλω
(dee-ab-al-lo); "traduce, accuse"; Strong's #1225g. It's root has two words:
dia διά (dee-ah'); "act"; Strong's #1223g, as well as ballō βάλλω (bal'-o);
"throw"; Strong's #906g.
Would it be much to ask that if one were attempting to "translate" the Hebrew
language, the organic language of the earth, that the definitions would actually
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be consistent? The Greek language came over 2400 years after the language of
the Torah and much more came with the Greek language. A culture of
polytheism, rampant paganism, and a high belief in the unseen "gods". But
practically speaking does the Greek word for devil and it's definition speak to
some horned, pitchforked entity, or does even the Greek language speak to
something else? If the culture was not so rampant with transgressions against
Yahweh, one could actually utilize the definition of the word diabolos to prove it
speaks of a kingdom within. Something to add to your internal dialogue as you
seek the highest truth.
14) So is livyâthân (leviathan) the same entity as the commonly held
view of the "serpent"?
We have learned that the "hiss", the "whisper", the "opponent", are none other
than expressions, Hebrew expressions attributed to the self will. The behavior
within each conscience that demands the devastating concept that has been
titled "free will". Perfection was already established and adhering to that
perfection would forever be synonymous with "obeying commands". ʼÂdâm by
naming all living creatures, was acknowledging what was/is the acceptable and
unacceptable boundaries of thought allowed by Yahweh. And that any attempt
to "alter" perfection, couched under a falsity titled "free will", was the exact
causing of the fall of man. Âdâm knew that to attempt to "choose" rather than
"obey" was death will, and he [we] did it anyway. Any attempt to "add" or "take
away" from what was already deemed perfect would only ever be that unfettered
ego whispering within, "I can do better than Yahweh's perfection!" With this we
find that livyâthân is merely another way of expressing the actions of the self will.
The "wreathing" is the intertwining of many thoughts that conjure and uphold
any ideas that formulate into broader and larger constructs of thought. Of course
all of this building is for an internal kingdom of destruction; a house (mindset)
divided that will certainly fall. Think about the arms of an octopus and how they
entangle their prey rendering it stricken and helpless. The same goes with the
subtlety of the desires of the "self" will and it's inevitable "takeover" of
consciousness. A "death will" fall indeed!
15) Since multiple "vipers" are spoken of and this is always referring to
men, how does one reconcile that if they claim there is a singular "devil"
being discussed in Scriptures?
Exactly! As with all of our defined terms, never once does Scriptures name
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sources apart from direct acts (mental of course) of Yahweh or man. Because of
your new found understanding the idea of multiple "hisses" is completely
consistent with the wiles of the self will. There are many different "minds" within
the carnal conscience; the mind of lust, the mind of anger, the mind of greed,
etc., all of which have their own "hiss" inside the conscience. "Vipers" and
"devils" are often terms that bring many to correlate these as attributer of the
"devil" and cause much continuing deception for those who do connect the
concepts. The damage caused by this kind of thinking is soon to be exposed.
16) Does the Old Covenant scriptures leave room for any concept of
"mind warfare" with some force outside of man?
By simply defining each Hebrew word and studying and praying for mindful
discernment about the intent, we find that there is not a single verse nor any
story within the text that would allow for what modern day dogma would
describe as "spiritual warfare from the devil". This ill conceived and scripturally
erroneous position is the very thing that has caused the perpetual
powerlessness amongst those who claim to be "of Him". In fact, this will be part
and parcel of the kind of question answered within this body of work; "Why the
deception?" Answering this question will be the very thing that will catapult you
into new mental places, receiving the power that comes with it.
17) Why the changes from sâtân, to livyâthân, to Lucifer, to devil, and so
We have learned that sâtân and livyâthân have specific intent in the Hebrew
language and are actually translated very accurately into modern language:
sâtân, leviâthân. Lucifer, like the word serpent is of Latin origin, a language
appearing long after the Torah was written. The deception in replacing Hebrew
text with words such as, serpent, is part and parcel of an agenda that has been
systematically adhered to for thousands of years and the "Why?" to all of this is
soon to come.
18) Is the carnal quest to rule and govern apart from Yahweh's will a
desire that is only fed from within the conscience or is there any outside
force(s) that aid in this failing endeavor?
It is always a battle from within! In the short time physical life will be granted to
man the physical aspects will only ever be the after effects of decisions made in
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the conscience. Certainly Yahweh utilizes the physical aspects of life, but only
ever to reveal the intents of the mind. It is said that "Murder begins in the heart
[center of intellect]," and as with lust, greed and all other states of mind, these all
manifest after the processes of thought have manifested. The whisper that says,
"Go ahead, He won't mind, I have the right to this," as well as many other
internal seductions are all Hebraically matters of the conscience. No outside
force is necessary for the mind of man to fall.
Let's now go back to the book of Îyôwb for a clearer perspective of the intent of
what is truly being said and let's do so with a proven and predetermined thought:
sâtân is the “self” will. To bring even more clarity it is good to see exactly
where or in what frame of mind shall we say, the conversation between Yahweh
and sâtân (self will) takes place.
We discussed the Hebrew word for land is intended to express "thought plain"
within the conscience. At verse 1 of chapter 1 of Îyôwb, the action takes place,
"In the land of Uz..." Uz is from the Hebrew word ʽÛwts עוץ (oots). Its
definition, "consultation"; Strong's #5780. So we can see that the dialogue
between Yahweh and sâtân takes place, "In the thought plain of consultation..."
Îyôwb איוב is at Strong's #347, It's definitions, "hatred, persecuted". In finishing
the first verse of Îyôwb chapter one we have: "In the thought plain of
consultation there lived (consciously dwelt) a man (thought); hated was his
countenance (name)."
And he was hated because he (the righteous thought) reverenced Yahweh.
Because each conscience, each ʼÂdâm (carnal life force) and Eve (giving
sensual life) fell from Yahweh, only the chosen would now be able to wage war
in the conscience through the Mind of Yahweh within each conscience; the
Kingdom within. We have previously mentioned this "flesh vs. Mind" battle, most
poignantly documented in the book of Romans, but witnessed firsthand here in
Because the conscience of man is completely carnal apart from the Mind of
Yahweh the patterns Yahweh creates to redeem a fallen mind is often described
as a "war" for good reason.
Îyôwb ("hated, persecuted") is the righteous thoughts Sovereignly placed into
the conscience of the chosen. What happens when those righteous thoughts
enter in by Holy decree is a "natural" rebellion from the carnal thoughts that
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have long ruled over the fallen conscience, the domain of sâtân. As we have
learned the “chief” or “king” of the entire thought world (body) is the self will and
it is this sâtân that engages in a conversation with Yahweh in the "thought plain
of consultation". The "sons of Yahweh," as we have learned are the "builders of
Yahweh", those renewed thoughts that bring the war right to the front seat of
consciousness where sâtân's throne once was. Keeping with Hebraic intent it
would be perfectly appropriate to call the sons of Yahweh the "renewing
thoughts of Yahweh"; the clean thoughts. Is it any wonder that when they are
present the "adversary" is also present to argue his case? In this classic telling
the self will (sâtân) is always ready to boast of itself and when Yahweh asks,
"Where do you come from?" (1:7), we now find it remarkable that sâtân
answers, "From going back (W) and forth (E) in the earth (mind of man), and
from walking up (N) and down (S) it". Again, it is paramount to understand
that it is only by Sovereign decree that a man receive the Mind (rûwach) of
Yahweh that dwells in the Temple of Yahweh. It is from this place within that He
has placed His Laws (mind patterns) on, "tablets (right brain [male], left brain
[female]); wisdom and understanding of the human (what was once the "hue" of
"man") mind", as we have learned. Sâtân (upper case to start a sentence only)
had complete rule in every soul until Yahweh decided to redeem chosen souls
and let the inner battle commence. Yahweh said to sâtân: "Have you (self will)
considered my servant (mind witness) 'hated'? There is none ("no thought")
like him in the earth (mind of man) who...shuns (mentally rejects)
wickedness (unclean thoughts)." (1:8)
Yahweh makes a formal announcement in consciousness, to the self will, that
the persecuted thoughts within the conscience are His treasured possession,
and He boldly challenges the self will to attempt to defeat the Mind's will. Of
course as always the arrogant self will responds in its condescending way:
"Does Job (hated thoughts in the mind) reverence (mentally submit) Yahweh
for no reason? Have you not made a hedge (yes, this is the same word as
"garden" in Genesis 2) around (N,S,E,W) him, as well as around his
household (body of thoughts) and all that he has on every side?" (1:9-10)
What we can clearly perceive is that the unfettered ego at the very least
somewhat comprehends the manna (mind food) that Yahweh releases into each
chosen conscience and protects (the hedge) that information.
It is said of this internal war, "Not by might (self reliance) nor by power (self
assurance) but by My Mind (Mind's breath)." (Zech 4:6) The self will realizes
it's doom lest it can deceive and even attempts to tempt Yahweh Himself: "But
put out your hand (mental grasp) and strike (mentally pierce) all that he (the
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conscience that hates the unclean) has, and he will curse You to Your face
(countenance)!" (1:11)
From this encounter in the conscience Yahweh, Yahweh's servant (the "hated"
thought leading to inner renewal), and sâtân (the self will) dialogue about who in
fact will rule in the mind gifted the opportunity for renewal and eventual salvation
(mental perfection). Remember that each soul has every experience within it's
conscious boundaries. Nôach represents thoughts at "rest" even as the flood
(judgment) rushes on. Môsheh represents those thoughts that "draw out" the
Mind of Yahweh within the conscience. Yaʽăqôb [Jacob] represents inner
renewal, the "supplanting" from old ways of thinking to new ways of thinking.
Israel is representative of "thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh" within each
chosen conscience, and on and on it goes! In the instance of chapter one of
Îyôwb, the self will acknowledges the protected thoughts within the conscience
and it "hates" the entire premise of it, so it begins to mock not only the thoughts
but the Creator of them. The accusation is that if Yahweh removes His
protective Hands, those thoughts that rely upon His Mind's power will inevitably
curse and forsake Him. Yahweh's releasing of that hedge leads the self will to
be able to go after the sons (builders of conscious perfection) and daughters
(emotional beauty in the conscience) and attempts to destroy the entire
foundation. (1:14-15) The attack on the animals (beastly, unruly thoughts yet
undisciplined) of Îyôwb was also the self will's way of undermining the immature
understanding of thoughts placed into consciousness; a misunderstanding of
what the "malʼâk/malʼâkûwth" intended. Many internal attacks commencing
within, those thoughts "hating" cleanliness, as well as those thoughts "hating"
the now perceived uncleanliness. Îyôwb, the embodiment of the conscience at
Because of the self will's failure to decimate the thoughts placed in the chosen
conscience being redeemed, a second series of attacks is seen in Îyôwb
chapter two. Once again the self will accuses both the intent of each new
thought not borne forth from carnality, as well as Yahweh Himself. The sâtân
says, "Skin for skin! A man will give all he has for his own life, but reach
out your hand and strike his flesh and bones; then he will curse you to
your face!" (Iyyob 2:4-5). We have learned that “skin” in its Hebrew intent,
means "bare" or "naked", and as for “flesh and bones” we have "fresh" and
"bind", Strong's #s 1320 and 6106.
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Let's look again and see: "Naked for naked! A man will give all he has for
his own life, but reach out your hand and strike his freshness and binding;
then he will curse you to your face!" Sâtân's argument is that in his natural
state the conscience of man will do all it can to follow the self will, and if Yahweh
were to remove the Mind's voice (the freshness) and the Mind's power (the
binding) that the conscience of man would go right back to his sinful desire of a
will apart from Yahweh's will. And this couched under a delusion titled "free will,"
by the masses. Was sâtân actually right about this? Stay tuned! There can be no
duality in the conscience. It will either be sin (man centered thinking that actually
is outside of man's control) or righteousness (Yahweh's Mind about everything).
It is well said that each conscience is a "slave to whom it obeys," (Romans
6:16) and also that a, "house (mindset) divided cannot stand". (Matt 12:25) In
the end, Yahweh and His "hated" manifestations inevitably overcome the self
will, but sâtân was telling an actual truth in verses four and five of chapter two: If
Yahweh removes His Mind from the conscience for even one moment, the self
will would quickly rise up and attempt to return to it's vomit. Let's listen to the
words of Job and see if he would agree with this.
"My ears (understanding) heard (a distant understanding) of You [Yahweh],
but now (after more revelation has come) my own eyes (carnal perceptions
bowing to His perceptions) see (fully comprehend) You. Therefore (because of
the revelation), I despise ("hate") myself (my "self") and I repent in dust
(carnal depravity) and ashes (full sacrifice)."(Job 42:5-6)
Îyôwb due to the war within, learned of the mental precepts that were required
for renewal, and his life (consciousness) was an embodiment of the mind's
struggle for renewal and the inner persecutions one faces in that struggle.
A thousand mental deaths is what the process of renewal "feels" like, and to
forsake that process under the guise of "self" preservation is of the worst sins
one can partake of.
Is it any wonder that Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mentality) said that, "... he
who loses his life (total mind life burdened by carnality) shall find it (Yahweh's
mind)."?(Mattithyah 16:25)
There are many more areas of Scripture of the Old Covenant text yet to be
expanded upon but that work is yours to do. Rest assured that when there is a
force that seems to be of external, physical origin, the Hebraic definitions and
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their intent will expose the true Kingdom being discussed; the Kingdom of
consciousness. Having exposed more than enough to give you a stable
foundation we now travel to the Renewed Covenant and explore several areas,
several stories that for far too long have been fairy tales rather than intended
expositions revealing more battles between the self will and the will of Yahweh.
As we have begun to learn, it is a battle over the conscience of chosen souls
and it is a battle that can only be waged individually within each soul.
Three specific scriptures will help us remedy any statements like, "Well perhaps
there is no such creature called 'devil' in the Old Covenant, but maybe that
changed in the time Yahshua walked the earth. Maybe Yahshua taught about an
actual devil." Plenty of scriptures resolve this potential dilemma of the mind but
as stated, three will do. Yahshua the anointed said:
"For truly I say to you; unless heaven and earth passes away (meaning not
until that happens), one yâd (the smallest of the Hebrew letters, the 10th letter
in the Hebrew alphabet; "power" is it's definition. Commonly called "jot" from a
horrific Greek interpretation; iota) will in no way pass from the law (the totality
of all of Yahweh's mind patterns), until all things are perfected. Whosoever,
therefore, will break one of the least of these laws, and will teach men to
do so, he will be called least in the Kingdom of Yahweh; but whosoever
will do and teach them, the same will be called great in the Kingdom of
Yahweh." (Matt 5:18-19) (Also see Matt 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 16:17 &
21:33) And another verse:
"And this is love: That we walk after His laws. Those are the laws, that as
you have heard from the beginning (Genesis), you should walk in them." (II
Yahchanan (John) 1:6) And the last verse:
"For had you believed Môsheh (the writer (mental scribe) of Torah), you
would have believed me, for he wrote about me (the "Yahweh saves"
mentality). But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my
words?" (Yahchanan (John) 5:46-47)
The never changing Father offers not one single scripture to allude to in any
fashion a being known as “devil”. The entire Old Covenant is the law of Yahweh
both spoken and lived out (consciously of course), and it is abundantly clear that
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Yahshua would not be changing any of the power (yâh) that the language of
creation had previously offered. He would however be the Master of correction
in that he would literally "renew" the covenant of Môsheh and properly institute
it's organic intent, while at the same time crushing any and all false doctrines
about that covenant: "You have heard it said (by liars and thieves) but I tell
you this...", would be his modus operandi. Let's first take a look at the very
words we analyzed from their Hebrew origin and see what transpired in an
attempt to translate them into a language that came over two thousand and four
hundred years later:
adversary – antidikŏs, άντίδικος (an-tid'-ee-kos); "opponent, Satan"; Strong's
#476g (Greek dictionary).
Certainly this Greek word could apply to Hebrew intent, but only if the entirety of
the Greek language did not adamantly support the idea that "Sâtân" and the
"Devil" are one in the same. The definition also includes the words "arch-
enemy" and further pushes the agenda. And how did we get from sâtân
("adversary") to antidikŏs ("Satan"), and yet still attempt to call it consistent and
factual? Prayerfully several red flags are raised in your conscience immediately.
How can the Greeks be specifically referring to the satan of the Old Covenant
and yet changing the entire intent of what is specifically intended in the Hebrew
text? Where is the mandate to do so?
sâtân – satanas, Σατανάς (sat-an-as'); "the accuser, devil"; Strong's #4567g.
So we see that our non-capitalized Hebrew word takes on a completely new
form and function according to the Greeks. A word that intends to express the
adversarial self will within the conscience, now specifically given a new title with
a new intent; devil.
devil – diabŏlŏs, διάβολος (dee-ob'-ol-os); "traducer, Satan"; Strong's #1228g.
It's root is diaballo διαβάλλω (dee-ab-al-lo); "traduce"; Strong's #1225g. It's root
is dia διά (dee-ah); "channel"; Strong's #1223g.
Oh they so much want to get it right, or do they? If you took the implanted and
leading word "Sâtân" out of the definition it would actually be close to the intent
with the Hebrew language, but it is the entirety of how the Greeks present the
"devil" that makes it all a sham. One need not delve too far into Grecian history
to come to understand that the polytheistic society was wracked with multiple
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deities and demi-gods. The language itself having come over two thousand four
hundred years after the Hebrew language, was clearly infiltrated with pagan
customs and folklore. The systematic adherence to the Greek mindset by both
Strong's and the many translations is a travesty that began in the Old Covenant
and carries forth into the New Covenant.
hiss/hissing - No such words are found in Renewed Covenant scripture nor the
Greek language.
whisper – psithurismŏs, ψιθυρισμός (psith-oo-ris-mos'); "whisper, slander";
Strong's #5587g.
Interestingly enough in the two verses in the Renewed Covenant where the
above word is utilized it clearly involves acts of men and not some force external
to man, and as important is the idea that the “whisper” is about a mental
"And so since they did not like to retain Yahweh in knowledge, Yahweh
gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do improper things; being filled
with...deceit and malice, whispers..." (Romans 1:28-29) And:
"For I fear that when I come, I may not find you as I would... that
contentions ... slander, whisperings, gossip..." (II Cor 12:20)
It seems like the Greeks came very close to Hebraic intent in that they attribute
the Greek word to scriptures as such, only adding to the tragedy that overall,
they failed utterly at Hebraic intent.
enchant - There is no such word found in the Renewed Covenant scriptures
nor in the Greek language.
affliction – thlipsis, θλίψις (thlip'-sis); "pressure"; Strong's #2347g.
As with the Hebrew scriptures there is no force outside of man that is the source
of the affliction. All affliction (pressure) is of and from man in the Renewed
Covenant. Be of Běrŏia (one who goes "beyond") and see for yourself.
devourer – katěsthiŏ, κατεσθίω (kat-es-thee-o); "eat down, devour"; Strong's
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Several telling things happen in reference to this word that from Hebraic
perspective only refers to men in the Old Covenant. We talked about the seed
and it's Hebraic intent; that it is meant to express processes in thought, planted
into the conscience, and how that seed grows into a perpetuated way of
thinking. Yahshua, with proper intent in mind, said, "And as he (each thought)
sowed (mentally disseminated), some fell by the wayside (ignorance); and
the fowls (mental scavengers) came and completely devoured them." (Matt
13:4) In keeping with the words of Môsheh, Yahshua shows us how it is a matter
of consciousness within, and not some external devourer who haunts man.
Even so, let's look at what many translations and Strong's perpetuated in
regards to another scripture; how the intent from Hebraic scriptures was
completely altered: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the
devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour..." (I
Kepha (Peter) 5:8)
The Greek use the word katapinō, καταπίνω (kat-ap-ee'-no). It's definitions,
"drink down, gulp"; Strong's #2666g. In every single New Covenant scripture
where the word “devour” is utilized, it is processes of and within man that are
spoken of, but as for the "drink down, gulp" that is expressed here, the "devil" is
the "adversary". If this were written with Hebraic intent and consistent with every
other scripture available, it would be said, "...your adversary (internal "whisper"),
sâtân, walks about (just like in the book of Job) like a roaring lion (the
"lacerating" self will), seeking whom he (ego) may devour (mentally consume)."
Greek minded, polytheistic, pagan influenced culture, systematically and
uniformly carried forth into your home (mindset).
evil – pŏnērŏs, πονηρός (pon-ay-ros); "hurtful, evil"; Strong's #4190g. We will
use “wicked(ness)” in it's place.
Now the Greeks of course add "the devil" in their defining of this word and the
several other Greek words that reference evil. This systematic leading of impure
doctrine stands defiantly against the entirety of the Old Covenant wherein
"wickedness" is always attributed to mankind alone. In the Renewed Covenant it
is always best to let Yahshua tell us what is and what is not!
"Blessed are you when men revile and persecute you, and say all manner
of wickedness against you falsely, for My sake." (Matt 5:11)
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Some of Yahshua's first words about wickedness clearly point out who the
culprit is; man and not some force apart from man.
"But if your eye (mental perception) is wicked, your whole body (mindset)
will be full of darkness." (Matt 6:34)
Know that the Hebrew intent of the eye is always about the ability to mentally
perceive. We see that the idea of wickedness and darkness are about
behaviours of consciousness. Contrary to Strong's and the many translators,
there is no devil to be found.
"And Yahshua, discerning their thoughts (a mind issue), said, 'Why are you
thinking wicked thoughts in your minds?'" (Matt 9:4)
Wickedness is and always will be an internal matter wherein each soul is
responsible for the intent of each thought. Remember that the Hebrew definition
for heart is "center of intellect".
"For out of the heart proceeds wicked thoughts, murders, adulteries,
fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies..." (Matt 15:19)
No need for any outside force named "devil".
"I do not pray that You would take them out of the world (in this verse it
speaks to the totality of the thought war within), but that You would keep
(hedge; garden state) them from wickedness." (Yahchanan (John) 17:15)
Many translators systematically implant the word "one" after the word evil in this
verse: "...keep them from the evil one." This carries forth the delusion of a
source distinctly separate from man's conscience and defies every matter of the
Hebrew language and it's intent. It put Yahshua against Môsheh, contrary to
Yahshua's own words. Not one word ever spoken by Yahshua ever attributed
the work of wickedness to a source external to man's mind.
We still need to go back and do a thorough research of the actual Greek words
for sâtân and devil, but let's first look at a few other situations regarding the word
wicked that will help in establishing a solid mental foundation.
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"And Yahweh performed special acts of power through the hands (mental
grasping) of Paul ("asked, requested"; inspired thoughts): so that from his
body (mindset), handkerchiefs (wiping away) or aprons (mental armour) were
brought to the sick, and the diseases (dis-eases) left them, and the wicked
minds went out of them." (Acts 19:11-12)
This accounting in the book of Acts is very telling as it once again pronounces
that "evil" comes from within men. As we learned in the Old Covenant, each
unclean thought is a mind (mental breathing). The mind of lust, the mind of
anger, greed and on and on. All wicked minds must flee from the Temple of
Yahweh placed into the front seat of consciousness of the chosen children. A
house divided (the continuing mental war) can not stand, and all wickedness
comes from within the mind seperated from Yahweh.
legion – lěgiōn, λεγιών (leg-ee-ohn'); "regiment"; Strong's #3003g.
Even the language that comes thousands of years after the Hebrew language
tells us the word refers to something other than foreign entities or "deities"
(another non-Hebrew word).
Let's look at the four scriptures that utilize this Latinized (perhaps a word,
perhaps not) version of a word that Hebraically means "number"; Strong's
"For He [Yahshua] was saying to him (the unclean thought), 'Come out of
that man (soul conscience) unclean mind!' Then He asked him, 'What is
your name (countenance in conscience)?' And he answered, saying, 'My
name is Legion (all caps of course) for we are many.'" (Mark 5:8-9)
Once again we see something called "out of" consciousness, and the Latin
version actually refers to a "Roman regiment", and not that multiple number of
unclean thoughts within that can cause utter reprobation of the mind. Hebraically
it is just as it speaks: "My name is number, for we (unclean thoughts) are
many (menîy)", and hence the call to "Come out!" Just as it is in Isayah 65:11,
so it is here.
"And when they (the thoughts habituating) came to Yahshua (the "Yahweh
saves" mentality) and saw (perceived) him who had been possessed
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(mentally captive) by the number (menîy) of sâtân - sitting (mentally restored)
there and clothed (consciously covered) in his right mind - they (ignorant
thoughts) were afraid." (Mark 5:15)
We must comprehend everything from it's Hebraic intent as found in the Old
Covenant, and as we heard Yahshua himself attest to. The systematic
placement of the non-Hebrew word "demons" into the above scripture, when it
should say adversary, is another deception perpetrated by both the willful and
the ignorant. Remember that the Old Covenant knows no such word nor modern
concepts of “demon or demons”, especially forces outside of man's mind.
Certainly as we know, it was fitting that Yahshua sent the "many" unclean
thoughts into the place of no return (for swine means “penned” in Hebrew).
chăziyr - חזיר (khaz-eer'), "inclose, penned"; Strong's #2386. The intent is to
express that the unclean thoughts have been penned off (swine) and removed
from the conscience where the Temple of Yahweh is to dwell. Luke 8:3 also
recounts the story above and our last verse regarding "legion" is at Mattithyah
21:53. Pay close attention to the change of who this legion represents:
"Yahshua said, 'Do you think that I cannot pray to My Father, who at once
would give me more than twelve legions of malakim?'"
Several things further prove that the Hebrew word translated as "legion" was
never intended to express some "demon" class unknown in Old Covenant
scripture. Because we know the word means "number" or even "many", these
can express both the wicked precepts of man's doing as well as the convictions
and judgments placed into the conscience by Yahweh Himself. Yahshua is
expressing just that - that he could call all twelve faculties within the conscience
(see, "As Soon As Everyone Is Seated...") to bring judgment, into the minds of
the reprobate conscience. Those messages (malakim) if enacted would have
been the equivalent to the “Great White Throne” judgment, right then and there,
but Yahshua knew the Father's timing was perfect timing. Because we have two
different accounts of the "number" we see it is an internal and not an external
leviathan - There is no such word found in the Renewed Covenant scriptures
nor in the Greek language.
oppressor – katadunastěvŏ, καταδέω (kat-ad-oo-nas-tyoo'-o); "exercise
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dominion against"; Strong's #2616g.
In every instance it is man either being oppressed or doing the oppressing.
James 2:6 is a good illustration: " not rich (haughty) men (thoughts)
viper – echinada, έχιδνα (ekh'-id-nah); "viper"; Strong's 2191g. Remember that
the Hebrew word is epheh ("hissing"). In context it matches perfectly with the
rebellion of the self will. The Greeks leave no such room for correct
interpretation of Hebrew intent. Let's look at the five verses in the Renewed
Covenant that speak to the hissing:
"And when Shaul gathered a bunch of sticks ("firm") and laid them on the
fire (judgment), a viper (hiss) came out because of the heat, and fastened
on his hand (mental grasp)."(Acts 28:3)
In the physical realm this would simply be a viper doing as vipers do.
Hebraically however, it speaks to an internal kingdom. When the desire (Paul) to
purify one's mind takes place by the Mind of Yahweh, one can rest assured that
long held to thoughts and patterns of belief will literally "raise their head" (the
hissing) against the renewal taking place. It is about mastery in thought and the
processes one needs to recognize so as not to lose faith and quit the race.
"0 brood (youthful) of vipers (hissings)! How can you being wicked speak
righteous things? ... For out of the abundance of the heart [center of
intellect] the mouth speaks." (Matt 12:34)
Yahshua was perfectly clear where the immature hissing derived from - the
center of intellect; the conscience!
"Serpents (same as in the garden, but multiple serpents)! Brood of vipers!
How will you escape the sentence of sheʼôwl (mental retreat)?" (Matt 23:33)
Multiple serpents and multiple vipers! And if they were physical animals, why
the judgment? A proper perspective of sheol is warranted here:
sheʼôwl, שאוה (sheh-ole'); "retreat"; Strong's #7585. It's root word is shâʼal שאל
(shaw-al'), "inquire, request, demand'; Strong's #7592.
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This oft misused word is intended to express a mental retreat from the Mind's
renewal in consciousness. The reprobate mind not only demands the retreat,
but it is also by Sovereign decree, demands to forever be banished from
Yahweh's presence; the Temple within the conscience. So what is this word that
Hebraically speaks of a condemned conscience often misrepresented as? No
less then the word "hell" of course. Now let's see what the Greeks have to say
about translating the Hebrew word sheʼôwl:
Two words are used in the Greek language that attempt to translate sheʼôwl:
hadēs, άδης (hah'-dace); "unseen, Hades"; Strong's #86g.
Perhaps the "unseen" would have been somewhat close to "retreat" but again,
the addition of the word "Hades" brings with it entire doctrines of Greek
influence. And the other word.
gĕĕna, γέεννα (gheh'-en-nah), "valley of Hinnom"; Strong's #1067g.
This word commonly known as "Gehenna" is quite a far cry from the specific
Hebrew word it claims to translate, and is also far from expressing the intent.
Hinnom is an actual Hebrew word, specifically, Hinnôm (hin-nome'), "sorrow,
groaning"; Strong's #2011. Unfortunately this Hebrew word that does in fact
illustrate a mental place of destitution, never once is utilized to express a place
of eternal judgment for lost souls. Just a little research should not only solidify all
discussed herein, but it should forever change your internal perspective of what
sheʼôwl is and what "hell" is not! And the last verse:
"0 generation (perpetual thoughts) of vipers (hissing)!” (Luke 3:7)
External creatures or internal voices?
warfare – stratĕia, στρατεία (strat-i'-ah), "service"; Strong's #4752g.
Utilized only three times in the Renewed Covenant (I Corin 9:7, II Corin 10:4, I
Tim 1:18) and always dealing with man and not some force external to man.
Hebraically, all warfare is battles within the conscience of man, wherein the soul
that sins is responsible with no other(s) to blame.
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wicked - As with the Old Covenant scriptures, every time a wicked act is
discussed it involves the act of men and not some force external to men.
Now it is time to refocus on two specific words that are most often, though
erroneously so, used to promote the idea of a "being" apart from man. We have
looked at the Greek attempt to translate sâtân and though a systematic
placement of words such as "demon(s)" is found in many translations, Strong's
itself gives no credence to such words. Many translations often interchange the
words devil and demon with no Hebraic mandate for either. Let's look at some
scriptures in the Renewed Covenant and see exactly what is taking place now
that we have an educated understanding of Hebrew words and their intent.
There are many scriptures that have the translations of the word sâtân or devil
utilized and we will look at some specific ones to prove up the premise of this
body of work, and as always, the rest is up to you!
sâtân - Hebrew - "adversary"; the self will.
devil - Greek - "accuser"; external force.
Let's start with words from Yahshua, the man who always spoke what Môsheh
"Thus if sâtân casts out sâtân, he is divided against himself. How then can
his kingdom stand." (Matt 12:26)
Simply stated, if the self will has no other source to derive from then what is left
if the self will abandons itself? Without the gifting of the Mind of Yahweh, the
only force that resides within the conscience (the world of thoughts) of man is
the sneaky whisper (erroneously called "serpent"). Know this too, the self will
always protects the self! It is called compromise! If this were speaking of some
kingdom external to man, then we must declare that Yahshua was in fact
teaching against Môsheh and changing the intent of the word sâtân entirely. Do
we believe Yahshua applied Deuteronomy 4:2 to his life?
"You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor shall you take
anything from it, so that you may keep the Laws of Yahweh your Father
which I command you."
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"So should not this woman (emotional ties) who is a daughter ("builder") of
Abraham ("Father of a multitude"; renewing thoughts), who sâtân has bound –
behold these eighteen years - be released from this bond (mental bondage)
on the Sabbath ("peace") day?" (Luke 3:16)
Of course many translations use the word devil in place of sâtân and of course a
systematic capitalization occurs as well. By now you should feel comfortable
seeing the truth of the Hebraic intent verses quite literally, man's intent. If this
were an Old Covenant scripture it would perhaps be easier to grasp, but being
that the Greeks and Romans love their pagan influence, it is a little more effort
required to see through the haze. This verse is about emotional ties in the
conscience and how it is only by Yahweh's decree that a peaceful state of mind
replace a chaotic emotional mind.
Couple this with the fact that Sabbath represents "completion" as a seventh day
event, and the number 18 is equivalent to 9, which means "upright", then we see
a process of renewal unto completion; perfection. Resurrected minds is what
Hebrew intent demands and illustrates. It is about true reality.
"Now Yahshua said, 'Simon ("hearing"; understanding)! Simon! Behold,
sâtân (the adversarial whisper) wanted you, so he could sift you like wheat
(mental thrashing); But I prayed for you (understanding) that your faith
("firmness, security"; mental reliance) does not fail..." (Luke 22:31)
"Hearing! Understanding! Behold (pierce)..." It is good to know that Hebraically
"wheat" and "faith" are synonymous with each other. Scripture often talks of the
harvest ("severed"; separation) of the wheat and it's intent is to express those
minds that are "set apart" from wickedness; Yahweh's "first fruits" in
"And after the piece of bread (information), sâtân entered him. Then
Yahshua said to him, 'What you (death will) are going to do, do quickly!'"
(Yahchanan 13:27)
It is first important to realize that the term "entered him" is a term expressly not
utilized in Hebraic understanding. It seems fitting that if one were to buy in to the
"external force" hype that there must be some form of entrance into the soul
being persecuted. "And after the piece of bread, sâtân perverted him..." This
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intent is true to Môsheh and is in perfect alignment with Old Covenant text. The
"whisper" is always man, Yahweh, or cities and nations. No external force
"And no marvel; for sâtân himself is transformed into a malak (message)
of light..." (II Corinthians 11:14)
Remember that malak means "despatch, messenger". This is messages in the
conscience that are either derived from the self will, the kingdom of darkness, or
they are messages of Yahweh's will, the Kingdom of Light. The "self" always
convinces itself that it's path, though broad, will be beneficial. It is none other
than self appeasement and will always fail at the command; perfection! "But it
seemed like such a good idea...," and then the fall. Consider as well that as for
chosen children and even the wicked, other than one scripture which
erroneously uses the phrase "entered in", there is not one single scripture to
support the idea of a being entering into the conscience of man. More specific,
there is no such concept of a "devil" being able to enter into a child that has
Yahweh's temple residing within. Yahweh is the Light! Darkness is the will of
"Of whom Hymenaeus ("god of marriage"; the conscience mixing carnal
wisdom with carnal emotion) and Alexander ("man defender"; carnal
compromise), whom I have delivered to sâtân, in order that they may be
taught not to blaspheme (scorn)." (I Timothy 1:20)
Of course there is a systematic capitalization of the word sâtân among
translators. Ughhh! Several scriptures give us good insight into what this giving
over symbolizes and Hebraic intent is crucial in perfect understanding. The
Hebrew word mâʼac מאס (maw -as'), means "spurn, disappear"; Strong's #3988.
This is the modern day word for “reprobate” and “rejected”. The idea is that the
self will always blasphemes, but when one is completely given over to that fallen
will the reaping is devastating! To be handed over to sâtân is to be handed over
to the self will, and this is a bad mental space to be given over to. Modern day
words like “despair”, “grief” and “sorrow”, only begin to explain what this handing
over creates within a soul. This is intended to either cure blasphemy or to seal
one to mental destruction.
A few Renewed Covenant scriptures align with this concept:
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"Yahweh gave them over to a reprobate mind." (Romans 1:28)
"...Yahweh will send them strong delusion, that they would believe the
deception..." (II Thess 2:11)
"And when the thousand years are expired, sâtân will be loosed out of his
prison, and will go out to deceive the nations (constructs of thought) which
are in the four (N,S,E,W) quarters of the earth (mind of man)." (Rev 20:7-8)
Exactly as it was with Job, so it is here. Let's look at this scripture again with
more Hebraic intent illustrated:
"And when the thousand (mental "yoking") years (mental revolutions) are
expired, sâtân (the whisper of the adversary called the "self will") will be
loosed (released back into the conscience of specific souls) out of his prison
(mental binding), and will go out (out into the conscience) to deceive the
nations (strongly held beliefs) which are in the four (N=dark, S=parched,
E=open, W=roar) quarters (mental boundaries) of the earth (mind of man)."
Always within, never some external matter.
We have yet to do a thorough review of the systematically implanted word
“devil” and we are coming to that shortly, but let's first expose another
fascinating aspect of the deceptions in the use of language. Up to this point we
have exhausted several misunderstood areas of Scripture from Old and
Renewed Covenant text, in reference to our word sâtân. You are left with internal
choices that must be made: "Is it the self will or is it a being external to my
soul?", and, "Does getting Hebraic intent wrong put me on a very shaky
foundation?" We have yet to discuss the life altering reason that knowing this
truth will bring you, but until then it is good for you to ponder these questions.
Both Strong's and the many translators of Scripture have also systematically
added another interesting nuance into the equation. To enlighten or deceive,
that is the question!
In Mark 1:12-13, we have an accounting of a very specific event: "And
immediately the Mind drove Him into the wilderness; and He was there in
the wilderness forty days, tempted by satan; and was with the wild beasts;
and the malakim ministered to Him."
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Several very important things must be understood within the context of Hebraic
intent, the true meaning and purpose.
We know that the Mind Yahweh's allotted portion of Himself to chosen souls)
was placed into chosen children by Yahweh's decree (Deut 30:6), and that the
wilderness is the "parched" place within each conscience that longs for living
water (Mind influence). We also know that four represents the totality of man's
thought abilities, or the full make up of earth: N=water, S=soil, E=fire, W=air.
The tempting by sâtân is the self will demanding choices couched under the lie
of "free will", and the wild beasts are those "unruly" thoughts within the soul. The
malakim are those thoughts under the command of Yahweh that comfort the
mind in need. What we have here is a great test! Yahshua the messiah
(anointed thinker), the man, had to be tested by Yahweh in order to prove up
that he could achieve sinlessness no matter the temptation. The test was to
allow him to be severely tempted by his own will, a will he specifically declared
as separate from the Father's: "Not my will but Thy will be done." Yahshua
knew that in order to save all that the Father gave him, he would need to only do
the will of the Father and never his own. Is it any wonder that he said, "... so
whatever I speak, I am saying what my Father has told me to say."
(Yahchanan 12:50) Having this documented event we see the words Môsheh
fully preached and practiced by Yahshua, but something strange happens
according to Strong's and the many translators of Scripture. Let's go to
Mattithyah 4:1 and take a look:
"Then Yahshua was led up by the Mind into the wilderness, to be tempted
by the devil."
What do we have here? Is this not the same incident as spoken of above in
Mark, or is it some transaction not with sâtân but with a "devil"? Of course it is
the same account as above and we see a systematic alteration of Hebraic intent
and it's sâtân, to Greek influence and it's devil. Remember that there is no such
words as devil(s) or demon(s) in the Hebrew language, nor is there ever any
intent to express some being apart from man. The “hiss” is only ever man,
Yahweh or cities and nations. Let's actually go deeper into this accounting in
Mattithyah and do so remembering Yahshua's words: "If you don't believe
Môsheh how can you believe me!"
"So when the tempter came to him, he said, 'If you are the son (builder) of
Yahweh, command these stones to be turned to bread.'" (Matt 4:3)
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An external "deity" or the whisper within? Is it not very compelling that from the
Hebrew intent we come to know that the "stones" are "hardened thoughts" and
"bread" can be the giving of information as it is referred to in this verse.
Yahshua was fully cognizant of the fact that Yahweh alone could redeem a
fallen mind and he was also fully aware that until his death (loss of self will),
resurrection (mind renewal), and ascension (perfected conscience), that it was
Yahweh's sole capacity to do the work within a soul. The Hebrew word for tempt
is nâcâh נסה (naw-saw'). It's definition,"test"; Strong's #5254. There is not a
single scripture in the Old Covenant wherein the tempter is anything other than
No outside force, no "devil". We know that satan is the whisper in the garden
that speaks within each soul, and it is this same whisper that Yahshua battles
here in Mattithyah.
Yes, Yahshua had to deny his own will in order to continually remain in perfect
Oneness with the Mind of Father Yahweh. Yahshua's response to the tempter:
"It is written (pre-scribed), 'Man (thoughts) does not live by bread alone but
by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh.'" (Matt 4:4)
Of course He is quoting Môsheh at Deuteronomy 8:3. Information (bread) is
plentiful in the carnal world, but Yahweh's Hebrew words are what save a mind.
When Yahweh literally blows (mouth) His wisdom into a conscience from His
Temple within chosen souls, this is the only thing that brings a productive
conscience (life) into it's fullness.
"Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, and set Him on the pinnacle
of the sacred precincts of the House of Yahweh." (Matt 4:5)
Of course the holy city (mental habitation) is Yerûwshâlêm ("peace"). The
Hebrew word that expresses the "pinnacle" is kânâph, כנף (kaw-nawf). It's
definitions are "edge, extremity"; Strong's #3671. This would be found under the
commonly known word "wing". The self will taunts the renewing thoughts placed
into chosen souls. It often refers to the Creator, but it can voice but a mere
pittance of who in fact Yahweh is. The "sacred precincts" are none other than
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the internal meeting places a soul may seek Yahweh, the "Holy of Holies" being
at the front seat of consciousness. Of course satan (or is there a devil too?) can
only speak of the outer edges of that consciousness. Only a judge of mental
matters (High Priest) can enter into the most sacred places of Yahweh.
"He (sâtân or devil?) said to him [Yahshua], 'If you are the son (builder),
throw yourself down; for it is written (mentally inscribed); For He [Yahweh]
will give His malakim (erroneously called "angels") charge concerning you,
to keep you in all your ways (mind paths). They (the messengers) will bear
you up in their hands (ability to grasp), if you should strike your foot
(stability) against a stone (hard thoughts).'" (Matt 4:6)
Once again we have Old Covenant text being referred to (Psalm 91:11-12), but
notice how it is the self will that attempts to manipulate the will of Yahweh. We
have who – the devil? sâtân? Or is this the ego making room for both fear and
excuses? The messengers (malakim) that Yahweh plants into the conscience of
the chosen says things like, "I cannot give in to the fleshly temptations and my
own self deceptions. I will not tempt Yahweh." The malakim open one's mind to
be able to grasp (hands) and always create a stable (feet) mental environment if
one denies his/her own will. As previously stated, stones can represent both
solidified clean thoughts or solidified unclean thoughts.
"Yahshua said to him (sâtân, devil, both?), 'It is also written, You must not
test Yahweh your Father.'" (Matt 4:7)
Deuteronomy 6:16 is of course quoted by Yahshua as an internal reminder
that attempting to test Yahweh's power is indeed foolishness of the self will, but
a mind given access to renewal is not to fall prey to the deceiving whisper.
Yahweh's internal messages will never return void (Isayah 55:11) and Yahshua
speaks that word to battle his own will within his soul.
"Again, the devil (???) took him up to an exceedingly high mountain, and
showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the magnificence of them..."
(Matt 4:8)
Mountains can express either carnal strongholds or purified victories. To be
lured by the physical world's delicacies is of the greatest struggle within each
conscience. The kingdoms of the world are nothing other than the fruits of carnal
thinking; worldliness. Though seemingly stimulating, it is only ever for a short
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season and then the reaping of death. (Heb 11:25) The self will always leans
toward the physical and not the thought world.
“...And said to him [Yahshua], 'I will give you all these things if you fall
down (the lower self void) and worship me.'" (Matt 4:9)
The voice within speaking as it did in the garden. There are only two wills that
Yahweh has allowed to exist, as He Himself is One, and the other, the will of
man, is a creation of His. The whisper is always within. If you choose wrong, the
fall is repeated.
"Then Yahshua said to him, 'Get away Sâtân! For it is written, Yahweh
your Father you must reverence, and Him only you must serve.'" (Matt
Get away who? Is it not true that there has been a systematic idea of a "devil"
purported all the way to verse 10? Both Strong's and the many translators have
been suggesting the idea of a "devil", though even the Greek language does not
speak to some being in it's definition, but now we have upper case "Satan"
being systematically discussed.
As with the story in Mark, the intent of these scriptures was always to discuss
sâtân (the adversarial self will) and not a devil (non-existent external being). Not
all capitalized “Sâtân”, but as with Old Covenant scripture, sâtân of the garden.
Of course Yahshua repeats Môsheh at Deuteronomy 6:13 when his self will is
rising up within. He was an expert of self denial through the repetition of
Yahweh's words within his own soul. He knew that the Father's presence was
within the soul (Luke 17:21) and that Yahweh decreed it was His Temple (Matt
26:55). Because we know it is sâtân being discussed, as proven even by the
confirmation of bad translators (from devil to Sâtân all within the same story), we
will now correct the remaining verse so that it speaks true to Hebraic intent:
"Sâtân (the self will) then left him, and behold, malakim (Yahweh's implanted
thoughts) came and ministered to him." (Matt 4:11)
When denial of the self will is steadfast and prayer is mentally attained to, the
whisper loses it's power where it once reigned supreme. Luke 4:1-13 gives us
the same account as Mattithyah 4:1-11. What is worth quoting from the Luke
version is verse 13: "So when Sâtân had exhausted every temptation, he
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departed from him for a season."
As stated, the fact that Yahweh placed His Mind in chosen souls, now and only
now, can that soul fight off all carnal desires. Until a soul is perfected the war
within will commence so one can expect that ever present self will to literally
"rear it's ugly head", and this within. When Yahshua ascended (Yahchanan
20:17) he would never again have to fight this internal battle, and so it is for us!
We must lose our life (our own thoughts and ideas) to find it (Yahweh's thoughts
and ideas)! Only then can we cease from saying, "Not my will (whisper) but
Thy will!" Now some more Renewed Covenant verses with the appropriate
Hebraic words implanted where Strong's and the many translators failed:
"Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mentality) answered them (the 12 mental
disciplines/tribes/branches), 'Have I not chosen (predetermined mental
salvation) twelve, and one of you is of sâtân?'" (Yahchanan 6:70)
Of course Strong's and the many translators have decided to implant Greek
paganism, "...and one of you is of the devil," but we know better. These "12"
are the same as the 12 sons of Jacob who in fact were called Israel (thoughts
ruled by and for Yahweh). These 12 mental faculties are a permanent part of the
Tree (Truth) of Life (Yahweh's conscience) placed into chosen souls, reminding
us that the precepts of the Old Covenant (unilateral Mind contract) is exactly
what Yahshua spoke and lived. It is very telling that the "one of" sâtân was no
less then Judah in disguise. Judah is the "praise" faculty and it is
misappropriated praise of man that betrays Yahweh and His Son. Like with
other systematic and specific failures of both translators and Strong's, the Greek
Iŏudas (ee-oo-das'), which has no defined intent other then “Jehudah", fails to
uphold Hebraic intent and hides the name Yehûwdâh (Judah) on purpose.
Mattithyah ("given wholly"; the submitted will) replaced Judah (false praise) as a
mental discipline. (Acts 1:25-26) All 12 faculties in full submission to Yahweh's
will is the route to salvation; a saved mind!
"You are of your teacher sâtân (self will), and whatever he who is your
teacher desires (carnal knowledge) you will do." (Yahchanan 8:44)
"You are a slave to the one whom you obey!" Scriptually, there are only two
available wills - the will of man and the will of Yahweh! No other mental force
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"And when sâtân was cast out (just like in the garden), the mute spoke..."
(Luke 11:14)
It is very clear from Hebraic perspective that satan is a matter of internal
What needs to be determined based upon the verses such as this is a simple
idea posed in a few questions: "For those who claim there is a 'devil' as
commonly understood, is he (it) inside of people as well as external to them?"
Also, "How can a person who claims to, or in fact does have the Mind of
Yahweh within, also have a 'devil' effect their minds? Can a 'devil' control the
mind of a soul that has Yahweh's presence within?" Hopefully you see (mentally
perceive) far more then when you started this work, but let's increase your
understanding by returning to the last verse and setting it in proper order: "And
when the adversarial will was removed from the conscience where
Yahweh's Temple resided, the mute (formerly "dumb" minded) spoke (freed
to think right again)..." It is scriptually impossible to assert that the Old Covenant
embraces an idea of a mind that can be invaded by both Yahweh and another
force called "devil". We know what sâtân is, and that Hebraically it has nothing to
do with an external being. Never once in the entire Old Covenant is any external
force blamed for any of man's sin, nor is this same "non-existent" force blamed
for controlling and manipulating the conscience of any soul. You see loved one it
is not that "The devil is a liar!", but rather "The idea of a devil is a lie!"
"Therefore, submit yourselves (your "self") to Yahweh. Resist sâtân and he
will flee from you." (James 4:17)
"Resist the whisper, and he (the internal voice other than Yahweh) will flee
(leave your immediate thoughts) from you." Obedience is always a matter of
the mind! The entire Hebrew Old Covenant is about matters of the conscience
and journeys involved in order to remove the whisper of the self will.
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil, and
Sâtân, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth and
his malakim were cast out with him." (Rev 12:9)
Wow! A culmination of all that is wrong with the systematic failures of Strong's
and the many translators of the Scriptures. Let's start with dragon: tannîym תנין
(tan-neem'); "monster, elongate"; Strong's #8577.
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To be sure we have the right Hebrew monster we go to one of several Old
Covenant verses that discuss this elongated thing:
"In that day (the day of Revelation 12:9) Yahweh with His sword (mental
piercing), great and strong, will punish livyâthân (that "wreathing" voice within
that we formerly learned of) and the fleeing nâchâsh (that "hiss" we learned of
that was systematically and erroneously renamed "serpent"), livyathan
(wreathing) that twisted (mentally of course) nâchâsh (hiss); and He will slay
the tannîym (monster, elongate) that is in the sea (tumultuous thoughts)."
(Isayah 27:1) So we see that as with many other systematically manipulated
verses, there is no "dragon" at all but rather, the long lasting monster called self
will. Let's look at Revelation 12:9 again:
"And that monster (the ever living self will) was cast out (out from Yahweh's
presence in the entire conscience), the old 'hiss' called the Devil, and
Let's stop here and again realize what happens when the manipulation of
Scripture comes to a head. we have seen the systematic change from devil to
sâtân within verses speaking of only one or the other, so are we seeing two
beings now? The answer is no! What has transpired here is that translators and
Strong's attempt to have you believe that both names, devil and sâtân, apply to
one being. We have exhausted all that is necessary to debunk that the book of
Revelation says any such thing, but let's just remember one fact alone. The
Greek language and it's "diabŏlŏs" came thousands of years after the Old
Covenant was written. Let's look at (Revelation 12:9)
"And that monster (the self will) was cast out, the old (from the Old
Covenant) 'hiss' called sâtân, who deceives the whole world (totality of
thought consciousness). He was cast into the earth (minds of men without
Yahweh's presence; the "dark" and "void" place of Genesis 1) and his malakim
(mind messages) were cast out (from the conscience controlled by Yahweh
alone) forever (eternity)!"
There are more! More scriptures in both the Old and Renewed Covenant that
discuss every aspect of every single word we have highlighted and analyzed.
As I have said, that work is yours to do! My objective was to first obey what I
was commanded to scribe in order to help you remove the many scales that
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have blinded you until now. Several times I have mentioned that I will establish
the ultimate purpose of why a pin point accurate understanding of all stated
herein matters most. The premise within all of the premises Yahweh has
revealed to you. Why? Why has this mass deception been for far too long
manifested upon the whole world (total conscience of man)? And how could it
be so amongst those who profess to be His children? What reason is there that
a uniform and systematic neglect of scriptual integrity through a non-existent
being called "devil", was able to control the minds of billions? Why so much
effort to create a force/being external to man that would have so much control
over man?
It is very simple loved one. It's to keep you from the very thing that will set you
completely free in your subconscious and conscious mind:
Listen very closely. This information is for chosen children to know. There is no
such thing as a devil! And because this is a true reality, what happens to such
statements as, "The Devil is a liar!", or, "The Devil is after me!", or "That spiritual
warfare is from the Devil!"? If repentative confession is the only path way to true
mind healing, then that non-existent “Devil” has kept you from saying at all
times, "I am a liar! My self will is the lie!", or, "My own will is what destroys me!",
or, "All of my internal warfare is from my own selfish desires apart from
Yahweh's will!" If a devil is being blamed then someone is clearly not taking
personal responsibility and confessing to be cleansed! If confession is the
pathway to all mental healing, a saved mind, and you can be easily convinced
that sin has some outside force as part of the cause, then why fully repent,
right? But if the devil is inside, then of course you are 100% responsible and
repentance is the only path back to Yahweh. No confession equals no power
loved one, and the modern day "church" is completely powerless!
There are many scriptures that tell stories that sum up all that is expressed in
Torah itself, all pointing to the same truth. Let's let "order" (the mental faculty
known as Zebulon and James) tell us of this truth:
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways... blessed is each man
when he endures temptation; for when he has been proved he will receive
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the Crown of Life which Yahweh has promised to those who love Him...
Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by Yahweh!' For Yahweh
cannot be tempted with wickedness, nor does He tempt anyone. BUT
(James) 1:8-15)
No devil required! It was and is always sâtân whom we now know is the "devil"
inside. Who would want such a deception placed upon Israel loved one? Think it
through and be ye transformed: "Who wants to keep me from being One with
the mind of Yahweh?"