When Everyone is Seated Part I
It took over a week, the internal struggle necessary to get this simple
introduction onto paper. Is it not true, that what can be expressed verbally in
minutes can seem like a paramount task when it comes to scribing those very
same thoughts. Words, coming from thoughts, into sentences that clearly
express everything required in order to properly impact the broad ranging
audience who will digest the material. Because of the vast differences in
doctrine that exist among those who would claim to be "in the faith" in regards
to Holy Scriptures, it is imperative within that each group be spoken for, as
well as spoken to. A majority of those who would self-subscribe as "Christian"
never really go too far past what their Pastor or leaders might teach them.
This needs to be mentioned for the simple reason that the subject at hand
might seem completely foreign and yet the verses have and will continue to
be read in Christian services throughout the world. Others, those who would
in some fashion ascribe to being of the "Hebrew roots" or "Messianic
movements", face their own limitations. Often the very "scribes" that they
have come to rely upon are the very same intellectuals as those Yahshua and
the prophets openly rebuked: men of earthly wisdom mingled with some true
understanding. And in regards to those whom this writer would classify as the
deepest seekers of truths, the meta-physical physicians, there often lies an
inability to properly align the manifestations of the Scriptures with the physical
realm to be able to bring absolute truth to both the Scriptures and its
students. With this broad view of three particular groups of "believers"; the
Christian, the Messianic and the metaphysical physician, it is not my intent to
box in any single group but to simply reveal and possibly expose the truths
and lies that have much to do with each soul's personal desire to know the
truth. Wherever you may or may not reside among these three categories, if
you feel picked on, keep moving forward and explore and overcome any
negative thoughts within. We start at the basic level and move forward from
that perspective, and then we illuminate new views that will challenge even
those who would see themselves as astute students of the Scriptures; the
modern day Bereans.
Our topic is in regards to what is often described as "the second coming
of the prophet ʼÊlîyâh (commonly known as Elijah)". There are only four main
areas of Scripture that speak to what seems to be a literal return of the
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manʼÊlîyâh, and we will start with documenting these Scriptures:
Malʼâkîy (Malachi) 4:1 "For Behold, the day comes that will burn
like an oven; and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly, will be stubble
-- the day that comes will burn them up, says Yahweh of hosts; and it
will leave them neither root nor branch.
4:2 But for you who reverence My Name, the light of righteousness
will arrive with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like
calves from the stall.
4:3 And you will tread down the wicked, for they will be like ashes
under the soles of your feet in the day that I do this, says Yahweh of
4:4 Remember the Law of Môsheh My servant, which I command
through him in Horeb for all Israyl;the statutes and judgments.
4:5 Behold, I will send the Law and the Prophets; the strength of
Yahweh, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahweh;
4:6 and it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the
hearts of the children to their fathers; before I come and strike the earth
with a curse."
For some of you there may already be a mental check taking place due
to the version of the Scriptures you may be accustomed to reading. Let's use
a more common version of the Scriptures, in this case the New International
Version, and give it's version of verse 5 in particular:
4:5 "See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and
dreadful day of the Lord comes."
As stated, we will be documenting the four areas of Scripture for now,
and then after exhaustive detail later in this body of work. Let's capture the
other three areas speaking on the subject at hand:
Matthew 11:10 "For this is he about whom it is written: 'Behold, I
will send my messenger, and it will prepare the way before you.'
11:11 Truly I say to you: Among those of women, there has been
none who is greater than Yôwnâthân (John) the Immerser; but he who is
least in the Kingdom is greater than he.
11:12 And from the time of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until now, the
Kingdom of Yahweh has been advancing forcefully, and forceful men
lay hold of it.
11:13 For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until
11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, this is the strength of
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Yahweh, which was to come.
11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Verse 14 (NIV) -- "And if you are willing ,to accept it, he is the Elijah who
was to come."
In reference to the next verse, it is repeated virtually verbatim in the
book of Mark Chapter 9. I have purposefully not incorporated both, but fully
expect you to analyze Mark 9 as well for your own edification and for truth's
Matthew 17:10 "Then his disciples asked him, saying, 'Why then
do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?'”
17:11 Yahshua answered them and said, 'The strength of Yahweh
will come and restore all things.
17:12 But I say to you; Elijah has come already, and they did not
recognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. In the same way,
the Son of Man will suffer at their hands.'
17:13 Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them about
Yôwnâthân the Immerser."
The complete version of the NIV text for the verses above will be
necessary for this portion of Scripture:
Matt 17:10 "The disciples asked him, 'Why then do the teachers of
the Law say that Elijah must come first?'
17:11 Jesus replied, 'To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all
17:12 But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not
recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the
same way, the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.'
17:13 Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them
about John the Baptist."
Matthew 27: 46 " And about the ninth hour Yahshua cried out with
aloud voice, saying, 'Eli! Eli! Lamah ozabatniy?! Which means: My
strength! My strength! Why have you forsaken me?'
27:47 Some who stood there, when they heard, said, 'He calls for
27:48 Then immediately one of them ran and took a sponge, filled
with vinegar; placed it on a reed, and gave it to him to drink.
27:49 The rest said, 'Leave him alone! Let us see if ʼÊlîyâh will
come to save him.'"
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The NIV would use the name spelled as "Elijah" in all the verses, and
verse 46 is written as such: "...Eli! Eli!"
According to my original statements, it behooves us to now point out
each area of interest we will be exploring in order to affect all three mentioned
categories of "believer" in regards to the above Scriptures. The
overwhelmingly held view is that the ʼÊlîyâh (Elijah) being discussed is the
literal man, and that each Scripture pertains to him as a man.
The extremely narrowly held view is that none of the above Scriptures
refer to a man at all, and that the matter being discussed is purely about
mental principles. Again, the widely held view -- that Elijah is a man who is to
return -- is more often spoken of among those who would classify themselves
as of the Christian and Messianic crowds. Christianity itself never really deals
with the above Scriptures and is comfortable with doing no more than a
cursory review of the subject, while the Messianics attempt to dig a little
Let's take a look at ʼÊlîyâh (Elijah) from the common Messianic
Most Messianics would firmly agree that the Old Covenant (commonly
called "Testament" in Christianity) is what sets the stage for any and all
"truths" being discussed in the New Covenant. They would tell you that it is all
one cohesive Book, and that any discrepancies between the Old and the New
would need to defer to the Old Covenant and its intent in order to cipher out
the truth. In this, most Messianics and their movements would be 100%
correct. Yahshua himself spoke of such truth often, but none more captivating
than his words in the book of Yôwnâthân (John), Chapter 5, verses 46 & 47:
"For had you believed Môsheh, you would have believed me, for he
wrote about me. But you do not believe his writings, so how will you
believe my words?"
The writings Yahshua refers to is commonly known as "Torah". Torah
(Yahweh's Mind “Laws”) is the first five books of the Old Covenant: Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These are the writings of
Môsheh, and in every way are the expressions of the life to be lived by
Yahshua, the anointed to come. Other than the Torah we have what is known
as the books of the "minor prophets", the "Psalms", and the "Proverbs".
There may be slight differences in the classification of all the books, but
generally the titles given suffice and lead to another phrase that would group
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all of them together and that is, "The Law and the prophets." This statement
needs to be understood as the literal totality of the Old Covenant or one could
fall prey to even the most subtle of lies and deceptions. The Law and the
prophets was a term Yahweh implemented into His written words to embody
what could and should be stated as "All truth!", and this as we have already
read would be up until the time of one soul in particular: Yôwnâthân the
And so it is in keeping with scriptural mandates and the integrity of
those mandates, that one would need to find truth from the Old Covenant
Scriptures, in order to even delve into what the New Covenant might be
upholding and/or clarifying. Remember that we are for now, speaking from
the commonly held Christian and Messianic perspective, that Elijah is a
physical man and it is he who is being discussed in the Scriptures given. And
it is his potential "second coming" that is alluded to; so much so that the
Messianics, and yes even Yᵉhûwdîy יהורי (Jew) as a whole, present an empty
chair at every yearly Passover, as a sign of the "waiting" for Elijah, in order
for the above verses to be fulfilled.
We will discuss this much more in a bit, and for now we remind
ourselves that the only area of Scripture in the Old Covenant that seemingly
talks of the return of the prophet ʼÊlîyâh is Malʼâkîy, Chapter 4. As we start to
go a little deeper, I want to share with you that this writer does not believe
that in any form of physical fashion, that the prophet ʼÊlîyâh will be coming
again. However, for truth's sake and for the Messianic movement, we are
going to again analyze the Scriptures in Malʼâkîy, as well as those in
Mattîthyâh (commonly known as Matthew) as if they were in fact speaking of
the man ʼÊlîyâh. I am going to, for the time being, dissect the Scriptures to
show you how it could possibly be the man ʼÊlîyâh, only to then use those
same Scriptures to show contradictions within that position.
Before we immediately dissect Malʼâkîy Chapter 4, we need to
introduce a concept that is widely discussed in both the Old and New
Covenants, in order to properly view the Scriptures regarding ʼÊlîyâh and his
potential second coming. I state again, the context of the entire New
Covenant need be affirmed by and through the Old Covenant, as affirmed by
Yahshua himself. The following New Covenant scriptures are overwhelmingly
upheld in the Old Covenant, and it will be your work to do in order to affirm
this if necessary:
Matthew 10:7 -- "And as you go, preach, saying, 'The Kingdom of
Yahweh is at hand.'" And;
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Matthew 24:14 -- "And this message of the Kingdom will be
preached to all the world by the one who bears witness to all nations,
and then the end will come."
The reason these two scriptures were given now is because they
seemingly go hand in hand with the timing of the potential return of the man
ʼÊlîyâh. The idea that the preaching of the message is to the "world" and that
it must be "fully preached" in order for Elijah to appear, are widely held views
amongst the Messianics of today. It should enter into your mind, perhaps not
until now, "What exactly is the Kingdom of Heaven?", and it certainly seems
that one must know in order to properly ascertain the intent, times, and
season of such prophetic revelation. This too we will explore in this body of
work, but for now it was necessary to plant a seed within so that context is not
lost. Now back to Malʼâkîy 4:
4:1 "For behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven (the fire
on earth that was proclaimed to be the judgment that would come after the
flood; the “baptisms” of water and fire); and all the proud, yes, those who
do wickedly (non believers), will be stubble, the day (of Yahweh's wrath)
will burn them up, says Yahweh of hosts; and it will leave them neither
root (Yahshua) nor branch (the tribes of Israel):
4:2 But for you who reverence My Name (YHWH; Yahweh), the light
of righteousness (right thinking) will arise with healing in its wings; and
you will go out (into the new Kingdom brought to fallen minds), leaping like
calves from the stall.
4:3 And you (believers) will tread down the wicked for they will be
ashes under the soles of your feet in the day I do this, says Yahweh of
4:4 Remember the Law of Môsheh My servant, which I commanded
through him in Horeb for all Israel; the statutes and judgments.
4:5 (Now we will switch to the NIV version to finish) See, I will send
Elijah the prophet to you before (to ensure that the Kingdom of Heaven,
also known as the Kingdom of Yahweh, has been "fully preached" to the
nations) that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes;
The only verses in the entire Old Covenant that speak to what seems to
be the second coming of the man Elijah.
Malʼâkîy tells us that this revealing of the man comes during the time in
which "the Kingdom of Heaven (Kingdom of Yahweh) is revealed to all
nations", and before the time of Yahweh's wrath (the day of Yahweh) is
poured out upon all wickedness.
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It also points to the command to "remember the Law of Môsheh...the
statutes and the judgments." And finally it tells us that before the dreadful day
of Yahweh's wrath, this man Elijah will, "turn the hearts of the fathers to the
children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers." If one is to
vehemently adhere to the idea that Law and the prophets both express and
set the standard for truth, then we can discover everything we need to know
about the end days, and Elijah the man, from the only area of Scripture that
discusses these two together: Malʼâkîy 4. In other words the remaining areas
of Scripture, all New Covenant text, need to strictly comply to the words of
Malʼâkîy, no? Of course, Yahshua often heightened truth with his many
comments such as "You have heard it said...but I tell you...." In this he
certainly may have given extra detail, but never contradiction. Let's now
discover more about the New Covenant texts, keeping Malʼâkîy 4 in the front
seat of our minds:
Matthew 11:10 " For this is he (who is it?) about whom it is written
(written where?): 'Behold I will send my messenger (again, who is this, and
11:11 Truly I say to you: Among those born of women, there has
been none who is greater than Yôwnâthân the Immerser, but he who is
least in the Kingdom (of Heaven or of Yahweh?) is greater than he.
11:12 And from the time of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until now, the
Kingdom of Yahweh has been advancing forcefully, and forceful men
lay hold of it.
11:13 For all the prophets (from Torah and the minor prophets) are
the law (Torah specifically) prophesied (spoken revelation) until (is a change
taking place?) Yôwnâthân.
11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, (now to the NIV version)
11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.'"
Remember, we are attempting to dissect the verses to prove that the
man, the prophet Elijah, is coming again.
Having only Malʼâkîy, Chapter 4 from the Old Covenant, we must find
the balance, or expose the imbalance, between the two Covenants. In the
above verses we are told the one being written about is the one described in
Malakyah 4:5: "See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you.” The first verse,
verse 10 of Matthew 11, seems to be speaking of Elijah, no? If in fact we are
told it is he whom "it is written" of, and there is no other reference in the Old
Covenant to say otherwise, then it seemingly leaves us no choice but to say
"It is speaking of Elijah." The confusion enters in with the revelations of the
New Covenant text. In verse 11 of Matthew 11, we quickly switch to
Yôwnâthân the Immerser, and verse 12 heightens the confusion by
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incorporating a timeline "from the time of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until
now." That time is less than one year that Yahshua speaks of, and as we
proceed to verse 13 we again see the introduction of another important
Matthew 11:13 reveals a subject discussed in Malakyah, one that is the
crucial understanding of the phrase, "The Law and the prophets." We are
told that the Law and the prophets were the mandate to guide us "until
Yôwnâthân". There seems to be a change in the guard from ʼÊlîyâh to
Yôwnâthân, but no explanation of why, and what for? Verse 14 really upsets
the apple cart in that it has Yahshua the anointed telling all who would believe
that if they were "willing to accept it", that Yôwnâthân IS "the Elijah who was
to come." This was the fulfillment of verse 5 of Malʼâkîy chapter 4. Yahshua
goes even further by stating that it would only be for those "who have ears
to hear", that all he was expressing could be understood. We will speak
more on these with ears to hear later, but let's remind ourselves that we are
attempting to prove that Malʼâkîy prophesied the coming of the prophet man,
ʼÊlîyâh. Most of the Messianic movement stares at the empty chair every
Passover, waiting for the supposed prophecy to come to pass. They wait and
all the while preach, "One mind, one voice, one speech!", but then they fall
into fatal errors amongst each other. For instance if one brother says, "I have
ears to hear, and I am willing to receive that the Elijah who was to come is
and was Yôwnâthân the Immerser", then can another brother tell him, "No!"?
Can other brothers then say "Well for us, Elijah has not yet come, so in order
for the Kingdom of Heaven to be fulfilled, we must wait." Can these same
brothers actually negate the words of Yahshua himself, by telling those with
ears to hear, that Elijah has not come for them? Can they actually say, "Even
if you are willing to receive it, it still has not happened yet! The chair remains
empty."? As absurd as this may sound it's exactly what is happening amongst
the brethren. No unified minds, no unified voices, no unified speech. Is this
Yahweh's doing? Is He in fact the author of this confusion? Are Yahweh's
words to mankind incomplete and unknowable? Let's move to the next area
of Scripture and see what else transpires:
Matthew 17:10 "Then his (Yahshua's) disciples asked him, saying,
'Why (something seems contradictory to them) then do the scribes (whom
in fact are being referred to here?) say that Elijah must come first?'
17:11 Yahshua replied and said, (to the NIV version now) 'To be
sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.
17:12 But I tell you Elijah has already come, and they (who?) did
not recognize him, but they have done to him everything they wished. In
the same way, the Son of Man is going to suffer at their (whose?) hands.'
17:13 Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them
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about Yôwnâthân the Immerser."
Here again, we have pertinent matters that need resolution. In verse 10,
the disciples ask "why", in reference to the supposed coming of the man
Elijah, and it is what they are questioning that must be faced. Their "why" is
exposing apparent contradictions and those contradictions are carried forth
by the "scribes" of the current day. One should need to go no further than
verse 12 to realize the realm in which the scribes operate from. Let's allow
the words of Yahshua to help us along as we look at the multiple "woes" of
Matthew 23, verses 13 to 30: 23:13 But woe to you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites... 23:16 Woe to you blind guides... 23:17 Blind
fools... 23:27 white washed sepulchers... 23:30...killing the prophets. It is
these men who have and continue to make the claim that the man Elijah
"must come first." Are they to be trusted? They are in fact the very ones, the
multiple Judaic religions, that have taught the custom of the empty chair. Are
Yahshua's words to be taken as more valuable, more perfect?
The disciples are clear about Yahshua's words in verse 10 of Matthew
17, and their "why" is to question why the scribes are not clear. In verse 11,
once again, Yahshua states that "Elijah has already come." Again, we must
ask ourselves if division among the brethren is acceptable, as the entirety of
the debate speaks to whether or not the Kingdom itself can and has been
"fully preached". Yahshua is saying, "It has!", while others are saying, "It has
not!". Verse 12 is very telling in that it points out that, "they have done to
him everything they wanted." Those being spoken of, the "they", are the
scribes and Pharisees themselves. Those who still today claim that Elijah
must come.
Verse 13, as with verse 14 of Matthew chapter 11, again tells us that
the soul that is really being discussed is that of Yôwnâthân the Immerser, and
not ʼÊlîyâh, and that the disciples understood this. Confused? With only
Malʼâkîy chapter 4 of the Old Covenant to guide, is confusion not somewhat
warranted? Does it seem like a mystery, a mind parable that can never be
solved, and if so why are the Messianics so adamant about that empty chair
every Passover? And even more compelling, why are they teaching that the
"end times" cannot happen until the man Elijah takes that chair? Of the
thousands of chairs left open around the world at each Passover which chair
will the man actually sit in? How would thousands upon thousands who wait
actually come together with that one mind, one voice, and one speech to say,
"This is the right Elijah!"? What about the hundreds upon thousands who
have been "willing to see" that he has already come as Yahchanan? More
confused? Let's look at the last Scripture and see what transpires:
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Matthew 27:46 " And about the ninth hour Yahshua cried out with
a loud voice, saying, (using the NIV version) 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?'
(which means, 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?')"
27:47 When some of those standing there heard this (the 'Eli, Eli'),
they said, 'He's calling Elijah.
27:48 Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it
with vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink.
27:49 The rest said, now leave him alone. Let's see if Elijah comes
to save him.'"
Certainly you have noticed the difference between the NIV version,
which is very similar to most other versions available, and the other version I
offer herein. In this area of Scripture alone there are stark differences
between the two versions and in this many mysteries have yet to be revealed.
But we must wait for the view of the meta-physical physician, in order to
more deeply elaborate why the differences exist. For now we have been
specifically going with the Messianic view, using a very Christian translation,
the NIV, and establishing the potential that a man named Elijah is to appear,
and that a chair is left for him at every Passover. This coupled with the idea
that because Elijah the man has yet to show up in at least one chair, that the
prophesied fulfillment of the "Kingdom of Yahweh (Heaven)", remains
incomplete as well. In dealing with this last area of Scripture there is one
specific concept that will require your further attention, and it will be available
to you who would deem yourself as a serious seeker of the truths of
Yahweh's Kingdom. I have written the piece called "Bye God!", and it deals in
an exhaustive manner with a serious mistake most believers -- Messianic,
Christian, Meta-physical physician, Judaic, etc - stumble because of. Verse
46 of Matthew Chapter 27 above, could never be appropriately dissected
without the understandings gathered in "Bye God!". As a little precursor it
involves the grave mistake that most students fall into, most unknowingly, in
accepting the Hebrew word "el", which has the definition, "strength, might", is
appropriately translated as the word "God, god", upper or lower case being
In other words, and whether or not you have previously realized you
were doing so, to attempt to translate the word "el" as the word "God" is
100% a critical error and it is an error perpetrated on the masses by none
other than the scribes of old and new. So prevalent is it throughout history
that unfortunately brilliant works such as the "Strong's Exhaustive
Concordance" by James Strong LL.D, S.T.D, even fell prey. And now his
work perpetrates the travesty. "Bye God!" leaves no room for excuses, and I
would go so far as to say that to not understand the content of "Bye God!"
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would be to fail at any true and deep grasp of the meta-physical aspects of all
that we will be discussing herein. For now we look at the NIV version of
Matthew 27:46-49, again, and we extrapolate some more contradictions
which may have once again left you confused:
Verse 46 leaves no room for doubt that the "Eli, Eli" being discussed is
overwhelmingly believed to be a cry to "God". The very translation given
within the verse says "(which means, "My God, My God, why have you
forsaken me?”)"
Certainly the writer of the NIV version of the Scriptures believes the "Eli,
Eli," pertains to "God". If you were to explore the many other translations of
the Scriptures available you would find that roughly 99% of them assert the
same position; that it is the title "God" that Yahshua cries out to.
Verse 47 tells us that "some of those witnessing the crucifixion of
Yahshua claimed that he was "calling Elijah." The problem that arises should
be obvious at first glance, but for sure the veil remains for so many, and the
reason is specific. If I could be so bold I would include that you the reader,
have also accepted and put forth the idea that Yahshua was indeed speaking
about and to "God". I have yet to hear it argued that Yahshua was in fact
crying out to Elijah as the one forsaking him, and yet "some" say this is
exactly what he was doing at that time and place. At verse 49, after being
offered bitter vinegar, the souls then pause to "see if Elijah comes to save
him." The questions that must be answered and this within your own soul, are
relatively simple:
1. Is "God" a proper translation of the Hebrew word "el", which has
only ever meant "strength, might" in the Hebrew language?
2. Is Yahshua's words "Eli, Eli", that which prompts certain souls to
think he is crying out to Elijah the man?
3. Are Yahshua's words "Eli, Eli", irrelevant to why certain souls
believe, "He is calling Elijah?"
4. Why do 99% of the translations available for the Scriptures agree
that "Eli, Eli", is in reference to Yahshua crying out to "God"?
5. Why does verse 47 express the belief that, "He's calling Elijah"?
Why all the seeming confusion and how can all of it possibly come
together without a single contradiction amongst the brethren? There is much
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that can be said, but can we agree that we have utilized every Scripture
Yahweh offers in regards to the supposed second coming of the man Elijah?
We have looked at four specific areas of Scripture; one Old Covenant verse,
and three New Covenant verses that allude to Malʼâkîy.
And we did so attempting to uphold the idea that a seat should be left
open at each Passover, even though the idea of such is also a tradition of
men, not a command of Yahweh. Have we found that Scripture upholds that
idea? Do we think we can tell Yahshua, "Even though you say he
(ʼÊlîyâh/Yôwnâthân) has already come, and really as Yôwnâthân the
Immerser, we say he has not; the chair remains empty!"? And how did we get
from ʼÊlîyâh to Yôwnâthân, and why? And what does the idea of, "The Law
and the prophets", "up until Yahchanan" even matter even though it is
specifically referenced in both Covenants?
Are we there yet? Have we agreed that due to the ample confusion that
seems to be within the Scriptures regarding ʼÊlîyâh the man, that we are left
divided within? For those "willing to receive it", he has come, but as
Yôwnâthân. For those without "ears to hear", he has yet to come, and the
"Kingdom of Heaven" therefore remains undone, not fully preached. Is this
the one mind, one voice, one speech, of unity in the faith? There is a perfect
answer loved one. There is an answer that without changing or butchering a
single scripture, exposes the positions we have discussed, and brings total
conformity and clarity to the four areas of Scripture we have begun to explore.
It's actually quite simple and yet, as this reader and writer has experienced, it
seems fitting to Yahweh that the veil remains over the minds of so many. He
has said, "The things of Yahweh are mentally discerned", but He has taught
that the veils remain due to the "hardness" of the minds of the many. When
"self" will and desire supercedes humility before the Throne in one's
conscience, confusion (Bâbel) is always the commanded result!
A quick word to the Christian group mentioned herein. It may seem like
there has not been much discussed about your viewpoint on this matter and
the reason, if you have the humility to receive, is because Christianity as a
whole is clueless about the traditions of Yahweh, for His chosen people. If
you have forsaken the Law and the prophets, and particularly His Feasts, for
pagan customs such as Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, pick-a-day
Sabbaths, and sadly even Halloween, your lack of vision has a sure end:
perishing. As per verses like Hôwshêäʽ (Hosea) 4:6 and Proverbs 29:18, it is
not those outside the family of Yahweh that He speaks to of perishing, but
rather for the lack of vision (synonymous with a hardened mind), "My people
perish!" Just like in the wilderness after the exodus, many of His own will
perish for their refusal to obey the commands, creating their own form of
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 13 of
laws, statutes and judgments; your own traditions stemming from the mind
ruled by the "self" will. The debate at hand is whether or not we do in fact
agree that the prophesies of Malʼâkîy chapter 4 have been fulfilled as of this
present time on earth? The Messianics as a whole have a seat at the game in
that they are even considering the extreme value of the scriptures being
discussed, but if you are a self-prescribed Christian and find yourself thinking,
"I've never even heard of an empty seat being left at Passover. As a matter of
fact, I am not even sure about what the Passover fully entails and how it
might even apply to me?", then let it be known today that you lack serious
vision! Fear not though loved one, for He has given us each day as a day of
mental salvation! Today you can repent (mentally turn back) and be healed.
For those of you who may not classify yourself in any particular
“denomination", where do you stand on the issue at hand? Having come this
far have you more firmly established any previously held position, or perhaps
are you more confused than ever? I have said a few times up to this point,
"one mind, one voice, one speech," for the simple reason that the totality of
the Scriptures speaks to such. Unity of the faith is no less than every single
true believer operating in the will of Yahweh alone! There is no "my thoughts
and ideas and your thoughts and ideas", as we follow the command of
Yahshua, who always decreed, "Not my will but Thy will be done, Mighty
Yahweh." If you have "chosen" to believe in a philosophy that supports a "To
each his own" mentality, or as horrific, "Let's agree to disagree," then I state
emphatically, you are in danger of perishing! Remeber the prescribed remedy
that was just offered.
Now it's time to explore the views of the meta-physical physician. To be
clear on what is being said the following comments have been offered as to
exactly what meta-physics is: "One skilled in the science of being; a student
and teacher of the Laws of the Mind." Another expression that helps is, "The
effects of words, which are spoken thoughts, is the science of life." In order to
better introduce myself as the writer it behooves me to say that I myself am
comfortable classifying myself as a meta-physical physician. I believe it is one
of the premier gifts I have been given by Yahweh, through the life of his Son
Yahshua, by the whisper of His Ruach Ammah. I have written an exhaustive
commentary on the Torah (Genesis, Exodus Leviticus, Numbers, and
Deuteronomy) titled "The Meta-physically Expanded Torah (M.E.T.)." In short,
the M.E.T. is a look at the Kingdom of Yahweh (Heaven) from a purely mental
standpoint. For many of you it would be a complete paradigm shift in logic, for
others it would fill in the gaps and apparent inconsistencies you have
struggled with in regards to the uniformity and reality of the Scriptures.
Some of you will never grasp it and I again point to the process in which
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 14 of
one's mind is sealed off from truth. As a writer, I intend to focus most on
reaching those who have been utterly blinded to mental realities. If I can
succeed at bringing profound mysteries into simple understandings, then I
have reached out to every man according to his need, no? With this brief
introduction I will now, after having previously confessed that I do not believe
any of the scriptures we have explored are talking about the man ʼÊlîyâh,
make some bold statements to peak your interest. And then of course I will
prove my claims:
1. The Kingdom of Heaven (Yahweh) was not and is not ever intended to
reflect physical life; life of flesh and blood!
2. The entirety of what has been discussed thus far, in the four areas of
Scripture highlighted, all speaks to "strength"; a matter of the internal
conscience, and not ʼÊlîyâh or Yôwnâthân as physical men!
3. The "Law and the prophets" is the "strength of Yahweh", and that is
what all of the Scriptures we have approached speak to!
4. Because you are so accustomed to everything seemingly being about
physical flesh life, you are in serious danger of being completely
unprepared for ALL end times prophecy.
5. The Kingdom of Heaven will only be FULLY understood and realized,
before Yahshua's return, by the 144,000 of the book of Revelation!
At the beginning of this body of work I gave you two Scriptures to keep
in mind. One from Matthew 10:7 and another from Matthew 24:14. Speaking
first on the latter, it is the context that must be fully elaborated upon: "And
this message of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world by the
one who bears witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." A
simple reading of chapter 24 of Matthew would reveal what both Christianity
and the Messianic movement as a whole agree upon. The setting is speaking
of what is commonly known as the "end times", or the "end days". Quite
literally, it would be the manifestations of the prophetic book of Revelation,
come to pass. The four areas of Scripture we are exploring also directly relate
to this time as "The great and dreadful day of Yahweh." So the belief that
what is to be perceived as the return of a man named Elijah, or the "strength
of Yahweh" returning in its fullness, seems to be an event during these end
times on earth, no? But then of course those who are "willing to receive it",
can claim that it was for the times of Yôwnâthân the Immerser, as Yahshua
himself said that Yôwnâthân was the fulfillment of Malʼâkîy chapter 4.
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And if that were so then it's not really an "end times" prophecy per se,
but one fulfilled during the life and death and resurrection of Yahshua, as
Yôwnâthân died before Yahshua.
Confusion, confusion, confusion! And the reason is, and back to my
premise, the “Kingdom of Heaven (Yahweh)” is a state of consciousness: a
state of mind and NOT a physical manifestation of a physical Kingdom. As we
begin our journey I would like to request that you allow me to mainly focus on
the words of Yahshua and Shâʼûwl (Paul) of the New Covenant, with the
understanding that the words of Môsheh and his writings would uphold
everything being taught. Remember that it is Yahshua himself who linked the
Covenants intimately together, and for all time. And now for some scriptures:
Matthew 6:33 -- "But seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all
these things shall be added to you."
Luke 17:20-21 -- "Once, when the Pharisees demanded to know
when the Kingdom of Yahweh would come, Yahshua answered and
said, 'The Kingdom of Yahweh does not come with observation; neither
will they say, Look here! or; Look there!, for behold, the Kingdom of
Yahweh is within you.'”
John 18:36 -- "Yahshua answered, 'My Kingdom is not of this
world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight,
so that I would not be handed over to the Yahdaim; but now, My
Kingdom is not from here.'”
And now a few words from Shaul:
Romans 14:17 -- "For the Kingdom of Yahweh is not food and
drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Mind."
I Corinthians 4:20 -- "For the Kingdom of Yahweh is not in talk but
in power."
I Corinthians 15:50 -- "Now I say this brothers, 'Flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh, neither does corruption inherit
Now there are many many more scriptures that help define the
Kingdom of Heaven, and the research of those is your work to do. What
needed to and has been experienced by Yahshua and Paul, is the premise
that the Kingdom being spoken of is NOT a physical Kingdom! It is and has
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 16 of
always been about states of mind, matters of the conscience, for it is in the
conscience that we are told Yahweh's Temple exists, and this for chosen
souls only. The totality of the Scriptures would affirm that the idea of the
Kingdom of Heaven "coming upon you", is no less than the complete
takeover of one's conscience, one's will, that is being revealed. No more
"flesh vs Mind"! No more separate wills! No more consciousness of sin!
(Hebrews 9:14 & 10:21) This is a return to the “garden” for the literal "do
over", in which souls will no longer attempt to eat (mentally digest) from that
which is forbidden, but rather only consume that which has been approved
via the command of Yahweh. The Kingdom of Yahweh coming upon you, if
you have endured to the end of your "self", is no less than perfection: a mind
that has become One with Yahweh's mind! We will discuss this more but for
now let's get on to point #2, which will greater expound on every point being
made herein.
#2. The entirety of what has been discussed thus far, in the four areas
of Scripture highlighted, all speaks to the "strength of Yahweh", a matter of
the internal conscience, and not ʼÊlîyâh or Yôwnâthân, as physical men:
Let's go first to the area of Scripture we have explored at Matthew
27:46-49. I gave you two differing translations that should have been
apparent if you were fully engaged. The cry of Yahshua is the first area we
want to dissect as it tells much of the mystery at hand. At verse 46, we have
seen the statement written two different ways:
A) "Eli! Eli! lamah ozabatniy?" which means: "My strength! My
strength! Why have you forsaken me?" And:
B) "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" Which means, "My God, My God,
why have you forsaken me?"
Having previously discussed my work "Bye God!", an exhaustive study
of the Hebrew word "el" and the pagan words "God", "Lord", etc., and having
made that available to you, I will not be attempting to rewrite that body of
work herein. The bottom line is that those void of the Mind -- the scribes and
Pharisees of the Old and New Covenants and those of today -- have both
purposely and ignorantly altered the exact and specific definition of the
Hebrew word "el". The deception has been perpetrated for so long that even
the acclaimed work of James Strong, "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance", fell
prey and followed suit. "El" means "strength" and even "might". In the Hebrew
tongue -- and therefore the books of Môsheh -- no other option is available as
for possible definitions. El is especially NOT two words "God" or "god", words
that do not even exist in the Hebrew language. The appropriate translation of
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 17 of
version "B": "Eli, Eli..." would also be "My strength, my strength..." As I said
before, in both Christianity as a whole and the Messianic movement as a
whole, I have never heard it argued that Yahshua was calling out to “Elijah”
the man. It has always been said that he was calling out to Yahweh, or
erroneously, "God". And it is to Yahweh that many have believed Yahshua
cried, "Why have you forsaken me?" Now at verse 47 the past deceptions of
the scribes and Pharisees rears its ugly head in that the onlookers quickly
revert to the bad doctrines they have been taught. They believe the "Eli, Eli..."
was a cry to the prophet Elijah, even unto verse 49, where they wait upon the
prophet man to "come save him." Do you agree Christian? How about you
Messianic? Is it really "God" Yahshua is crying to?
Is it Elijah the man who Yahshua says has "forsaken" him? Would
Yahshua ever place his salvation in the hope and supposed power of a man,
prophet or otherwise? Or is it perhaps his own “strength/might" that has
forsaken him in his moment of mental doubt?
Let's now go back to Malʼâkîy, and let's get meta-physical! Before we do
we need to remind ourselves that this work would express and has, that in
order to have absolute truth all of the New Covenant verses must coincide
with any and all Old Covenant verses in order to have truth. It has also been
stated that in regards to what you once might have thought was “Elijah the
man”, and perhaps might not have considering is the "strength in one's
conscience”, that is what is being discussed. Either way, only Malʼâkîy 4 of
the Old Covenant speaks to this issue.
At the very beginning of this work I gave what I believe to be the
accurate translation of the Hebraic text of Malʼâkîy 4. If you have convinced
yourself that the utter contradictions that have disunified those who claim
"belief" are not that serious, that they are actually okay, then there is no way
you will grasp what will take some serious mental expansion. It is this writer's
strong view that of all the patterns that are taught by the Law and the
prophets, as embodied in the soul of Yahshua, none is more important than
the connection between obedience and how obedience alone brings the
wisdom and knowledge of Yahweh into one's mind. This means that
disobedience is proven through the lack of wisdom and knowledge in one's
mind. Time spent with Yahweh in study, prayer and petition, will affirm all that
I am about to express. Bold? Perhaps, but nevertheless it's yours to own:
Malʼâkîy 4:1 "For behold (mentally grasp), the day (mental
destruction, complete reprobation for fallen minds) comes that will burn
(mentally consume); and all the proud (arrogant thoughts, arrogant minds),
yes all who do (think) wickedly, will be stubble (mental refuse; void of
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 18 of
Yahweh's Mind) -- the day (full realization of wickedness) that comes (via
predetermined time) will burn them (arrogant thoughts, arrogant minds) up
(total consumption), says Yahweh of hosts (the "mass" of right thoughts in
the conscience); and it (the time of giving thoughts, and therefore minds,
over to complete reprobation) will leave them (doomed thoughts, doomed
minds) neither root (thought streams of Yahshua) nor branch (the 12 tribes,
or 12 mental faculties reborn). 4:2 But for you (redeemed thoughts,
redeemed minds) who reverence (mentally revere) My Name (conscience
countenance of Yahweh), the light (internal beacon in the conscience) of
righteousness (right thinking) will arise (consciously elevate) with healing
in its wings (the totality of all mental boundaries being covered); and you
will go out (into all thought plains) leaping like calves (well rounded
inspiration) from the stall (former inhibitions). 4:3 And you will tread
(consciously control and destroy) the wicked (reprobate thoughts within) for
they (wicked thoughts) will be like ashes (refuse) under the soles (balance)
of your feet (mental stability) in the day I do this, says Yahweh of hosts
(the totality of thoughts in one's conscience). 4:4 Remember the Law (mind
patterns) of Môsheh (the conscience that "draws out" mental truths) My
servant (mental bondservant), which I commanded (no "personal choices")
through him (the conscience drawing out truths) in Horeb (the place where
a conscience goes through a mental "drought") for all Israel ("thoughts ruled
by and for Yahweh"; the 12 mental faculties within each conscience: praise,
zeal, order, judgment, strength, power, life, hearing, unity, imagination, will &
understanding, faith; all represented by the tribes/branches); the statutes
(mind appointments; "feasts" for the mind) and judgments (specific "verdicts"
in the renewed conscience). Behold (mentally grasp!), I will send (into
consciousness) the Law (Mind patterns) and the prophets (mental
inspirations); the strength of Yahweh ("Eli") before (in advance of, for those
with "ears to hear") the coming (mental manifestation of the great (all
consuming) and dreadful (weeping and gnashing thoughts)) day of Yahweh;
4:6 And it (the day wicked thoughts and wicked consciouses are judged
eternally) will turn the hearts ("center of intellect"; the mind) of the fathers
(dominant thoughts) to the children (innocence, purity, naivety) and the
hearts (minds) of the children to the fathers (stability & surety in the
conscience); before (it will be "fully preached" in the conscience of those with
"ears to hear") I come and strike the earth (mind of man, unredeemed) with
a curse (eternally damned conscience)."
Time coupled with prayer and study, heals all ignorance. The true meta-
physical meaning of each and every verse given in Torah, the minor
prophets, and the Psalms and Proverbs, is found in a very simple manner.
Define Hebrew words with the Hebrew language! This little secret, though a
profound mystery to so many, that the Hebrew language always speaks of
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 19 of
matters of the conscience, the Kingdom within, and never about physical
(flesh and blood) life, is the key that unlocks all revelations (and the book of
Revelation of course)! Yes, the manifestations of the mind do at times
physically appear, but only as a "shadow" of the true intent, which always
deals with Yahweh's Temple within each chosen soul. Remember Yahshua's
words: "The Kingdom is within you!" And also of Shaul: "Flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh." If you fail to see the internal
matter of it first you will be far too late to "survive" in the physical realm. Read
that last sentence again! And then again! We will speak on this again, but let
us now take a specific look at verses 4, 5 and 6, for they contain secrets
elaborated upon in our New Covenant verses that we have been dissecting,
and they will begin to remove all doubt and confusion about exactly what is
being stated.
At verse 4, Yahweh, through Malʼâkîy (thoughts "delivered by
Yahweh"), begins to unveil a mystery. Did I cause you to have a mental
check here? Does that fact that I purport the idea that Malʼâkîy ("delivered by
Yahweh") seems to be a man, but yet I have claimed that ʼÊlîyâh and
Yôwnâthân are not men being discussed, cause confusion? Let me then
explain, and we will then proceed with verses 4, 5 and 6.
Every man is representative of a thought or even multiple thoughts; a
body of thinking. The Hebraic intent is that we actually understand each
soul's "giftings" from Yahweh, as that soul's mental gifting or mental
capacities within the conscience as a whole. Adam ("red, blood"; carnal
thoughts leading to carnality), Noah ("rest"; peaceful, secure thoughts in the
conscience), Ham ("hot, burned"; dark thoughts in the conscience), David
("boil"; thoughts of love and praise in the conscience), Goliath ("revealing,
exile"; self grandeur and self reliant thoughts in the conscience), Yahshua
("Yahweh saves"; the conscience that continually produces the mandate, "Not
my thoughts but Thy thoughts be done!"), Judas ("confessions"; the
conscience destroyed by materialism in the thought plain). And on and on
and on it goes! Each soul represents a realm of thought and thinking, that the
conscience as a whole must root out and perfect; Yahshua (“Yahweh saves”)
being the chief (head) part of consciousness.
You would do well to consider that the "inherit" Paul was referring to,
speaks to "mentally inheriting" the Kingdom within; the place that Yahweh
dwells (His "Tabernacle, Sanctuary, Temple" within the soul) in reference to
redeemed minds.
Now in regards to verses 4 through 6 of Malʼâkîy it is imperative that
one discerns whether or not the verses are in fact discussing the physical
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 20 of
man ʼÊlîyâh (which means "strength of Yahweh"), or if in fact it is not
discussing a man, but rather the literal "strength of Yahweh" within one's
conscience. The zeal, fortitude, truth, compassion, wisdom, knowledge,
discernment, everything that embodies Yahweh's strength within one's mind.
The power upon which one transforms his inner being and soul.
Verse 4 -- "Remember the Law of Môsheh My servant..." What the
conscience being "delivered by Yahweh" (Malʼâkîy) is expressing, is the
command to always keep the Law (Mind patterns) on the forefront of all
thinking. "The statutes and judgments..." The feast cycle and the proper
rulings for perfected thoughts are also commanded to be on the forefront of
Verse 5 -- "Behold, I will send the Law and the prophets; the
strength of Yahweh, before..." This is the crucial place that will need your
attention, your meditation, and your prayers before the Throne in your
conscience; Yahweh's Tabernacle.
Here is where one must decide either "what" or "whom" is being
discussed. Remember this is the only Old Covenant text that speaks to a
future coming that is reaffirmed with our three New Covenant scriptures. I
emphatically state to you that the very thing Yahweh, through the conscience
being "delivered", is saying will come, is the fullness of the "Law and the
prophets", which is the "strength of Yahweh" in the soul.
Every verse we are dealing with speaks to this and not a man ʼÊlîyâh,
nor a man Yôwnâthân. We are dealing with the spiritual fulfillment of all that
the Law and the prophets embodied, in order to renew and eventually fully
save chosen souls. The Law and the prophets are the "El Yahweh" being
discussed; the strength of Yahweh in the conscience of redeemed souls.
Verse 6 -- "And will turn the hearts of the fathers to the
children...the children to their fathers..." This is about mental restoration
within the conscience of redeemed, chosen souls. "Before I come to strike
the earth with a curse." This is the beginning of Yahweh's wrath upon
wicked thoughts which lead to wicked minds. This is the beginning of the
giving over of complete mental reprobation to those who have not the Temple
of Yahweh within. The cursed earth (the “firmly” held to fallen thought plain) is
the cursed conscience of reprobate souls.
#3. The "Law and the prophets" is the "strength of Yahweh”, and that is
what all of the Scriptures we have approached speak to:
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Having just made the bold declaration that the book of Malʼâkîy chapter
4, was not and is not talking about the man, the prophet ʼÊlîyâh, we will now
go into the New Covenant verses previously explored and we do so with new
thoughts and ideas. Can we take a quick look at a verse in the book of
Hebrews ("belonging to Eber"; Eber - "passed over"; the soul that has been
forgiven), to help mentally align you some more:
Hebrews 10:16 "This is the Covenant (unilateral Mind contract upheld
by Yahweh alone) that I will renew (make mentally manifest) with them
(chosen souls) after those (all of the internal struggles towards a unified
mind with Yahweh) days, says Yahweh: I will put My Laws (Mind patterns)
into their hearts (center of intellect), in their minds I will write (mentally
inscribe) them. 10:17 Then (after I perfect them), their sins (former
rebellions in thought) and iniquities (willful discretion) I will remember no
more. 10:18 Now where (in the conscience of course) there is remission
(mental cleansing) of these (mental transgressions), there is no longer an
offering (required propitiation) for sin."
The idea that both Covenants had and have one specific goal is not
heavily contested among those who claim faith. The key herewith is the true
reality of the "what?" of Yahweh's modus operandi in perfecting the minds of
chosen children. It has been and will always be the "Law and the prophets",
until Yahshua the anointed fulfilled the Law and the prophets, thus becoming
the embodiment of the Law and the prophets. Mind you, Yahshua's strength
was the Law and the prophets; the very Mind patterns that guided his entire
conscience. As we will soon discover, he at his weakest moment, thought that
the totality of the Law and the prophets had "forsaken" him; that everything
might have just been a grand deception about existence itself.
Matthew 11:10 "For this (mental manifestation) is he (the thought)
about whom it is written (inscribed on the conscience being "delivered"):
'Behold (mentally tune in), I will send My messenger ("malak"; thoughts
placed into the minds of redeemed souls), and he (the specific thought) will
prepare the way (narrow mind path) before you (the culmination of a
"congregation" of thoughts). 11:11 "Truly I say to you: Among those
(thoughts) who are born of women (the "understanding" side of the
conscience), there has arisen (consciously appeared) none which is
greater (more important) than Yôwnâthân ("Yahweh has given"; the
realization the mental salvation is a gift to chosen souls) the Immerser
(thoughts immersed in the reality that salvation is a gift); but he (the thought)
who is least (humble) in the Kingdom (King's Dome; Yahweh in the
conscience) of Yahweh is greater (through mental effort) than he (the gift).
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 22 of
11:12 And from the time (mental season) of Yôwnâthân the Immerser until
now (the time for full salvation), the Kingdom of Yahweh has been
advancing (overtaking the whole conscience) forcefully (through suffering,
unto perfection), and forceful (thoughts) men lay hold of it (mental
perfection). 11:13 For all the prophets (thought stimulants) and the Law
(mind patterns) prophesied (resounded in the conscience) until (up to the
time of) Yôwnâthân (when the perfected conscience and the "gifting" of it is
announced and now made available through Yahshua; again in Hebrews,
verses 39 and 40 of chapter 11: "And all of these (thoughts leading to
Yahchanan and Yahshua), having obtained a righteous (right thinking)
report through the faith, have not received the promise (mental
perfection). Yahweh having provided some better thing (advanced
wisdom and understanding of the Law and the prophets), that they (not yet
mature thoughts), without us (matured thoughts, would not be made (by
gifting) perfect)). 11:14 And if you are willing to accept (fully realize) it, this
(the gifting and fulfillment of the Law and the prophets within, leading to a
saved mind) is the STRENGTH OF YAHWEH which was (as per the mind
being "delivered"; Malʼâkîy) to come. 11:15 He who has ears
(understanding) to hear (comprehend), let him hear."
Matthew 17:10 "Then his disciples (disciplined thoughts) asked him
(the sinless conscience), saying, 'Why then do the Scribes (carnally
celebrated thoughts) say that Elijah (the scribes purport a physical man is
being discussed rather than the strength of Yahweh in the conscience) must
come (physically appear) first (before minds can be perfected)? 17:11
Yahshua answered them (the disciplined thoughts) and said, 'The strength
of Yahweh (El Yahweh) will come and restore (mentally renew) all things
(mind matters). 17:12 But I say to you; the strength of Yahweh has come
(it is in the gifting of his sacrificed life, announced by Yôwnâthân), and they
(reprobate thoughts) did to him (the gifting of the embodiment of the Law
and the prophets in the conscience) whatever they please (ignorant refusal).
In the same way, the Son (builder) of Man (the conscious soul) will suffer
(mental anguish) at their hands (mental graspings).' 17:13 Then the
disciples understood that he spoke (resounded in the conscience) to them
about Yôwnâthân (the gifting of the Law and the prophets into the
conscience of chosen souls) the Immerser."
One of the most common questions that a meta-physical physician
deals with in regards to fully expressing what is meant when statements like,
"It's never about the physical world!", are made as such: "If none of the Law
and the prophets is written to express physical people and physical life are
you saying that none of these men or places existed in the past, that it's all
just symbolism?" The truth of the matter is that some very important verses
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 23 of
are specifically symbolic; talking snakes and donkeys, while most of it did and
does physically manifest. The huge problem most believers are not even
aware of is that they are so focused on all of it being about physical life, they
miss almost the entirety of what is being taught about the Kingdom of
Yahweh; the Kingdom within! You the reader, believe that all of it was to help
aide you in "physical life here on earth", and nothing can be further from the
truth. To fail to understand that every single Scripture is speaking to states of
mind and processes of thought, is to fail at point 5 which we will be discussing
soon. To fail at the Kingdom within is to fail at being able to decipher what
portions of scripture will physically manifest, and to
therefore perish.
In the above scriptures from Matthew 17, it is the carnally based
thoughts (the scribe within each soul) that assume it must be a physical
manifestation; either ʼÊlîyâh or Yôwnâthân, rather than a mental manifestation,
the strength of Yahweh in one's conscience. This is why there is much
confusion in the perception of the Scriptures! Think about it like this: For the
many who wait for a physical chair to be sat in by a man named Elijah, the
fact that it is not speaking of a physical matter but a mental matter, that seat
will never be filled! Consider just one aspect of how that would cause many to
be unprepared in even the physical realm. All of the prophecy that seems to
“wait” upon the physical man Elijah is completely misconstrued, missed! We
will discuss more on the ramification of this crucial mistake in a bit, but it must
be settled within each soul in order for the further clarity to come, or not. In
Matthew 17 one can prayerfully see how Yahshua points to mental patterns,
while fully aware of the ignorance that resides among him. We already
discussed the massive confusion caused in regards to believing that it's either
the man ʼÊlîyâh or the man Yôwnâthân. If it is in fact an internal matter of the
conscience being discussed, and if that matter is to describe that the
"strength of Yahweh" in one's conscience, a full mental understanding of the
Law and the prophets, and that Yôwnâthân represents the "gifting" of this
knowledge and the strength derived from it, then we have zero contradictions
in Scripture! Let's go on to our last area of Scripture:
Matthew 27:46 "And about the ninth (9 is the number of "upright
man", who has achieved to perfection all 9 fruits of the Mind; Galatians 5:22-
23) Yahshua cried out (into consciousness) with a loud voice (internal
language), saying, 'Eli! ("my strength"; i.e., the Law and the prophets), Eli!
lannah (left my conscience) !', which means: My strength (Law and the
prophets and all that was required and promised)! My strength (Torah, minor
prophets, Psalms, Proverbs)! Why have you (written words of Yahweh)
forsaken me?' 27:47 Some who stood (defiant thoughts) there, when they
heard (carnally understood, being stuck in materiality), said, 'He calls for
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Elijah (the physical man who was in no way Yahshua's sole source of
strength)! 27:48 Then immediately, one of them (reprobate thoughts) ran
and took a sponge (all that was contained in the carnal conscience), filled
with vinegar (the harsh bitterness of the "self" will); placed it on a reed
(corrupted mental branch), and gave it (all of man's sin in the conscience) to
drink (digest). 27:49 The rest said, 'Leave him alone (without any source
but Yahweh)! Let us see if Elijah (a man) will come to save (physically, not
mentally) him.'"
The commentary alone should allow you to begin the process of inner
renewal, allowing you to leave behind old thought paradigms, stretching into
new realities. Considering that this meta-physical physician perceives the
entirety of the Scriptures as a journey into the mind of every soul, individually,
this presentation was not intended to cause one to think beyond what is to be
expected with the paradigm shifts, but that a process would begin. What
needed to be accomplished can be and will be summed up in our final two
#4. Because you are so accustomed to everything, seemingly, being
about physical flesh life, you are in serious danger of being completely
unprepared for ALL end times prophecy:
"Thy thoughts precede thy physical actions!" If you would consider what
is true, that before anything manifests in your physical world, it is first borne
forth within the world of consciousness, then you would do well to always
remember this premier pattern. Thoughts in the mind then have the option of
becoming spoken words in the physical realm, which then manifest into
further physical happenings. "And the word (spoken thoughts) become
flesh (“raw”) and dwelt (both consciously then physically) among us (minds
perceiving physical life)." From the beginning of another created concept
called "time", Yahweh spoke forth the words of thoughts that had
predetermined everything before physical manifestations began. "Let there
be light!" Where things need to be meditated upon and further pondered, is
the true reality that the allowance for physical appearances is NEVER what is
truly being discussed or expressed within the totality of the Scriptures. "Then
Yahweh said (revealing His thoughts), I will make man (builders) in My
image (?), according to My likeness.'”
The Scriptures are very clear that "Yahweh is Mind", yet so many
claiming faith fail to uphold this truth when discussing exactly what "image"
Yahweh speaks to when creating man. The "Mental image" is the likeness of
Yahweh that set the standard for His thoughts and ideas about His creation.
The "man" is the actual Hebrew word "ʼâdam", and it's meaning is "show
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blood". A little more research would reveal that Yahweh has said that, "life is
in the blood", and with prayer and meditation, coupled with obedience and
study, one would come to realize that each man is a force of frequency, a
realm of thought. When Yahweh "made man in His image", He was
discussing His Mind and therefore His thoughts, being housed in other souls.
The fact that the "life force" of man became seductively wicked has been
revealed to us in the fall of ʼâdam. The fall of man is when man's conscience
rejected the idea that it was to only obey commands, and deceived itself into
believing it could "choose" rather than obey. This deception has and will
continue until the appointed time we are discussing, the end days. Until then
this massive deception will carry on the same terms offered but the scribes of
old, couched under the title of "free will" (see “Simplicity Best”).
Yahweh is not and was not ever a physical man, and for you Christians
who have so easily allowed certain doctrines to guide you, you would do very
well to seek out the "who, when, where, what, why and how" of the malicious
doctrine commonly known as the "Trinity of God". Yahweh is Mind and His
Image is how He thinks!
In regards to the timeline of the verses of Malʼâkîy and Mattîthyâh, let
there be no doubt that it certainly does speak to what we have already
described as the “end times”, or, “end of the age”. If one perceives scripture
as "rules for physical life on earth," and "stories of things that physically
happened and that will happen", then it will be far too late to catch up once
the end times actually visit this physical world; this place of shadows.
Heading to the premier book regarding end times doctrine, let's seek wisdom
from Revelation and reveal the difference between a purely mental
perspective of the Scriptures (the meta-physical physician's way), and the
more common approach, that everything in scripture speaks about physical
life until one's physical death.
It should be very compelling to you that the entirety of the book of
Revelation was in fact a mental vision: "I, Yôwnâthân (the conscience being
"gifted" with truth) who am also your brother (co-faculty in the conscience of
the chosen) and fellow partaker in tribulation (the suffering of the
conscience that is necessary for the perfecting of the entire soul), and in the
Kingdom (King's dome; Yahweh's Temple within chosen souls) and patient
endurance (mental stamina) of Yahshua ("Yahweh saves" fallen minds) the
Messiah ("anointed" thinker), was on the island (mental seclusion) of
Patmos ("mortal"; the inner reality of the inevitable destruction of carnal
thinking), on account of the word (the Law and the prophets embodied in
Yahshua) of Yahweh; and the testimony (a mind in unison with the Law and
the prophets) of Yahshua the Messiah. I was in the Mind (the true thoughts
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of the true Kingdom) on the Day (illumination of Yahweh's wrath against all
wickedness in thought) of Yahweh..." (Revelation 1:9-10) Would it be safe
for you to acknowledge that Yôwnâthân understood true patterns of the
mental Kingdom, and that it was the only Kingdom being discussed, that had
it actually happened during his physical life he would have been well
prepared? Because the scriptures we have been studying specifically point to
the book of Revelation it is necessary to show you that the entire book follows
suit, in that it speaks specifically to matters of the thought world, regarding
both chosen and nonchosen souls. It is not my intent to show you the entire
meta-physical aspects of Revelation, though be comforted that I could, but
merely to open new doors within your mind that will send you on your own
journey of discovery. I will pull out some pieces at the beginning of Revelation
simply to prove a point, and to help you get started as well:
Starting at Revelation Chapter 1 and carrying on to Chapter 3 is a
discussion regarding the "seven congregations". If you have previously read
these three chapters I would venture to say that questions have formed in
your mind: "What 'church' am I most connected to?" or "What is the purpose
of these seven churches in the end?" or "What churches do these represent
today, and how do we know what to do about it?" and perhaps even, "How is
it that all of these churches will unify in the end, under the commanded
mandate, 'One mind, one voice, one speech'?" Do you recognize that all of
these thought processes and the many more like them are all focused on
mainly physical understandings? Was Yôwnâthân's mental vision about
physical matters? Let's now look at it with a Kingdom perspective:
The Hebrew word for "congregation" is mô'ēd מוער (mo-ed'). The
definition is "appointment". This is the same exact Hebrew word used to
describe the "Feasts" of Yahweh. From the Hebraic meaning we find our
intent as well, the intent of the mental Kingdom. The "congregations" are
"mind feasts", "appointed" by Yahweh as dominating thoughts placed into the
minds of His elect His Temple within those chosen minds. Like Passover,
Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles and other "Feasts", these are specifically
appointed times (mind seasons) for the Mind of Yahweh to be released within
the consciences of chosen souls, for very specific purposes of Yahweh's.
So in Revelation chapters 1 through 3, we have "seven congregations".
Seven is the Hebrew number for "completion", and therefore we can see that
what is being expressed is the "complete constructs of mental awareness of
Yahweh." The seven congregations (gathering of all thoughts) represent the
seven Minds of Yahweh: wisdom, understanding, counsel,
governmental authority, power, knowledge and reverence of Yahweh.
Let's get more specific so that it has its full impact on your conscience. Let's
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really look at the seven congregations within:
1. The congregation (gathered thoughts) of Ephesus ("desirable,
appealing"; this is the "Mind of wisdom in the conscience"); the first
lamp within each chosen soul; the first lamp of the physical Menorah.
2. The congregation of Smyrna ("myrh, fragrant"; this is the "Mind of
understanding"); the second lamp within the soul; the second lamp of
3. The congregation (mind appointment; feast) of Pergamos ("strongly
united, closely knit"; this is the "Mind of counsel"); the third lamp within
the soul; the third lamp of the Menorah.
4. The congregation of Thyatirce ("burning, incense"; this is the "Mind of
governmental authority"); the fourth lamp within the soul; the fourth
lamp of the Menorah.
5. The congregation of Sardis ("precious stone, joyous"; this is the "Mind
of power"); the fifth lamp within the soul; fifth lamp of the Menorah.
6. The congregation of Philedelphia ("brotherly love; this is the "Mind of
knowledge"); the sixth lamp within the soul; sixth lamp of the Menorah.
7. The congregation (mental appointment, mind feast) of Laudicia
("justice, judgment"; this is the "Mind of the reverence of Yahweh in the
conscience"); the seventh lamp within each chosen soul; the seventh
lamp of the physical Menorah.
Have we begun to prick your soul? Has something already begun to
transpire within your processes of thought that at the very least has caused a
knowing, the reality of new doors and what waits behind them? What has
been, and quite quickly I might add, done in a few written sentences that
should have disrupted all former processes of thought, can be done with
every single word of the Scriptures. Is it any wonder that Yahshua (the saved
mind of Yahweh) said, "Because it has been given ( Yôwnâthân within each
soul) to you (chosen minds) to know the great secrets of the Kingdom of
Yahweh, but to them (reprobate minds) it has not been given... That is
why I speak (consciously resound) to them (wicked thoughts, wicked minds)
in parables (mental by words), because seeing (consciously perceiving)
they do not see, and hearing (consciously understanding), they do not
hear, they do not understand (stand under the truth)." (Matthew 13:10-13)
Every single scripture speaking of what has and is transpiring, and what has
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and is commanded in the entire thought plain. The physical aspects being a
mere shadow, or "after affect" of thought world. With a proper view (mental, of
course), one can clearly see and perfectly understand how all seven
congregations reside within each chosen soul. In order to be exalted in
consciousness, one needs to take full responsibility for this Mental reality! No
longer will you be wondering, "What church or churches do I fit into?", and
this physically of course, but that you are responsible for all congregating
thoughts within your soul. The "strength of Yahweh" was and always will be
an internal matter, and it is this very strength that is spoken of that must come
in order to verify that, "Thy Kingdom has come!" But to whom? To whom was
the Kingdom to be revealed? To every living person? Let's now make our
final point and then summarize at the end.
#5. The Kingdom of Heaven will only be FULLY understood and
realized, before Messiah's return, by the 144,000 of the book of Revelation:
In regard to Yahshua the anointed's statement about those with "ears to
hear", it needs to be considered if in fact Yahweh discloses to mankind who
these would be? That idea that the Kingdom must be "fully preached", often
seems to merely take on the physical dressings that we have discussed: the
idea that everything speaks to physical life on earth, until of course, physical
Questions that need to be considered like, "Is the preaching of the
Kingdom in it's fullness discussing the idea that every human being needs to
hear about it?" or, "Was it Yahweh's intent that every human being receives
the message of truth?" or, "Is the Kingdom of Yahweh that must be fully
prescribed, specifically pointing to the 144,000 of Revelation, and them
alone?" The idea that we might alter what has been written by the "Mind of
Yahweh" long before man even existed, would seem like a silly endeavor to
most; yet we must face the truth of how our thoughts may be saying just that.
If one were to take a very serious look at the book of Revelation one would
come to understand that there are only three categories of "believers" that
exist during the end times: the martyred (Leviticus 26: 23-26, Matthew 24:
8-9, Revelation 6:7-8), the imprisoned and captive (Leviticus 26: 27-39,
Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-11), and the 144,000 (Revelation
chapters 7 and 14). There are no "other" type of believers that exist
(consciously or physically) during this time and certainly there is no such
category of the Christian dogma, the raptured ones who are not martyred
first. If you attempt to kick against the goads and allow human fairytales to
guide your thoughts, you are among the martyred or captive. Prayerfully this
work will help you snap (that mental "click") out of it.
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And so we must now more closely examine the claim that the 144,000
alone are those with "ears to hear", who have received the "full preaching" of
the Kingdom of Heaven, and who are the fulfillment of the "sons of Yahweh"
that the earth (mind of man) groans for. "The revealing of the sons of
Yahweh?" The revelation of those who have built the Kingdom of Yahweh
fully, and this within the conscience, the place where the Temple of Yahweh
dwells. Those whose consciences have been fully resurrected, all
consciousness of sin having been removed, who now speak the thoughts of
Yahweh to all remaining souls.
The entire premise of this work was to express that if one failed to
perceive (see) that it is a purely mental matter; the totality of the Law and the
prophets, leading to the gifting (Yôwnâthân) of the Law and the prophets,
leading to a saved (Yahshua) mind, that one would in fact fall into the
category of the martyred or the captive. Let's look some more at the 144,000!
The proper timeline of the events of Malʼâkîy and Mattîthyâh warrant a
brief explanation of the specifics of the "day that burns like an oven." It is no
less than the opening of the 6th seal of Revelation (Revelation 6:12-17)
leading to the full culmination of Yahweh's wrath on earth (the mind of wicked
men), known as the "seventh seal"; the seven trumpets as well as the three
"woes" (Revelation 8, 9 and 10). It is imperative that you understand that up
until the 6th seal, the day that burns like an oven has NOT commenced. In
the opening of the 6th seal many events are taking place as the wrath of
Yahweh begins, the first 5 seals NOT being Yahweh's wrath!
"Hurt neither the earth (mind of man) nor the sea (vast thought
plains), nor the trees ("truths"), until we have sealed (more on this shortly)
the servants(s) of our (gathered Holy thoughts) Father in their foreheads
("front seat" of consciousness). And I heard (understood) the number of
those who were sealed: sealed were 144,000 (in Hebrew gematria: "math",
144,000 = 9; 9 = "upright man" or "right thinking man") of all tribes (mental
faculties/branches) of the children (builders of Israel; thoughts ruled by and
for Yahweh). Of the tribe ("rod"; mental faculty) of Yᵉhûwdâh (Judah) (the
"praise" faculty in the conscience) sealed 12,000 (12 = 3;
"conviction/resurrection"). Of the tribe of Gâd (the "power" faculty in the
conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the tribe (faculty) of ʼÂshêr (the
"imagination" faculty in the conscience) 12,000 sealed. Of the tribe of
Naphtâlîy (the "strength" faculty in the conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the
tribe of Mᵉnashsheh (the "understanding" faculty in the conscience) sealed
12,000. Of the tribe of Shimʽôwn (the "life" faculty in the conscience) sealed
12,000. Of the tribe of Lêvîy (the "unity faculty in the conscience) sealed
12,000. Of the tribe of Yissâskâr (the “zeal” faculty in the conscience)
As Soon As Everyone is Seated Page 30 of
sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Zᵉbûlûwn (the “order" faculty in the
conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Yôwcêph (the "will" faculty of the
conscience) sealed 12,000. Of the tribe (faculty) of Binyâmîyn (the "faith"
faculty of the conscience) sealed 12,000." (Revelation 7:3-8)
It is also important to note that the number "12" represents "perfect
governance", or in this matter a perfectly governed conscience, a conscience
with no sin. 12 is also 1+2 = 3, which as we have seen represents both
conviction and resurrection. Again, matters of the conscience. Now the other
Revelation verse:
"And I (the "gifted” conscience) looked (mentally perceived), and
behold (held captive within), the Lamb (the purified, fully saved mind)
standing on Mount (mentally exalted) Zion ("sunny, unobstructed"; the pure
conscience), and with (mentally aligned) him 144,000 (the totality of a
resurrected mind, perfectly governed) having His Name (countenance in
consciousness) and His Father's Name written in their foreheads (front
seat of consciousness). And I heard a voice from heaven (the exalted
thought plain), like the voice of many waters (mindsets), and the voice of a
great thunder (agitation), and I heard the harpers (melodic frequency yet
known to unfinished men) harping with their harps. And they sang, as it
were, a new song before the Throne (Yahweh's authority in the conscience
of the chosen), and before the four (N, S, E, W; water earth, fire, air; the
totality of available thought boundaries) living (mentally active) creatures
(life forces in consciousness; man, eagle, ox, lion) and the elders (strong,
seasoned thoughts). And no man (ego; self; ʼâdam) could learn that song
but the 144,000 who were redeemed (mentally rescued) from the earth
(carnal adam).
These are the ones who were not defiled (mentally unclean) with women
(lustful emotion bound thoughts), for they are virgins (mentally purified).
These are the ones (sanctified thoughts) who follow the Lamb wherever
he goes (they think as he thinks). These were redeemed (consciously set
apart) from among men (the world of thoughts; earth) -- the firstfruits (first
born thoughts, original organic thoughts) to Yahweh and to the Lamb. And
in their mouth (mental breath) was found no guile (mental treachery); for
they are without (free from) fault before the Throne of Yahweh."
(Revelation 14:1-5)
It is these who are said to be mentally purified, and this is what is meant
when it is stated they "follow the Lamb wherever he goes." These are the
souls perfected of and on earth, and their job is to reveal Yahweh to what is
left of mankind. These are those who had "ears to hear" long before the
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physical manifestations of the words of Scripture came to pass. It speaks of
the 144,000 being "sealed", and we do well to look at this a bit more for
clarity's sake:
The Hebrew word hātam חתם (haw-tham), is defined as "close, seal". In
reference to the times of Revelation, there are only two other areas of
scripture that speak to "sealing" and the end times:
Isayah 29:11 "And the whole vision (mental picture) has become to
you (stubborn thoughts) like a book (mental score) that is sealed (closed
off), which men (thoughts) deliver to one who is learned (material, worldly
wisdom), saying, 'Read this, I ask you'; but he says, 'I cannot for it (the
clarity of consciousness) is sealed.'"
Daniel 12:9 "But he ("who is like Yahweh") said, 'Go your way
(thought path) Daniel ("Judgment of Yahweh"), for the words are closed up
and sealed until the time of the end.'"
The idea is that the sealing is the concealment of all that the Law and
the prophets taught, through the mind of "Yahweh saves" (Yahshua), and that
this is synonymous with the "Book of Life". The Book of Life is none other
than the perfection of all things, and while others are "closed out" from this
knowledge and wisdom, the 144,000 are "closed in" with only this knowledge
and wisdom. It is to the 144,000 alone that the Kingdom has been "fully
preached", signifying that they won't taste death and due to the Oneness they
share with Yahweh's mind, they have already received their mental
resurrection while all others must wait. The resurrection of the minds of the
144,000 comes before the 6th seal and they are fully prepared (mentally of
course) for all that will transpire in Revelation, while the rest are looking to
and for physical manifestations; particularly in this case, a man to be seated.
There are thousands of other scriptures that could be utilized, and stories in
Scripture that could be metaphysically revealed in order to further the truths
spoken herein, but again, it is your work to do. This was both an exposé as
well as a test unto you personally; one that leaves all of us exactly where
Yahweh has decreed: "Without excuse!"
I leave you, for now, with this final scripture and the power of the
prayers of a man (thought) made righteous (right thinking) by the shedding of
blood (ʼâdam), and the One who made it so:
"For I am not ashamed of the message (the fullness of the Law and
the prophets; The Kingdom of Heaven, fully preached to those with "ears to
hear"), for it is the Strength of Yahweh unto life (mental of course)
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everlasting for everyone (every thought) who believes it: to the Yᵉhûwdîy
("praise" in the conscience) first and also to the Greek ("upward";
intellectual reasoning). For this is the message of the righteousness (right
thinking) of Yahweh, revealed from faith (Benjamin within) to faith, as it is
written (mentally inscribed), 'The just (consciously justified) shall live
(consciously) by faith (belief in Yahweh's commands alone).'” (Romans