Message 11
Message 11
We see at Dânîyêʼl (Daniel) 9:25 that the "going forth of the commandment", speaks to the year 1383 B.C., when Môsheh was at the burning bush and began receiving all the commands of the Father, Yahweh.
We discussed that King David is the "anointed Prince" spoken of in Daniel 9.
7 weeks is 7 X 49 yr cycle = 343 years
1383 B.C. (Mosheh at the burning bush) plus the 7 weeks (343 years) brings us exactly to 1040 B.C. (the birth of King David)!!
The time of the burning bush was in the 50th (Jubilee) cycle and the time of David's birth was in the 57th cycle; exactly "7 weeks" as Daniel 9:25 mandates.
It is part and parcel of being a "144,000 thinker", that allows for us to move on and present more mindsets of the 144,000, not having to spend our time here all on one subject. So we move on from this area of Scripture until Yahweh, the Mighty Father decides to bring us back, but be certain if you want the truth it is there for you to seek and find.