Message 13

 In the name of the Father, the first Hebrew letter is the י  yâd (yawd). It's definitions are "power, open, direction". It is the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and signifies that, "Yahweh is One (10=1) and there is no other!"

The second Hebrew letter is ה hê (hay). It's definitions are "lo!, behold!". It is the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and signifies the "favor" of Mighty Yahweh.

The third letter is the ו vâv (vaw). It's definition's are "hook, pierce, collect." It is the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and signifies Yahweh's work within mankind.

Add them up, (10 + 5 + 6 +5) and you have 26 (2 + 6 = 8). 8 means "Super Abundance".

By now you can see that we broke down the Name given to mankind at Exodus 3:13-15; the Name that would forever be what was commanded! The  Yad-He-Vav-He,יהוה, literally means "Power, Behold! Pierce, Behold!" And the 144,000 know that this happens first in the minds of His chosen, the place where His Kingdom dwells.

The 144,000 also know that pagan titles such as "God" and "Lord", words that do not even exist in the Hebrew language, are for the babes on milk. And the reason they know this is that when you remove any of the letters He attributes to what we are commanded to call Him, then you remove everything He intends to do within your own heart (which Hebraically means "center of intellect").

When one prays and removes the "Yad", one removes the power. When one prays and removes the "Vav", one removes the conviction intended to draw us back into Oneness with His Mind, the Mind shared by Yahshua. The 144,000 understand the multiplicity of verses that speak in such a way: "There is Power in My Name, say's Yahweh!"

And finally, the 144,000 realize that those who share the kindred blessing of mentally unifying before the Father and son, will have some slight variations of how they pronounce out the actual Hebrew letters for the Mighty Name; yet we are One!


Message 12


Message 14