Message 158
Shaul (the mind that “asks for, desires” to know Yahweh's will) certainly understood, and we come to understand why Yahweh would choose a man [body of thought] of his pedigree to teach those foreign (the gentile) to His ways.
“But I confess (“use, throw, power”) this to you, that after the WAY (emphasis mine) which they [thoughts “foreign” to Yahweh's will] call heresy (mental division) – so I worship the Father of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law (“Torah”; Yahweh's revealed patterns of how one is to be able to again think like Himself) and in the prophets (“inspired” thinking).” (Acts 24:16)
Not a sect or a denomination. Most definitely not a “religion”. A simple way to express what He intended to be a very basic understanding: There is only one WAY, and that is the Father's will expressed via the Law and prophets. And this WAY is about how one is to think and believe: A life (mind) manifested and lived perfectly by Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset). Now it's your turn!
We previously vetted and the 144,000 always remember the principles of the flaming sword and the tree of life. That the purpose of the flaming (kindling) sword (convictions) was to “guard the WAY.” (emphasis mine) (Genesis 3:24) The WAY is as described above and it's fiercest protector is love, for love is the completion of the Law and the prophets. The sword of love is sharp loved one, and it is true.