Message 197

The Hebrew word is livyâthân לויתן (liv-yaw-thawn'). It's definitions are “wreathed, twine”. Hebraic intent intact, we find the word speaks to the “twisted” thoughts brought forth by mental perversion, leading to utter confusion. And of this twisting within, Yahweh also sees fit to label it a crooked (“tortuos”) mental “adversary” (the mind's “hiss” that “whispers”; the personal will's hatred (Romans 8:1) of Yahweh's ways).”

“Can you (of your own “self”) pull out Leviathan (the “twisted” thoughts of the self will) with a hook (“rush, collect”; personal ideas)? Press down (subdue) his tongue (“language”; mind speak) with a cord (“twisted, pledge”; personal vows)?” (Iyyob (Job) 41:1)

As with every beast (“raw, living”; unruly thoughts borne forth of the personal will) within, Leviathan is that which speaks to the mind's beastly perversions, and the intricate webs the self weaves. And yet the 144,000 know all too well, the remedy to the malady:

“You [Yahweh] broke (“burst”; shatter) the heads (“shake”; the may (plural) reigning mindsets led by the personal will, leading to mental death) of Leviathan (the mind's perversions) in pieces, and gave him [perversion] as food to the creatures (“alive, raw”; unclean thoughts) of the wilderness (“parch”; languishing thoughts).” (Psalm 74:14)


Message 196


Message 198