Message 269

“Kings (“reigning” thoughts of the “self” will) of armies (“mass, campaign”; ideas formed of and by the personal will) shall flee (“vanish” from  the thought world for those obedient to Yahweh's will). They flee, but those [thoughts] who remain (steadfast, obedient thoughts) in the House (place within chosen minds wherein Yahweh allows for a soul to “build” His Mind within) shall divide (between the twelve mental faculties) the plunder (mental “booty”).” (Psalm 68:12)

It always was and always will be, until you finally submit, a battle within. It will never be about “other people” or “circumstances of life physical”. The 144,000 have settled a paramount matter within, not necessarily in the perfecting of the matter, but rather in the non negotiable truth of the matter: that anything in life physical that may hinder your peace, love, joy, and all other “fruits of the mind”, is an idol of some sort! A sure indicator that the mind longs to be filled by things other then Yahweh and His will; something He allows not! (II Kepha (Peter) 1:3-4)

And the 144,000 know that it is obedience to this highest of callings that promotes Yahweh's promise, a promise to “bless” the mind of the obedient one. A blessing that extends to all of the allotted thought boundaries (N,S,E,W) Yahweh has seen fit to extend to His chosen children. The release of a greater understanding (the “Manasseh/Thomas” faculty within) of His will (the “Ephraim/Mattithyah” faculty within), leading to great mental booty indeed!


Message 267


Message 268