Message 286
“Every word (“said”) of Yahweh is pure (“refine”), He is a shield (mind's “protector”) to those [each thought, each mind] who put their trust (mind's “confidence”) in Him.” (Proverbs 30:5)
Everything Yahweh degrees in the sixty-six (66 = 12; (perfect governance within); 12 = 3; (the mind's resurrection)) books He allotted, has one overarching theme: Refine the minds of fallen, yet chosen minds, back into unity with the boundaries I [Yahweh] have made available!
The 144,000 have learned to risk their lives (mind's activity) in every word Yahweh has given. They have come to understand that unless one does take the risk, for “losing life to find it,” involves risking everything, then one will never be able to say, “I proved to my own mind that Yahweh is so real! And the only way to do that was to do things EXACTLY as He commands, thus activating all of His blessings for doing so.”
It is the crux of the entirety of Yahshua's mind life and the physical manifestations that followed. To come to the place where one must face (consciously of course) the personal will's cry, “If its possible, take this from me!”, only to then die to that same will; “Nevertheless, Thy will be done!” It must happen! There is no other pattern made available for the carnal mind's death and resurrection! And those who shy away must still fulfill the commanded pattern, and the time is now. (Revelation 6:9-11)