Message 332
“You [the entity known as ʼîysh איש (eesh); the conscience created and distinctly separate from Yahweh's will], the guardian (“expansion, outspread”) cherub (“cutting, drought”; internal thoughts meant to bring conviction of and for the will of Yahweh), and I married (“entwine, protect”) you on the holy mountain (“looming” mental presence; in this context, the protective Mind of Yahweh allowing for one to have total mental clarity; Zion) in the midst of the stones (mental “building” blocks) of fire (in this context, conviction). You (the conscience distinctly separate, yet meant to stay unified with Yahweh's Mind), perfect (holy, clean, pure) in your ways (mind paths) from the day you were created (“select, feed”), until iniquity (“wickedness”) was found in you (specifically at Genesis chapter 3).” (Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 28:14)
The “expanded, able to perceive, 'self' controlling conscience”, yet to fall!” Of course when one says “guardian cherub”, the mind immediately conjures up mental vixens of little winged creatures!! Thousands of years of blasphemous doctrines of the carnal mind have made it so!
The 144,000 have worked hard to break off the mental positions and the images of physical things, imposed upon them. They don't blame, they take responsibility! Yes, they perceive the root was established even in personal family traditions and therefore introduced at birth, but again, they pray and work at the breaking off of old soul ties! In doing so they acknowledge as well, “I was once that 'guardian cherub', until I chose to disobey!”