Message 334
Hebraically, the movements within one's mind is likened to a “pace”; the rate at which thoughts travel throughout the boundaries of one's mind. If one is in tune with the will of Yahweh and therefore Yahshua, the pace is upbeat, but not erratic. Balanced and not off kilter. It is a beautiful song, not clanging symbols. (I Corinthians 13:1)
And so we see the Hebraic intent of the Hebrew word tsaʽad צער (tsah'-ad). It's definition of course, “pace”. And the common translation would be “steps”.
“A man's (thought body) steps (mental pace) are directed by Yahweh, so how can a man understand his own way?” (Proverbs 20:24) And the question posed is intended to be answered swiftly and with accuracy: “Because I am under the commands (mental patterns) of Yahweh alone, only He knows my destiny each day! Mine is to obey!”
The 144,000 fully comprehend that it is in this mental space and at this mental pace, that true life is found within: peace, love and joy, no matter what! They also understand the true reality that though it is attainable and at times seems permanent, Yahweh sees fit to test. Not so He might know, a silly thought to begin with, but that each individual chosen mind can know. Mentally, it is very similar to a smooth pace turned almost erratic in a moments notice. But the erratic disappears over time as serious mental discipline sets in. The very purpose of the tests!
“The kings (reigning thoughts) heart (“center of intellect”) is in the hands (mental grasp) of Yahweh; like the rivers (“channel”; streaming thought paths) of water (mental fruitification), He diverts it wherever He wills.” (Proverbs 21:1)