Message 336
“Why do you cry about your affliction (“fracture, ruin”; mental disparity)? Your disease (inability to find Yahweh's “solutions”) is incurable (“frail, feeble”) because of the multitude (plethora of thoughts) of your iniquities (“perverse, bad”); your sins (mental transgressions) have increased, I [Yahweh] have done these things [mental wounds and chastisements] to you.” (Yeremyah 30:15)
The 144,000 are intimate with the true reality – that which speaks for the totality of Yahweh's plan(s) and word(s) about every aspect of mind life. A big portion of true reality is that the measure of a mind's suffering is directly equated to the obedience or rebellion of that mind! And of course Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws) are the standard of all “clean” and “unclean” thinking. They also understand that it is not that all suffering is sin related. There is none better then the sinless one to explain: “Then he [Yahshua] said to them [the twelve mental faculties/physical Disciples], 'I am deeply grieved (mentally “vexed”) to the point of death (mental “ruin”). Stay here (the place of great mental suffering) and watch (look for Yahweh's will) with me.'” (Mattithyah 26:38)
Some mental suffering is under the Sovereign control and understanding of Yahweh Alone. In these times, as Yahshua so bravely taught, the 144,000 say, “Not my will, but Thy will!”