Message 43

The 144,000 are specifically named as the "sealed (mentally resurrected)" of all the tribes (co-faculties) of Israel. (Rev 7:14) Twelve thousand from each member ("members” being the mental faculties molded by the Master Potter). And they know that Hebraically, twelve ("twofold, accumulation") represents "perfect government". That the "twelve sealed faculties/tribes" literally means, "perfectly governed mind". Each individual mind having it's twelve members, it's twelve mental disciplines, in perfect order (unified).

The 144,000 represent the physical expression of what it looks like to see men walk in perfect mental unity with the will of the Father. Having long since been practicing righteousness (right thinking) and for the effort a transformation (of mind) by a Sovereign choice made by Yahweh alone. At an appointed time and appointed place, resurrected before a physical death. Make no mistake they indeed had to face many a death, thus fulfilling the command, "He who loses his life will find it." Having done exactly as Yahshua commanded, their efforts in "taking up their stake" and "denying thy 'self'" having reached it's critical mass.

12,000 (1+2 = 3); 3 is "resurrection"

144,000 (1+4+4 = 9); 9 is "upright"


Message 42


Message 44