Message 1
The 144,000 understand that an inescapable mandate has been levied at Yᵉchezqyêʼl (commonly known as Ezekiel) 11:15: "Then the Mind of Yahweh fell upon me, and said to me, 'Say this is what Yahweh say's: This is what you have thought, O house of Israel; for I know all the things that come into your mind.'"
Every single thought that enters into the active conscience is under scrutiny! Not a scrutiny to "get you", but rather to uphold the standard known as "Holiness (mental purity)". Not unto condemnation but rather, perfection! And they understand that holiness (Hebraically, to "be clean") and perfection ("complete, whole") are synonymous! What the 144,000 have mentally captured is the pattern to "How?" one follows through on the commands. If you were to ask yourself now, "What is the pattern Yahweh has given to purify my mind and come back into Oneness with Him and His son?", what would your answer be?
The 144,000 know it is found at both Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 10:5:
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." The command!
"Bringing under control every thought, into the obedience of the anointing." The "How?"
The process of literally and Yahweh means literally, analyzing every single thought that enters your mind and then asking "From whence does this thought derive?" Knowing there are only two wills in existence for the chosen children; The Father’s will placed into chosen minds, and the fallen "self" will, the 144,000 till every thought!
And when the thought is found to be formed to be of one's own carnal intellect, the 144,000 know how to finish the commanded mandate; how to get the mental cleansing they desire, as there is only one way: Confession!!
So, we see a master pattern unto the "sealing" offered to the 144,000; the idea that there has been a violent war within the mind, a fierce rooting out of all that does not derive from the Father's will. A process likened by Yahweh as "He who loses his life..." And the 144,000 know well that indeed "The Kingdom of Yahweh does suffer violence", and they have died a thousand interior deaths to take that Kingdom by force. Of course, always knowing that the faith it takes to do so was "given in measure" by The Father Himself. Yes indeed, massive humility is required loved one.