Message 2


“Do not trust in a friend! Put no confidence in a neighbor! Watch your tongue around her who lies in your bosom! For the son dishonors the father, the daughter rises against her mother, and the daughter-in-law is against mother-in-law – a man's enemies are the men of his own house. But as for me, I will look to Yahweh. I will wait for the Father of my salvation; my Father will hear me.” (Mîykâyᵉhûw (Micah) 7:5-7)

The context of each verse is very important, as taking “sound bites” of verses and building doctrines around them is very dangerous. At the same time the context is always much deeper then first appearance and spans into many realms of thought; His [Yahweh's] thinking. In these verses we see a theme that is indeed a pillar within the minds of the 144,000; the idea that, “If I cannot hear His voice within my own mind, then I will surely rely on others to do that for me.”

We are in the time when Their [Yahweh & Yahshua's] voice will either be “sealed” into your forehead (leading thoughts in the forefront) or you will succumb to fear and doubt. A pillar of the realization of these matters is found in the truth that we are to trust no other humans!!! The 144,000 will not be cynical or oppressive in their minds towards others, just the opposite, they realize that lest others have seen the pillars within they are in trouble and the 144,000 seek to speak life into them. 

They hear from The Father and this within, and then they move, and not until then! And they now know 'the morning' is when He releases His judgments!!!!!

They trust in Yahweh and Yahshua Alone, and no other(s)!!!


Message 1


Message 3