Message 3


13: “Therefore the prudent (“intelligent”) are silent (“be dumb, mute”) at this time; for it is a wicked time. 14: Seek righteousness, and not wickedness, that you may live (prosperous mind); and so Yahweh, Mighty Father of hosts (“mass”; all of the mind's thought gatherings) will be with you as you have said. 15: Hate wickedness (“bad” thinking), love righteousness (“right thinking”)! Establish justice (right mental verdicts) in the gate (“split, open”; the mind's pathways)! It may be that Mighty Yahweh, Father of hosts, will be merciful to the remnant (“remainder”) of Yahseph (“he will add”; prosperous thoughts planted in the mind of chosen souls).” (ʽÂmôwc (Amos) 5:13-15)

Pay special attention to verse 13. Yahweh is speaking to the "silence" He requires in these wicked times, and how that corresponds to whatever "social media" presence you may be involved in. Many have taken to the idea that, "The internet can be a great place to minister." Consider the idea that ALL of the internet (www=666) is a VERY monitored place, and so cunningness in the right way is required, as it is a specific group of people that will be rooted out and actually hunted down via that system. Who would be those people????


Message 2


Message 4