Message 4


“Execute judgment (mental “verdicts” according to Yahweh's will) in the morning (“break, plow”; the time to find Yahweh's will); deliver the plundered (“pluck”; feeble, frail thoughts) out of the hands (“grasping”) of the oppressor (“defraud, violate”; constructs of the “self” will), or My fury will go out like a fire (“burn”; searing conviction and condemnation); a burning that none (no thought) can quench, because of the wickedness of your doings.” (Yirmᵉyâh (Jeremiah) 21:12)

It's time to walk in His full power; “morning” is the time He has decreed to receive His commands within your personal gifting(s). This is when He releases His judgments for the day. You must be there to receive and hear!

“Be silent  (quieted mind) in the presence (“countenance”; minds face) of Yahweh our Father! For the day (appointed wrath) of Yahweh is at hand (within mental “grasp”), for Yahweh has prepared a sacrifice (“slaughtered” minds of the mentallyupright). He has consecrated (“fill with power”; mentally set apart) His guests (the 144,000 of course, the “sealed” of mind).”  (Tsᵉphanyâh (Zephaniah) 1:70)


Message 3


Message 5