Message 5
“Watch and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape (mentally survive and prosper) all of these things (see Revelation and the 6th and 7th seals) that will come to pass, and to stand (be mentally “upright”) before the son (the “builder” of the conscience made perfect) of man (the once fallen “self” will).” (Luke 21:36)
“Seek (consciously search for) Yahweh all you meek (“depressed, gentile”; humbled of mind) of the earth (the “firmly” held to lower thought plain of fallen souls), who have kept His Laws (Mind Patterns)! Seek righteousness (right thinking), seek humility (“depressed”; thoughts bowing to Yahweh's will). It may be that you will be hidden (“secreted”; consciously protected/sealed) in the day of Yahweh's anger.” (Tsᵉphanyâh (Zephaniah) 2:3)
Hebraically, the word righteousness literally means "right thinking". And in a time when Yahweh's hell literally breaks loose on earth, the 144,000 will be right thinking for every moment of it; sealed of mind!!!
But they have practiced unto death before this time and even now! No decisions made with emotions alone, but wisdom (male side of brain) and understanding (female side of brain) in PERFECT unison with the Father's will!!
“Therefore wait (“piercing, adhere”; mentally listen for and receive) for Me, says Yahweh, until the day (“illuminations”) I rise to judge; for My Judicial decisions is to gather the nations (foreign thoughts “massed” within) and to assemble (“grasp”; seize) the kingdoms (“dominion, ascend”; all reliance of the “self” will), to pour out upon them [the magnitude of self reliant thoughts and ideas] My indignation (“froth, fury”) – all My fierce anger. For all the earth (lower thought world of man) will be consumed in the fire of My jealousy (“make zealous/envious”). Yes, at that time (the 7th seal of Revelation), I will return to the peoples (“unit, tribe”; the mind's 12 mental faculties) the pure plan (“arrangement”; Oneness with Yahweh's Mind), so that all of them may call upon the name of Yahweh, and serve (“work, till”; consciously obey) Me with one accord (“blow”; mental activity; mental unity).” (Tsᵉphanyâh (Zephaniah) 3:8-9)