Message 6


“For though we walk (mentally “go”) in the flesh (“raw, active” thoughts within) we do not wage war (the mind's “battle”) according to the flesh (impetuous thinking). For the weapons (“prepared”; predestined thoughts borne forth in and from Yahweh's will) of our warfare are not carnal (“lying seed”; borne forth of and from the “self” will), but mighty in Yahweh (found in Yahweh's will), for pulling (“tear”; consciously eradicating) down strongholds (mental stumbling blocks), demolishing arguments (“chastisement”; shame, fear, guilt, etc.) and every high (“self” exalted) thing that exalts itself against the One who is Yahweh; bringing under control (mental discipline) every thought, into obedience (mentally obeying Yahweh's will) of the anointing (“rub”; consciously consecrated; set apart). And being ready to punish all disobedience (reliance upon the “self” will), once your obedience is complete (mentally perfected; the 144,000; the sealed of and to Yahweh's Mind).” (II Corinthians 10:3-6)

The “spotless” of Revelation 14:3-5 are those whose “obedience has been made complete'” as per II Corinthians 10:6!

It is the 144,000 that arrive right at the 6th seal, to be sealed, for what is known as the “bowl and cup judgments” of the Father; Yahweh's wrath on the entire earth!!! The 144,000 are the brides of Yahshua!


Message 5


Message 7