Message 101

The yet fully redeemed soul has many carnal cries. The 144,000 have learned to locate them and root them out via the will of Yahweh. Of the most elaborate of the carnal cries is that which was in the wilderness ("driving, pasture"; the parched places within the soul needing fructifying): "It would have been better for us to serve (mental "bondage") the Egyptians ("limit, border"; firmly held thoughts and the emotions they derive when lusting for the material, physical plain), then to die (lose one's own personal thoughts and the ideas they form) in the wilderness." (Exodus 14:12)

Indeed Yahweh's plan was that each chosen soul face it's death (removal of "self"), and the wilderness was meant to drive it out forever. The 144,000 see that the Hebraic intent is to reveal to the soul that a "natural" inclination of one's own will, is to desire things of old (the mind's carnal reliance's), while Yahweh's work is being done within. "Like a dog that returns to it's vomit," (2 Kepha 2:22) is the path the self always takes. And to stand in this truth is the pathway to delivery: "Yahweh I believe You. If You take Your presence from within me for even a moment, even with all I have perceived of You, I would go right back to the vomit (internal creations of the personal will). That is who I am and will ALWAYS be apart from You. I am not becoming a better version of the old me, but rather, a "new creation" (Galatians 6:15) encompassing only Your will within. Please let it be so. In Yahshua's name."

The 144,000 will never stop practicing righteousness (I Yahchanan 3:7). Until the "sealing" of course when all the practice is rewarded.


Message 100


Message 102