Message 100
The Hebrew word is bârak ברך (baw-rak'). It's definition's are "kneel, bless, curse". The nuance within the language often seems to speak in what looks to be opposition when defining words. It is anything but so. Hebraic intent reveals that things are often simultaneous in their actions. Our word above is the word systematically translated as "bless(ed)", and yet we see "curse" as part of it's definition. The 144,000 understand the nuance as it is meant to be clear that every blessing has it's absolute antithesis; a curse. Put simply, when Yahweh blesses the minds of His chosen children (“builders"), it is simultaneously cursing all of the constructs of one's own personal will! And so we look at a commanded blessing from Yahweh Himself:
"This is how you are to bless the children of Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power"). Say to them, 'Yahweh bless you and keep (“hedge, protect") you. Yahweh make His face (conscious "countenance") shine (“luminous") upon you and be merciful ("bend, favor") to you. Yahweh lift up His countenance (face) upon you and give you peace (mental "wellness").' So they will put My name (the word "shem"; conscious character) on the children of Israel, and I will bless them." (Numbers 6:24-27)
Indeed, each blessing has it's opposite transaction. You cannot have one without the other, for it is the one who has fallen far who realizes how great His lifting is to the soul. That love is best expressed when one deserves it not!