Message 99
"For unto us [chosen minds] a child ("offspring"; mental lineage) is born ("beget"; realized), unto us a son (internal "builder") is given, and the government (twelve mental faculties "prevailing") shall be on his shoulders ("incline, load up"; burden). And his name shall be called Wonder ("miraculous") of the Counselor (Yahweh being Yahshua's "adviser"), The Mighty Power established by the Mighty Everlasting Father---the Prince ("head"; leading thoughts within) of peace (mind "wellness")." (Isayah 9:6)
The 144,000 understand that those hanging tight to the doctrines of men, work hard to make specific verses speak to some "Trinity" that is indeed never found in a single verse of the Scriptures. Yahweh's Kingdom is anything but a three headed "God". Yahshua himself made it very clear what his commanded role was: "For I have not spoken on my own; but the Father who sent me gave me the Laws (Mind patterns; Torah)---what I should say and what I should speak. I am saying what my Father told me to say." (Yahchanan 12:49-50) And he knew that when he received all that the Father promised he would receive for his work when, "all things were made new", that he himself, in the new Kingdom, would still be "subject" to the Father. (I Corinthians 15:28). That Yahweh always was and always would be, "The Supreme Head over all!"