Message 98
walk on water = master the minds dilutions (delusions)
The 144,000 have worked hard to accomplish the mastery described above. Like Keph ("hollow rock"; the "faith" faculty not yet fully formed into Oneness with Yahweh's will; commonly translated as "Peter") they step out; they rise through the fear. And like Keph, when the wind ("breath"; convictions and directions from Yahweh's will) gets strong ("forced"), indicating a higher mental level required in order to perceive Yahweh's Mind within, they have often sunk ("settled") and not gone the full measure.
"Immediately Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mindset) stretched (consciously extended) his hand (mind's "grasp") and caught ("seize"; upheld) him [the hollow faith within], and said to him: O you of little faith, why did you doubt ("separate"; mentally withdraw)?" (Mattithyah 14:31)
Is it not a dream of yours? Do you understand that attainment of anything Yahweh requires demands utter belief in that which you dream to attain? And that such a faith is also a gift given? If it's "Yes!" and "Yes!" for you, then you can speak the language of the 144,000: "Perfect in mind because You command it Yahweh! And you showed us how Yahshua! I too accept the 'Not my will but Thy will!' mantra for every thought I think. Let it be Mighty Yahweh!"