Message 97
The Hebrew word is Cîynay סיני (see-nah'-ee). It's definition is "communion". It would be on this Mount ("loom"; Yahweh's mental presence watching over His chosen) that Yahweh would speak forth His Mind patterns (Laws). In the place of “communion” between a mind chosen for redemption and Yahweh's Mind; of course in the allotted portions (boundaries) He prescribes for His children ("builders"). The common translation for Cîynay is of course “Sinai”.
The 144,000 know there is another place where Yahweh's looming presence resides. The Hebrew word is Tsîyôwn ציון (tsee-yone'). It's definition is "conspicuousness (clarity)". And of this mental place David ("love") has said, "For You O Yahweh have chosen Tsîyôwn (commonly translated as "Zion"; perfect mental clarity). You desired it [total clarity in thought] for Your dwelling ("sit, remain"); 'This is My resting ("repose") place forever. Here will I dwell (consciously reside), because I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her [Israel; "thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power"] provision; I will satisfy her poor (mentally destitute) with bread (mental nourishment). Her priests ("officiate, mediate"; thoughts leading to right judgment) I will clothe (mentally "cover") with salvation (a saved mind; the name "Yahshua"), and her saints ("kind, pious"; humbled thoughts) will shout aloud for joy.'" (Psalm 132:13-16)
An eternal and of course for now, internal place, of utter mental clarity (perfection). For the 144,000, a place that looms large over every thought they think!!!