Message 96

The Hebrew word is héykâl היכל (hey-kawl'). It's definition's are "capacity, be able, can, could, might". It is the word systematically translated as "Temple", and let there be no doubt that in regards to Yahweh's Kingdom, He has declared that His Temple is indeed "within" chosen souls. (II Corinthians 6:16-18).

The 144,000 realize that proper Hebraic intent always speaks directly to the "hidden mysteries" spoken of throughout Scripture. And to realize the Hebrew language always declares His Temple to be speaking to the interior "capacities, abilities", that He has placed of Himself within one's mind, unveils the mystery. Let's listen to Yahshua's words and then speak to the Hebraic intent of what is being said: "Destroy this temple (his capacities and abilities apart from the will of Yahweh), and in three days it will be raised up." (Yahchanan 2:19) Of course it is so and it is even written that, "He spoke of the temple of his body ("breath"; total active mind and all thoughts encompassed within it)." (2:21)

Temple of his body = capacities and abilities of and from a will separate from the Father's.

His [Yahshua's] own will having not yet been fully crucified within his skull (the "gulgôleth" גלגלת (golgotha), where he was crucified), the 144,000 know that the time when Yahshua was freed from every aspect of his own will, was the time he referred to as the "ascension" (John 20:17). That ascension was the forever removal of his own will! For the 144,000 it is known as a "sealing" (Yahweh's "signature" upon their mind's). (Revelation 7:3-4)


Message 95


Message 97