Message 95
"These twelve (the twelve "inner" mental faculties geared towards righteousness) Yahshua sent out (into the entire thought world) and commanded (no "free will" here) them, saying; Do not go into the way [thought paths] of the gentiles ("massing, sever"; thoughts foreign to Yahweh's will), and into the cities (thought habitations) of the Samaritans ("watch station, guard"; self reliance), do not enter. But go rather to the lost ("destruction") sheep ("migrate"; unsettled thoughts) of the house (mindset being "built") of Israel ("thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power")." (Mattithyah 10:5-6)
And the 144,000 know that all of the commands of Yahweh, spoken by Yahshua, are exact and precise. Of those "lost sheep" Yahshua also stated: "I was not sent EXCEPT TO THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL!" (emphasis mine) (Mattithyah 15:24) And when one partakes of the words spoken at Ephesians 2:12, the mental picture becomes very clear: "At that time [before one realizes the imputed faith granted to them] you were without the anointing (mind "rubbed" by Yahweh's Mind), BEING ALIENS ("foreign, strange"; the gentile mind) OUTSIDE THE CITIZENSHIP OF ISRAEL, STRANGERS TO THE COVENANT (Unilateral Mind Contract held up by Yahweh Alone) BASED UPON PROMISES ("plan, arrangement, word") HAVING NO HOPE, AND WITHOUT YAHWEH IN THE WORLD (a/k/a "earth, country, ground"; the totality of fallen mindedness) (emphasis mine, and for good reason). But now (via a faith of confession via a faith granted by Covenant), in Yahshua's anointing, you who were once far off (mentally of course) have been brought near through the shed (removed) blood (carnal life force, the 1st “Adam” in every soul) of the anointing (the mind consecrated by Yahweh's choice to do so)." (Ephesians 2:12-13)
Twelve mental faculties chosen to be reunified with Yahweh's Mind. This is what and who Israel is!!!!! This is what and who you are if indeed you are a child (“builder") of Yahweh's Kingdom within!!!!!