Message 94
"Yahweh is righteous (always "right thinking"), a stronghold ("fortified, defense") in the day of trouble ("tight, crowding"; inner adversity)." (Nahum 1:7)
The 144,000 know that the "day of trouble", is synonymous with, "The day of Yahweh" (often translated erroneously as "The day of the Lord"). Many verses speak to the specifics of that day and we look to Yôw'êl יואל (yo-ale'); (commonly translated as "Joel", but meaning, "Yahweh is Might") chapter two, verse two, for greater clarity: "A day of darkness and of gloominess. A day of clouds ("cover, act covertly") and of thick darkness ("misery") like the morning ("break, plow") clouds (unknowing) spread upon the mountains ("loom"; the mind's strongholds in the context of this verse, they can also be the mind's victories). A great people (congregating thoughts), and strong ("powerful, numerous"); there has not ever been like, nor will be any more after it, to the years of many generations." A time where Yahweh mandates that there is first, "Judgment in His House!" (Romans 2:1-4 and Revelation 6:1-11), and then total annihilation of all the wicked (the entire seventh seal of Revelation).
The 144,000 understand that in order to be "His", all internal wickedness must leave one's "center of intellect (heart)". And they understand the patterns Yahweh has made available for some of His hard minded one's; an overwhelming conviction mixed with turmoil (the bringing forth of one's inner wickedness), that is meant to lead one to repentance (Romans 2:4). It is His kindness that allows for the onslaught, for without it one cannot see the personal enmity (Romans 8:7) and therefore confess and receive healing. And they also know that many professed believers will reject the kindness and misperceive the chaos, unto a love that will grow cold. When one denies the process they deny the cleansing.
The day is here. Do the work now or perish in order for it to be done for you. (Proverbs 29:18)