Message 103

The Hebrew word is pôreketh פרכת (por-reh'-keth). It's definition is "sepatrix". It's root word is perek פרך (peh'-rek); "break, fracture".

Hebraic intent is very clear in regards to this word commonly translated as "veil," and there is no better verses to illustrate the intent then at 2 Corinthians 3:15-16.

"But even to this say, when Mosheh (thoughts that "draw out" Yahweh's will) is read (via the Law known as "Torah"), a veil (mental fracture leading to separation from Yahweh's will) lies over their [His chosen children] hearts ("center of intellect"). However, when one turns (repents and confesses all defiance) to Yahweh, the veil (mental fracture) is taken away."

The 144,000 understand how serious a matter it is when one woefully declares, "The law has been done away with! It's all finished in Christ!" A death blow to the very specific thing (Yahweh's Laws) that was meant to tutor a mind back into unity with Yahweh's will. They understand that without a "faith" granted to them, it would never be possible to complete His Mind patterns (Laws), and yet the faith HAS been given in measure! (Ephesians 4:13) They also know that Yahshua's work is not "finished" until he has redeemed the sacrificed of the 5th seal (Revelation 6:9-11) and announced Yahweh's wrath (the 6th and 7th seals), and then of course not until, "He [Yahweh] has put all enemies under his [Yahshua] feet, and destroyed the very last enemy-----Death!" (I Corinthians 15:25-26)


Message 102


Message 104