Message 104

Unbeknownst to many, and yet the 144,000 dig deep. Two Hebrew words are at the crux of the mystery revealed:

têbâh תכה (tay-baw'); "box". And of "box", we have both "flow" and "erect".

'ârôn ארוך (aw-rone'); "gathering". And it's root definition, "pluck".

Both words sharing the same modern day translation, and yet we see different Hebraic intent via the definitions. The first word, têbâh, pertains to the verses from Genesis 6:14 to Exodus 2:5. And the second word, 'ârôn, takes over from Exodus 25:10 to Revelation 11:19. And the common translation? It is the word "ark".

One ark, "flow, erect", the other ark, "gathering, pluck". The first ark something to walk (mentally "go") in to for safety from a flood ("flowing, deluge"; torrent of destroying thoughts aimed to eradicate all carnality). The second ark something that pulls the mind towards Yahweh's will, thus keeping the chosen mind connected to some semblance of holiness until one receives the full implications of Yahweh's Mind within.

Both arks of course representing internal manifestations. One to literally save so very few; Noah (the mind "resting" in Yahweh's will), his family, and yes even animals (unruly thoughts), fowl (unattainable ideas) and creatures ("raw, active" thoughts). The second ark, a burden to be carried by those [thoughts] who would claim to represent Yahweh's will.

So many details are not covered herein, matters about both arks and their internal representations. "Why would Yahweh again allow for the beasts and birds and creatures within?" "Why does the Unilateral Mind Covenant still include an ark?" "What does it represent within, all of the articles placed within the ark?" The 144,000 do the work! This was to open a door within and to cause one to ask, "Am I one of them? Do I fit the call?" And quickly small portions of His answer come, but via questions: "Are you doing the work? Are you 'Seeking First!' My Kingdom within? Will you be one of the 144,000?"


Message 103


Message 105