Message 105
The Hebrew word is tsîytsîth ציצת (tee-tseeth'). It's definition's are "bright, glistening, extremities". There is much to reveal of this word only spoken of in three verses throughout all of the Scriptures. Commonly translated as "fringes", "tassels" and to the more informed, "tzitzit", we need not go through all three verses to reveal Hebraic intent:
"Speak to the children ("builders") of Israel (thoughts intended to be "ruled by and for Yahweh's power"); tell them to make tsîytsîth ("bright, glistening"; mental protection for the boundaries of thought allotted by Yahweh) on the borders ("edge, extremity"; minds boundaries) of their garments ("treachery, pillage"; the covering of Yahweh mixed with a yet destroyed "self" will), vestures ("covert, plump"; prosperous coverings), throughout their generations ("revolve, remain"; perpetuations in thought), and to put a cord ("twine, struggle"; mental attachment) of blue ("roar"; the outpouring of Yahweh's Mind, heard by the obedient) in each tsîytsîth (Yahweh's choice to again “hedge in” and “protect” the mind); and you shall have the tsîytsîth (remembrance of the boundaries of thought allotted by Yahweh as "clean") that you may look (perceive) upon it and remember all the Laws (Mind Patterns) of Yahweh and to do them; so that you do not flow after your own heart ("center of intellect") and your own eyes (mind's perceptions), after which you used to go whoring ("fed, wanton"; carnal thinking)." (Numbers 15:38-39)
In their physical form we find that the tzîytsîth truly speaks to the depths of the mental matter at hand: The tsîytsîth have four ("sprawling"; representing the totality of Yahweh's allotted boundaries in thought; North ("dark," yet redeemed), South ("parched," yet redeemed), East ("open," yet realized); West ("roar," yet fulfilled)) threads, for a total of eight ("superabundance"). One is dyed blue (the "roar" of Yahweh within). It has 613 knots (there are 613 Laws; 365 prohibitive and 248 positive; 613=6+1+3=10=1; Yahweh is One!!!!)