Message 106

Each person, a body of thought. Hebrew terms defined and Hebraic intent understood, each person, via their name, also a singular plain of thought. A singular plain that resides within each living soul----in it's unredeemed state of course.

And of each thought, either Yahweh's Mind placed within chosen souls (the "clean" thoughts), or all thoughts that derive from one's own personal will (the "unclean" thoughts). Again, each living soul and entire body of thoughts: many congregating thoughts [people] within each body. We look to just one example to clarify:

Qôrach קרח (ko'-rakh); "bald, smooth"; deceptive cunning thoughts

Dâthân רתן (daw-thawn'); "cistern"; self aggrandizing thoughts

'Ábîyrâm אכירם (ab-ee-rawm'); "father of height"; prideful thoughts

The 144,000 realize that as it was with these three men [each an individual thought stream, and each having a body of thoughts] who were, "swallowed by the earth (the "firmly" held to lower thought plain of the fallen will)" (Numbers 16:31-32), so shall it be with those who are indeed chosen to unite with Yahweh's Mind within, that which is leading to salvation (a saved mind). Each individual mind has it's Korah, Dathan and Abiram. And of course the 144,000 realize that Yahweh does not remove all of ones internal wickedness in one day, for He has spoke on this at Deuteronomy 7:22-24.

Indeed Mosheh (thoughts that "draw out" Yahweh's will) well understood that it would be individual thoughts and not the entire body of thoughts all at once: "O, Yahweh, Distinguisher of those [thoughts] who are guilty and those [thoughts] who are misled, shall one man [thought] sin, and You be angry with the entire congregation (the entire body of gather thoughts; the congregation)?" (Numbers 16:22) And of course, Yahweh kept his words from Deuteronomy 7:22-24. Perhaps you will be turning to read the verses now, potential one 1 of 144,000?


Message 105


Message 107