Message 107
We have previously learned that a "city" is a "thought habitation within". The Hebrew word for city is iry עיר (eer). A little history reveals that cities of the past were often fortified with walls, gates, bars, moats and the like. Man's fortifications often constructed from a lack of faith in Mighty Yahweh. Cities represent the minds permanence and steadfastness towards specific thoughts that form specific ideas. Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mindset) was very clear that these internal matters needed to be dealt with, but we notice he was very firm about any obstinacy regarding what was required (via command of course) by the Father:
"And to whatever city (thought habitation) you [faculties operating in the will of Yahweh; 12 total] enter and they [other thoughts] welcome you, eat (mentally consume) such things that are set before you; and heal the sick (broken thoughts) that are within it [that specific thought habitation] and say to them [sick thoughts], 'The Kingdom of Yahweh has drawn near to you.' But into whatever city you enter and they [collective thoughts] do not welcome you, make your way out of the streets ("sever"; pathways either of Yahweh or of the self will) of the same and say, 'Even the dust ("pulverize, volatile, crush"; the mental substance of those thoughts derived of self; see Genesis 2:7) of your city, which clings (neediness) to us, we wipe off against you [reprobate thoughts]! However be sure that the Kingdom of Yahweh has drawn near to you!' But I say to you [faculties in obedience to Yahweh's will], it will more tolerable in that day (Revelation 20:11-15) for Sodom ("scorch, burnt"; defiled thinking), than for that city (thought habitation)." (Mattithyah 10:11-15)
The 144,000 understand that it is always a matter of cleaning the inside of the cup ("hold, convex"; the minds ability to contain) long before the outside (the physical plain/physical man/physical body). You cannot drink (consciously imbibe) the cup (mental containment) of Yahweh and the cup of turmoil (all thoughts derived of the personal will); you cannot partake of Yahweh's table ("spread, send"; mental delicacies) and the table of turmoil. (see I Corinthians 10:21)