Message 108
The 144,000 both understand and live within the realm Yahweh has described as personal "revelation". The Hebrew word is gâlâh גלה (gaw-law'). It's definition's are "denude, exile, stripped". All patterns to the "How?", Yahweh intended to place His specific will into chosen minds. The 144,000 expect personal "specific" revelation every movement of every day, and they are not deceived into believing that the mundane things are not revealing pieces of Yahweh's Mind within; call them prolonged revelations if you must. Receiving revelation in a quiet, controlled manner, they fully understand that the gifts given require instructions beyond the written Scriptures, and they listen for the "still small voice" (I Kings 19:12) at all times. They live for His voice.
Shaul (thoughts the “desire" and "ask for" Yahweh's will) understood the patterns; the things beyond what is written: "But I point out to you, brother (mental affinity between thoughts), that the message (a/k/a "plan, message, word") preached ("accost, encounter") by me is not something from any man [carnally based], nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation (a mind being laid bare, secluded and stripped, unto perfection) from Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mindset) the anointed (mind "rubbed" by Yahweh's Mind)." (Galatians 1:11-12)
The totality of Yahweh's plan/message/word, was to cause fallen minds to understand that His entire purpose was to reconcile those minds back into full mental unity with His Mind. And that when He utilizes words such as "salvation" to express such, it should make it very clear in fact whom one is being saved from, and that the "right" to be encountered by Him daily, is a gift freely offered-----to the obedient of course.