Message 109

"But You took me from my mother's ("bond"; the mind's emotional connections) womb ("soft, fondle"; compassion) Yahweh! You made [via a Unilateral Mind Covenant] me trust ("sure"; mental confidence) in You, even from my mother's breast ("bulging, swell"; insolence).” (Psalm 22:9)

The 144,000 have traveled many mental roads; those both needing to be dominated as well as the new understandings that needed nurturing. Of the most precious of the mind's paths is that which speaks to Mighty Yahweh's absolute Sovereignty over the patterned processes He has implemented, in order to draw chosen minds back into His perfect mental presence. That He allows us to recognize both our insolence and His mercy over such, from the very day of our birth; a birth into consciousness. The 144,000 know there is no such thing as "innocence" when speaking of and about mankind as a whole. They understand more words of David (thoughts regarding Yahweh's "love") when he say's, "Behold we were born (birthed forth as a body of thought) in iniquity (perversity), and in sin (mental transgression) our mothers (emotional bonds) conceived us." (Psalm 51:5)

To know that when they rise every morning, they, the 144,000, can and do say, "Apart from you O Yahweh, I can do no good thing!" This core foundation within is what brings them to the day of "sealing"; a time when Yahweh brings to completion that which He began, specifically at Deuteronomy 29:4. They marvel at the process every hour of every day. It keeps them right where Yahweh has required-----in the palms ("hollow"; teachable thoughts) of His hands (mental "grasp"). (Isayah 49:16)


Message 108


Message 110