Message 110
“Before the mountains (“looming” presence in one's thoughts) were brought forth, or before you ever formed the earth (lower thought plain that fallen minds would firmly pine after) and the world (“moist, flow”; totality of all capacities of thought made available to created souls) from everlasting to everlasting (“concealed, vanishing”), You are our [chosen thoughts, chosen minds] Father (“Head” Thinker).” (Psalm 90:2)
The 144,000 realize that of the greatest of abominations before Yahweh's Throne within, is a mind that contemplates and supports thoughts such as “mental disease”, “abortion”, and “homosexuality”. All of these, conditions of the mind, sure indicators that a mind has not perceived Yahweh the way He COMMANDS to be perceived!
Mental health? There is only one cause of deprivation of mind – sin!
Abortion? Yahweh knew every living soul before it was ever conceived in the physical plain, or not!
Homosexuality? As previously discussed, every soul is born in sin in the womb (Isayah 51:5), and not one is given permission to stay in sin!
It's not a matter of utter grief that myriads of fallen minds support the matters above, but that the modern church is falling prey to such diseased mental positions. It's a slow burn towards a self perceived “love”, that is bound to “grow cold” (Mattithyah 24:12). The 144,000 realize that before Yahweh ever allowed for His thoughts and the plans they entailed, to physically manifest, He said, “Yes!” and “No!”, about everything pertaining to His creation called man [a conscience created]! And that the “EVERYTHING” could be boiled (loved) down to one simple question: “Of My [Yahweh] will or not?”