Message 111

“Yet before (a matter of predestined thinkingthey [“supplanted” thoughts; Yaaqob (Jacob), and “carnal” thoughts; Esau] were born (begotten as active thoughts), or had done anything righteous (right thinking) or wicked (wrong thinking), that the purpose (predestined plan) according to election (“select, try”; Yahweh's Unilateral choice over chosen soulsmight stand (be fulfilled) – not by works (attempts to “think right” by the personal will) but by Him (via His Unilateral Mind Covenant) Who calls (consciously “accosts”) – It was said to her [Ribqâh רכקה (rib-kaw); Rebekah; “clog, fettering”; unhealthy emotions], 'The older (self perceived wisdom; Esau) will serve the younger (renewing thoughts granted via Yahweh's Covenant; Yaaqob (Jacob)). As it is written (mentally inscribed; Malakyah 1:1-3), Yaaqob (thoughts “supplanted” via Yahweh's Covenant) I have loved, but Esau (self reliant, carnal thoughts) I have hated.'” (Romans 9:11-13)

The Hebrew word is ʽÊsâv עשו  (ay-sawv'). It's definitions are “grasping, rough”. The Hebraic intent when discussing Esau, is to represent the height of wrong emotions stemming from the personal will's belief in it's own wisdom. Yahweh so detests things that He also predestined such to bear another name: “Feed (consciously consume) me [carnal thinking, carnal emotions] with the same red (carnal) stew (“boiled, insolent”) for I am famished (mentally “hungry”).” Therefore his name (conscious character) was called Ĕdôm (ed-ome'); “red”; carnality; the root word of Edom being Adam).” (Genesis 25:30)

The 144,000 understand very clearly that issues regarding “love” and “hate” within Yahweh's Kingdom, are always matters of and about one's “state of mind”. They also know that when Yahweh declares that He “hates”, it is an eternal matter! There is no foolish thinking, those things found in such mental logos as, “Hate the sin, love the sinner.” In matters of election, Yahweh makes it clear that a mind with one single sin, is a mind that He hates TOTALLY! (Yaaqob (James) 2:10) The soul that sins is the totality of that soul! There can be no separation! The 144,000 understand very well the she'ôwl (mental “hell”) is permanent and it is the place all the hated of Yahweh will go, eternally: hated thoughts, hated souls. 


Message 110


Message 112