Message 112
The Hebrew word is côwd סור (sode). It's definitions are “session, intimacy, confidential”. The other Hebrew word is yârê (yaw-ray). It's definitions are “reverence, fear”, and of course we again find the yaw (yah) at the core of all things pertaining to reverence of the One who controls all.
The 144,000 understand well the words spoken at Psalm 25:12-14. That when the mind reveres Yahweh above all, Yahweh then reveals His côwd (commonly translated as “secrets”) into that soul. They understand that both intimacy and Yahweh's secrets go hand (mental grasp) in hand (mental grasp), and they know that many mysteries surrounding their very own mental destiny and that of the 144,000, is of the secret places. So very little is said about the 144,000, yet they shall know (the Hebrew word yâda' ירע (yaw-dah); again revealing the yaw (yah) of the matter) so much more then others via a mental sealing (mind authorized and enclosed by the perfect will of Yahweh; see Revelation 7:3) granted to them. They have long since been following what the Hebrew words above expect: “Intimacy with Yahweh and Yahshua, proper fear as well!”
“...Yahweh will show them His Covenant (the Unilateral Mind Contract in which Yahweh has decided to reconcile chosen, yet fallen minds, back unto Himself).” (Psalm 25:14)