Message 113
Is it any wonder that the Lêvîy לוי (lay-vce') (commonly known as the “Levite” from the mental faculty of “Levi (“unifying”), were given the role of “gatekeeper(s) (“split, opening”; the mind's access points to the will of Yahweh)”. (I Chronicles 9) At each mental gate (twelve total, one for each mental faculty), the “unity” faculty was “stationed around the House (totality of thoughts made available to chosen souls) of Yahweh”, (I Chronicles 9:27) to guard all of one's thought boundaries. And this same faculty (Levi = unity) had the key (“opener, begin”; precepts of holiness) to the mind's daily illuminations.
The 144,000 are very aware of King (“reign”) David (“love”), and what the “Reign of Love” placed within chosen souls, means to each soul. Lets listen to his words: “Our voices (minds “call, sound”) You shall hear in the morning (“break, plow”), O Yahweh. We [chosen thoughts; chosen minds; chosen me] will direct our prayers (mind's “intercession” and “supplication”) to You, and we look (“lean, observe”) up (the exalted thought expanse).” (Psalm 5:3)
At night (the time of mental “adversity”) protected by thoughts unifying (the Levi faculty within) to Yahweh's will. In the morning, that same mental unity opened (the “key”) to hear Yahweh's voice within; the voice of Yahweh giving each individual soul it's directions for the day; “Seek and find!”, the mission of the 144,000!