Message 117
We have seen that many kingdoms exist within, kingdoms that Yahweh empowers chosen minds to fight against. Each of these kingdoms is indeed a nation unto itself. We have discussed the Hebraic intent of the word nations (“mass”) as, “constructs in thought”; masses of thoughts building mental strongholds. The 144,000 know that the Hebrew word commonly translated as “nation(s)” is the word gôy גוי (go'-ee), and that it has systematic translations other then “nation(s)”, such as “heathen”, “gentile”, and “foreigner(s)”.
Indeed nations and kingdoms are synonymous, and for the purposes of Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant with chosen souls, He deems them part and parcel of His plan to reunite chosen minds with His Mind.
“I will no longer drive out (consciously remove) from in front (the center of conscious thought) of them (“thoughts ruled by and for His power”; Israel) the nations (constructs of foreign thoughts opposed to Yahweh's will) Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” that foreshadowed) left when he died! I will use (part of Plan A) those nations to test Israel, to see whether they will keep the ways (mind paths) of Yahweh, to walk, (mentally “go”) in them as their fathers (predecessors in thought) observed and did them, or not. Therefore, Yahweh allowed those nations (mass of thoughts perpetuated by the personal will) to remain without driving them out immediately (see Deuteronomy 7:22-24); nor did he deliver them (thoughts foreign to Yahweh's will) into the hand (mental “grasp”) of Yahshua (the precursor).” (Judges 2:21-23)
Is it any wonder that the 144,000 think often, that the first of the sixteen pillars of love (see 1 Corinthians 13:4-8), is patience. Does it not all express not only the patience a practitioner of righteousness requires, but Yahweh's magnanimous patience for His chosen children!