Message 118

“...because Yahweh has poured (“spill, expend”) out His love into our minds by the Holy Mind which He has given us.” (Romans 5:5) And then:

“Yahweh has dealt to each one [chosen thought, chosen mind] the measure of faith (“established, secure” mind).” (Romans 12:3)

Are these new concepts? Renewed Covenant concepts alone? Of course not and the 144,000 understand very well that, “The love to love Yahweh and Yahshua, and all others, and the faith to believe in Yahweh and Yahshua, comes from Yahweh alone!” They understand that there is no such thing as human borne love or faith, for of course they would have inevitably failed even if they could have been conjured up via the personal will.

To know deep within that, “I can only love and believe because Yahweh allowed it”, is mind shattering. A shattering meant to bring a massive humility into the soul. Unable to ever again boast of anything “self” induced. Understanding that the personal will could never be anything but opposed to the true love and faith of Yahweh, the Creator of love and faith. A new concept? Lets hear from those of the Old Covenant and see:

“All things come from You [Yahweh], and it is Your own things that we have given You. For we are strangers and pilgrims in front of You... all this abundance that we have prepared in order to build You a House for Your Holy Name, comes from Your own hands (Mind's grasping), and is all Your own... keep their [chosen thoughts, chosen minds] hearts (“center of intellect”) fixed upon You.” (I Chronicles 29:14-18)


Message 117


Message 119