Message 119
The Hebrew word is ʽerets ארץ (eh'-rets). It's definition is “be firm”. Over seven hundred times in the Scriptures, it is commonly translated as “earth”. Over fifteen hundred times it is translated as “land”. One hundred plus times as “country”, and about one hundred times as “ground”. And finally, several times as both “world” and “way”.
With Hebraic intent intact, I have said that ʽerets represents the “firmly held to thoughts of the lower thought plain of fallen minds”. And I have also discussed the physical plain and how the ways of such are represented by that which fallen minds have produced, for the thoughts always precede the physical manifestations!
The 144,000 realize that when Yahshua spoke, it was ALWAYS about his Father's Kingdom; the Kingdom within. And in understanding such they also perceive all that Yahshua was saying about the many kingdoms within, that battle against the Father's will; the “earth” being a summary of all the “anti” Yahweh kingdoms. We listen to Yahshua's words: “Do you think that I have come to bring peace (mental “wellness”) on earth (those who are bound to the lower thought plain)? No, I tell you, but rather division (separating chosen minds and lifting them to a higher thought plain, while leaving other minds fallen)...” (Luke 12:51)
The 144,000 understand the mind of fallen man (earth bound thinking) must be fully eradicated in order to bring forth utter unity with the Father's will. They understand that the work is progressing and the Father will soon bring it to completion. They understand the “seals”, starting at Revelation 5:1, are that very progress and process, and that they have a role in it. Even when the “new heaven and the new earth” (Revelation 21:1) appear, Yahweh leaves much to be contemplated about who He is and the capacities (though not “created”) in which He exists.