Message 120
And of this Kingdom to come, we find exactly what is promised: “And he [a mental messenger from Yahweh] showed me a pure river (holy thought stream) of water (fruitification within) of life (life = mind's breath), clear as crystal (“transparent”), proceeding from the throne of Yahweh, and of the Lamb (the forever settled “war” within; the saved mind; Yahshua). In the middle (former “divisions”) of the street (“width, broaden”; mental expansion), and on either side (wisdom and understanding; male and female; right brain, left brain) of the river was the tree (truth) of life (mind), which bears twelve (“two fold accumulation”) fruits (the mental faculties in perfect unison with the will of the Father), yielding fruit every moon (new cycles in thought); and the leaves (“ascend”) of the trees (truths) for the healing of the nations (former constructs in thought, foreign to Yahweh's will, now reconciled). And there will be no more curse; but the Throne of Yahweh and of the Lamb will be in it; and His servants (the 144,000??) will serve Him, and His name will be in their foreheads (“be clear”; the “seal” being His Name?; see Revelation 7:3). And there will be no night (mental “dullness”). And they need no lamp (enticement towards illumination), nor light (need for illumination) of the sun (“brilliance”), for Father Yahweh gives them light (total mental clarity). And they [pure thoughts; 144,000?] shall reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 22:1-5)
The Kingdom of Yahweh is an eternal Kingdom of thought; Yahweh's thoughts, and the 144,000 know that minds live forever; either in His Kingdom as One with His will (the “Heaven” of Scripture), or forever bound to “self” (the she'ôwl (“hell”) of Scripture).